Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1895, p. 1

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With calm printed words, great thoughts, and untiring imdi VOL. XXXIX. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FI i~, 1895. WESTERN BANK OF CANADAi LOCAL NEWS LETTERSS WHITBY BRANOH. A General Banking business done. Special attention ta Collections, and Far- mers' Sale Notes at lawest rates. IW'Deposits received in Savii Department in sumo of el and No notice of withdrawal required. Highest current rates of intereo and credited semi-annually. E. D. WABEB Whîtby, Âug. 8lst, 1894. C H \S Sco0 AUCTIONEER, WHITBY,C The undersig.ned begs tao announc has taken out a license for auctionee will be glad to fil orders for this clas ness. His book wll be kept at 1. F office, where ail information mav be Whitby. Nov. 29, '94. C. s N. P. PATERSON, Q O, Barrister, etc,-After two vears residence in Eagland has resumed practice au 136 John St , Toronto-Qet. '94,-6 mos. DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $1,5000000 Surplus, -- - $1,500 000 Whitby Agencye General Ba.nking Transacted. Busines 8ÂVINGS DEPÂRTMENT. Interest mflowed st higbe.t ourrent rates No noticeoo vitbdrawal requirsd. E9. J. THORNTON, Manager P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Office and residenee, north section of the "Terrace," Byron Street, nortli of Dundas Street. Telephone communication with office. Whitby, JuIY 4th, 1894. Who? Who? Who? Says the Owl. Whao eil the best Baking Powder? W. R. HOWSE doci. Why 7 Because anly the purest ingrediants are used, and it is frequently ruade. Cansequcntly iai- ways pure & fresh. as, Coffee, 1. ondon t/he Timies. -es for yours3elveai. GIBSON, S5îgn, <fld No. 1. Have aliso gaI .iich are highly re- le. Cali and sec GIBSONm ýRNE )OD, BS, ETC GENT e "Celebrated COAL. rd just East on. CONDITIION Powdor Io the beat Blood Purifier and general Condition Powder in the mnarket. It is the obeapeat powder that has ever beea offered for sale. Lt cures a&l cases of General Debillty, Lois of Appetite, Roughness of the flair, and ail troubles ar'ii2g from in- pnrity of the Blood. jj' 20* epr lb., or 3 lbs. /or 50?c. MADE ONLY BY-.- W~ R. HO WSE, OHEMIST AND DBUGGIST, W =*1- 8S1 IB "7 CHRNtawCLIC Caaaxspors1zNC] -:0:-- BusiNEss NoTiciE. -Oshawa subecriberi ngs Bank or advertisers may transact any busines 1 upwardu. with the CHRONICLE, or may obtain ex. *tra copies at any time, at E. E. Rogers', ot allowed post office bookstore, Oshawa. if you wish a nice French china dintiet IEN, or tea set. or anything in fancy china, ar glassware, go ta E B Morgan & Son. Maag 1 Mens strong boots, gaiters, laced boots with toe caps, or Iaced boots with bellows. tongues for $i.oo at the corner store Osh. T aw a. ONT. It will pay any parties Canteinplating ONTa.h buying an engagement or wedding ring ce tht he to see the large stock of Felt Bros., Osh- ering, and awa as they will seil this month very cheap ss of busi- fot cash. Genuine diamond 14K. onlv $5. HI. Longs They are also making some special o:ffers Sobtained. in Gents', Ladie's and Boys, gold and SCOTT. silver watches. Sec themn. Felt Bros. The local wheelmen reàrganized last jweek. *AId. McCaw is con fined ta his roomn with Sciataca. The town is over-run with insurance agents and tramps. Mr. Reuben Hamlin, of St. Catharines, was in town this week. The lîttle daughter of Dr. F. L. Henry is seriously sick of diabetes. Services are held at 4.30 every after- n:)on of this week in St. George's. There is a business change on the tapis at preent, but nathing definite is known. Mr. Frank Dingle purposes building a two storey metal block on the vacant lot, Simcoe st., nortb, Normian Farewel, of Oshawa, passed bis second year erams at Trinity Medical Scbool well up in Grade Il. Mr. W. E O'Brien, of Wbitby. bas bought oui Mr. L Stedham's studio.- Mr. Stedham ils leaving for the Pacific coast. Mr. J. S. Murray, merchant tailor, has moved inua the premises on King st., east, for- imerly occupied bv F. Brooke. Avery large audience is expected ta wit- nesa the Cantata, "The Crucifixion' in the ISimcoe st. church-this evening. The Medcalf st. Methodists are making arrangements for the return of the Bal family of colored musicians at an eariy date. Mr. Harold King, of the Western Bank staff bas resigned his position witb that in- stitution and wili jai n bie parents ln Eng- latin. Mr. P. H. Punsbon officiated at the or- gan in St. George's hast Sabbath, and will henceforth look after the musical portion of the service. The chiidren referred ta, in iast week's CHRONICLE as living on charity by beg- ging have bren piaced at school, wc are glad ta, observe. Last Wednesday evening Miss 1. C. Hyat was united in marriage wth Mr. Frank Sand- burn, of Whîtby. Rev. Jas. H. Kines per. formed the ceremony. Rev. H. Bruce Kenny accupied thc pulpit au the Presbyterian courch last Sabbath. Rev. S. H. Eastman preacbed in the Mcdcalf Bt. churci at the morning service. About 200 people attended the lecture aid socWia n the Medcalf st. churcb last Friday evening. The former pastor, Rev. C. W. Watch, delivered a very practical lecture On The bill concerntng the Oshawa eiectric raiiwny pnssed through cammittee in tiei. Legisiature last Friday. Fifteen car-loada of rails are expected th la week for the con-i struction of the rond. We notice tint when a mian has ordinary eggs ta selI the maie member of bis dlock is a rooster but when be bas eggs teosel at fancy prices the rooster becomes a cGck- rel. We learn thîs front thc Viadicatoir. Prier ta the departure of Harry Lauderi and Frank Tutti. for tic U. S., tbeirg friends ta the number Of 22 spent a fare-1 weli evening of eatertainmient witi them e on Friday evenîng at D. Tod's parfors. Aq jolly evening waa speat. - Mr. Avery Dearborn, af Est Witiby, an- nounces his intention of starting a milk route an May rat, and wil' self bis mil k at 4 cents per quart. The price froini theui" wagons at prescut la 5 cents, sa that Avery sbould do a large business. The Salvation Army oelebrated thec rith au- niversary of lis eistence la Osbawa on Mon- day. Sunce the. difféencei wbicb caused the. secession of the. Chriadian Workcrs ticear"Y bas bad a bard stnigle bore but tUee arc in- dications of reewed prosperity Bt present ta tie ranks. A great chance to bave your eye tested, and fitted by au expert oculiat. Cit Bron., tic ieadiusg jewellers of Osbawa, bave ar- ranged w1tb' Dr. Hausifi to b. at titeir store Monda April z5tb, to attendtean parti.. rcquiring thefi eyes prop.nlat.d wltb spectacles. Mr. Mosnes Wbeiler at titi Vive Pointu bas a finie maple bush of 3oo trm w1ifclhbe bas Just tapi>ed. Re si al£l bspawefi syrup lin town Md la Us ent mptty. Thi aabot as muh dffer.uce betweso It and thei muas t goe bffM4 as tkre fa be tweewlus. and water. Mr. R, . c Smb W» -intow 19 1wick in Ledfls'"fêud ,fL. . lvMse isad efflonà kman I S.eI*»w*ulA, &serves the assistance of the couneil, It is a pîty that the town does not erect i band standfor their accammodailon inthei summer. The four corners is flot the proper place, aiS wjss proved last year, but the citizens appreCi- ate music on the fine summer eveninge and If helps cansidertbly ta 'liven up mfatteri A place should therefare b. faund ln wblcb te station the band. Several citizens bave expressed the opiniâ n ta us that we are hurting the character af the town, as it were, in the oves of outsiders by writing up tbe club rooms. We do not as. sumne any blame in the matter at ail. The local papers would not handle <t even thoui they knew that it wau in the interests of tite town's moral standing, and Uth eMonsibiltY i n the very first place resta on tbe aius eso the tawn officiais who wsre flot as ignorant of the true state of affairs as ans might be led by their indifference ta suppose. Our eflarts bave not been aitogether in vain as the worst ebh- bangs have been disorganized, but there là stili room for idiprovement in those that suif je- main. Harmony division S O T, paid a frater- rial visit ta the Oshawa bretheta on Mon- day evening wben Bro Barker, acting DW GP., assisted by Bro W Foster installed the following officers : W T, Sister Yeo; W A, Sister May ; R S, Bro A R Goyne; A R S, Sister F Bennett ; F S, Bro A B Hall; Treas, Bro j W Ellis ; Chapiain, Bro E Hunter; Conductor, Sister A Blow; Asst. Conductor, Sister Philiips; I S, Bro W Rundle; O S, Bro Walter Thomas - P W P, B ro W Foster. A tea was provide by the Oshawa division and enjoyable programme presented. The Sabbath Observance society held a meeting Wednesday evening. If thus or- ganization means business there is a field of usefulness open for it right in aur rmidet. Too often the efforts of moral refortu so- cieties are apt to turn abroad from hômoe loaking after Sunday street cars in Toron- ta or Sunday games in Montreai, but $rué-' reform, like charity, should begin at bons..- Some attention might be devoted to ascer- tainîng where the young meut ofteu tht' worse for liquor on Sunday procure thd.l,' liquor. 0f course sometimes they baveý botties which are filled on Saturciay nigbt-. but this is not aiways the case. We bave often seen men drunk on Sunday although. it is the exception rather than the tule. We used ta hear a market taiked about lu- the cauncil, and a year ago a town park waes being agitated. Bath seem to bave bligbted in tbeir infancy. We need a towal park badly, antd we ought ta bave a pbi park at the lake also, now that the eeti railway <s an assured thing. At present there7' are noa grounds but those of private concerns. at the beach and a place for piokaiciers w!th a bard stand would be a quiet spot for pzae parties of people from npt>wn aud woul.m doubt be uppreclated. However. it f. -dfi- fauo'y te q a fso mrwetiOb~ way'and'there la ne o i ea of 'nm and progress in uhe canucl than tisere fin the aid stagers of a crasa-roads village. Tii. general opinion la that EU Edmondson' bas mare piuck and pusb in hlm titan the. cou- bincd remainder of the council. Signa of spring are abundant and the cheerfui note of the tobin again is beard throughout the country. Qne almort feels endebted to the robin at tus season for the pleasant memories of the coming Epring which its presence always awakens witbin us. Thýe editar may expect a deluge of poetry about this tirne af the year. It is astonishing how>,.,tbe advent of spring in- cites the sent mental youtb and maid ta relieve the exuberance of feeling thus oc- casioned by writing verses, +_p innocent and harmiesa enougb escape valve pro- vided tbey content theaiselves *itb the mere writing and avoid seeking publica- tion. Haîf of aur readers wiif doubtiess remember being striciien at anc tinte or another witb a conviction tbat they werej such bapes ia their infancy. Vou didn't appreciate it then but yen blesu tbcm now Tic attenuatcd citiciien fancler who edits the Vindicator, talkes us te task -for crltlcizlng the action of Magistrate Grier- son la gsviag iacomplete retuins of con- victions. He says the correct entry was mnade in the ntagistrate's record bere, a correct copy forwardcd te Uieclcirk of the. pence and tint an oversight la the clcrk's office was the cause of the uuskisd and un- cnlled for rearaks. Tic errer sisoûlc have beca aoted aid remcdicd If miib was the case, and if thse records havi bien tamper- cd with la the cferk's ffice' the. matter should b. investigateci. Woattack ne on. without geod cause and wold be sot wrong any just pet-son. Thue Vindicator, wonld neyer say anytiing, ne matter bmw mnch Injustice were done, and' seIcntusly cannet sec any oe ecie. talte up sncb umat. ters. Tis cbcnp style of pandert-ng te the wiims cf every Tom, Diéc sud Hrt-ylu Uic commnity. la net 166'6office of i ncws paper and thse public-wonld net neid te o eut cf town te get sncb a-pap er if tse 0b awa editori md enuogh sand fatIn , spiak out titeir mincis. The. ladies oF the Preabytefan churci iieid a social la the citurci Tmmlaay iran- itngand afterwards rclated te moinse n-' ployec te Increase -théir Ialepts. Soute1 madi fancy ,rIçes, smrne omemuade, bresd muid bta osearticles of lais S't, -1 1 A o.w.i er oifn tebal fluber.. iiti nl&ezs t sî wend fine co th te Pe adb&gousen serin= aida evmctnc oplr '0T0i i-limèsAnd Us rkeprs hiew vm¶roofiertm lëioed i*Jwc tei vu ciu! . tos'm eflsrM .rm eta W58Ç» athe ibm spun; us d~al$ witb, r cause 0< tact h ail whipbscMa ute tosis& W. have heard pcale rcîmar ey often -ou the. fct thstat f' thougi salaries in. all other professions have been lowered lte salaries of inisters' iu Osh- awa. at least, remnain Uic same, from Ozaao te, $r5oo. witb bouse piravided Iree. %, cannot se. their expenses are bigiior than thaie of or- din" mortala ; on tbe contrary ministers aftengel speclal rates in thcir dealings witi stores and rairoada. W. fear the original idea of iaboking for love bas been bast sight of in many instances. lu Toronto we nder- stand tiat tier. la one minlater wbo bas a suit- stantial belief ia Gods premise thnt h. will provide for bis own .H.e receives nio stâted saiary,ý but takes wbaits put on tic plate for bim and h. bas yct te learu wbat it la te-be la Waat of aîy ne cesslîy. FRED. R.Ho . Osbava BsIcess Dlrmoory. B . YIOKIBY, barber. SimoS Stre. DE. D. L. ROmG-Offie King etrsi et. ]QBOORSI LIVERY, Uinooe atnsi, nerth. WM. ROLPE, bamseas maker, Simaoos sht T. B. MOTKEB8ILL, buter, King St., W«&t A, J. STLT».;-Doranion pianos -sudorgans, SimooS astrii Mauhostelry, usaisudceftbiy equippefi. POST Oparmu Booutavcca-Pnl lins ef beos sailusry sud tanoy gooda. B. 13. Rogems JYOB. Hossilmu-Whîîby-O>awa stage Inx. Leaves Oshawaait ansd 2 p m, aud Witby sti10 armn d 4 p m. UInit- aud mutje. Dreomâtklng, ete., lu oenueotionrifsmooo striai. OBEAVA Dausse Suon-L j 1Mlaxwem ,diapsu-, glua obsusità Fui n, et01Pire tamp ésu Oheinjoal a usy an sd. joflCà*zM, msutu o~0f n*Car- niages, carte, wagozns, suad &ml-inds Gi 0*0 lors sud alMes, leutInng i et. M' : eXon-of Toront, 1faW8t fug Mis. J ~ffa~ Mfr, Ed. HoIllday f. home froas Llnda Mr -Tfio9. B aék bs nov ed Ato t! heý Jr attersoû, aàn Osha ra çeq tft, bah» 4rraOg,îd te v 1'~o~îur~lry o i. To-.night Fr1 day) thé. Epwortb .,L«gue of C. B. wll hold in e tral m ta d sociligi the Meioýdst chuAh Mi.Frank Scott bas lust returned froas a brkfhf d9,1ay thp ýtbroughzwestrn On. tario, wbldh, he verymubnjed .0 Thon. Wra 'wh poW living westJ ofWitby,* on tze front toad - -b ee vfsitinganiong his Brookli frienda 'tbÏs" we*k.î Mn, James Boyes bas bue r ick for several weeke.. with inflmmtore the lungs, but I arn glad to reporthsie 18 noýw tnch better. Mr. GodfreY Cook dfed at ti'.residebca or bie sof-naw, Mr. ogi Ivie, eon suliay last, The fanerai 'took place to,.-.Grovel Side cemetery on Tuesdé. The executors of the. estate cf 1h.lte, -Francis. Warlng ýbave sodtti (arn, 'lateW, occlipied by Mr.- Ezra Wl ci to UMv Jmes CoultUce, w7howlII take pouewson'at bnci. InspectoT MBrienp d bise 1-annual-e onTuesday 'ord a brough q_ý aininaîfon rpore evevytbfng infa ts-a 08". otder.t àùr. AÀ.-F. DarllngtO, who wa se veî.lyY',' fujUrýeby faufng on the1i. yideiwa aboutttre weeks ago, 1. stili conýfindt thé. hou.., W. hope ber r c v v a noQw bÇ more napld.loknhA1 _ _ It w wsseven inotitsu p'ou'-ls in e i1. Richard- o-ùon d ày IiIesesWalks and ýRobino w eutte Ciarentont a, few wieeks' ago -t'te viat friendsansd witile titere becanue victimii of Uic influenza, wbicii waa very prevafeût there at the tine. Tbey are now b*ose again and slowly recoverfng frointhti eflecta of their ifîness. A public meeting wiIl b. beld la thse council chantier next Tnesday cveuiag, i6tb mast., b he Uicprontoters oe« Uic ncw mutual fire lnsurancecontpany, now beingi.- organzcd i Eat Witby. -Mr. Wnt. Mr. Tics. Mycri, wiie died receuntly in- Ls Angeles, Califaorni, was well -known- te residents cf this seto om iit y cars ago.' At tint tinte iii wua ain' byer andi auctioneer, wtb is heacquar-' ters àt Witby, but did consderbe bus1 uess in Brooktiu. Several tinesftely we bave er lu queston nkd Weanay *Rdducke: and gie'ebebtV The statutesof z8§3 maire t ualawful te shoot wifddncke tif. suy kiud between, thec x5tr of Deepbeg- and the. latoetSeptembrfllowin. Swans and geese are protectd between May rt and Septembr sth f each year. Meus. Frank Bewlcs sud Hugi'PXosa l1eft for thé, American vepubli 'on ued mrnng. Thc forme.r wet te cbfeag wlsre e opes te0,gt a Position on I Illinois Central. Rnfiwy, and the lte was te stop at Detroit. We always re'g- seclug Canadiais boys' ea * e'ourt- u but If tey ae lkîly to, battiteuà e by doingie, noï u ilMbanie theïn- We ope tisey wvJl'lfgitt iieir hheV"pn Awelaa. hueàe- ** . A YqA SOAP Palerhiame et Cas. fi uines t fc4 )P.. on bebaîf 0as ne.-13 ila. Y, iens. Cape in ard rn ai Piuked D1, only )to 0 ýf ý4 .1

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