Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1895, p. 3

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lest. Miaterlal, Comblned with the best fillin1 In the world*, makes the I Featherbone Corset " unequalled. )IOU-S Medicino Gven a Fair Triid Proves Its Merît. 1,- fr 'n !r ru r .1 IcII,- t andI survyr, o~ 1~ canada , swII a p a 1 I k-' 11 r 's : ci',an pavry i- 11 I ffr(111S SF I9 c k ý 1 1, '-e1jl adce sikIedce LUkeLL THE CCESSFUL REMEDY 1MAN oRt BELA8T. t i effocta and nover bilteu.M gSd proofa bobs L'S SPA VIN CURE. n endruon Co., al, lob. $à, lit. 1 ias. moud ml- on., of JoUr Rorice j.. hart, u,',il 6eq gi"ont dor ofTut icine 1 on e hia lip 1,, that bid vinm&nd flv i".ts.- ured ber nband l) the U, N rouir Quly, uis. PowzU. UISS P~AVIN CURE. .' .',ribottin. of your 'b. . eit l M,-aInI so,. it 1.d i v tr.il., r,-ru.end at to 1 rn iarv mucio pltuwod wi1h y ai Druglsêt, or a.iiress K EN AL I, CO MlA N 1 S0,AqGH OrAtL%, VT wenty-Fve Years UNN'S WKINC WDER OK SBEST FRIEND ST SALE IN CANADA. ISTIPATUO0NM .IUSNESS, S PEPSIA,ý, H EADACHE, LATE THE LIVEFL lL A ER E-AT 1NG0 .3 GOQi.' DIGESTION. Ts. DOMD S. LY A LL .o R ' Ld;. \OuBLEs LLER RH EUMATISM HEURAIA.MUSÇULMR11FFRES ç PAIN IN SIDE i lAME SACK ?JJ NI 1EW4VN"D &l". MENTHOL PLASTERUE s' PURE flLooo MEUIS IIEALTH ANO SIBENGIBI Paine's Celery Compound, the World's Best Spring Medicine, I"Makes Reornsý cati-celii the ua are as May se breaki enterpi will pi the chî balf th, The( monti "The ,.the st Edna. ville.. was et gressi ench stamç otheri how t, 000 le sides and e ter ai digne mattc Stepig Sons o te dea soid ever be cherished by parents tili ase Home. s t reigus supreme in es.ch trustiug littie Pthe ell a Hm.heurt confided to their care. - ived jThe ideal home being now presided cdipçi PAPE RED B MM R. OGES, IN-over by ideal parents, as such, they Lu Spring timo nature commences t0 wbo SALE, TO THE SOUTH ONTARIO will study the best interests of their don a fresh attire. She ute on uew wass FARMERS' INSTITUTE. chide neeywa.Te ilo-garments uand docks herei with fresh ten i We are ail paiufully conscious of the deavor to ascertain the bout of each beauties. 8h. îhrows aside the duli eabd fact that there are unhappy homes in tender awakening nind, sud whatever and dead condition of wiuter with its et our midst, aud a look into some of the place or position in the world which accumulated impurities, sud is iufusod mont causes of these, will perhaps help u'î to God ha given their children brains and with a new sud vigoroue lifo. Edne find some remedy' which will improve ahilities te fil, they will, te the exteiit Iu like manuer, at thiesoasson, shou.id canc their condition. of theit pewer, ussiat sud prepare them ail meu sud womon banizh the weightu such lu the first place, wo believe one of te fil wortbily, and by 50 doiug, be ahd burdeus of impurities with which thee i the most obvious causes le te be foundi corne fellow-workers with Godinu bring- the Bstem je filled. The blood is filiedfoa in te ue, r rthe mieseof lcool1 ing about his deuignesud purposes con- sud clogged with poison sud disesse; os liquors. The happiuess of more homes, cerning thein. the nerves are wesk ; the muscles are it is truthfully ssserted, are wrocked by Who cun tell how many failures in flubby sud relsxed. The whole system this than by auy othes- one cause and hf e have uot been brougbt about by je like a disordered houso ; it requires Ci ebeivaIse, thut the more immed- parenté, th rough unthiukingly it may cleansiug sud settiug in order, that ail oei' jue reedyfo ti eilte sin ,bo, but nevertholess wrougly, forciug the machinery may wotk eafely sud Cob iaermd o hsei et nthe rosit rigbt use of the ballot, which, us yet, their children into some (to thom) un- harmoniously. hia net been placed in the banda of the congenial occupation or employment, Thoussnds who have been cleansed h&d womefl; but we muay do whut we can te when, if they had been permitted te snd madoe treug by Paine's Celery toli help te bauish the gi-eut evi1 fromn our1 follow the dictates of their owu nature, Oompound, willingly support the asser mîdtbyusugwht pwe sd nfu-they mîght have become useful Citi- tion that this imedicine cleanses and re itf once e hae wih thoe wh do ona0l, ornamouts te seciety, and bright juvenates the hisman system in sEprngof the right te use it. And now, whiie go sud shiuiug ights iu the world? timo, in a way îbuî no other me icine tait many are awskening te the ouormity of Parents, think of iL 1 Our children eau do. Lt gives new life, fresh redta the evil, is the turne te use that influ- are net born te become more machines blood, vigor aknd etrougtb totho weak, par, ence for the good of our laud, and for for muking mouey with, that we may nervous, theumatic aud dyspeptie, sud lho that of our own homes. add acre te acre, sud te houp up wealth makes the skia ot those sufféring from the Au o, humers are lookingj for us, or for themeelves. They have blood diseuses as soft snd cdean as that 153f Aoudth or Staendard Boutera te Up- i thinking, reusoning minds, sud neyer- of a little child. c hbout them obaundfTrt udFo-1 dying soul te gauve. Shall we stunt Mr. D. McMahou, of Peterboro, Ont., Wlt dom for out people, (freedom freina a the zrowth of those minde that eut thsukful for new sud fresb blood andah woree bondage than that cf human( ends may be suved ? Shahl we negleot renewed health writes as follows:- n slavery, because it chains with the fet- their seuls that wo may gather together 11I have great pleasure in testifying teO 0" tors cf death, both the soul and body,) that which both they and wo will pro- the fact that Paine's Celery Compound te rsow je the tirue, if evet, for mon te seutly have te go sud louve behind us h ua caused a remarkable change in My Go sekfr htwidmwhc i1 ud No 1 No 1 rather lot us strîvo te condition. I was troubled with a very M( them in fiuding the right mon for their teach thein te "soek first the kiugdom bad sttack of Eczemu on my face, sud t Leaders. Those v' ho wilh f earlossly cf God sud hie righteeusues, aslainsuputohes over my body for four years, fac th fceundfiht or hecaue c1 hese Iuecessary> thiugs will be added sud wae under treatment of Ilirse doo- facethefoe andfigt fr th case f ttors ut different periode. 1 have aise Prohibition and RîLght againset every thereto.' oppesing lement, sud thereby laying "Our childteu," as declared by a triod other remedios but ail proved use- A the chief corner noue for the ideul noted writer, "are hotu te higher des - lese. At luet L bonght a bottie of home cf the future. tinios than their fathera." By their in- Paine'e Celery Compound, sud put in It is rigbt sud proper as well as help- creased oppertunities sud privileges, Iodide of Potassium as reoommended , funi te us ail, that w. should hold up they will bo fitted te becomo thse actors ou the label. The eue baIlle did me 80th beo eus a model of that whicb we in s fatr advanced period of the cburch mnch good that 1 bought five bottiesB B wish te uttain te, whether it be in eut sud world. moto, sud now amn happy 10 say I amn M4 homs o s eu chrutet ; erlotnu Let their miuds bo formed, their perfectly cured, and oompletely free ul strive as we will, there wihl ahwaye be a heurts prepured and theit charactor from th. troishiesomo disouse." ah wd nevlbterpructical sud moulded for theisenes sud baunties cf _____s__ _il Idéal excellence, a brighter day, when tise ideul homos diDAY Wo wish tw euhh your attention tý- wiil be lesu rr than they are uow, sud An old Scotcbmau, who gave bis naune night te thse ideal home, sud to show when this eld worhd wihl have become as McDonald, ha been imuposiug ou a how we may, lu a moRsure, reulize ite the botter becaue we have lived in it, nurnber of citizeus in town this week. Hoe Ivs ndift subyad bcueo h arfc h eo si undoubtedly the sume old scamp wbo huppinesfor ourselvraudif dotherhve de foe rifircehic we ofbus been workiug a similar game iii Peter- Il eue sistor je helped, euo er use etdyhne mae orot hîdru borougis, Milbrook and other towus, bis (1od in gratitude for hie gcedness, or WO have spoken heretofere of the stery being tbat he bud been wuylaid und eue home made botter and more akin to frtee use cf tise ballet us the more imnme- robbed of a considerable sum of money. s tise heavenly home ubove, 1 shuil be di.ate remedy for the evils cf sîcohol, Sulas Bigehow, thse subject of tisis notice, more tissu umphy xewarded. but thut it wus not as yot plaoed in the died lu Lindsay on Match 7th, 1895, from Tha out8ide world, with its bustie hande cf the sistere; but bore is a wide, an attack cf pu-eumoula that hasted four- and are. is aceeses nd ailres be-ope. feld wheeinif heywi1 thoy teeu days. Up te thse lat hour hé retuin- aud ure. is alocsse su fahurs, e- penfled, heriu f tey il oreed isssenses fully. He was bora lu'tise loigs ricipll toth stonr slmay labour for the -same resultel, mre-sh ands rinclyiul;hbt tise toer, s~ lowy ehabt nth-edmoeyear 1830 iu tise township of Tecu 1is sud ighly e; bt t thM oter,--~ perapu Du in ud orecounty of"Simcoe, Ontario, wbere he lived Wife, or Sister, belongs tbe duty an suily.unutil he removed with tise famiW 10o Lind- the pleassite aise, cf makiug the Home W. meah that by training sud edu- say lu tise year t844, and for over flfty sud its surrenndiflgs what it ougist te cating the cbildren sud youth eof<>ut years was eue of Liudsay's most exem- ý be, a hayon of test sud ec for the lanid in wise sud tempérance prinoiphes, plary citizeni. Iu 1863 be- married Lydiat often»meswea ,ov ouee sudad tht by thoroghly instilling mb to . Btemuan, wo continued is faitful oftntmeuwor, oertdrued sdter- ou id shte orts omanion until Marcis t;i8t, ISwben discouraged Faîbr BoheorH e yugmnsahtedfrtes-dahremoved ber, heaviug three cbild- band. cnrsed traffic in alcoholie drinks, they ren. Whatovot cf 'worry or cf censure hoe wiWl when they have become men snd On Satarday morniug lait Constable may have te contefld witb iu tise enter women, ho fouud ready to sot, and tO Garuer Nicisolis, of Bobcaygeou, urrived world, ho shonhd fiud iu thse ideal homo, sot deoisivehy sud in the right direc- lu town witb tise yonng man Parker, of tisaI sue ad synpsthy wisicis will ever tien ; for tise children of t"dy will ho Harvey towuship, wbo pîqrloined Mr. Alf. he paà enrvtehum te bear matifnlly, the mou sud womou of the coming sl'hadoeovratfmteRoa thepbsrd onorndatesuioties of tise day- yeurs, upon whese sisouldera may hang hoel Being brougbt before Magistrate tisembredeu5 sud Y teftr etnef ofen h'McIulyre, tise prisoner told a very lame And frpm wiseinahomr aulythfuuedsiiofbneeas story to tise effect that aununknb>wn party oxpottiss. tisuf rom hem whom ho saalest of the woids nations. bad "swapped" tise overcout fer an old bat et up to e bthb.ueen ef hie bouse- Ts eprIc'sceisfrtise on's, tise extra conisîderution belug tise hold, ho eh.le isWife, Motiser, or Sis- Young, weeisyreigty conduet- price of a drink. Him worship .sars ed, are doiug s good work iu furtheriug that ho abe sard that kind of as tory sev- Tiser.bath ail imes during ie noeince on the Tho ideal home is eue whieh by noe se of> proh>iition. . Teisbat euci sud sent himup or two month m ausvits in ides only. îî 'a quit. ýschoolo, Chistian Eudeavourm, wilttie option of cutting hie term l in possile t havesuci s hme, a man otier oomendble hal'o orguiz - by p IL-thecostsf teA. &bssuoset r pby s" a> aafor Mlî* "%carIIiVoIIIMM boauoS for mie nothù-w aS1In~pt ta7. tm~éhe ewmua h " *vt $.gE IIU1 'JUS SJU1. Çnaff%ne Umr-'u 1ý Mt bigber ùenib,rttbhe top, *>um-ý e~h the sie. a&syiIr1U this cletter witb fenin(o)-or, mort - ed staiupi to l"is.da rNn riUell Kaus Co.,-'Il. 0 U..vMs ,es of the -three, sud the.y Wn tam sked todotthe saine. Aitbougblft isin a sinali tbiug to you, any0PflOý, ïngthe chain Involvés losses to the tiîse. A person receling No. 5 lase returu the letter as that enuds in.-'Yours sincerelv, -A. WILLIAM- above "fake" bas beea workedover s mtates of the Americau Union, snd da was attacksd some time ago. Chicago. Inter Ocean a couple of hs ago prlnted the following item: newspapers are asked tg d1scourage mnding of cancelled stamps to Miss .Brown, Iu the little village of Kaner- SSoine Ãœime ago a chalu of' letters karted on the plan of geometrical pro- ion. It started with three letters, recipient being asked- to send te, ps to Edna Brown and write thr, e, and so on. Now they donfot kn> ýx tostop the flood. Fron -15,00 tÃ" 20,- etters a day, containing stamps. be- inunierous packages, both by mail e press, ate received. The postinas- m7dmail carrier are both waxing in- uint, seventeen large sacks Qf mail Lr daily preventing Rie carrying of engers or frelght ln the stage. The saq City Star, which bas investigated natter, discovered that Edna Brown lui Kanesviile, but that she was not a pic, but that she had a sister-in-law owas, and that the medical instituts myth. She had received between, and fifteen million stamps and consid- le money during thbe last three mnonthe is still receiving froin io,ooo to 15,00o eys a day, many of them ' containing ey orders. Computiug modestly, a bas received nearly 82 1000 worth of ,elled stumps ut the current price for h, and if she received money orders of average value of 2o cents each, she bas- eived considerably over $i,ooo a day at least two days frorn that source."- it. BowM&.VILLE. )n Tuesday evening Ohief Jarvis re. red a wire from Chiof Rankin, of o'urg, to go to the station and ar- itwo men on the np express, who astolen a lot of clothing in that wn. Mr. Jarvis had jnst timo to get the station and as luck would bave for the train. The conductor put- two individ nais who were beating eur way on the train. Lt did not ke Jarvis long to spot thn as the xtiee ho was after, and in short order )had thera hundouffed and niarched îm up town to the look-up. On be- g searched, they had the missing othing and were also loaded down ith a mixed collection of articles of ,kinds, even down to a pin cushion. [e telephonod to Chief Rankin who ime up on Wednesday and took thora )Oobourg. They gave their names us ao®rge Sanders and George Ross, of foutrea1, and etated that they bouoeht à0 articles from, a tramp. To Cureo DroPY. LNew Treatineul th"s Diffrs fro'm tbe Oid Metbods aud is Iuvariably Succsuful MOLNTYRB3 ont., lMach Il-Dropsy is due a the uwjorty of ces- teo sne disorder of i. kidneys. Lt in ose of thé symytoins of 3right'e disesse sud indicates an advanced tage of the diseas. Oue. tesson wby 80 isuy cases of dropsy prove fatal lu that s rrong system of treatment la followed. If be cause ho removed the diseue will dis. appeue.__Make the kiduey dritan »% Di i th n= odowe - be wu an infant. Mr. Làament gave tise boy Dodd'si Kiduoy Pilla sud ho la nov thorougis- ly cnred sud stroug sud bosrty. - To, replàce thse wood bridges on thse Port Stanley B. R. with itou, tise City Oounoil et Landau will aïk tise Loglealature for power to issue debetures. Lv oa the steamer Lucanla, from in erpoë,a New York on gaturdal, brouist £262,000 ln gold bars, sud tiese teamer Gascogue, f rom Havre, brougbt 4,000>000 France. Thoa la ne reason why on.ehonld bave a cougis auy leugtb oft ime. All that la neod- od'toahlay sorenesa-of tise tistont or to free tise broncisiah tubes irom irritating muous la Âyer's Cherry Pectoral. Lt la a wonderftil mougis-cure, snd should b. ln evemdinedie cist. In s fre min e Beupon Homse, Lindsay' Mr. Allan MLark, a Toronto travdlorsud Mmt. Kelk, a Montres! ais, lest their Endeaver se ta Ilve tisaIvion en O, coma te dl.eosera tise underWt o*vM b. arry- M aMau Who la waltlng for a chance isas hem u tandiùg ou liisswmonf ôfst Pew arS the 5iD8dies, whosO lIfcial, qualities and rotA merito, bave made theom no, popular with tise -publc;*and lnoeffd <ri "oar te year their ooniainptioni jwMobi- isat posieon gtise mot-varublBem[Ie poort t . 1 é St M lnhaf 1%0 tie, s TéQùïn and Cildrel. it@itafl8 neither ODUtu, Xrbn or otherINa rcotic ,substance. Iii1la a iirmliS substitute for ParegorlO, n4MOI, ootliit SW=upopand Castor 011. Il la Pleasant. Ita urwtelaitg -y er'u b Kilosof Iothers. c tortS det1<>sWomsand aufl fevelabfeg. Cast0ila prevelits vomiitlng Sour (3urd* curlrh oead lVlnd CRl.Castoris relleves teetbing troubles, cures c-ntW~Ol~i ltlny Cagtortias simllates the foo4, reuWi«e the stomach and bowelop, egig hegàthy sud, natural 0100P- (Jas- torts is the (Cb11drefl'5 EIInSIcCt-thO XgothOI"s Friand. 84casterlaIoaau excelent nmises efor eui- drm. Itoten have repeatodly told MOeef Its good ffsctupon didr Obidres."' -Lin. G. C. OesooD, LowoenM Uet ât&lathe bete reMy for ehik1m sOf wbhl I acqualite 1Ihope thsed" aIOt lidtw thn wilIcousk erra luierest of tbir It hldren, sud ussCastoris lu- etesd of tUevwlouack fiaBwhiehSiam dedr0oyEtb5fer l0'te(I 0es, byforcinlgophmi, morphine, sootblng oyrnp sud other hurtful agents do»i their tbroata, thereby sendlu tbsm te premame ravmw Du. J. Y. Kncm.OE, Co'sway, Ârk. "07iio ILUsdA Md O Nd1 L D .uia and piefthSBSuoetoteIiIwo kuovfctO me."MOth 1118e. OtxfâSls u v I o i me av sP ekîibgbyettbi xp s'- CURt JUST SPBND RIS FOUR QUARTEES 10Fo BUEDOCK BLOOD -BIES AS ALL SE DO; BECAUSE IT CURES DYSPEPSIA, BlLIOUSNESS, 'BAD BLOOD, AND IY THE STOMAÇH, LIVER, KIDNEYS AND »Ei contulur compaW9

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