Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1895, p. 1

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Te onice With calm printed word6, great thoughta, and untiring industrij, "-'e advocate Peace, Progreue, Knowle4ge, Brotherhood. h ar- I line land. qNES, àLETON, ETC. 5, 'i$2. ~and rt s. ~S ;NsE usually [y made, weil the great suc- 3ERS fat OId No, 1, DE MAPLE SYRUP, ro and Orockery,. 1 Setis cheap, GrocerÀes, Teas,, etc., etc. CASH OR TRAIDE SUIT THE- TIMES. aîhitng and examlnîng Onices) for yourself. kinda Of Grain, Apples. try. Have iso got tse 4 rat 8 lotfortheb ". Every fiit Ew*wr Write aïefoekmÉotar VOL. XXXIX. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. WHRITBY BRANOH. A &encnal Banking business donc. Special attintion te Collections, and Far- mers' Sale Notes at lowest rates. g.&'Deposite reoeived in Savingu Bank Department in sumo of 1Sinu pwarde. No notice of withdrawal requlred. Highest ourrent rates af interest allo'wed and credited seml-anuiallv. E. D. WARREN, Wbîtby, Ang. 81st, 1894. CHAS. Manager. S COT T,9 AUCTIONEER, WHITBY, ONT. The uniersigned begs #0 announce that be has taken oui a Mcense for auctloneerhug, and will be ghad ta fIll orderp for ibis clas ui i- ness. His book will bekept at 1. 1R. Long's Soffice, where ail informatian mav be abtained. Whitby. Nov. 29, ')4 C. SCOTT. N. P. PATERSON, Q 0., BarTijter, etc. -After îwa vears residence iu England has resumed praciice 8t 136 Jao St. Toronto. -Oct. -'94..6 mbs, DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, $1,500,000 I*dM, / Surplus, - - $1,500000 Whitby Agezkcye General Tra.nsaeted. Banking Business SAVINGS DEPÂETMENT. intereet allowed at higheut curnt rates No notce o wtth&ralIroquurt.. EJ. THORNTOM, P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate of the Royal College of Pbysicians, Edinburgb: Member ,of the * College of Pbysicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. - Office and residenee, north section of the "Tarrs.ee," Byron Street, north of Dundas Street. Telephone communication witb office. * Whitby, JulY 4th, 1894. Who? Who? Who? LA ~Says the Owl. Who seli the beet Baking Powder? W. R. HOWSE does. Why ? Because oui>' the purest ingrediants are ustd, sud it la frequentb>' made. Canscqueutly is ai- ways pure & freah. London NOTJION Powder Is the best Biood Purifier sud generai Condticu Pouder in the market. 1* #'i' l thteolteapest, p'wder thst has ever been oltered- feri sale. Lt cures al cases cf General Debillty, Lous of Appetite, 8Roughnoss of the. fair, sud 9il troubles' ariaiug fremin i- purity of the,.Blood. 20SOc.per lb., or 3 Ibae. tb 504. MADE ONLY BY--- W.R. HOWS Es W :L IrT B "Z OOMotICLE OOREEPONDENCZ, BUSItNBU NoTICE. -Oshawa SabSCribers or advertisers may transact any business with the CHRONICLE, or may obtain ex- tra copies at any tinte, at Z. B. Rogers', post office bookstore, Oshawa. If you wish a nice French china dinner or tea set, or anyîhing lu fancy china, or giassware go ta E B Morgan & Son. Men's strong boots, gaiters, laced boots wiib tee caps, or laced boots witb bellows- tongues for $î.ooataithe corner store Osh- awa. It wilb pay any' uarties conteinplaîing buying an engagement or weddlng ring te sec the large stock of Feit Bras., Osh- awa as they will sel ibis montb very cbeap foi cash, Genuine dlamond 14K. only $5. Tbcy are also making some special offers In Gents', Ladie'. a-nd Boys, gold and silver watcbes. See tbem. Feit Bros. lospector Fergoson paid a friendly visit te thie boîcîs and drug stores last week. W, E. Dyer, Esq., bas received the ap- pointasent ais inspector for tbe Aid, Saviug & Loan Co. Miss Nixon and Miss Green of the Wbitby college wcrc the gucats of Rem. Mrs. Clarke on Sunday. Mach satisfaction is (eht by the Conser- tive party ai the nomination of Mr. Bur- nett as Referm candidate for this riding. Tbree rinks from Prospect Park club, Toronto, played a friendly game wlîh Osh- awa carIera and were defeated by 13 abats. The Simcoe at. Methodiat church people are conducting special meetings, and the Christian Workers have an evangelist here werking in their interests. Fred. R. Hobbs. the ialented coniribator of these calunas, is visiiing in Toronto. We ta- ge iber with the nutuerous' readers nt the HRMONICLz are looking forward ta bis speedy retaum Cburcb sociala are very popular at pre- sent. One eacb ai Mrs. W. R. Stone's, Mis. Dr. Rac's and Mra. W. King's last week, and some more are aunoanced for tbis week. Miss E. Ric bas been appoinîed orgauist of the Metcalfe sîreet methodist cbarch. The Sisicce street church will miss her f rom the chair, where for the pasi few years ah. bas sang so very acceptably, being the icadîug so- prano soloist of "taichoair. The Domeiion, Bank -have lease4 the. streets, occupled b>' T. G. RYIeëy, atwi take possession in about threc months. Mr. Ryley bas net yet decided whatý store be will occupy. Pleasure may be derived ini a great many lawful and hamane ways, bu some people are not saiisficd *itb such. At present there scems ta be a delighi for some In peisoning doga. Mr. F. Hall hast bis dog in this man- uer last weck, and Mr. Abrahams also had on poisaned, but lie aacceeded in reviving bis dag. On Salurday uigbt in front of the Salve- tion Army barracks, two yonng men ai- lowed tbeir temper, lu the desire for pos- session of a yoang lady, to get the betten of îhem, and proceeded to seulie tht affair in truc Corbett-Mitchell style. Tbey were partcd before any great barn was done7 Mn. Hainer, proprietor of tht New Age Company which disbanded in Toronto some days ago, la arranging to stant out -iu a few weeks witb a week stand company. Mi. Hainer wîll include lu the repertoine sorte of bis hest plays. Wc wish hlmi bet- 'ter succesa Uian last lime, as bis company and play werc worthy of the best suppori Many of our local astronemers migbt be accu viewing the eclipse on Sanday even- ing. Il is wondcrful how tic tastes of people agrce so well. Iu uearly ten>'y case wbcre a Young man wonld be accu taklng ini Uic sigbt a young lady mlght abso be found. .It fannisbcd a fine excuse for hauglng on the garden gare. For mome tine pa Messrs. Guy & Co. have been coniplinuiug of losiug large amoant of dloyen sccd. Varîous plana were laid to catch - the nobbexs, bt wlth- aut ~ ~ !I _us_ rilncet> oto Murs-- WHITBY, ONTARIO,- FRIDAY, MA'-RCE[ 15, 1895., slgned "X.Y.Z." The wrltcr scems to' tblnk that doge like meni, are ail I ans. 'Thene Is no reason at ail in the squib, but its uimpllcity is Worth sometblng. Mr. X.Y. Z. oty our rcniarks on clubs arc ail quite t ý, but that the fact of miinisters an, 1 P oritlcs keeping silence sbouid have u,.rnonstuted that sucb things are beyond control. A very practîcal way to deal witb vice, it appears, la to let it alone, and let its terrible clutches ensnare ail lt may witbout lnterference. Because l&ws are not enforced and clergyman think more of their salary and congregational favor, we are to stand quiêtly by and see young men losing their good names and morals, and everything most preclous to their eternal welfane. This X.Y.Z. ls an idiot of the first water, or else he rane a dive. We would not display tbe cdoyen 'bo( in a newspaper lrwve were you. Wby don't you- sign your naine? You are simply the the coward yeux letter proves you to be, you might get seine good out of the revival meetings. Try it!1 Sir, the Toronto papers do not devote their space to articles of sncb mere local Importance. We know whercof we s>eak and we are strongly of the opinion, cear sir, that you don't know what you are talking about. You insinuate that we are not a truc son of Osbawa. Von really make as wcary. A man who bas the truc iptercsts of bis town at heart doea not stand by and with- out action sec prostitution, wbolesale gamnbling, drunkeness, etc., eatung tbe iheart out of tbe morality of precioas lives, Yeu have indeecd a very strange idea of your duty to your Creator, to yoar fellow- Imen, and to your country's laws. We iwould ask which is the trac son of Osihawa, yoa or I? You sec fit Mr. X.Y.Z. to insinuate that the CHRoNicLim seeka notoriety by giving barmfil and an- necessary publication to true but disgra e- fui doings. You would make a bowling success as an Oshawa editor, dear sir, for you bave that most important requisite a "mealy motth' The CHRONICLE bas a "irnan," sir, in its editonal chair, and you are doubtless consumned by envy, and a. realization of your own Iack of manly qualities. Osbawa Busiess Direftory. B U. VIOKERY, barber. Bincoe Street. DR. D. L. HOtU-Offie RKlug Stret East. BROOKS' LIVBY, Sinoe Street, northw WM. RbLPH. harneau maker, Simco. at, T. B. MOTEB&ILL, butcher, King St,, W ge, A. J. STèvrua-Domhînion pianos and crgank, Simoo Sstreet. COoxNIERCMAé L x-..0. Won nwmu4a*m JOB. HouLnu-Whitby-Osbawa OMageIl». Leaivu ebà s ~at 8 "a mandi p ma.nd Wbitby Sa 10Oa m sud 4 p M. . Mas. IL J. U .BDrxCOxau, deaertu mût- liner7 sud m ae. Dressmaking, etc,, iun connection. Bimmco. Street Osluwà DUne 8TOu-L J Maxwell. dis]=n sina chemliS. Pull lin. cf pure druga n chemicalealawaya on baud. JoMS nCRM emufacturrof fine car-' niages, carte, wagons, and ail kinda of 'c-1 teru aud slelghs, Roepainlng a speclait>'. Jomq Ba, E4painiter and <laoator. Dea.l- er in wall papemu, oeillng 'dlecoratlonsi. palntit- cil, vamnishines, bruahes, wlnaoW sha.des, etc. Jimas PEILOw, dealer fin stoves, f umnacea, tinware, etc. Large stock ka t cafutantt>' ou baud. *Jobblug a speclat>. simoce Street forth. DI. ]PATmuEr5ON>Dentist, Ring St. WsOàh- awa. AU operatilons pemiormea lu thebeat' style. Roulua for painisu extracton. No extra charge. L. R. MiRlToN, B. A. -Barrlster. Solicftor, Notar>' Public , Couveyaucer, &o. Xoney [Wtouan. OmEjovom Dominion Bank, bim- 000 StroetOahawa.- IL 9. Emiommsox n- Bakery. Etectrie, RBaglanà. WOod'jard In conneoticu. tand105 P=& Bac-Watcbmakers aud ZewéerS. ~Dole~ % ewtc. eoes3 jwlo anslt sl'vrpst an sd 014gi rnsmadovor. peeriawt, daily 1t,1tiiso a.O iabe'eJwel1tîmad oi*oarbeattu Oassulsold by an U seés in Whit-en .d& 4an t u OtW pedagogueý spent Sabbath at his homei Mn. Hyfield has rented a house in Claremont and '-tends rexnoving théteto beforé long. . Pràfkie Wells was out tuorth visiting a few idays since. He reported an excel- lent âine. J. S. Hortop loai a few days ago bis mbst valuable horse. We have not beard what amonnt of life insurance the animal carrled. Mr. a.nd Mrs P. L. Green, accompanied by lkev. Mr. Watson, attended our Sab- bath. service here. Mr. Watson intenas vlsltlhg friends duning the week. Wi, Morris, who has been living witb Kenk$' McBrien for the last ten months, bas leàft on the route for Manitoba. We wlsh sucÇess in the far west. M,àiy from bere attended Mr. Mutches sale Ã"in Tuesday last, good prices were realiiWd. The stock was In excellent condition we understand. A -goodly number of the I<iberals from here, *. ttended the convention held in Whltby on Saturday last They speak encouragingly of their prospects i n South Ontano. There were three funerais iin one week for internent at Salenm cemetery and we. are oit rezninded that we muet<le. The old- peple are swiftly passing off the stage of action.- A -, Êmige meeting was held here on Moindây evenlng Uhs we think is the oldeat soeiety of the kind on record in our towný Where is the P atron lodge that a few mïonthe ago was so, fiourishing. Mr..jug. Barnett informe us he bas not secureei a. place yet. Mr. Eci. Ledgett will mnoveiuto the premises, ai tbe first of April, op Jno. has not long todecide where lbe wUI teside. We trust bc will Acure a suitablg'situation. Bàftron Rothcbilds directs the attention of the general public to, bis selections of early? seeds. Ail desirous of obtaining best - vaniet:s of musiard and burdock and thlsil&Ã"ots apply at once. Jno,. Lewis and family bave moved to theirfnieiw borne on the Mowbrav homne- e and one quarter miles nantis of rhey will stili attend chunch at we ,andénstand. There many ah thcm i ccess in the change' . made. r. SWallng officieted on Sabbatit liuliotI, ie not being well. Mr. di4 us. good service, but -we- e him ete took 4 ite A4ley, rblo on Xr. any>'more WOuldi' ceveujýiç týtu= out qtitenupleasàit :A good tinte*,Wê en5oy ed by those 'whoý werè prnillcged to* attend.' The pro- mam ÃŽ3 es xcclgent, especially the ip.rt cft4e lit±le 'folie. Oûtside- talent from hereud, other places was also good Ànýe<e un ee d deeti tobk place -;t.Greeuîl'od ,fedaYs ago. bMn. Gco.- Wiso asse& aàuddeny away. afler ai week's ilness. H is! renains were ut- terred et -th, Salent ccmetery on Pnida>' last. A.r>' -large procssiëo arelatives and frieuda fofloweýd hlm to the grave. Hte *as Weil and efavorbli>kiown liere, -êJ.wys beiugcoïnected wýiît crcitwork Decteased hited many, friefids lu tht cii- cttit, sud'-was a iconsitant mneniber cf the mciÃœtlsxlist chancit fora great _nmi, yyeare -On Thuraday 'làgt 'the uerai of Mrsà 'Isai<Puckcri, cfAudIey, took peta Slé1n.- Aftgiýan.ilinesa of soe ni u*hts dunation site qlîletly pasged. front tartit aweyý. She *wa sistcnôftlïe >lete Ricin. Brigali, being well.-known iu tila tow-- hîiP. Her rentama were onsigned te tht earth b>'Re Ro ar-ris, 'wb *o pteachtd an excellent discoturi.- Mr.-S-. C. ilson i la Uyfmpbrotng. Mirs. ýW. MeGregor has feturne4 ,,'aftei' a thrce wecks-visit eToto -- - NO, 15 Mr. Wmn. Sriiitb, M.P., was aroand last Mi . A. Rose, hoteikeeper at- Epsonm, bas wceksccng omecf is niedi.made an assigument to Mr. Hugli Monroe weekseeig sone o bisfrieds.also of Epsm. A meeting of the, creditors Charles Love bad a saccesaful wood will be hcld iln Uxbridge lin a couple of bec on Thursday last, which 6nfishcd np weeks. witb a s-cial dance ln the evenlng. OIit Monday a cliestnnt;borse owncd by The S. of T . are to bold 'an open enterr Meugrs. john Watt & Co._ was being ex- tainiment on Fridaycvenling the 22nd ma9t. cnciseêd by DreW Watt. *lien it sliped and As usual a good program will bcprcpared bnokc is leg. The uunfot'tunate -animal and the admîission fée will be within the wras taken to the bush and shot. reacli of ail. A party, of Uxbriclge frje,àds drove Wo Alîboagh the weatber was tbreatcning a Biookln Tuiesday sud' ' ut thei' evenmng goodly flamber irom bere drove to Esmwitb M.ildMn HllJciy, wohv e on Fnlday evening to the S. of T. CoErt cently mévéd ite tIir new bous.- The A pleasant time was spent by ails-fan as visît. 'partook of 'the nature of a bose- wc have beard. warnigo mal, ale Miss Annie Innis leaves this weelç for -Last Fridg a te6o ,whilé, çuttlng Toronto, wbere she Intenda rcmainung for wood ln the bush' bekonging Ï0 Mr. - lt somie dime. Libre mnany others she bas Dale,- Samiuel -S;oo. met -with-a serioü& a severe atiack of thecdiiy feven. Hope ajccident. Hte-Vas -tTyiûtt W dislodge' a ber bigbest anticipations niay be mure broken bnanch wbien WhBônr tban reaiized. wsas okigtet tuk~~bim Our public scbool trustees have ordered witb 'an axe. Thelheod , the a, e -bèil9 a sufficient number of the latest impnoved loose h fl ew offr and bit Sar nth iibt desks for the use ot the p'rmary depart- knee, ctugudrtt~i~~P H n>enl. of the school, a move lu the direc- -was take,tn théedocton, '> 'o'lsI*ê' s'é tion that wiii be higbly appireciated by tbe the gasb. -L-t w!l b ose iteâ-oever, pupils, as thc aId ones are anytbing but before te young man -wil élbt 1>. molie, convenient or comfontablc. about 'Iagain- with h is, usual -ivellnéss.. Mins McWilliams, wbo bas lately been Had the cut bèou eve .tu n elglifi of an engaged ai rnissiouary work i iich deepen Sau w'OU'l4 bave loir. theus gave an addrcss i the Presbyrerian' of bis leg. - church on Monday afternoon last. The Scott towisip wl have'arlotber <bouge attendance was good, and tic address of la the manage menit of 1*., road1- jobs.. 'for a deep'Y' nteresting cbaracter, and mach -many ycars tUi le*acéd enoed by aIl wbo had the privilege of missioner, lookiing'after the, 'orka1tiovoe beaning. the Lownstiip, 'but a fiew-. years 1aotfieý The IL. A. social last week added about coacil adopted the'ys inlu*guj $7 to the new charch building fund. WC Uxbridge township, inkuacb cçiil' understand the next wonthly social is W 1cor a commissionerfior s~edtion, lo be prepared by the maIe portion of the they have deci4ded on aii han W congregatlon. Sncb bcuniz the case It la Neitîer thcctlerk s.uon thé- counclloW*ili' hardly necessary to say that evenythlng bave* anytiâne- W do w.Itl'i;T 011:om will be firat clas, for wberc la the man to mlssionens,,oai!de th- ;ho,'_v.e ? be found that doca flot know alabout appointed& -one. fbn the:- u bow it sbould be donc ? and one for th ec western. , and4D. The Liberals, wbo are the dominant HonenrcngthIl m , eu -sàeètd- 'ht patluthis polling division, are-in bigli chanels ade hi -oýtht ni4 spirits at baving Mr. Burnett as theinroad, ndth.cun:ltheh standard bearer lu the comung election. be n 'ssr~to This is the first time that we- have badthe M-'a honor of baving a pariametay ani-»cb a libenal -sa - Waslîeti. date residing 'in our midet. Wèt*lu not Ju . at this tinie attempt to prcdict what the * ,result will be, bat we can saely sa tha W eerbVÈikI*tW our present mcmber will find Mr. Bint ek a foeman worîby of bis steeL Wadunm in4 Our Methodist friends do4not appeai! W 'have mach success in sccuting a milsti-. O Tbcy aIl want a,- langer-saar'., $700cwIll rW--S -2onoP ýée puca~more bouseilold ecesiie nw grear sIelfn>' wô7scs rilslioi or, if -tbcy- -ere out of ther iulsery blgh schoolteachen -withtw uicei tien some miniaters bave, is w' less th an $7o0-nd làouly. sure .0 tion for anc yeaî et-a time. SCunotticma sudWeekly1 Canad" Paner tW Empret6oJan. lt, J Jan. lem 19 Miss, A. IUçhardsou ýbas, ho witb her aunt, Mël, N. I..- Stever Amos Bniignel bas started taio staff down; -te hlsiiw fartOn tl oUri nioht zcbcol isoe taOnI NV4. Osir boetta vert c sw old paiton, -Br*. I 1

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