Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1895, p. 7

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WVED MiISE S, STREET TARIO BANK ur.ero of uts, HeadstoflCs tery Work. Alio ,oof ~,mericafn and Granites. rork would duj well laslflg. d azL1 pricea t L Sale Staliles A 0 f .Wbîtby, r, Proprietor erallyloîîllt wibl ge lîaluict ai ros9 Shop in coU nleet i lately carrîed on by Il Saint, 'Clurcli, and airing. Sewiig M a- awu Mowers, Bicy- cks, Scale,, Clothiea Machines, &C. Saw ors, Kuives, Clippers paired. AUl kinds of and repaired. Shop CChiarch, Dundas PEAT la viaiting Whitby once lohing frein gentbto ta wben finished will if they [ai] tobesol troubl.e, If they suit r cleantng sud niely ing ; for dyîng a suit ied and Pressed 75c, or îing or dyîing gents McCANN, Agent. 182 Whitby URANCE. ýifN & Accident ., Toronto k Life usuran C nty per Cent, of al us is relurn,-d te th ina are paid wîîhjo proof ti death) B. POWEL A W iiby ige St. Toronto. months I amn givine atientg froin a dis- ing Plates in mubber )d and silver filling t-ca,, operatore fit rate, in the city. in and let me exani. k- 120 extra charge, t, South east corner roron te. STA TfONHI' R- TICA TNG PÂPER, OTHER. ýr color to the hair, ansd s&la*zrevents it faune out. Xrà. H.L W. Fenwiok, of SDigby, N. B., saya: ~ A littie more Sthan two vears ago ue ot was retored o its r 111a cc~r nd eaed alngont. A f ao(;ional application has since kept the hair in good condition. "-Mrs, -H. F. FENwicii, Digby, N. S Orowth of Hair. right jars ago, 1 had the vario- 1l, and I ost :ny haîr, which previ- o usiy Nvas quite abundant. 1 tried a Nvrietv of p reparations, but with- ouit h)eniefcia1 resuit, tili I began to f,' 'r 1 shlould be permanently ball. Aboiit six: nionths ago, My lhusband begt . one a bottie of Ayer's ILL . ir r,~ ~ I bcgan at once to U.s,ý it. 111 ashiort time, new hair began to appe:, ýiz' i herc is now c*ý' ry )prosptet tn : a vrowt1i Oi iaii as l'i~n, O:'eairn, Lb.. AYER'S HAIE VGoR T'REPARIrD 13Y DR .C. AYER & C.,LOW~ELL, M~AS$., UJ -S. L. A4vera Pilla cure sick uea4achee A Oalamity Averted. AN ACCIDENT AT ST. MARY'S WITH ALMOST FATAL RESULTS. The Victim Sufféred for Menthe Dur- ing whieb time he wus foreed to ait on a Chair-Hiecase Finally Proucunoed Hopebes-How hi. Bestoration wu rought about. Frein th. St. Mary'. Argus. How différent are the feelings that take possession cf ose as they read the particulars cf smre great railway or - teamship disaster where scores of livos with whorn we have ne acquaintance have been lost, and reading the par- ticulare cf the runaway cf a span cf hortes attached to a carrnage frorn 'whicb oeeof our acquaintances has been thrown aud kî]led. In the ton- mer case, aithough the Is cf lite bas been greai, you say "Le9n't it terrible ?" but in a few days the affair has prob. ably passed froim md, while in the latter instance menthe after yen could recount the minutesi particulars of the -vuuaway. A.nd se it is when we nead thse particulare of cures really remnark- able, but because wa are net intereet~ ed iu the Pereon restored thse tacts are goon forgotten. Bat wben a cese can lie anbumtted right at home, with whiei a large nuruber cf our reademe are tam- lliar, il will, I amn sure, b. cf special Iterent and carry conviction. Our readere will remember that ovez two years ago whil e Mr. Gidoon Elliott, James etreet, St. Mary's, wau teaming aises ho was thrown frors a load anc reeived snoh severe injuries to bû api that ho *as un&ble te walk on liE do n ub.d. Ho sufeéred fl Da lu hia back. For long -mondhhive night sud day ini a chair, not able t do tbe slightest thing te help himaeli Aànd with no progpeot ofhbel oefori bina be begante feel ùL ws burdeu aniih ad no edeto Rve Two ph î'î &ttndedbd izutbu th*ir pow.ro, Mi thing ho wauted aetted ho had botte attend toit .stoies,» lb. last docte telling hlm lie could net b. ouroc To aMArgus r.preoâutvi Mr. Elio gave 8h. above (actsa nd nid that afte u Hn nf.ed.,aObe t 4"a9f mal" aud uO~Withiadg howu. bw WSU ou àbsho d$Îmmedto try th pIuk pl i »d" ..apSiuroad doseea b. M#q. ,oioM 'TD . Pnill à"qnever solsi iù'ulk orby doloeà or hilndrd, a toi- eale, h offars subatitutea l in t*frM is atrying to defrand yoen and .bonl. b. aoid4. The nbU araisÏ80eoautioued aanw at aIl otrer so lled biood buiidorâ, tnd nerve tonies, put up iu aimiliar form în'u tended to deceive. They areani imita. tions whoae mekers hope to reap a M.unia"y advantage froux the wonder- fireputation aohievlpd' by Dr. Wil- liam.' Pink Pilla. A.sk your',dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Paie Peo. ple aud refuse ail imitationsandd mb. st>tutes. Haem @a gh.story. A well-kuown and rellable Orillian relates a singular coincidence. About seven years age, hie wife belng away visitiug friands, lie de- cideti net te use the upstairs portion of the bouse, in lier absence, and made bis bed quaa louage, In îhpevening wbile ho wes reading, tbe door te the stîrway flew open. He went upsiairs, but could find ne humas or animal intruder, se resumed lits pipe, andnesae Next evening, at the sane heur, baif-pes even, the d0or again flew open. ý'be gentle- man sprang up qwickly but once more falled te discover thie Intruder. He .jmoked a pipe over it, but the mystery remained unsoved Reason told hlm ihat natural eflect must bave saturai cause, and the more be pondered the more p uzlng .th coincidence seemed, sud the more convmèd he became that the cause wus saturai if only he could fiud ih.' The third- evenlng. ai lialf-past seven lic was watching, and the door opeued punctually, but the. meut carelul searcb revealed notbing lu tbe way et explanation of tbe mystery. On the fourth day the gentleman met the former owuer of the bouse, and related the cîrcuinstance te bim. The other drepped in after tea, and sure enougli, îwe minutes befere the appeinted time-the firnt instance of unpuncualty-the door opened. The usual diligent searcli was made, but In tiiscase we beads were ne bei- ter tban one. The following day thc bouse- bolder carefuUly cxamiued the Iatcli, aud dis- coveredt hat t was net plumb witli tbe catch, so tbat is bold was very slight, aud Uic teast jar loosencd it. Hle uook it off, replaced ih preperly, and there have heen ne furiber "manifestations" since. The. opcning occur- ring ai thc saine time eacb cvening is prebably explaincd by a train or beavy vebicle passing ai that heur, and the vibration be-ing sufficieut te release tlie liglit bold et the laicli.hus was eue glieut laid ai rcst and a "haunied' bouse relieved of suspicion. e Prehibitionisis would do wdll te watcb the returus of convictions ln ubeir respective coun- tics. it is our belief, foundcd on observation, that fines imnpesed for infractions of Uic liccuse laws arc net alwaye collcctcd. If Uic local nuuborities in any place arc ubus remiss, the question might be raiscd wby dmeUc depart- ment ever permit sncb remissess-aud usual- ly, il pot always in the cases et friends net averse te adisg tlc party witb wbat the Advo- cate terins 6manna." Mr. Crawford Goffatt returned frein Nortb- cru Michigan and Uic North Shiore last week wiîh enaetofibe finet collections cf furs breugbt te town iu , recent Years. It coin- prised a number ef ma= n sd lynx, otter, beavei, fisher, sud some bear skins. with a smaU quautity of more commun funrs scb as muskrat sud fex. He brouglit aise eue beau- tiful silver gray fox. Nearly every euee fibe pelta was prime, aud the wbole made up a beautiful and valuable collection  number came froin as far nortli as Hudsoa's Bay. These wcrc dressed in the old way iusistcd upon by the .Hudson's Bqy Company. Thie >skins wcre tborougbly streccled sud scrapedt and the pelt were beautifully dlean and seft. An ,z-orUUtan'sc01se eaU. L Mr. Sam. Cameron, a former weil kuown and lighly csteemcd proprieter ci the. Russ4eli House, sud who is the. preseut proprieter cf the Albion hotci, Stratford, had a narrow es- cape frein dcath last Wedsesday morning frein a Pîstol shot fircd by Johin Hardinan, commonly kuown as "Wblîey." Hâardinan was arrested ai the Alien on Mouday even- ing fer disorderly couduci sud vowed ven- geance against Cameron. Sbertly before secs hc entcred Uic bar sud fired at Cameras, wbo instinctivel y mmcd sideways aud ibus Saved bis life. As it wasthe balltore apiece oit Of *bis waisicoat and, passiug under bis amm, went îbrougb Uic back of bis ceai. Canieron then escaped and Hardinan fired uwc harrmiess shots aitbe bartender. He udxt Uiretened Mr. R. A. Kennedy, wbe esoaped by dc4ging *tbrough the door. Wbe'u arrested lie wau IStijl standing wixh Uic revolver in bis band. r il 9 3r t r le a BUNDERLaWD.' We are thei opinion, la fact kue,, that if the Whithy CHRONICLu ksew as mucli about thse Queca, vs. Bryan cmasnsy cf the citi- zens of Sundertand asud Brock, if would net bave beeù gufty of wiing sucli a ouriIons andinea. thtng as app.ard iu tie sommsof that journal îwc weeks &go. Mr, Drysufi a Scdcitizen of Breck and a ma'ti tat Is velI -sad ail ihat mau bemid about blw, ils tbat h. la au innocent, bammleng telle,:* And fin rlihable snfornstion he la miable- <o, eount $zooIf he was to bc 9" aPresent of: it lier eouÏdùgof samie. it làreail, toc iad tiat tbe mnater was leverbroghtoo urt, au ibe iblng wamls a k front ening te end, sud no person S«erlest a oeest.G*ent. (Thse QImONtclE gave la'report o<thse e whh s futty sud aimmculybomueut tfiy ie avr eoions takmu befi" *t m *rau&, th=e.of whoau slisd ha»e tislreci- th of law. We-kaow uotbiugof Mr. Bryau or M. Daum, as pesmiybe kmefrimaybe regarded as a good Ïilua; but no bave mu- dn*afoten, Iatl *q h" a -ubapS to b. otw sOadvats'AUl vabave toggo iy in aay cm ls h.eveuotSod & and Ibosi vis read Cthe Cnoiçir* fs-y bw db or reparti fsuelieusiialws (aisud lt o thie aoluesd pmm-W. do nobe- reltci thuaut 4 (i W. ~soi 'H ênce -of 1he biidela pàaret, QUI~ o t~hé 2t ji by 8h. Ble,.?. A.Mo Leod, matd by the Bey. Mfr.- MdOu1- loch, of Toronto, oouuin of thé groom, Mr. JOB. Munro, of lleach, to Maggle A.,'eldest daughter of Alexander Fer- guson, Esq. 1 ENTO>-DÂWEs.-In' Port Perry, on the 20th imut., at the residen3e of the bride'. mother, by the Bey. J. Fletcher, Mr. Wakefield Isaac Fenton, to Mises*Lillie, eldest dangbtsr of the late Clement Daweï. WAmLLIG-FREEÉxoRî. -On the 26tIi imet., aIt the reaidence of Mr. Walter Oke, brother-in-law of the bride, b t he 'Rey. Robt.. CJade, D.D., Mr. Lewis Henry Walling, to Miss Mary Free. born, ail of Port Perry. WÂ&TsoN-MoMmLLÂN.-At the resi- donc. of the bride'. father, Sonya, on th. 25th imet., by Bey. P. A. MêLeod, Thomas M. Watson, of Mariposa, to Mary, daughter cf Ârohibald MoMillan, Esq. Wni.s-RoBiiiso.-kt the residence of the bride'. fatiher, on the 28th lit., Mr. Wm. Wiils, of Ingersol, tc Mis Ada Roebinson, of Port Psrry. WmLoNi-GÂioeLz -On th. 26th inet, by the Bey. Bcbt. (ade, D.D., st the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Peul Wilson, te Mi". Cynthia Maria, Mouissa Gamble, a.ll of the village cf Manohester. ALL MIN Young, old or middle aged, wbo flud ibein- selves, nervous, weak and exbausted, wbo are brokes down froin exceas or ovcrwork, resulting lu many of the follewing symp- toms; Mental depression, premature old age, tesof viîaliîy, ls cf memery, bad dreams, dimnqss ef sight, palpitation of thc heart, emissions, lack of etiergy, pain lu the kidneys, beadaches, pumplea onth face and body, .itcbiug or peculiar sensa- tien about tie scrotum, wasting cf the erças, dizziness, specks before thee ye, îwitcing cf the muscles. eyelids sud cisc- where, basbfulness, deposite ini the urine, Ion cf will power, tendernesa cf the scalp and spîne, weak aud fiabby muscles, de- sire te sleep, failure te be rested by slecp, constipation, dullness et bearine,, lesa cf voice, desire for solitude, cxciiability cf temper, suaken eyes, surrouaded with L.EADEN CIRCLES, oily-looking skia, etc., are aIl symptems ef nervous debility uhat lead te insanlty unlesa cured. Tbe spriag or vital force baving lest is tension every function waucs in coasequence. These wbo ulrougli abuse cemmitted la ignor- ance, may be permanently cured. Send your addrcss sud :oc. lu stamps for book on discases peculiar te man, sent sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Catarh-Uae Nasal Balm. Quick, positive cure. Seothing, cleansing, healing. Few are the remedies wheae 'beneflela qualities and real menits bave made the nsso popular with the. public, sud increased frein year te year their conaumption, whiéh, whilst peuaessing th. moet valuable remedial preperties, are yet me simple iu theim,'om- pound. and so eay to take, as TheQuinaine W me, prepared hy Nerthrop, & Lyman cf Toroûto. Thia article ià préparedfotti Cpure Suiphate o! Quiniqe,. combined *Ith . ueSherry Wine, and- choie. aremane, whicb relieves the Quinine of isa bitter test., and dosa net impair is 8he lasti degreéh he efficacy of isB action upon the patient; *'bile amall doses. trequentiy repeated, atiçengthen the puise, inereas e museular force, an<lin- vrate the. toue cf thse iervetis sytem,'and ts, by the general vigor whieb -it imparte, ecreates an appetite. which Rivés o the astomu- 1ach toue sud energy, and fortifies thesys- Fteni againat ail infections diseuses. Âsk for >Northrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine; sold iby a&l drmgiats Tii. London Chronlole annonuee the deti cf Ohristina GeorgiusRset. h -Lte wu frmély pbnooedincurablé. No* ft la not.ý of;the esriy stages of the. dipss 1 Euau lý - ~ .,. wil effeot a mue quieket th=nay.te known apecifie. Scot's ;-Emulsidn Pro- mote tii, making of healthy Iung-tisaue, relieves inflammao, overcomes the, exces- ive w"at of the. dise... aand givea vitl For Ooubn, oMidaWeak Lnnoe mTbroat, Bronhtia, csM=ption, Soful14a, nmia, LMu Of Flsh and Waatiug D' ofdObiidren. Buy cnly the, genuine with our trade- S mark on salmon-colored wrapper. Soott & Bowno, BIevtffiIo. AUl DruggI#ts. 5S. and 9 . ITER, B34TOXAOK , [DlNEyo AND EOWE8. Th.y invigorate and rutor to health Debilitatsd (omatutions, and ane invaluable lu aOU Comnplainte incidental to Fomaiesofe&aa..Tor obldien and the aged they are prie. eem Kanuftctured only at 7s, NEW OXFORD STREET Otto. 5U, OXFORD STRIUM) LONDON, and aoIa by &UMic ine Vendors thrughout 8he World. mr ,Pucbau.rm hould look te 8the labelon the Be.mnd Pots. Uf th. sddrm inne SU,Oford Street London, 8b.y are apurions IS~M ~~XFOODURNÂCES FS AU.~ ~ *iDIU1S. ~ ,~ ~ 80,00 ~ub CM<et- he If 8h Pnest eleoOin stown of thos. BEA UTIFUL AMERICAN -WA LL PA PLII8, Borders to Match LOWEST -:PRICES. Corné early anad gofi-rat choies. P. B. WARAM, B"rwsau's 1 Stnn, ]Bmooek Ot., Wbitby 30d2l Wibîby The pista TruthTeM.. Gonstpation, Hrenaoae, Bilionsuos, su ad Bad Blood are promptly - ored by, Btrdook The, Blcod Bittert, which acta sipcn thç , stcmcht liver, boWio, sud'bloed, eulç igtbteirdia- Ates ng tfe téi ý wubelew I. Gar.AU SNo Smmpy aP!r "w~vx's Oenoer»f me Table LND MI1DLAND ...t..647 ara dAily, ex. stop boe a Bunday .... 9:08 a cep sn. 8: P. oopt son. 8:08 am Bcp Un 10:01 a in Il 2:8 y:V -.9" :57pu

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