Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1895, p. 5

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ci 'ET, JVIiTITI;y ~4a~ ~* .'j*.~.- - - - ,-;*.~ - . . '5~ ) ail the q ixs. k..~,. MR0CK Stjý., RI TB Y* ON SALE. has received îfttrcons IAMJ Mh'T( 'Hlntorusehi hy lot 27, 6th concessioni, F, on IIARCH l2th, '95, ,le s:oct of lforees, Iigh eam, a nd 9 years aid, J, gai by Pride of Perth aid j hi ba>. horse, 9 years ore horse, 6 year5 oid, 50*- due ta caJve Match tf aecMrI ,, 1; t ted 95 ; t maun cow. due to rOan cow, due ta caive caw, due ta Calvo Match i hexfers. monin ýyFr g 2 Vears aId g n es stem camîing tyel.r aid, v. VOrkshire, due Match wagon iran axIes), j 1 buggy, t can and kis ogaJeigyh. t cut- harlýâ" (ombncd.) j 2 hay racks, a piawa W. Wilkinson. No' , 4. 2 twin plows (Port m e ordtn harrows, se. st long gug br 10 lngtug hmrnessa 1 set eatber fly nets, 1 pair of 3 sets u'hifflettee, 1 1 grW 1n cTa<1le, 8 >teas, folks, rakes, hacu, Mience ai nI. l*mount sevms uao.his parti«sfruhgu. 'fromuR am su PO oitP "Help, Comfort,. Style, o dmn le what o eadlth purchase of Spectacles and EYegiasses. We use Inteili- S gentiy the beat appliauces for fittlng the finest quality of lenees. We take great pains in1 the choice 'of suitable franies. Your attention le caiied ta our new fvames ln steel and goid for those un- ueuaily wide between the eyes and for those whose nose jsesepeciaily tender. Alsa Our Gold Eyeglasese with double action epring. "HOME :o: OPTICIAN, Brook Street, - Whfitby. FRIDAY, MkRCH 1, 1895. LOCAL LÂQONIOS. Scott repairs ail kinds of pumps. H-ardwood dining tables, 4 îeav'es, oniy sat Wy. Tilles. R-dith Murray, St. Andrew's church, Tuesday evening March Sth. .;et your fire-pots, grates, iron or brick litimngs for ail kinde of stoves, ranges or * urnaces, from J. McIntyre. E-verv pair of boots, shoes, rubbers, overshoes and long feit boots will be slatightered for a month. M. W. Colline, east side Brock st., Whifby. Dr (;rant' "Hairene,'" for the hair, je tt 111Vnl preparation guaranteed to stop * falng hair, and reniove dandruif. No lum,i(no11 suiphur. Ask your druggist for Trv Canadiaix express money orders hu n remitting money through mails. Theýy are cheap, safest, most convenient, 'nd very satisfactory. Procurable from ; a nito 8:3opm at Ste phn ynse- Ipress, tel. and tkt. office, Witby. Two hockey matches will be played live, The first to-day, Friday, at 3:45 P. n. between Harbord coll. imt. and the local coilegiate, and the second to-morrow at the same hour between the College of Commerce and the collegiate. 15 cts ad- flot-, to both games or îo cts to each. The boys reed a good gathering to help cover expenses. W anted. A good general servant. Appiy 10 MRS. ('7Eo. M. RicE. Special train to Port Perry. A special train will leave Whitby ta- miorrow, Saturday, at one o'clock p.m, for the annual meeting of the Conservative asesociation at Port Perry. Haîf fares have been arranged for. Our clubblng lists We have done so much clubbing this year that mnistakes were inevitable in some cases. Many have been rectified and we hope to hear from any others who have not received the papers they want. The regular4îneeting of the literary sa- ciety was held on Wednesday afternoon aset with Mr. Henderson in the chair. After the reports of the secretary and the critic had been read, the following pro- gramme __as__ren3ered-1 Chorus.__g--1e-club; celebrated George Washington's birthday on Friday st, by their taisal drive araund town and overte, Oshawa, display- ing a lot of very handsome American flige. They had a jaUy time, and certain- Iy did no harm taany pesan, butz mi who read uext day that the New York legielature he.d the same day passed a law ta, prohibit fareign Riae from belng dis- played from publiebuidings, fognd rea- fson ta pae stroug commente on the cou- duet af Americans iu outlawlug- foreigu Rlage at home whilst they display them so free}-y in farelgn conuti es. Chlefju.stice Armour cm Insurance. The learued judge bas given Judgment in an insurance case, holding that a man cannot by bis will deprive i wife of the, bene8it 5 au Insurance policv made ta wife and eblîdrea, and transfer t ta bis chidrev, but that h@ cmn by au Instxument in wrlt mg, otaer than a wilU, attached tai or endorsed, or ldengrylug the polcy by îts number, transfer eb benefit front LM.. wife aloue ta the children alone or vice versa, or varythie aprtlonnuent theRi. ef and children areta receve. But b. AI»s1 beld that wbere a pohcçy Imade payable, ta the wif. alone, -tReie'"Ub1d. cannait b will vary its terme. T ist un be- wdnt.g"la one oftbeubthle ofluug Wuitlî".Osly ta tii. lesduM îid m lawVea -TIbCoItt t at01. h Non cýat get repairs forevey move andl furuace made' Rn Canada frocaJ Intyre. J.M . Woven wlre bed-sprlngs ful aixe, wlth steel corded wire and Rardwood firames. Only $2, at W. Tiil's. Cail at the New Shoe Star. sud getL ibte' gatbrgains offered for anc naontb.. Al the eetgrades at siuction pricesrat m. W. Colline' New Stoe Store. Oh, for cheap tickets ta and from Zng- la.nd, Ireland, Scotland B Columblaý, Man., California, ail U. ëtýatn d Cana- dian points, anywhere, everywhete, rail or ocean. Cali on or w-rite Stoj>hensan, Whltby, opposite Hatch Bras. Lholce af Mai ~ 4sd woensteamshîp Unes. Rae =jaateed rlght Aiea thraugh tickelts'or special through coloniet trains ta Capadian Northwest, runnlng evMr Tuesday durlng March and April. Gct full particulure tram Stephenson, Whltby. Remember That Dr. Grant's "Hairene" je guaran- teed ta, stop falling hair and remove dand- mff. Coal at Toronto prices. Selling out during next week-I wlll seli very best Scranton and Leblgb coal 84.7, at shed, sS delivered-spot cash only. H. É. Taylor. il CHESONICLE snd Weekly Globe sund Canada Farmer ta Jan. 1,1896. CEmoz«cilu sud We.kly Mail sud Empire lia Jan. lot, 1lm, OmmoNsoLu sand Farmers* Son ta Jan. lai, 1896. The greatest anap yet affsred, The CHRONIcLE snd Globe or CHRoN- ICLE and Mail and Empire for $ztot Jan. îst, r&96. Two good papers tes mionthe for a dollar. Send in at once for tbeta t the CHRONIcLE, Whitby. Letting off water. The street committee has einployed men ta cut out water courses tbrough the ice and snaw in ail directions, but citizens could aid a great deal by taking a hand in. If aIl do not work tagether the chances are that mnany cellars will be flaoded this ýpring. Scranton Coal. Fat the present, 85.25 delivercd $4. 9o ai harbor. Special care taken screening and delivering. There is no better Anthracite coal mlned than this. Bring slang your orders and secure your coal now. Terme cash. Offiice opposite CHRONICLE Whit- by Ont. E. R. Slow. The Dlamand Tea man at Pickering. 0f aIl the double back actionx, repeating, rotary valved, iron-clad, patent level, silver tongued agents that bas visited this village during the paet decade the one who bas been daing the place ciuring the past week, takes the whole batcb ai bread. He can- handle the Queen's Esglish at a rate that would defy electricity. -News. The Mowat tousdry sacrifice. A public meeting of the ratepayers af the town was held on Thtirsday night last ta consider the proposition af Mr. Wm. Browu, late ai the Mowat Man'f'g coin- pany. Hie offer je ta buy the foun.,dry proprty aI $î8oo, $6oo to be paid dowu, W inthe fail, and $Eoo next spring. There was corne talking, and a motion was passed favoring the acceptance of the offer. The town council met an Friday night and passed legislatilation ta enable the authorities ta carry out the proposal. 6 3lceold alnut arlorsitpuh Ifyo rcsufring (rom dandrufl, or b11gbir gtaottle of Dr. Grant's areue" kom yurdruggietwho wll 5u~ue t ta top falllng h air and two ppttions ta remove the dandruif. Mi"s Murray la ta recite'lu St. Andrew's chuých, Tuesdày evenlttg March 5th. Al sbould' take advantsge of this opportun- ty. Mies Murray bas recelved the higheet Pralse from the Toronto press. A good programme of sangs etc. wli be rendeted. A very enjoyable evening le antlcipated. The entertainseent la& under the auspices ai the Y. P. S. C. E. Mrs. Joy'u Cooklng School. On Tuesday next ai Rer cooking school here Mrs. Joy. wll tuke up lemon jelly, orange chaige sand Charlotte rouge. 13 pr cent. off for cash At the Manamatb Parlor shoe store, Dev- erell's block. Open every nigbt. M. Collina, prap. St. Johns, Church. M.r. H-. R. A. O'Maiîey, B.A., wlil can- duct the services an Sunday next Rn St. John's church at the bay. Street Cammnloner.. If the Streets' Comnmissioner Would open up Centre street tram Mr. Appleton's down ta the base uine it would prolong eleiging several dayE for those coming ta town fram the base line. Unconqnered up ta date. The Pickering News reports that the Pickering college hockey teamn came ta Whitby and defeated the CHSONIcLE tearn. Tbiislea mistakre, the latter aggre- gation bas neyer been defeated. It was the town teami that suffered. Young Calver brought bers. Chief Constable Calverley went ta Co- bourg on Wedncslday ta bring Young Calver bere, wbo stole the furs at Woon's Rotei, Oshawa, but who had firet ta eerve a term at Cobourg for depredatione corn- tmitted at Bawmanvilie. Rev. Canon Mockridge. During the season of Lent a series af seciai services wiii be beld inAil Saints' curcb. This afternoon, March iet, the sermon wlll be preached by~ the Rev. Canon Mockridge, D. D., secretary af the Doniestic and Eoreign Mission Board. The service will begin at 5 p.m., sharp. HarssWanted. The undersigned wili be uit Whitby, March 6th ; Brougham, Mar. 7th ; Bow- manville, Mar-. 8th; Oshawa, Mar. 9th; Part Pet-y, March zxth ; ta purchase horses draft general purpose and heavy block horses', from ýto8 years aid, muet be sound and good actore and workers. W. K. Harkness. A Sportlng Item. The Ontario jockey Club, Toronto. bas iseued its epring programme af racing at Woodbine Park in May next. The cata- logue ai evente has grown sa fast lately that it naw amnounts ta quite a large book. At the coming spring meeting about $25.- oaa wiil be offered during the five days commencing May 21St. Tbe Queen's Plate will be campeted for on Tuesday May 215t, the flrst day ai the meeting. Charity baIL The young people around town are get- ticyli i..aU t aIl l i nUWLith 0 ' L U rae%1-is-1 Eiected o>. acclamaion. ing came moue y for tle relief af indigente. Nominations for anc counciior sud ose The plan ie ta take subscriptions af $i sud trustee for the centre watt! took place in ru n a dance an a clieap scale, after wbicb the councîl chamber on Wednesday night. the pioceeds will be handed over ta some There was sot a large attendance. IL aP- charitable orgasization. These cbarity pearedt! t be a foi7egone conclusion that balle are s popular metbod ai raising a Messrs A M Rass wuld be trustee sud poor fund iu large cities, sud should take W H Bewell councilior, asnd no othere well here. Besides tbey furnieb an occas- were nominatet!. At the expiration of an inoejymtfrthyugpolef hour Acting. Returuing Officet Josepih taeton. uamn o h on epeo Whit4 declaret! the two elected b y accla-teta. mation. The candidates elect returued Hockey. thanks ta the electors for uuanimously Two grand gamet4 ai hockey are bllled honoring them, aud the meeting closet for ta-day (Friday,) sud îo-marraw, Sut- before nine o'clock. urday. The Harbord Coll. InsL. will cross Chancellar Boyd reversed. sticks witb aur collegiate team ou Friday Our readers wilI remember that tbree at 3.45 p mi. The Harbard team le the months ago Chancellor Boyd gave a deci-- best collegiate team In the ciîy sud Ras sion whicb denied a tenant the right ta te- won masy victories. Ont boys bave yet mnove fixings wblch be bat! put iu ut bis ta suifer defeat, s0 fltst-class hockey may awn expense, such as gas fittinge, racks, be looked for. awnings snd the like. The case was car- On Saturday ut the sanie bout, aur cak- ried ta the court of appeal, and on Mosday legiate team i wll meet the Coliege of Comi- Chief justice Aimour gave is decision, merce an outrlnk. This latter ican isl reversing that af Chancellor Boyd, and! among the best of iLs classansd no doubt holding that a tenant sot only hue a rigbt will cause the local teani ta put forth fts ta bis fixings, but muet aIea be allowed a beat efforts. To meet expenses oc. will reasonable lime afler hic lease expires lu be charget! for admission ta cuRher game wbicb ta take aff sud remnove hie fixings. or iàc. ta bath. The local teams have The court ai appeal b as thus i ectifled an pl ayet! goot! hockey tRis ycar sud deserve awful judiciai blunder. s large crowd. Scaté will be reservet! for A Popular lecturer. ladies. Rev. W. F. Wilson, ai Trinity Metba- Rev. M. Golslecture diet cburch, Toronto, who le saidt! t be Rev. Matthew 'Gold gave bis 'audience the most popular clergyman at the metho- Run te baptiet cbuih a grand4 treat au Fa disi cburcb af Canada, will lecture lu iRe uight, iu Ris lecture, 99TWi.e IrQý'ofet4ti meth.odist tabernacle here ou Mnan!y XIX century.", He uet oui bytsyling dLwn- evening sei. Thesubject is fot announc- îwo principles tg guide us inu selecting a. ed yei but it may b. takeu for grantet! Riro. lu the firni place tbée bould be' that lhe lecture will be a firstrute ose. physical courage-stmegth, bravety,' en- Admission ta cents. W. hope there may dutance, courage ta face-an enemyA etc. be a large crowd. On Sunt!ay moruiug Tiieathere eboit! b. moral-courage- next Rev, Thos. Manning, and Messrs. J. scse-of tlght, resignaion, clùiistlun tai-. S. Barnard aud G. H. Hogarth., delepiteseaul eiioscuae. Rceao ta the Provincial Young People's Chrstian t tRisenfllghteïked century must net anl-y bc Endeavor convention In Toronto tbis wcel, a w4rrdor of tse. buttle fild1 but alâo a- wUll give short addresees regardlug tRie soldier ofthe, cross. Tii. Duke of Wk wark of lte convention. lungtan. waa a great aoldlp suad caffipag.I Hockey Notes. lier aud 'crowueid -<b i mlitary exp tagý The victorious colleute teain took a atlf Wtrlo. Nopoleon Baaa>àrt trip to Lindsay on Pridiy ate4on af u the Ireatescouqueror -of sny aq., and playedthe team of that town inthe and lcd b1%ýlm nwttb aiuccffl tbàtaj. evenwng, beatiug Lise Lindsqtes by S ta 1»M s asd1m 4 be wantipb1,d jb' is a. On Saturday' xnt sisol4>ysaye ople. -Nelson died- lu thie Riur ' I over at Lindsay ta try concl j-- s ils ,gréaftest ,Oct«> at Tra . g - aItk- the cofleglate -Inatitute teas n sd wer conquered thie wa rrimgaid nurdetxjjW again conguerorby a scOref4ta z. Thse trbes of' Indis.Lvingstone .rC'ë strug<le lu tise formergaine was very un- Africa sud preacbcd- theluepel inits1,ulà. even, -tise ldsay Itokeyites e~ ci-nermout 1parts. AU -tbee 'e mou - pelled ta block their goal tistugiat aberue, and won the hb$s>- -,f tbt order ta keep tise url u cat 'of tieir -day. But id, 4an oft I&V.Oucëllegi.ste ,boysn 4 maUY AtRe twà condition»s it or whlch is e feeV0on110aUghts on tbL'ol, S- t ôtet-searcb fo e he the, i. xlt vise tee vas ngreai displa of sktl U r?> tom c eim.Ne ui nie boys bugis homse m y>' Is a msim , jllch couisý ý o iW lm taisns Mfiece worbre, bu exp s eu- ndWy fille 0Stabil mrcstmest accor4 >w" iftm the d o r slueo G74oti', as ý.é,l Uodm t ab6zdi dem i Lidsay. -inl A auM plales m ft.t of 4~ IPORTN Ce F. STEWARIT COMMENCE THEIIL GREAT ANNUAL WINTER SALE -OF- 1H igh Ctiss Oress Goods. John Lantea, for stcaling the boots uat Pickering, as noted lu aur iast Issue,_bas been sent ta jail by P. M. Harper for a month. It rained a little Monday maming, by way of reininding us that the clerk of the weather was thawing out in hie feeling towarde this terreetrial iceberg. Veterans of M56 At the annal meeting held in Toronto st Wednesday it waa decided ta incor- porate the association. Major J. F. Fare- well wae instructed ta take the necessary proceedinge for that purpose. He was clected 2nd vice-president of the associa- tion. Sent ta the Reformatary. Arthur Gerînan, aged i4, wbo stole a horse, watch, and a pair ao men 'e boots lu the towîîehip af Hope, and rode as far as Oshawa during the coldeet af the recent elar wave, was convicted before Hie anar Judge Burnham eme days ago, sud sentence rescrved untîl Wedsesday ta, enable County Solicitor Farewell ta make enquires us ta bis antecedents. From let- tere received fromn the boy's mother, the chief of police at Port Hope, and otbeys, it was made plain ta the judge that the boy is incorrigible, se be was sent ta the Re- formatary -for tbree years, and an indefin- ite period thereafter, until be cas again be trueted at large. He eerved six monthe at Pçntanguiebene once before. Carrylng the War into Corsa. If the Careans knew of the manifold virtues of the New Williams sewing ma- chine tbey would teach 'the Chinese and Japs haw ta use the New Williams sewing machines, aud lu that peaceful occupation ail thaughts of the barrots of war, especial- ly durinig these dreadfuliy bot dog-days, wauld be' given over te sewing societies sud the' ~king of ail knds of clothes for th 3.atc, The New Williams is ou dcck reatYfor war at Ed. Hart'a, thé Witby a&à t Ladies wisbing ta pur- ch machi ne willplae cuiR au, ?exaMiite i<ew Wüliani ai hie bouse on Biock street soutb. Wabash RX&Wi1rbdmpaaY1 If you ýa;e contemplating a trip to Cali- forna, MexicQ. oran y point South, pIeuse consider i àtRisoecf tue only truc South- emrante&1'byfuklngthe Wabash lîmited. Levnbicag ào every 'morniag ai "10-30, yau pase tbrough St. Louis overthe great, Irott Mountaut aoute. Palace sleeping car toith iRegtew ay- lýO? 0 Mexico, end Pull- man tourlat ,car ,ta 'Las Augeles sud San Francisco withcut change. No delays -(rom suai, blockades; June weatbcr ait iRe wsty. Ask auy railroad agent for tic- kets sud inaps cf ibis great railway. j.A. Richaren Canadian Passenger Agent, N.E.crer King and Ycngc streets, To-. routa. Mr. F. M. Yarnold, Port Pcrry, was inu townWednesday, Wi. Geb. A. Rose and famiiy have been -struggliu; witb la grlppê tRis week. Miai F4lîb Groe&bsisseding asfortnigbt at the Arn boemonté, wfhMrs D.Burke4 ncf&Cmpbellford. W-isj10 ln d4pson, bay, i la e ta hoe fevi ei gan after wresting with tyrphoid fè fo~r thee paat.4wo mont. -Mbée M. CCMtwrfrht danulitr. :-ir 1WOOLLEN GOODS; HO8IERY, UNDEBWEÂBY. GENTS$- FURNISHIINGE3, ORDERED OLOTMHNO, MÂNTLES9 -MILLINEBY, ELlERS, ETC., ETC. ~4HIS will be an exceptional opportunity -for £everyone desiringr first-class Go'ods at prices absolutely [ego than cost. oof manufacture.- The stock in' every departmeut ini the hQtlee ta very large aud u.nusually well as- sorted, and very great reduetions have been made in every de- partinent throughout the entire eotabUiohment. :00, BLANKESQUILTS, FLÂNNELS, THIS SALE .n botter values wil be offered titan at any previoussae We heg ta impresa Uipon Dur ing their purohases a early as ing new and desirable g'oodts ut cE~ C. TEE HAIKETB. man patrôns-tie, adviaability of mik- passiblesa the prices we are now offer- will maure v'ery speedy saes. F. STEWÂRT.i~.. Farm- for Sale or to Rènt. A= l, -od(rrhen atOf.tae Barthbae Of los7ad î8,_ il cncessiof EIckurfig, conalning seventy acre&. Ateat, Who wiil give uecurhty for th :labi 'rnuofhNluscaacu cau bave fifor îa number cf Yens..Ospr chaser, palin u ancthousand dollardo"wn have the property .aât '6W -ieresi ad -eas tertus af payeseut 'For *fmtberpàacuoe apply ta, M P.GUHI or Pceig DR. . WHRITEMANe, Aug. x, xOittf Hou8esq to Lot. A goo ouble bouse on South d o1 John street,- northwrd FOR SALE-A good xketory bouge!on' the east side of Byron S t.,'t-reacot àO1c- cupied by Mr. .jewell, ou favorable termia af payaient. Apply to J,7 FRE EL, CurtHaome. Whitby Feéb. 14;«85., -38 LOOK at the remarkable l01% that 1 arn sellinS Drawing-rooin Suites. i prices are front$2 2'A wards, .fe-g*.401 fatthese go"d AUl uph"it ta me has -q ErookULn Faîl wheat 6oc., spriug wheat 5&., gnose wheat 5,c. bariey 44c. ta 44c., oats 3oc., emaîl peas 5oc., biackeye pes55c.,bItte peas 55c., munny peas 5oc., buckwheat 32C., rye 40c-, bay 85.50 ta $6., ted claver, Oshlawa. Hlgbest prices paid : fail wheat c spring 55c, gpose 5o, buckwheat 37c, barley 35C ta 4oc, bine sud white peas Soc, munny aud blsckeyed 55c, claver seed S5,- 5o, alsîke 83.50 ta 85.ao, timotby $2.00 rvc 38c, bay $8.oo, baledbhay io.ao, park $4. ta U4.75, flour $1.7o, eggs 17c, patataes pet bag 6ac. Blachwater. Markets as corrected weekly by Lyone & Ca; Spring wbeat 6o ta 62C, fail wheat ,58 ta 6oc, goase wheat 54 ta55c, Buck- wbeat 32 ta 37c, barley 4o ta 4,5c, black- eyed pes 55 ta 55c. emali peas 52 ta 52C bise pes5.5 ta 5.5c, white Oas 31 ta 31c, anixed as 25 ta 26C, alsike claver $5.oo ta 85.10o, ted claver $575 ta $6.2.5, beans 81,0o ta, zî. o, d. hags, $& 25 ta $5.25 è. W hit Y. Fail wheat, 57c ; spring wbeat, 57c; goose wbeat, pac: buckwheat, 3S 36c ; bar- ley, six-rawecl, 35c ta 40c; barley. two- rawed, 35c ; 17e, 4oc ;oas, 26c ta 28c ; pes, email, 5oc; mummy peas, 55 ta 6oc; peas, black eye, 5,5c; blue pes, 5.5 ta 6oc ; claver, Alsike, 84.2,5 ta $5.25; ted claver, 85 to $5.50 ; potatoe, pet bag, 5oc ta 55c ; bay, $6 ta #8; baled hay4ao ta $12; but.- ter, i6c ta z8c ; egge, z6c ta î8c ; dressed Rage, 84.75 ta55.00; bogs, live weight, $£.75 ; apples, winter, Sz.25 ta 62.00. Toroute The faliawing are biýghest prices quoted: White wheat 62c., ted 6xjc., goose SU., oats 32C, . barley 46c, common pes 56c, rye 50c, buckwheat- 42c, -buy'»ýta -$9.75, - claover f8.,sa, straw 17.p butter x8c, eggs uew id x8c, dressed Rag e o, dùckeiis 25C te 40C, turkeys 7 t0 8c, geee c, ducks 4oe ta 65c, cabbage, pet doz. - 35dta soc, Recta, per doz. eoc, carroie, pet bag.,40c, turnipe, per 'bag, 20 ta a5C, potutaca, pet- .'bag, 55ç., antans, per bag,, 70C. ta 8mc, apples $1-75 ta $3. Irt. NoTic.-The figure given la thie bigbest paad. Fui! wheat 58c, sprn 6c, o 53c, harley 6 rowed 42cbrlcy ro d 35c,-rý wye38,ats 3tc, blackèyod pes munny 53c, saui!etc -btitkwbeat beaus $z oalsike clover4co to c, $6.oo ta 86.50, gris sed j $sh sepsklng 6m$ wcol 16., bides,àçe, beef$.510475 fak 4.0ta 5.00, -tunkeya sac, 4ucks t,9,-chiciiens eto& > geese 7r-tti 8, butter r6c, eggs sac, lard,--z3. -cbosse, Z4cx patatoeS aoc,:-apptlea. perbush 6c àd wood $3.,50 to$3.50, sot woode.$aootoSa~ TUESD)AY, MaicaE 27, on. gto SHIRTD 1 INBNSI FOR* -30 DAYS 01LYs Fe S T E W A R Te

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