Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1895, p. 8

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lkl AnnivèrsarY- Servkes were held Ia the '11etiiodiot.thurch cn 'Sunday last. Rev. HéM. an.ing cOf" Usbridge preached mornig and evening, and addressed the SundAy sclool in the afternoon. The con- grogatiOns were large ait day, and the sermons tmueh fppreciated. Dr. Cade a5kted-fora collecticitiof $30, and $18i.2o was Put on the plate, inclùding an offer- lngbý, the Sunday school cf 840. This le double the receipts of last year> and speaks well tor the liberelity and responsiveness of the cniteg&rion. * Saturday 1 Toronto -News gives a col . umâ and a -eaîf account of alovescrape in the clty ki wblch a Port ?erry girl named * Henders and one Alex. Thompson of Dur- harn county were principale. Miss Hen- dors bas been mn'exhibition at the Toron- to Muscesfor some tdîne, in a chies cf pretty girls. The patrons of the rnusee nda chance to vote on the beauty of the girls, and Miss Hendej-s carne out fifth out of twelve who were on view. Thlompsoni is one. of the class cf fellows whe gets struckjon every girl that cornes along«Ud felu befàre the superior charms cf Miss Henders, althoug e ls forty and she sevpnteen. He proposed marriage, and was as big a fool ashle, so îhey were ýiînp t»obroomstlck ene n ight last w,,%. 'Tb@g Minister was engaged, and ail wu ak aing towards a union, when Miss HendeW patçr. board eof the prospective escapades 114 went and captured bis fresb yoixng 4gughtçr, R AGLAN. * trIn repi>' te the Greeubank cor. et laut *weeks, and aise te a letter written sud si;ued by Wm. Weir two weeks age. I *Wis te state 1 wss net aware that the S. cf T. bad au y "sore headu"lu their ranks, * . and I would s.>' 1 have ne fault te find with the order. It lu a goed oue. Neithez do I. ind au>' fault wîtb the "temperance mari," but oui>' witb the «inconsistenL" 1 have the greatest respect for an out-and- out temperance man, or weman, but I do *despise the Mn whe professes oue thing an dis qulte another, sud no oue as yet bas beard your humble cor. say eue word againat the members cf the Raglan divi- sion. 1 belibve we have at present sorne as consistent members as you will find in au>' lodge, sud some whe rnay deem your cor. a nuisance do se trom the fact that 4he nails have been driven a littie toc tight. *An eld adage bas it "truth wounds deeper tlîan a kuife."1 The Greenbank cor. says: "Besides iftu a well known tact that non- members know more about the inconsist- encies cf its members than members theni- selves." 1 weu4d say in reply 1 have their Word fer Il ; somne have said tbey neyer drank more liquor ini their li t han wben s member, and what our eyes have seen we zuust believe. If your Greeubank cor. làw tnembers drunk or drinking be surely would not Say tbey were consistent. He saya that Inconsistent churcb members can be faund as well as mlçnbçre Qf thç temn- ,>erance lodges, 1 quit@ agree wlth hlm lun thia, 1 hold that ne pue caui be a true ment- ber et the chureh sud be intemperate. I arn qlati h.spoke et lncon-listent cburcb iflem bes. lHe seems te be ver>' wander- ing in bis remarks. He speaku cf the iu- consistencles ef hotel-keepers duriug the Scott Act regime. 1 amn quite aware et the argument used by them, but I would ask my friend by whern was the act repealed ? Net b>' the hotel-ke&pers, uer the modem- ste drinker, but b9'the temperance men sud the church member. I distinctl>' me- collect a petition being in circulation here tot the granting ef a liceuse te selI streng *drink, sud only three or four refusedt t sigui it, sud tweot these were neither churcb members uer members cf temper- * sce organizatiens. There is ne more glaring iuconsiutency than this. The hetel-keepers were fighting for their cause, white thechcurch members sud temper- suce people were prayiug "Thy kiugdem te cerne," tbçy were busy rowing in the eppesite direction. Tbey remiud me et three salers wbe ieft their sliip, wbich was in distresa, and went ashore in a smal Y'boat for assistance. Fergetting the oi~-- * ject of their erand they retumned, a' L *seAtlng themselves satel>' lu the boat they ý»wed bard sud streng, until daybreak re- ývééled te tbern, they had neyer unticd the boat from the shore. He speaks of Judas. Judas vas ouI>'oeeoe twelve-net four eut of five. Judas loved a littie moue>', but I neyer beard in the historv ef the Apostles wbeme a collection Of $13-67 ouI>' was raised frem a gang Of 700. In refer- ence to a business man paying off bis creditors witb a few cents on the dollar, we are glad our frieud bas mentioneti this alse. Thîs lu anether incouuisteucy which *existu very largely ameug non-business men. wbo de net even psy a few milîs en the dollar, sud througb their dishouesty contract debtusud bu>' goods fer whicb the>' neyer psy, thus business men have trequentl>' beeri called to surreuder * their "ail." And I can oni>' s>' "Ihouer to the mail who gives up the latit dollar's worth cf goedu he possess te pa>' bis cred- items, Whtie be bimuelf bas been robbed by the-;iy"lowest ot the low." A marier womsu whe weuld buy goôo4a ean>' busi- ness inst Wlth *'ideiDtU$f0p pý,f'pa>'iug for theuilu livorlse t;hana libw~a>'robber. The ve en b>' the rtleu u t s uame to thassssit downfall'. b ve., ,sen b mt«men, maey oftheig, ela iaagain and pày off aU arr"tÏ- ,toc d 1 have nce rlght te, S J4 dg nMY là such imtters. It $~ bank frlçud'wrlting 'h- 1 ~ ýh4~as -he. besteof ~ ti ~d co~çuld Oi,,Llu.rer- thut If r0po14. etI ifrt ugtgcd with Mir. Puckerhn. à letquilu so wcfthls wuior that Mfr. Ireland Jj mcouroing husband. May haw jecçe. bg>- M h fort in his old age fr i baudso, Ta A wde cf MDtIIYII1I8l5i f3Il th us soften tbe gratlng of separation Frocm; Mr Thos Baker bas sold sone cf a life companion. She was a member cf the Methodistciurch liere and whilst well r ei aNs aseJàe'It r was always mes there on ýthe Sabbath. CMr. WLewsVnNesrI bas e Gioge#t1SI*Mr The public sehool concert was held on hs odn a al ros'Sae- mani. Friday last and in spîte of the dishearten- About sixty-five iembers of Solins division ing apperance cf the eveninga largespnap crewdtured u e erte efrance ta leasant evening wîti Oshawa bretbren By S e 'co t t b as te erorance. and sîsters Monday night last week. miultifarious programme was begun and r. H.(i asoc e burd lyb uI> ildo f carried through te the entire satisfaction '~' ai h a n> eu~ea~ cf ail. The tableaux, drill and actions cf days. The bereaved familÉ hâve the heartfl,' ,tcholars were a credit to an y-crne. A few smah'c i utersdbtaeet cf the actoro were prevented frein conuing, Visitors ;-Mr. and Mrm Frank Wilbur Mr. MRckey, of Enfield, and the Mis ses o yrone--, Mr. A. Moore aud Miss M-.ore Law, cf »Pickering. But the audience cf Haydon; Miss Edlth Goard of Bowma n- were hlghly delighted wlth part 2 cf the ' ville ; Mr. Fred L . Bray, cf Enfield. program. Messrs. White, Stevenson andi The entertairnent on Frlday night in Madili carried thern to heigbts of revelryP,1 the Senti' Hall was a success thouçh the and the rnulitudinous orchestra made:, suendaince was flot ver>' large owing te rnusic enough for a dozen concerts. R e- the sterm. Those who were not present citations, duets and farces comp)eted the missed a treat. The orchestra under the affair, sud 12 o'clock saw the wind-up. direction cf Mr. D. Morrison gave very Had a fine evening been granted the valuable assistance, their selections being ochool would not have held themn. Ex- well rendered and highly appreciated. penses, being heavy, were covered, and Messrs. Brown aud Goard sang fine solos the remainder goes for inside ixtures. sud Mr. C. W. Soucb aud Miss Heatlie Much thanký is given tg those who came sang a duet capitally. The quartette was from a disîsuce. well rendered and the recitation were ex- IEWOASTLM. ceeding>'well given. Proceeds about $15 Mr. Wtn. Lee, Goderlcb, is guest of the Mr. H. L<. Pascoe, of Taunton, perforrned Misses Lee. the dtities cf chairman very credlitably. Mrs. Medcalf and daughter, Port Hope, BROIM visited the Misses Rose. mie mru . Muim tWilsoni . esaammr.intends mon.. GUY & CO., grain buy.. "'.R» .VILD-I1, .-..'..----, IUW--.---.-' j ng into the Parker block. Mrs. A. A. Colwil luii slowiy recoverlag frorn ber serions illness. Mr. Win. Rlckard sold a car load et apples te an American buyer. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beman eutertalued a number ef their friends last Thursday night. Di. Tamblyn is very hi at bis home near Markharn. Him mother bas gene te walt on him. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. -Çopeland with a large number of other Sunda>' school work- ers are attendiug the S. S. convention at Oreno. Miss Powell cf Whitby, and Miss1 Brimacornbe of Bowmanville take part at the "At Home" at the resiâence cf Mrs. Thos. McClung on Frida>' night, i5th must.1 Don't miss tliis unusual treat. At St. George's cburch i Lent short services are beld. On Wednesday morn- ing address-on "Self- Discip line" ; Frida>' evenings on the Ten Conimandmneuts and Sunday eveniug on the Passion cf Our Lord. Delegates (rom the Methodist Sabbath schuo bere to the Oreno convention Mrs. Copeland, Miss Allie Levekiri, Messrs. John Douglas and Thos. Ellissoni Nearl>' roo scholars, including the BibleI class, attend the Methodist cburch Sun. day eçhool ; the officers and teachers au M- ber 25. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark was surpris- ed on Frîda>' nigbt last b>' fiding their home taken possession cf b y about une buudred aud tweuty of their frienda, Who met te celebrate their silver weddiug. The werthy couple were made the recipients cf a beautiful silver tea set. Dr. Oliver, as chairman, Rev. Mr. Copeland, Mr. Uglow and several ethers made short speeches. TAtINTON. Miss L. Lander spent last week visiting in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Glaspel are the happy parents cf a baby boy. Miss H. -Henry upent the last couple cf weeks in Torouto, visiting friends. The political campaigri bas broken eut over the border (towri line.) Big guns, bot speeches, and fiery uridebateable argu- ments will be the chief points of interest for a season. Last Wednesday while Mr. V: Trevail was worzring iu the woods about five miles uorth ef this place anaccident happened which might have proved fatal. W bile in the act cf sawing off a tree, a large part cf it began te usplit from the main trunk, Mr. Trevail running te save his herses near by, was stmuck b>' the falling wood lu the back of the head and sheulder, and rendered insensible. He was quickly picked up and brought home. Dr. Hoig, of Oshawa, was qurmmened. His wounds, though severe, weme net dangerous, a long scalp wound was the worst, it requiring four or five stitches te brimeg the parts te- gether, bis shoulder and side tbeugh very badly bruised were net etherwise iujured. Mr. Trevail though laid up frem womk is quite thankfiil that he fared se, luckily. BOWMUAILLE. Mr. Robt. Belth, M.P., Bowmanvile; bas been elected first vice-presideut for Outario cf the Canadiari Clydeadale Bree- ders' Association. Public meetings in the iriterest of Mr. R. Beith, M.P., will be held as follows: Wednesday, March 13, Sons' Hall, Mt. Carswell, 2 p.M., and Maple Grove, Sahool Heuse, 7.30 p-M., sharp. Thurs- day, March 14, Sous' Hall,. Eufield, a p. tu.. aud Keunedy's Hall, Enuiskalleu at 7.30 p.m. Friday, March iS, Schoel House, Providence. What a truismn Mr. Simpson Reunie ex- pressed tvheu he said speakiug of institute meetings: It ie difficuit te get the thrift- lesaclass te attend them, the vemy class that would be most benefitted ; but on the other baud, we find the meat successful .aud intelligeug class alwavs present. ln these days of clos compeetition,, lif e istee short to fied ont ali that -is to be know n lu BRÂLL. 5.-Isaor of Marriage Lboonas. Besidonco opposite Townri Hall, Brookht. HoLLIDA Biao&. Brlqh nov gSoesare com- tng in e-ver>' day. -Printi are lovel>' aud now elthe tfieto get fret once. tuicot- toliadge lis a ven botter value the.n nsuai and a aplendid oeleotlan te pick frein. tieveral linos 0et1n6v iriflg hats are nov in stoak. W wfllbe g1adto show -thera. W. vaut a lot cf utrlcti>' frest eUs snd firsî olésu butter. W. ps.> top prioe..fer these. Have yoren '! "uKergifflum.? Geta pack- age aud loed it au dfrooted sud thon vatoh fer reauitu. t auytbing le vantod in oloth- ing oce one sas usual aald vo vn U a&r&n- tee toesuppl>' yeur noedstuacrly TYRONIE Rev. A. B. Demnili, Toronto, preached bere twlce very acceptabl>' on Sabbath. Miss Minnie Sherin, Bowmnanville, la taklng charge cf Mrs. W. R. Clemeus' bousehold duing ber absence lu Prince Edward Island. Mr. Archie Campbell left on Menda>' fer Tilbury Centre, where he bas sccured a good situation. His mauy friends wlsb hum aIl success. The Retomm peli tical meeting cr i Ion- day eveniug was largel>' attended sud mauy weighty arguments advauced b>' Mesura. McLaughlin sud Rikard, IIMPTON.1 M'les Minuit Tyler la home fromu the city on a briet vîsit. Mrs. John Ttwudn waa visiting hem par- ents bere âsat week. Mr. Fratit A. Cole bas been appointed. pestifiaster at Hampton. 'I Good attendai6ce lrom bhere at Orono Sunda>' scboel convention. Mr. Theodome Salter lu recovering from inflammator>' rheumatism. Mr. W. Eltord, Virden, Man., who lias been speudiug the wînter witb bis parents here, bas retur-ned ater a pleasant visit amng Darlington friendu. PRINCE ALBERT. We are glad te ste that diphtheria is not apreadiug lu the village. Mr. W. Treverton bas moved ito the resideuce cf the late Mrs. Franklin. 1 Mrs. Berne>' ha ver>' iliwith quiuse$ We hope she will soon bu well agati. Mr. Wilson, of Port Perry, -la motitig into tht resideuce Just vacat!on by Mr. Treverton. ENNISHILLECN. Visitera :-Mrs R Jehuston, Mr sud Mrs Z Lockhart, Newtonville; Misa E Lick, Oshawa; the Misses Lockbai-t, Bowman- ville, bave been guestu at Dr Mitcheil's; Miss Gifford, Bowmanville, guest gt Dr- Potter's; Miss Montgomery, Blackstock, at Mrs J J iibson's. The Rockey Gante. N1 "Aiter the Bal" are the words et the song That inspires the hearta, of. thé dudes ail aleug ; But "'atter the pnck" la the tlieme of the la>' To inspire the hockey beys ou victory's way. The Commerce lsaswîft, but the Collegiate ha ý-_swifter, Witb Rooke, Stewart, Campbell behzud te lift ber ; The puck it fiew rapidl> o-ver the ice, Fmom one eud to the otbez- in less than a trice. Exactly at eight Uic>' prepure for te start,ý Our boys weme deteriaoed wlth body aud heart To do or te <aie ; for b>' wnnang the game They weme bringiug, te Whitby some hardly earied fume. The teama the>' dmew off, -Dufrer gang the puck, (Which invariabi>' ibro' tht game a feil, te his luck) ; ' But woon he bati lest ita Noumoe-the crowd roared; And in leus thari s minute thec Commerce bad scored. The>' drew cff agairi at the rcfceree's cali, - And Smith sent Uic pnck fIying huto the wall, Birrel passed it te Barries, Who ou tht, doat Shat ibro' the Cis goal and aur first goal was wen- When the aboute hati subsided they dreur Off once ore With the ver>' saine resultg s s traaispie - R More. new Goods for our- money this Spring than ever before, consequently we are Faetory Cotton, 1 yd wide, only 4c. to 10c. White Cottonu, i yd. wide, only 7e. to 12jc. White Cotton Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, redueed to 25c. Grey cotton Sheeting, 2 yde. wide, redueed to 150. White Victoria Lawns, 1+ yds. wide, 7c to 25c. White India Linen, wide width, 20C. to 35C. Wlite Plaid Muslins eommencing at 5c to 20. The new waist materiai, white, stripe, grey, oniy 25C. Plain white Canvass Cioth, oniy 10e. yd. White ground Canvasa Cloth, with stripe or spots, at 12jc., 15c. to 17c. Zephyr Cioths, plain or stripes, at 15e to 25e, with embroideries in ail widths, at ex- ceptionaiiy iow prices. Ail wool Serge Dress Goods only 25c. 42-im. ail wool Metian Cloths, in ail shades, at 500. yd. 46-im. ail wooi Serges, assorted patterns, at 50c. to 75c. 44-i ail wooi Serges, in grey shadea, at only 60C. 44-i. Black Henrietta Cloth, oniy 25c. 42-i. Covet Cioths, ini ail the leading shades, at 50C. 44-mn. Tweed Effeet Dreas Goods, will wash, only 25c. We have a number of Dress Patterns, only 1 of eaeh kind, you should see before they are ail gone.1 All-wooi Creppons, in black, with silk spots, at 65c. Plaid Silks, Surah Silks, Moise Silks, in ail shades. gl'In Dress Trimmings we have everything that is new in the market.,M& REAY-MADE Great Bargains ! Boys' 2-pieee Serge Suite, 90c. fi 96 Tweed Suits, $1.25. ci dé di di $2.00. di et "i " from $1.25 to $4. Youths' 3-piece Suits, long pants $8.50 to $5. fi f di c id$4.50 to $10. Men's ail-wool- Tweed Suits from $5 to $10. GLOTIIING. Men's and Youths' Spring Overcoats, ini Fawn and Navy, at $6.50 to $10. Men's Tweed Pants at $1, $1.25, $1.59, 42, to $4. We have also added a new lime tao ourBeady- made Clothing Depgrtment. Men's Fine Black Metian and Serge coats and veste,i ail sizes, two different ents, at $0 JUST REC iEl EL.. Latest Styles in Hard wi GO Lower Prices! .5Is etGauae ua o i.o 25 Iu. eutGraulatd..g.r...$........ 30 ibs. Bright Vello'w Sugar for.... -SI-cc. 8 Ibs. Cholce WbeatFlakes for.. .. 25C. 45C. Tes for-........«.......35c- Delicieus Sugir Cured Hams, toc. per lb. tîve -andý' antd Soft Hats. WALTERS People of CzOOL> COMMON appreciate a good article that is honeàtly. finished and up ta. date. cess of GRANéqBY Thils explains,-ý R THEY WFa4RLIKj Attrac- Bfttiopges 0f Thé Division Cut OQtJMTYOF ONTARIO 1805 More Dry Goods for the money than ever. w- THESE O IFYINGS PIROVE IT x-

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