Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1895, p. 6

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j 'N -'-v Brook Co>idL The. aboya oouktil oonveued at Sun- derlanti. on Satrdaiyi Dec. lbth, pur- uant te statuté. Membsisprésnt eevo Vrooman Deputy Reeves Qibbssud Umpbroy, Minuttes of lust meeting reaci, and, on znotion, sAdopted., Seveffl accounts sud communications wore rend aud laid before t4 e ouncil. On motion of Mr Umphrey, second- od by m. Wetheral, the. following se- comats ere passeti snd ordered te ba paid : A Thompsen, 81.33, being two- thirdis *alue cf oeeIarnb killed. by dols ; Jamea'St. John, $4, fer cuttiug naremeviug bruah betweeu lots 7 and 8, con 6 ; Arthur Swauick, 082.66, b.- ing two-thirds value cf two Iambe kill- cd by doe ; W. J. Doble,, 68.66, being two-thirda valu., cf twe sheep killed by doge; Simon Skier, $5, for repairiug culvemt opposite 5, con- 18; A Thomp- son, 81, fer repairing bridge between bots 3 sud 4. cou. 6 ; J . H. Glcudinning & Ce., 06.43, for supplies fuiiied at tewn hall, Sunderland ; J. L. Beaten, $7.67, being two-thirds value cf two sheep killed aud eue inj ured by doea; James Gordon. $4.90, for 88 loada cf gravel ; Frauk Doble, $6.35, for extra commission work ; Gco Smnitii, 84.37, court coata r. Sproulo vis. Township cf Brock ; Wm. Way, 87, for tituber sup- p lied the. Township cf Brook opposite lots 12, con 9 ; Arthur Kelly, 06, an indigent. Ou motion ef Mr. Wethersl, second- ed by Mr. Gibbs, the following se- ceunts were pas.d and ordered Le be pidid Andrew Lowes, $8.50, for 170 fo-ada cf gravel ; W H Taylor, 83.10, for 62 loads of gravel , aud 25c for me- nioving large atone eut cf ditcii on lot 6, con. il ; J J Ring, $4, for eighty loads of gravel fop the year 1893, sud 87.50 for 190 loade cf gravel supplied in 1894 ; Joa. ph0k., $1. 60, for pin., wood supplied at town hall, Sunder- land, 75c for repairing rbad on con. 6. On motion cf Mr. Gibbs, seconded by Mr. Wetiiemal, the. following ac- counte were paaaaôd sud crdered te be paid IlH Curry, $13.15, for building cul vert sud digging àitcii on -townline between Brook sud Eldon, this amount being Brook's shae ; Chas. Beatty, $6, in lieu cf culvert opposite lots 16, con. 14 ; Robt Conry, $4, for grading on. town lino Brock sud Eldon, oppo- site lot 24, cen. 14, Brook. On motion of Mm. Umpiirey, second- cd by Mr. Gibbs, the. follewiug se- conuta were pasaed and odred te be paid: H. Willis, 810, for fcrty rode cf gravelling opposite lots 1 sud 2, con. 14 ; Robert -Hart, $2, for r-emoviug atone froni road.opposite lot 1, con. 12, D A McNab, $15, for gravel supplied township. On motion cf Mr. Wetiieral, second- ed by Mr. Umphrey, te followiug se- ounnts werc pasaed aud* ordcred te b. Paid: Dominion Blauk Penn Pnblisii- ing Ce., $10.50, for bbauk forme sud ttieneri ; Phiip Dawson, n3 for re- pairing railing on Lb. kill opposite lot. 16, con. 12 ; Jas St John, jr., $9, for 180 1bads cf gravel ; Samuel St John, $3, for 60 loada gravel ; John H Car- in, $2.60, for 52 fonda cf gravef ; W. E. Hall, 90c for 6 gallons cf ceai cil ; H Baldwin,' 35c., for ink ; John S. Brsbazou, $1.25, for postage ; A. J. Reid, $42.80, bcing coste r. Sproule vs, ing been aaaeaaed aud charged iu error te Win. Lamubagairist part cf es#It ot 12, con. 5. Mm. Ump)hi'y, ,seoedt by -Mr. Wetheral, moved thai the reeve b. and le iiereby instrucWted e ign an agree- ment made between W H Sproule sud this municipal corporation on the lSLh day cf November,. 1898;~ at Derryvila, sud that te &Waofthe. corporation b. attaohed tte i.greoent-O.red.. Mr. Umphrey, mcondoti by' Mr. Wethemal, mofeed that te minutes ef te l regular dieeting b. adopt.d; ais e .seilmeeting at Derryvile. -Carried. WheaeaaiL bas been -eported Lt tis oouncil that J. Y. Burk, sunludigeat, là ne longer able te provide for Immi, Mr. Umphroy, secendeti M. W*W- eral, movec "ht - L Pl = ocnb. u structed te lokee an d provide baud, vaahing andi mediugfor bim, snd lho te receive Lrtheof 04% r.iontitro= t.ecounil uintil titi olutin -b On motion of Mr. Umpit »Sa eti b> Ur. Woth.satté wresv. Vas 1i' tuésurr in favor oreT. a. ,Sdumt ning "aud Chéri« Wmu#a", fo .rvffsl aart i.~q*w bocks p î» Mis a ed by Mr.,WéthqWtl by4lati 483 wsydthe. confines,'f the Britiish i am.nded by, érauing- . ' e nieof Ol.Isd ewaknwthohuErpe. Wilson ana tinÈ aïtii. naoo otf Bol,:as thé. friand ôofstrigglinit nationalitios. 'Vrooma in lieu thereoil. B bus bean a long 1f., yet, with, frée. Mr. Wetheral, sieconded'by Mr. Uni- dom Alike front oare and front ennui%~ phr.y, rneved that the. thanka of tbiï there seenis no reason wiiy his friands th counoil, now asaombled, b. hefrewith shonid net hope for not a few' more ne tçndered te the reeve, Mr. Jas. Vroo- birthday anrnversaries. be mtfor the. tery able ma»in *u w)ich de h. hbs pr.uidod over the, doliberatioùsairJ0nM moda-, And The dc and m'anament of tliis couneil duing Si doainDpatot thepu yar-Carid.lu b. nemors f 8r JontMacd h On motion te cunucil adjourned î aid juet publishied a good deal of light n, Pros a.nd Cons of Dancing. je tlxrown upop 1 mariy ovents in Provin -h cial politios witii which every ettûlent ou (Uxbriâge Timeos.) of canadian history should ondéavor to a ina. the publication laut woek- of a familiarise himesif. As -a sample, of th coftrin you K ladys rouions for dano- the. intereit taken by thé. Conservative 11,leader in the. pôliticial situation in On.- ing, vo havi e eu foanshed with smrn tario, and the. possible effeot whicii othera by a friand of hors. Among flocal poltica xigbt have upon -the. them, are the. fo1owin : «Whou dano- larger questions which the Rouse of wn yo ba om ve i roon andto n >Qommons had te consider, we quote a whenyou eavethe oom nd on-ut letter from Sir John Macdonald te te tiie cool air, yen catch celd, and cu-Han. John Carling, dated December sumýption- sometunos foliowe. Daàno- 28, 1871, a fow kdaysa ft.« the fal ing ib strict.ly against the. rules of moit of sandfleld Macdouald's Gloveru. of the. prominont churches. Dancing ment:_ helpe te lead sorne' girls atray-they 6,Jnee scarcaly say that I look upon are always anxioe te look 'lbeautiful' tiie defeat of Sandfleld's Administra,.Bi and, in trying te do se, speil their coin- tien as a mest unfertunate avant, of Iy piexions by the use of paint and pow. whicii eue cannet see the reanit. T*aere der, sud spend mon.y in dresses, et. is 'ne use in .ryig over epilt milk,' but for the occasions, thaL would do more it is vexations te7 ses how Sandfleld good if applied for missionary purposes trwwy scances. nH band. tr, or te pay the. debt on the. church. the over bisurls ehi oha Dancing often entices Young mon andud ti pnckthesuepleuswoppenlentsitandt youg WfDD fomperermngwha j altiieugii I pressed hum on my returu IL their dnty. Dancing wil mate yen a f rom Washington te make -a President re bp,d figure and give yen cerne upen cf the. Connoil atid a Minister cf Edu- your tees. And lest, but neloieat, iL cation, wbich h. haif promis.d te de, 'm wears cnt yonr boots 'awfuily quick' " yet he teek ne stops tewards doing se. " Jus sei A tetii fretebjctin, ii Witii thes. twe effices, and that of Se- M only consumption w. know of oaused licitor-General and the. Speakershîp, b.e-t by dancing je the. consumption cf vie- had the game in hie cwn bande. Yenuw tuais. If dancing is se strcingiy sec that, as [ prepiiesied wouid be thei" againat the. rules cf the. mest prornin- cae, he. irset f th eGorn ontobuebe, wy dn'tthememersment was te increase the. Cabinet." ai thereef abide thereby and cur Young Peniiaps after the. perusai cf this Jet- H lady friand will aise, kindiy notime that ter Conservative journale that have se, the. "heads" cf these churciies have fer severely censured Sir Oliver Mewat for wives, ladies whe have been accuetoin- teapinmn f a Minister ef Edu- f cd te dancing ail their lives, and wii c ao ilnment e ffr riies stili think "there ain't mncii haxmr cain u in py eiz o ciicsu it." If dancing icade some Young lad- s mrprymdsen htti iesa Mtrfty b aiobhmbu i cief cf tiie Conservative party favcredi by mkin thmn uy resses, aveu a greater enlargement cf the. etc., and paint and pewder, wiiy dont Oa'iinet than Sir Oliver aJcpted, in- the, Young ladies wear their beet Sun- oluding in that eniargement the. ap-d day dresses and say "Itakie ue as I amn." onmn faMnse fEaai But ne, this woubd net do th2eni, o poînriytrnecfa ins t e fEducaon Young lady friand is righct tiere, grrls iebineisreega geuerally want everytbing. Now, L Yeung men could go te a "'dan.." and B.yond Comparisea leok quite happy iu a 48 cottonade suit Are the. good qualities posmes by Hoo d 'a ic whioh, wiien it geLtee s cuffed fer dan.- Sarsaparilla. Abeve ail it purifies Utchbocd! ingwoud dogee serie.foryearsnas thus strenguiieuing the uorves; it regubates a business suit. W. would think te the digesticn organe, invigorates the kidueva m Young ladies could Lake tb.ir kitting, and liver, tenus an'! builda np the entiro A crochting r facy wok wih tiini, eo, cures Scrofula, Dyspepsia, (Jatarrb crohetng r fncywor wih temandRiieumatisn. -Get Hod's aÏd only aud, by exercieing a little sebf-will coubd Hecd's. do as much between imes as they- wculd if tiicy stayed at.homo. But Hootits Pillaecure a&U liver ils, bll aes% ber. again our friand migiit say "-tbey Jaundice, indigestion, sick hbeadachbe.o 25. wouid'nt do it." Walb, that is net the . A London despteh sa . .it l ttdta fanit cf dancing, but another specimen the Hoa. macheuzie Bow.It, Premier of cf the love Lb. fomal, mei have for a Canada, will b. made a K. .M.G. on New stroil in the cons.rvatory. As for Tea day. e young men, thoy coould work i littie NORw&y eINe8yRUp curs oughe, fil overtimu,, and thus- make Up for lest$- <ldâ. -If nas fer oThb.LAthi, 41 ime, and, of course, they would do it. 'Bcitl., .. W. caunot se. hew dancing would Ex-Senator James .0. Fair, cf San Fran- l make a Young lady a bad figure, sa sS ded uddn on Saturday, aged 64, surely sbe would net wish te be bug- H.e" b m i rdwi.E ged se tight as te epoil bae symetry. There is a possibility,- howevere..that ADeouVW tii, said feminine wcaknese migbt ex-- tend ubt far.The yong geiti ibO" cf tii. menctdpyicasc lik. appbiod universaîfy aven te '6thmtj bo .i xecie0, s ho"fg8" A Wasiigton dospatch say itat an extra7 horrdoieom ;ath "Bi8' " esion ef Congrous au nearlydate ii talked rosti poe. eaud faranedanýgerfor, Of..t tbougb Lthe "bopping" might be, sp. TPhe lmfrtenwsgbig ol proptiate for thont, wo would netl=- ibuiplnfoti.swsegrdetee. butovor fbe Beach Casai bave been recev- inuate for eue moment hi"t the ed m « Hs.mlbtn "6froes"would be.. da y.- jar s .a a Thi e lebratien of tbe e ftihs~l wbhdopon ,tdheUmnasof- Ibo.md wâ tii. 0là*. wicr as gsuétnsti "in L ide ef - "i 12m u stak Tbough attond id easac i blodicaf Meo n vestigate the Disoovery'of su Absolutoeouedy for-Diabetes Teoonvo, Deo. 17-Medfhal man are on àe alort just nov vien Lb. subjecu of Ktd- sey disease ornes up for discussIon. Dia. etes ba alwayms been loche'! upcnse sure leatb by the prefession, but fatély the eoctors have had their -eycs opened te Lbhe .ibility cf s cure by Dm. E. A. Rose, of 'ortland, Ont. He' buas ttd lin wmîing' t bo was cured cf this disease after being renoned 'iun extremis" by six medical )rethemu an'! bis cure was effeeted by toane 01 Dodd'à Kidney Pisle, Titis memedy as attracted much attention -frem Lthe medi- al profession because cf is suecess lu Lb. smmoef kli1ne1î diemae, %ud xnany physicisns me to-day prescrlbing iL in affections cf lesm organe Tii. Pirst National Bank nf Port Pierre, S.D», buas migneti. Obstimato Ooughs, Obstinate (ocugis yiold to Lhe grateful lothing action cf Nemway Pin. Syrup. The. raking, persistent cougii cf cousumptives le ulokiy relleved by tiisunrivalled Liiroat sud ung memedy. Prie 25c. sud SOc. Mms. Sanford cf Hamilton ba arrived home from Montreal. COUJGHS. Odîdo, SoesTiireat, Astiitn, Brenchitis, sud &Il Lung Troubles are quick- [cure'! by Hagyard' Pectoral Baiiatu. Dyspepsias seldom causes deatii, but per- mts its victime te live on-lu misery. Ilood's Barsaparilla cures dyspepsia sud %11 stetnacb troubles. The stcamsbip Labrador, wiiich arrived at Halifax on Saturday, mrade the trip trotu Liverpool lu six sud a baif days, besting the. record for this season cf the year. People everleoked thc importance cf per. cianently beneficial cf cte sud were satiafie'! witi trausient action; but now that it is eunerally known that Syrup of Fige, viii per- Mauently cure babittial congtipation. wellîn- forme'! people will net buy othèr laxatives, riich set for a timte, but flually injure the Bystem. Mm Gladstene elebrated thc eigiity-fifth Nuniversary of hie birti on Satnrday et Haw&rdeu. Ris eyesight has been restored SD4 hie healti is good. TO DESTROY WORMS aud expel them from cildren or adulte use Dr. Loves Worm Syrup. Isinail Pasha, ex-Khedive cf Egypt, le dy- ngli ut Censastinople. £InargIrs Liiment Cures Distmper. Mr. Artbur Ellis, finauclal, editor cf The. London Timies, lsa d.. A January tiiaw la qiways more productive Df colda sui cougis titan a Jauuary freeze. ['heu la Lb. Lime Ayem'e Cherry Pectoral la nee de' sud proves so, exiremedy> efficaclous Aok yeur dmuggisu for lu, sud aIse for Ayeres t.lmanae, which lu free to, aIl. Bey. Pather Dawson die'! at Ottawa on Batumdsy, aged 84 yeama. Mm. Heur>' Grahiam, Wiughaiu. writes us; "For fifteen yeamu I have suiffe.'!wlt i lu Ilgemion, sud durlug uhat Lime I could et iothlng te, give me relief, alhuh I triers gret xnmany differenat kinda cf mediclns me- commended for tast compl1nu.I ow feel ike a neoinansd ttis wortul change boa liées aîomphs ýbed hL.e c f -four bottlé of Northrop & Lymanls Vegetable )rsery. To me iLhbas beeu a valuable medicine"q Lady Aberdeen'a Christmas present te hi. Excellenoy consiste! cf a porrit cf Lady M!arjorie Geron their daughter. Aftem lu Grippe obstinate .ceugiie, Jung JOHN M.FAHBWELL, Q.0 co, Barristor, County Orcrwn Attomney, sund Oouuty Solicitor. Offc-South Wlng cd court Hcuse, Whiltby. JAMES JTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Oflice formerly occupied by PsreWel & Batledge, next Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID OIRMISTON, B. As, Attomuey-at-Law, Solicitor lu ObauceU>, Coeveyaucer, etc. Office-tu te Office seutb of tii. Post Office, In MoMilI ans Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G, YOIJNG-SMITH. LL. B., Barriater, eto.,-Mouey to Loan. lainer of Mamrage Liconses. Office - Smith's Block, Sentit cf Market, Bi ock St., Whitby DOW &McGILLIVRtAY, Barrieters, Solicitors lu Ohanccry, etc. Office lu Mathisen & Hawkeu'e uew block Brook St. Whitby, seutit cf Outalriebank. Du P. BOGART, MI.D.,L.D.S. Physoican, Surgeon sud Accoucher, etc. Office sud Residence next Le AUl Saluts Churcli, Dundas.8St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Suryery in ail iLs branches prempt- ly attended te. W. B. YÂUNOLD, D. L. B.. County Surveyer sud Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A.ÂA POST, Architect lte with Langley, Langley Bu.rke, 'Iýoronto. Desîgne fer Churches, Villas sud Cottages a specialty. Draw- luge prepared for rcmodellug exiating structurels, Office-Firet flat over W.B Howec's drug store. tE'P- O Bex 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, Haviug moved luto our ncw premiaca we arc proparcd te exteud the range oÏ business. Ail work pertaininq te te iar- uese-makiug sud saddlcry business will be donc te satisfaction. Collars a speciaty. Caian su ece my stop aud stock. W. OALYERLEYI, Second door wcut cf obd stop. Dundam Street, Whitby. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. New house. 8 rooms; 34 acre cf garden. weil fenced. Gocd locality on Front etreet in South Ward. Âpply te, B. WORFORK, on te adjeîuing, lot, or au the CHRONICLUC office. Whitby, Marcii 7th, '4. -e v j 'I e J'; -N I il r '---1,-I ~' 9, COALI1 The undersigned bas jus-t ré- ceive'! s large quauumuy cf First Ciss Ceai direct fon mins;an'!.l pre- pared te furmsh al sizes,- dryu'! dean. including se-veral hnndreê-toàs üeuhé (JELEERTDN~4 s MOUt populersire btwuSIteve saud, Cheuu;.xUeLeve:your ordernt once, an'! get very loveatqatio. Terms Cagh. H.B.TAYLOR,"l, NEW IlPREMIB ES8 8OUTH 0F ONTrARio BANK Whltby Ma ph/e lorK8#. mauulftooZe!of - Marbie IMonumente, Hoadatofles and abbotiter Cmetery Work. Abs. impoZtOZs 0 80coh, 8weoediah, A meOicaf and Canadian Granites. AU pazteo wlshlng wozk would du welJ1 eu on us b.tore purchaslng.- AiU work guaa.teed and prioe..et- the bowost. New Live[J and Sale Stales Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor Commercial mou liberallycltwitit Teami.ug donc at reasonable prices . Preight and Baggage itsulcd at mes, able primes. A cafi solicited. wa.j . iLUXMEJ: ff MAGHIIT, WHITBY, Haa opcued a Bepair Stop iu conuectie with thc Cooper Sitep bately csrricd on b hifather, o.pposite A-11 Saints' Churot, sud wffclollkndofRepairing. Sewing Ma- chines a specialty. LawnMcwos,ý Bicy- cles, Pircarmo Loces, Sosies, Clotteis Wringcrs, WsÈiing Machines, &o. Baw Filinq. Skates, Scisers, Kuiveo, Clippers &o., shrpned sud rcpaired. Ail kindis of Cooper Work made sud rppslrod.. Stop opposite AUl Saluts' Citureit, Dundan Street,Whitby 1H08. PEAT. 0f Bowmanvui ntdsVistlng-Whitby efle a ferunigt, to colletciothing f rom gent's te den or dye. Garments when.finiahod vil! look asgoodsnew. If titey faO - toýý-besol, will net charge formmy trouble. If ihy -i MY charge ta $1.Q for cbeanlug su,àd i ceày, pressing a suit of lotitug';" for'digasi dyed for $x. For clesnng o,ý r dylng gét THO& __ MCCANýN>I,, Aget.' Bowmanviile, nly a6,,z892 LIFE INSURANCZE. Manuiaoturers' Lifr &Accideni Longut Capital Stock 1,f. asursu o. on the continent. NinMet>' per cent'. ofà 5ce'tn'tbtieus 01 surplus la rotÙined tth poliO holers.Ail laim trapaidito dola> r disceunt on piciof iif4es "B. POýWELL Ooi. in & Ypng 04. T 3Iot. ç[Y~ b GOAL j1, . ýtr

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