Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1895, p. 3

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n Hoalth ng, Constipation n thé Back 'ati festomed by P of. 11 oo , >i ber t Le a New Mn te. fi .t~ sr01!~ :NDALL's, , fiN CURE" TH E SS'JUL REMEDY N OR BEAST. .ts ituI l t tjlgtii iTr. -. 1., N -Y., Jan. In. 18gU4. t i ti b<av hrs e bi i ' t, t 'u -,n,'t11 t hý 'r,'. ii' t, ot sie tiror u8ing ' CURE i 1,î < "' I'-' and 1,' , , ILI t 4R Il tii '. f ÂLÀ 5,VT mine,", rsplied banothert 4"put àfttIws fh>oi iNôrvtI1t! anddThqrnton &re homoe I.Lzd"si le<rnr 'iu#aOt Ttùrned te ber home in "oottofl'U gene iQ 5 '"lit. Tn o' Àurera Qoù stuiday ..ay 1" "Yos, Yonder goea ton bales in Ont Satuyda F"-!red Nigbswander wet a oyc3loue" visit tu fr?ýnds in Aurora. 1 pnig<i oelti e àr adhro H-aywýard, or Sutton, l pnigti oealtl o a.Bdhmr the wnotr wl<h lier sister, Mrs. John Pal- se s-<atiwh Iwshe Mr.Murock ofdurng ave it with yon. Mr- urdoék ofBowmanvllle, drn the p ast week or 80, ha. boom> doctoring She-Indeed, air, 1 haven't reaabed ait thu dlsabîl.j anti .tnneîoss musical i.tri-<homatrimonial bargean-couniter yet I strumonts in the noighborhood. He-You would be a bargain, my dean, Tho Mlaister of Education bas, upon ap- on any Qountel'. peai to him, confirmed tho decisio,î of in~- Sue -So <the flnst <ing Tom taid yon spector McBrlen je <ho matter of tho pro- about hia fiancea was that ah. wau 'aw- teated school election, whtreb~y Thomas Beare was coueteti out, andi Theo. Hager- f tiîly sensible ?' He-Yes. She-That mian countot inl. tbe latter la <berefore 'settiOS It. &he's plain. trustee for <ho <broc yoars tu Corne. i Ho-Thora is only a haîf hour until We dropped ln to sce Uncle John the train time and your trunk ise't aîf other evenlng, andhle praposed a little, ckd h-o twryer;I gaine of ouchre. Pedro lie sald was a new akd b-o' orda fangled notion and no good, Glve hiî Eave my bonnet on. the ald-fashloned gaine, anddlho could take A-How do you know <bat Malar a hand ln aey company. Euohre la out of has ooma in for a fortune ? B-Why, date le the Valo, but to piease <he olti formarly peoole always laid h was man we ssat down wlth bis son for "a part-.o±e ner, and played uncle andti ho youcg or- orftzy, .wt y ay he's original. gan pedlar who la stoppi ng wi<hi hlm, and ML. Oawkor (af ter his wife ha. read beat <ho whey out of <hem. Unclo made sovoral pages)-Is <here any nowî in us promise <o returri next niglit and give ournother'. latter, tny dear 7 Mrs. <hem their revenge. Wo started and play- ,your-Ihave't cootu otho p9st- ed agaîn <ho old gamne, wlth <ho saine part.- Owe- ner and wlth sirnilar results. Whec <he script yet. score stood* about 12 gailes ta o, <heolad 1dntsawyEhlh&smn man arose in ap et and tbrowing <ho carda adi doc't se whye threl h. 1eianyr at bis son exclaimod "<hase blastod ienssinadmirers sh rainnre sechr are 1>0< worth tho price of a colt." ()ur singe, plaes, pint. crpeakielFrenoli. curiosity had beon aroused by bis actionsH"charlid eetvlmyb during <ho gamne. Wbon examining our that's why. handsafater a deal bis huge fist would sud- Bnvln l a-ee ur denl y shoot across <ho table ilo t hoface Ber. olyont aid mac-Hua'.a qur- of hi i partner as If ho proposed arn îung <r oyu eesn1t aewe hlm, or one of his number twelves would1 quite ydung ? Rageon Tattars-Did I como down on tbh' floor wi<h such force as i "y> dat ? I meant jail ; I can't pro- to maleteh crackery jingle. Thon. no0unce do "j." again, ho would rub one oye and wink at Old Mr. Geodfelo-Li<tla boy, cati bis parteer witb <ho other, or else blow bis yutl etewyt h er a old nase with a report like <bat of a gun. you <ai me <a way ol< h er Ga It was alI explained <o us now-cesmm-air;utfoow<a tra big fiat moant clubs ; his big foot sae alone where you hear tho toacistera bis eyes were sopposed <o bo diamonds: usin <ho wiiet langwidge. whiîe bis heart was loca<ed le bis nose. But alI signa fail ini a dry ime, and a dry ime was <is, as uncle refused <o buy drinks and swore off on playing cards any more. In <ho more romantic period of our youtbful days we bave read le noveis of love at first sigbt, but could nover conjure a bellef ln î<s reality. An instance, how- ever, occurred <ho other day, anid maltes us thinl th<e-novelista ltnow wbereof tbey write. A young mac (not a native> went from <ho Vale, an a matter of business, ta, ace a young widow wbom ho had nover before met or soon. Upon sight of ber comeiy person he became desperately en- amored of ber. As part of bit, errand <bore ho bad <o <est <ho piano, which gave hlm <ho oppor<uni<y of reiievieg bis burst- ing hear< in sang. And oh ! bow ho sang! Her father, who was presont, says <ho nightingales were rtot in it wî<h him at aIl, at ail. And as ho sang bis large, expres- sive, and now mournful eyes remained fix- ed upon <bose of <ho pretty widow, speak- ing moat eloquently of bis love, being dis- counted In <is respect by the ravisbicg melody of bis song. I< was aIl sa fine <bat <ho father stepped into another room ta ring <ho nec k of <bho canary, wblcb bad <ho presumptian <o joie In witb Its piping <ri. Quickly taking advantage of pator's ab- sence aur love sidt swaifl threw himself on bis knees at the pretty womnan's foot, and inbui ning words af eloquent passion, pouroti out the story of bis love. Ho bad not loveti long, (but 30 minutes by the clock), but oh so dearlyl1 and <bore at ber foot ho proffered al <ho rîch troasures at a bravo, rue heait, offering to enter irflo <ho life-long bondage of marimany, and ail for ber sweot saire. Ho spoke of bis pro- spects (tboy were <bec in <ho balance) bis riches (ditto). Ho would willingly die for ber and lîfe wi<hout ber would lie <ho ver opposite of Heaven. Most painful it la for us to have ta relate <bat despito <ho sacrifices ho was wilîing <o malte for ber, sho bad <ho hoartlessness ta reject hlm1 t' twlth scorn, aye, and <o laugh at him, and1 T (oh cruel words) <o cali bim a fool-a féol!1 Fond lovera <blet of it! Notwithstanding lier scorri o continwed <o pleati. anti witb tears streaming dowe bis cheots, sobbing- T 1>'averredt <at bis beart-anti ho patheti- cally and dramnatically placeti hie rejectod hand over tho region of <bat hadiy damnag- .d organ. Ves,bhosaid "My beartisb urst- ing for love of you, 1 amn beieg consumed with <ho foerce passion wl<b which you bave inspireti me. And, wbat, goutle reader, think you, did this fair but beart- lois lady give for aeswor <o <bis toucbieg appeal ? She called for ber pater <o burry le with a pail ofico water <o savo <bispoom Y young man froin being consumed. This, owever, was tho lest sraw-be arase and fied. Poar fellow, ho ta forover ficding the couniterpart of a long lait aveetheart, and losing ber agile, or findlng ber to ho tbe property of saine other man. If ho fableto filnditite oporson of some mare suscep<- able damse than tho lait, may iot this obh durato Young wldow bave a buoken heart ta anîver for ?-News. rom iVervous DeblllIty ing >Uanlaond. Resuit, f istretions, ]Exceoive i '4, wll s'Pnd me a plain vrîtm.Iwill mend Free, îritwîîd, and fnîpoAed rid hunt1î,îs for veii.rK eured i.'rre macr'dly e-nmit cfrotta. r. y 14'. et dfrot iorvatlon. on Platz. Torouto, Ort. SYOUNG &OLD ratec Weakce, Faille Mmory, Lack of Eeergzy. permrney dured by tisa Nervona Deblit Dineue of sigli, ta i ()f fower. Pains fa brouglit on "TOU Mej~iru4 = afM 80K tfr Uuas, Aiau Sor T *Mr. John Gardiner à former ceident 0f Thiorali, nov of Virden., Manîtoba. la visltng frienda in tis section. Vr. Dan Uuderdowim of Mount Cleiuena, Michigan. la apsnding a fon bolidays oocklng up old acquakatancea. Tbers vili ho a carnîval le tho akating rIitk on fida>' eefflsg, Pob, 8<1> and fr-ons t<b. bt of ra=eson tha progaseme au lterosinI <laie may lie epotd. A nuamer et faut skatera Iram a distance ne expec<d <o tauko part. Mra. Wm. McIntyMo wbo vas le a cntica condition foS a tewdays, la Dow aalst ont o! danger. A petîtion ves beng cimlr1aed îlOnl#a sat week maldeg <lnt heo opn içaon fWrslaoo<tg de"e4 b.x ehuO înmOcow o<h t»,Novsi- ber i151ht t hefirst ifteosi datys un Noveémber. lrb. Paut- iwi omnabave ýj"sIhM iis or au <ho veather ha tMIs o wam tubus.. dreds of canasses spoiled inî the da. aad 1< la belleved a ahaner esses wouIli e bene& ciailu vitI#<oetrlSof, aw Girl (jokingly-I'd like a place where l'Il hava avery<hing 1 wact, notibing to do and no ona <o boes me. Oerk-This miss, is an aciploymect office, coL a matrimonial agoccy. Winsto-What do peopla mean when <bey say of a girl <bat she la quaint ? Wonto-They mean usual- 1>' tihat 1< la charitable not ta express <heir real,.opinion of ber. Firit Fooballer-Did Halfbaok go around and wallop <bat aditor who wroto about "The Brutalit>' of Foot- ball?7 Second Foothaller-No. Wby not ? Halfback in ie tho hospital. Smi<hrs-Brown, you are a wel raad man, what do yau <hink le tho greateet thing about <bis world ? Brown-Wall, te lie accurate, Smith- ors, I <hink it'e <ho circumferonce. Oustocier-Yolt fellows ouglit ta got rich. You make 300 or 400 par cent. on wha< you seil. Drugglt,-What cap I serve you with ? Customr- Give me <brea <vo-cent etamps. She (at tho dinnr)-I thiek aur hos- <eu s it he moat perfect lady I avec eaw. He-Yes, but I notice <bat she made one break early le <ho ovoning. She- 8h. always doas tha<. 1< pute ber guesis more at oase. Comporative Areas- Iaaolatwico as largo as Arkanas. Ibama. l wc h a iAs Sumnatra is nearly ae large as Cali. farnia- Tuis and Ohio ara naarly the samo Bize. Ihetiro 4Âýretoa s eoosàbined, ai' .MomtoxaOtly the ama of Âsa. Afvia 'is thrse-fit'tha the uzeof Aeis, or 19,000,000' square mnile. Nicaragua an<1 New Torkhave the àmreats,49,000 squitre nmiles. Sardinais.il xaotly t hesizo, of Ne w Hampshire, or 9,000 isqwatomlus. Boreo hs 300,000 square iles, equal to three of aur largest States. Belooohistau bas 130,000 aqutre miles, a littile larger than New Mexico. The Palestine of thie time of Obirist was about the size of New Jersey. LINDSAY. Mr. John Markin, of Fenelon, cut bis rlght foot badly sonie days ago while felling a troc, one toe being completely severed and another left hanglng by a shred of skin and flesh. A special meeting of council was held on Tuesday evening ti the town clerks office ta consider matters connected i wth tho towi's suit against the waterworks company. After considerable discussion 1<' was decided to in. struct the town solictor <o endeavor to selit ho $10.000o worthpf stock holti by tbe town to the bust advango. Two Peteiboro young men named Cana- nagh and Kennoaly drove to Keene, z2 miles from town on Friday evenlnîr or last week, Io attend a carelval, andi not turning up next day it was feared they had perlshed in the blizzard then ragleg. Searohers started out Sluurday to look for traces and found thcm aomfortably .ensconced inl a farm bouse. They had paid a fariner who promlsed ta telephone their par. ents from Keene, but ho meanly negectd ta do so. The Poterboro Examiner says that a young lad named Webster, formerly of Kininount, bas heen wandering about the streets there without home or funds. It la further state'l that big mother lived in Kirimount until eight y ears ago. when she married a man naaied Dodd. of Coboconk, and <bat the latter treat- ed the boy so cmnelly <hat he had <o lt-ave some five years ago. Chief Rozeil promised ta communicate with the bard-hearted step.fath- 81=019 by a unow plew. A young mari namdd Patrick J. Leddy, son ai Mr. Michael Loddy, of Wes< Opa, was <ho victim of a somewhat unusual accident an Sun- day afternoon las<. On bis way home about 4.30 tram attending special service te St. Marys church ho dccided <o walk the raiiway track awig ta the Impassible state ci <ho roads, anid when near Huttori's grave ho was overtaken by an origine and anow-plough pro- ceeding west a: a higb rate ai speed ta clear <ho tract of snow. The bigb wtcd and drift- Ing anow deadened <the sound of approach un- il <00 late <o jump aide, and <ho youeg fellow was struck by <lie case af <ho plow and burlod a considerabte distance into a snow-bank.. Ho wras picked Up by <ho train mon and carrled te <hhomre of bis aunt, rs. Cuddabee, a short distance away - On a doctor being sammoned 1< was faund <bhat one of bis legs bad been brokon near <ho ankle, wbero <ho plow struck blm, ie addition ta receiving several revere bruises, We teare <bat ho la progressing f av- orably. Acetdent to Mayor Wat.rs. Hia Worsbip Mayor Walters ls Bt present carrybng bis rlgbt arm te a sling le conse- quence of au accident <bat befeli hlm lait Fr1- day evocing. Having been notifiod of <ho death of a poor woman ho procured a barre and rig and set about making necessary ar- riengements for <lie hurili ext day, and wbill drivicg along Kent àtreet ho met Mr. John Baiey, remveof Ljext on, Digby -and Longford, who atopped ata <the cutter <o fbave a chat wz<h blis old frienti.« Whilo <bey were tung <lie corner near Mr. W. M., Robions store, <ho liame s<eppod itta a hale, ovectureicg <ho., vehicle nd spillln g tho <vo occupants to th<b roadway,' ja. Bablay. escaped enhltbut Mr. Weltena, heîcg a vec>' beavy nm, did piot get off so easiiy. Wbea assisted <o bis foot lie complalaed of terrifie <vînges of paie ta bis atma, and on drlvbeg ta a doctor's office 1< vas found tbat <ho shoulder vas dislocatod'. The <owe la no doulit safe from su action. fan dam- ages, but at <ho leat shoutd-refubd <ho mayor bis doctor's hill-Post, Doctors ceoommsnd Norway Pins Syrup becauso 1<as <the isat ours for cocgbiaed- colds. Prise 25c. and 500. at druggins. Mitsrn saohi ise o onumera' Ga ibsares vers strong sud in Miso idiamand on Saturdsv at 197.- Cypresa le almoat as largo as Con- neaticut. Anatralla la about <ho Bilseof <b» United St.ates. Canada is a little langer than thie United States. Europe isle loua han one-fourth the 1iaofAi. Arizona its alciost exae<y frice, thee ise of Missoouri. Portuguome Africal a area Mexioo sud Tou. Aiies ls the largeet continent,1A0, 000 square ies,. ]Koros is etlY theie îe OfKMnsas 82,000 square miles. Missouri l ain ou t <lresUrnes tho size of West Virinia .aoeona prr vae nea daeois of tho State of oa Penemylvania la almoat tbree-fonn<hs th. mz is Huour' -PoctogamseGaine s a UtIle ae than New ampsliire.- glboria ha. an arves of 87,Ã"00 miles about the aime of-, X»àùma, Bratil as oea provincelamertha" Tasùmijsba u40Qsquare mileas,s uqunri. 70,C60 qnswimiil Tho aommon and ever preant varnng of kidney trouble, back-acbe sud veakeus iu back, ara quickly relieved by, Dr. Ohaie Pilla, -The origial and oul>' 25 cen jidney- Liver :PilleWhen ml other rom eefal,, tboy cure. Tiie Bank cf Englànd baisredncod tho prise cf gold 1-2d1- per aues Et. Ti JRamei, oubu»ow rtes «I ba' enslit4for, saine <Lue wi XJdn«y dLvor (omplalut, sud lind, parmel. Piihe.bis edibo efor that. dbasum. Thué, Pilla do not Caiuse pai--- tgipi<uý, sud sbounM b.kptd.wben ~a <ahast1o 1 üIed ThsyMe elàtneOoat<d, sud "iér' urlf à sud gir. biceto seN Tbhe Ottawahoo> ai fetdls Omyodu l.bli on aç on gtu*>' Rbopm01ism le pfftn Iltf4mihêby aýieItî of <. hoodoZ' rapfmp~f thb0osudtqors4edmme oupgawbAD e. pme4o's@ MuwLie nt. oinos, lot Resedate, lithe, gusît of MIS, M&u4Aolpb, of FieRt e flyleg visit:<o bil-s aitrsnXR.Couillon, of Stoeffle- and some of bis frienda hri'Markbam yistqrday. lTe many friends of Mr. Th(<-S. Mont<an, of the- fis inot 1% NiG. u rgan, w dll be plèased ta hear thisc ho is rapidly, xecoverbng <trumae attack of sickness, aitbough conflned ta the bouse. 9 Mr. J. Van Ram, of the Standard baek, Chathamn, was thes guest of Mrs. R. Arm'- strong tlhe early part of the week* Vin bad a Ilvely experiencé e eing hors. Ho arrived att Soarboro junction Saturdoy night too, late to conneot wlth the Midiand express, tried ta bite a Ilvery and found thu roadsIimpassible and alter waltlng a short time started out ta walk and reached bore. at 7 o1clock Sueday morning, completely tlred ont and with one ear frozen. For stealing smre fish fromin l front of R. Reeva' store yesterday aftereooe, Magistrate Wilson sentonced Nancy Malone ta gaol foi thirty days. Constable Ciendenlng took ber doivu. A X[azlam bgh sobool boy. Londoners are sorry ta lose Mr. S. Break, manager of the-treot rallway -ho bas re- ceived the appointaient of general superlnen- dont of <ho new electrlc rudlway le Detroit. Mr. Break leaves London about tho first of next moeth. Mr. Break la a well-keawp na- tive of Markham aed lbas maey (rieds bore who are prouti of bis attalenents and euc- cesses.' To i1vde York towuablp. Tbursday afternoan a deputatlon from <hase reaidenta of lie northore portion af York towni- ship who are le favor of dividing the tawe- shlp Into two parts for municipal purpases waited upon Sir Oliver Mowat, who was ac- companled by <he o n A S1 Hardy, Q C. Hon Lobe M Gibson, Q C, and Hon G W Rois. T ho deputation consisted of Messra. Thomas Humberatone, Henry Duncan, David Due- can, A. Seldor, WH Lea, W Mullholland. I 'noBell and George Woods. Mesrs. josephi ackes and Joseph Gîbson were alao preseeL. eoabject ni <ho deputation was ta ascertale from the mombers of <ho Goverement whst stops are necessa.iy <o ho taken <o accompllab their abject, <ho preseet municipal law con- tainlng eo provision wbicb will meet <he emeorgeecy. Sir Oliver adviqed thie deputatian <bat <he proper course ta pursue would be by getting up a petftioa. wbich shouid be placed in <ho banda of <lie local member, wbo migbt brieg it bofore the private bills commnttee <o the bouse, wben aIl parties wlll be heard and a decislon arrived at. Messrs. Hery Duncan and Thomas Humberstonie acted a skes- men for <ho deputatîon. Mr. jose;pliaAke ree<nded <at sufficint Information ad not (bneon btined with regard ta tho necessity of <ho proposed division and <bat <ho application \as premaiture. -Economist. -~A stby Fo. Brights Disoase may Exist a Long While b.. fore it is Suspected. Duooux, 1an. 14- Bnlgbt'u diseao bas Do symptoins of 1<. own, and- tasy long exist without <ho keowledge cf tho patienteor pratitioner a. no paie ma>' b. loft in <ho kdeys or t<liri vicinit>'. Thore ma>' b. no albumen In <ha vatered Do tube-ausi, yet y.t Bright'b disoaso ma>' ho preseet. It af- tee devélops suddenly and mua>'ru a fatal ourse befotei la reoognized. Brgjht'sa Dis- em e I. <um eogeized ai a Mystons. aerv day Miladys whicbh sincrlang ian alaumu- ing rate. Boforo Dodd'o -Kidney PFilne wr placed vitbs each ot t<b. publia, <boa. dis- euses vre donisidered b>' medicai mon aud <ho ubilie o b. Incurable, Thanke otaIbhs pplnremedy, thousande are nov enjayieg Pwot health vhol vithont t 1, *wOud to-day manager, dled Monday of boaut dieeaie aged 57. I wàsOcumIof a badoase cf Gnipo b>' MINARD'S LINIMENT.. SBydns>, C. B.-C.0. L Louu. 1 was Smvp of lois cf valse b>'y N ARDS LINIMENT.11 Yarmouth. CmLzs PLUUN*Ek. I WAS OuBEt of ObroniÏ Rheumatiim b>' MINARD'S LINIMENT. Burin, Nfid. Lus ,BUL. Castorkla àDr. SmwlPthe' reiptloft for Inat and Cbildren. ]Et oulilI- neftber Oilum, Mrhienor other Narcotie substBfl<30. t 18 BaJiarmin8 substitut* for Paregonlo, Dropu, oothlng 872"0#, and Castor 011. It la Pleasant. Ine guarante e Iotbirt7y earV uneby MMlons-of Mothem'. astorla destrOl WOMsand allays feverlslmeuî. Castorla prevèut~ o emlIIba Sour Cuid, cure@ Diarrhea .sand Wlzkd ( CleCadtOris relieve teething troubles, cureis constip5t'ofland latulency. CasIonsa assimllates thse food. neg«U+laO5 U@iï@mc and bowels, givtug healthy md -nngturaI uleep. 0a-m tons lis the CbUdresPanaWdà-the llotber's PrIbDd. Castoria. 'Oasted o auli iOicOlln<Dt omnefor clii- dren. Katherahave repeate& odi ad me of Ikm gaod effet pon thoecildren."1 Da. G. 0. OwSDot Lowell, Mams et Osta la the boen rmnlody for ohildme of whtch 1am acqualinted. 1Ihopo the day la net Uar dWÀtawhemotieu wicIdoitherwd interestot tholf cbldftil, and usCastorla ln- .teadet tbovarauquck noeummwhich5lme durc>'ieg th&ef loved ons, by forcingaphnm,4 morphine, soothing syM ansd odmhe urt.ful agents doma thoeroas4thereby uoeding th= mto premturgraves." De. J. P. Kncauou,4 Oorlway, Ar&L - asto2?i& lu tsd ozfm WMc1u4T mdait e gitSw 01 IaW*W 0E~ fatvorupamit. UsaMWI&MI ji*? The OtauwOompaMM Ti Mmay I JUST SENmilSlPou BUROCK BLOOIBu DO; BECAUSE: IT CUJ BIWfousNESS,,,, BAD E THE STOMACH., LlVE Fuuny a '

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