Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1895, p. 4

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There i8 only one way ie the world t.c malte a pure, stogand healthf nI Baking Pewder. That~ is by using the pureat ingredients. We Use pure Oreain Tarter and , Baking Soda in making This Powder ooetaies ne Alum, Ammonia, ner any- thing injurions. We guar- antee it te be the liest Bak- ing Powder in the mar-ket. 25c. per lb. J. E. WIL LIS, C hem/st d Druggist, Medical Hall, Brock Street, Whftby.1 tnoat coip1 ly statuped out. gambln and other vices that formerly rnee smre amusements dangerous, and people in this age In Canada have strong enough moral inclinations and sufficient intelli- gence tp be able to decide for themselves as to wbat la morally and physicaliy bene- ficial. Ih would be a poor specimen of iiimanity ndced who-would be pr ache out of enjoying what he considera, a harm- Ies astime, and probàbly the on-ly bit of amusement tbat hlm way Ile faffords. We have no more respect for church rules9 than for basebail rules. Both aie macle by man. cach ecqually wIl l I- teeded . Sin in the violation of one'is con- science. A man's senue of rigbt la an un- fling rule unto hîmeelf Ie ail cases, ind the profcsslgchristian whose conscience ges hlmliense toencjoy a littie sport, but who abandons lis pleasures because of church rules, must lic a very uubmissivc man indeed and muet oftimes feel that christianity bas narrowed down is lîfe to merciy existlng wlthout living. If t he rules for getting into the next world shut out ail pleasures of this life, except bUsaful anticipations of that wbich lu to corne, then we would have to admit that relWgon ls ail we Uive for. We do flot; believe anything of the sort , and if we dîd believe this we would feel that this lite is given us te little purpose. If tbose who have great experlence of christianity are bound to declare that our social and Fphysical amusements arc contrary te the laws of christianity, then we feed that chrlstianity demands an unreasusiable and unnecessary sacrifice on our part. John A. a.OIUivray on Patron Moftives. RI). CaloN1cL1:: SiR,-uin view ef Uic ____________________ fast approaching Federal Election, I wish -te draw your attention and that cf your CaC~'u*îv ~ r ~ r many rcaders te thie attitude of thc Patrons (IL htttt ~in tuis and the surounding ridinga ; but '~*~44~JI I1IJUlU tt.ere I pnocccd furtier, just let me say tiiat O Grand Master Mallory, Mr. PhlUipa1 ___ ___________________Thompson and Mr. Wigley, Iditor of ther Parnmcr'a Sun, and otiers of the leaders FIDUAY EV 1e195 f thec arty whom I migit naine, p turu to teir lfe-loug Clear Onit pro- _____________________________penslties, appear te be working the onder in thiese parts for ail tliey are wortl inluheic short Notes. intercats et Messrs Mowat and laurier. In thc electionm for tic Local Legla- C. W. Ashford and V. V. Asifoad, two lature, aithougi tiey had a large member-r old Port Hope boys, wcre te lave been slip in South Ontario ratier tien injure members of Qucen Ltliuokalani's cabinet Mr. Dryden, wîo hmd a sale coustituency wti a large liberal majonity etis back, had tic Hawailan rebellion proved suc- they did net put a man iu tic field. lu cessful. Tic firt uamcd was te have West Victoria tie constituency immcdl- been attorney gencral and tic latter eue atcly te car igit, Mn. Johin Campbdll, a of the assoclate justices et thc Kingdom, lite-long, and one cf Uicelicatknw or rather Queendom. Wc have flot ne- ngricultiiralists and slicep breedena.' net ticed tint citien of ticin lias been tnied or only la Canada but on thc Continent, seutcnccd as yet, and probnbly ticy may came iute tic field in ticir interesaswti neyer be arcestcd, as tiey took no part in every contest ; but as soon as it becaniet thc rebellien, thc only evideuce against evideut te tic Clear Git Patrons tiat Mr. thein beiug thnt ticir naines were men- McKay, tic Onit candidate, was sure te be tioned fer tiese offices in Qucen Lil's deteated, and Mn. Canmpblcl, or iosîly private papers. a Couservative, would bic ehcctedtlieyt TheHyas bothrsof orotothebeltcd and left Mn. Campbell wli only Tic ynmsbrohers et oroto, ic is 5ao Consenvative Patrons who stuck te wife o e ufewhom iad taken $300,eee hum te the finish. life assurance, as mcntioucd lu tuis col- Ia North Ontario tiey concludcd net te umn last week, have been a-rested, put a mn n tic field, afleging as a reascu tiat inasmuci as a finmer was runnlng lu ciargcd wi tic the urder of Win. C. the Couservative latereat and a Iawyert Wells, Mrs. H na brother, two ycars in thec Ont intencat, ticy sieuld net1 age. Yeung Wcis was an emnpleye et imperil Uthe mer'u chances. Iu ordert the Hyams, and ticy lied iusured his lite tint the farmers mîglit have ne reasete for $38,ooo, on wliîci tcy lied paid thc cotuplain Mr. Madill and the othen Con- first premumi. One merning wicu aUl servative lawyers lu tic nlding including wcre eut but ene of thc Hynuts poor Wells inyscîf,- (fer up te six yca.ru ego I was sent into eternit y by a welghtlit ng practised Inw tiere), rctranad frem tak- down thc siaft cf tic clevatar. Aften lic Inq an -active part lu tic conteat. Tic lad been dead some time Hynms touud GOnt Patrons up te the vcry day 1petorc Uic hum and neported lit deti tei police. election preteaded tiat tiey were gclag1 It lu now believed tint Hynuts let tic te vote fer tic fanmer, yct tUicy toe. atter wclgit faU on Wells' licad, and tiat le the itne te ir West Vîctodi bretli- iusured is wife's lite witicth intention ren, boltcd on the day cf thc electien and et disposing etflier lu like mnanner. Tic vcted ton Mr. Chapplc--tlus vlpiting oe Hyams have becu tnaccd, and ticir et ticir cardinal pacpewll.s as I record shows tint tiey anc fugitives frein undenstand it,tiat tiey isouldvote tor ~justice lu cvery city tiey lave yet lived tic f ariner.,agaust -i-p.cson-AI man ie. Ticeywcre bers ln New Orleans and evcry Urne, ail otier thiagu being eqiial. educatedin Geninany. New, that lias been our expenleuce here i f w~e werc writng thc letter about tic iay tth1le lotok apan o ii te a Patrons tint Mn. John A. McGillivray, far as thc Pederal clections are concera- Q. C., publiaies lu antier colunin, we cd. We find tint la West Ontario wlierc siould take a different view et the case lu are te bc found mnaay Patrons, anc1 wlildl la represented in panliainent by Mr.]Ed- many respects. Tic Patrons have seugît gar a Toronto iawyer, and ian Liber-ai te liccome very prominent ia thé country nsajonity et abeut SoO, ne Patron candi- for some years, and have bren given date la te lie breugit ent. Was tiene 1ever a better chance for a Patron, particu-à cvery epportunity te publiai and proclain lanly n Patron Libenal, te lbe clectcd tlan thii vicws. Evcrybedy gave way te inl West Ontario. Surcly net, for it laa hear theu, and praised tiens up. Tice fine large- agricultural constituency la burden. oet teir complaint againat cur Iwliich thére ta only eue town ito bbaud, coun r slitics wus thee was tee mudli and w ire fariera only abound. But pnrty anoe course we ail agreed tien, aften ail, would It net lie a rEaflt pit as becg ru.Tic singulan tenture et thc that tisa conside"ratin souldfprcvàe matter wns tliat tic meut entiuslastic aceing tînt it la thce 1 tical home cf that Patrons had formcrly bren thceliottcst eld-imc Grit polticiaMr.- J. D. Zdgsr party men themscives. Tlicy lid gene Our fnlend, Mn. Mallory, at least evideut- party at mdLC a lot tait tiat Uiey lad pro- ly thinks se. He knows a trick wotb bnbly sickcned ticinselves, and thc twe efthtit. t la net Zdgar le is aftcn, CaRoNIcLu lias dozens cf tines polated for if it wceele ceuld e"ily stir up tlic eut that It la worse tia n af ted ttex- Patrons of West* Ontario te tbrow off a pects any governinent te make ies busi- yolc tiat las fouad galiag te even tic ness a success ift le could net succccd Libenala et thecocnatituency, many 'et lilinscf. Tiese leading Patrons, wlio wliei thiak thcy lave pleuty ofthenssel- had tried te get moine peracual adance- vea well qualifiéd te nepresent thent in ment tineugirty and failed, turned Parllament. -I 8astSlnate, te caur nrouud and beeme up a new organisa- nonth whidli la represented la pailiament, tien. Tien nearly everyParnlde by a êoncrvtiv, thcy have p ut a In seught te become a member et parla- la tic fieldin lutic hope of wrestllng n seat: ment. Tiey lied built up thc Patrons in frein the goverament rater tisai fin athc an agitatinbywich. they claimed thc Liberals. members would get great busines ada- Tien talte North York immediatcly ad- taçes ; but as soonas they lad tic show jolning'ns.on thse left, wlcrc ticre are f:g la firet clasm style thcy ttsnned it more Patrons thanin North Ontario, and faea political party and greati surpris whidh bas funnlsecl M Mulock with a cd thc Patronsaby anuounclng &Mthe a ate écat foryer, twolap at it' tic leaders, wer all going tc caitblc for la notte be dstubedoubtlcss-becausLe' palarnent, and tbat tic membets muat it teo e l tith t= fte ortie IZlberalpafty,' vote for themin luevery' caer: t u.su u Otlwyer wlihà rsct i Tliings took an awfully suddeu turn. "Wé ini lu* - la ceered te thLee. echo wlsnad- have lardly heard ofta prosuineut Patron, dreeamng-.ueetinga of 1tic Patronis,-as he' of citier Grit or Trtesatecedeuts, 'vie bas 1>ue#n edeug cf lite;-,butin North On- hun net souglit a candidatu r et foud 'taxioe lténo cléar GOnt bas # ghost of a eue, and- we cannet peinont g sin'le chance of emcee- lu a attt u4 n case wierc thc Patron candidgîte vas net do" ight, a Patrn u lato e broughilit trinn 'yya p rt! in u ifor w u vs aint, th ic1oand ultisb t fe larxè maj adt 'lis ran sudfilecf te PsIons~1 tat oihen Ut itisnug areLibéra1h, yeUtz part y w le eyvte gm ien t udiat f tes at rugot x o t>*i !-ne atn t ison IttiywaeJlli.aYt1 tonutots d tls ~1 bleuté hirn1 ývery inchfor worklng la th e intereâts of lis masters the Cliar Grits, altlioug we have a riglit tecomplain of rssting, as it would appear *to me, un. dcr false colora, in j oining the Patrons la order the, better tg~ cover up hlm tracks,1 and thus atultfying batli tJhemniad him- self by lis apparently~ inconslstetit con. duct. The saie can be sald of Mr. Henry Glendenning, who very suddenily ieft the. Grit party j ust after the reccat local élections, and joined tic Patrons, smre are unklnd enough to say, in the bope of being taken up as their candidate, an d who is now, I understand, the presid. ing officer of thelr lodge at Manille. Youl will remember this man. Hlm narne fig. ures prominently in tic public accounts as issued by the Ontario Goverement. He was a member of the celebrated De- horning Commission, and got well Qald for it. HEe ta the sme Henry Glenden- mdgWho while an officer of sudh organi., matin, did not think it ituproper or eut of place or violating his Grange prlnciples te cross over tie border-uine of the êounty of Victoria in the intereste of e, lawyer wio was running for the lceslsture againust John Cruse, a fariner anda mcm- br othe Grange. Lest week we found tint lie and Mr. McArtliur were called by tic Liberais to prove by their evideace ia court their appeals te place Liberals on the lista and strike Conservatives off. would have thought that, as Patrons, thec would have bent their energies towarhl putting everydeservng mnandpartcu- Iarly every frer, upon thc listwliether GOnt or Tory, inasmucli s rofessed Pet- ronisin knowa neither of ei old-time parties, but not se our Patron Liberalà in Northi Ontario. In thc towvnship of Scott, tee, we find Mfr. Lapp ail da~ long, aithougli I arn told he la an ardent ;atron, engaged in doli what lie cculd to strike Conservatives ofr the listea nd put Liberala thereon, and mc 1 miglitg on "ad infinitum-"and oint out tSe fats to be as above related linal our recent courts of revision tlirougiout tie North riding, where Clear Grit Pat- rons were to le found. Wliat te me is a Mnost surprising thing ta tint tIc active Grit Patrons are the Clear Onit party taacks of the immediate p ast suci as tien- denning, McArtliur and L4app and not thc inoderate and liberal men of the Party. I wisi furthcr to say that I don t charge tlat anl liberals who have j oined thc Pat- rons lad likewise improper motives in joinin for it la only Uico d rneGnt plitican that I charge. In srkng coutrast to their conduct was thtof thc Conservative Patrons while maid courts cf revision werc being ield, for from 1Mr. William Shier, their presi- dent l ic e ounty, down te Uic hunibleat «in tic ranka,' not a single Conservative Patron interfered with or took any part lài those courts, whicli w mny =md speaki n trumpet toues of their lonesty of purpose. and of the impreper motives Uiat their fellowý members of tic association o! Gnrit plereuaIonlid in joiniùg Uic o-rganms- tion, n I have sufficient confidence in our Conservative Patrons to believe that 'Wh e hiy s clow their Onit m em b rship ,satigte wll ceeue ticir connectien thcewt i ur coity at least, wliere Patronism lias been stultified lu Uic cx- treme, by Uiec dean Grit wlng thercof la Uic hope that by their aid North Ontaio may once again be brougît into line for Uic Liberai party and for Laurier,.Inay. event I trust Uiat no Couservative wlio ha net already J olned the organisation wffU' do se until at lcaut tiese men wliom I' liave named wll be asked te step down and eut cf Uic organisation ; for Ioa as- sure you that Patronisin wifl neyer be ldoked upon wiUi any degrcc cf fayor by thc large majority cf Uic people cf Uic County of Ontario while tiese men arc ta- be found la its ranks. Regrctting that I have taken up 99 mch l, of your space, Mn. fEditon, but felingtpt Uice importance;of the qustobgnruqtinçr at my hands, and'tUianklng eou-inr aàl ývancc for iiùblisldugmy letter, I arn Yours Sinccrclyi joaN A.. McGu.LrvxavY. Uxbridge, Pcb. SUi 1895. WhitbY ProobttorY. Whitby Presbytcry met lu Bowmanvillc, hast Tuesday, Mr. D. Ormiston, moder- ,ctito, retutrnéd.te Uhi clty on Tuesday. They care do*m Iast week itp attend thle futterat Of UM. SI. lJoitt. The-yeung peoplbs' soclety of Christlatx, eýndeaver- hcrë pplted Mr,. George Mo.ý Taggart , is.1*-ttie Hoar te attentd week, snd -ou'r pester, Roi. Mr. Weatlierr- elle waàs one of tbe spealcers fer the fIrt evening cf theconvention. Tho bii,,torin on Prdav yaud SaturduY s1ECh6L NOTTIL Having taken stock have too large we find that a stock of we I Wl ~fl3 *@OD Il on hand, and ini order to mnake room for Spring Importa- tions we will offer Sweeping Reduotions in al WINTER bINES. Space would not permit of us to quote a complete range of prices, but we quote the following as samples: GIREY GOAT ROBES, 60x72, at............. MEN'S RUSSIAN DOG COATS .............. gW5Come and see for yourselves that our reductions are genuine. WE ALWAYS DO AS WE ADVERTISE. THE NE W DR Y GOOD8 now, 1i5.00 STORE# W~I~RE ~, o o o o BROCK STREET, Bargains for this Month. WH1TBY Special for Febyl lth Durin ~huonthwe ax ~ffeing ery .weep ' rdutlo4g in alllînes of 1 Wearêa xiouB to rdiie oi tOk e ethe mfl oNe O Goode are ail new aud free>, igthssasuspuoise.N Our special --prime. Clothtng.--Boye' Priez& Ovircooats $3 A $5.-50. Meng a Frieze Ovèeots $6.00,' reguar $19A,00. Mens regular $10. Men'é do. $7.50, reguar $11. . Meu's Ad.,ý- e Men's_-Wool Tweed, Pants. at $ 1.25, $150, $1.75, $2 4$.5 Men's Blaok Worsted Paut8, equal to oustoin made, at $3.75 àùd $4.50, Boys' Fine Tweed Suite, 22 to 289 $2.25, regular $8.00.- Boys' do. $B.10, re uIar I do. $8.40, ,regular $4.6O. Boys' do. $8,65, regular 4.90.. Boys' do,2 oe2 25 Boys' do. $8.95, regular,$5. Boys' do. $4.20, regular $5.75.- Boys', do. 4î6, eO lr Mantlesfrom $4 up. À1 Fur Trimmed Goode at haif price. Ien and -By'e Fur Oapseid prices. W l H. Hi (.u.c.enr £; W wmTBY. ,mpon.) Auotion. SALE~ -A,' T!Jfi MNEWP, Carriage Il -/ AýýR R E.N,5" 1 fdL,% ]Rose* 1 A ëN D la 10 m

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