Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1895, p. 1

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With calm printed words, great thought8, and untiring induatry, we advocate Peace, Progres, Knowledge, Brotherhood. vhich ar- ,1in 1*ne Scotland. ETTES, RINTS, 'ETONN ES, MOLLETON, EEC. ETC. SI.7, ' hite and Shirts. Z"RS. N SIE-NSEý' usually honestly made, weII .-ains the great suc- IBBERS I/iON, ?eceived at VOL. XXXIX. wrem n DMV flC <'mani11 lu flPaIiEIAIce, ir'rrnt1 WHITBY BRANCE. À General Banking business doneT' Special attention to collections, and Par- mers' Sale Notes st lowemt rates. gW-Deposits reoeived in Savingu Bank Departmeat in sums o lo and upwards. No notioceo! withdrawal rcquircd. Hlighesat current rates of intercat alîowed and oreditcd seml-annually. E. D. WARREN, Whitby, Âug. 815t, 1M9. C H AS. OId No. la VJEW MADE MAPLE SYRUP, Ilassware and Orockery, and Tea Sets cheap, Faniily Groceries, Tea., YPrits, etc., etc. U~1; PO F()f'CA S! IlOR TR A DE '(*'1< S Tu SU IT TIF TIMES. y hbfe, rafIinig and cxaminlng ur k andî pricen for youirNclt. v#at.: 1 ur1~of GJram - A ppes Kq and Haitr lve' ais O ot the 4 i(1 sI Ancleroti5 double ro .îi rl Friit Isrryer for the rf J--,mj ;j1 WVv-q Whîîtc'y.Pck- andS<îîgt vf*rv fruit gromirt Ca fi'fAy-r ~ me forcîrcular. AN f;IUS1 -f WIIjÇV. oLet at low Rentai, Atiriop kpown as the GlIaga Sb lcngi Occtnpie<I Iq R. &J ýe fte 4)4 huuine,. stands in V*rft'lu oit"', with mil odemn ,Pt*ffsioJt given is menDtbs Apply to, JA bI.-8CAMblPDEL Manager. SCQTTt AUCTIONEER, WHITBY, ONT, The uaderslgaed begs to announce that ho has taken out a licease for auctloaeeiing, and wiUl b. lad to fi11 orders for this chasn of busi- ness. Milsbook wlllbe kept ft . H. Long's oice, where ail information tony b. obtalned. Whitby. Nov. 99., 'c). 6 C. SCOTT. N. F. PATERSON, QOC., Barrister, etc.-After two vears residence la Engiad' bas resutn.d practice at 136 Jobn St , Torono.-Oct. '94--6 mS. DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, -*1,500,000 Surplus, - 81,00 00 Wbitby Ag.ucye General &nking Trin oed. Business BÂVINGS DBPAETMENT. Interesi silowd stai gh..t ourront rates ~NOUeso wl0 ihdrwalrequfred. E. J. THOINTON, lmaae: P. G. Meldrum, M. D. LiceutIate of the Royal CoUege of Physiclans," dlnburgb - Member of the Colege of Physiclans and Surgeons, cf Ontarjo. Office and resideno.,, north section of the. "Ternse.," Byron Street, north of Dundas Stmeek Telephone communication witb office. Whitby, july 4th, 1894. Who? Who? Who? Says the Owl. Who »Ili the best Baking Powder? W. R. HOWSE dom.. Why î Bosa uoly the, puret Ingrediants are used, aud it lu frequeutly made. Consequenthy Is ah- ways pare & freah. London CONOI1ION Powder là the. beut Blood Purifier aud general Condition Pocrd.r in tii9 snak.t. It lu the, cheapeat pocrdor t hm bs cir tison offcred for ..le. It curesa.1 cases cf Qeneral D.biIlty, Lons ef Appetite,- Rougbness cf thse Hait, and aul troubles armung fromim u- parity of thse Blood. UrD20. per Mb., or 3lb& for 50&~ MADE GNLY BY-.- W. R. 0 RW'S- OHENIST ÂM Ern CHEONICLE C So»CqS OBRAWA. BUSINSRU NOTICE. -Ognhawa nubscrlbers or advertisers may transact any business with the. CHloNicLE, or may obtaîn ex. tra copies at any time, at B. M. Rogers,, post office bookstoe-e, Oshawa. If you wiuh a nice French china dianer or tes set, or anything ln fancy china, or glassware, go ta E B Morgan & Son. Mensa strong boots, galters, haced boots wlth toc caps, or laced boots with behhows. tongues tor $î.oo at the corner store Osh- awa. It wlh pày àny parties conteînphating buylng an -engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of FeIt Bros., Osh. awa as they wiîh seil thîs month very cheàp' foi cash, Genuine diamond 14K. onhy $5. Tbey are also maklng some speclal offers in Gents', Ladie's 1d Boys, gold and silver watches. SeeUem. FeIt Bros. Miss Sykes gave an enjoyable crokinohe party to a aumber of friends last week. Mr. Hainer proprietor of the. New Age Co., bas returned from bis trip la Eastera Ontario, The. Malheable Iton Co. are running again with about 3o bands, 2o of this aum- ber beîng moulders. The service la the Slmcoe st. church hast Suaday eveningz was prniacpally musi- cal, and an agreeable novelty. A meeting lu called by promineat East Whitby farmers for March r8th, Bt Colui- bus, to formn a Mutual Fîre Insurance Co. Mr. T. Hartnett an old resldent cf the north west ward was burled hast week. He was a mason by trade and a member of tii. R.C. churcb. Mr. Robt. Blame"y formerly driver for E. S. Edmonson, bas takea over the tea agency of R. Troy, and wtt? carry on the. business opposite the post office. The. congregation of St. Gregory's R.C. cburcb are ipaking preparation for a grand concert on tbe Monday fohowlag St. Patrlck's day, which <ails on Sunday this year. A number of heading Coaservatives at. tendeci the convention Bt Port. Perry hast Saturday. Amoag the number beiag Mayor Cowaa, Reeve Couîthard and W. H. Thomas. -Iesurm.Evermon & !Iwkiis bm?#e'- cired 'the contract (ot à neé* bat *aWt iieatiug equipment for the premises of the. J. J. McLaughia Hygela Bevarage, Man'Ps., Toronto. Tiere bas been quit. a demand for CHImoNICLES ber. hately, and we bave heard seyeraI express their intention of subscribing for the paper, as they consider it far ln advance cf the local papers. A fiag was bang from the. spire cf the new St. Gregory's churci must Frida morning to show that it was comple1d Tii. churci wil l kehy b. open in May, ad wben finisbed will b. one cf the band- somest churches la Ontario. i The zut fiat ovcr thse Reformer office is beiag put in sbape for a Yaung Liberals club. The rocins wlh contain an audience bail for debates etc. Tii. Young Cosser- vatives should now (ahi la Une and orga- nize a simular institution. a Mr. John O'Regan bas commnreced the. manufacture of cigars in the cooperage Premnises near the piano works. 'The in- troductory brand wîU b. the Pointer» an Havana-filhed 5 cent cigar.. We *ish Mr. O"Regan success lu bis venture. AU hi i.ernployees cf the, MelLaughln Carriage Works were off Tuesday freina def thte beatiagarrangements caused by tbe pumpe freceng. Mu-r. McDôngMil la engineer, Mr. Breut havhug mécuifed a position witb tue Voulthad Sc=t-Col. The. Sparril estat. Was. put up for sac- tion hastSaturday, but'nothuung vai uold The Amnerican, hotel lupart of the proper- ty, and it was declded te walt tire. weeka for sealed tenders, 0er beig a re.ve bil A lot ou Brocki =gWbtb, was re- served at $15 but thebiesbl was only $4. Tihe ire alirnm was soundcd hast rldayl A. Ellis of Mary street having a short attach of Illness and also Umis Scales of the smre school. Young fellows from Whitby still con. tinue toi ve dowa to Oshawa on Sua- days &nrd j drunk They prob.nbly bring the lîquot .çtLth tbem and make themmselves very troublesomne at times. The livery..: miea must b. bard up to trust their bornes la the hands of such bums. The. next fresh gang that cornes down here will wind up la the cooler, as respectable pé- pIe are getting weary of their actions. Whule a party of youag people were re- turning from Bowmanvlle early Tuesday mornlng the. slelgh wax uaset tbrough the. drlver's carelesnness and some of the occupants were severeay saken up. Mis MarM Doldge rceve4very sac..ere aud rainfuh injuries principally la tbeface, ber forebead nos. and cbeekm belng badly cut, She was taken te a nelgthborlng farm bouse and ber inJutwe atteaded to. A mrovemeat la oun foot ln town ta or- ganize a society ta promote the better ob- servance of thse Lord'. Day. Thse subject lu a very important oae and it lu ta be boped tiat somethlng more substanttal than mere talk may b. tue resuît of ýhe action. Tii. National Reformn Association bas sent Out a Iist Of a24 questions for «con- sîderation, among them belng thse foilow- ing. "Do you know that it is just a* great a crime ta kill a man by proxy as la persan, and j ast as wicked te ilUa man witi legalitedpoison as wltuh eaden bul- lets? That 'Silence la another way of spelling hîcese ?" Tbat it is agreater, sin te steal from God thas man? Yet tuis nation bas robbed God cf Hliaiioly day, thé. sov.reignty cf His law, sud the,_ houer due Hlm as the Governor smosig tie nations. Do you know that on. qwhà prays '«Thy klindgom corne, Thy cr111 isý doue on earth as it in la beaven," Il éould' la every way labor te brin g about the met- tiug up cf that kiugdom ? Do you*uet, know that alh a nation bas ta do la order te, b. turaed to destruction lu te (ebrgot. God ?" (Ps. 9:17.) Do you know 1ta wile you are trying ta save one, two, or aB dozea cf seuls la a year, the. devil by - Ioons, brothels, Suaday gAines, gamblingý bells etc.. lu uweepisg bundreda lunto e dition ?" There la abudant food for-1 thougbt lu tiese extracts, and the q4- tien lu of vital intereut te ail thoSé wbb bave at iieart tue interest and creili bei cf our people and nation. Tii. law Il. i se Sudy is and steansbnéts, day usnesstransactions la certain'hl1~ and usany otier thbigs chicS are.lu In~ violation cf tue 1urtb comaùdj Here ila thJptte» am Instanqe o4 l W ru1 àE~s propemdonaiÏ cir îmucis vice lu a town cf titis Wl» ustiser in alarger city. This lsno exagg io,, and Oshawa- is no exceptions tî>tue qw We bave lvery stables do'ng ùlesa day Sunday,. aud ther. are.utores wrbleh de business luà a prester or lesu dgroeon tise Sabbatis day. There arc also anc or ýwio barber siops wiich do a thrivlng business for a few bours on Sunday. Those-,who are toc busy or. toc impatient te crait thel:: tura os Saturday nigbt -are tbe pIncipaël customeru, but tIser. laseonecçsgiy ely for anytbing of tue sort. Then too the club recuis are lu ful-biaut, Suuday'iicing a livey day wti same cf thein. ,-01ourse we shal expcct the. editor cf the, Refbrrer te ify at us and Iudlgnaatly dený,, our staternents, but that wouhd net ulter tii. truth of these assertions lu suny . way for, they are simply trutiful sud-lamentible facts. Our Christian people-, bave abun- dant ucope t xrleterCrslat rigiM borne wituout devotlng an- theirý eâÎg tbo the poor heatues. -> The CROiqCLx SUR istands inspot. ed Gyteoai lpprs luthecrudeeg- alusîheIufin~ooin.of th.-club rooru sud- tuh arinfaltendetcy f altise rest. ub i ear a lot of.bigtalk sud bluff;; bu nit cernes docu te- uracïàticél ef- NO. 14 I I man of the scbool prôp.rty committee-a Cooluese wblch on more than one occas- 'don ed to Mr, Hawkins belng sighted la Seolttee conaultations . over important matters. Peelingth tat the committF',C wereigaornghibi.i, lie teadered hi@ re,.'., nation, plai * y'stating the reason ès bere redQac. The chairman -of the property coilftee, together wlth the Vlndicator, impugue !e lincefIty of thé. reamon ad- vanced, statiag la eftect, that Mr. HaW kins ls dlsappo;1nted in not getting work foltherpertycommîttee. Tis attack on Mr, Hawins'truthfuhnessis , lu our opinion cowardly and unjustIfiable; and %t. go10iilgnàtion <.1* by hlm sÙd bis frende lboquut.eezçusable. Mr. Hawlns phaly declardh.to bi seat thus year not expetlng;any - shool board work wbat. ever. TU affair points to the accesslty of a butnplete change In the personnel of th. ftiiol property commîtte. la Oshawa. i ~ . ~IORRYbarberon iou. Street. D&, X.L. ROIG-Offoe ting Street Zest. limoOKS'LIVEY, Simoce Streot, north. WX ,R0P]R, harassamaker. BirneooStsreet T.eàOTM«L butober, Ring St., West. A.*iTzeu-Lnne piaoud organs, ~O e sreel. G*5I oTuz,-..O Wroan popror. Np.uhostolry, neal and oorotably O'oaBotMnn-Fu liUno e! bookik au*l n d z~taoy goods. B. E. pRogers, I ]Romm»-Whitby-Oohawa stage line. Mak -IL u. I. EwàK8UMEUdealer in suit. * su ilslos, DrbslaWingetc.,li 051WADa. oeo-L J àedsp- g #"g~.ist. Pull lime cOf#pureMUansd - Z oê arts, rwlagon, sd .MilM>»m ef out- Pmoxms pMain and deoorstor, Deal- pd'à pers, oelhng deeoraioua, -~ p~a*o lii vanlshe, brauhes, Window' JA~~,'~ dealr in stoyes, mncs on Juhid.*bblng ssa qw y im ~u~,u~exeii lng S8% West, 0slv- i» Stoij in the boat cxtrai!tiou NO X b. .La$trSIeor 1u1~? Baos- tc.seuadJees N-aptelry en f lriug a: £0 lu -ai dbct lsher C5 oemlao nuls.d lamp& -AWitMe. lufasers' n and *aeiyturxs' m o ibese!p xsroughlng s ot*eolatinq deins * usae, lsdlm u anm.a 1s cboyols m4 bud Council meets on Monday. *Mr. Wmn. Pearson bas been on the sick list foi the hast few weeks. W. ame glad to notice tbat be Io able te -miove around. again. M'ttters are getting quit. brisk tbls week.- A social was held at-the residence, Of Mr. Thos. Dobson, on Wednesday eveaing, and a faacy bail was beîd in -the town ball Thursday night. Miss Maud Spence 1.11 bere on Filda, week for New York, wbre she intencis entering a bospital- of tbat city. ýSonw tisse ago Miss Spence was engaged as nurse la the. eneral hospitat, Toronto, but failing health cotnpeîîed ber to lay off fo a time. Havlng regaîned strength It ls ber wish te become better scholed in the witys of the~ sick. We are very sorry to note tint our friend the hhacksmth, Mr. D. J. McLeaa, bue3 been compelhed to leave our midst Ila order to undergo an operation- at the gene- nil hospital, Toronto. For some timse back bu bas been alliag from the. effecta of.~ a tumor, and la now forced te have it do&" tored. W. siicerely hope that he wUl moon be "Ihl agaig and able to. mingle wltb us once more. Mr, jas. Balfour, tbe township asseser, bas been worklng la Brooklilansd viclnlty this week. Remember the sale of farm stock, etc', belonglng to Mns. Wm. Match, on Tues- day neit, zat is t Mr. Bandy, the Stouffvllle taler, isu cbaugcd is sind about hocatlug here sud sow Iptends remalnlng lu ils prescat pool- tien. The. Reformera are te meet tuis, Frlday, evenIng lu tue masonic ball to, appoint dolégates to attend tic convention at 'Mr. WiII Seott-bas decided te try bis fortune lu Manitoba aird clU start for tue west sent we.k, Portage la Prairie belng bis 'destination. The retenî hnow fails have' made a de- de imr m n th te conditimon f thç redu sddrn ivg amore-cf a pleasure thani as bcs omre weeku. A rneèlg cf mst4sriberg! and frienda cf- Cliuuo sud Weskly Globe and Canada Parmer te JaOLI lm9. CHEONSOLU and Weekly Msd Empire o ha. 181,t189. Ouuomruand Parniers' Son 10 the union& -of- Oshawa and Whltby and alsôG-the frieude (rom the other Brookrilu socielles wbô were present. Ppstoe Mar-~ sqhahl, of' Oshawa spoke'on the -subj.ict, "Thdrelàtlonoftie B.Y.P.U. to Mission.s" Mise Tàéker, cf Whltby, read â paper on "Diasorthe Cubaxi misson." Mr. Pax- ton, of Whitby, ipolre ou "-The habits and çustoms of(the Tèlqgua."$yMP& Fowke, Of 'Oshawa, on -"OÙr work;-among the Teleus." AUl o(thesýe wererenthusistlc. ,ally apphaaded *fI1thew aagua salut. Mtislc was- provlde&by thée Whlbyand Brookilu chors, >aàd gosel yitne'.were' sung heartlly throughiut thimeeting. Thé prôrano-. propm' CI&W dwlth a bhort .prm eetb eàaernteu&coprayes tion1 to i.ratr ok'Xésocia tise tg the . bâmment rel nlnved by ai 1 Tii.roonwi wipjants aud gow ment&sw*c eremred.1 andgerosoec quit. an encous'agemei Ph. ot-the, union. QUY & 00., p BEALL, B.-! EesMneeo~ HOz&rniAy '31 comlngluoN uo'wiutlse il trniadam wé Ur mmLe là atch crusuh M. . LB. F hlred te A. B; tô: bumu Sosie cfieurC te Port Pcrry by1 tend tie Consi ployed by-Mr.Fi tcrc, je.am.hiâari Of er egs-p cm Jured 11mnb. Urn Thos.- Bof lin finds by 4 ýAc «o.. c onde guestlou for tuesu t< 6-lf'ow r11 Satuird we have rnentlenaiÏtn have een hrt -bùIt bue. -SÉsse üenut- nu ~, 'I W-HITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAIRCH 8,5. l Knowledge, Bi-otherhood. 1 1 1 '. NO. 14 wriM MR DARR Ur UARRUAS 1 LVU ML Il r. " 0 Lt 1 1 triZis 1 1

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