Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1895, p. 1

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Te With calm printed wordo, great thoughts, and untiring industryi, we advocate Peace, Progre88, Knoiwledge, Brotherhood. VOL. XXIX. WIIITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1895. WESTERN 89NK 0F CANADA.i 1LOCAL NEWS LElTERS, WHITEY BRANCE. A General Banklng business done. %peolal attention to Oolleotlons, and Par. mr'Sale Notes et lowest rates. W'Depositu recelved ini Savinge Bank Departmeant li smoiof *1 and upwards. No notice of wllhdzawa required. Highsst current rates of interest allowed and oredted sgemi-sannualy. B. D. WARREN, Whitby, Âug. 81et, 1894. C Manager. G AS. S C0TT AUCTIONEER. WHITBY, ONT. The undersigncd hep te annonos that h. bas takcen eut s Ilense for suctlnee nsd wilbe gladto fili order for ibi cau c busi. nu& . Hlebook wlllbekeptsai 1. H. Lcnges office, wbere aUi nformation mav be obtained. Whltby. Nov. a%, '94. C. SCO)TT. N. Ir. PATERSON, Q 0o, Barrister, etc.-After two veaus residence lu England bas rcsumed practice ai 136 John St., Toron.-Oci. '94.-6 mos. DOMINION BANK. Oapital Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus, --$1000o 000 Whitby Agenoye i General Banking Transated. Business SAVINGI DSPABTMENT. Interest aflewed rit hlghest current rates Na notice o wlthdrawui r.qufred. B. J. THORNTON, Manager P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate of the Royal College of PhySiciaris Edinburgh: Member of the (plltg. f Physicians and Surgeons, of Gutaio Office and reaidene., north section of the 'Terrace," Byron Street, north of Dundas Street. Telephone communication with office. Whitby, July 4th, 1894. Who? Who? Who? Says the Owl. i-c. Who seli the beat Baking Powder? W. R. HOWSE, doos. Why ? Beoaus. only the purest ingrediante are used, . and it je frequently made. Consequeut]y leail ways pure .& fresh. -d4 London COMN010I i at OId No. 1, DE MAPLE SYRUP, wre and Orockery, a Sets cheapp Groceries, Teais, etc., etc. CASH OR TRA DE SUIT THE TIMES. caîling and cxamniulng pfices for yourself. kinds of Grain,' Applas alîry. Rave aliegos <b. selI AndsrsSng double nd rUÎ Spayufor the OR. E"ec fmrItgower Write më fercrcular. )N, - WHITYjY. l w RntÉfe -» 0 as bmw Powder h te buit Blocd Purifier aud geners Condition Powder iu the market. It la the chespesti pewder that bas ever been cif.red fer ale. It cures &Hl Cases01f General, Debillty, Lous cf Âppetite, Rnoughness cf the flair, and sU' troubles@ariung frote un- puritycf the Bloed. Eý' 20a- perl- (,-or 68ZôU. for 60& MADE ONLY B-,. W. R. HOWS OUEMIST A~W DBUGG18~ TOWN LINLc Rev. Mr. Adamns, cf Toronto, asststed at Uic sfteruoou service at Almonds au Sun. day last. Mr. Cassels, af huxter fame, was storin- staid at Mr. Pewer's iset Friday and Ssturday. Mr. W. McGregor was forccd te put up a stove lu his cellar last week te drive eut the froet. Mrs. jas. McGreger has becu speudlng la fortulgbî witb ber daugbtcr, Mrs. Hook, cf Msrkham. Ou Thursday last Mrs. S. C. Wilson was strlq>ceu with paralysie, aud le still lyiug very Iow. Mr. Wilson is alec suifer- iug froin a severe attack cf Inflamumation cf the lunge. Mr. Chas. Coakwcll, son cf our estecm- cd citizen, Mr. C3eo. Ccakwç, bas sccurcd s situation as city travelter for a geut's furuishiug establient lu Toronto. Suc- cesiCharlie. The "At Home" at the home Idr. e.~ W. Carruthers, lu aid of thc organ fuud efà Almoude Cburcb was a complete succese.t The bouse is su ideal eue for a gatheriug of the kind and Mr. Carruthers bsd spsredà ne pains lu provlding amusements fort young and old. The receipies meuntcd0 te over fificen dollars. It 15 witb dcep regret that we are called upon te chrouicle the death of oeeof the meet esteemed residents cf this vicinity lu thc person of the late John McCUoug sr. , wbo died ut bis home, just west of th' towu hune, on Thursday night last. De-c ceased was born at Dungaunon, Ireiand, t lu the year r85 and came te this country when a child. He was brought up near Newcastle wbere be married Miss Cumre.a For a turne he owued and mauaged ac fouudry at Orono, but failiug bealth coin- b pelled hlm te sdIl outinl the y ar 1883. a Sborîiy sftcrwards lie purchased the farm ni lu Pickering upon which be bas since re- c sided. Mr. McCullougb was for mnany P years a consistent member of the methe- a dist cburcb, and a inu oted for bis is christian fortitude sud resiguation. Hea leaves a widow sud tbree chidren, (a sou al sud two daughters) te monn the lose cf a fc kiud snd indulgent husband sud father. tl The bereavcd famfv have the beartfclt al sympathy cf Uic cuthie neighbbood. W If yen wlah a »ice.f>ec hiadnu, Men' stroug boots, gaiters, 1lacc ot wintc caps, or laced bots with eho- tengues for $î.oo at the corner store Osh- awa. It wiIl puy auy parties conteîuplatiug bnyiug an engagement or wcdding ring to sec the large stock of FeIt Bros., awa as they wiIl seli ibis montb very cbeap fer cash. Genuine diamond 14K. otily $5. They are aIse making sortie specisi offers in Gents', Ladie'esud Beys, gold aud silver watches. Sec thein. Feit Bros. Piano works employees' bail thie Fr1- day evcniug. The newspapers are busthing arouud here tbese days looking for subecribers. Rev. A. McMilau lectured lu the Pres- bytetian churcli Tuesday eveuiug on the subject "Scottisb Cevenanters." Mr. Nelson bas moed the balance bis stoch frem Hyland'e block ever to Ttc- win's vacant store on thc opposite side of thc etreet. The young peel' meeting aetbpRp tiet cburcb lest Felday eveulng wsam dresscd by Hou. John Drydena sd tir. t.ý T. BarcIay, Whitby. mi"e M.MeCcorinachi pffsse away 0o1 Thur«sdy after a distressiug Iinee ofev- crs] menthe. Thie ceindine were iuteeeed et Kingsten on Saturday. Th aisGuild cf S.Gcre'scuch, bave ee utr. W. E.Ramuas yfqnuF'.b.à turc wita Views aÏnd Mc $mte soqp Uir. W. A. 4lgulre bas dlpe.ed of %is, bakery aud confcctionery to 'Mf. Law of9 thisp lace. Me. Aignire purpoSes tn loto tebote, business we uulderuelstan - Mir Wells Roperothewel k4cw 4bp per$to) lekick sLek with naoe* ien cf the lunge and hile satte becet. 4 ioulyii, lteuh ilhiiyessier, wé arc glad te annouce, aI lest accott. auotber sterm kmhast lcklsyhoc-cd the Saturdsy mailtrns on the .GT.R, Mr' Cipoman smartoeuMtwitli the. Cohuauus Mail but wss onpelhed tozorturn owing t the heavy dribl whtchi blocked theroadse T4beBOUgd @f Hosithi for tueý- yo..- 8%~ -was aontenfd.at 1h.. .. ...h.' ét lrve the purpose of stepplbg garnb- BB.ooKlmi, But It dees net. On the contrary, Mr. John Ketchen of Brucefield, visite.- his Run ù i nuo cent aud îm p ro v in g gaine le p ro - b t e , M . A et en fo a f w d ys l t D ac b*~ed, and the cousequences are that wcek~M. A.Ktefoafwdy ls oae téeare a half dozen billiard sud pool MI :ujfelu active use, and sotue of themn are Wo are glad te hear that M.1iss Add ie De- sno% p'ately placcd where the beys have op- long. whci bas been seriotu'v ilI for sorne J p0 tlteâ of gsnibllng ever the gaine, welcs le Low considerably better. cut Sno-public rooem would shlow. It re- 'Me Royal Templars will bold au open ha 1~ee ability te play a good gamne cfimeetIng on Mouday cvening, 25th iust. Rev. 90 l andsd w*- believe that ne truc las. Kînes Of Oshawa, will be present te give v t r f lb. gaine pute np money on tbis an address aud iu addttion a IZood perfor- Îgm ùy tmore than aur good cbrlis in Sice 1a beiug preparcd by the councîl. r 6f~d. o vera ain cfvbckesches, Dr. Stare ha, purcbascd Mr. W. 1. Mur- Mn.1 uri k. Sum e are toc active lu con- ra's property on Princes, t, weeh il lf t nSpgspots.Nearly all sports are build a resideuce during tie comiug smer. Ubedu by gamblers, but that There le îalk or several more heusseug Mr. Edi ~fr5rM .'ue rcsach by sny means. If future. locate wbi trusting their herses to sucb as these They corne dowu here and treat the pool beasts incet unmerclfulîy et times ractui tbem almoet te death ln their wild effergi te attain uotorioty. The gri., degt ball cf the season wHI bc on Friday èvg.,- î5th at the piano factory Glion nae strinfibaud will be lu attendance, aud a most de ghtfu1 eveuing le antîcîpat. cd. One of the featurcesin connectiou witb this baud wlll be an orchestral selectioii, Siven during intermission, 4.ýplcting, lu descriptive me)odies, "Life on a 0theht Plantation in Slavcry days-" Ti.cote mittees are doing thc work ahned to thein wlth au asl4uity that au"r weIl for the SiUçcmj that wilIungoubtedIU crown the ellôrte.- Tickets are nearl -ai out and it would W wcll for those wblàg te be an attendance to suflre teirs W fore the sale of the allotted number le ste? ped. Double ticket, $z.5c, extra lady s cketSoc. Dancing wIll commence at Si o'clock sharp. Tickets for sale àt Mrs. Allin's book store, Whitby. The curling bouspiel wblch took place last Thursday aud Friday for the silver' cup preseuted by the, Provincial miaister of Agriculture resultcd lu a victory tor the Oshawa curlere On Thursday Oshawa vanquse eebruh Score 48 te 3z. Biday aggdnet Whitby won bY 4shots. after a close and carefu gaine. Score 43 te 39. Bowmanville was te play Port Perry lu thc evening but tbey fslled te show up, and the Oshawa players, some of them almoet exhansted, werc drawn against Port Perry whom they downed by 9 shots. Score 45 te 36. Friday Oeh-' awa and Lindsay played off and after an excitdng gaine Oshawa won by 2 shots. Oshawa requires te, wiu the cup once more te hold it permanently sud thîs tbiey will ne doubt do. he curlers are te be ceugrstulated on their series of victories this season baviug won 8 matches snd icet none. We wish te say a few words of preteet. against the eizLstence of so mauy private club racmini Oshawa. We say private because they are coducted lu a eecludcd' manner, sud -few people kuow wbe the' nembers of a club arc. There are two, clubs at lest wbich serve a useful pur- pose lu the community, the Tbirty club and St. Gregory's club. The Thirty club- is composed of Oshsws's best business- and professional men, and le a comfort-7- able resort fora perlod cf quiet relaxation for its members. No gambhing or any-- bhing of that sort le allewed. This [t W-1 almet needless te say te tboeeeacquaîp-ted with its members St. Gregory>s club lu, another useful society organlzed by Re. 1'atker Jecott for thie vYOUn men Of lits sud we think it nccesaà ythttepbi should W niade sware cf some fact* cbe crigthemn. A number cf youug ol l s, pr bap e 8 or i , w ili club th eipsol ves tegether paying ise mnuch per wccký te a treasurer, wbc rente a rom or recis lu the business blccks at a emaîl rentai. These reerne they fnrnisb and use as a -rc- sert for their spare heurs in the eveuipg. Card playing, oftcu for money, le tkb niosl frequeut amusement. There le rnc re- streint whatever, snd the young masn wlih an abserbing passion 10 be tongb and, sporty can emekre and cbew sud swe4r, sud gamble -snd tell flltby yarne b bihs% beart's content. He -can gel a can ofbeer or buyi s fcw botties cf saleor whiskey, spd drink It in the prlvacy cf the rocux, andt' no ene lu the wîsèr. île dbeé It tOc.ie-- parente or thoae whose Rut.,#oritÏ le, m- spects. or cugh t e r spe t, idul not bç lieve i1, perbap ewre the re of tihe, menuetin u whicli their son speudabis' eveni 1ngi. There are, aise ýa -couple 'cf poker deus lu tewn, -wbere mrney pestes freu euniamules pket te another qpite easly sud we, havcp'od reaumn O behieve' c --c-»w-nd U.& asfir s uuu of liceuse for bllards they would add rg - to the tewn revenues, give oeau cppoetuuity of earninga ng and, b , help keep young the lees desirable private reetu AI$ e hp fo the Street or bar- * clete oino f msny ac- nItéd wîtb the present state cf affaire. fO referi n lu ur tuldet in many 9and If lsws are nôt made (ào W cb- s0ed agidte keep dewn vice, then we filt>e what nd ur orgauzation serves fqcarrylng ont the purpose of-the law. Oshawa Busife..s Drm@ory. E * V1ÙXIMY. barber. Simcoe Street DJ, P. L.é aOrn-Ofoe Kng street Bas, B#OPXW IVRET, Sirace e be.tnorth. WZ.-ZOLPR, hamneas maker, SimoceStreet. T,, e MOTHER8ILL butoher, King 81, Wst J. i*rStâTsxi)on>1ln plane andi OMgM, 0eeàStreet. OoxGUM" x OTr,-J. 0. Woan, prlretor. Me0doru hostsjry, noat and ce fortably equippeti. ?MOet Moi Booxsuou-Puj i ns cf bocks& ubathonsry aud tanoy goodi. E. E. Rogers Sino eStreet ,joi. Hou=»N-Whuîbl.Onhaya stage âne. LisaveOshawa sta ansd 2p m, aud Whty atlOam aud4pi. , lu IMX& .M J. Ià, Bnmx.êoxz, idealer lumil. lhnery snd manties. Dressuiekhqg, etc., in ce*utou, aimoce streét OMA&WA DaUG SuToBZ-y, J Maxwe%. diqpe- slug ehemiant, Punl une of pu" re - drla d ehu melsalwari on a ud. Jo, u Oxzemsunacturu of --a -Car- rfWs cars, Wgons anA.1klndà ci, eut- si l, piter a ecatr. D, paperuW.lfng deori~ otVarnhab#oi ,brusles, wludow1 Pikrlfi rOOkuIn, Ooumbus,sud ati ge&brbrl.ighcs fOb~ a s s r t i u t e t w e e s , w re d Olu* stock.et1 f ire Deairs xi -atcesdocksa, edeerai O=e Plue atsh eloe, su udewoery epsrhg - speJi*=dao lm Mir. C. Redman wus to have conductejhe ibe s. funeral f the laie Jph Beer, of Brougham, Suw shvelling bas oi . on Fuîiday lasi ,bumowiug te the stocm sud fashionabîe. Who would like the condition of the roads a postponeie tpiat er r'?Aply ai ont. ad ta benmade tili Moday, when tey seuc-maY meet wtb disappintmnir ceeded lu gcuting through aiter a lot of bard Ee oywasesnowed lu on Sabbaîî; work. wittiJw exceptions. A few attendd Rev Ju. Mtch aiTornto brvedUicchurch and fistened Éb a short sermon by Storni on Sq urday te 611 bis engagem ent teRIoe u ld . T e r a e r n w c e r preach here And et Columbus the following Mrs. Hyfield intcuds meving to Clae- day. Hé started te drive fren Whby on mont. We understaud it le ber intention Ssîurd-ay evenug but bad te returu. on Sun- te Place a foundatîon,.uuder ber barn sud day moruingz, coming by a diifereig road. he lease for a tertu cf years te a suitable ten- managed te malte his wsy tbraugb tic Snow aut drifts as far as Breaktlu. lu the afternoou he - The greateet enew blockade knewn fur prescbed lu the Presbyterian cburcb toa con- yests bas been peeseut wlth us for some gregatlen, email frein thc force af circuin-_turne past,. accompanied, by extraordixia stances, l of wham were speciallY Picascd cold weather, reglsteelng po< below zero with Uhc sermon tbey were prvilegcd te bear. iu several peints- iu tewn. 'flic preacher teck for bis text these wods cf aur Savleur, ' I amn the brcad cf lie. He The funeral 0f the bat r. joseph Beer, tbat sategli my flesb bail neyer die." The cf Brougbam, passed through town o discours. ws grand lu its simplicitysud Mouday afierg-on hast en route fer Grove oeuld not but bave ,au influence for good on Sid'e cemetery., wbere bis remaaine were evey hearer. laid at ret. * e wm the father cf pMes. A subscibcrs list le beig circulated wth Ge. Chin, f Brookfila, sud'was univer. the objcçt cf havlng s Mechanjea' Institute fi- salWY respected. brary establlsbed -bern. This is a mcvement The juvenile temple-c this place inteud that eold receve h"at support 6omeial giviag s grand concert om~ e_ day ne llicsnlaSat eru tbat a gmber Sco ;the head. uCMW , Oo of niembere have already becusccurêd- sd are expected, sud - kogai that everything looks favorablefr tUic opn- asWe n rd". 0 0Zeù lr ilgfalbrary bere. It wenld be agrand chaev These de t ng.z espccially fer the Young m ca sud' boys _thî4ÎÜtý fok l ei w rh opas<.~ f the village- a"dbnounding cosy, if we eu~'àer~ t,. hfm ip- ould bavarcading rocin ucounectiuiî iusee. the institute, a place wbere au evcuing'could i spent iu good ompany, *d sarrounded Iît Josph Tripp wÉM t, e e~ a i good influences: 1, have ne -doubt but Ibat udert8KOW5jéng- the SalÏrda Our C .socetds and-thc Royal Templar Merning. Iown sswr it çaU countil wold gîve al thcassietauoe pOSs ib ad aegi iÜr0tbdM f,,hf inothnîdrgctidn e alning aoldM _s#'à1 twr h-b4--, reading u, .. roekn*& llip li Josepli ne- he ~ ~~Ssoec h ~ z s y iae lie woSm aev '4« t*CI baîod casI _rwben, thefau again complote. The. moi - Ibrougb ail riglu.batthe cnoor florth, buhoîwu u trains we cnele. h cemiit Dord gi a th twecs bec nt Wid, un saturday rnornngm" i ce np ýte<the station, wccte owitng te teicWaIsupply bal Oh Seàtnrd.ay aplengwitb tahee ated fruit aniÎ, bOUE." - I-i I Dth (ePcoats, ce and ýS@ INsE usually [y made, wel the great suc- 3ERS

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