i 'j, Comfort, Style, la wisat you demand lu thse purcbase of Spectacles and Eyeglasses. We us~e Intelli- gently tise best appliances for fittlng tise fines! quallty of lense. We take great pains ln tise cholce of suitable framies. Your attention la called ta aur new frimes ln steel and gold for tisose un- usuaily wide between tise eyes and for those wbose nose ia especially tender. Also Our Gold Eyeglasses witis double action spring. *HOME -o: OPTICIAN, Brook Street, Tf 7-Z! T!?>. by. l6th. Dry Goods. roods. The )te Somo of 50, regular do., $7.0, regular $14. aind $2.75. $4.(*. Boys' -eguIar $3.50. $6. Ladies' à t equally low 'ýK ST., E TB Y. one Y'orkshire vorth, registered. cgistered sire and ck of Mr. S. Cox- Yorkshire White rethour, Burford, of prizes a! the ils boar being the Neither can be -rms.-75c., cash, st and Oct. ist. ,Pickering town- .insale. ta 34 and 35, 7tb it 9 yeors occu- Mt. For particu- DOW, iolicitor, Whitby. Horne Ion-Infectious cases furnisised ut tise bsarges moderate, ait own h silars Whitby. Charges dlzsassed.- Ww. Black, bartender a! Van Wood- rutl's9isotel, and Wm. Beall, stablernan, were surnronod toa appear befare P. M. Harper on Monday nigis u tiste charge ai eupplyîng liquor for Joe. McCardell, who le an tise blacklist a! tue botes. Several witnesa ewre examiiscd. but no ovîdence was ciecited visicl iniculpated eîtiser oi tise defendatte, Ba tise magîatrate dis rniss.d tise cases. Officers af Pire Brigade. Tise assual meeting of tise officers of tise fire brigade took p lace os Wedaesday nigis!, wison thse followlag offiera we elected for tise year :-Captal, A. Bandel; Ist lieut., Jas. Foley ; 2d lieut Wm. Ashby ;secretaryý,teasurei-, Alez. Imlth ; ie! brancis, E. McBrmdYv; anti branci, W. H. Newbel y; 3i-d brsuich, R. Bbid ; cap!. iook and lmdder, Jas. Baudel; rat lIet, Thon. Toms. Tise brlgade's affaire are le capital shape, and witu aucis a set aioffi- ciais and splendid equipracat aur fi-e comI)any is equal toansy emoergency tuai: Mîay arise. Aucticil Sales. TamnotTow. Sturd*y, Feb. r6this aMr. Wm. Newpot' leeW f cuitersansd ailer conveyanceslai bis.' facto'ry ln tula town. Tisawil ea fiechantiO tet &gOod rig. on Wedflm&y nez!, Fos. 2ati, tise farni mock and iraplementa ofiJ. 1. Bals-ý do n, neuf Enfillt, will bh o oItbypbi auctiozi. Tisers la a long s i at articles ta be,-dISpOW odf. Rmebe= ts date. L. Éar na-aucdmftri. .î On Wedoe5dtY, F9e». 27th# tis erim toksdIMPIerets of ithe late2 Mt., Tisompiafi wil!betrefr sale by pub,, lic auiloeiaitishe hoOetâd lM tImls ewu.' Asmog other stocW to' W afered- amealoW of ouirebred baOrtiso and "m #0 V. Ice guar îuteed. -w- 'is iiAWg uu e Oçyy' There la 4 -creit boom la n[g ht . ehaai4atte"alié curling a! the. TIk this j oron ù~tttbtnturc Whyyt You can go! repaira for every astoe, md The oùl' towfn lndustry u isnf funacrie l aaafrn .%c- parallsed bV tise great tOrm luit week 6nt1e.was hockey. 6plirece solld walnut parlor s( ia .WOven wfe ýp1'fuiaie, witis wt W llpuhaa. a or$si worth$ MOIta cordedi.-wâreand hardwood frimes. Thse tabernacle choir.ge t Gen ii m'& Iii !th ?ya ep waod On Monday nlght to give a Pro>Iam of Temperance drew very gaod grame f rusl attisir nflai ea. audiences lait week, donnlderlnig the Every Pair ' of bo4ts shoin rb or, awfut weather. o o n epe fo overahoesanmd long' etboa- lb. A afigi loaid a on epe o slaug!ýtered for a montis. )4. W. Collina, Pickering vlslted aur rlnk an. Monday etaide Brock st., Whifby. *nlght to se tse hockey match after whlch Ohfor cheap tickets ta and from, rng. they enJayed theniselves at skating. lnreand Scotland, B. Columabia, '59.p«dmut, offfor cauh California, ail U. Stateanmd Cadiau Attise Mammathi Parlor shoe store, Dev- points, anywheret everywhere, rail or erellts block.e Open every nlgbt. M. oce-an. Cail on or write Stephsenson, Callas, prop. Whitby, opposite Hatch Broa. choe is o0attof railwaya, and zw ocean steamshi' unes.Cu'i Of Rates guaranteed right. mpUe. Tbe town council migbt as well have Parler sociul. Thse W. C. T. U. will give a parlor so- cial ut tise residence of Mrs. jas. Madili on Frlday evening Pcb. 22nd Bt 7.30 P.ni. Admission z5cts. Ail are welcornc. Victoria Unlverslty. Two Hockey tearna fron tise above wIll play tue local teamu thia (Frlday> after. noos beglnaing at 3. 1 S. Admission toc. No extra charge an account ai tue two garnet.& A chace for a lelghlng purty. Rev. Adama Brown, cf Hamiulton, will give one of bis mont popular illuatrated lectures ia Pickerng Coliege, tuis, Fr1- day,) evening. Admission 2o cents. Tise college authorities will take good care of ail rigs. This is a gaod chance for a slcigblng party ta enjoy an evening. A word about clubblag.- Some. eneniy of ours la clrculating a re- port araund Oshawa ta the effeet tisat tise CHRONICLiE bas been shut off frorn club- bing with tise Globe. We club with eitiier tise Globe or any otiser paper tisa! mny- body wants, and la niseteen cases ou! of twenty aur rates are lowcr tuan any body. Ou! Ia the Snow. On Wednesdmy morning as Miss Hay and Miss Saunders were drlvlag ta Oshs- awa they encauntered a enow bmnk wich provcd ta be too mucis for tise borse ta get througis. He struggled rnanfully, or rather horsefully, for a wisile, but finally gave up. A kind-isearted gentleman came ta their assistance, and helped thora safely tisrougistise drift, sud they pracceded an their way nane tise wore for their short Cl1ub. at *1.25. forChronwoe sud Weekly 35Empire for a Yeur. * I 25 for (3brouoe sud Weekly Z2 Globe for a year. $125 fur Obranbole sud Fumoe B'.un $165 forChrouioleWeelyGlobe and $16 Faner'. B&u for 1M5. $185 forChrontole,j W"eky Globe' $1 S armer'.s unansddies Jour- nul for Hm~ NOTE-Almout mU aoherpapret s*1mm rat" ,Wheobronicie14 givea freea tuse end1 0f th. year t inlU a»e Smpi. coptes "nt visea requamted. - Persna. Mr. Gea. Beaul, Saintfleld, was in tawn on Saturday lat. Mrs. Peter Ferry, Fergus han been visit- ing Mr. and Mms. J. Ham Ferry for a week past. Messrs. T. W, Cisappl.MPP., 1. J. Gonld, ex-MPP., aud P.lace Magistrate Canmp%.t, Uxbridge, were in !own Wed- nesday oubusiness.- 1 . *Dr. Wm. Campbiell, Chicago, mon ai aur wortby citizen, Mr-Ja3. Campbll, spcn! a few days bers, sud left for horne Tues- day momning. He met a mont hearty me- ception irom aId Irieada lhere Wtjatbu IIironictt. FRIDÂY, FEB. 159 1895 1 LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Scott repairsalal kinda of pumps. G-ood music at the rlnk Saturday night. Hardwood dlning tables, 4 leaves, only1 $5, at W. Till's.4 A hockey craze bas atruck the town,1 and bas bit it hard.1 Six buley tramps xegistered with1 Conîstable Hopper a! the lock-up on Tues-1 day night. Dr. Grants' 'Hairene" ia guaranteed ta stop falllng hair, and cure dandrufi. Ask your druggist for it. Remnember that I arn stili selllng very best coal a! $490 atshed, $5.25 delivered. WVeights guaranteed. H. B. Taylor. Call at the New Shoc Store and get the great bargains offered for one month. Al the best grades at auction prices at M. W. Collins' New Shoe Store. Wanted. - A good general servant. Apply ta Mas. Gnto. M. Ricit. Mrs Joy's next lesson la cooklag. Mrs, Joy'sam seii cooking Win be taught bow ta make puft pastry in its various branches. Hockey Note. Two exclting matches wiil be played this (Fniday) afernoon between two teama of Victoria University and the town and collegiate teams. Two bours exciting - sport for ioc. The first match is called for 3. 15. Scranton Coal. Foi thc present, 8,5.25 delivered $4.9o a! *harbor. Special care taken screening and deliverlng. There is no better Anthracite coal mined than this. Bring along your orders and secure your coal now. Ternis cash. Offiice opposite CHROtacLE Whit- by Ont. E. R. Blow. Pay up Subscriptions. P&ople should not act upon the idea that bn ard urnes they can put off payment of their subscriptions for the tume. The stringency of money makes it ail the more necessary that we should have the money alilpaid in. We are oftering cbeap enough papers, dear knows, and any man with a head on bini can readily understand that s0 small a margin of profit deniands cash. An Mloquent leoturer. Rev. M. Gold will (D.V.,) deliver his lecture on thse «Hero of the Nineteenth Centttt'y" ini the Baptist chuich, on Frsdîy evening, Feb. 22nd. Mr. Gold has de- livered tluis lecture ta large audiences in many parts osf thse Dominion, and from thse favorable notices af thse press there 15 lio doubt but tI'at a ricis treat la in store for ail who choose ta attend. The low price af lo cents only la charged for admission. cut off thse extra tavern license, for wich no0 ersôna lies, but te k bas to, be donc before Mugrch rat, sud a fortnight's notice la nccessary to Introduce a bylaw, 1! wil have to stand over another year. It seeras tisa! wien Deputy Pringle la'put luias' chairman of a committeel! niaypb. taken for granted that that committee wiil do nothingtise deputy's whole tume being taken in watchlng and harassing commit- teets wha do try ta discharge thicr duty.. Purmer' usettteMeeting. The Souths Ontaio Farmers' instîtute will isold a meeting ln-the council chambor isere on Monduy, Fois. a5th, Columbus 26th, Myrtie flth, Part Perry 28th, Can- nlngton, Merchis rt, Brechîn cix!, Good- waod 4th, Claremont eh, Cherrywood 6th. Tise speakers are: Tisas. McMilan, Sea- forth, mon of Mr. McMillan, M.P., on 'F'ermlng as su occupation" sud other aubjects; R. J. Patter, Mona Milla, on îrýn etc. Bath are first-rate men, an eweli supported by local talent. W.C.I. Notes. The regular meeting of tise litcrary eociety was held ln tise assenibly roam on Wednesday afternoon. After I heresxdlng of tiese ecretiry's and tise critic's report tue followlng programme was rendered wlth Mr. Hogarthinlatise chair : Read- luge, Miss Kate Hillary ansd Miss Meen : ehoruses, glec club sud sextette- addresa, Mr. Silcox ; duet. tise Misses NIcholson ; recitation, Miss L. Yates ; sang, Mr. Wm. Richsardson, president of tise somciety. Carrylng the War into Coreu. If tise Coreane knew of tue mninfold1 virtues af tue New Wiliams s.wing nia-i chia. tuey wauld teacl tise Chines. sud Japs bow ta use tise New Williams sewisg machines, and in tisa! pemeefuri occupation all tucugita ai the lion-ors ai war, especiai- ly durlng tise.dreadiuily ho! dog-days, would ho given over ta sewing sceties sud tise maklng of ail kinda of clothes for tue Asiaties. 'Tise New Williams la on dock ready for war at Bd. Hnrt's, tise Witby agent. Ladies wishlng ta pur- chas. a s.wing machine wlll please cmli sud examine tise New Williarn ata! is isouse on Brock street soutu. Our Specla Articles. Tise CfaOr>IcLI'S af speclal articles ou social subjeett, written by Mrs. H., H. Spencer, Braoklin, appear ta picase everybody. Wc have made a a11gb! vari- ation this week, and bave given tue space toans acticle on '"Conversation," by aur elever young tawnsmsu, Mr. N. H. Mc- Gllivrmy. For the. nez! two weeks- Mm... Spencer wili write on "Womsu," ln two cisapters or parts, alter whici saie wlll bçld fort h an 'Dignit ."W. trust tht rend tses. pec~alar~cli th prof ,à d that raay.-may lie stlmuiaà ted ta try their banda a! wriing. Notes of tue Starm. Conductar McMilsus train went nortis ona Thursday. andidid not get back'- W1 Mosdmy. Two snow plows *ere at, wark, alic tdîe ptween, hors sud Manille on Sturday- and Sundà yjý but one of tiscin rau off tise track on Saturday and-,was not clemred tili Monday. Mn,. John Sponce, Toronto, vlalte4 Whit- _by on Saturday afternoon, jus! lu tinte te' get Ieft hote by theo relapse ai Tisiwsdaym siorra. Feeling that -1! could unot lic pas sible thc SUOW had iscaded hbu oùi, he spent tise intervenlng tWeûty-four honra until Sunday nigis! pa±ently.waitlng attise station for trnsportaton. On Saturdmà y afternoon -a muow plow was sent down tbla lic. from Lindsay wlth twio engines pro4elllz' 1!.Jus! -soutu of.4be, summi abotbal a moléone of tise wlteêla e tise plow. gave ouiýaud it left tiset"mc, t" boh eninesaléog. Tise grbund V=_so grdthsat tise, iocarptves ddeut iu and cpsfre, and -til peram'ws hurt. Thse drîversof tue twô*O csglaeeswere two aid Wliby boys, Ra Rb!. Yamnold and Thon. Wilktinson. 141 HI.Inor Judge- Darineli eajayed.t e storm ilu Muskoka las! weekr. Uc vas -driving. essifroni Bracébrl4ge-whcn, tise. bliz cb sruckacos tise ountry, -sud m uen tMirtee!n boum t,-walilnr ah lxtes. rPOR l 1ý l oe F, STEWART' OOMMENOE THEIR'GREÂT ANN UAL WINTER SALE- Hi~h Iass îess Gondsi TEUMPERNCE. Tise little boy who neyer learna ta teste liquar, ta utter su catis, or pollute hie lips wlth tobacco wili make thc best klûid ai a tempersuce man. Moody aya, Il have been working a good doal wlth drlnkiag mon ; I thlnk the rest of my work will b. wiib tise yourjg Once - n a whilc a drunkard may keep mway, from tise cup, bu! it takes mil bis stren' h to figh! the habit. 1! is a good demi better te~egin wisen you are young and! neyer get the appetite fosterod ln yau."t WOOLLEN GOODS, BÂKT, QTJITS, ÂN LS LINENS, suHInwiN8,s HUBg Fz URNISHING GO HOIY UGEOWÂB ENS FR IINGs ORbIgRÈDCLOTfflNG, MNTLES, MifLLIIqBRYtJ, ETC., -ETC. '~THSwill be an exceptic«nal opportunity for Ieveryone desiringr flrst-class Goods at prices absolutely Iess than- cost of 'manufacture. The sk in every department in theo home je very large aud, uiusÃuly veil as- sorted, and very great -reductions have bemallme jir every de- partment throughout the entirees 0 l et TRIS SAML WILL CONTINUE FOR- 30 OAYS-. -OLT. .Âo.And botter values wil be offered tha nta any .previous sade. We beg ta impreas upon our m a ny, pt rns 4haadvisablit'ofm- ing their purahases s early aii poweidble athe pIqoewe r iw fr ing new and desirble good8 ,t-wil1 at gleeysik Ca a. S& No. 4 WEIwB. Remember tise LadiW 'Aid socal at Mr. Wm. White,s on Fridmy cvcning., Mr. Wlll White of Reach bas been re- newing aid acquaintances isere. As tise slderosd nortis la blocked witis saaw, Sama wlll have ta take thc fields DO0W. Mr. Wili Proue. mad Uieniiefortune ta get badly frozen during tise cold weatiscr of last week. Mr. and Mns. Calter, cf Wcston, and Mr. and Unm. Barnes, of West Toronto, have been vImltlng a! Mmiý. MXw's. ?TEONL A pleasant retnedy.-A doctor lias been Mr. Wm. Moysc, Perrytown, visited Ty- ou-ontiv anpa.,. u u. v ,favn... v nt tLi roe lestweek.1 8rLc5JL3 D>VGispagi5 veA 3 &VaolDI 1 meij free use cf oranges. bath as regarde tise appetite for tobacco and alcoisollelilquors. Araong other tisinga ho says :-elIf you smoke or chew tobacco and wsut ta gir. 1! up, lay aide tiese kin af your neit orange, let it dry for a day or twa andi whenevcr you foc! a cravlng for a amoke put a saH pièce la your mautis. It car- ries you over tise desire sud la whoiesorac and pleasant, Candieti orange 5km la ic mont deiclous af confections. TChey pae this in Havana, but nowhere so wei *as uf thse clty cf Mezico, snd for 4ny times sud ail timea ai thé day the orange la a wisole- smrnsd palatable fruit Anomalies-A Landau, England, 1mw. ver wbo wus once a reporter for on. ai tise- Loadon daMles. bas iseau speailg out ln regard'tabla cown oxperience. It la to Uice effeet tisat hcismd attendcd banqueta wbere sanie of the( court digntaries became £0 billeshly dr usk tisat Uiey isad to b. carri- ed~ âway. -Next day be isad -semnthe same ynen elttiug in court amd sîeatenciag tisose-*arged as " dmunks"and 4"dIsorder., -liies'? ,4iëmau"e tigit. W. bon"atly h.- 1levkaepQIyrf rausk. cide wh hanat wltnesse ana- lIî ot dm cas. -Thsis statement mmy cisurcis las tÈa nt poqnediaatll Mdonday Bb. -Fll wiiit 5ç,sprlng.wheat 8., oose What oii 50C,-ble 3C.to 40C-j'omts 37e mmml pen ~.,blacÃyepesa5ebs peun"SoM, 1 mu nypea s 55.,' bucçkwheai ýP*rye 40e, gbSy#5.5Q ta $6.r bà *leyWcto 4oc, blue adwhite peà 'sot yÉunny snd. blickeyed $5c claver sêed I. ,50, aJkiko 3.5te o 'Iotlrty $2oo rye 38r, haY f8-00, baIe ha'Y 100, par4 $4-50 t ,iu$jgsc,potatoespet, bag 6oue. $-7« M1 Lagrippe, croup and innumerable colds are prevalent. Miss L. Reeves, Port Hope, bas been vlsltlng friende here. Lieut. Mitchell attended tise general's meeting at Toronto. Revival services continue wlth en- couraging resulta. 1Mr W Iù Clemens la maling eictensivp prepatations for building a barn next seamon. Mr. Wm. Moore, mail carrier,, made an beoat attepjt to reach Bowmanville Sat- Mr. Amos Bond, Manitoba, got a foot badl r ushed wlth a sledge harimér,' but oceors expeot ta mive the. pedalMem- ber. In magnemtansd lonelineus Ir Richard. HMU actompuziled the dcad body of bis wife to Bethel cemetery, Newcastle où tIREDI F. MTEWAKT.~Q~~ MORA Commercial -Ai Mor Sundav ?4ew'? pur, The ADYR ,baril conIisl ...d.....T Th, suboeie asrevd ntut foi 'tise estate -9f tue -latt 4LEX4ND THOMSON#, ta sel! t>y Public A&ct 'wliiou renrve aib~is 'ai promi Wibon Wodia.day, lb. g7tb,18 Tie wisle of bl valuable'.stc.k, 'imj mentl, ete.. as ibllaws¶ Hoaus.--r bevy four yegr- cld Xe le best by ail wiso î,isiîed, most dur- Force and ordin.' nd chain Punips. lt thse impiement n, Smith@s block. aii tise necessary impsan's Pump, ic cvery day. H. PIPER, Wisitby, Ont. PPINGO' rgrain 1»1---ýl-. Notes about Hockey.1 Tis mail boys play it witis narbies t'- tue rink. Tise Cellegiate teain drove ta Pickering mfter scisool an, Tuesday and played a garne witis tue college boys. Tise match was sarply contestedfrnistart ta fifiis.L Tise risk la rather aniailand rapiti skating adcombined rushing were conepiciaus by tiseir absence. Tise college boys sowcd better form than when tbey visited Wisitby Tise gara. resulted la favor aitise. Collegi- ate by 3 goals ta 2. Tise hsitit f callege wus cxtended to tise viutini te~m A returu niateli betweeu 'isemetiva- clubs may lie lookod for in tbe near future wheu it wili b. a case ai Greek mneeting Greek. About two isnndred and Oz% fty le went ta tue nlnk an -Monday nlg iÃiwt- non the hockey match between thse iown teain and that ai tise coilegraeinttise. A gi-att demi of mdvance talk 'about tise match hati been iadulgcd ln, and-tise in- toron! was so keen tisai sympaMhes were keen, eacis club liaving a large crowd pre, sent ta isoot for it. Tise majority' -1'l favor of tue tawn teara, baitishe scisool. boys were a su pport unta tseraelves.Tse' gaine was reti-iot, if sucis a tulng could h on lce., For an boni- and i a' quarter thse racket went on ln a moi! enteriting manner, belng, perisaps, thee mos! excltlng picce ai spart se4a intownfor veau. Tise colleglate teea played the liciter' gaine, but the Score-5 ta -grves tisera a EtIme more credit tiss tiseir auperlor aklUio. tiffled tisemta,Itise gara.belngpe-_ ve. ly contestei. Tis i hetIi fln!match tthe iowu teara bu as san sd whuu lis -weak points pm o dctoreti up -a match for bloed âud banc may ho iooked for. Board et gUdatiosm Tritc frat ,reguW't meetin -of thte taw* board -of eduesiion WAS hew, à on i Wed Pes lom