Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1895, p. 8

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-.,e . fi~~pera~o3 ;d l' lécedwould do bis et4 l~tiq be 'tôWcësp. Tbe meeting.,'ctoàed wlth tbre , cheers for:h ti.Ueen and candidiates., Who e ite t cuncil will be Is bard to guea but we .are sure a very large voté WHITBY TOWNSHIP. lthe following la the lMsêof çàaidaea- reeve, W. R. Ham -ao4 Thos. Gtliadt,;., councillors, A. Bryant,. W..Crààier,,W.' Dunn, D). W. Hope, -S. -Gerow,. 'Tfi" principlicussiona a the dO ination. ivii on th cuny valuation whiclh was defen'd- A. J7cuLy m. x£aUEUanaL& flLIiyi IiIcncemne Alarge -crowd of eleotons crowded ibat by Mr. Graham. The tter , daimned, buildtn1of niedieval times-tii. townsbip Scugog did nol.get anywbcre near justice bail.a h.meetig wa f .ily dlyand the nor whatit even cpuld have obtelinid had a4clresse$ were attenihjely liateaed ta by a Its Interest been looked aller, sharper. ptient crowd. Na seriou charges wene made The councillors confined themselves al- byfaul i finders.. Economy was preached but most exclusively ta local affaira and the Just where the economy could b. practised finances. cond ot be pointed oui. Ait p. m. Mnr. D.1 11olliday Was called ta ihe'chair and the JSCOTT TOWVNBR1P. moyers, seconders and counicilorsalal received Candidates for reeve-Waiîer Barton, for a heatlng. The. îolowing is the list of candi. years a member of council and a popular dates ai the close of the meeting-Reeve, 'man, and J esse Cook. wbo han had municipal Chas. Calder;j deputy reeve, J. L. Smithbobth expeience ; for deputy-Wm. Feasly, thnee by acl. ; couaciiors, M. Mc'raggarî. R.. years* experience in council, and James Quig- Rogers A. Ketcheai, J. E. Disiiey, M-. Bickle. .1ey, four years' experience; for cauailor-W. Ca. cD alderojce t epeuaîgleSelJars, los. Banton, Heny Madil. J120. Chas Caderobjetedto eopl saîngtheBlanchard, Robi. Bain and 1. B. LemnsA abstract siateinent was flot correct wbile not 'show of bauds was takea instead otf a ballot beiag able ta Point out errors. iHe acknow. for the bouse of industry, and showed the. ledged taxes were a trifle higher. There was people ta be in opposition ta the schesne. $23? Of an hucrease ln the township tax and $41~ MARA TOWNSHIP. in tue. county rate. School taxes were aiso higlier The new county valuation bail bene. By acclamation-F. J. Gillespie. reeve; fitted artownship, The. asseasor bad lowei, proomfi'eld, dep.uty: M. A. Donneil, D). H. ed the assessarnt nearly $15o,ooo. This IFvaus and D.J.MéPbee. There were no Change might make some people's ta]= other* nQPtnatIOns. blgher. He claimed thei conscil had done the ITHORAH. wlsa (ing tu iaettfing the Moore affair. If Reeve, Donald Brown - deputy reeve, (bey wern faiilt Il was in the audit, and tibis Peter McDougall ; councii, James McCall, »On of Audit had been ini force for yeS.rs. li Henry Morrison, DoIàald McRae. AUl èlamcd the threé per cent. by-law had been a i elected1 by acclamatiot. 8Usu=lanbringuig in the t.axes earlier. In 1879 the salary account was $io33. Ie UXBRIDGE TOWNSIIIP. clerk then g ai $5o0. Mr. Bivklc cieclared lcebyalmtinj c W kr tuxes were higher. Mr. Calder showcd ihat iEl ectdy acclahmiatio n m e Walk the bigbest tax ever pald waa hn 7879 wbn, s euy;Jsp ilr n euy Mn. Bickle wasi theii counicl. The couacil To go ta the polils for reeve, Chas. Willams was nai nespoasible for aay individual>s tax. and Geo. Dowsweli:; for councilors, Chas. but for the taxcf the wbole township. He Gould, Ira* Lamb and. John Alcock. A. expaesed himsel! in favor of some sort of paon Mllard retires front the counichl. homo.,-and declareil be wus a candidate. David Burns made an cloquent speech. He f OSEWA. neyer believes ta personalities, but belleves inIf o ihanc rnhciadne ressedir is tsas gentlemen. He ex- or au seora ningeinrnc chinainnr prssd im asfinding but little fauit wlth or a s et,gor t BMog lancy&chnao the preseat council. If nôt a candidate ibis gasae ot ogn&Su year h. mlghi talt he nation soon. Menlastsrong boots, gaiters, laced boots Mr. H. Bickle was flot a candidate for neeve. with toc caps, or lac-ed boots witb bellows- He blamed the aasessor for bigh taxes. If longues for $r.oo ai the corner store Osh- elected he prounlsed ta have a new assessar. awa. lie clamed the taxes of East Whiiby. were Itwl ayayprtie cnemlatn lower ua uthose ai Wbiuby township bY 37c.pyaype orpn $100. He complained that the clerk, treas: buying - an engagement or wedding ring urer, and ose councillor were contnactors witb ta sec the large stock ai Felt Bras., Osh- the. council. His platformn was retrenchmeni awa as they will seil this month very cheap whîh a capital n ", fot cash. Genuine diamond 14K. only $5. Mr. Mclaggart declared he wauld sot op- Thev are also rnaking saine sjgecia1 offers pose Mr. Calder, for he considered be had Ini Gents', Ladie's aud Boys, gold and made great sacrifices for the township durîng silven waiches. Sec them. Feit Bras. the paat year. He advocated a reduction of the county council's per dii expen se. He TeBptschch eltei anu claîmedutha ahnsesdi ltawy oChristmas entertainmnent an Thursday evening Mr1L Smnith sbowed that the township lasi, which was wefl attended, A good Pro- assessment had been lowemed by the new al-grmnme was Presented by th i 1h11.' e Rev- nation. He delended the action of the coun- Mr. Marshall occupied the chair, and Mn. cil ha abtainiag supplies from the clerk. It Geo. Farewell as Santa Claus, distnubuted the was convenient andi there was no disbosesty. the nuunerous preseqts from the Christum lie also defended Mn. Rogers. He was in lavon of a pon bouse. He was a candidate A pleasant eveuh îook. place at the esidence ton deputy reeve. af Mis. J. Mitcbell on Christmas day, wben Mr. P. Moore was ln for retrenchment with ber dangbter Hatie was united la marriage ta a vengeance. He differed from Mr. Smith in Me C. W. Holmxe of Toonto, alter a sump- poliics. He was a patron. If elected., he tuons wedding-brcakfasu the hpy couple toock pnomised lin wa -crs to build a new tawn hall the night train for the. wesu.hey wil take wittouî any additional cosuta uctheuownahip. up their residence ln Toronto, He claimiei the cauincil weme extravagant in the. matier afi .upplies. He was a candidate for deputy remv. OtaaBanu 11q Mn. John Vipond wu sot a candidate. He x .VOEY abe.Smc fet bhought a new hall shoulti b. buili. D»n D. U.J3010-SS .KlrgStnl Eut. Mr. 8. Leall was not a candidate. He was BROOKS 8i Soe s1ot6 north. pcrtecfly satisfied with <lie present cauncil. Ir. lHüday hene quoîed proof tbat for the WIL. BOLPEL,haus ikr8moesot is 12 years the taxes bad cot matenialîy in. T. B. MOTHEESILL btuteoej Rn twee oneasel, snd thallifEaa.reduction oaI io per cent.' & J. BTÀLTR-.Dmliupinsand gu was made in salaries il would only mean a few gimce ot cents te tthe ratepayer. He believed these ât HouKn-4. c. WOOD, pOmnO who were finding finut about bhgh salaris 19dM hOtÎ91rY. It -t sd 0f~0t.l would be th. lasita lessen the. price of their eqiied. mmn labor. He claîmed and showed bcwu POUT f07710E So»KaTcRunljing f iot * Dta conua<moS it te oromtounSdi t&tlonry sud i16=cy goda. EPl . E es b. try ta run tbc council. î..B mqWbtv- hv h,.olie Mr. McTaggart claimed (bere bal .been Lesves Os-hu.a i* ut stage une.a economy in the township. Saine charged Whitby stl10 àum and 4 p MY* them with bcing extravagant. others as beîng moa.M. J. U B~EIa.OIoel, deaer In mnl. bard-fisted. He promised ta do bis duty win nery and mangies. Dzeusm&a&g etc., jý the future and boped to bc at the head et the conneoton, Slknce stoot. POI1L OsuAvA DiaeU STu.- JMxwipn Mr Bighu was .net a candidate. Thene ngemUPll in o!puelldga an was ia rone in t. hemicais alirs-buonad. Mr. Chas. Coakweil was absent w-hen bis ~cr ~ ~7~~îr. SS 101 prsent.Z', carts, wag;ons, and âmli klnds cofc Mr. Rogers vas a candidate for re-electian,- sds»JbBpsru soiny and boped ta eceive liearty support. He 1Joux.EWlpaoe u eprt~ e! cil ud Ita &Bllkllhod they llbe.eod RAS!Wgrfl der tià inatare suctýess. iTl oca ~ ~e concert. -Thbe ffiret ohi b roýgramme",Yâs siglng: by, the school red by Annlë Rennie wbo also présidéd aât théâ:o0gan '- im a a, vety Intelligent marne rè _' t a'màe recitations and ffore sinfgI lDgy- hé. The compliments M ibehe effonloyoultlli ;- Misa C, Bell has returned home from ber iteacbing duties. Miss Bailev of Uxbridge visited with friends ini tbis locality. Do not kili your old and wom'out horses. The market is brisk fer such. Miss M. Maddaford. who bau been seriously il] at Fort Erie, returned borne on Mondiy sc- companied by ber mother. It was noted with pleasure that at a recent gathering agriculture wag responded ta as a learned professon. Thisis as it should be. The teachers of bath our achools held their annual closing exercises last we.Ji. An un- usualiy large number of lntereuîed friends were present, and expressed tbemselves satisfied with the proceedlngs. The visitors were treat- ed wIitb ligbt rcfreâhwohtu before lcavlng. The farming people of ibis section were flot behlnd at the wtnter fair. Mrs. S. Orvis se- cured firei prize for the best ten pounds of but - ter in rails. and Mrs. R. Pardon second prise for the best five turkreys. If the people of Whitby make ibis fair an annual one the farm. ers wilJ do tbeir paut, Our people were great- ly pleased with is success, and wlsh it long 1fé. 'the followlnÉ la the promotion results of Audley sehool :-Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th. -- Max. no. rks, 750-W. McQuay, soi ; Abram Brown, 48! ; EAwasd McBrady Y;addford, 39,5: Bernard? [cjrdY3 leitean Bown,(rec'd). Jr. 3rc 'tCO A...ma. 55o-Mabel Pollard 376. Benj. Willard 34.5, Thos. Huntly 3o6, Sherau Brown 306, Alilce Westne, 33.tSr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd-mav. 550-Etank este3 17, Harold McRtrad 287, Gussie Maddfrc (rec'.jr. 2nc?"to Sr. 2nd--max. Mo- Z d Haight 304. John -Haight 298. Part =nd to 2nd-Mabel Lynde, Laura Pollard, Lamne Puckerin, Sussie Maddaford, Wm. Fowlie. ist ta, 2nd part-Albert Huntly, Benj. Powlie, Ham. Calvert, U. Lynde. Abram Brown attended the greatest num- ber of days during 1894. The average for December has beeu 42. P. M. CHAPMKN, teacher. OREENBANX joseph Burton bas gone an a visit to frienda in Napance. W. regret ho Itni thit our popular merchant, Mr. Burk, la thinking of leaving aur village, some ti me lu, the near future. We congratulate oui genial townsmnan, Mr. J. M. Real, on bis erection by ýaccla- mation for the. snd trne ta the office of first deputy reeve of the township.' We make this correction that no mnis- understanding- may jexist; as we do flot wish 10 siate auythîng'. but the facts of the case, and either by the mistake of your humble scribe, or your composito'r the word junfior 1s'given wbereîî should have been senior. The following are the officers of Court Greenbank I.O.F., for the next terni. C R, J MReal ; VC, R WPhoenix;. RS, R Crng; F S, J A Miller ;Chap, J SLee; S W, A Gordon; jW, A Akbnrst; S B, A Everett; J B, A Leask; Rep., hé High Court, R. Cragg. S. .Dsty wýas re-n<>mlu- inated a court -diepu ty and Vr. ?ark aà court physiciaen.* Tiust"oA ~e and me Gordon. -io,,i rChool meetig inu lasi w' W', wheu we saud -he principai subjctçf dis- cusioQn was to'how the achool 'work ahould 'hé djvlde4. Nlpw while tl sufr ject *was îouchéd u-nYëtthe vbief t ~uble Was mlore as.bthe seatmâg accoMpo- tinadven 1tin lte di«erenî rooms, thb. division of the -schooi eppearing ho givihgeneral soatlifacuuui. The. Metbodist anniversary services -Mr. James St John>jr., Oe - vet:, BR T. WIU toywta. ti. uest otheraûx LOdytng 111 hua bought BARGAIN DAY SALE Satûrday, <wi Go We will place on our counters all the Remnants in our store for sale, at Price. COMPRISING O0F: DfitSS GOODS, FLÂNNELS, LACES, IBBON S TOWELLINGS, COTTONS, LININGS, SILKS, FLAN NE LETTE S, MUSLi. Sp TICKTlaSp OIL OLOTHS, CRAE S, VEL-VETEEN S, PRINTB, SATIN~S, ETC. .~LLI{LrLL½2iTHTTur1 In order to clear out the balance of .Our .LJ.LUo we have placed on pieces of Dress Goods. per yard.- Ail a large table in centre -of -store The regular selling price were from 2& o7o reduoed to one price......... 25 cents.u Eery -bo-dy welcme-t crn'0d offering at such low. prices%, on whether y'ou want to purchase or flot. The above w Christmnas Cheer, .Christmnas Bargains see, atur -day, -Jan are for Sa.turday, 'Jan.5, w r-; Peop1e, of GOD apprecia-te:a goodartic., finished-*and ý;Up to ýdate. cess ôf Jan, UCbtOiL t-etIàa 0F *-R EM N A NTB. 03sf 5t.h WALTE RS yiI One-haif we have r Regular 3-9 prices -- 4 , À- L i . '-., -1 ý - A r-V 1.0 1 -_.. ýl- 1. - Ti P. 1418 aq 9 rmmnnnaQ

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