Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1895, p. 3

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-3,- ~3r.a ri1lIa I id rsaparîi I a Ils a pe j' lt, !. THE' UCCESSFUL REMED Y q MAN OR BE1AST. ia tt ffecte a.id npivr bUateru Eaesd proofs bolow; VLS SPA VIN CURE@ ýfn Cdersofl Co., 11L. Feb. t, 'lemé send me Ã"nn of your iorme Ige. 1 have umoda ireat (imai oif y o rin(Cret w oxi d uce.t eit i à liie nld a mame tkat iam Mm anmd five bmttiîe. curud ber 1 a band &il th. ime, rours Iucly, Un-aaa£.E VLS SPA VIN OURE.i I.Ci CAÃŽrog, No., Apr. a,'W. 14,f a..i'erai b'ttes of yomir Ct'tî %Cmii. ~bMuch sUo'eim 1 4t Uniment 1 ever used. Rau, r,- 'b, --ne ilI...>d Spavin amnd kie il âv,. ne ?ecomm,,ndmj Lt to =1% .l are Mnuch pleaed wltb . ep-et'mi P. 0. DO, 369 by ail Drugglmta, or addrma KE5NDA LL COMPFdIY- IiUl4GH FALLIS. VT. UNNPS %~KINC 1WDER )KS BESI FRIEND ST SALE IN CANADA. STIrPATUO0N9 1O US NESS, SPEPSIA-,, MHEA DAC HF., ATE THEF LIVER .L A FTER LATING0 GOOD DI»GESTION. --l 1EQD0O 14D 1 S « Ontario boan and Saving Go', FEBRUARY 2Oth, 1895. .. .. . je- - - - - - i ii. ïi.i *... . .... . . . .. . . . . THE TWVENTV-SECONr> ANNUAL MEETING 0P THIS COMPANY was held at the office of the comupany, on Wednesday, Feb. 2oth, 1895. The fol- T lowing Shareholders were'present - MESSRS. W. F. COWAN, W. F. ALLEN, R.l S. HAMLIN, JOHN COWAN, J. A. GIBSON, T. H. MCMILLAN, W. RF-ADWIN, JOHN CARTER and REv. S. H. EASTMAN.- The president occupied the c .ai ni Woman, Pure ýMr. T. H. McMIilan acted as sccretary te the- meeting. -ýThe- r-nktee et thýe previoue Le u sec threugh Shakespeare the' annual mneetin; wtere rend and confirmed. The chairman then rend the aunuR! report, value Henry the feurth slets upen ales?. of the affaire of the company for the pastyear, as follows Bo asks: "O gontile slocp, Nature a DIRECTORS' REPOR T, ENDING DEC. 3riS, r89 soft nurse, bew have I frightencd tbeo that thon wilt ne more wcigh down my Vour directors have much pleasure in submitting their twenty-second annual re eyA lide and sleep my senses inte fer- port. which they hope will meet with the approval of the shareholders. Owing te the getful3ess." Again ho asks: "Why continuous reduction lu the value cf mca! estate cf every description, it bas been found woutd y. raLlier dwell in smoky oribe impemative te exorcise ununsual caution ia the acceptance cf lbans, yet despite the cIr- upon uncay patiots, as hoshed by bnz. cumeaces a satisfactory outiet bas been found for inveetments te aearly the average zing night flics te Lhy siamber, liban in amnount ef former years. Interest accruing on mortgages and repayrnents cf principal the ohambers of th. Groat under a moncys on arne acceunt have been mnet with uaexpected premptness, wben it la cen-f otysaeanluedwt sidered that the great majerity cf cur berrowere belong te the agricultumal clase, wbose csnoy cfosl ysaanluedwt incomes have been sertcusly curtalled by the unpredecented reduction in the market sotinds ef swoctost musie." Again: value cf their products. This feature cf the* business'le natui ally vemy gratifylng te "Why wiii ye seal up bthe hip-boy's youm directers, indlcating as it does that the lnvestments cf thecocmpany are cf a blgb eyes in the clamer cf the wind, and al average character ae regards security. Altbough ates cf interest precumable on desir- the disturbances possible for the storm- able lnvestments exhibit a continuoue decline, the. revenue earned by the company bas etsaannoesucasw ld ak slightly exceeded that cf the ptevious year. The usual dividend ef six per cent. pr lu e t ,ad nse nb as woula ke. annum bas been paid, and the available surplus, ameunting te S4,ooo, bas bee ra ans-Iu eliist n eyl eakn. ferred te the Contingent AccGunt. Thie acceunt, forined fer the protection cf the Reet Then ho adde "'Uneaayliem -the bead has new eacbed the sum cf 814,000, being nearly equivaleat te twenty per cent. of the that wears a crown." Reet Account which stands as before et 875r000. Al of which le respectfull y submitted. Leuslarw tGryeey o -vi.~ ' ~ow ..A N-, labor : I"Whon a man ever se benighted Oshaa, eb. oth î89. PECIDNT.or forgctful cf bis higli calling tbere is Oshaa,_________1_5.____IENT always hoe.for him wbo will actually and carnestiy work." Ho also ays: 1894. RECEl PTS. "0f an idie and unrevelving man dem J an. i. To Balance ......... ...... ............. ......... ........ ...$ 10,880 14 tiny can make notbing more than a Dec. 31. Repayments on Leans ................... ......$ 78. 16 32more enamoiled vesset cf diehouer, lot Interest received on Loas ............... ....45,010 64lier spend on him wbat eoloring she Inter-est received from banke .. ....... ......... 56& 3 May." Revenue Accouat.............................. 3,181 48 126,9!7 WenAa fiy eIzdhth. Depesits recctved ......................' 3o6muet earn his breaýd, ho exotaimed, Debeatures issued. ......... ......... ............ 228,400 00c "Witb labor I muet earn my bread, Western Bank, Oshawa ...................... 52,243 76 .Add 9 cheques not presented .............. .. 209 ,57 52,4,53 33 wbat harmu? Idioties. had bêen verse. -1 abor will sust ain me." Away witit 8619,538 28 tbe idea that honesli laber la degrading. i8o4. DISBURSEMENTS. The remnemberance of theonee who Jan. i. By Western Bank, Oshawa........... ....... ......... 8 33,974 86wosettletat tquaestfrver. en ho Deposits returned ................................. 223,6oI 20 et hâqusinfrvr.Y wo Debeatures retired........... ................... 230,600 o oot ela titile aslamed cf lhe honest cal- Reserve Debentume interest.............. 24 60 tng, by whieh y. saru your broad, are Loans on Motgage ............ ...... ............... 75,242 60 e y.net afraid lest He on an all import- Interet paid ....... ........... ......... ......... 23,150o 29 ant day may be a itti. ashamd et Dividends Nos. 42 and 43.......... ...... .............. I7,96,5 8ojyen? Ontarie Bank, Bewmaa ville ................. Western Bank, Whitby... ........ ........ Cash on hand ......................... ...... ...... $3,133 27 5,990 30 PROFIT AND LOSS. 1894- CE. Dec. 31. By Iatereat eamned .................................. .... ...... - Revenue Account .. ........ ......... ..........- . Bank luterest receivedi............................. 1894. DR. Dec. 3 1. Te Intemeet paid ..................... ............... Dividende Nos. 42 atd 43 .............. ........ .... ...... Expense Account, including Commissions on Loans. Amount traneferred te Contingent Account.............. 1894. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. Dec. 31. By Murtgagee and other Securities ......... ........... ...... Office p remises .............-.............1............ Offre funiture ... ........................................ Cash in Baniks ..................... . Cash on baud..................................... 1894. LIABILITIES. Dec. 3 1. To Capital Stock ......... ........ ....,.... Depoutoms . *.a ... ......... .. Contingent Account.......... Rest Account .... ....... Amount due Western Banik............... ...... ~ Add 9 cheques uet prcaented ... - '57 5-e 3 9,123 57 271 97 $619,.Se8 28 $46,gm4 63 3 Pr48 523 31 $23J j>Ç1 17,96519&, 4,000 00 050,699 42 8go30ze871 9tz23 57 271 97 $ff4,018s 88 2« .o 3 I 1 ttue .mO Who dees not admire the young wo- man who eSaps after having -attend- ed tôe the wvants ef an invalid astot or mother goes forth vith a flrmi- stop t4 chouiy '¶'G'ood mcrn,"Ait1lier foàr je bliat 1h. vWiit b BtaeHr 01ià l tbat mli, =&y honomtly earn lber 'wafps. barque vas tannohod on the. meaof lé,e Ohe had a nmssin, È.ud -that m, ission sie. nuUy, ýnbouds te carry ,ont oredîtý- ably, hold ing _hormeifrésp -1, t -n. bu' btier Mkr.8h eo.in. whom the hoar,"t cf hubncul oely rs.8.lew ha'oen mmpering miake be1vesi, whothrisàl your fae. attevory- opportunity thst ihoir grandfather vwas *anobleman.ý <Inwsrdty yen eu l -"m"The. .14 gen- atmu i'smot mch heucored by hi e r' pnoesnttive, ,whose i»amm stoU laié. ~a- eimwy t tho bqr amgliter m Y 10 ,odtiimêen4 dkeé.P l.ýtplrhidî 0fyou r pu xrine Mrue du~ l r.4 W~ 01, mrn otherwian. Trust to ne ..b untabcpop.- Life t obn more. pr lesez aon., neoroso'of ohatoëe, grd in 4he wiee accommode- tio:n of crselvos t.' those cltai.ges lies the solutioni as te, 1- hether uir Ji vos are to 14 bp or oth<î w.ise Pel rhank- fui y n isve healsb sud a pair Uf1,oo bands. Boit Up 70u1 ite-Ã" t an o justas others bave doue under uinilar Te tolors, who eomnetîmefoot *your lot b.àrd oeoing othors living in Iuzury and 811 tbe gayety of fashicrn, thoro - May bomotimes a ebado of envy esteel acrose your mind. Ah 1 you littl. know what yon mlght loaru by j ust one peop bohind the ourtain. Sore neue bas eaid: ITherels a poison drop in' men's purest cap.-" Whilo there rMay ho one drop in your oup in theirs there are of. ton ton. Yeu live a ife cf comparative froodom frorn tomptation while they Wr surroundod by tomptation on every side, with very litte resolution te ex. dlaim, "1Get thee bohind me Satan." The refreshing sleep which needa' coazing on yen part will flot be wtoed by thom. Wbilo the morning catie yon forth yon can admire the sparkting beauties of nature and fully realize that "Sweet le the breatb of morn, ber rising sweet Wlîh charma of earliest birds."1 A charm of whioh tbey knew notb. ing. Yeur life ie a reaiy: there's an ompty bnbble. Longfellow ier bis Village Btacksmith 1 beautifully expresses the idea : 1 1 -T]19U DNITY 0F LABOLt WIITEY FOR TU 9OIONIOLE. In' Our, last wo bad e quet talk it1i .rotherm. To-day w6 w i, continue !thi- conversation with. anu w i~u4wocd te the general reader. Motbors, train your obldron In habite of industry. In soine way make tbemn capable of - earning thoir living, and wie se doing'make the m teel tbatit is dignifyiniz as well as dutiful. The Jows bave a preverb that ho who brings up bis child witbout a tràde bringe bim up te steal. Paul gayset'Ho that wilI not werk thereoe shall ho net est." Or froni st ill bigher author lty "lTbe1 shall cat thy bread in the swoat of thy brow." This deure bas gene forth and is te continue witbent repeal LIt time shall b. ne more. It was -issued as a punishment fer the firet transgression. Te make any comment or specr1i-l on what migbt probRbly have bhe- È, there beon ne tre'..igres- sien, woulu net only b. vain but fool- ish. W. wenld arrive jnst whcre wo began. As the deorce stands it is a positive order; therefore there is ne oboice in the matter, and for thie lot each ef Hie creatures effer tip a Geng et tbanksgiving. With honeet taber we procure 1er ourselves the necessaries and luxr'ries of tifs, lifting us above de- pendence and want, giving good hoalth, which nourishos the brain, en. abling iLte send eut elevating ideas; aise giving sound sleep and content [ment. The pose~ have called in the musc te gi*ve expression of beautiful sentiment in praise ef slcep. Longfellow in bis Ode te nigbt says : -Thou layest îhy finzer on the lips of care And they complain, no more." Young in hie Nigbt Thonghte: ««Tiredl nature's sweet restorer, baloey leep," 'What is? Castori 18 Dr.8i~mu4?ltcberP#pr 14olptlouforIfat and Obtidren. 1* witdmisiiltbe O»ium4Morphine nor otiier, Nardotie,-oubstàlflCê5 h 18 B armless, subsatitut. for Paregorlç, Dropi, Soting Syrupe, uad Castor OILm t le, Pleadant. ItS guàu tee lis -thIrt y11îear seby Mllons of Motheru. Vastoia destroys Worms and alIlrygv feveriosbness(autoria peet-vomniting >Bour Curd, cures Dlarrhoea and Wlnd. Coll& OaCstorla relleves teethLug troublés, curm@s custlpaomxiaiid- fiatulençy. Castodsia unltes Uic; fod, rtegümaý.sewtom and bowels.9 givlug 7helthy sumd ntral sIeep. CÇan toria ls the ChC dren's Panacea-tlio Xt rsFra "Osstorlssln e eflent medicine for chU dise. Kothera ha"o repeatsdlyteldmeefci ts geoedeeupen the& Childien." Dp. G. O. Osoocri, *oatSaasthe bestreuedy for chfldm of whlcl1 uxIaacquainted. 1 hope the day la not fo ttwhemodiw llcenulderthereat lleret of thelr chldren, and mse OsteIa lu. £054 cof tbevarlouquackncutumswhi*hse demroying ths& loved oeesbyfoengopilum, ,Morphine. scctalng yruMsd jther hurtffl aqumita dowu thuir thietatheby edg liez» to premature graves" D36 . .F.Lxum.ou, Cauway, AiL. Thei. àrCWu~z MPaà,. Ti 'IN m aissoabd Ourmn&1a~p~eta aêudie~ merise of III j DO;]l THE 5 55,45$ #934.O28 T. -].LMOt)UAL W. bereby certi(y that the ébove utatement <outlis a corred i aflairs cf the company as sbowa by the books, Dec. 3194 1z894. vouchersasdmsecrities and ind thes mmcrrdt IF YOUNG & OLO pUMMaa.aUY curedb' A&= Nervou kowifty ora n'power sgt brou Touttf -.0k, - T i Y &.LL 70 H-ie bair le criep and black and long, Hie face le ikre the tan; Hie brow la wct wfth honeet eweat, He carne whate'er he can : And looks the whole womld iu the face, For he owee not any man. Toiling, rcjoicing, eorrowing, Onward through Hife he goes; > Each merning secss orne task beguil, Eacb evcning secs it donc : Something atteutptcd someihing donc Ha arned a nlgbt's repose. Honoat labor is a panacea for tife's ils, a swcetneos *of tife's cares. Take for oxamnple a boreaved mether. Hor lamentations are long and loud. "1Nover grief like mine V, Wby wae this bitter oup pts.ed for me to drinik?" And if aflowcd te go on te, exceus e becomes a perfect wreck : "Among the tombe she walks at Itîght- Observe ber yender sickly pale and sad, Bending ber wssted bedy o'er the grave." But should that moliber b. differently situsted se that the eall of duty upon ber lu se urgent oe.bas ne lune te in- dulge lier mucli coveted luxury, woe, soon ber grief subsides, and in toms ime than ber frieude hoped for eh.e ean may with resignatien and thankful- nes "Ho deoetli ailthings weil." H.aIthy Cbildreu % orne from hbealtby mnothers. And mothers will Curtainly be healthy if they'lJ tpko Dr. Pi"ro' favorite Prescription. Nething eau e 1t flu builUding up a woniu' streugth, f= am~s1¶easthe Ïpaiad, bardeus i ofgehlld-bearing, sudpcM nsud sirengteuu ýW ak uriug mxothere and promot ana abpndnî eretieu of noushmt It!»s:an iuvigerating, restorlve baeie, a. scolhie n& udbraclng nerVinesudsRuarau teed remey feor W,uisn». lussd uma. rav , vr îtit t1or cue, you Delicat eisese, feecting maie or f. mie, hov*ever iuduced, speelusd 'PU- nasueutly eurod. llUatrsted bok tm sealed fer 10 Cents lu stempe, Wcrld's Dis-. pensary Meficat Associatin, 68Mmain Street, Buffalo, N.Y. John Shelto Douglas' Marquiscf queç»M berr, wu arrested on a charge of havIng liedOscar Wilde. À Torouto Phy" ýsiaeys lb Neyer Eit without fhe PreïiSon f soupe - To»iuunmI. h£../h nt, i ~ Make g better filling for Corsets than any other known, materlal. 11Featherbone" Corsets are- tough- er and more Plastic than any other make, as they are entirely filled with quilis (Featherbone). To be had at ail Retail Dry Goods Stores. oi LAME BACKe-m fiEURALGIA,PLEURISY,SCIATICA PGURED rý' "YT AND RHEUMATISM &iL~X "iED.& L MENTHOL PLASTZR uIbFL ) TWLNTY-SEÛONÛ ANNUAL RiEPORiT -0F THE- Y, 'e- 93930rinw= rllrirm irv

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