Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1895, p. 6

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* -~ r T-h arêi'f The ~ ttof the aerieg of mtnioguil The Ç tilts ofaiz TyIO" whidb la tebbe eld in 1titildirig undor s'e eu i 84l 8dra ti. upiesé of tii.soubh Ontarlo P Oal 30,6S bu fO s, :- aere ers, Ia4tituto. tuîs winter, tock pl&"e Black Salien .... 3o., inth, ti owihall, Osha*o, lust Wed-ý Kirnia Kuda .... ... *7. nesclay. T119 aîlendnce as noir as I>uck Bih ......... 27.7. lirgè se on previouneoc," ise oluher li HungaÈrn...... -- --25.-1 the. afternoon or evening,,probably b.. The. Maudacheuri« aise headed ibo' cause therê bave been se many -meci liai -in the. yield in the Yield in the ce- inge during the. holiday., but Presaent eperative experiments in 1898, snd Lick, sud Secret"rySinclair. 'vere ou alotu 1892. It aise hoads the list haud te Weleomc the cellege deleggotion amoxig al the varieties tested at the coeisting cf Messrs, Zavits, Smith snd College for six years in succession. XI Beaut, 'ho are au abie teaut. The. in a six rowed vsriety cf Ontario. chair 'vas taken by tho Presideut, wvit, There je a gteat similarity between th2e afier a few introductcüry rcmarks, iniro- resuite cf the varieties obtalned over duoed the. deputatlon. Ontario aud those obtained in lte ce- DEHOEZflG. operativoe xçeriment8. Frein Uiccoin Thtis subjeot wua dealt with byIr bined results cf thoe eperiments con. F. J. Besin.lH. gave hieex r. dueted with apring wheat, te Herisen in dehorning his ovu herd, " rinc Besrded, from. France, bas given the vas mal hi caile ad W Wliis't best resultae; with 'vinier wheat, Daw- itorning, but when it inorcased frein a sou s Golden Chaif, an Ontario varieiy; dozen te thirty or forty head he found sud wiih ps lhe Pruesian Bin'e. it almeast imposaible t rietie Berddeasaeouring thè beat varieties lbroug an orinar O aewyr l.thethe speaker put greal stress upon lte terug nt otitery tea aryr 've îproper -seluction cf seed for sowing, injury, in soen.instances te weaker e ltas goompd se ih ivBenmofark cnes being gored te, dest.h. W. found poorer quaîity ini tieir orops upon the dehorning an effective- remedy, sud te plots. vr800pcaeofgin be les. burtfnl titan migit b. supposed, #eds, tOtve 8,00 pckaes cf pain.ve whien donc with proper appliauces. O tc , bave94befen dsbed oter H.e desorbcd the means ho uécd tobeb. Ont arie l 19 o oe ee f h a etali six feet long, foufleet higb ; ivo feet 'vide in front sud 1*> sud a balf at the baok, 'ii uprigita ix feet threc in front, aud two additiona! uprigits inside ibese in tte shape cf a cross, with lever over the neck cf Lhc animal, by ç!bio b it. may b. held securîly wviile theo borna arc sawu off, whiob may h. doue in about five secundo, 'witlit tle baos -cf blocd or other huritul effecîs afterwards. By using a ropo to lcad the. animal jute the suai!, aud tying it tbere, it is easily mauaged. H. sud a number cf his neigibors had usod ibis stail, sud fonnd i very convenieni for the purpose, IBES1T VÂAIgTIES ep dRAIN FOR ONTARIO CONDITIONS. Thte second speaker wss Prof. C. A. Zavitz, B.S.Â., Experimeutaliel ai lie Agricultural college, who firat g ave an cutline cf lte experimnmctal workt whiob je beiug conducted tbere. sud iben pointcd ont soute cf the practiios re- suite oblaiued from plot expérimente~, with grain sud foddcr corii. Theo ex- perimenlal grounde aitte college uow .0v.? an area cf ovor 40 acres, wbicb are divided into seveuteen hundrod dif- féent plots. Tiiese arc used fer test ing different varicties cf gpain, moots, petatocu, foddcr cern, etc., differeut mettoeaof cultivation, différent dates of seeding, lie influence of sowing g cd seed as againsi seed of a porer 4109Z.y the application et différents kinds ef fertilizers, eto. Net only are al lte varieties ef grain, rota, potaices, cern, millet sud other faim are ps, Lb. seed of whioit oould b.e biaincd lun Ontario, grown aide by aide lu the expermental grounds, but "eoal lte lesding vr tics ef faim crope are obtaincd troux noarly al parts cf the wvend, 'viici ta a climats somew4aal similar te, oui owu. These different vài ýeties arc growu for ai leaet ive yesrs beforo any cf'them are discakkded, nulestitey do vory poor- ly. Afler five years trial, the experi mentis oontinued 'viti thie beat varie. tisa, vitile tics. 'viicit have net made as good a record are dropped froratheii lisi. Iu titis way net enly is lter. val- uable information given regarding oui' own Ontsrio variellos, but a i e .. gard 'eibte lcading kinds cf other lans. In reference te cati, pesa, bar- îey sud spning viteat, variciies have beon imported viici greatly surpass ttc very huai kiud obtainabi. lu Ou- tarie. Afier experiments are carried ou as oataed, te leading varietiea are seleclcd sud distributcd over Ontario, titrongi tic medium of tbe Ontario Agriculinral Experimeulal Union, an association cf thi.exlstudents cof the college. Seed cf lcading varieties cf grain, roote, fodder cern, ce.,. are sen~t te, al farinera 'viteare villlug te jeu lun tie work aud car.fully test te varie- dies sent. Titis system ofcfooopqtîon work vas atarted lu 1886, sud luntait year lter. 'vire ouly cigbtiexperimeut- ors, l 1887 therewer.s izty, and the. number bas ineresacd year by year -un. tilinl 1894 thora vere 1840 oz-sWtu4u sud otiter farinera vite ver eonduetiug experiwents in cocneotion 'vit ut. Experiments! Union. -By means of a largecitari lb,1,700 plots aite E perieutal g0"rd, go th w er. it uatcd ai the Coll in lu1894. eto pr41-ý sunted. Fountoon amaller citants gave", the. average remIto cf te co -opowa.tV0. year and iu somt aa'the Ïavage of noverai yosn.- Tiie ezperiments vith se alitac --t,&-g -o g- lo 2 iff*stlclt OLEi.N GRAIN. Mr. F. L. Fowke ii'eatcd this subjecu sud lu doing se saifl, ibeugi net a far mcer, b. teli an interestinl every tiller of te soil. H. spot. of t.e iutorui- tien nov snpplied the fanmer by lte Goverument Ibreugh theb.Bureau cf Industries, wbiob muet b. heneficial te tem, sud said 'v. as Osuadiaus ougit te b.e prend oft.e fact that ve posese threo fourtba cf lte 'viat growing ares cf Amerlos, pneduoiug albinde cf cercals, sud ougit teho ahi.le tcm- pet. 'viti thle world. Wtile ail are trying te inoresse th. growthh ie ques liou of value ie found te be perplexing. Canadiau seed je an estahliebed article lu Britain, sud beoitoped eux' butter would soon b. ditte sund hriug a bouter pnc.lu* former yeara Canadian han- ley brought t.he l piocein Ameni- cas markt, but nov Ibsi grain frcmn t.e Western States is a botter quaiuy, because free frei nonounsecode. Tite barley 'vbiob 'vassent te Oawego ilat fa!! vas oomplaincd cf hy lt.e buyers hecanseocf ttc presence in it cf foreigu substanoes. Hi quoued extrades frein oiroulara cf buyers tere, te eshow ltai titey vrete lu our Intereal, eaying w. would h. bcneflîied hy more tierougt-- ly cleaniug lte grain. Soute samplos may b. good, but 'vien mid 'it ctera ihey make but a poor average quality. Farmers euifer accordiugly, becaue lte pricc ta cori'cspondiugly afi.ct.d. tis important te get fut eut cf thc grain that tite pure aruicle May be msrkeied in ticeelimes cf over production sud depress. H. submitled samples et Yankee barley te show tow dlean il in. FEEDIG CATTLE. Mi'. Smitit, B. A, of Brampton, treated ibis aubjcci, sud rcfcrred te ttc large quantities cf beef sud butter cen- sumned lu England,, ouiy a fraction cf vhioh w. supply. Hd> alludcd te ttc expeimeuta made lu Gei'many sud Enýglaid. byV analysine, lu erder tesa- certainw'villaessential te tth etter production of milk,sitowing liaI liter. arc greati différences u inte values cf grains, grasses, and iiay, for tbis pur. pose, al of01viticit need careful study sud seai alexpcnience.. espartial le grain fedder lu, thc grecs state, afler te grain in iL le 'vdil formcd. Peus iakc leus out cf th. grond titan any ottei crop, hccause lhey grev en 'vit thcy tek. frointe earth sud lte air, as dc.. colov.r, sud ne .rop is more profitable if t.ïstiaw is aeen up, as ilis likeiy to b., if mixcd vitita lIttIs cern or barley mca!. H. prefers ~feekiig a ce, full cf ceame food, as aie ia bultoecarrlu i, ratietelas fiuer lte quantitica, oniy twlec. a day-ttc Lur nipe.,dlr-eW.aftcr milking sud only a fev Carrets M lrçe quantuies vestes' lte kIdr4sya., e éwould,!grnudail grain aust ai'vid Put su endloBesed lu thec manure mlle. - a ratieon ho advised, as a ancd m e~p ene, th. teedig c 45 b.ofenailage 1abrÀn, 61 1W of pe* Mos. 49 Ib.ofeIdovenitay. The storIloa ccv iii meat îd digsti, tii betterthe pay. Peu aue better valueý ai O0cts. a buahel tait obts ai POctà4e.- for leediug purpos.. Keep- ,r.ots sme vate hum rations. l4ft. The block extelided'tihe."ih* éf thè aouth aide of -MeIiida lVongeto'jôrdnibut a-' CIc -fthe rneerxd, the wbole'cfthe setondandi third date di e' '*r'cîf tho tit uwWec. cupie by be T e LIbogring, Co JAt thec fr on oenge street v*s located ,th. office -of the C. P. R. messepger ser- vice. So fierce.sa hold b.d the tAâmes oh- tsinéd on tii.block that «eer effor to gave It was futfle. sud' be dgremen-baid then, te *turu their attention-4ote isur-- rounding buildings. With frig;tfai rapid- lty the fr pêç9sIeIiiiet t Webb's reâiaurat, 'which steod aietthe nortb-east corner. This wa, conrpleteiy gutted in spite of determined.,.attemnpts te save it. South cf the Globe building on Venge etreet Mr. Nicholas Rooney's mli- linery store-stood. This ai se fell a prey te the fiamesi but further err lu tbat direction w#as.happiiy stepped. Fanned by an easterly wlnd lte fire completely dIevastîted The Globe block, and the Brougb Priutlug tompauy's yprmeLasell. It thenritavelled acroas Tordan etreet te the magnificent building erected by McKinnon & Co., and tte oc- cupation of which only began quite re- cently. Thtis, ini spite of the itereic efforts by the firemeti, was aise gutted. ln ail the p remises cf six firme were cern- pletely deutroyed, Ttey vere: The Globe Printing Co., Toronto Litiiograpit- ing Company, Harry Webb, caterer; Nicholas Rooney, milliner ; McKinnen & Co., milliners, aud Brougb Pristlug Ceom- pany. The foliowing le a statement cf the total loss of escit firm: THE TOTAL LOSS. The firme burned eut sud their losses are as follows: Globe Printing and Pubiisiting Co. (ltd.) estimated loss on building................... 8 Sc,ooo Estimated hase ou plant ........ Estimated bs ou iibrary sud files ....................... Toroente Lithographing Ce. plant Harry Webb, chattels ......... Alexander Mauning (Webb's building) ................. *" Nicbolas Rooney............. McKinnon & Co ........o.... Miller & Richard............. Haworth& Ç.,,,.... Michie & Coc........... Brcugh Printiug Coc........... Williamson Rubber Ce ........ G. N. W. Telegrapit Co......... C. P. R. Teiegraph Co ........ Young Meu's Couservative Asso- ciation.................... Holmes Protective Ageucy.. 56,oS0 10,000 150,000 r7,000 10,000 65,ooe 175,S00 1,000 2,500 20,000 8,000 300 300 200 700 Total..................... 621,000 KILLED AND INJURED. Ttc mest melauctoly features cf the fire 'vere the accidente witicit resultec inl tte deatit et Firemen Robert Bevret sud ttc wouuding of several etter men. Bowrey 'vas at w*rono Melinda street 'vitit several compaulons to remove ttc aeriai ladder, 'viic it, i vas fouud inipos- subie to use ou account cf the test, wvues a portion cf Ttc Globe building 'vali, feU, striking them dowu. He died stortly after itis removal to the tospitat . Tte second accident occurred in Jordan sreet." Citief Ardagt sud a namber cf mes véreý lu thc Breugt Prnutiug -Compauy's buld-ý ing whien the faonrs gave way. Ose niai 'vas i browu dowu, aud ttc zest., ;for, titeir lives, austalulng serions. M0à' Ttc list cf casualties is ad foilows: KILLED. Robent Po'vrey, aged 24. 264 Parliamèut street, firemnan, Lombard Étreetta. INJURED. an AhcMenlui forh Daovs«yo TOM MM oc s. 1- tdiaonmsa» on tb6 abri mals nOv. viten the ublecioet id- novy- dimas. ornes up for discusion. - Dis. bits bs aWAYa ben' lqoked. upon g sure doaih b ' the> prefeasic, but lately the dootoro have hê titeireeaopeued te the oblliy efa cure by Dr. B.A. Rose, of esthU, Oni. Re baus tated in writing wua ho ca ured eft iisdises.if ler heiug 'tsox>e(uuoed '"iu etremis" by six nmedica bethe ansd bise cure wASaeffeoted by mubs ci Dodd'. Kidney Pilla, Thtis rumedy hbu attraeted muoh attention freni the medi. cal profession because cf itu, uoceas iu te cue of klduoç disea, sud mr.ny physicians are io-day presoriblng Ifin lefections et these organes The wbeat itarveut iu Buenos Âyres la poo nsd the quality ef tte grain is beiow Mbe veae Freigbi te Europe is deollu. iup. Obatltatocoughs. Obstinai. Coutbs yield te tite grateful *oottiug action et Norwaty Pin. Syrup. Titi rackiug, persistent cougit ef consumptives is quiokiy reiieved by thia unrivslled troat sud luug rernedy. Prioe 25c. sud 50c. Theu medical mes et Oshawsa ite ltaI thora e lelisuickekuetaiprisent ttan thore tas beeun tai sy Ure durlng the past 15 yuars. Alwal a ou Hand.-Mr. Thomnas H. Porter, Lowr lriland, P. Q., writes ; "AMy sou, 18 menthe old, bad croup se bad thai nothing gave hlm relief uil a usigittor brcugtt me mre et Dia. TReX ts' ECLETEO OIL, viiotI gave itît, sud inmsi tour hi 'vas eurud. lu isthe uit amodicine I eunr uscd, snd I wculd nol be 'vittout a bettie of 1: ln -My houge." The Pope bas already senut big encyclical te ttc Nort Arericin Epîsoopate. It will bi published lu tbe United* State buerait appearsin Rorne. Slieplissanla due te nervous exciternunt. Thte delîoatîly cousliluted, tite financier, tbe business man, sud titese wbose occupation neciasitates gruat mental strainor verry, al suifer luis or moue frei . Seeap le lte great resterer ot a worried brain, sud to gea .e!eep oluange thc stornacit from ail imi puritias wiih a tew dosesoe Parmuloe,s iegutabhi, Pilla, gehatini coated, centaining ne mercury, sud are gnaranleed te give satisfaction ounlte moue y viiibu refunded. Titora have bocu itîavy sewf aile iu nortber n Italy sud cter parts ef ttc country , Citohîra mortes, crampe sud kiudrêd complainte kannually mati titeir appearance ai tesane ie re as tbe boit'eaiber, gieun fruit, cucumbers, melons, etc., sud uauy are debarred froni atutite 'se îempting fruits, bultiey ne nnoa iftit ave Dr. J-' D. Kelloggsa Dysuntury Cordial, sud te a f cv drope in wslsr. It cure.slte crampansud oolera lu a remarkable manuir, sud la ure te chiot eviry disuurhanoe cf ttc bovels. Si. Items ralepayers Monday decided by a anajcrity cf 261 set te hbave a new CitY COUGHS, Colde, Sore Tbrost, Astbrna, Brocitiai, snd a&l Lung Troubles are quiet- ly eured by Hagyard' PecterailsaIm. Mne. Orn. lithougeetofIndustrY ai Kingston, la 110 years old. TO DESTROY WORMS sud expel tem frot cIbidren or adulte nu Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Hou ~inryBtanaqof Qcebsc, was, niucb betleé Menday, but Bul net euit"et danger. ctzuard!s Liniment Oure Dlstemper. Citief Ardagt, itead cut sud back blit. pointe in that latitude arc threatiued witt Frank Fensytit, 3o2 Richmond a-treel serions looda. 'vest, foreman, Qucen street hall, tead - Amr" ripe cut. Charles Smùediey, 98 Nassau street, fire-i After- la Grippe obstinate cougte, Iuug ian, Ceilege street hall, bact badly lu- tie)uble, etc., trequently tellow. Titîre i e jured, -may recover. rcmedy se prompe,Msu ait tce mre lime Harry Saunders, Portland street bock ieffectuai su ad -p easant, as Milburn's Ced sud ladder, left autie crushed, 11mb msy Liver 011 Emusmon ,vîtb Wild Cherry sud bave te be amputated. - Hypopteephîtes, Wb"o, ela elesi and test Robent Foster, 12 Salisbury. avenue,1 combinstion cf anicosumptive remedies, Lombard stieet hall, ightî leg broken, and Pri 5.sud 51.00pcPr ,botiW, left an 'bruised. - ',xe ils SYrirTo6x&-Mosuuro; Intense itebisg snd Tte bout anodyni sud expeetorsut for thé tinging -.nsmLaI nghl , voreby oatciig. cure ef coida. couglis, and ail tbroatluug, If a1lqwed .tocntinue tumrefrtrn,- w>~hie sud brouchial trouble, à. unilouedly én, eèdanti ulcotiebée- in 'rn y' poroi Ayir'e Cherry Pectoral, te only spe"iloforsdl.dntle4cr pgteatcingla mos for cuidesud couùghs amitted, ou .exwIbtion e tenve t tnrAtdru zt4ý-o ai teChicago World'a Pair, bY al corP(>.un'4Dr.Swss. &SOPx, Herr von Levetzow, prâdnî ofte, Puatici0 a.-Lâgé s &O.,Mn Reichstag', de"ies IbaL e inienda W rcsgn luIaoAgts Is office. Cold li theitcd-Nasl aislve luasttrclief; speedlily orçý en, vI Wsýgul'is fauilyb hve dcc DW>-'Ui rIwp4 shalie neop porfSrrnso et h ki$ - ret b l uyea t et-. JOHN EAt . tor . nfQ.an, 'County Solicitor. Office- South wing 0,1 ComrtEHeuse, Whitby. JAMIES J*UTLE1>GE, Barrister, etc. Office forerly occupied by Farewell & Rutledge, nezi Royal Hôtel, Brook Si., Whitby. DAVID ORIBTON, B. A.,- Âttorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chanoery Convoyancer, etc. Office-In the. Office south of the Post Office, in MoMillanis- Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUJNG SXlTH. LL. B., Barrister eto.,-Money to Loan. Ismuer of Marrlage «Licenites. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby DOW & McGILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathimen & Hawkenls ncw block Brook St., U~ hitby, south of Ontario bank D. P. BOGART9 IDLD.,L.D.S. Physicaû, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Besidence next to Al' Saint'. Churcli, Dunda.. St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches promit- ly attended te. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. Ccunty Survoyer and Dralusge Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST9 Architeot late with Langley, Lauglcy& Burke, Toronto. Desigus for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- ings prepared for remodeling exiuiinj structures, Office-First fiât over W. Wl Howse's drus store. IâP O Box 202, Whitby. HArnike mAKri,WITY Having moved into oui new premises we are prepared to extend the range o business. Ail work ertaininç tte bar- ness-making and sadaery business willb. doue to satisation. Cdlars a specialty. Cail and se. my shop aud stock W. OALVEBLEY, Second door 'veut of old sholp. Dimdas Street, Wbitby. FOR BALE OR TO E . New bouse, S roos»; %amre f gardes, weli enced. GoodIocalhy«on Front stretiw South. Ward., Apply te; B. WORFORK, on the adjoining lot or at the CàuelzcrA office. Whitby, March 7th, '9. COAL COAL!a The, undensiged hajuat re- ceed sabrge quautity c mirtCls pared ofùrn sleisdrysud dean. including seera,,.undredtoris 6f the ILEB IZDfNO0. 4, NEW P REME SOUTH 0F ONTARI oBA Whftby ab. vrS sud &Il other C.emetery Wcrk. 15 importera of Scotch, 8weedlahAneïpioan and Canadian ara' Iie. oali onl ~i b.foxe purchaslug. MIvr guaraieed and gpxle Of u Nov Llvsry and Sale Stalies Dundas-St., Whftby, J. T. NEZWPOIT,- Proprietor Commercialmenlilbersilydealtwzuhâ Teamlng.done at reasouable pricse. Frelght and Baggage hsuled aitreu able puices. A eau! soliolted. MACHINIT, WHITBY, Has opened aBepair Shop ini couneotio withthe Cooper Sh p Itely carried on by hie father, oppoiteil Saints' Church, and 'vl!do alkindo ofRepri. Sewing M&- chines -a speoialty. LwnMevers, Bicy- cles, Pirewrin Looku, Sosies, Clothes, Wzingeru, W;sI=g Îrachies, &o. Sa'W Filin. S-kaites, Scomra, Kuives, Clippers &.0., shareed and repaireod. Anl kinds of Cooperok s ad u repalred. Shop opposite AlF Saints' Ohurch,- Dundas THOSO PEA Of BowmasvMe, lnuesdsiuig Wbitbyonuco s fortuight, teéceleot- clotbtng frein gent-s lt "en or dye. 'Garments, vben fijfshcd viàiý lookasgoodasnew. If-the -flUtobesol Wvin net charge for My trouble . If tbeya*f My chM arg s$,2 o lcsu nsd ni _ély aut of clotbis;for lylsig-is w dyed Worsi. For cleauiug or dygif 4. bats 25r. TEOS. MCCAN AUt$1 BeWMAnvluley *6. isX89 LIFE INSURANCE Insurance GTruo Largesi Caâpital Steak. IMe s-u on the'c- iet.Nnt Urcn DENTIS i 4, f Ff

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