sfor our mg than e qu e n ti The WVith caim printed words, great thought8, and untiring induxtry, we advoc.ate Peace, Progre88, Knowledge, Brotherhood., VOL« XXXIX. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCB 22, 18950 dl BAK OF CANADA. WHITBY BRANOH. A Generai Banktng business donOe Speisi attention to Oollections, and Far- mers' Sale Notes st lowest rates. IW*Deposit received in Savings Bank DepartmentiIn sums of Si anid npwards. No notice of withdrawal required. Highest carrent rates of interest allowed and cre&ited semi-annually. E. D. WARREN, Whitby, Aug. Blet, 1894. CHAS. Manager. SC OTT) AUCTIONEER; WHITBV, ONT. The undersigned begs ta announce thet he bas taken out a licence for auctieneeriflg, and wili beg lad te 811l orders for tbis class of busi- ness. Hie bock mIll b. kept et 1. H. Longs office, whcre aIl information mev be obtained. Whitby. Nov. 29, '94 C. SCOTT. N. P. PATERSON, q 0., Banniseo, etc.-After twe vears resîdence in Englaud bas resumed practice et 136 J ohn St , Toret.-Oct. '94.-6 mes. DOMINION BANK- Capital Psid up, - $1e5000000 Surplus, - - $1,500000J Whitby Agencys General Benkiug Tra.nsaoted. Business BAVINOB DEPÂRBTMENT. interest aflewed ai highest current rateE Ne notice o withdxamreqaired. E. J. THORNTON, managel P. G. Meldrum, M. D Licentiete et the Royal Celiege cý Physicians, Edinburgb : Member eft1ht College of Physiciens and Surgeons, cý Ontario. Office sud residenee, uorth sectieu ef the "Terrace," Byron Street, norti ef Dundes Street. telcpbonc communication wlth office. Whitby, Juhy 4h, 1894. Who? Who? Wh&~ Says the 0w] W ho iseil the bes Baking Powder W. R. HOWSI does. Why ? Because ouI>' tl pureet ingrediant are used, and iti frequenly>'madt Cenuequenli ea wayu pure & fresl L ondon 101011101 Powder 'd at OId No. 1, A DE MAPLE SYRI!?, rae and Orockery, ea Sets cheap, y Groceries, Teas, , etc., etc. )R 'A SIlt OR TRA DE) - .SY 'JT THEÈ '77t(ESý e cahîntg and ex-iný.ning 1 F rjce,4 for ~ojre I knds cf Grain, Apple& eultry. Have alsc gel the ad Fruit.Sprayer for thie id West Whitby. , picker& ameg Ever> fruit gruier er. WrjIe mc foCgetlar., SON. - WHIiBy. e ow Rentmi0 la the. but BloO4 Purifier aud gensi Condition Powder in tihe marketi. la tiihe hepest poîder- ths a i s been effered for ale. It cures cames of General Debiflty, Loua Appetite, Roughueam of the Ela sud ail troubles ariang fom i purity cf the Blood. £ý foc. per (M., or 3 Zbg. t/0? ô MADE ONLY BY--, W, R. -HOWS] OEMIST A.ND DBRUf*GI sfor the presentatlve of the. Excelor Lite laili- trouble lu that suosi 1peooples.lCrwai SuceCao, vlulted Sunzderlanid Isat weck rtwek' Aitbougli 39r. Tromn't colà paiW kt ,i..s an the brdlly pse,- Pp4 Di long licnlutbi dr ,Yet lu <18154 Uw.ýitri, ' tguiy uru1sg ftt. 8cme salvaicuArpy. lads visited 'xéinej a U Whitby Monda,' lesngtter Cst-in ig.Uçab1é en R hlm Insensible. H'appily hlm injuries were aly connideretîcu cf notorlety or auythiun BROOKLIN. LOvv~ LETTERShmba eure fo, it F LO A E S LT E not as serlous as et first feered, and he e1se, were we induced te write from sucn r.Bnhmbsrtundfo ii wae able te get about the neit day. cause; end beides au Oshawa paver hli e finsl omavle h CoRREso~DENE. Dr.E. R.L Goul, of ohus Hphinste.c.trst opportunlty cf nndertaklngthe. red uBwevle CKBONICLX i ICPNDVql University, 'timore, has been appointed nâttft, w hlch i t refused. Thînge are Mire. A. Ketchen le lu Toronto welting 11 -:0.,- professer c' ,tistics at Chicago Univer comlng te a nîce pau wben people fear te on lier sluler, Mrs. Bruce, who la serions1> Vaca mit>'. This the first chair cf stetîsticu 5p8ek eut and de whet thby know they W.- ever established in an American univer- should Te eyItlpkm etpet Mr. Luke Robinson lu the represecta- atltu Miss Lizzie Orvis la eut agein after ber uit>', and it le e malter for congratulation d l ead u te belleve tIdat the commun- tlve cf the Chosen Frlends et the gland Ri sever illnss. hen atienof Caada eceivs su h ltyl;mcompeued cf rogues ou the oeeband council held lu Toronto thîe week. Fr1ý ise r ine t e T wn L ne i ddstiwhncat on ero Canaud a eve sc b hlga udcowevrd s n thee ter. W h t better Mr. J. S. Valean, the manager of the and distiction Proflieudwwaseductfede Mis Ovis e th Twn in, vsledVictoria University', and is the eldest son -ueec e . rw rmteattitude cheese factory, bias errlved here with hie bod: hee n una>. f boecolceruhdaI"Justice were doue family te remaiu permanently. March keeps ber snow well and as 11 e oh . el, s.,ati tw. we Wouîd not now need to be harpiug on Mr 11 urnh~be fee u Mr. John O'Regan le meeting with thesa'ubJect.Mr liDuanasbeoféd ad th th e poat lofor des n e sprn. wt peddsceeI i i uies FRED. R. HouEs. Position in a barber shop in an Illinois "deal Strange tepa fiede e euu and aIl the local dealers report big sales. ' town, whicb he will llkely accept belh We have been told time and again that It The cigare are union made and mauufact- -r .Dna a oe noorvl c woulId be here on the , tsI. tIc what?1 ured fram the beet materlal, 50 that the Ç w uWE~loge and will carry on a tailoring bueines T Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, cf Maripose, demend fer tbem le net te be wondered at. inte-dps fie ulig ews o have been vlsiting at Mr. Thos. Pucker- The Pointer brand le acknowledged by ail BE L.,VIOKERY. barber. imoce street. hl5i=cceis. 'und ins. Sorryto say Tom hem been laid off emokers who have tried it te be the best s Dà ;'). L. BOb01-Office LKng 3treet Eu. Next Sundey afternoou the Metbodist end I with a c'ohd. cent cigar ever sold ln Oshawa. Mr. BR<%OKS' LIVEBY, Bituocse"inet. nri Sunday-school wlll hold a meus meeting iu Sel, Miss jean Fisher, wbo hes been bere 0'Rcgan intende lntreducing hie cigare ln W1%.EOL ,harassa maker, SlmooeS minet. .the church ilnstead cf the usuel uchool ser- Phc waiting on ber aunt, Mns. Wm. Hall, went Whltby, and we can confidenti>' recom- T. B,-ICTEIUOIL, butoler, Ring St, Wet. vice. The lesmon for the day lu on tern- GO hast week on a visilte Bowmanville. She mend tbemn as beîng fer ahead cf 81ny 5 A. 1. , BaLTE-DomIflou pianos and organs, pelrance, and tibl important topic wlll bee aîî expects te return before geing te ber home cent cîgar we ever trled. This le but jus-. 04" treet. tbc keynate cf the meeting.< bru ini Creemere. lice te Mr. 0' Regan, and hie enterprise lu Cooîoeucurj HorL-J. 0. woou, pro r, ifiut bas erisen regarding the go We oul hie t sc or coirergn-bringlng ekilled workmen te îewn should Itioderu hostelry, neat and corn1=>z1ebiy tulle te the propert>' recéent1>' purchased b> sicl W ol iet e uchi ra be encouraed. s-qulped r tr adth rnfrbsnty ized te a successful reîurn et ils wontcd Wd-Posa ' 071e BOKTOEP lino of booksbee. Sade. tlhe tlikel>' asthetrH seng. What is the organ for if net for use? An enjoyable event took place o ato eOns aad faOy ooa.E.E Rgeswlbe sade tifacto i ctt oo ethe at soH Makre an extra eflart tacoeeoute show needay evenina a the residence of Mr. tt adae go.B.. grtwl bstifcoly ete onseht80 te heAuîcyte achrstanendevr. John May, il I ng the marriage ef hies HUDE017=9OhSmstg n, building operatieus rnay be ccmmenced as fin Sunday wes dul>' honered b>' the levers B Sia dafugh tes Nelli May tThes.ride em Osta m iarn Md prnontpedl' spslbe a et eld Ireland on St. Patrick's de>.a e Sriey o bosod .. The bie Witya 0ansd4pm An arrangement bas been made b 1h. au was eupported by lier sieter, Mies Hattie, uzdg. J. L. BaixACmuBB, dealer tu mil. Baptlut cougregatlons here and et WLitby Shamrock was displa>'ed on man>' a coat while M r. Artie Straiten, ef Qedericli, act- lier>' sud mantles. Dresstnaking, etc., in b> which Pastor Sycamere lu le have anbe an d the green against the steru frown et cd as beet maxi. The ceremÈmuy was per- ooiin-eotlona irne alreet. b nature renewed tbe îheught et a ceming fermed et 6 e'cleck, iu thc premeuce of a 0aW ie8»a- awn assistant, for the summer menthe et îeat,li 08 à Dme TomL JMaxell dipe lui the pereen of Mr. ScotcfcMasbertr spring. Good old Saint! niay bis ad- few select frieuds, by thec Rev. H. B. W sIR chemist. Ful Une cf pure draps and Unoretf' h ee t Mr.Sct'sw r 1 mirers live te see ruan>' limes the 17th of Kemp, of Stroud, aseieted by Rev. J. o smlca1s always ou baud.Unvriy'Temsofà .Stt wkso March. Rine. Mies Maggie Walsli played Uhc jos rx Ca enU, manufacturer cf fine car wi-ll be donc lu connection with the Brook- cfm SNW.wedding mardi, and Uic bride was given rIhles, cartz, wagons, mnd &Ui kindu cf cuti- lin congregation. of away by lier fallier. The weddiug break- aqsand iighs. Bepalring a speolalt>'. The non-appearance cf th. Brooklin let- ne BUSIN-ESS NOTICiE. -Oshawa subsenibere fat was served lu fine style by Caterer D. ýJo BBEwE, painter aud decorator. Deai- ber inlu et iesue heu been the cause cf wg or dvetiersme> tansct nybusiness Ted. The bride was the recipieut of a e~ in waIl papers, oe3ling deceratleus, mn nune. Tereea a with the CHRONICLIE, or may obtain ex- number et beautiful preseuts frem Chii- ta iit 1, varnishines, brushes, wincow statcd editerlall>' last week, wes that the tra copies at any time, aI E. E. Rogers', cafro Toronto Fergus Falls, Mina., Ced- 1teasdssn etc. wy reenedm sel en irnale, Stroud, Oshawa and JÂÎ46mePELLowdeamier lu etoves, furnaces,bocde nth rawa'pvntdnyn post office bookstoe, Oshawa. - exhT r ,wmre, etc. 'Large tc t coustantlyi ste ongetting te ite destination If you wish a nice French china dinner h YT hehppy culelF jn he hand. Jobbing a speoi ly iostntion in time for the pninter. There lu R or tea set, or anything ln fancy china, or 80 ri mdasoe lncec tnra not a ittle satisfaction lu kuowlng thet giassware, go te E B Morgan & Son. At the last quarteni>' meeting et the Dn.LSATTm on, DentisteKlng St. West, Osh- wben "absent we are net forgotten." BM meîhodîst board at Celumbus, an unani- s.a AU operationa erforue<à [n the beet ABi oalTmlrmetn uMu Mens strong boots, gaiters, iaced boots mu alwsctne eteRv . sl.Kzn o aneetaton. AtdutheenRoygltempqu eting onwhn-er i: with toeecaps, or laced boots with beliows- Brusc Keun et Ie edcalfthet.1hu ih Kosb5 frlaZtsexrcin.N iyevnB5heqetona.ewht.s tongues fer $î.oo at the corner store Osh- Brue Mr. of.he KUITf t.oN B. A Britr oilothe fermer or rnecbanic l the more Inde- awa. here. Mr. ~~~~Kenny bas decided te accept LMnoB .-areeSlatr aw.the cali, subject le the decisien oethIe ste- « Publie, Oouveyancer, &o., Mouey pendent was debated b>' ten young mlen. m, It wili pa>' any parties conîeinpletig oing 1omtîe Hecrn- >. Office over Dominion Bank, Slm- The subjecb was well thteehed eut and thbc c buiganeggeetorwdig igtinn cmite.Hsduties wl 11 cet, Oshawa. decision was given lu favor of the formerae0, buing anhegageentoc or eddinr ing Oh mence after tbe June conference. Dunlng I mow-tmBkr.Beti ytrepit.Teitrs ntem-t te ec helare toc etFet Bos, Oh-the short ycar that Mr. Kenny bas been m E Ourcqbream aker>'.inEOshara, b>' te poine heinteua nthe amcd- r awa as the>' wili mcli this month ver>' cheap here he bas endeared hbimecîf te a large ce.Oi i5dl odliOhwing l tai> nraigadtealn frcsGeniedaod K.u> $-crl tfiue spcal mn h >,Pickering, Broohlin, Onlumbus and dance on Monda>' eveniug wam langer Iban ýp foredamn 4. nv$ cash.f red, secal ao h a. Wood yard in counection. ilbahsubeen fe omre rontbs. Prepitre- < Tbey are aise, making some special effers youug men, where he bas exercsede * - a,~Ti .1ngtion in r uerwyfrachrpbi in Gents, Ladie's and Boys, gold and splendid influence for good, and hie de- geut&' fnrui.mTin be eigtaloshmw mti r ng wbcliwa foreuoce soon, a silver watcbes. Sec îbem. FeIt Bros. parlure will be mucli regretted, even t10 - B d l gortfflent Of tweeds, wor5tedo, Me eaLr al>,bcfrosBa he short distance cf Columbus. Under in fgs,- mblrts, oflrs, etc*ulwa.ys kept issSr odBietefmu o-y Miss Flossie Blair, ofToronto, le visiting Mn. Ken>' tue bible essembi>' attendance t onelocutionist, lu te give- a recital here la te wbhM.R Toa.las more than doubhed, and bis esrc ~ ~ ctTbursday çvennmt utl i Mionelsl -gha ,-i-h.ýM e.tbt One-of the front windis lu the Baptiat and thoughtfu discoursem r-imd~p .rtieib4AO5iWiWiVea ilto 1sBie' le a per n churcliheu sbeen breken. preciated b>' ver' ares , B'nAei oîd ri.sm od e.c in Br nof ilissledf eoi'olgt Mms Wm. Hobbs, et Pickering, visited With tartling effect came Uic announce- fis itc suoc, d swslerY'rsptairiffl à peclal circumestauces thet elle 15 comInug ,h friende lu Osbawa lat week. ment on Tuesday morning cf tlie ver>' spêclalt>'. uaw. -We trust that this exceptîonal ,ý- sddcn death of Heur>' Caruwell, towa Mr. L. Brooks, liveryman, bas had e a sure n ertr'ofUcelclbadOsaHAWABom,% Un LLsttntion of famam portunit>' cf heeriug a strict i ti lm windmilh crccted over bis stables. fraover 4 a . He hda tteut e olbd t la ledirected to feed chopp o aze uetraunu ilb u> prcaed fo vr4 ec.H a teddt i ail>'ait 51 e 6a.esrtdTBObSl hm b rerseubeTrMe Mr. S. Trcwiu bas taken over the pro- duties as usual ou Monday' and was ait- o!f our, beat in C sutoidbyau flst-las s.iey' o arnin hve noepectatisse - duce business et W. J. Ficher on King et. ting ln hie home la Uic evcnlug whea lie grocers t ln ansd Oshawa, and at ouarnBaking me>' avontc b exr etras bbc o Mn. W. A. Aiguire bas securcd an hotel wa1 udn> ~kn~iaelz. mm mps bt expeuses arcver>' igh., There-sbou16d lic lu Brighton and hec moved hie famil>' aud Medical aid was immediatel>' eummoned, Ev£BN & Râ.Wzn,-Izuporterl and dealiers a nmel ag uinethetl ? effecte there. but nethlng could be doue, and after a few in farmers', mnufacturera' aid housefur- a ruulylreadec obati-' heure conecieunees the spirit departed to nllng sUpplies. Kuicuer fiwr. taented lady. The programme will clxi- Mr. Hilliard, formeri>' with C. H. Crys- its long home. Deceased was boru iu Eayetîo= l ador caratg doue. laiu Mies Bailcy's fineat melections. jiâ dale, bas euîered the emplo>' et L. Dickie, Lodn alnl 12,ai aet urnaces, chand anad lape A stock the same au se.blas been dclightiugthlïe seutb Oshawa. this ceuntry' whilc but a boy. Oshawa cf bicycles kepti on band. people of all the large cities lu-Canada and' et Mn. Trevail, et Darlington, who was in- heu been hie home for nearl>' lalf e cen- Un ED u utdStbswtadwll le inter-. r? jured b>' a talling Irce recently, la able to tan' He was a Couservative la pelitice Mis ye Dycr lu visiting etzRaglan. persed wlbh music b>' local talent .end gel aîxît again.au ady constant member and cemmunicaxit nTHalupraug1crc others. The price ofadmisalon lu 25 cnts, St Gere' hucl.w anw ndmd a reduetion will be - mde fam il Mr. D. Wells Rogers, we are glad te an-sengrw up es mouru hie loue,.liera. tickets. Tickets cennlic secured-atHol -- nounce, heu recovered fromn bis severe 111- Three sons are iu Alberta, amone tlaem Mrs. W. Ormialon lias returned from day Brou., mmnd good semis reserveidwlth-- à e nees and is again able te be about. John A., formerly edîtor of the Vîndica- Western Ontario. eut extra charge. ~ .~ S The citizens had an opportunit>' et view- ter, Richard, Edgar, of tic Western Bank Mr. Wm. Baîdmen and famil>' have W .m ing the wonders cf Edisen'm kinetograpli Whitby, Rev. Albert Carswell, M. A., mvdna sne iSseD7s07 1 a lest week, at the Commercial hotel. Newcastle, Heur,'T., of thie Ontario Maltmvdna saa.Bm upet il- Altoug îh cogrealin c Ch iIron. Cc., and William Udward, manager 1fr. Richardson ehippcd from Burkton GUY & CO, grain buyera. h.- Ahu basedioregaized ofIerst thfie Domlaion Bank, et Uxbridge. e-onlMonday a car lead eogeopte Peter- BEALL, .Imro MELg icesu th hrcoolle îlî ig nizdthned in the ceased was aise a brotht-r cf tiheteýran boro. RosidnepostewnHlroii. churc. - t mpeaxce erator, Edward Camwell. Thc Aboeut 6o members -of ,Eufield SescgOLimlDATBie. Brlght »,w goo4rn ae oom-c chuch.fuierl took place Thursda>' and thc cor- Tempeoance paid a fraternel vieit te Rat- i teevin day,.. Prnaii ar1elyanda Mr. W. Thomas has an engin. and me- bae was one ef thie largeat ever ucen hece, lau Saturda>' niglit.noil-h leogtfi*sas.ot- chinery lu operatien on bis -Celina et. lot, edenciag Uic higli rempec t liwihh rc r naigdeuIle ep umau *0a mpflald qletOr u ty* and la having the large piles cf cordwood was licld b>' ail. The fagou thc towa for the season. Meni are ver>' plentifulte .e~ln5tWplg5 r *i thr up. hall and higli echeol were a± half mut eut hine, and vages axramch lower titis year r ,iI.ga iiotm~W heeof regard for the merncry of tic dead trea- stockt. - -Wé . lbcglal Abouit .20nug peopffle from Oshawrsrreia athtuhservnt ofie auta lot o! sà iurl JihlW ~Op L lid asieghig prt>'les wek l ~l. mxiicpaltymmdlis intenit' sd Vsitns:MiesE.,;Wr, Birmnvlle, ui0.pe - .1e Hilt, Frncliau'sBey.A meb cjo>' s<~ipni>nu xacucesirer mcs valnabl Mn Lews au Miei A.Pascc,_olin r Uau MS-lim . NO. 16 onlv 25>c. 18, in ail sliftdes, rtcd patterns, at Y Siades, at onlV olv y c e leading shades, ;ods, will wash, Patterns, onlv 1 1 see before tlîey witlî Silk- spots, foise Silkis, in ail market .,ff vercoats,, in Fawn lne to otîr IReady- ent. MesFine oats and vests, Ii S, iat $10. oft Hats. BL S. ENSI- usually ty made, weil s the great suc- BERS ON$ - y 1 1 - red Walker, of Toronto, lu spendlng week wlth fHends here. [enry Taylor bas moved to Mr. Blair's .ant bod outb of the village. Shat bas become of our mecbanices'in- tte that was spoken of sme time ago. Kernember the S. of T, entertaiurnent on ,day, evenlug, A good tirne lu expected d the admission Io only zo"cents. Every- Ly corne. gucl sympathy lu expressed for Mr. d M rs. FranC4s Balle y ln -their komt.by illi of their only. child, a. littie danghter tween five and six years of-age, which curred leut week. The contest thet bas been under way r te lest few weeks ln thée division, ier the leadership of Willim Phoenhx d T a=o Lee was brougit ,t.0 a loeêon ir pby the,-c-ritie decleiuM oenix th e vietor by a mmio za>worlty.ý Dod progrmmes -avei*exi gveb-eveity ght and qitea nnmberobfuew reznbpm ,nught iu., Atth i M1et ntfié eusuel satteudance .weu agutedby two lg&h loawfro~nt.Prince AIe fdSOf. Silas Bott'basggona to bis uatlqcvaonty, iron, where ie -Inteuda .i'remniing for )e trne, and pérbpsprmuSzty, f ds a sultable octio. L luseuia ýorite wltb au, selaly ,thé f r -sex, d will beespC lymýiSSedlflà the lethodist Sunday sehool 1à whkh liebs een a teacher ommd in the d1vlsiOn_ efe ewas a-imadin'g member hâvzg actda easurer for, several, ýquartera Iinsuçees- on. H. leaves lu. tis-'neig>bonbeod-a- ost of frlends wbdo wWIbépleased tâbear hf bsprosperlty wherever- hW lt itm -ay b ust and shonld, lie see fit -io tetlt !authe ear future;, a warm. WeIéodae wil» b. lin raiting. The followlug iW_ the houer roll of the. enor division of our -public ocbol Ilr*ib month of Fébruary,- Senior -IV-. r-ArveUa leal, Archie McArtfzurAlice - cMzflamn SagieFranklin,-Elgn lt9l; Aünie Mc-' nilln Lizzie McAithuir, -&Euâtawo lalce Cragg.. *Juùfior, 1V -br1rphoe.- tix, MaudJrnenaiimTt1ii5 ;e Luke, John. Mct>ouaid., - epiôr lU.- gary Perkînm,-Be a'tI1ha-Tgl È,Dusty - .abel Stili, N.llie (Mfl J*EIýe, ;k âuy Burke, Doua.1d'I& ttliu> ?',Lela liver, George Rosé. 'eà >zmd Ela Stone, lgume1 Mc=,,al4 toue. jUnior l Ita Cropi Phoeulx, Anni Dpt$ErzBnc st- lat galter, ereBfe..A.aeted auce for thie szoutbie-f-rty-.vèL' rourt Ra ian ç dérréà - M lat wee's Çpiul w e tepeea1c_ý th el è s'- t i nse errecl io, s d eIia, ur, congratul>lti ou'th article, An>roue wbi4hý imad e .9 cornnuicaO wll'ý; wIth tho order» 1( teèfl Ã,7o'kéýS f We thouigit our- fiiëed&had erc.ýt 1~l faukt to findjudglug .-fr-in hà bjs jî _ it-is apparent t ~tl,-iiu-W '~ fg u l t t o l l n d w* fi ,h b o r d e È .' , N e t"4 o agg liecornpÃœed thé . . oI a*uw liéue pèggefy1, X, e e ele ie là o ua go Tï , 0 e that-id tbeoir' . A r -,r