hDiviuiol out )F ONTARIO 1896. Macdonetl, Whîtby, Clerk [rb;Al;May 2; SeP. 3; Oct. '2; N0v. 2; b.4. Narcl 4, Atiril '3; lui', 8. 1 -. O ct. 3; U -a a tr..hîaIIY a9; jla i I i port 17 i. I. t \X I I t - and Sale Stables .S St_ )i , PORT, proprietor e a. t re , i l te1 air -t.pI 'Il 1i r S.i'o i t, ' cariiet ,i 1,Y >si te A. ' ta:.i Lun Il aild 4 A lit. airiiîa ".rwî: Nlü- aILI v 1i aa w i w'r yi y LiMa 1: r m .&r Sa w SclSSt r'. CIvt, li 1 c andit i crel A î ti;, F A )S. PEAT n t, rrn ! i iiý i n ý ;; i u iu t,( t o t 'a ý t i r t r u j ari t n iehl n n i r à ' .i r n t, ' t fà 1', r u nc 1110'. MANN IV 26. 189.~ Aý'P t n \A i'- N SU RAN CE. r'Lif:1a &t Accident ce Co., Toronto a' Si..î'k lIfe nsutran C' t. N iit [)(r et-t, ii t ai ilr i r- ' t i i I J teat b t. (l. aÙ F Il A W tby BjI G-a-S. E N T 1Sr, Yonge St. Taronto. thi.. 1.ut anigiving i io 1 itii s f raImi a (1 18- I zntkîig. 'ýairs In r ulber (ji.I' tal( sailver ttlling [yv htiri ass Operatorb at ruierai-s l tlle City. y 'ali i, mîti e t' e Iam - I mak' na 'xtra ciharge, I~,'nîsî ,sanu i corner UR? STATIONER -FOR- RTICA MO OTHI Ta~ (tINtj 'I' T WA RD. ~Sunday ....m9 r 2 1411 elcept Sun..8: i.y,ecp $un 8 am r il :?Pm, Mai.......do p M, Il.-OcLaw p le k D~-. If. F. .Sfe,-i.1!L Resuits Astonisl MEN 0F' SCIENCE. A1Tr~r~'Sars, A MEDICINE W'fl-h4kJGT AN QA Statstîî,eîît of a Weil Know-n Doctc t'(h~ 'l 'iae cases.wtr'aU i ~ ~ ~ 0 lit ' 1 t )tt aa and haviNe ha-, - l" . O i' . Tai otiier blo' 'I utn . 'a' 0 'st-r i -'fand I lhave r . h it .. , - ' ' lirraungit s action, M-'t - V' " "' elrnitrent cuire-s as A -- c'atri':z',...)uIL F'. MERRILL, A-ictadat the World' Pair. '4cr'is iilIsfor i- ser and boweloo The Editor's Experience. ASLFFERER FOR SEVERAL YEARS FROM ACUTE DYSPEPSIA. Food Distresaed Bim and it Began t Have a weakening Effect on th, Heart-Many Remedies Faile( Before a Cure NVaz Found. o e ci Froni the Canso, N.S., Breeze. While newspaper men are called upor in their capacity as publishers to print froîn week ta weatk words of praise spoken in favor of prutprietary ilidi- cities, itILflot often that the editor 'hirseif feels it his dunies to say a good word an behaif of any of these prepar- ations, And yet if a new8paper man bas actully found benefit from the use -fa pruprietary medicine, why should lie fot make it known ta bis readers, and thus perhaps point out ta some of them the road ta renewed health. The editor of the Breeze believes it his duty ta aay a few words of praise In favor of a reitedy that has proved an inestimable boon ta him, and to say 1' them without any solicitation on the part of the propri-etars of tbe medicine, who, as a matter of fact, had noa reason ta know thiat he was ailing or was us- ing their inedicine. For several years the editor of the Breeze had been su b- ject ta that distressing camplaint, dyspepsia, and only those who have been siilarly troubled can know how much misery tLins trouble entails. He had but very littie appetite, and what lie did est cauaed an unpleassnt feeling ,of fulînesa, and made hirn feel lsuguid snd heavy>, aften causing intense pain in the stomacli on]>. relieved by vomit- ing up the food which he has taken. He was also troubleti witb palpitation of the heart, brought on no doubt by the dyspepsia. Numerous remedies al eged to cure dyspepsia were trieti, but with- out succeas, andi the trouble was ap- proacbing a chronic st.ata. At the sug- gestion of a frienti Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla were tried and relief soan follow- ed their use, aud after a few boxes had been taken the editar was able toa asert positivel>. that h. hati been cured of bis dyspepsia b>. this rernedy that bas proved so great a blessaing ta mankinti. To any one trou bled with tliis compl.aint lie would sîrongly recommenti Dr. Wil- liams' 1Pink Pis. Tu newspaper men particuilarl>. they wilI le found just the thing ta impart health and vigor to the w bols systeui andi enable them to pur. sue tlieir work free frorn that tired, despondent feeliniz so prevalont aznong the craft. The. editor of the Breeze firmly believes that what tliey have done for him tlioy wil do for otb.srs, k nd lie gir.. tbein bis liearty anti un- ',iicted endorsat-ion. Dr. William.' Pink Pilla are sold oui t boxes bearing the firm'a trado marc ad wappe, (rintd inredink). L3ear in mid that Dr. WillauW ~Pink ýýPMà l are nover sold inbuik or bythe ,J dosee or huudred, and auy dealer wbo off& s ubstitutes in tbis form is trying 'to4era you sud shoçld ho avoided. i The. publie ames aso eantîoued ap1ut iJ -Il other ao e.d blood builders sd UmeOflIOutUpuimlaforn in- toued to deoeivêTii.y meaui i., tîoua vho.. maitem- h opet e , sbju1~ dualage oi b ojger J: !ýtaton a-og.,édbYsJDr. W$l. cosia tretent J IrMé'tudiesc h ia ýor sa-I. C. D<t1phiri, oi Clareniolit, spent Sui day with Mr. Davidison. The Lawson brothers haci s ver>. at A iew ai aur boys attended the part>. out north and report having hati a great tir el0 Mr, Stevens and J. lrwin, of Raven- shoe, paîi aur town a flying viait an Saturda>. hast. A few of the western young folks an joyed a pleasant avening air the resid- ence af Mr, I'ilkay on Tuesday evening of hast ceek. Wa much regret ta have ta @tate that Mr. A. Burkhoîder is at prasent ver>. ill, W'a hope soon ta hear ai bis tompîete recovery. The annual meeting of the Bible So- ciety. was helci at irhis place on Tuesday avening, thera being a fairi>. good turn out, for it baing s0 bad tinder foot. Mr. Petty bas again engaged bis men fcr the comîng season in the brickyard. Business will ha mun in grand style this year as thare will ha no green borna ta, 1 i - Many from here took in the big meet- xg at Markham on Saturday laut, and orme of the good Reform boys took heir feed ini the mud, which, no doubt, hey wîll not forget for a good time ta r 1he revît-el meetings have been drawn tca a close, owing ta the bad roads. These meetings were csrried on for three weeks and a goodly number took a good step. The revivals will be cantinued some time in the future, after tnie weather is settled.-News. Miss Ella White bas 6een visiting friends in the city.. *M iss Ella Hurîbut, of Toronto, is visiting at Maple ave. Mrs. E. Smith, of Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. J. W. Wonch. Mesars. Poucher and Gibson, ai Tor- onto, were in the vale last week. Miss Pickett and A. R. Tharuton are spending the week in Taranto. Miss Clara White spent a couple of days asat week witb friends in Toronto. Mr. Vero is ver>. low, and but sligbt hopes are entertaineti of bis recovery. Miss FIa Patterson, of Unionville, is viaiting lier friend Miss Mlga Rlager- Miss Alga Ragerman bas returned from visitiug friends in Unionville anti Milliken. W. have j ust learneti that Mr. Ward bas reeigned the position of principal of the public sohool, ta take place at the mid-sum mer vacations. Further par- ticulars next woek. D. R. Beaton bas been appointedti t the vacancy causeti in the post office liera by the death of the late Mr. Mc- Plie.. W. understand that the offioe wiU bo continueti in its present location. Mr. Roger Hawkins, of Tilsonburgli, is visiting bis grandmotlier, Mre. Tur- ner, sud otiier friends hore. Mr. Haw- kins i. a very extensive farmer in thie West. His many friends bere are please tot ses him in thoir midât. Mrs.Jas. Wilson was in the city luet week, visiting ber daughter Miss Grace. We are pleased ta hear that Mis Wil- son lia quit. recovereti from lier late ilines., antilias rsuxnedlier studios et the. University. The. freshet on Ssturi-day and Sundzay was ratiier alarmieg to tiiose intore4ted in the mili dam ai4 the britige. By ineans of a bee the"ice vi u t aay from e idam, snd a gang ofet mi. pathuaster Tiiortonirmv4ti ie of ice aocumulating et i.bé Ide,04. News. (7bo laie floastiissue.) Mrs. John Jeffrey, the widow 6f the late John Jeffrey, lias bouglit Mrs. Week's resitience 'lier. and i ntende moving from lier home in Port Perry to iL. An excellent concert mas helti in the town hall Tuestiay evoning, by the Sous of Temperance. The youug people are to be congratulateti en their suceess. A surprise part.y was held at the Ilev. Mr. Philips on Tuestiay, in lionor of hii' eighty-fith birthdsy. A largze number of bis friands more present andi repart a very enjoyable euning, 1i he gifts wera chiefi>. floral. The correspondance froru Raglan aud Greenbank bave been reaci with groat intereet ber. on accounit ai the temperance controversy. Raglan Cor. writes batly of tire inoansistencies ai the S. aofT., andi we are sarry ta bave ta agra. withi hini that there are eame gîaring cases, two af whichr occurred in our peaceful village asat week. An aîderly winuasd womau, irboenames are witlîheld on accounit of their generat iudlustr.N, went ta Part Perry aset lues- day They bath were brought home, alrnnk. The crinking continued tili Thuuirsdaa -,wilc'n reice wss retored ha twle t! oii, tightiug as well as drink- ing on thie programmte IYoung, aid or milddle aged, who find thern- Iselves, nervous, weak and exhausted, who Iare broken down from excessor overwork, i resulti-ng in many of the follawing symp- tomis: Mental depression, premature old itee. *oss of vitalitv. loss of memory, bad dreamrs, ainres'. ofsight, palpitation of the he ýi t, euh - sons, lack af energy, pain ii ir ys, headaches, pimples on the t . Ibody, zîching arpeculiarsensa- 1u 1. 1 th ie scrotumî, wasting of the (ton' izziîes"-, specks before the eyes, twiîctîn of the îrsces, etel ids and else- avht i t ,. kîas: tulit"'. deposits in the urine, loss of wttl powt- , tenderness of the scalp and sp t, weak and flabby muscles, de- Sire i( l-palure to be rested by sleep, ccnsti1: iton, dullness af hearing, loss af voîcet, cse for solitude, excitability of terrner, urizen eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLES, oI.'-looking skin, etc., are q ii symptoms of nervaus dehility that leau to insainîty unless cured. The spring ai vital torce having lost its tension every, tuniction wanes in consequence. Those who thraugh abuse committed in ignor- y'our addr-ess and îoc. in stamips for book un disea-ses peculiar tu mari, sent sealed. Address M. V. LTJBON, 24 Macdonell The imini is ts (,wu place, and in iseif can make a eaven of bell, a el of eaven. Two p.rqonac cnrnt long e friprldl if they cannai forgive eacb othpr's tadlings. SICK HEADACHE snd Constipation are promptly cured by Burdock Pils. Easy ta take, sure in affect. Five men were killed by a boiler explosion in Loringi & Joues' factory at Woburn Highi- One trial of Mother Graves' Worm Exc- terininator will convince vou that it bas na equal as a worm medicine. Buy a boule, Thera je an oblique way iu reproof which takes of the sharpnoss of it. NORWAY PINE SYRLTP cure£.CoOugbe, Colds, sud ail Throan d Lung Troubles. Price 25 and 50c. Tbe Ad visory Board Commîttee of Mani. toba has adopted an agricultural text.;book for tbe oboole. Microbe Hiller penetrates the system with life-giving curative principles, killing aIl dis- eas germe, as doee the sun that penetrates your chamber aud kilts the germe therein without danwer ta sleeping babes. Old barbjaric drug reinedies eicken everyone. Try tb" Microbe-Kilier 1 W. R. Howee, The British revenue matrne for the yesr ending M'rch 31 are £1O1,697,304, an iu. crosse of £3,399,942 comparoti with the pre- cedinu year. THE BEST COUGH CURE i. Hiag- yard'@ Pectoral Balsam, It beals the lungs and cures Coughs sud Colda. -, Hi. dail>. prayer, far better under stood ie acta than word., was simply doing gooti. Hard sud aoft corna casuel withstangj Holloway's Corn Cure- iL la offec.tu" every every ime. Get a bottie at-oece and b. happy. The Welsh diuetablfrment billsae tsouti reaeg inithe British Honu. etCoin- meus Ià sL nigli ¶?ery May >perue die snnual ly u choiera suand xred, aemaerooplaints, Who tehit ha"e beee auvd if propg e &@oned be.b bIn ed4 If attaekad ,de net dlby in Scott's- Of Cod.liver 011, With HypophoiphîteS Of Lime and Soda, is a constructive food that no)urihes, enriches the blood, crates solid fleeli, stops wasting and gives strength. It is for al I m m 1 I U QCde r s -t h t - ' O u I l l a ' j -I e v u i i i wÃ"ùd have -ibo pMr eé'ov0' that of billeï' tew r8- Witdsor aud 'Loadon arre biddlng Whl foir the visit of the Kilties, but the dis tance. trois Toronto to, elther of those points it nearly double thie distance from the Quee City te Oriflis lb JBO=Oene«aghjg * meglal Order. 'The Orange element in the Liberal-Conser. Vativf Association threateued a division lu the tanks at thb. meeting lu Quinu's hall lat Fr1- day evening. Thîe boue or contention was the remediaj order passed by the Goverument giv- iug the Manitoba mlnoriiy.their rlgbts as set forth in the British North America Act. Sorà e were in lavoir of appoiu ting a cammîiee to in- terview the inember for ibis rldiug with refer- ence as t0 what bis attitude on the malter would be if discussecj on tbe floor of the House. The majauuîv, hawever, abjected on the groundý, thai Mr. Benntiet wauid have ample apparîunity ta express himseif during the corn- ing session ai parliameni. Tbe motion was not further dlscussed. h is sîaid some of the aId heads af tbe party have rrcanted aud s spliu, it s feared by sanie, is tuevitabî.- Scott & Bowne, Belleviiie. Ail Druggisîs. 500. and SI. il '~1 ha an infalible remedy for Badi Leg, Badi Bressa, OGM Wonnd, Sors. anti Ulcer. It is f amasa for Gout and Rlieumatism. FOI 'IISORDER8 0F THE CI'T, BORE THROAT8, BRONCHITI8, COOH8, 00108, tk'anduar Swelângs, anti al kia Diseaes iL bhs no equal; for contracteti anti tS fjints iL sots Jike a charm. Mauitf"red only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET late 588, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and tsla by ail Medicine Tendors througbout thse WorM.L Wr l'iuncLusaarhotmld look to th. Label on th. Pot. and Boxa.. If the addreas lin nL 558, Oxford Street, London, th"y are puriou bOXFORD. FURNACES~ COAL1 FOR ALL 81ZES OF BUILINS.. 11 apacufy from 10,000 fo 80,00 (tubic %eet . "CYCLONE6 STE.EL RADIATOR" WOOD FURNAGE - H~~KAVY ORATE, y- adapted or Wood bmg qntuiokrd are moredurablet' RADIATOR f Mem Con OXFOR WOOI FURN CfS _ _____ _____ ____ (lurated apait: ATLte tict5OOSufac CURNEYd oo Corne sarly and getfirst choies. PR B. WARAM, Bryau's oîd Stand, Brook St., WIit b, NO T/CE TO * CREDITORS OP NANCY JANE PUCKRIN, deceased. Pursuant to the Reviseti Statutes of On- tario, 1887, Chapter rio, notice is hereby given that ail creditors and other-persofis baving dlaims against the estate et NANcy JANE PUCKRIN, late of tbe township icf Whitby, la the couaty of Ontarlo, mtarr.ied-. woman, deceased, who dieti on oru*bout, the twelfth day of October, A.-D., !894,ýféér required to senti or deliver te Mesét& Dôm & McGiilivray; of the toma of Whltbyý, se- hcitors for Richard Puckrini. of the snid township of Whitby, -farmer, adexinistrator of tbe sa NNtCY jÂrmit PUCxKik 'de-.- ceased, tw rames antddrse~'jf full particulars of their daJims sud'oltbe- nature of the securities, (if agjy) li rcb' theis, on orbtefore tire 2otb .diay of 4êPrlh, A .D., 1895.. And notice la hereby giveu tbt fteiüthe said last meationeci date the -à aIà - -d iIar istrator will procetite tri bute - ~tas- sets of the said deoeased-amoug4be ý*r'.ý sons entitled. thereto,.,havlng' regard'ronl te the cdaims et whicb ixtce >?sIisl U,ave been given as aboVe required,;, a î tei:, saiti administrator Wliiô nt be liaâblelbrôýthe' saitiassete or-any p arthereef.to A y-per- son or persons or miiose -claim -or- twaisp notice shah flot have been eeèthhI' 'or bis solicitors nt the tiue afôi.satd Dateti at Whitby this x6th day efpuarch,, A. D.. 1895. RICHARD PUCKR-IN, - Admiaistrater 0féstateme-f NANCY Jà w u xKiRx. ¶dceased' DOW & MCGILLIVRAY, Brockr street, Whitby, Solicitors for &dQinitrator. Wbîtby, Marcb aoth, z9,x-~u LOWEST PRICES $AFELY.Aftlh AOikn mersé WRITEVALE' ALL MEN like C onsumption, Borofhu] a5ÂBnen Marasmus; or for OongÉî-and 1 1 -_ 1 1 1 Oold.,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~v &&muraBrnbta ek uaa .su f'lan in General Debility. Seott's Emulsion lias no oqual as Nourishment for Babies and Growingl Children. J3uy only the genuine put up ini sa/rnoncoiored u-rapPr iý :W.e bave Lh. Pinest8selaction in toua of those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN' WALL PAREilRS, Borders to Ma tch 1 1 Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Brown have renioved from aour village. They have seîtied in W h ilech urch. Mr. Wellingtonr Lehman, of Markhamn, is visiting ai lits old home here. Mr. John \\'hite intend'building a piece ta his barn during the coming summer. Mr, Frank Spofford, aur ciever anrd skil- fui music te-acher, is still seeur goirig his rounds anîong aur younig lriends. Mr. and NIrs, Enoch Rester and family have moved to aur quiet littie village. .Mr. A!ynier B. Reesor has agaîn loCt us, having secured a position wiih bis former employer urear \-hithy. Mr. Pitlip Davis and Mr. Ralph For- syth are biisv gettiurg material oui iand for their new ba'rri whlch thev inatend builditig during the carnung aumm'er. Mr. Jos. E, Reesor left for Toronto this week, havurrg sectîred a position in a deli- verx' businress tiiere. We wusit htm every success. The singing schooî Itere se -rrs ta be tin a flourishing conidittonr. Quite a large crawd meels weekly and toaaIl accaunts put in an enjoyable lime. 1 silu ALTONA, LowEST :-: PRICES,