Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1895, p. 3

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Se a Mi racle nption-Low Conditiot, rui Rosuit8 From Taking 4oj'q Sarsaparilla. IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wesariug NO. 891 IlImproved AU-Feather- boue Corsets." No side steels to break, hurt or ruat. TRY A PAIR* Ail First-ciass Dry1 -"'c.' i' *:s"' LE -'.~ 'fî,I 110h . 1Ja .1 Ilit îI sî i.rY 't thre hcart 1'it, trip a ýr- r t m hile. Tiir'ii she fregan tir got or 14 îî c'ck' Niii- %Il UcraIPIt4) rtr %She gre r . r flvc iiliti4 ;1iA Allier titi. tit i r u tr 1, i 't 1li-, Sat Lip ir n ,- l'I tri t o 8h. Wais P'St Ali HeIp me, ut hottti t iri 'til- tir he o r . W"' t1wtu t'.,an pf5ia Cure$ l'i r- t~t;îri. irie iq gctting r T.ci~ '?(à r - il îiii " THE SUCCESSEUL REMEOY DRt MAN OR BEAST. ln Its etroct. aufi neyer blisqters,. Bead proofa below LL'S SPA VIN OURE. Pe... Rend te one of your Ror»m avn cure wtî il ., lavi.a and flic bottie, cured e J y--r Utruy, CRA pon-a LU'S SPAVIN CURE. ( iKn lV o., Apr 3.19W 11- -r, eral hbttl <f o ur Pa 1 nt è.ti u-h Bu4cea . I eNicr usod- Rahm. 113-1 Ha'. c-urnended It Lo tn har, Knuch pleaeed wltb h 1lAi P,, o. aSt4 b, jilÏ 1r :clgte dreg@ JP KI-YI J LL COMlplFsr-, CS0 Gý 'ALL5 VT [wenty-Five Yearis UNN'S %KINC IWDER ISBEST FRIENO OT ALEIN ANADA. STI PATIO0Nt IOUSNESSg S PEPSIA, - M EADAQH'EF ATE THEF LIWER 3 GOOD DIGESTION. .TNL met$N~C East Whitby Qounceil The municipal council met thia day. Members ail present. Reeve in the chair. The. minutes cf lust meeting were read and adepted. (* -amnnice- tien. were read as follows ;-Frona C. P. R. and G.T.R. with reference to assecsment of roads ; from Cep p Bres. and Wilkinson Piougb Co. witb refer- ence te road machines ; froim Oliver Edgar asking about back taxes ; from county treasurer stating lande hiable te b. sold for taxes during 1895. On motion cf Mr. Henry a bylaw tic appoint overseers cf highwayB, pound keepers and feues viewers fer the muni ipelity fer tihe current year, wau intro- duced a firati and second turne. On motion cf Mr. Grierson a bylaw wus intreduoed and passed, autborizing the reeve and treasurer te borrow menies fer tewnship purposea for cur- rent expenses. Mr. Stocks naoved that the. auditors' report b. reoeived and adcpted, and the reeve grant his order on the treasurer in favor cf S. Robertis %nd W. H. Scott for the sum cf 24 for their services. Oarried. Mr. Henry moved that the reeve grant hie order on the treauroer in favor cf C. F. Nicholson for the sum cf $18, printing. Carried The printing committee reported, stating that having received one tender from printing from C. F. Nicholson (087.75) and recommonded thati the ten- der be aecepted. Carried. Mr. Guy gave notice that at next meeting of thiscocunci ho wiIl movo for leave te introduce a bylaw te appoint a medicel heelth offloor and sanitery in- speetor for tuis corporation. Mr. Griersen moved that the reeve grant hiescrder on thbe treasurer for the following : Indigents-Mrs. Burgono. 8; Mns. * McCarthy, 88; Jas. Hobbs, 88; Mrs. J. Dingle relief cf J. Abrar.n, 8; Wma. Hodgson, $6. Robertis and Sootit, $2. * Thos, Bleep, 'R. and B., $4. S. L. Kerr, oalary, $80. Tho council thon adjourued te meet firet Monday iApril et i c'cloek. WM. PuRvEs, Clerk. Columbus, Mardi 4th, '95. Division held open meeting Friday evenng; fairly attended ; excellent programme. Mrs. R. Virtue bas rented ber faim te Mr. J. Wright, New Bark, and wifl live qn the old homestead. Mr. Thos. McLaugblin, Geme, visited od f riends here recently. John H. Werry's cbildren are recoveriog nicely fromn a sight attack cf diphtheria. Mr. S. M. Clemens and family intend Ieav- rr ing for tbeir new homne in Wellington Co. on * Tnesday next. Severai initiations are on for next Tbursday evening et Tyrone division. Miss Berta Brent. Wbitby Ladies' Colege, was borne ever Sabbath. Mr. E. A. McCulloch. formerly of this vit- lage. was a delegate ne tthe MeLIodist Young Peopie's great conveution le Toronto hast 'week from the E. L. of C. B. cf the Metbcdisî cburcb, Newbnrgh. We learn be ns president ot the literary eoity of thse Newburgh bigb scbeol. Weil doueEd-tes n 0190NO. Tihe Misses Chapple expect soon tic atart for Bilings, Ment., wbere their brothers are living. Mr. A. T. Gamnsby wassiu Bowmanville Tbursday. Mi. Berti Hunter is in the city tii week. Mr. Samr Plains is back to ticwn after quite iu absence. Sam is leoking well. Mr. Orm Waters bas taken a situation in Oshawa. Messre- Tises. and Bert. Sornmerviill have retiurned frocs a trip north cf Lind- say. Mr. Bruce Bell retiurned from Bowrn ville Tuesday. Mr. T. H. McLeau was In tcwn on busi- nesa tii week. Miss Miaule Truil sud Misn Etel FoS ter, cf Whitiby Ladies' Ceilege, spent Sun, day et Mr. W. W. TrnWYs.-.;SttSiDSf. 10igT PEnAT Coods Houses Sel Them. CL!RGTMI' ý LUITER 111 :~ t- à The Sick and Dis- eased Made Well by Paine' s Gel- ery Compound. Thousands in the Commer- cial Metropolis know what the Great Spring Medi- cine Has Done. Iu tii. greet erclidioceseocf Montireel, tii. periali cf St. Anno's is oeeof the largesti and mosti imporsant. The par- ish îs a populous eue, and tii. werk cf the dozon or more clergymen who de- voe their turne and talenta tic the spirit.- ual sud charitable tutereatseof fiepeoo- ple iB heavy and neyer ending. In tis thickly aettled sud congested parisb hei. ick and auffering are num- ereus, but chritian hehp and consola- tion is ever near in the boui cf danger. In< scenes cf siekucas and disoase is great peri lias been bhess.d by an agency tiat Iras seved thousauds cf lives in ether parts cf our Dominion. W. now refer te thet marvellous medi- chie Paine's Glery Compound, se weUl and fevorabiy kuown in every Canadian homo- The popular clergymen of St. Anne's have, frem turne tic time, beard wonder- fut reports frem tiheir parishioners of fie magnifleent woîk eccomplisled by Paine's Celery Oompound. Fatiher., motions, brother. and asiters have been raised tic heelth sud strength. Those Cnouued incurable by physicino ave been eatieled from the. jawa of death. Tii. Bey. P. Ricux, one cf St. &nne'î mosti popular clergymen, knowi about tiie good work doue by Peine'. Celeiy Compound, and iieviug exp.! teuced most aatisfectery resulta froc ita use li is own case, writes as foI lews :- 'II arn fuily ccnvinced hotu, by per sonal experience aud by the itatemeni cf oeauy parisiioners iniiusted 'tic wi car., tihàt the, cehebrated .zedicis rPaiue'a (Jelery Compound dMesi higli îeccmmendation. I, therefore i willingly indorsethre testimonials -Îo reai4y given i its bbaif." 1- Hehm-COATU.-Ât the metho- disti Paageff, Port 1Ferry, ou the tih ast., hy Ber. Robt. Cado ., D., Mfr. Robert Huntis -fcf artwibt, te Miss Elien Jane Coates, c( BAch. Bowms--SXIT.-At the. Presbyr. ian Mucse, Port err othe th mat., hy Bey. P. Whitoan, Mr. Aiexauder Bowes, go. Mins MggisSmitl4 ail Of Plckerlng township., EI>D.-I-n Philadeiphia, Pa.en'o' b 4tb luft, Minuit. Ungar a to b. nad4U. .*~.d u5y«M Md W Methodism on. Whitby Distrlci A convention cf' tii. minters u haymen of the. Whibby distrit was hi in Brooklin, on 1Tueady lut. T] Brv. Tho&. Mannmg B.A., WIIitb à largeo deleation cfIymen wore Pi seat. ýThe i -eau t said fat onS saitiafion heoina osIled the distrit 49t4,«, t<> mcrtainwhat wàfgemeý Of hecout, ooidbe fete1 goB 'ion lie ýburd o t~ he c obo sai POn. Cgioruo.x : SR?-In your issue cf P lôar ti, I rad with funCh pleasure Mrt. Thos Beall's rémaïks on the. <jnaity of Canadliart apples sud the pouuîibilty of deve1opjil. a large mrrkt mr Great Britain for thei prodiuLzxi(4! Ontarlo chards., 1 agree, with and endors. what Mr. BeaU states, - ad wceld empliasise ls brief allusiQn te the. neglecof fermnera te this important, profitable, and withal,, moat interetlng depe.toeent cf an Ontarig farm. Doring a reent visit te the eeet I was sur- prisoed t the, apparent n ifo en e c the fermera with regard te their or- ohards. Apple culture enta.ils but cern- paratively littile work, exoepting in gathering the. crop, and I coneider it a shame and a~ diegrace that the. fermer. of Central Ontario, and particularly cf Ontario eounty have allowed their or chards tic detevoriate tic sncb a ead de- grec as tihey have. Mr. Beaula right when he says that Canada,-I shalJ limit it te Oxtari--can grow tii. te- )0-D Trhe. regiilar meeting o the Port Perry couneil was lield m lhe twwn hall on Mcndaty evAing iset Al t ,t metmbere were jpreyent. 'Tlie runuteg of kh Frt raary uàeutiug vticu read anti Mr. Kennedy came before the conu cil, ho saîd it was tih. desire cf lte 'fire cooepany te establiieli a relierfund, the. montys tc b. deriv.ed frcmÏ fines im-. psdon memnbers for- non attenclanos whe duty requied- their. prsene. abould the. counoil acquiesce Iu tii. proposed benefit fnnd the company will inake ail necessary recordsi Mr. Alfred Burr came before the Concil h. Coomplaioed that Charles Graham w&a. neglecting hie family and failed te support hie wife sudohild. TO TEE COUNCIL OF TREE CORPORATION 0F POST PESBY: We, your committee beg leave to re- port as follewe:-That m'e, as a cooe- stucion f aeolntib 1 spaer in.e lst metingf couci, haedwaiteo lurt meeti.g Drydeax, a ted& on f.Mry..sdn-PrtndTtlte &lCod foffer fromthetncf Pet bad Tfer reno h oldn of ndueerntad him to move his foundry plant and maohinery Co these places. We also ascertained that Mtr. Dryden prefers te remain ini town providing the corpora- tion would remit hie taxes on the foun- dry and plant for a ter m of years. Al of whieb le respectfülly submitted. W. M. WILOX, chaiman. On motion cf Mr. Willox, the report wae reoeivcd. r.Willcox gave notice that lie wonld, at neit meeting cf coundil, in- troduce a by-law to exempt the Paxton, Tate & Co. Foundry, plant and mea- chinery from taxatian for a term cf LSiould thre by-law paeaned the question cf tihe jurisdictiion cf the. coun- cil ho raiod Uic velidity cf the by-iaw would thon have te b. decided else- where.] On matiion cf Mr. Davis, Mr. Mc- MoKuight wu instirutied net te meke e charge for the ns. cf the hall for tue fic brigade concert. On motion of Mr. Willcox, $10 was ordered te b. paid te, Mr. W. Tum- monda for coder, and $16 tic Mr. W. IL Mark for wood. On motion of Mr. Bondie, $4 was or- dered te b. paid te Mi. W. Boss for a cord of wood aupplied Mrs. Staley, and $2.25 te Mi. C. L. Vickery for wood suppldanu s aemountswereodr ed te, charged te tth. poor fund. On motion of Mr. Jeffrey, $8.40 wae ordered te hoe paid tic Mr. C. L. Vick- ery for wood supplied te C0. Sheehey and A. Knox; $2 was ordored tic be paid te Mia. Lewris; $8 te S. Bouck, and 48 te C0. Sheehey, ail te b. charged to, the poor faud. On motion cf Mr. Davis, tii. chargea for fixiu tithe corporation phatform sosiesamountiiug to *1.52 were ordered te, be aid and Mr. MoKuigit was iu- stiruteto rernovethe aid ecaleis from tlursketi building aheuhd th. butichera îefuiitc pay, the necessaary expenséete keepiiê sin good eider. On motion cf Mr. Wiiicox, fie Poor Comrait>tee wes instructed te inquire luteo complaint cf 1Mr. A. Buir, re Chas. Gréeam's ueghecting hie family. On motion cf Mi. Wiicox, the reeve, Mr. Davis and fie mever were ap peint- od à ecmmititee te ascertain thie beat manuzer te repair thre roof oIi te wn On motion the. council adjourned. furtiher and say the. flunt cf ail kinds of fruits that cen b. brouglit te matur- ity norti cf tihe greet lakos. Up bere in Manitoba where we have te inmport &If the fruit w. consume, we have a favorable opportunity cf making corn- pGarisons between the Ontario and Unitied States fruits, and the universel opinion lier. is fiat Ontario leeda the. van . (Miir. Beall encouragea fruit growers te took tei Englend for a market. Why net look te Manitoba and the Northl- weet Territories, whore ail the frufit that in grewn in Ontario cen lie Con- aumed if pro per methodeanar takon, for handling and deiverin g it, and proper transperti facalties are affordod by the railway cempanies ? There seeme te be sorne sorti cf a comtinetion lier. operating egainsti tue Onterio fruit growors. I have tried âure and again te sift outi the trouble but have net suc- oeedod, et leasti te my satisfaction. Dealers here eay thev cannot geti fruit from Ontario in good condition. 'Yot they cen bring large aihipments ail the way from Celifornia witib a tranship- ment et St. Paul, anotiher trenshipmont lier. and thon scnd themn on westi ai. moiti as streati a distance as from To- route te Winnipeg. Lt is said tihat tihe Ontario growers do net know how te peck tiheir fruit. Thore may be sorne- tihing ithi, but it ienet the whole trouble. Then again it in said that the Ontario growers (tits refera entiirely to applea) are net boneet in packing. For instance they put good appies et the top and bottom cf thle barreis and fil] Up the centre wittl poorer grades. If tii in true, it ia suffloient atone tiC damn the trade liere, beceuse deaieri are neyer treated that way by people th'y buy fîom in thc Stiates; and b. aides only the very boat qualities will find a merket lie. These alleged short-comings cen b. easily reotiied, and I tiink the ochef difficuhty iu de- veloptng the trade witih Ontario in te be found iu the. metter cf trensportetiol and facilities for shippi .Tiiere sliould hoe acentral depot cuti. lin. o railway where shipments oould be col- locted and fcrwarded promptly lu cm hoad lots, and the. reilway compan: ought te, be prevailed on te put oee c rtiwo special fruit cars on their expreui trains, et reguler freight ratios. Thi Iwould b. an advantage iu tihe plun pc ndgape seeson. Agents couli f te apoited eat the.principal Cities ani Vtiownsinlutis couuty to tae ordors E se theti car loed lotoscculd be sent b e aci point direct witihout breaking buUh A Company lu tii. east might buy th, Bfruit from the growers sud hook afte fthe sellng sud siippiug. (Tiie Ontari Depe.rtmenti cf Agricuitural siould tel là thà matter up sud make.a thoroughi i 9 vestigtion5cf the whole situation. Tb '1 Fruit Grcwera' Assoeiation should ai rlook luto the subject -sud se.in f thi 'ý ticusaiu upon thonsmuda cof dolai Lthst &anuually go eout cf this cou nt into the Staomsforbfrdit canuot be di ~- eted nt ti. oàktâcf ii fritgro' te ors of'ý Ontario, the. banner section 'Y the whole Noilli Amêrloaùn oontiuei teIt would b. a Nise move * for the.di B partmento giulture te sund a del et gete te tii. fruit <litriets cf tii.Stiel o-atcidy the methode cf peikig ai thppu fer., for oui Americau cou ine are nquestionebly far ahead Cenaidias ns utii... two respecte (My letter I fear han became i ling but iu thé hope cf beirig of sot What i I iu JaquesCateBlQuee NIlm"a aUaimsat >cuw S ur Dý. pohnv" omintedby t f u, oe t Orii8 IJOIJGHS, clii,14 Sore Brench itu,.d a11 Lung 2, ly- euredby Bsgysnii's Fed The conserwtivsscof1 ,nemluated Dr.: proie- I.] * h frotrm wak m £ 1 éwf CaInsl r. SinlP$hi' iee9 Efor Ifats aud Oblidten. It contatu no1tbeOi>iumXK4Iorpln nOr cther Nareotie gubgt"mlie'- 1h15arAIfOS ubsl for paregorlc, DroM,,Sootbing sfflpsansd Castr 011 1h 15 pleasant. Its gU*1!Sftee la thfrty, years'- U» by Killons ofMIothers. Cator% 4estroYS WOruus Sd al1ays feverishueis. Castoris prevemats vomitiig Sour Ourd, Cures Diarrhoea and Wiiid 0db çaOrls 1enev« teething troubleli, cures CO»st"lOnl sud fatubency. Castoria masfilat5 the food* regfliSfrithe t.D1 O and bowels, gfring healthY sud -nalumi sleép. Cas toia la the JhUldron's panacea-thé Igothe0' a d. The. Cwntur comu, TI Mum»y st, Nv r.*@ew Varlco 1lC1 MW Castori&. Oantolla auexSefeut nedkdm efmr hM- dreu. Mothenhave repestedly todmeofeta good effect upon tbefr obldrenYl Dia. G. 0. Oscoon, Loweu, M" Cagorlinlithe beitemudy fer chiMiS cf whlch 1 m acquainted. I hope the.daylasnot far d stwhesumothallwile lMtiiRuB lutareitof thelr chldrefl, aud meuusuterl in- atsattbai3'lousquwk kfctU Wh&Ir de.treytngthefr lved ones, by forengoplnm, morphine, soetblng syrup ad ot1rg hurtf a agents dova thieirtbroMm, therebyuulg tbemtOprmature grme." D16 J. y. KINceuOE, Oaauwy. Ârk. m kncwntome." -9o £ M «m "Our ph*ineW , tw»'ebUM* - mw esc. ~ ~ thb lutdro .w e~ amSi etWcg v n i aoooe Âzima .S~.~ seart Diseae. 1 A.Toronto Phlysicie 'sy iiNover Existal without the Presenèe t morne Kidn.y DisMs. 1 T itonBo, March 4-The number , f s àd- > The medical t profession ita devotrng more- attention tic t e lis na d itis alim ents 4e i. pisent tic»e tha" ever,- beffe,* sud nn physicieareammaking aipeiel*,y of disemas of tuis ergan. A Toronto dotor- wbde vots attention te ibis braueb et bis practiSce aidto yourlerter t« s"bave yettOý l.aârn cf a' sinffie casewbçeebeart 4150e canud deati,la whxch -a poat monteu' ex- aminticu did net show th exWistence ofi Bnright's disëese, -diabàeoe.or smOin th6er1 ]kidn.y dà'ease-. odd'S kîdney Pulis wti cureé aU dise"ieo!thmkidueys asud hbut yard off tbe dangerof boaut disesses 1 1 mildont Work Àc:;Uüm 1

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