Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1895, p. 5

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ings wihh h a bost of fCw pattens and les lu Jewclry. We bave now 10 bund er Mounted Side Combe, Sîlver arina Pins and Buckles, Humr Pins, iick Pins, Bag Tage, Umbreila Strape Coul Haugers, Beli Pins, Ernery Bulle anc1 Book Manicens. These goode selI ai sigbt. N'ou mnuet sec tbern. Brock Street, - Whitby. WE CAN'T AFFORU To seli furniture ut cost, but we van afiord to seli ai as low a pnice us le consistent witb un- ROYDS T, LIVU(Gr PROFIT. Wc keep the langesi and fluesi stock of Furniture in Port Penny and oui pnices are the lowest. Jessop Furniture Co., W. J. N OTT, - MANAGER. Wqîtbp 'lUrouîit, Official Conty Organà.-Lrgu: Cliou- laion or auy local papor tu Cana"a. FRIDAY, APRIL 5o. 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. Scott repaire ail kinds of purups. Hardwood dining tab.es, 4 leaves, only $s, ai W. Tiil's. W indsor sait for dairy purpose, 300 lb. bbis.,for si. 10 ut Jackson's. N ou cari get repaire for every stove and furnace made in Canada from J. Mc- I 1ntyre. just received new stock boys' tweed and navy peak caps ut 12%C., I5C., 20C, 25C, at W. G. Waters. Caîl and sec tbe erand display of spring goods at the west side boot and shoe store. M. Colline. Just received a conipiete new stock of ladies' and Misses' capes. Ail wool capes in ail leuding colore ut $1 îo $6, at W. G. Those who have flot subecribed for newspapere should do so. We are giving J two papere to the end of the yeur br $i. Either the Globe or Mail with the CHRON- ICLE. Send in names at once. The two most absent-niinded men on re- cord are, the fellow wbo îhought he had left hie watch at home and then took it out to sec if.he had tume to go back to get it, and the man who put on hie office door a card saying: "Out; will be back soon," on his returri eut down on the stair step to wait for himsef. Remember That Dr. Grant's 'Hairene" ie guaran- teed to*stop falling hair and remnove dand- A meeting of the Whitby cricket club will be held on Tuesday next, the 9th mest. in Woodrufl's hotel ai 8 o'clock, p.m., when a full attendance of memtiers and those intending to becone imernbers ie re- quested. John A. Hay, secretary. A Good cup of Te&. if you want a real good cup of tea ai reasonable raie, appiy îo Rose Johnston. H e le adding a choice selection of general groceries and noveliies t0 bis stock, at hie residence on Perry street. He le also pre- pared îo draw deede, imorguges, leases, or ottier instrumente at short notice. Give The next lnlqnity. The court of revision wiII not Ibis year be hounted by the (armer. as usual unt the wealthv clues of townepeople wfil be on band as tisual to have tbeir taxes struck oïl. The poor bouseholder. wbo bas borne lte burden for both the rich townsman, the merchants, and the ricb farmera, bas bad one avalanche Ibis week, and will gel bis nezi dose ere the amess- ment ie finally ratifled. We will swon bave thingese fixed tbat a mani wbo would -love bis lamily laIe this town would at 'ce be suspectcd of lunacy. ~bepeople avolM law. nnon-jury slîtinge cf lte bigit court ~ice opeocd bore under tbe presi 144f Judge Street on Tuesday alter- id closcd alter a few minutes' ses- jXhat tbc court was opeaed for le a ioet1n. . Every oificer cf lte court ry 2e li there was nothin te do. j edosYtand titat the Judge draws a 'c P If the court, openu Bt ail.wbite Uic /Jd nat. officiais .al»o make &es., but Idbe very sorry te belleve that 4 «iahougttè lare, cfmetg ~Io~II3~a cort wbh heykc or ubamag4 -d e, mer 0o u leaning, and C urt ai ns Duning the great stoen six weoke ugo an atleged commercial Iruveller named A. J, Campbell,, known au Sundy Campbel, wae stormstaid bei-e a couple of daye. He wae short ot money snd seugit te maire s draft tbrougb lte Dominion banki, 'but-wae ne- fused . He îhen produced a lter cf credit from a well known Belleville botel keeper, and on the strengtt eithis put a $îo draft tbrougi thte Western bank, and drew te moncy. Before leaving bore lie look an ageucy froni Lowellis Evaporatixig Wxrks,, le sou ld-fruit, vînogar and pickles as a side UIne. Two or ire days after W~vlng bore ite sent some orders w Mr- merl from pointe east. and drew UPOU bit f«r $s2 commission. The drafts wero net se-1 cepted until the p arties were wittln- b,' and tey reputatedlhoemeso Ktr, LowelI dec!lnodpayment $Ince ,titan Mr. Low- *l a bas lico lrecct ofdrafts &Om caw beq.evaryt#c orer e da",fret» M u bqowe,e4vIIrlâ , -- tIlt SmltW OF&îw, 'roquois, and ê t Plua. Caurlpbell -a dfIn lu every Instiane Sho wing W. e;ýWalt.rsl. ahowlng a veryfine as- .SortIment Of new di-es goods toi Ibieseso- Dr. Grant'.<H@ rn, for the ha1r, li' the ouly preparatlon guaraneed te stolp faililg hattr-, snd reinove dandrnf. No bea, n-Iuliý;ur. Ask yqur'drugglst for, it. Mr. Peter Sutherland, carpénter. (.11 (rom: a scaffold ut Collins' toirrace on -Cen- tre Street oti Friday, bneaklng bIs collar boue. H-e was not otiteru'ieburt, and le aeound with bis anm ln a sllng. -Cbeap ickets for Eaeter bolldays 10 al Grand Tnunk stations and returu ut single firet duaes fane, good going froruxi i to i151h Apnil inclusive, (but muet be bonght xîth, xath on 131h) 10 retun, ieaviug des- tination not Inter than April i6îh Alan for pupils and teachers going tlii xaî and return i 11 22nd Apnîl inclusive, ai fane and a tbird. Cali ai Stephensou's ticket, tel. and express office, Whitby, fer ail tickets, time tables and full information. *1 CuzONICxLusand Weekly Glol'e and Wl OCanada Fariner to Jan. 1, 1896. OnaoxsccLu and Weekly bMail and Empire to Jan. lst, 1896. CREoNicLE and Fanxnera' Son tb Jan. lot, 18M. The Programmes. Look oui for programmes for the achool concert 10 be held lu the towu hall on Wednesday eveuing, April ioîh. Doors tvill be Open ai 7.30. Concert to comn- mence ut 8. Proceede in aid of the collegi- aie piano fuud The Young Liberuls. Monday n ighti ai8 o'clock lte execulive of lte Wititby Young Liberals will meel in tite club noome oven Howse's dnug store, 10 arrange programme for the in- augural meeting. The Messrs. Wilson have nmade te club noome so brightt and cheerful ltai the Young LiberaIs will want to use tem more titan they ougit. The Great Emezlgency Sale. Look oui for cheap boots and shoe. The gresi stock of fine grades of beautiful fiiîing styles, ail the newesi designe lu al colore. Thousaude of dollars worth to be sacnificed. Heaps piled outside the door, and pnices marked away down. Cali car- ly sud sce the bargaine ai the new shoe store. M. W. Colline. The Womeaus Globe. The Toronto Globe of Thursday April x8th, je 10 be pubiished us a Women's edition. ut will conluin 35 pages, and le expected 10 te the best number of an3 paper yet issued lu Canuada. The ladies of Niagara Falls, N. Y., published a spe- chai edithon of the Daily Cataract of thut ciîy on Fnlday lust. 1:he ladies will sean be publishing a morning newspaper in euch of the greut cilles. W C 1 Notes Thc lilenany sociely met on Wednesay afternoon with Mn. Tuxublyn in lte chair, witen tite following programme wa e n- dened: Crilic's report, Mise B. Tamblyn; trio, Messrs. Hogartht, Silcox and Sidey address, chaininun ;cseay, Mies Annie Smithi; solo, Wm. Richardeon ; choruis, octette ; ecitulion, Hanry Smith; dia- logue, Misses Tamblyn and Saundens; essuy, Mies Agnes McAndell. The next and set meeting of the society wili he heid in lte music halli, on Wednesday evening nexl, when lte eociety hopes lu nuise a few dollars for cunrent expenses. Ad- mission xoc., neserved seuls x5c., to be itad ut Howse's drug store. The ta.crosse club onganize The lacrosse enthusiasts of thc town met ut Bandels iotel oâ Tuesday nigiti 10 organize for te season of i8%,. There was a lange utîendance, and a strnxg and fast teani is as good as assured. The fol- lowing officens have been elected for lte yean : iononuny president, A. G. Henden- son, hon. -vice, S. H. Grahtam, president, E. R. BÀow, vice, Wm. Brown, caplain, Frank Bnyan, secreluny-lneasuner, Jno. B. McKay, committee of management: Geo. Bannes, C. Cnowley and A. Bandel. Il was decided 10 have lte altletic grounds nolled as soon as possible after lte epring of 1895 sels in iu curneel. It tas nol as yet been decided whethe n o nutlie club will j oin lte C. L. A. w il n 0 11 X D j ù U 1i d , f o r $3 2 2 w o r h ý , - r h lye~opmoi sait *ben you can gel or îï1t -f6r ék me prîce, $1. Io per, barel f 3p'bs.e.ut Jackson'$. 8, 1W. -ai4d- çbldrenle rea4lý s!den4WiiÏd4ub a..xepton l.ow pices, il W. o. Walteoe. uTwcnîy-one tramups put up ai Uic bock- I 1 p itere, on Monday night sud were ne- eased by Htal oppeF earlýy Tues-, day mornl ng. License Inspector Ferguson hue bad al the drug aîon*a in Oshawa fined $2o- and cost for Iilegully dlepensing Intoxicants. Hie nex:ttrp le 10 Port Perry, wbere the new hotel keeper, Mr. J. M. Brooks le charged wlîh selling in forbldden houns. A Pelerboro employment agency adver- tleed for a housekeepen for an Aehburn- hau widowcn, and succeeded in finding for hlm one who flot only agreed 10 keep bouse for him but ln lese thun twcnty-four hours she vowed uliegiance ut the murr[- uge altur. That ugency wili have a rush of business for a wbiie. Coal ut Toronto pnices. Seiling out during nexi week-I wili seil very best Scranton and Lehigh coul $4.75 ai shed. $5 delivered-spot cash oniy. H. B. Taylor. Recîtal ut O. L. C. MiliInery, bflllinery. Our Milliueny dpening was a grand succe%, and the opinions were ltat Our dlsplay of HA TS, BONNETS, ETC., was fan aheud of anyîbing ever ebown lu Whitby. Easter decides the necd of New Huis sud Bonnets. No matter what the weatber may te, ladies are sulit,.-<-< 10 have entîrely new oulfite for F -. r Suuday. Corne uny lime uext -. and secure your Easter Hati-)r [h- "Il ud xaud«car âeuw C'ed C.F STEWÂRIT. Town Locale. Gýet your fr-ota, grates, iron or brick linings for alinds of stoves, ranges or Coucegiure Lîtenuny Soclety's Concert. i U'JcsirIj. * ncintL> e. A concert will te given lu the towri halIl If y ou arce uffening from dandruif, or ou Weduesday eveniug,1 Apnil xoth, under falling humr, gel a bolîle of Dr. Grant's the auspices of the W. C. I. Literary So- " Huinene" (nfom your druggisl, who will ciety. Admission, adulte x5c., children guaranîce ilta stop falling humr and two îoc. Seats mnay be neserved wiîhout extra applications 10 nemove the danciruif. change ut Howes dnug store. Mn. Samuel Joues bas moved irito the A new Bluckamitit. Pit bouse ou Centre St., whicb he laîely Mr.J. . Oonnr, n e-Whibymar, îurchascd, and \irs. La.wder bas mnoved Mr. . J O'onnr, a exWhib an into the Gibbard bouse vacuîed by Mn. bas purchused the %hop ou Duridas sireet Jone. cast, for muny years occupied by Mr. A seby James Thompeon, sud bas stanted usi- nAseby ness there. For sevenal years pusi Mi. The Whitty Orchestra.will give un as- O'Con non bas been carrying on business sembly in lte music hall on Monday iu Toronto, sud hue the neputaîlori ofbeiug evening, April 22nd, 1895. This popular one of the muet ekilful anîd expert horse. ,ongunzalion stonid druw s lange crowd. ehocre in the country. He will ulso con~-. Thei gneuteat anup yei offéred, duci a genienal blacksmhithhug business. The CmsoNIcLit and Globe or CHRON- Sec bis adv. ICLz and Mail and Empire for $i 10 Jan. Ruiler Holiday Trips ist,_ 8&». Two good papers ten montbe Canadian Pacific Ry. will seli ta the genenal public round trip tickets ut single firsi duess fane goiug April 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, neîurning until Apnîl 16th, 1895S. For teachers aud studente a special exîended Lime unmit, willi be made of fane sud onie- third, for the round trip going Mancb 28th to April 12111 inclusive, rcîuruiug unti. April 22tnd, 95. E. R . Blow, C. P. Ry. ticket, tclegraph sud express agent, oppo- Site CHRONICLE office, Whitty, Ont. Titi Southt Wurds Expenlence. For corne years the CHxtoNICLE bas I$eeri urgiug thce outh ward to drop Mn. John Smith as their nepreseutaîlve ; but the more we ndvised ihis course the strorigen he become in thein support, anid the voîcre down there even turned round sud gave large majonities againet every mi an we sougbi to elect. The noble warder,;riow see their error, whcn it le too lati- îo cave iliernselves, and whlen we are ail souped. Tbev will have tu puy Mn. Srniîh's taies for the next cigitt years. Soute Apnil fool business. About 1.30 On Monduy moruing ihe town fine alarn commrenced ingiug, and the firemen hustied te beadquarters, wherc a team was soon hiîched to bbc engine. The western sky wvas ablaze, but evidenîly the fine wus somne distancej beyond the western limite of the town, se the brigade did not move oui. Neverihelese corne idiot had got bold of the belli nope, sud be kept ibe ding up tili nearly duybneak*. We h ave noticed lateIy Ibai ihis proiouged clamon takes place every Lime thene le a fire, and le conîinud as long us thc fine luste. Ibie needless, too, for if the firet lew strokes do net nouse a eleeper Ibene is ne use in keepjng it Up. Anoîber effect of Ibis nonsense will te Ibat people will nol mmr oub 10 fines if every blaze visible fnam Iown le made a prelexî for a nigbt's alunm. bî turned oui next mornnng ltaI the fine waseta Buuker's fanm, seven or cigbti mles west, sud we hope Ibai in future parties wiii lake limte 10 muke sure wbetber the fine le visible ou the continent of Americu, sud ln seme portions of Canada, before Ibey make sncb an niai-m. Their Courage Desmnted Them. If Deputy Pringle sud Counciior Jerome Scott ad had as mucb fighî in temn as tbey bad good ideas sud goodl words on Monday nigbt, oui- Iown council would bave taken a stand wblcb wonld be a to tificullon ta the' local panliament le keep iî's bande off titis town's tbroat. We te- ileve the people of Wbitby -are se minded ou Ibis question that If tbey have 10 te robbed lhey would requine lte be. dou# by fonce, flot by cousent. Somne may say It is ail very well 10 lalk brave, but taI we have no chance la tbe figitt. , We belleve ltaI white lter. is 111e there le 'always hope, sud ltaI we sbirld malce lte test figitI possib le, snd dbê gamo If necessary. if lte townu bas te be dismembered, we would rather have ht so titan eubmiît t a compromised plunder- hIg, whicb 4I test only staves off tte cvii day a fcw years. This was an arbitraiy pletecof rank opépression, and waà ouly se-- coded to thrcuth a cowardiy fear cflte àc- ltio fa WseT o legiaatoru- iýbwbo *01:b nothlug, morecor leuts titan a iet of aco=n. fradlan. Send tin at once fonrtem t10 the CHRONICLE, Wititby. Belon. buyg a spray pump, te çsure un e ~eAndersn double action force spray pwnp. The test lu the worid. Ten of tl>em baugbt by the governmeni for tbhe epenîmenîal farn. 011Y $13.,50 each. L. Fairbank's Wbitby agent. Wlndsoi-$ait. Besi suit in lte wonld for famuly on dainy use, gugranteed ubseluîcly fine. We have jeut neceived a car load of sait in tunnelsot 300 Its., which we are selling ai $1 * o pWrtbl. CaîL. and sec il ut M. E. juckson'i. Whose.S#ecs aud Key. A pàfr oîf gold-rimmcd spectacles werc lefi ut thq CHuONICLE office lesb week by an hons boy who ehould te rewanded AIeoa. a ofce krey witb a chain ut- tachéd. rie large c bain mentioned let week lst.Il bei-e. lb protatly belonge 10 s" eetm~rer near Oshanwa, '1h. «U HF -e~ up. TÈe fwn sud collegiate hopkcy clubs bore ait immense ouken chair to Capt. Heniaerspu's residence ou Thiursday nigitî luet sud addreeeed him oupuper ly way 0f tmaasfenlng ils owncrshl] 10 hün. He gave themn hie bouse in rclurn, tut they abandonçd titeir dlaim before mornlng. Literai-y N",es The lest quai-ber of Cunreni Hisîory fer 1894 bas reaqbed us. This publication bas its head quarters at Buffalo, sud gives a quarteriy review of thc affaire of the wonld lu concise tut readable foi-m. Titis quarterly le a goqd sîze book, and le put- lished aIt tce very low figure of $z.,5o per How ti"o spray fr-uit, tries, Mn. A. Hè Peitit, Grimsty, wili te ut lte council chaniber, Wbiîby, on Monday nexit, Afp il 81t, ult 7.30 p.m., le gave a 'practicai lecture on te spraying of fruit trces. Titis.-la a malter cf greal imnport- ance 10 fruit growers, and may make a diflerouce of one balfinluthe fruit oflan or- churd. At Auy rate lter. shonld te a big crowd, on Monday evening non teo bear sud sec Mn. Petiî's talk sud experiments, A grealboom for RT of T % The Wlittty Royal Tempiars are bavÎng a long contlnued boom. 24 uew membere- have been added ta îte council since Feb- ruary 151, besides several re-lntetaînu. and stili lhey cone. Bobt degres are l a flouriebing condition. La.* 0wo-saY ovening lbcy itad a frcc 4taud"asyWll cakes and coffée rovlded 1y - -bchlors cf the counçel, Who ehowcd xcelfeni ukilli. sud management. Some of titim are al- ready ~Weili qÙulficd te presido suitoéads of familles. A load from Pickerng ceuncil came down on a vieil, sunda.Iivelytime' was had.~..- Mnr. Sain Haygaird bas locat-ed'lu New" York city. Mr-. Jo. Coffey, >'Hù«aio, 'làla me eonra, - r 1.Sé1,rt - St. Chaies' ItelPort- inevy ws utown on, ug4ylitt, A necital (opento lte public) wiil be 1 given ut lte Ontario Ladies' College on Monduy aftennoon, Apnil Stit, by te pupils of Prof. Harrison, Mne. Bradley and Miss McKee t0 commence ut 4.30 P. M. Tieti own's penalty. In the seceecion business the town was pracîicuily fiued 85o0 a yeaî, and $zoo1 cosîs. Besides ibis, it ws spi up lu three sections. If the legieluture, Patrons and ail, couid have dune wonse we would like to kuow how. Fine Ordered Clothlng, SPRING SUxTINGs.-Pantings in ail the newesî patterns and beel goode tbat can te bud in AS0OTCH, I RISH, aîd CANADIAN maltes. Don'î (ail to see îbem and comparé pnices and qualities. We guurantee satisfaction ini Ibis depart- ment. _;»See oui- Oro Tweed Sujit. .New flais sud Gente' Fbrnisbings îo baud. THE LIQOR LI&ENstE AGTI IJOHN IERGUSON.I' eneIupc tor for the License dltr< o f'.sout, 2 t j , e e y certifythat tht to ta u m e of Tavern' and Shop tUceüso-iu",*-e4 l titis district for the Years 1894-È53a as -fol-'- Iowa: Taverms 22, ahopo. 2. Thslt tb.c number of ap)pl<ca;tslfor thez;9. is as foflows : m Tavre, $ 5i 2 h the folbowing new applicatlonj izave, bucu made for licenses fr i956 Reach,tae. in cmliance Wlith the above appica- tQonsa sudluaccodance with UicOùtwîo'l Liuor Lisense Act, iiodt is hsIreby - gven thie Board of IiSnzse tconmi- sioxefsfor SotlitOntaro Win nmeet if the Counci Canbr lu the Town of Whitby, on MONDÂT, PRI h2 At one o'clock, p.m., for tbçp ~~ c f considering lte aboie applicaiopeand" the g rntlnig thereof for thé Y BS 1ou$ 6 AUl Persons interesttd. Will thefbre please goveru- theumelves -accordlglIY. Petitions againet the- g- . . èËny sucit licenses muet bbe çd withbè Iu. spector four days, rée4iüg- the, Meeting. Whitby, April 4tb4iq.-e2n To Owner8 0/ Dog Secue your tags a: once and uê9W Last calt Whitby, April 2., î8g,. LOOR aI lihe remakbêlwpie DiÈawng.om nBijeafi 1Thé priCeS an r~#t ,2 $2850 #O.O~$8 sin ~ 4ad .. . turned without robes, as lte drive~r certuIn had ont. I<ater on lte port Perry curleresoued Mr. J. C. Woon of the Commercial holel, Oshawa, for Iheir robe, and when the case came Up here on Mon. day Judge Dartnell turnedîtheni into de- fendante with Woon and made lte Port Perry livery man Plaintiff. The evi- dence we.nt lurgely 10 show ltat "nobod! knew anything about noîhing,"1 and the Wudge hud Io adj ourn a week 10 catch hie beuth , when it je intended 10 bring Mc- Geary 10 Iestify. GLEN àAJOR. IMr. Thoinas Pugh je eligbîly recovering. Mrs. Thomnas Wilson jsestili on tbe sick lilt. Mr. Charles Ridgeon hus got setîled in our midet. Mr. John Crumpton bas been visiling frlende in Ciaremont. Mr. Edwurd Wilson is tbinking of tuk- ing Up bis abode in Goodwood. People ehouid not put their cutters away yet, as the slelgbing je reviving. Mr. Edward Evans was the guest of Mr. Chare Williams on Sabbuîb iuet. Colde are quite common ut present, but none have proved 10, be very serions. There was quite a crowd out tb church on Sabbath, considering the bad roade. Mr. Oscar Pickett bus punchased a new horse, which je considereci quite a beauty. Mn. J. J one bas nol moved clown yeî on at-count of the bud condition of the roads. Mr. John Crumpton is indisposed tbis week. Hie many fiends wish hlm a epeedy necovery. The skating nink on Saîurday nigbî was weli attended. AIl the firet dus ekaters of the township were present. The friende and neighbors of Mr. T. Pugh coIccîed togethen on Tuesday mest and cut him a nice bit of wood. Mr. J. Rcdshuw drove out 10 Asbburn on Saîturday luel, where bis horse Iook sick and had 10 remain tli Sunday. Mies. Harris' school le decreasing ln numberst as thé larger scholare are etay- ing bomne 10 heip witb the spning work. Mrs. Wilson bas moved back 10 towni ugain. Gien seeme 10 be quite enîiclng IbisIspning, us eVery bouse le occupied. We hope that the members of the Sun- day echool wilIluke tbe meane b bhave il sturted again as soon as the roade are dry.- Mr. Robert Pugh je buying up eleede for a iivery. Anyone having a fine animal te disose of wiIl do welI 10 sec bias before Egga for Hatohlng. A grand chance to obtain eggs for baldiblng troas first-cla Barred PlymIt Rock birds. Tbe.undersigned le propured to furnlsb eggs alte rate of $xroo Per tbirteen. ARTHUa ,HOWDEN. Wiltby, APril 4, 1895-4iu.- Fan» toRet The woest balf of lot No. I2,and tb. sout: haif of lot NO 3, 9glu cOncel8lon of P1Çker- lng, sce acres, known as lte Hlckingbot- tom'farm, Iwill b. rentcd w a sultablëe on- ant Theére lea acousîderuble "portion plogbed ready for crop- -LNIBz Sol itglroBo t, Wbly Teaohepr Wanitedi M'aie or Feuzale trr Union SeholSc, No. aand 7, Whitby- and P V fIl>fp lte balance cf Yeoarr, cousmeunIDg 6 Mai ApUctitz~tstngpaJryrn Ou* ERS! 01E THlE RE7 DresGoods. Anyône wbo wuriîe the very lacest styles lu goode, confined to us only. No one -else bas the same goode in Whlîby. Do flot fuil to caîllaud sec Ou r NVEW CHAMBRA IS, ZEPHYRS, SPO T MUSLZNS, lu all collons, and the newest thinge lu Sumnmen and Spring DRESS GOODS. iliagt t] tttIiy lorf 110* rPF1 jý i l G5 97R Our Spring' Slock is now lô ,'tand and- we are fullyt-,rpared in ever>. uine lb show the /atest Novelies in every DePartment. CU1T A 1IfNS Si.??>. 1 L'ý-1.1 LN S 1 î ., -A-BUO MUSLIN T~ *30 ets., 35e S~. SALEI I ol '\-iSerge at ,2 (0, T% eed at 'S'. , fo» er Drill. AIl1 othens aie back Nos. Seeders in use oxubîned. ,wben ihey bave got the tNTEE THIIS. ?8OLL, ONT. WHITBy. M q6 sr.rm]WAI;br.r.

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