Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1895, p. 7

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. MAO V D -TO- PIR E MISES 3ROCK STREET 0F ONTARIO BANA by Marbie hkyo'ç ,Mlutsbeturerê 01 ionuufieflt I-eaastofl L Lhe' oteC' Würl N imaporters of iv eedish, A mericarn and 7adian Granites, 1 Wjahng 'ork w(Ald ~ ftore vurctib]g. iFy and Sale Stawiles dais St., Whitby, WPORT, Proprietor ai men liberally dealît watl loue at reasonable prices iid Baggage hauled at rem A ceai solicited. J- 1:UKE- CHIINIST, WHITBY, a Repaie Shop an cotinectio )Per Shup iately carried on b) pposite Ail Saiinto'Cburch, atLtl nsof Re1airiing. Sewxng M1a- eciaty. awnMowers. Bi3cy- rms, Locke, Scales, Clotlies gashinF Machines, &v, S,ýau tee, Scîssors, Knavee, Clipperc ed and repaared. Ail kinds of ki msade and repaired. Shop [Il Saints' Churcl, Dundas 1sy -iOS. PEAT lie, intends visiting Whitby on(, :collect clothang from gen, ' to Garmemaîs wbera tanpihed Ali as niew. If they fail la Le s, e for rny trouble, If ihey bu 5 $1.25 for cleaning and iiicel 1 of clothang ,for dyine a sui mats cleaned anad pressed 75c, o For cieanaing or dying gents THOS. McCAINN, Agent, uly 26. 1892 Whtb INSU RANCE. ireris' Li1 & Accident ,nce Co., Toronto sitaI Stock Life flatran C ýeut. -Nnety Par cent, Of &J '(I aurplus is returned to th 1Ail cla-.,e are p)aid witho lunIt un) pruof (it deatb ido wme nt J. 1B. POW ELL A W itby - iR:ýI0GaS . DE NTIS r. & Vyonge St. Toronto. fthree menthe 1 amngivuný ion te patiente from a dib. fli making plates in rohiser 810 . Goid and eilverfiîn g by tlrst-claBe operators et isonabie rates in the city. 'itY cal] an and lot me ex4na .I make ne extra charge, ,Dentiat, qo.uth east corner ge Sta., Toronto. )2. ?UR? STATIONER -FPOR- LRTICA rWZITDNG PAPICal -- AN 1)-- NO OTHER. ay Tlzne Table Almost a Hopeless Case. A. Terrible oeugh. No ]est ]Wight er - Da.Givo» Up by Dootora. A LIFE SAVED MY TA=fl<G CHERRY AYER'S PEC.tTORAL Several years.sgo, I cauglit ssevere cold, nt nded with s terrible oogh thet ellwed me no rest, elthoer day or nlght. Thse doe- tors, af ter working oVer ýme t. the best of their abillty, prenounced usycase hopoless, and sald thcy could do noe more for mae.. A friend, learnlng ot my trouble, sent me s bottie cf Âyor'a Cherry Pectoral, whieh 1 began te talcs, snd very soon 1 WSB greatly relieved. Bythetimethaduued thewholo boutle, 1 wae cemplotelyeured. i have never had muais cf a ceugh since thât time, sud I frînly belleve that Âye' Cherr Pectoral saved my life."1-W. I. WAED, S QULMbY Ave., Lowell, Mas. Aye's Cherry Pectoral HIOHEST AWARD AT WGLOIS FAIR. yer's Pau u» BS U «v PAU"~ LOOOMOTOR ATAXIA. A DISEASE LONG HELD BY PHYSICIANS TO BE INCUR- ABLE. Ite horrors are those cf a Living Deatb -The Victin Heipleai, Ris Tor- ture Ltense-Lioses Coutrol cf Bowels sud Bladder sud is a source of Constant Worry te Faily snd Frienda-A Remedy for the Dis- euse Diseovered. Mr. James MeLjean, a residexU cf Lefrey, Simeoe ceunty, Ont., is knowu te every man, voman aud child for miles îround the vicinity cf bis home, sud ail knou cf the long years duriug whicb hie condition has baen that cf a. living death. Mr. MoLean telle et bis inj nry, bis yeara cf torture, sud hie subeequent release frein the agonies cf locomotor ataxia, in the followiug vivid languago "In the year 1880 1 wue tbrewn froin a scaffold, falling on mny back on a stone pile. 1 wha badly hurt~, and nar- rowiy eecaped death. Piasters and liniments were applied, and I iseemed to get sornewhat better. But the ap- pent improvenent was short lived. Myeet began te get unusnally ccld, sud notbing thaL eould be doue would warm them. The trouble thon ispread to My legs, sud fros e i. alt down 1 ,was attaced whtb. shotiug pains flying ,ûoug the nerves in tbosuands, sud .causing thei moiti terribl, torture fer dlayes &d nigbte at a time. 1I could get ,no relief from tbe injections <of mer- mhe. Six physiciana treatedl me at ifétitmes, but sppearod enly te faiutly uudersad my trouble, sud .eould -do uethidg fer my relief. Somo -of tie 4etowu declared my, troublevas rhouraatim, but twoo ethom sse aai ý,vseadiieoof tise sp 9a ort the trouble would get verse sud that * Senèr or later my(,arma w*uld bacome affectedl. Thie pedietion proveitibe. My loft baud dropped st the. wrist joint sud hug.dd uilad cld--,nd 1had -ne more contret of it than -9 the haud were not.ion me. F ly blisters sud eiec- tricity voerowrted -te without avait. My atomach v as soIt attacked with a burniasar. aching, nausea±ing paiu, causiug the. m«t istr using vomitiug, sud I et ton theaght 1 vouaDont ses merning. J bave vomiteti almost cou- t= ualyfur thiry.mx hour, sud ueth;' isgbtmorphine -or chloroform oould doaden tii. -&aga"si I uffred. But worse trouble, vus dui strîrfor-me. I test entrol <of uq beveli mand vater, sud my oondition -boomom mcâ2 hor- rible, -ueoust.teg cons"tly lie greatet oer.-aid witdo1duunoms. Ivau nov sufferiug from tii. top cfirl» headl su o toutefpMy asv oud teil, S e i.gru Jne as.tep *bi aànd, -the imomet 1- ais.rn 70 flOOUamer rm*$$b~ *Pink PlsIfou» myr 1u1p0ov1ng ""The returned tomy -loge Ms"arma. bIsm now wslk without, the aid et it,rý orutohea or sticks andos ken, strdp. My stoniach trouble ha 1 loft me, and I uan est s& host"ys over in my life. My trioiide who nover expeoted te ee lue aboutlagain, are aetniahed -at the. wonder Dr, Wjl. liama' Pink Pilla have wrought ini me. When I began the nue of the. pilla my weight was reducod to 136 pounde, snd it bas now increaaed te, 165. 1 amn a new man and it i. flot posible for me to say enough in praise of pour marvel- loua medicine. MY we sjoins me in thanks, and asys it waa a happy day for her when I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, as aine. thon ah. has been able to get roat st night which ah. had not don. for se msny long yesrs before. I hope hoaven may direct thia into the bands of aome other poor sufferer who may flnd au 1 did, reease from a living death through your great ife- saving romedy. Yours very gratef ully. Jàint MOLEÂNq. Dr. Williams. Pink Pille aro sold only in'boxes boaring the firm'a tfrade mark£ snd wrapper, (printed in red Link. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pn Pilla are neyer sold in bulk or by tii. dozon or hundred, and axiy dealer who offers substitutes in this form i.a trying te delraud you and sbould b. ..voided. The public are also oautioned- againet ail éther 8*e called blood builders sud nerve tonics, put np in similiar form in tended te deceive. They are sll'imits- tione whose makors hope te resp a pocuniary advantage fromn the wonder- fui reputation achiovod by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pille. Âsk your dealer for Dr. Wiliams' Pink-4-,>ille for Pale Peo. pie snd refuse all imitations sndd. ub, stitutes. These Pille are mannfacturêd by the Dr Williarn's Medicine Company Brook- ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., snd are sold ouly in boxes bearing the firm'e trade mark snd -wrspper, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. They may b. had from sny deaer, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille znay be had of a&l druggista or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Comnpany frm either addresse. The price. t which ýpiIls are soldmake a course of treat- mont compsataively inexpensive a compared with other remedies or medi- cal treatmeut. .UKBBIDIGB more Houera. Our pepular Momber fer the Local Legielative- Assembly, Mr. T. W. Chapple. bas just heen eleoted District Dcputy Grand Master cf the Ontario District, Â.O.U.W., comprising the Ceunties ef Ontario aud Victoria. W. are satisfled &hat the Order will prosper under hie supérvision during the next year. It tecks as if tho propotied ereamery sud cheese frctory would be an acoomp heshed fact. Mr. H. M. Jobuston, a practical man from Prince Edward, bas been bore for several day.sud bas already- been promieed 800 cowse. Ho thinki there is a good opening bore sud we believe it ie bis intention to make arrangements immedistely for startiug *9i faetery. To make it- thovoughly suceeful oui farmers should give hlm hearty encomagement. Do't hold aloof t e ee hoeW it Pay@s your ueighbér, but take a hand in yourself su d succese ,Will bâ> more certain. Buowsboeing is SURl very popular, q« rather, we ehonUM 55, -îiti pôpbtllfl not only continues but Io growinge Thé plaure or av'anu eago<fsowWoeîn, Born0 efi n, le iu beiugoet d îs u gottlng exorcise and febair# etheïs sayi iisbotter thbsu ordlnay M ti beosuse in skimmiug ever snow bnk yeuW fe"up in thi e Wrld," sâd->otheis ay hst thé,libt uioI -fyeùý fot st escli stoep wit i ti0' cônsi Ous»* that the. Shoe weu't let yen go ührUib u»eke yen .1 1k. iwâlkug on- elouds "Thoiefoio rehe i .au sheeru~' ~taupoint, if yen vaut fresisar healtbfexerise sud ethereal 6011Y- sucy, juet itrap s pair ofet sWhm-i your foot sud take a waUL Lait Thursdy mSng a f Ine am dsou vas sounded at 10-3. 0The. firemeA AÉ KIM hunried toe ifle hall sud get the e-as eq"atlu ""D eut, but no perse» oould tell -bhem rnlptiou viiere the fi". va4, and snoe ofIlhin en dy e6" returnd te isr onk diquti. .lU for big -oc was flnaly Iëim»&d, oweyerf aller the flermen hatiboss ataudng 1ke a lot wÀC <if mumSm eeving thse gap f voey 4 maat AIeck 7on t*atee tý , &Mtlfo vau neoire, but n nmstunve buppo*u vas in t4v -nd utto isto. me" * Î tom, tliiik wénId av ,ýboéi to o heh»Il ; Týfla uowe: 8011thathe tiré stet.-.-ow is ny. y. Thrawia ituIToifkut to-pt - ii.good hape agaxu for use" àaI*abkerj. iti ikst third genui .e fir hisna esmo he iainwered since theelit ef Jauuarye.bt the. firat one st whieh it wfs uoooassrY te turn on the. hos.-Journal. Abouit Hocd's Saresamnla-ut expels bad buinor snd cmates good humor. A battis for blood i. whst Ho:)d'e Sarsaparilla viger. 01181Y figbts, and it je alwaya victoriens iu exPelIink four taluteanad giving the vital fltiid 'the quality aud quautity of prfet'hoalth. It curesacrofula, sait rbeum, buils snd other blood diseeaes. Heood's Pilla owt osaily, yet promptly sud effiintly on the bowolsansa liver. 25c. ALL BMEN Young, old or middle aged, wbo find tbem- selves, nçrvous, weak and exhausted, wbo are broken dewn from excess or overwork, resulting lu many of-the following symp- toms - Mental depression, premature old age, lois of vitality, lois of memory, bad dreams, dimnesof sight, palpitation cf the heurt, emissions, lack cf energy,,pairs ln the kidsieys, beadaches, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensa- tien about the scrotum, wasting cf the ergans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twltchiug cf the muscles. eyelids aud else- where, basbfulness, deposits lu the urine, loss cf wlll power, tendernescf the scalp and spine, weak aud fiabby muscles, de- sire te sleep, failure te b. rested by sleep,. constipation, duliness of hearing, loscf voice, desire for solitude, excitability cf temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with LZADEN CIRCLES, olly-loolring ekin, etc., are all symptoms cf nervous debility that lead te insanity unless cured. The spring or vital force baving lest its tension every function wanes in consequeisce. Those who through abuse committed ini ignor- ance, may be permanently cured. Send' your address and soc. in stamps for book- on diseases peculiar te man, sent sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. He would Ps y $100 for One Fifty Cent A r- icle if the Price were îasiaed that Hîgh. NsWceMB MILLe, Feby. 25-Obesto Loomia cf this iplaoe la willing te psy $100 for what eau uow h. bougbt for fifty cents, in cage t.he pries rose t0 that figure. Mr*' Loemis says Dodd'a Ksduoy Pille are worth tbst 10 him or auy man afflicted witta kid- ney disease. Re ought te kuow, tee, for ho had kidney disease se bad for soe years that ho could do ne work and onuld sot ride iu a buggy beosusa cf the pain it gave hase te do se. Dodd's Kidney Pilla cnrd h11, sud he i@ wiliing te makre affidavit to tZas fact it bis plain statement is net tbouoit The Bank cf Commerce won tihe deciding match in the .Toronto Bsnk Hockey Loague on Saturday. 1 wâ. u sn cf Acute Brouchitis by MIN- AR1YS LINIMENT. isydney. C. B. C. L L&Gu. I wA&s cT cuu f Faciai New'algia by MIN.- ÂRD'S LINIMENT. Spiugisili, N. B. WM. DANILs.wý- I vAS u zn cf Cbronic Rheumatusm 1W' MINARD'S LINIMENT. Aloert ce, N.B. GSzoRaGETiZIGLET, At ~ h Oga. r- D. LTÀaor nwasnem- natod in.the Oonmsrvaive mtermb for 'Pie-" Thoe bai bossuo more irAPOrtaat dis- ooveryinumedical scce durl*ieits than the inveution of pEsoayver loze leee. Thefr dlscovQrý,isoae t an sd bene. Aeyou sabjeet t urek headache ? Useý rtevon tmbul y $th atiret feeling?1Tryý vumybedyL. tkes casqdy. Nebody lies gever if*vo you d bpeaed'Wfor cora, take ii. beBpossiblec"eetyour fl gýers hth. If youw tflogue ag.ostdé 3soijay's lve '~feO mscry Dils1eau rt bas de- PR $111 ~t~4A~uden oldta I &ëttlén $oWgExùlio» ,wh àù aU'thie est of0teir'fIo-, ~S.iM B o 0-to wa~ Thin BabWeand w"'k Ohudreu grow "overome inherited 'weakzess sand ail the tendencies towftrd Elnuciation or (3onsumptîon. Tluin, weàk babi*,and grôwiing children aud.ail personas8uffering frein Less of Fleeh1 Wéak Lunî, hrnieCogh . ndWastixig Diseases 'wiIlreceive untoki benft from thiis gree.t nourieliment:ý The formula for makiug Scotts Emulsion has been endorsedi by the. med- icl world for twényyeaýrs. No secret about it. Scott & Bowne. st.50o and S$L. anss infalel rsèdy fwoa 14L ~il« Ol oundoa,ý s«m ÀauG Ueeu. FOR IIISORDERS 0F THE OUEST, SMORTROATS, BROKOITIS, COOUSUS, COLOS, Glandular Swelli4 ngsd .&U qk1n Disaiesit hbu no equal;for eontrad d tffjouta it acta 31k. a cham ilmf"nd uegtNW O"FO%»M-T=MT (1a1 5W3,OXFORD STREni)LONDOIO, and sold j~* 'by &U MedOflVe3dO5 tiÏÏou he World. or Purobasersiculd loch b the label on the PdW aud BoMes If the ddro it iM8SMOxfoed8Utre.Toadm- thVU&ey aepurIou& X.FO CAIL ZSS ULIS. ÇcLpacitp frrorn 109,000 to 80,00 ,*bC dPeot "QYGLO<~ STmonMDLMTQR qqui M10WiwFNAOI !;:: 1 Pwm 1 l aBEAUTIFUL AMERIAN WALL PA PER8, Brder8 to Ma tch LIowEsT -PRICES. ~ WRAM, Yottti~o~ min: wz't j Eoi ýc160 VI'P. AND> M:DLAND) I)aaiy mail.618. am fezcepî sunday ....9] am ter ', dé ....26 Pmi mail except8un..8:îO p laly xcept, Suna 9.5 pal ANDDIt'lu a * e.a~ , ý ý;" ý, L? i,ýýl

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