Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 9

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lOHN i t. 'aRWLL . C., Barrisler, CeunI>' OroviaAterile sd Ceun>' oclIeitr.-Offic-'Sou 1h ig NE W P EM E8 Cor Heuse, Witby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, SOUTH OF ONAI( AK Barrister. etc.fOffice fonaviv ôeeuleid Th* witehi 1ntIv Mpa te ime rjack. huea o hldi& ho id idSo sah ui apectg otd ishmg. Tbe lhb Woold c Woeucup mbt rivr$ and oould'be taken more ei Y- than W %helakeor01bsy. the hroes o b inreadiness as as li le. as completel>' eut, I ýoooosel>'aihe man as he v demi ltirte river, w. shall sec t le wmn'nr has teld beavily on H. j à~ thinner tia before, ai haggut webry look ie on hie e. perceptibi>' wcakened, S sooeetning seema te, be cousIt gawricig ay his energy. S. is an, ih u almeat ehildishin uhie dcxx or uiow-&-days. Lijo humera cvery cf hi many whime, sud guarde 1k. a trouer bretirer. H. sakc' heavy and ofthle burden in al S puisat., _hanting, trappiug, fiai cutiing flre.weod-c-verybiig. It oui>' te grtify s sudden uhia Stevae. laI Lije ailowed him te the. river aloe "yoa> in qucat of ri il for the jaek-igita. "LjIgnoua nu go ever suc some 'lut Piae.' Onesl'il g0oRIO "I'd ruther go aloue," ire added,1 ing up aI Lije in sabildiai, appet «. 'fgit, Steve, onlv look eut abter }ear 'o tire ice. If OeeOf 1 higkeg 'd git under tire aide o' botit would seehdirer over surs." Stevc looked at hlm a moment - apeUlar liglit in hie cyc, aud îurned toward tic boat. *heu about half way saro88 river, ire glsuoed stealîhil>' fresu corner of his eye te sec if Lije waleiing iim, sud net seeing about, a suddcn, strange resolve s] ca itsif lunhie countenance. H. 8 up M lie boat. Tbeeni al craft ne-v udil stirroundod b>' masses ef uhici gratued along ite aide, sud bi le carry it dowu Streamr. Stcve's face wore a peculiar mû~ ef weakness sud reeolutien. It iso liat h. iad litIle euergy left,4 buti littie ho did bave wag summoned dreadful determination for tira one rible moment ; sud ho glauced a uatcly aItich spot wiere h. iad Lijo lu fear lest ire siould be accu, tisa at tire river in front of hMm,1 lu g for auopen sae. P>rosenti>' s break in tie ice sic hlm lie elear water, snd witio moment', beaitalien he plunged b long ont of sigit, sud came up in dia$cly beneali tic mass Of je.. It gesed lie, muet surel>' drouir the. ice hald hlm securel>' nndcr - uter ; but, just aItich momeni * pluagod, s figure sprang from behi clamp ef bushe ou tire shore, aud' d&siing reekiesul>' mb tire uter, as toward tie boat. IL wus a despi deed tosatempt s reemue. Tice bîtècxi>'coïd, sud tic river1 4hragged patohes oet be which E ce'~ot impossible for hlm teei ho appearca oblivioue toeQe around sm, save ltceue o * 'eailng Steve, who, ho knew,i 0. * neari>'exhaustea under tic f Ho truggled lu the ice like a moi asahorse., grappuling witi lie 1 "Aa -555iMeJvU, 1& 5GaveTnez Wumq Yvlo. $ h.o alstay wïthu'for ÂlbýighLljos kind offer robbed li va0,ocasIon d ouhf 11.pleaur»ie, ts,. ua IPea But whn * jel.11llsMady üpl. ~~~~~h ilàalieh otioÏd ,uàoha2> ulpl e WA~40.tanor towaxdhl.Ive .m d bo hnding semethidrgof the mystertous -Uunderminlue going on lu the' mn. !YHew ire had paled sud ehtunk silie' large she saw bim 1, How large bie eyes *0i loeked 1 Hov lielplks hie seemed 1" "Y11 Sic looked up in wçknder's moment jute ber -fathere fae, sud 6hcu, in cross sornewîmtt of an swe-strioken manner, "fur walked te the bcd, sud said : acon "Steve, I'se serry for what I donc. ýf we I aiu't gen' te tirrw ne more rmudast xalkis yen, uer bit you ne more." And tien, that seemingly in scarai of soins kiud of bMm. restitution, sire looked sronud the room nd a and eaid, in irer sweet, piping hlte face. vie : "Kin. 1 briug yeu a drink of aud water, Steve ?" antly Steve turu*ed bis fâaete tire wall sud pst groaued; Here was bis last qolace lean- gene. V eue Ele sauk rapidly after that, aud Lije himu iioeu dtermincd on oalling a dootor. 8 -the Tire.wu noue nearer than Port Perry their and ho seidem came se fer-as tic Non. bing, quen, tire people iof tiraI reglen usually twsdueding on tbeir ewn iugenuity in n fsiokuess. Lije said nefhiug le Steve 0f055 about uredical aid,, but irired old A.ndy, Lte> thc ludion, te go te Port Pcrry with a message te tic dootor,' whicir ended, 1 cut "Be sinre anddanum. Mnnny ne ebjie."l ne." But the medical man siroek hiesirad look after b. bad evamined the patieuw. aîhng "No use," said be, "lhe's tee, fargene; ne vitality left lu hlm ; complication of suad disosees. Tic exposure lu the river birem u wstee muci fer hlm, sud wiat's tie worse, ire ducs net sceur te care about gettiug bettcr-refnsed peint blank te Witir take my medicine. Yen ca't cure a tien mon une.s be'll take your mediciué. No, ir ; yeu've doue alf yen eau, but the your friend will neyer leave tirat be. tire alive.", wS8 A day or twe later, Steve called Lije him te his bedaside, sud said, in a weak, bhow. husky voice: toed "Lije, I'm gemn' fast, and I'm glad. Swau I wan.t ye te liaten te me tue ime. fi6ee Deu't gi' me thie ebp-yerr we't gi' me >egan tb. slip, will ye, Lije ?" he added, look. iug Up appealingly. rture "No, Steve," said Lije, kindly. Bmed IlAuytiing yen lilte. ll do whatever what you waut me te.", with Steve inetinctively wiuoed at tire eter- kind werds but went ou titer- "Lije yeu've more'u got even witir 1lcft me. Y. couldu't 'a' doue it se well in s, a uy ether way. If yon'd feught me leok-' sud abnsed me, it'd beeu uo mere'u I expected, and il weuldu't 'a' huart me Dwed like tis. Tis ira been a bell te me, Dut a Lije, and ever>' goed turu yeu've doue read- me bas'ont me luke a knife. And, my nme- God 1 how kind ye have been 1" b.ez- aimed, looking up wonderingly at , for Lije. ,,Wbat a triend ye could 'a' been rthc te a man who dleserved it 1 And, eh ! it he Lije-I can't but say it-what a bus- Ind a baud you'd 'a' been te Manudy 1" Lije, Ail tus wirile Lije -vas leeking ent ef wam tic window, striving te, keep coummaud Brate of himsecf, sud tire oui> evîdence of rfater -feeling wae a etrange twitciing ef bii iled lips at this roference te Mandy. nade "l'y. notieed il mere'n more wicn I Iwim. se. tire way ye love littie Mandy," very- Steve weuî on. "Ye jeet wership- that 'bject littie girl aud you'd 'a' worsiripped ber orked ow'uy word; snd ieabrething ceiaged f 'Hie. to a gnrglig, 'uneerlansond luis pager: threaï. Â$one lime bh. seemed almoet, ~Rue bfr a mîoment; tihe s onbis ëd&edïrew m apour* esaion,9 ~I* té biob h thave beon taken for a vd ord.: M4l Sutthe a.was uevex il.b.d And in suJra>oharabt*ei'saI liehese. tem. foot of the.board ' Women, the Great- est Sufferers. . ru-AVE RESflLTS OFIEN OCCUR, In Ail Cases Paine's Celery Compound Cures and Re- stores Perfect Health, Headaches are varied in ciraracter, et frequent occurrence, aud are pro. duced by a variet>' of causes. Tic common ireadacie is otten prodnced b>' soe indiscretien in diet, or deviaîion frein erdinar>' habits of life. We bave aso congestive ireadachea, riercuatie beadacires, and bilions sud nervons beadacies. Womeu arc oftener tire victime ef lieue troubles tran men. Wica unegleeted frour day te day grave sud fatal conacquences often occur. Borne et tic ableet sud beetîpiysi. ciaus free>' admit Liat Paine's 0.1ery, Compound is tic safeet, enreet sud best medielue for cvery ciarseter of iead- scie. Iudeed, Ibis opinion ie etrengti. ened b>' tic tieusas*hio bave given testimon>' lu favor of Paine's Celer>' Compouud. Headacies being more -prevaleut in tic Spriug season, it je of tire nîrnee kuow iow te &ot. Que bottle ef Paine 'e Ceiery Compound will often permanent- ly cure. Natures marvellous Spriug medieine will, at tire saure ime, bulld up tire entire eyetem. COLUMBUS. A ver>' succesef ni meeting of tie Freeholders arouud Columbus was beld lu tic tewn hall, on Monda>', tic l8ti mast., for tic purpose of etablihiiug a farmers' Mutual Fire Insursuce Ce. About tbirty-fiv. freehoîders being pre- sent. Mr. Wm. Smith, M.P., waa elccted ciairman sud Mn. Wm. Purves acted as eecretary efthle meeting. Mr. Sýnith explained why tis meeting, waa ealled sud siowed Liat ev.rytiug ad been doue aceordiug te Iaw. Hie tien callsd upon Mr. S. L. Kerr te addreae Lie meeting, who r.spended, sud lu a dlean sud forcible manner sbewed tic advantages et suci a Compan>'. B>' reference te tie Iuspcctor's report fer Lie Province ef Outario i. cloarly a8howcd tiat 9 great saving wenld b. effected b>' sncb a compan>'. Mr. John Luke followed, aid in a f.w well cioscu remarks snbstautiated wiat Mr. Kerr had sased. Aîter a f all discussion et tic p.ros sud cens, Mn. John Hart moved, seeonded b>' Mr. A. MoKeuzie, tiat iL is expedient te torm a compan>' whiei was carried unanimousi>'. A ceminittes wau formcd, censistiug et Mesura. Purves, S. L. Kerr snd John Luke te solicitsaubacriptions sud te prove Lic carnestuessaoethLe people about fort>' Lbousaud dollars et insur- auee was guaranteed b>' Lieue preseul. Tic meeting thon dispered, wl pleasad witih heir succeasosera. Wc undcnstaud LiaI Mr. Stabback, of Columbus, has purchaaed tic Oea- eva factery, .snd calculatea te have il lu wonking ondcr n l ood time. As ne* new factory la likel>' teo up iu Dar- iluglon, or inlu at- Wiltby. Mr. Stab-' back lil have a large teriton>'te- draw troman sd it la carneuti>'hoçped l heh mas> meet ulti aucou&As. tisis 1.a vcery important ludue&V te lie faninere, uoW9w, uchail- o g lepubliai au>'- Ls <aood' »etî à Dbiity, .t4ght LessaVarcocleImpoeey n d tee r sulta of<yoithfaf- ' ~atculrs of a stiple aud inepeniv medeof self-cur whieh after be. log homhugged and itnposed'upon for yars b>' quacksauç patent inedicine sharks, cured me la a few weeks. 1 have nothing te seU or give away, nor amn I advertising an y patent reedicine business, but will b. pleadte hear from any anferer aurions, te id a cure for bit complaint. te whom 1 will explain cenfiden- tiali>' how snd b>' what means 1 wasa ured. Hundreds have been ctared through oey ad- vice. Coats nothing te learo what 1 paid n- direds ef dollars te find out. Addrt-ss confi. dentiqansd enclose stamp if convecient. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. Mr. Ârohibald Gillies ef Teeswater waa nominated b1 the. Lberala of Est Bruce on Baturdla>'. Td Conservatives noinntsd Mr. Henry Cargili. Ove Them A Chance 1 That is te a> your lungn. A1so ahl your bresthing niachinery. Ver>' wonderful ma- chiner>' it is. ( ony the larger air-pas- sages, but the th ousand of littie tubes and cavities lesdingfrom them. Wheu these are clo gged snd choked with rnatter whicir. ou ght net te h a there, your lunga cannot hait do their work, And what tire>'de, they caninot do well. Caîl it cold, cough, orotip, pheumonia oatartb, cousumption or sny efthtie f smily of throat and noîe and head snd bing ob- structions aIl are bsd. AUl ought te be got rid ni. l'here is juat one sure way to get rid of tirem. That je te take Bescireels German Syrup, wbiob an>' druggist wil seil you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if evesr>' tiring elie iad f ailed you, yen ma>' depeud Ytpon tis for certainl Amedee tjhattelle, the murderer ef littie Jessie Keiti, will be tried at tire Perthr Spring Assizes, wbich open at Stratford on Tnesdiay. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysenter>' Cordial is a syeedy cure for dysenferp, diarrh oea, choIera, suminer complaint. sa% sicknesa and cern- plaints incidentaI te ohildren teething. It *zve immediate relief te those suffering fron tire effeots of indiscretion in eating un- ripe fruit oucumbers, etc. It acte with wen. derful rapidity and neyer fails te conquer tire diseaise. New one need fear choIera if tire> have a bettle ef this medicine cenveni- ont. Two fariner, namned Corbelî, living at Back Rriver. Quebso, were f atally injured b>' an electrie car. One died ver>' soon after. The medern Way. Cotmande itself te the wel.tormed. te do pleasanti>' anlt effectually wbat was formerl>' doue in t he crudest manner and diaagreeably as well. To cleausa the system and break up colde, headache and fevers without un- pleaoant after effeots, use the deliRhtful laxa- tive remedy, Syrup of Eigs. Mr. Adam Dimnma of Wheatley died very suddenly on Stinday. Mnarda Liniment Cures Dandruff. Alberta la asking for Provincial autonomy. open as Day. It is given te every physicien, the formula of Scott's Etuulsiou being ne secret ; but ne uocestul imitation bas ever been offered te tire public. Only years of experience and Fitndy can produce thre beat. Close observera report tire Queen's irealtir te be in a meut precarions condition, through thre news is net officially given te the public. Wheu Baby wus sik we gave her Captors.. Whe.n she was a ChiId, she cried for Castoria. When éhe beosmue Mis%, she clung te Casterla. When ah. had Chfldren, abc gave thoemCatSns. -t by Farewell & Ratledge, next Royal Hlotel, Brook St., Wbitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Office-In the Offce iaouth of the Post Office, in MoMilin'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL.e 1., ilarrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issuer of Marri age Liceniies. Office - Smith's Block, South of Mark- Byock St., Whitby DOW & Mce .IVRAY, Barristers, Solicitoi, in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block Brock St., Whbitby, south of Ontario bank.1 ilutètrat. D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.S. Physi-caû, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to Al Saint's Church, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches promrt- ly attendedý to. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. County Sur'veyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Ferry, Ont. A.ÂÀ POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- ings prepared for remodeling existing structures, Office-First flat over W. R Howse's drug store. LirP O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVERLEY, .RNE88 KAKER, WHITBY. Having xnoved into our new premises, we are prepared to extend the range of business. Alil work pertaining to the har- ness-making and saddlery business will be done to satisfaction. Collars a specialty. Cail and see my shop and stock W. CALYEBLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, 'Whitby. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. New bouse, 8 roirns ; % acre of garden, weIl fenced. Gxood locality on Front street in South Ward. Apply to, B. WORFORK, on the adjoixiing lot, or at the CHRONICLE office. Whitby, March 7th, '.. GOAL I GOAL il The undersigned has just ne- ceived a lage quautity cf Fir-st <lass Ceai direct frcm sthe mines, and is pre- paned te furnisb ail sizes, dry sud cdean, includiug sevenal bundred tous of the OELEBRATED NO. 4 a uqost popular size between Steve aud Chestnut EsJ.eaveoenr order st once sud get ver>' lewest quotation. týerms Cash. H. B,5 TAYLORt1ý Whfltby, d ui'r2th, 18911. Fore~W re c o 1. J.' WhItby Mr eWrB m ATH 1 OuTR--& tll Mûarbie Monuments, Ileadotonf18 sud allother Cemetory' Wo:h.Lis Importera e01 Scotch, 8weedi8h, A m8fioanand Canadian igranite8o. Alparties Wîingwork woiild do Wel , cal on us baooeureislng Ali wrk guaranteed aud prices.of, lhe lowest. New Livsry and Sali* Staie: Dundas St., Whitby, - J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor Commxercial imen Iiberallyaeat with Teaming done st reasonable pricci.- Frelght sud Baggage haulodst rea able prices. A eall solicited. -W . J . >ITJUEEE MACHIBIT, WHITBY, Has opened a Repair Shop in. connectio with the Cooper Shop lately oarried on bY his father, opposite Ail Saints' Church, sud Wil d al ns f epirg.Bewiug ma- chines a specialty. Lawn Mo-vers, Bicy- cles, Firearmi, Locke, Sosies, Clothel Wringers, Washing Machines,» &c. Saw Filing. Skates, Scissoro, Knives, Clippers &o., sharpened and repaared. AI i ndaol Cooper Work muade snd repaized. Shop opposite All Saints' Chureh, Dundas Street, Whitby THOS. PEAT 0f Bowmanville, intends visitiàg Whitby once a fortnight, to colleot clotbing from gent s te dlean or dye. Garments when- finished wi look as-good as new. If they fail- to be se- will nof charge for xny trouble.. IlU they su my charge is $1.25 for cleaning and niceýl pressing a suit of clothing; for dÉing a sui. $11.50. Overcoats cleaùedand prased~5.1 dyed for si. For cleaning or dyng gents hats5c. THOS. McCANN, Aen,t. Bowmanville, nI>' o6, A-92 LIFE INSURANGIE.- Manuta.oturerB' LUN & Accident Insurance Go., Toronto £ Largeut Capital Stock Lif e nouran G ou thre ceutiflent Nînety per cent. et1 ai accUmulations et surplus is relur ned te 1h polic>' holders. AUl ams are paid witho- deiaY Or discount on proof of -desth m5turitY of ndowment J. B.-.POWEtL DEF N TI S'r. Cor. ring I& Yongé Bt. Toronto-. For tbe nei Ibres ,moth 8 1I-.mivg apecia .attention 't0 patienùts from 'Sadis. #oanceni. till noia niats 1v r iiiex work ,Oo o*ning by.firat-elanss eratex u the m trasaberates tý Ith. - ityo Wheai' l"utcI$àll lu sud alet2ie'xlaRn. mne r teeth. X akê n. êxiàchàébarge, BIGGS, týeôt1t 01 ast cerner A8K )'OLUI éT4 TiýON4. acre, M. D,, F. ~pokliaa. Vý

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