A Peck of Diamonde. The followlugitereeting sqtory wus tbld ta tise writer reoenily while on a Vie4t te aro western city. The author of the story i. a suocesraful medioal practitioner, who bas for nearIy a 4uar. ter et a oontury prosecuteilbis oalting in the City mentioued, aud visa fermer. ytivod in inoinnatié O., where the diselosure vas made ta bim by a South- orn Mau who died in the Good Suuari- tan hospital. The physicien we.s ai ibat trne the houes surgeon ot the bas. pital. Iu explanation et his failure t seareb for tbe bnried treaure the pby. siojan said that sean afier the dieclosure vas miade to him ho rceived a flatter. ing offer te locate at hie p reseut homo, aud ibat sinee thon hie lite had been a very busy eue, aud that tbe rmatter had rosity gene ou t ef his mind, until Bug- gested by the visit oftheb.wnîter, sud the tact that thse vniter'eIhomse vae among the Hookiug Hille in Ohio. With this brief sud pnt.sibly unsatisaie. tory oxplanath ., j o the story as nearly as I ean, ar was related by uay medical friend. 48Some years ago it vas xny lot te nre- sido tempororily in, Cineinusil, wbero I attonded medioe.l leoturesi. Whilo thus engaged I was appaintsd bouse surgeon aithe Good Saumaritan HEls?ital. At this trne yellow foyer vas opidemie in the senth, and frequently a case woutd stre.ggle iste thse hospital There vers cases of southern mon, «,w ho vers unortb on business or visa iad left the South te avoid tise epidemie, b~viseo it de. 7eloped, had benexpose-1 befare cern- ing nomt., Queetf hese unfortunates toit undoz mny ospocial cane, sud lu retun for my devotiols te him gave me bis confidence sud the story I bore relate, After tise usual penlod of uffering the peor tellow died, and wiîh huas would have died bie secret Wsa my sympathy and attention net von bis gratitude. Ho seensod to, expeot thai nie aiment would termin. ate fataily sud prcbably anly beesuse cf tisat tact did be recoccile bimeoif te impartiig the etory. «I vas born,'" be said, "inear tise towu of Opelousas, lu tise State of Louisiana, sud ai mise beginning o! tise Civil War enlisted lu tho Confederate army. My early lite vas uneventful, sud my araay expenieuceoiodinary, un- tii it tel! te y lot te take partinluMer San'a great raid tiough Kentucky,. In. ians and Ohio. I vasa mtue Seutis. ron ast attLjime bated thse North viti ailtise iutensluy ot My ciasa. It vas tison vimh protonud satisfaction that I rode through tie Iadd et the Nortisoru soldions visa ver. devastating sud laying vaste oun beautilful souti. I lest ne oppetnnity te, visil my 'ven- geance vierevor and wvisever I could lu tis, destruction et property or by in- suit te -ithe people et the Nons,. Tisrough Indiana and Ohio esp.eislly vo reveled in pillage, gatieriug pro- penty and valuables, ny te casi them aside or deetroy Lisem visona nov -field opened sud an opportunity fer greater gains pnesnted itseof. I had a haver- sack aMostfull of jowolry tisai I isad ool!eeted,. It oonaisted et diamoud rings, laxdies' vatches sand some geld coin. Il vas mypurpose te keep tii pnize a Secret, and when I fouud an op-, portunity te deposit iiem whone I could soeur. it again visoen my term et service vas ended lor tlise van loséd.- dearesi>tieud for yoars. He vas a Spaniard aud lived inutise sarne panisis las Leuisiana viser. I vus hem. We had kuevu escis auber aluce boyiood, enteored lise army togethen snd had been imsparable compamens. We voie ai vsya Lôgether, sa oucarfood sud our biankets aud ver. sdovotsd M 5eaà is ether mas ve.Damon as&d Pyuhias. Marie vas as bold as a lien, jldwhen aroused bad ail lh. forocily of bis rac. Bis courage vas vel 1mev» te ,iaen al Morgan, and on soeral ocasions ho b.d been doialsd te perkom delicate snd dsupérous secret misions for the. Goneral. 1 vua lvajsi.e npuau'o* in the omatiem ,for Marie lay e rnanded ibis cf #w .GwnenAL ýIb fore v. poused thé. confidenceof bar omaxasder, snd fi wvas 'otAbn ud or spmpiug matten vhon w. er. »or- ,d9red to report te hlm. - evgno cu. preseni si oui int.rvlev, sudilther' lu ne one DovIlivin-Wh*ov, vw» ba«t thon took place ave mysef. &fter tel. m» u m i etOur OndlUfon wu h op-Imm, Ãb1 , m ais r 4wuvas i v l ié,b uisbedu"lho:hâd one more mWutw t'O b u. ad crMr wd alhà soldionsi, oftwhQm lie hsd. littie kuow. e videasce et huinndsIbne.T Iodre, but ho undensteed tisai b. v*as -vo strolled tiougi te, te 111* o-ieÀ U taking chances wlth mn of etiiskld Logan sud on devu tirougis ths 'ïà i. under a pledgeofethoisorn d thaet thpite loy, taklug ct4r timo and feeling roliêv. vas s chance ef our actining od a wtihed. I W55 5distancese, aot t~ey v ilshim ; viile if lho kept hie inoasuno miles- tu Ambong, bue vo -wunkg along i. was sure te loe.i isohn oaphured, atter a timo ai a good rond gait, ana -for h vwould ho noadily reoognized as made tisejeurnnoyin a fow 1heurs. Bore -stolen pnepermy. IL vas a game of vo found, te oun satlsfacteny, tis.at Bchance ai al oveuts. One way ho railroad passed ruasing inte Cincinnati', might vin, thse otiser ho vas certain te aud vo ai once coneludod te deviite, lose. Our conféeneo ien closed. We tram oun former plan, sud lnsload et tioungod around duning tise balance o! irying lu cross tise Ohio River bore, -the day sud Bt nigisifali9eooured aur te go teO Cincinnati and verk aur w'ay tressune sud loizurely strolled away. over ie oKentucky, to a place oalted -W. had ne piokets oni savO lu aur roar Cynthiana, vhero vo bad % oneo been sud ou aur rigbm flank se vo walked te vitis Morgan, sud wbere there yeva tise oaRt, visene tisere wae ne eue te in- prevailing sentiment fer tise Seutheru terriipt us After vo had gaLion a mile cause.- Here vo expeoted to flud sym- or two fros tise oommand vo quieken- patby sud aid ho gem back li tiste Cou- »ed our paco sud valked briskly, vitis toderacy. No satten hov vo secom- eccasional pauses for reet until neit plimbed it, but vo tollowed ibis plan, morniug, when îisoroughly tia-ed, vo sud ultimatoly worked aur way, after camo te a station on tise Fart Wayne & many bardsbips, te our aid home. Chicago nsilway Feeling st e vo Tisecoemmand to wvicis e belong -seugist reet and refresisment, When ed vas breken up, et course, sud vo tise firet train eame along v o e aboard toit at liberty te jein anotlher branois ef sud rode te Mansfielci. There vo tise army. Kirby Smnitis, viii vom beugist papens sud zead as au account vo fougL., ever after tise vanvas pro.i ef tise surrender et aur command sud snmed te be oven. At tise battle near ansd tise purpose ta imprison Morgan, Brases de Santiago, kuovu as tho Morgan, Basil, Duke sud ether officens battie of Palsotte Ranch, my friond 3in tise Stato Prison at Columbus. By sud companion Marie was inutantly 1this tise vo isad lest ail fean of detec- killed. I vas sonionsly vouuded, bui tien, sud viLS perfect confidence vo recovorod. I have net presporod ince teok a train for Columbus. We ne. thse wvansd until lately have beon un- rned iu Columbus for nearly s veok. able te cerne Nerths for mny treasune, We eveas vieted Lie rison aud vander- Bore I vas Lakon eick, as yon knov. *IS ed thogitl hrge cf sard Should I survive yen shah sisano mv But vo did net see Morgan or any othez paize vush me sisould I dio, it l ils ef car frionds, In tiseuseautime vo yours." began te geL a littho norvous about our Tise is tise steny as my fieud, Lise treure. We isad getten a couple et physician, teld iL, as nearly as I eau old.fassioned carpet soks, sud packed give iL. R H o an a avanicionu man, the troasuro in îisem, tegether vitis or be vould bave uted for bis buried sose articles et undervear wo had pur- ineasuro, sud sppnopriaied il. Ho is chaued. We couidu't carry ibese about happy, preeperous sud eouteasted, sud tise city vite uis, sud it mado ne raison is given Lise vniter proruiselon to nervous te beave tises at aur boarding make bis secret publie fer tise benefit et place, se vo ooncindod ho etart again any oee vis may vies te isunt for iL, fcr tise Senths. W. kuev vo vould or vho may bo intoreetoed jastise bave uitile or ne difficully in getng te etrauge sud autezeeting stezy&- the Ohio River, but vo antioipated *great trouble lu reoiug thie çtber side, as vo iad seon lu tise nevepapers tisai tlT f theno vore detacirnents ef Yankee sol- i i TliiNIU I. diers aloasg tise river piokiasg up enepi clous eragglens. Wiiaour treasuzo in, aur ppsseson,wvo eared vo vould be lu very% groat danger ai ihis peint. oie e v alking about tise ist dayflWI of Our stay ia Columbus, deliberating O~ ~T I upon aur ceurse.,vison vo obsezved a sigu advortising a stage lino dovu tise l Hooking Valley Le a place nsmoed Ath. eus. An oxa.miuaîson et a map sheved Liis Lo wa te honear Lise Ohie Biner, sud vo ai once declded te go tiere sud M ? plan from tissh peint. Consequeutiy vo secnned, seats for mie assit day's - stage, sud promptly Lise non meorning i vent bovlifi dovas Lie Hockiug Val We. See sah W and Dlood- loy. Tisai eveniug vo reaced a tevu near Lancaster. Tiser. vo resained a day, sud tison nesumed aur journey ls ae n un passongers, aud witiout fa f b is acsao ttn ovoriseard w. disonussed aour plans as vo rod &lng.Themor wetaled heUated and Ln moe. vo ere lmpressed vith. tbe daug- or sud dlfilculy et carzying aur tress-ft&c une ie lieheGenfederacy. Bore linUIO Ohi o eeluine danger, but at tise river vo vould lnstantly beceme tiseMo objecte et suspicion. Bore vas quiet Mohors Not Sufficienti v on sud poaco. No armies veze zaciug u heAet oGid n sud davu ti valley as tbey vere su teAlr oGud n tise Sentis. Bore vo might ronsain un. Cou nsel Their Daugh- disturbed, uuiseedod.. Bore vo migisi we did noMaargemloare teorblarne- foutise u- came oasviuced t tour courso wua h iappy ardnerto m fo-thuù proper, sud vo decided te appropniato agir d dThey us condition eoft+heir girLý'Teystrougly encourage tisOn! lie entre treasure. If vo even sav daugbters in eue directiaa-ramrnidg Monganagain veocould tel! him a fais. tise bralu - but neglec o e anshem off steryi of capture sud louaCo! tise plun. the rocks aud quiokeande onu ibici don. And tins vo plsnued. mrile af ion mauy precieus lives are vzoaked. Thse mlle, aud in tise end dooided te bury rrlts are often terrible. Hoadaehe, our reasno a one su lu ise ?sLnonvotuprostration, debiiîty, irglr place wher. vo vould bd able, froru ities o! the eyeîem, dysppeia, lver lise topogrpisy sud .landmanke, . troulssdointrnsfdoa easiy loale L vion v cam for ibnug qulto au ar:my oft youug girls ýtO W. lethe coachaisaiau aid haeru, a lie uns,. every year. tow a~Uunntisedt t Lselt to lOWin. Wie.and prudent motisers,vison. Logansud waked tethat lvas, -y,m yptome et dangeraùiVhî tehdng sd cmng on OP15 egirls, invamay-use-t.iegreat i o r4tr *ai&e poper p ansd btiryiug th e hbutoPne<e1yOnpsfd tzasu'. Tie fow les ver mi.nThis vouderful Maedicineyo *l-io.eliï franred, andi wisen vafinsily -eeadbo~aajgvsi. ~fe ui ssf~ au o14 .wsleïpovon uili *# 5Oief515 lmelte l.bae ts L in -the locking RvestW os f~ bà olsru~s sapo Logian.- aRe. v e sted -and tudied o, - &pe ' a the. ebuntny. To thIe ot fii.ie. omni't hoe Iwo wé re resiig we. obéird a gîise 1a0à t, 45)5 ,,deà sio W, *4 Our - 01.9 fr oey 4*aýýjj uowd Dear Mr.. RdUtor - Wll you kIndly ini. (orm the ucaders of your raluable papes that 1liladly sed FlIEto 4ny suflerer frein LostManbodNervus;Debility, Night Losses, Varicocele, imp-o*tencyjrand 1-the, r,-ults ef youthful felly, pgrtielars'of a simple snd inexpensive means ef self-cure which ailter b.. ing humbugged and, imposed upon for years by guacks and patent medicine sharks, cured 1uwe la a fýew weeki, I have nothing te sdIl or Igivelaway, nef amn I advertislng any patent inedicine business, but will be pleased te bear frema suy sufférer BflxioUs -w find a cure for bis complaint. te vbom I will exPlain confiden. tially bow and -by what means 1 vas cured. Hundreds have been cured througb my ad- vice. Ceuts nothing te learn vhat 1 paid bun. dreds et dollars te Sund eut. Address confi. dentially and enclose stamp if convenlent. D. G. OWEN, Torento, Ont. Riverside P.O. The trial of the West Durhamn oleotien C tition against tb. returu of Mr. W. H. iled, M.PP., cornes off on Monday, Feb. 18. Ove Thom A chance 1 That ia te, say your lungu. Aise aIl yeur breathinot nache.ery. ,Very w onderful oma- ehiuery it is. Ne uy the larger %ir-paa- siages, but 1'* th ousand ef littie tubes and jcavities L iing frein them. Wbeu th,~ are co gged and oboked with matter whh ought net te b. there, your lunpcà nthaf otheir work, And what th do t cnn tdo well. Cali it OÃ"i4, coogh, croup, pheumonia catarrh, conifmption or auy et the family et tbroat and nese and hoad and lung ob- structions ail are bad, AUl eught te ho got rid ef. 'here in jttoe sure way te got rld ef thons. Tb.t ja te take Bocheels German Syrup, vhioh any drngst will soUl yen at 75 cents a bottie. Even if evory- thing else had tiled you, yen may depend upon this for certain Genoral Booth jave an interesting addres Monday te the Miniateriai Association on the Salvation Artny invement. We Baby vwu ck, ve gave ber Catorta. When asewas a Child, sh. cried for Castoria. Mien sho became Mizu, she cluug te Casteria,. Wben she bad Childron, ah. gave tba Casterla. La Gascogne, the lonoe misaing steamer, arn yod uately at Nev York. Her machinery vas eut et order. Cevered villa Liver Spot&. OUTsNMnu,-I vas oevered vitb Liver Spots even my back anddceut i teck three bottL3e ef yaur Burdook Blond Bittersansd amn nov perfeotly cured ef Liver Cernplint. I ean truly say that I thiuk B.B.B. the best medicine ever diaico vered.- L. RITOHEN, Hamilton, Ont. Fiancis Gigeon mot hie death at Wisner's dibtillery in Prescott by faUling into a tub et vater. BILIOUSNESS and LIVER OOM- PLAINT, Headache, etc., are cured by Burdock Pilîs. Mesure, Charlton and Paterson addressed a larg~e meeting at Tllsonburg last uight. Thora are al manner et drugs used nova- daye te kil disoas breeding microbes in the human svstem,4 but they do it at the expense et the healthy, portien'a of the saine aIse, by pois us medication ef the blood, Micro be Kiedees net posseas a single poisoneus ingredilent in its make-up, bonoe insaféty it. selfin usingtfor troubles et auy kind. W. &. Hovue, agent. *The saIt meofetWestern Ontario held their third meeting at Lnndon Monday. Miard's LUniment la used by Plysi- Miss Mary Stilson, et London, dropped isdnd't% fin I. -IjOnRN E. F*RZE L]Li 04.Cet Barrister, County Crown Attorn,7pBrnd County Solicitor. Offce- South ng0 court Honse, Whitby. JAMES ItUTLEDGE, Barriste, etc. Office formerly occupled by Parewei [& Rntledge, next Royal Hotel, Brook Sb., Whitby. DAVID ORISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, ýS1iitor lu ChâDoery, Couveyance; etc. Offce-lun the Office south ef the Pout Office, il MMiliSu"- Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUJNG SMITH. LL. B., Barris3ter,,etc. ,-Money te Lom, lTuner ef Marrlage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South et Market, Book St., Whitby DOW & McGILLIVRi , Barristers, Selicitors in Chancer3,* etc. Office ini Mathison & Hawken's nov block Brook St., W hitby, seuth eft'Ontario bank. D. P. BOGART, MU.D.,L.D.U. Phvgsicaa, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Offce and.Residence next te AUl saint's Church, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches promît- ly attended te. W. E. YARNOLD, D. L. B.. Oeutnt Surveyer aud Drainuge Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect late with Langley, Langley Burke, Ã1oreute. Desigus for Churches, Villas sud Cottages a specialty. Draw- luge prepared for remedeling exiating structures, Office-First fiat over W. e Howse's drug store. gErP O Box 202, Whitby. Wu. CALVERLET,9 HABK5ss AKKB, WBVITBT. Having moved iuto Our nov promises, we are prepared te exteud the range of business. Ail work pertainin t e the bar- uessi-makîng sud sadd.lery business vil! be doue te satisfaction.- Coilars a specialty. Cail sud 90e my shop sud stock W. IALVEBLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby. FOR BALE OR TO R"NT.. New bouse, 8 rooms; % acre of garden, wel! fenced. Good locality on Front street in South Ward. Apply te, B.a WORFORK, on the adjoining lot or at the CHRONicLE office. Whitby, March 7th, 'g4. GOAL!1 GOAL!l The undersigned has just me- 1 I ccived a large quautity et Firet Cia.. Coal direct frein th. mines, and as pro- pareà te furnish ail sites, dry sud cdean, iascludiug several hundred tous et the OELEERATED NO. 4, a most popular aite betveen Steve and Cheetnut. W'Leaveyour orderstaonce sud gel vezy lovest quotation. Teris 'Cash. REMOVE NEWPEMES ON ]BROOKITEZ SO*UTH 0F ONTARIO BANK Whitby Marbie Worgs. Marbie Monumeflt8 Head8tOfled gnsudahUer CemeteTy Wor'k. AI. impcortera et scotch, 8 weediB.htA moricaf and Canadian Granites. a ateswhlg werk would do vell AU work guaranteod snd prices et the '1o81 Livory ud Silo StahIês Dundas St., Whtby, J. T. NEW]PO)RT, Proprietos Commercal !men7liberau-yadatwlth- Teamlng doue atreasonblepice5- Freight sud Baggae hauled atrea able prices. A «B saohcitod. W~j.-U TKXEM MACHINI8T, wHITBY, Ha. opeued a Bepsfr Shop iu connectio with the Cooper Shop lately oarried on bY Mafather, opoite AUl Saiuts' Churoh, sud willdo Zfl= f Re g. ewing 1Ma- chines a specialty. = wMovers, Bicy- cles, Fb.earuns Locks, Sosies, <lothez Wringers, WauÙiing Machines, &a. Saw Fling* Skates, Seissors, Kmiven, <lippeail &e., srpned aud ropaired. AUl kinda of CoopýerSWork made and repaired. Shop opposite Ail Sainte' Chureli, Dundas Street,Whitby THOS. PEAT 0f Bowmanvllle, iutends visiting Whitby once a fotngh>tte collect, clotbing from gent s to, dlean or dye. Germent. vhen finlshed, vii look asgtood as tiew. If tbey tail to bèe, i wil net charge for my trouble. If they sui my charge is $1,95 for cleaning andnzcely pressug a Suit of clotulng; foi dyMugý.asnîm 81,50. Overcoatsceleanedandree7cN dd for $Z. For cleaning or.din gents bats 25c. THOS. McCA", Agenft,- LIFE 1INSU RANCE' Insura c G., Toron±o oU lis coinenât. inet ircn.of &i PoIiey iodr.Ail elai= à re aidj de OÃŽerdistiutornproot _of-,4osib maturfty et ",Qwment -J pm1 lrý King& YongeBjt. ýTc Cor. 'For wnesu Ina vs HW B. TAYý,-LOýR, Wbiîhbya July ixakhx89,.- mfoi 1 g y I 1 I Mtbïcale