Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1895, p. 5

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WtlHJTBY.r ~U~4 ius Beaver Cape Ma8con Beaver Beaver Cap, Made. Men's 76c. to $1.25. mu Caps at cost. Wty, Braces, JR ST., E T B'YT. -w , Wbte gU5üoàiMd* St-. I1, 4 Style, KM. Mt o frper ~~ tenmivo at Reoe btuthlads ot £5. bat ou emsn lu T. U. sud therl4flnio, purebase -Of Spectaclssd The fIha4u*Snk~ Elytglï moi. W. s ltlipromises te ho a grea mccus gcutIy> the béit appliace u o d(oe wth a Plpor areon fitting the fluest q.ly<,lgl ri aas étoteeuuy ql w. y ofA good ulgbt's !(nu Io.asspred&h la he bac ôi, Plu sOc"altasers. 8azely& sbIeo utable, Look out for the S.Y P.LT.socalto b frames. Vour attention in held et Mrs. L. T. BsrùýVlaaounPrIday callildto our nov frames la Feb. ztt There wiii b. a good muical 1 programme, steel sud go!d for tho n ci- at miglt eathe risk. nuully vide b"éta the The riuk vas crovded ou Saturday eyes aud for those who.e nose nlght. The Whitby orchestra Wais, thete1 la espechlly tender. AIse our sud playved saine flue munie.fll sua' Gold Eyeglasses wltb double taluing their good reutation. Tii. action sprng. ka euejoyed a splendid, eveningm- . Baiu ~ d.MissMary Walters third ddugbteë of Mr. 1Harry Waltetg, (s ery aick Ai pre ' * HOME :o: OPTICIAN, sent. Mr. Jos. Heard, who *#à kick.d by a Brook Sitieet , - Whftby. horse a short dîne mgo aud *11e wu net expecied to recover, le couflcd Id liii bed again, apparently suflering froM he1h I11k *k,*1Tk~q~.,.i~ effcts of th kck. The report of thc tovu counicil, vitt ___________________________some lnîerestlng uotes wIl hd found ou another page. Trhere in so much county FBIDAY, JAN. 25t 1896. council and miner ceuncil mater this week ___________________________ that we bave net been able te put It on the pages where hIt s usually fouud Readors LOOÂI.LÂOO0 NIOB.- should aiways mta every page of tb. CH RONICLEC for local neya, as the wholo Fine cold weather. ef it ln prluted lu tbe CiîaoNicLB office, Lookoutforweding n twn extthere belng no six pages of patent readiug week.an wofhm es Fira grud aruvaiof ht easn, r1.Scoley Wilsnaccident. Firt gandcanivl o th saso, Fi- Mr. R. S. Wilson vent te Toronto on day, Feb. tnt. Friday iast, sud bad the mistortune wilist Many took advantage of the fine sleigh- crossing Yonge street to slip sud (ail. Be .1 lng on Suuday last and bad tbeir trotters fore h. could rise again a trolley car swept out. along with oeeoe the new-fauglsd cow- Woveu vire bed-sprlngs full ixe, wlth catchers lu front ot it, sud reiled sud îum. steel corded wire sud bardwoed -trames. bled Mr. Wilson quite a distance before Only $2, at W. Tilles. tht mater man ceuld stop It. When our Dr. Grants' '<Harent" is guaranteed ta tovusman was fiually rescued frein bis stop falilng bai, aud cure daudrufi. As perilous position he was found te have your druggist for it. been badly brulsed. Word reached here Fammers are bauling large quantities et tht samne night, and saine parties froéu, bore who visited city ou Saiurdty made good dry bard wood into town, which they it their businesse e Mr. Wilson, whoms are ellng mstl for$4.50.the tound with a terrible sbanty on opc Cal! at the New Shoe Store sud get the eye, the sîde et bis bead cnt and every great bargains offered for'on. mouth. Ail joiut soie. the best grades at auctlon prices st M. W. _ Collins' New Shoe Store. MfubU at 1.25.na Burns' Anivsrsary whl b. celebrated frCrneeadWel to night in ee quarter et Uic Globe. *1 25 Mpire t " Jan.klm Our Higbland Iub's gatberiug iu the tohroml sud WeeMly Hall will rank amengit tht besi. There $132.a5 IGobe to Jan. lm9. will be nome geod singiug, dancing sud là 25 Ciprboziloleasd Frme'sSun speaking. Messrs William Smithu, M.P. lomio and Hou. John Dryden have been invii- j6 for Chroniole, Weekly Globe and ed. Parmcr's Sun for 1M5. Birilis $1 85for Chroulols, Wueky Globe Parmees'u Sun d Ladies Jour. At Whitby, ou Saturday, January the ual for 189. 1t i8,the wife et Mr. Fraukr Hum- NomU-Aimost ai] other paersaetaime týý,ca agtr raes, The Obreniolelse given fte othe end y, o a danht01. t è,year ti n Iases. sample copies ment 35Per cent. off -for casb wheu requested. At the Mammoth Parier abat store, Dcv- W.CI.etes. erell's block. 'Open every uighî. M. The ltersry ou Wednesday afteruou Colints, prop. wus mdoftye a Scotch uature, oeeoe the Twe montha' froc board. colIcgia±e's specl day exercises. It s ,jack Crsu, laie presideut et Uic bum- devuted te a programme lu commemera- mers' monstvas committcd te jail for two tien of tht birth et 'Robert Burns, tht monthls for vagrancy ou Monday las by P. greatest of Scotland's peets. The assein- M. -Harpe. Hc bocomes a nuisance lu bly hall vas crowdod te the door, and ail tht winter. wbo. wcrs -promeut veut kvay de] qd'] Sielgh Drive ad Dase à. - ll Abe pornso~wlol Rigs vil ho ait Baudel's bote! ou Woed- Stcrttary's report; cril eotb uesday eveuing nert at 7.3o and-ý 8.3e te, Mise Tamblyn ; chorus, g les club; ed take evcry fellow sud bis besi girl., aud lng, C. Smith ; duet, Misses Tamblyn'; second besi if desirabie, for a dnive te address, (Lite ef Robert Burns) Mr. Heu- Brooklil wbere the lgbt fantastlc viii be derson ; ocietie ; solo, Um K. Fraer ; îripped far a tew heurs. Remember the duet, Misses Rowe and Hillary. Dr. Me- bours and don't grumble if yen get left. Gllivray beung promt vas cslled apon for a tew rtmarks. Ht belng a tboreugh Scranton COOL Scotchinan gave us a few pointera onuthe Foi tht present, 852, delivered $90 5 t lite et Burus. The meeting' came te a -harbor. Special care taken scrttnmng sud close by siugiug "Auld Lsng Synt." delivering. There le no better Anthracite The *Hard Tizues Iop. coal mined than this. Bring aloug _yaur s.é_ #%& *n«qwnciimeIe àieeing. tMr. M~ilte slready bas ai'D tbe s!enple.slud t rep~ehWt& e -thorough kcqevIedge et tht ,duties te be tt lpttknqk~ês~sh pertormed, sud vil! make a entable gtypil ad-Ã"ut t t :.wàý>'ý r -atcretsrY. Tht redtrng ecnrr>,mr. W. soefthte dreffles wer6 fdàe R. Hovat, leAves l isnsm a" anathet hwnuidt e s ate dblàyéd4êrthé a ipodel net of books., evrythlng -havlug uter shnpiilty- and betu recerddluasanula one asimdpeÙTht4a COug MWncod "un b j'ea.r» .compreheusWt, sund COMPlotelier th" zusedas 9MImou17y*5IéOWS0 . Hockey Club Orgaunlzed. a, - The Whitby Hockey cIlb #vaW*ga The- ced on WOdntBiW valgMatise curling MulG.a.d os r4élsd~4 aud skating -ring hth ololga.ecm .oficra ~HIl.PrsidentI Fred. Hstch BryCasi. Stewart, .- wOrat and L.-1Clarence H '4abé day. Wodiesday - -Tf. , l.ve19gmi_ igai thé Hlgind Chlsmsn 't -l tW -nalsc' hall, bOx be alodrsune msr a e *0boots a*idi vIl h iold ea, a#_;Io days. Tbe p-est asél.-e Store fromntieM8h0etDec f Januar>', Conuoaleu Mf. W., olina, out aide M e ud, m. F TW elbi M'thé unber t' riýrve:,wunoy. Whillict.uis.Davidien, jr., vasurM turui4g home (romt Oshava on Sunday evenlugIM tlh on. cf J. T. McGearyte lwLrya oPeter Hamîltonlu inor 11 ruck at Davidton'., borne vltb bis Whip"Usng, h ,te eh>' bute, a ttltrapb' pole breaklng tht cuiter voSeldurably. Ï Te-Jnnlors ef Pickêi-ldg college vil! give thé Juiitors bere a gaine t bis 1Prlday e'vealntfrein 7 te 8. ueo amntteju. Patrick Thompson, Sunderland, bas been sent te baü ere until a pring for *Vgrucy. 3dward Wash, efthis towu, 1abentu nJ aifor' asalttug hie égdiohr. Ht la partlallyifue. 1%« Highlanud club. "Ctiidh" sud smnoMbX concert lu the music bal this (Frldsyjevefn, Jan. 25th, on g hite drav a full ibe e Uitefiratinlg et the kiud Iu VIVhibt su ad viji assurcdly be a mont enjoya6le affair. Op=nsneting &If fT. Tht Royal Tiemplars have au open meetinu their roons'over G. Y. Suith's office, on Wcdntsday evening nexi, Jan. 3oth, commenclng at 8' dclock sharp. A ver>' attractive programme le being pre- pared, couastng et songe, solos, dnéts Scotch sud other readinge, auto-harp sud violln' solos, rechtations, etc. Mr. Geci. Hollida>' and others frein Brookliu take partea. SlverScoltction. Corne carl>'. Chroalele Hockey Teauî Heu. PrSesdnt, Mr. Fairbanks; Hou. Vice Prea., Mr. A. Ellîs; Preeldent, Mr. Jue., Stanten ; Vice Pres., Mr. Jno. Hayes;; Secretar', Mr. A. G. Henderson; Treas- urer, Mir. S. H. Graham; Chaplalu, tir. H. Meen. List et players :-Captaln, Sauk Oampbell ; G. Barues, Winn, Brant, Laphain, Greenan, Camnpbell, W. Barues. Spart man, Smith.- retèee, B. Smith. Challenge open te: Hard Turnes club, Gazette club, Baukers, Dry Gooda stores, Grocery stores, Buckle frctory, Tanner>'. baugbterm ef Eagland. Installation ofoffictrs ef Princeus May lodge et tht dangbters et Eugland ~ place on tht svenlng etf rîda>', January îzth, vbeu tirs. W. C. Sith,- grand presldent, installed tht feilowlng officers: Sister L. Batetuan, pres, ; Sister M. A. Walters, vice; Sister A. Cooldge, chap; Bro. T. Dlikiai sec.;- Sister A.. 'Warkup ireas- Sister E.Stirtevant, M. Bell, 5P Bro. Y. Bateîmiýu, guides. Sister L. Staü- lick, inuer guard; Bre. G. Ward, enter guard. Auditors etIen foX 1895 being - ters A. M. Walters, A. Coolidge an ro Rowland. Tht executive officers etfPrA; cess May' lodge paid, Empresa ef ludial lodge. Oshava, a-dosit on Tuesday even-1 Iug. Januar>, aand, for tht purpose oet4eecti- Ing a district deput>' fqi this dictrici. Bkro. W. S. Beuden scroaf'etOsha*ïa Iedgo,> boelo;jcte& -D. D.fer i85,afté r whlise't-- mihmnth ' z y> Whtby'tovu uourns ibis w*eek the 'lov#c l»bdshoTimas Lavior,whe figure hia. on e most promineijteue on our atetesafor over fort>' yeums, and uluasa erbolltv vas net 40Pelite COMMENCE TREIR GREAT ANNUAL WINTER SALEI -OF- Hi~h CIass Ores: Gouds1 HOBICLY0 wiI bean exceptional opportuntyfo evéry0fe deii f -tcIass -Goods at pices absolUtely leés thaùcoet oyminufaOtuir& The l SlioMWlxi"0"r depatmenti 1-â>0 1h. 1wouB V7lrg ln nmiu y wel eorte4ME à vr ra edein aebeen aý n9 2 (e p.l.$tbro*gjiut1h.én$ moeJlql e. . TuRIS SA.LE - .WILL 0CONTINU9, .Ami *ndbetter values-,will- be offeWedthain *ig-y W. beg tb imprens upen opr many eatrozci t ingherVrhsss erly *an pdssàible as&01'te, prig mng new and desirable goods uV willl inl 'e ,2y op % ce Vteto~ff L17 o~mak' slow ofer. .BT: cd asthe sousof God., We belleve that a Wabà Mr. Wm. Smith. M. P., wau lu towu~n*o nsua la privlleged to conie to God aJout if jy Monday lait. and -direct. The boofIs open to neïWith ýfornlu Mise Hoskin, jFrontoi la the. guest of it preclous promise, romimesPol it;g otw4s Mis ElthGrss out to cacb ludividual the way t odM. emro NimýEith <ro».Althe popes and cardinales sud bishopsu Leavio Miss Anlde James, of London, le visit.. could not makit -a true Christian believeo yo011Pâ ing ber cousin Mie. Cisypole. tbat they have iýfiuence euough .toe ethet Iroxlm Miss Miaud Chambers, ut Torento, le jprOcure or ta'we away bis, salvaîiori. to 1thé vit[ng wlthir iiondalu town. Were-a sinner bas personail Mought ad mn- te miss F. .Wood, Hamilton, ls-visltlng at fouod--forgt>venesa in Christ he isflt easiiy ranci the resideuce of Mr. J. S. Barnard. tutiied -away te, look te ma; for absolu-fvom i1 tien. W@ reer to taketeathly tcw Miss. Edth Blair. Toronto, la the guest tesemt r etfrom jesns Chrsu d, kets al of ber apnt, .Mms Col. -O01Douovan. the apostlese. as given lu in nw testa- Riéhaj Miss Bela Smith, Torouito, la visiing meut. Therefore, snch a thlug'as ýSfr- N.Z ber *grandparents, Mr.'aud- Mrs. jas.. Johu Tbomnpsoull' postacy Je uotacern- rne Black. mouý experience lu the Protestant chuirCh. - M ï. WM. colrell, Port Whitby, bas ac Wheu we r ea¶l about the dark romcu lu cepted a situation in the registry oifice tbii ePremier's bo4y WaS kept 1,d bore. ofth ghted- candies, and thtousanda, After an extended visit miti frienidtansd of prayersand, mauýy services -fce:the "re.Ja relatives Ili Guelph. MIssEditb Gro osére- Ille soûl, we uaturally ask ouse, yswhat tth. oxp«laà inof ail tht.I turue hom ou aturdy Iltle Reinsu chutch canuot. cave a mau's resmd 6 pléce soliId waint parlor asuIte,. lush sotl before déath, but miuet put him 2rthIr with sUjk plush bauds, -for $32, w4àth$45, through îhe pains' of, purgatory,. whit ~ at W. tII!'. aboli w!e sayeofths great pbwcrs afalva- Vo Wovou wlresprlnig tattrasé enly 82.> tdonuwhlch i t professes ?,..We are told that ja.j th#t purgatry le.,au .lnteimedile tte,,o L J. ou sose . .g ae ,- o rbrick whec b Uce urace of _pain th' oin Gstyur lue-ots grtesIro or sou! ,Of the deceased lepurlfled, aud 1llp~ orai ~nd e sovsranges-Or,,t t ln any cases it cestlarge suinste funaes rouuJ. -c tjre1 II icuIcssryordiuuwce. Wb Daalçl.prtetants belleve lu 00nekuch ethoda. M W'tDz~rm ofdisease la-vory api iode- .; w ýbelleve ,tbi blood .of JensCIstd l tlul,,ilout, thé, taetoifuîhetv. aor mir ha cleant"s ei ai --n.Wed&.àt n et aivé tAla ossbôed util beiveen tbe frie roi PetfUse 'Di>;Grais"l iratto; (ram. on. Vorbhî wortb, reghsteed. W7ko r.S. o>- VorbetdreWbwt~ irethour, Buffbd, o<c(pdlies Ai the hbi W«a belog tbe t<ahiber eau b. lait sud Oct lât. ýpcbmrng town- )be 34ad 3,711 DOW, 'FOI30 OrYsoUi laeca

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