Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1895, p. 8

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The tee barvist continues. *Mr. Wtn., Bond rpernt;d ?ory, Perry at theo g 1lôdge A.Oau w iset veek. Mr. Henriy-Mc eble lias been offered $300 fokr hi§ famous otng bers.,ed O04 but refused It. Ur. J. Brooks opeued as proprieter of the Oriena*l hotel on Tuesday, aud. Judg.. wngby the rush et businoss going on there oii e vo. Tise mlld veather on 'Wednesdansd yesterday epeued eoeple'a eyos somoewhab tote ileresbot vhlcfr la ln prospect seen, sud vhlch viilbo, a regular flood unleis tis e sov passes off by degrees. Mr. -Josisua Wright le about te open eut the largest sud bout stock et boots ovor et- tered for sale ln Port' Ferry. Ho bua ise made extensive purchases lunbthe stayle linos et grocerles,vhkch vilI he o sldat lever pices than have evor been kuowu bore. The directors oUt bç Scugeg agricultural society met at Secmetary Bow's office on Saturday te cousider a primo 11mb for tiso approachlng sprlng faim. A commlttee vas appolnbed te cenduct tbe sprlng show, wîth power te arrange for tho large show groundusud rack for thei. lU mnv. John Jeffrey, vile dled lu tbheehopital at ToronteoIlut veek bas been a veil kuevu figure about bava for mauy years puet. Ho bas been suffertng ftemn Brlgb's dis- euse for bbe last y'oar or tvo, sud visited Europe lait summer eekiug resturabion te iloalb. He retumned mucis verse tissu ho veut awa>t, snd liually weubte otise hoa- pital, Toronto, for treatint, visere ho sak graduaily until hl& deabis. KINSLE. Miss Florence Mackey speat Sabbath wltb trîonde lu Whitby. Mr. sud Mmm. F. L. Groon, et Green- voed. vlslbed Mr. Thos. Stephenson ou Sahbatil. Mr. Hyfleld sud daugister have licou vlibluig finond a larsemont sud cime- vibre et labo. Mr. Clarkeon Rogers la at prosont put- reul.ziuptbb Gr.envood creamery. Ho thinku t a paying institution. %A fev tram bore attonded tise R.T. et T. concert on Monday evening. An excel- lent ime vas said te bave been spent. Thot% Lewis bas disposed et bis fine drlving mare to Mr. Vanstene for a heavier eue more adapted fer farm pur- poses. Josephs Stephenson purchased twe valu- able cove a: Mr. Wilson's sale last Friday sud passed tisough town with the animais on Saturday follovsng. Taylor jack, of Greenwood, bas been calling upon his many friends in town of late. He is stili hale and hearty but grow- ing çoniiderably eider in appearance. Moving le the order of the day at pre- sent among the tenant tarTuers. Those changing farms this season are ail busilv engaged meving hay, roots,.etc., and al agree tiret the roade are net improving et late. tokéherWbyasbould a techef 6g a boy untd ' wé or sÃ"me oeetee enu tell hlm à* botter M - at asund tat wenuttacasfiénds ton cernes round, and persuades usuaguinst ouf wlll that vo are brutal and should adopta much better plan. Wlit vo"Say applies ulte as much DUarnt as to teachers, and the pr ont or=techr ho knows no bhtter plan of banaling oblidronthan flofgng -thoe bas a demi to, earu befoie the 111:1a ones abould be placed ln bis charge. Wé wveuld a hundred tirnea rathr m a boy avear than me hlm wblp- Deand vs vould rejotool'to ne an ysbool or farllyeobhlidron retura -blow foribjow upoD apron whe would be oc cruel. Christian pepoare brought up te beliovo that cruelty viiUis in lthue . pread of morallty. The hegathena aelways mev botter. It laallIn one'a brlnpg ap. But theday viii corne, very soon to4 vien we would as momn eo ia kpfo as a yod used te, discipline out oidren. W. bave a groat ulgh:t ti mucb- discipline ln thia country. Cblldron are hmrdly allowed to Hmve Wby ahould flot tdiey uvansd lie, sud cheat, sud drink whtakey, and chev tobacco, and break the pouce, the sarne as their meniors? Yo: the bel ploua, wbo are a thouaand timos the leat ofendera, are aimait flayed by their sen- iors who are hardoned lu wlckedness. If vo have heualn us and brains te grup a quca- tien we ahould look at the matter for a mom- ont. Thon vse would cMy: hamne upon the pr ent or teacher thowou itrike a chlld Il- We hall net'-e st e a.,ct further ai pro. aent.-ED.Ca MOUNT VT. aMd SOLINA. Mrm.lJohn Paucoe la lDdiapoaed, Mr. & MilUson had a wood bee lut week Mr. Barrett ef Clark. apent Sundisy at Mr. J. Camrona'. Mr. W. Clarke lu hcsy cutttng hlm aummer supply of Wood. Evorett, youngea: ion of Mr. sud Mr. T. F. James, lu very alck. Mns. James Hoatie, sr., l oafined te ber bed wnth lumbago lanher back Master Charlea Shortrldge and Geo. Fres- mac have been ladUp wlth moartbroats. A large nutubor frein these Parts attended the election trial ai Bewmanville laut week. Mr. James Cameron, who bas rented a farr dowu lu Clarke township, oomrnenoed moving bis implernents there this veek. Mr. Frank Shortrldge hu engaged te work wlth Mr. Fletcher Werry of Kedren the cern. lng summer. We are sorry te part witbhlhm as ho Is agreat help both in the S. school and division. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Bow- manville, ai Mr. W. Werry's ; Miss B. Ceveli ef BowrnanviUle at Graama Werry's ; Mr. and Mms Geo. B&ckell. Bowrnanvulle, and Mr. John James. Oshawa, at Mr. Thos. F. Jaines. About thirty members of Solina division S. of T. .i.-.ed Oshawa' division last Monday night. Tbey report a good trne there and having a good sleigb ride over the pltcb botes whicb are very nurnerous between bere and Oshawa. CECDAZCDAM Mrs. M. Tooley accornpanied Mrs. J. M. Brooks to Port Perry on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Young, G. T. R. trainmuan. York, vas visiting with his parents for a fev days this week. A surprise party cemnprising a sleigh MmMGrndsstlcnfn ehi lead et yeung people (rom Audley and bedr.it. net mucdis t ipronfemeutoinis vicinity around visited Mr. Neal's on Fi- cod it o phys i mpally.tinh day evening last. and spent a very enjoy-codtn hsaly able evening. Tafiy vas said te be Miss M. Robins sud Miss E. Porter are abundantly plentiful. in Toronto this veek, attending bile mil- Bible society meeting vas conducted linery epenings. bere on Tuesday evening by tite society's Mr. J. C. Roger, vho bas ptircbased agent, Rev. Mr. Hooper. Tise atteudance considerable peas frou tise L. J. Coryell was net large, but al vere velleaed Seed Ce., left for Cape Vincent, on Tues- with the excellent address given. &ing"n day. vas provided by te choir. Mmr. F. Richsardson sbipped a fine car et A football match vas piayed home o niherses Ie Montreal bhila eci. There bas Saturday bebveen Greenvood sud Kin- beon a large numbor et herses taken from sale juniors, resulbiug lu a tie, hbt sides here tisis winter. clairning supremacy. It vas quit. cold A number of the vorkrnuiluthe A. S. on tise field and ne time vas vasted lu Wbiting vomis, vill ho laid off during makiug arrangements. tuis voci, includiug basumer mcn, platers Wamner Brown is living witis R. W. sud velders. This la priucipally due te Movbray at present, doiug bis vomi ville lack ot orders, lb la said. le is engageti assessing the township. UL . Waruer te fa strong temperance wonier, The vinds et Matchl have corne in ad- and a rigbt jolly good tellov. t is vith vauce. pl_"ur weare able te report bis pros- eniwt sonce more. A dancing party visited Cborryvood oe tii.pary atWm.Sadlr'mevering tuîs veek. Look eut for ithe. red LavenceWln.pendîg a te :e-iiigist. Wrn. bas s borne af bis ovu M.' edLwecei pndn e nov sud au estimable vite aise, sud is de- days vitis his uncle bore. siroils et acquainting theso arne vith tbhe Miss Nellie Walters la visitiug hem yeuag people of Kinsale sud vicinity. Let graudpareuts, Mm. and Mms. G. Walters, us ail turu out sud have a goodi tins.. bere. Como along sud briug your best girl.j Mr. Perkis, of Little York, isad tise John Pallister, vite bas heen off vomi misfortune to break bis collar boue lateîy, for a tov days, bas- joined tise houedicts ansd cousequently su off duty. Hie Audley brlugiug ta tovu oeeoe Millionare Enter- Irleads sympathise vith hlm lu bis mister- on's oldesb girls. We are informed John tune. and bis estimable vito yull take uç> bouse 1 Two sletgb-loads vlsited Mr. Lynde, keeplug ut Aberdeen Corners. WC loin Cberrywood, on Friday eveuing lmansd mauy others lu tendering our congratula- rernalned vitbhlm tîli near the. break et tiens. day. Tbey carne borne it broad daylight, Mrs. Bnîgnal l ad a vood b.. on Tues-1 a sleepyv.Ieoking lot day afrnOOn, cutting !up ber sumrner'm 'ere are farmers lu earch et dlean vood. Tii. young men vlb umued eut to e 50.8 sin tbilespriug. Altheugis grain assist vomked mantully. After tise Ishors vas s low price lu tise laU lb meles eadily et tho day veme disseto an ample nov at a greatly iincreased price.. If more spread vas pro'vided fer al4,of vbicisail farmers would adept the plan-etf adver- partook, and -fter a lttie recreation e- tisiug, tbey vwould be ahi. to disoséet tumnod te their several homes, feeling inearîy any qtiantity et clovers ta tis te pleased heçause tlsoy lad beea enabied toe spmng, vitiient dravng lt te aun levator, assist lu -dinç souxobody a -fayot, for sud àamnost at. their Injpce. -Tbose vbsch they reoeved heutty thénka. vho have god-7teaefind lb profitable WC vero a Uiàe sîumltiv witle readlng te soit griti la thce prig you ierW lu st ve" e c e ugtIoid- JThe concert for the eveunngeofMatch 8tb mes. ui Iem apamitly ed i0 ut1 - là belng poshed along wibh succom .Tub- bbul froathe eMàdl-ela . &N<w,wblle wloSt frein Greenwood - BroughsmPleker- gretoJpube sospora pâahsea do ' ng, and insalé le 'secured. àTiepro- neto l witt1 itopýthor, nlSsYM cm0Wpero- eïs oPatsoi né by ithe*echool- Vide So"emorsore oe=Uve.10 à à' sud e otherbythcentMeoeuin Y=ourfl eOUw lamoit blp& 4Severai WlUbe4latr"bted that eveulnw so bllm»l1w ,n iUît to e o w inîhat pesomay se. just what is vn eaucivlsoous ssii mi w t. " l" 1 -oreswtll bave- plenty of îleing ctaesi eaUa Canaa.and~ stb ingi «ur h r lhttU.prouser e fajou R = bit dîpr seia ato or-a t wI$b ~ ~ ~ ~ t an aaug immense olîùbal., -tdThe Sprke- la withw Det an3 mor' e, oProse., ailcus la relit jtirÇy, ad_-! te abat yon repleos «U<O e ud S WIL 9dbtt~ co0W ud e la oe.. lanroguiatiog *<le ppf coder tlthupmm dict"a tdil ré4 e' ose W m1é$- eb .w .mireae e".teeb natwmallsuppose lai vIsaà t V* sp«' be*Wè an a <w1rpS suW"ve fçdultesare o d*vOs~,4 5tW*fait 1ffibè, tom it ihbd 19d "# usvsl yc*., Ïvf» n tili cit e oepursgod in tlu* sis"w4«t- - « sud. esmeM »d , Qiýuçdè= ý-0e » ý w Tne upeclal mooetinga 1018 at Zion by bhc Rev, Mr, Llddy closed TQosday nlght. Mr. aind Mis. George Wahers e Ét4tb etthc e eà at bis fatheBr's, Mr. Richard Mr. A.. B. Hctiry spent a few daya ln Peter. bore lust week attending tile district mneeting et Masonie lodge. Quer-Wb luthe Gris candidate for the co00 gelcioOne ef Tannton'à business mon 15 aurxeioun te know if thie situation là open for tander s auih is open for an'engagemient, W. are sorry te hear of the serionsu lUness of Mr. Gluspi% Veungest cblld.Drt Hoig Ila naneanld vohave ne deubt under bis ddlil tr eattment of tihe littie fellows-apeedy recovMr. Somne et Taunton'& inbabltants fou hoeir te quit. a neat littlo surn, the exact ameuint et vhicil vo are net a: liberty te state. The good fertune vas oelebratod at Oshawa on the 23rd Imut. EnuisauLE. Mr. F. Rogers lu in Toronto on business. Misa Soucb, Brussela, Ont., le maklng a visit wltb frlends i t tus part. Thse MethodIst choir are golng on strike If nov antheme beekm are net flulsbed. Mr. Tourgoo, et Orone, proached in the Metbodlst churcb bere on Sunday evening Rev. and Mrs. Heuck are lu Terento fer a wook taklng in Talmage, Vlllier'u and others. BLAOIKWATMU. Mime McGWath. et glmnvale, Is visiting ber sistor Mrs\Ch4nt, MIss McDongall, ef Garnobrldge le 'aiée paylug a viait at thse Dmre place. Messrs. Boali and atoe loaded car ef flue cattie ou Saturday laut fer the Mou- treal market, aud tbey load one bore Thursday for the Toronto market. John A. Gale rattled ou the platform ut the station whle walting for thetrain on Tuesday last. Hoermn against :2 such mon as Burnett ot Reacis aud Allun et Brock. Ho tound they knew as mnuch about politios as himself Messrs. Maybee and Hanna are goiing into rustic work ver>y luteusively this vin- ber, keeplng a teamn on tise road ail thse time. One et their beamisters lest herse and lg bise last stormi, over near Cambray, and had to pauin bis watcb te get berne. Better luck next ime Tomn. CuulaTiCE. Mr. Jesse Trul bas been on a business trip te Owen Sound. Rev. L. Phelps bas been invited to re- main for a tourtb year. Mr. Camneron Trull bas taken thse stump fer the Patron candidate. Dr. Tilles inspected our school aud re- ported everything satisfactory. A good time was spent at Mb. Carswell Division, Wednesday evening. The concert at Mi. Caswell last week vas tairly weil attended. Proceeds $16 15. Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Morrow entertained a number ef triends very pleasantly last Saturday evening. Mr. Geo Armour captured a iive owi measuring over four teet frous tip te tip ef its wings. he aise bas a tame raceen. Quite a number oftyoung people follewed M r. Ed. Saunders te, the Railway station ou Menday evening te see bita off for Illinois. They stilkeep goin'i Mr. and Mms. Lano iutend imoyiug near Manchester in about ton days to-file fam which they have leased fora ,trmota Ou Tuesday eve.ninfg,about, itJe.--fthef'r friends, -gatbered et tbeir hq»mo'-to, ýnd a fewplosat hur wih ixos.Cborw thy left for tbeir nov home. Ur. 'and Mr. Lano bas betis been residènts, of this vicinity from cbildbood, sud lbaie occu- pied positions iu thse choir et the methodist cburcb hero fer many years. Tfieir de- parturo la certainly a lotisto the community in goueral. As a slight baken eto, the ance aise. Ise coogregaünis a eerod by the presece ot thefr paitoe, Rer.J . Sav- uge, wibo bas ne: .iufficieuty,-r=cvered-front bis Iinus te mu to2là peeple froid the Mr Frt4- Brch b returped aftter -edlng a few wehaat bis'homne l Mr. jas. Bretbh>ur ls iq~ Toronto Sýa deeat rom tise Logo oÇbfweekm n Of- - leJones, 'Of, Uxbt*1dà pett 4 EXJEOTD THIS WEEK A portion of our New Spring Goods- which ar- rived in New York- on Feb. i2th, per Alnn une Str. State of California, from Glasgow, Scotland.. Comprising of DRESS 000DS, TABLE LINENS, COLORED PEINES, FLANNELETTES, BLACK PEINTS, SATIN CKETONNES, OXFOIRD SHIIRTINOS, PRINTED MOLLETON, TOWELLINGS, BLACK WATERPROOF OOLORED 1EMBROIDERIE, GIMP TRIMMINGS, CLOTHS, CANVASS CLOTHS, HOSIEIRYI EEG. ETC. Ne w styles and Grey JUST RIECEl VED.. New Stock Men's White -and Colored Cambrie Shirts,., IN8PEC TiON wi GO Lower Prices! 25 Ibo. Best Granalated Sugar fer $1.00. 30 Ibo. Brigt Yellaw Sugar fer.- .41.i0e.ý 8 Ibe. ChoIce Wheat Flakes-for..2 5C. 4CTea. for.........3c Doudoius Sugar Cureil Hams, loc. pertb IN VITEDE WALES People of GxOOD COMMC appreciate a good* article that i s"1 finished and.up to date., This. ex .cess -of OTHER GOODS A ttrac- I in Brown, Black, Fedora Hats at $1, $1.25, $1-50, $1-75, $2.> i i

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