Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1895, p. 5

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,1 t:; K4- ~iousand rreat- '0 IIAND. oen iawn, at 5c i-e linen, hand 12ic., 17c., 20c 75c. each.. Srs, black and ... .......... a, only 25~c... Scarfas, Tien, lista, Capa>, ......... s............. k iii- pnce le Isieed Isire and Sof Mný fi. cx. ,bnIoh,e "bte Offlr, BIurd, 1> bI ng the t h. tran- i who 'i*h S rous i 8 your Chrita ?ikyi romped i* th4 'ohildron, and mde err. Wu, h friend8. Ydiutrll # a be- 9 mile. MaY YOU enter the New Year.with a heart free from care, comforted at any rate- with the idea, that 5 dollars goes as far i buying a watch. &t BIR- NARDS a8 8even did in the Old time. CHAINS, SE L S, ICKE TS UA '.1RDS, KE Y'S, FRIDÂY, JAN, .4t 1895. LOCAL LAQoNiOS. at nwie ernmiattrasa oaly S2.00 There were no cases lun1the division court at Oshawa yesterday., The CHRONICLE can find anything liat is lost. Try an adv. and sae P. Tayior',s la the place to gel your work donc good and cbeap. Try hlm. Ramsay tonight Iu the music hail. He wîil take you round the world sud make you laugh ailtheb way. Woven wire bed-aprings (fullai", wili steel corded wlre sud hardwood frames. Only $2, at W. Tili's. Rememnbçr that 1 arn atilI selifng very best coai at 84.9o at shed, 85.25s dellvered. 'Weigbts guaranteed. H. B. Taylor. Negiected daudruti, means baldness. Two applications of Dr. Grants' "Haïr- en e, ", will Ihoroughiy cleanlse your scalp. Great clearguce-sale of lboots sud shoes. E-verythlug wili bo sold aI 'a gret bar- gain for 3o daya._ The preal sale aI 1the New Shoe Store frorn the 8M of lecember to the 8th of January, Corne ail sud gel bargains. M. W. Collins, essî aide Brock Street, Wbitby. Memoriai. A memorlal service w[li 13e heid la tb. methodist tabernacle ou Sunday evenlng next for the laIe Yeoman Gibson. Look ont for the Suace iscoea!. Frieght on coai advances Dec. rat. 1894~, i oo tons pure Scrantoun coal on lrack at $480g per ton off cars. Grosa & Granger, hardware. Crowded out. A lot oftown locale. Correspondence from about a doten places. WIII appear next week. Corres- pondents wilU write agala. To uew aubacriber Many thin b ave causod us le misa lie Tbursdy ' b mails for-' a few weeks past. but brEibe ii f~ eko * lie CHRoivicLE wll'be dellvered as usual in every post office lu iii. couuly on FridËy morninga. Dandruf. This forrn of dises is very apt tô de- velop about the ago of puberlyo: or may bo pestone unil beweeu th. ages 46f tbirty le fryyeas. la is ually accompained by tE moeo a îhng, snd serlesly impairs the lustre of the balir to remnove aud pro- vent it. Use Dr. Grauts *'Hai.rene.."' Orres Recital.. Mi'. Arthur BI k ly, ota of Sher- boumne streeq mnetho> leI durrch,,Toronto, wbose organ recilal lasi (aU prov.d sucb a succesa here le te give anotber lu the methodint iacale: on Mondey, Jan. m14th. W. bespesk fer ,hlm a very large audience. Here'yoU.bveS Ellier the. Weekly Glob, mplire, Fair- mers' Sua 1Or Mail :Wlîh3el CIIRoiICLE (or Se1., Intendin g ,eubecribers ,6would. do well 10 ýremenbel"t'theaI 0 ýFarn sd Fireside dosa not , owi t t. Weely maillli te 11W cub . : eGlobe or Empire wlth JIRONCLZ oeuipib'ltweu- typages a week luaIL ala good bar- Jud5nenl.by consent for M&asl$to Dcltou4o erpl19;Z-.T. Aýllr7 for deit. uellça:abe va. OasCourt. Struck off the d hýo o e',peti for Pl£e.A me vsy for, ef tBa- waid vs. Caimus, Qrul e doit. bavlng left thea gutsIen' m lo wltut cAus.. Action diutulaSd Je The isd"Agi&a=*. oui' thank1oeare due -lepOur, oMld14 Donald home *110 la nO9 W a ulmaYl 1India for- c0ple$ OftIlm,&bOv gleased to ber4ofbWha etintid go If it n pfÎt-IMà ç;Jv ~~Qafr~ 'A .4note of ourcir gi ,[to want ny otho r SPUt'kWly ba , o tle 2>us bandae~ P. Taylor wiilsen bis fine stock or watcbes, dcks, snd Jeweilery at coat and under antil j nury tut. Call and e. Cal! at th. New Sbhoe Store and gel lb.' greul bargains offeredt for on. month. Ail tie etRudes at auction pices aI M. Wi Coltina' New Sho. Store. Wbitby loIge o.q7, A.O. V.W. off"rs elected for 1 o ;:Wi. Vanvolkenburgh, M.W.; .InoPMW-1 a ken, F1o. J. Burns, 0v., P. llue Rdr. AM.Rosa, Fin.;7 D. Ormistonl cr. Bored. ýer ; P. Mudge PRoi. 10 G. Lodge- j Gale, AI. Rep. te G. Lodge. Iniahain Jan. 34U The New Yes address. Our' carrier boy's address willlb. found on anotber Page. 1s Peu Cent. 0f for cash At tbe*Mammoti Partor shoe store, Dei'- ereill's block. open every night. M. Collina, prop. Wtowe A firat-clas general servant, tp go to Toronto. Good wages. Good references requlred. Appiy, for information, te lira. Dr. Carson, Byron St. Couvlcted. Isaac Langmnaid bas been found guilty of steallng Mr. Jno. Nobie's lumber, and sentenced to four monîba ln jail. His son at onde applied for bis overcoat. Oui' Carrier Boys lhauks. It .is the desire of Master Smith, our car- rier boy, that we retuiru tbanks to the town patrons of tbe CHRONICLE for the liboral manner in which tbey responded 10 bis new years caîl with bis addiress. The sum relilzed demonstrates bis popuiarity. The Event of the Seaaon. A trernendous crowd atteaded the fie- mfen's bail on Friday night lest, and the d lcn asted until six u'cleck in the monn.The local politiciens took ad- vantage of the opportunity to popularise Iheir respective candidatures. Andersonsa double acting force pump. This is undoubtodly the best pump in the market, forcing the water easiiy ninety feet frorntbe nozzîe. It isgrand as a fire, protection. useful for watering lawns, waghing buggies, etc. Bouides, they are veryý easy to pump, womeu and* children usinig thern witb ease. L. Fairbanks, agent for the County of Ontario. Hou" Wau'miug. Ail are cordiaily invited 10 attend tbe bouse warming 10 be given at the Metho- diat pasnage ou Wednesday evening ':n± a n. 9tb, commeucing I 7 o'clock.. Th Whtby orchestra wil furnisb music an refreshments wÂII 13e served during th3e evening. Admission 25 cents. AF. and& M. On Tbursday evening, the 27tb uit., th3e officers, -f Composite Lodge A.F. and A. M., were instalied by Wor. Bro. White, assisted by Wor. Bro. A. M. Ross. The foliowing are the officers for the year: W. Broý White, re-elected, W Mi; W. Bro Gale, S W ;. Bro joseph King, J W ; *Bro J 8 Powell, re-elected Treas. ; Bro. Robt. WiIiis, Sec. ; Bro. G Y Smiith, Chap.; Bro. Joo. Willils, S D - Bro. Wm. Brov-n, J D; Bro Jno., Red;'«$S.S- Bro. George Britton, J S; Bn>. Jme Henry, I G; Bro. James Nicholson, Tyler; R W Bn> Howse and W. Bro A M Ross, Auditors. Carrying th3e War lmb Corea. If the Coreans knew of the manifold virtues of th3e New Wiliams sewiug ma- chine tbey would Ieach the Chinies. and Japs bow to use the New Williams aewing machines, andin that peaceful occupation ail tbougbts of the horrors of war, especial- ly during these dreadfuily bot dog-daYs, would 13e given over 10 sewing societies and the making of ail kinds of clolies for the Asiatics. The New Williams la on dock ready for war aI Ed. HarI's, th3e Whmîby * agent Ladies wishing to pur- chase a sewing machine wili please cali and examine the New Williams aI- bisi bouse on Brock street south. $185 for Chronflme, Wsekb,' lobe FrMoe's Sun sud tldisJour-' Ual fer lm9. Dr Gatis> «airne"la ýpârante'ed to Stop uligflair, aSu pzw,.4nd:ruft#; A* Gtyo*Ir fire~pots, gratesje Iron brick lini1ngê fj klnds of soeagsor flCuR3rçîîr* ~~~~~6 Tyê dsacbe , ocks n jqÇwellre, good aud cbe>to suit th mUres and wttaled. No tlck, no psy.ý -viyPair of boots, slboes, rubbers, o0voraboas and long felt boots will b. slaugbî,ro for a sontb, M. W. Colline, eaaîs akt -roWk ae, Wblfby, No urulcsula AUiesa'aSM&a. W. are requested 10 state Ihat there wili 13e no services ln- AU Saints' church on Sunday neit. escnt arweek For lnsortlng ln CERONTCLIHadvertise- Ments of farma for sale, farnes 10 rent, or (arma wanted 10 rent. Or aui tersni Seat this, ln mmd. Don't forget the annuai meeting of th. Wbltby branch bible soclety next Thurs- -tay bvenlng january roth, at 8 o'clock, ln th3e Bapt church. F111 the church to the doors. Xmos. Bargai,.1 M.-Coltina, prop. of tbe Mammoth Par- lor shoe store, Deverel'se block basdecld. ed 10 soit his large stock ol boots end ahoes at a dlscoutt of 1,5 per cent. Ail gooda marked ln plain figures. Open every night. The White la IClugof thom ail. No house completely furnished without having a White Sewing Machine. It la King of ait famiily sewing machines. Over one million in use. Over 300 ln use lu Ibis counîy. many over 17 years and nol ouI ol order. No wear outI 10 themn. L. Fairbanks, agt. aI Whltby. Ur. Paaka sale bock. The undersigned. begs to thank bis many friends for their favors granted him during thirty-five 5years of professionai, work as an auctioneer, and solicits a con- tinuance of Ibeir orders. My sale book witl be found as heretofore, at the Qneen' s hotel and CHRONICLE office, wbere dates and terms may be made. L. Fairbanks, Auctioneer. Obituary. Another of the pioneers of this county died ou Monday last in the pro of Mr. Nicholas DeHart at the advanedag e of 86 years. Although flot a native of this county te old gentleman bas iived ln the nelg h rhoo of Whitby since bis oaiiest boybood days, and was known fat and wide as a. progressive, agrictilturist and a ,uman et' sterling integrity. Although al- ways taking a llvely interesîtan pubIlç matters, ho sought no office at the.bande of bis tellow citizens, nor favors fromn those in autbority. He was a consistent niember of the Methodist body and an ardent sup- porter of everything tondlng to the- welfare of the general public. 'He leaves- four daugbters, Mrs. Artbur Ricbardson and Mrm. Jno. Gaie, Whitby, Mrs. Stevenson of Catifornia and Miss DoHart wbo lived at home; and two sons, Robert, living near Orillia. and Edwin of the, base hune. The funerai on Tbursday was largely attended,, expressive of the higb regard in which de. ceaséd was heid and of sywpathy fortheb. sorrowing friends. he death of Mrs. C. F. Stewart, i- tbough not èntireiy unexpected, cae witb a. degree of suddennessi that, was rtud, iy startling, and, lobher maày frleùds and es,,unostpauifultoc empar4 The immeiae cause"of .lath *wa'paré lysis of the brain,'whicb gave sUigt, 1Iany waruing of ils terrible approach. T e.,e ceased' b.d lived noariy a. quarter of a century lu town and had'been-moSt clSei idptified wiîb maay ofites charitable a,*ý- social improvemne soditis.' thé W. c& T.' U*. ces an actlve.sudpeýrsistentworkçré,- and th.'re gn mlsàinaryand Bible societies an etsPpo>r a mdws conselor. The deceased lady was scon-ý sistent muember of St. Andrewes. Presby- lerian chi eh' and, rarely wsbrp IihronSnay ratlewaseipew,ê f I 4- Cl', t kinlDOYIf e, Taylotha, »te. I iverwàre we have Spoons, ForksTrays,-Xirrors, -Piokie Forks, Butter Kn*ives, Ohildren's dupao, -oe.9ail t 25c. 1a package. M&NTLE DÂPÂRTMEN.-Thisi season's Importations -of Jackets, $8, $4 and $0, deeigned ta pl in manY eoss st twioe these prices. OS The entiie stock must go. B arly buy e ec e . hoice. DRES8JF GOODS.-FPall and Winter Dresa C$oods .1 he1fregular wholeaàl prioes. A marvelous lot of plan and fancy Wool Goodeatah85o. & yard.. OPRDE1ÈRDOlOTHINGI-pial attentionl la iven Wtéhie de partment. Suitingo; and overcatingo in &ai the newest patttrns and¶ beatgoode -that cmn 1)8 had là Scotch Irièli, and Canadian makes. Don't 'fi' te see them'and compare prices andntiutis.N~ew gcada, Tie4 Pins, Onlf Buttons, and ail the newest novelties in Gents' Furnitihuigg4 qto handi for. XMÂ8. TRADE, You will economize both time and money and secure what you want by buying from % 'c5 SOiiooovoo'r.sud f=rtamlntes aud vas Ilseed (o wîtb Wanled-A aew set of councilors .and a closeattendion tbrougbouz. We hope the 11111e more saow. Royal ýTemplars will arrange for a second VIii Rev.>1. Wbllock ln agala able 10 attend 1of this ted lecurer 1ourM village. st bis qppolulments. The resuit of the nomination meeting beld Mr. Niel Sweetmau is speuding bis boli- on Monday wus au ample verificatio f, the days Ia Bracebridge. - old saying that Il la te .uuexpected that often Messra. Charles and Wilson Gorrow happens., A report of 113e proceedlugs ippearé are off for lie north woods to spend their lu suother pari of ibis papier. Mr,. Richard wluîer lu camp. Mloore wbo wau nominated for deputy reeve Whlle'Messrs. C. and A. McGulre were bus dropjmed eut leaving Mr'. Smilth eWtced'by crosslng -the ice wltb a cow lied tesa sleigb acamto.Mr. Chua. Coakwell ý*13ewus the Ice gave way, letting then ail down. 'one olîbose nomluaîed for connoil bas teuton- The çow was di'owned, but 1the boys suc- eli. Mr'. Jao. Sinclair sent in bis resignation ceeded' lu getting out. but not before the alloted dime for.receling sShbât. epird. isname *111 bave 10ap. T he oyster supor as a succeas. 7The pear on th3e ballot papers but 13e le net Ilaîelb. nigbt wasso col, Ibat the crovrd was not race. The conteat la nov between lie mem- se large as was anticlpated, but h4e pro- bers of the eld counci, Memr. Keichen, me. gramme was fine as tbey -always are. Taégaft sud Rogers, aud 113, followmg ue-v The best part ef t w ,as teheec-h (rouim, n-Meur. Hinry Blckle, J. E. Disuey and Mi'. Malliy, Warkwortb, Graiad President rames Maedouad. It fs cemmon tslk that efth1é3 Patrons of Indnstry. He dehivereti ibe baille is being- waged 10 obeainpoeca eue of 1the' finest speeches Ihat vas ever control et ibecouncl. Surely vo bave eog given la Scugog lown bait. It la werlb plli*a l Iis cneyalresdy wlebonî.ma your hile te drive ton or fiteen miles lo ing nthealyaManeiougs-s'suin hear birn anylime. ' Siiplcmpalgu. * * MYRTL .The Ibîrd annnal r-unlon of thfe freokln MisiB.E. . Haycraft, 113e Statesman Rootbal l cb'as beld ai 11e résidence of office, Bowmanville, vas ber. on Sunday -Ms. 'T. J. HOlidy en New Year's-eve, sud, -~~ wus lherougbiy ,eujoyed- by all pres.Te Thephnegap cncet eî luli ~ eal rtf1te çvenui wus speut inplaying- The ponorah ecet hidin hevM,ùsparlor gnmes, afler wbiçh sppr a Sous'h l1a1 on'»Monday evehugeof thls week e u abitia oo. H onpe. Jimb wus s1ýny ptteuded. Dj-e, oupryprsd-t fli cu pe Mlims,»ella Iear vas on lie slck liatét ed, su*bybli Pm-s e add dconler week.. but wegreglad tlohearîblahelalhrnestlein3poeedlugs. '113 recovefug (rm lber Ilnea.' lutoamt l. ueeu" ws opro&ire. Mmr Maw la down witb diphtberta, bat v*pe i~mstjYle, the -%Natial' Àuithm bei sg learu thatiabe is uot bavfiug i evore as, e..namy ling. Foloug ibis came "Oui' Mi',.-»r>vid bigts, MissIda B S4 ad Waikssud]JA.'VndeubulNei uiehs Mr. Wë: F. Brigue, sud wife ver' aI Torout6 waï 4e - rç rfmssons~," coupled',wilh lie on. New'Years day atteuding the -veddlng d' rnet - Dr . C:L. Star', aud Meurs . LW. Mi'. lèmïryBdggs . 'tbornou Franka Ha1let -aud C. Monùiou, aul Our h11em. 've. ralied lust veek hefore i o f iommade Muenl sPeeches. "Mercanmtile knewe 6 resuIt of 1the elechon cf-a iruase for pusl ruh etifêet ,the followpng, ou~jrblc aholMr-. Win.,Pajs vas thé la'lb. ôrde'namùd *:imr."Geo. HoUi&'~~ j chide of the rate - payera pesent R. Shinuerï aud A. Mille.,Theut' ça= b Onnalbbôrhed w~ w.flisn..é~t. t. 1051t, f4h.e vaaing "Tha R'ikik V. Fà,she Fra STEWÂ4,RT. Ladies an&.Gentlemée : - 'espectfully soilcit; your vote and Itlti.ce '('or my eeleellon aàs Ilaàyer-,or x89,r Eiugb baas aliady ,ýeen dlcfciosed Id 6,'bow lihat ring" rûe in tIbm toM nas çvuWbereese mithe world,Isjelàltm tGth c1~ef a com-- niunity. ZI wll4be rMy ambition -if elete Ico admnlnlsterîbe duties of the office thMls, 111e moôst boncable là your gift entlrelin. ýdçpenofaiy influenoe, and to devoto myslwto lie é,proméufon of liat pros~rI As- fia Iposble 'for m'-o, id ik, àa wh,ýaretavorable o M'y on daturiifîbey" viii ,socit- tbefr friénds la ,niy behaif. ,Wlshlsg .yon aIl lthecompli- monts >of thi easo",,- 1bave lthe Jonor 10 H.IOWARD ANNEFS.- WbtbyJast j, à . 6, The Annual meetig of. 113e -utrOnr- -ar in A m s cu lInr a1 El * ra . ml det, ilbe bd& lnthe Couaco Chàva,ýoe WhïtW y, ii OU onS at one -é-clock p. m ni.orbe pô teMRev. Andte 11eRa Miss I o F. Oibay; N. m#agg- Wïlborgot lng of Our 'sd afttr'tbl 1fr. 'Murkei MIsa Sditir' ;l,Ât lue twb oe lad.cOmn Nomr-hlmot au Othar ps t a-$am rae.The Obronlle î l ls uh u ye r in, e lu 1 è«.ass. ample oopias seut whoe requehbsd 1b. sllècu mýwlad -lie St. Thomas Times et Dec.e- t smaya:7,A quiet vuddiaug to* pe7 isi aitepoonat hhe realdence-of 1un A 1ÀU. îl,

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