K!NOWLEDGE WP toenfort and Improvement andI 1 ti perslonsl'enjoyment wheno IY'Ùsed.'The many who live b.b uni othe>und enjoy llfo more, with ~~.ix~ture by ore promptly theg ab oldsbtproducta teo ofd cfphyuîcal being, wll attegt rAUý to health- of th. pur. liquid iiPrinciples .embraoed inithe lé lorrei MOMaSceptab'e and ples- 0 the taite, the rëfroching and truly ROWa properties of a perfect lax- ïl ýeffectuaUy cleansing the aystema, %,ri colda, headaches -and fevers P6t4ianently curing constipation. w gâvu hstisfaction to milions aud wi the iapprovai of the medical salon, lcause it-aots '?n the Kid- SLivir and Bowels without weak- r he= and it is perfectly free from ro à bectionable substpmnCe. uP of vir à i for sale by alldrug-, 12 5,btties, but i i manu- red' b t he Californie, Fig Syrup %0:,wha naine je printed on every %"y. sao the naine, Syrup of Figs, 4sÃŽin well informed, you wi]1 not >tny substitut, if offertýd. n AYER'S Hair VIGOR color to the hair, sud aloc prevents it lallmg out. Mma - H. W. Penwtck, of "A littie more than twa years &go ger -thy c~>i an cesedfaurugout. Anf én btte f ofe' Ha ir. haitearesÃ"ad go i dthe ori-a cÃœor sly was uit abundut. IAnie a varie nloappaationass but wit- E ferI hould ear perm Ian tety aH. liaboutsixmnthago, my1husband bought, home a buneofA.y rer' oua r Vilor n lt, ian1 aI neto uerse udTnba shrimenew hbai bguntsi ontpear, and he 1 fl evry prt opet o stÃlcof ayrowt cf air .s r adbee my il e . us.. WIn a sotytmena..S.ewat Oeans, a.paadteei o DR. J. C. AME & WO., LDWELL, MMS., U.S. A& On Saturday lest J. T. Storey, V. S., lu returulag (rom a professlonal cati uotlced tbat bie bore. was lame aud determlued to examine the. foot as soon as h. got borne. The bose was put away by hies lu tbe stl and the rope, used to keep th orsc Up lu the stalvaas stened in plo. Mr. Story daom fot recollect whetber b. e wet tW examine thbobn"s foot or net, butfrom the flujurles h. receîved and theo blood.ou the ,Iloor at the horse- feet, he muet have I>..s jccked by lthe animal, t ti e- ef.!g forward aud was mees! times «tpodo >y the bare. One ofbis ari»swasto bsê- Iy bmiled that tlb. lsb lrst snd Io dis- célored upýtotale shouldor. Oise of bis lutgs a"aebadly bruiged. -HMe #ul was fractured above on. oye and iii face :M y Iaeuated *bout btlieyeiL Notwith lut coasclomnuesho wanaed a ;rOacb lie bouie. aud on Sunday vas mMeë to b and partake of .r~i*h.W bà m tH be tay sou fly rocoveroo bhi Tn Ibmod W. notico by Prldey's Mail a*i ýnpfr thst lb.eyoungeekrlcosèlhave: t.-organized fSth. sa a"As Mlu: ail ptobabllltihte.wlllbe noseMoï teaS ber, this year, W.0r= afraid that the.la- crosse prospects for thiss eison are, raîler A meeting vwas held Tnuday nýight lu the Sous oScotland- lodge room, for the purpose cf organlzîug a bicycle club. As there 1. a goodly number of dead gaine sports lu this tavu wbo are th. prould pos- sessors af bicycles, a club should boomn ber. X'h. Rev. Dr. temill vas lu towu last Fflday and Saturday. Mt. W. Brankley,ýof Stayner, vlslted iu. towu hast wek. A good crowd cf spirited buyers gather- ed at Mr. Ken Pavidson's sale of farn stock ou Thursday listï and En couise- quence hlgh prices vas the resuit. Mr. Davideon ha. moved luto Mr. Angus Gil- lesple's bouse ou Victoria St. Alexandria hall Saturdey evenhxg vas comiunîably filled vlîh the electars ai North Ontario assembled ta hearMr. Hay- cock, M. P. P., expouud the doctrines ai the Patron order. Mr. Haycack bowever did ual show up, but sent Mr. T. 0. Currie, grand vlce-president ta take Lis place, and any ane after heariug Mr. Curnie speak would b. aatisfied that h. mast varthily iuifilled bis mission. Mr. Currie i. a firat class speaker altbough rather iuclined ta mislead at certain limes, but h. vas by the alertuess ai seyeral Couservati ves pre. sent made ta confine hiniseli ta facta a littie cdoser Ihan he seemned ta cane for. Mr. Brandon, the Patron candidate, vas preseut, but awing la the meeting bein g started rather late iu the evening h e very wisely gavevay ta Mn. Curnie. Mr. Edward Tisdale who bas been dan- gerously sick for sanie tume past, is we are pleased to stsie napidly necavening. Miss Maud Tisdale ha. returned home frani Toronto, where she han been visiting f rieuds for the post nionth. Mr. A. Ross, ai Mattawa, vas in town last week, atteudiug the fuerai ai hîs brother, the la'e W. J. RoEs, vhich took place on Friday afternoou and was veny langely atiended. A fev ai the citizeus are agitaîiug for a ire protection and any one after the lasi fire would be ionced ta coules. that il i. one thing thai we are sadly in need ai. We uuderstaud ihat Mr. Dobson agrees ta supply the waten sud paver at a very loy figure. Mr. John Cameron, who han been ilI for somne time, we are sorry ta say died Mon- day evening. Mr. Camneron had a large cincle ai acquaintances in ibis and the neighboring townships an be for mauy years vas grain buyen under Dundas & Flavelle, at the station, and ai that posi- tion pnaved bath paiustaking and careful, aud van liked and nespected by ail wbo had dealings viîhh bu. AU the members ai bis iamilv have been borne during hie ilkless. sud vere in attendanceat the fun- eral. The sympathy ai the community in their beneavemeni is with theru. The fun- eral ou Weduesday, 3rd iust., ta the Stone Cburcb cemeîery vas largely atîended. GAUM"ERDGEC. Miss Jennie Keane han gone ta Orillia. Miss Flona McCuaig bas gone ta To- routa. Miss Buckler bas returned ta Beavertan ta live with ber father. Mr. Wm. Freeland bas moved ta Mr. Glover's farm emai ofGamiebridge. Mn. John Fountain, jr,, han moved ta Mn. Clark's fanm, vhich he bas nenîed for a terin ai yeans, Mr. James Handcock hav- ing renîed a farrn on Point Mars. Lant yMe ve vere starting spriug vork at this time. but this year it looks an thougb&ft muight be May before any sprng vork lu doue. ENNmIILLEMN. MIsýs L. Shav, Toonto, has been visit- ing fniends here. Mn. Jas. Martin han reîurned ta Hamil- ton. council, the. guarantee f und for lie vist of tiie 48th Highlanders, aniaunts to, upwards cf $2,200. It in believed that thia in sot much more than haif vhat cau ho raised if the. highlanders docide ta corne, a. mauy promineut citizens have nal been asked ta mub- scribe. Mayor Sanderson received a letter from Lieut.-Ool. Davidson, on Tuesday, stating thatu tie officers of the rgmnt wc.uld meutt hl evening and docde viere ta, speud the. Queen's bfrthday, sud liat, h. would inform hie worship of their choice t.o-marrow. -Packet. ALTONA. Mrs. D. Dafoo, of Stouffvifl, viaited at M. Flummerfelt's last week. ML. R. Hoover ha. r.ued home after ep.nding di veeks In Torontoa ai oeoIoual wmiter. . S F . Stouffer will4iuew"k bave, for$çarboro towork wth uui brother thon. during the gonog îmmmr. A* B3eNIgsv dbad hie bug okw-nghwuad. clmiuar savlaIn he tgà sfaetorye n Tuesdayi of lait veehi, 'hhe#hsd got a lîtti. too'cl.,, asd ha had à silie taken -cft the foro4nguoft Msefbu.H-wihbe'ofdutyWc&sbu Bldding vas slow at the sale held on Mon.;t day, vhen the estate of Win. Feasby vas put up by auctîcu. Only $8,"00 as bld for the tvo farin, but <bey were afterwards sold sep- arately for more. The homestead, <zoo acres> bas been purchased by John Meek for $5.450 and John Kennedy, also of Scott, gets the soc acres for 84,75o. Loo]m 11k. a lake. Some tme ago agents cauvassed this sud other towua offering 37 lbs..cf sugar for 81 sud selling tes, coffee sud apices. Peop!e who ordered the three latter articles have had thein delivered, but as sugan vas sncb a bnlky article ht wouid be reaerved, the agent saad, for1 a separate delivery a 1ew days later ; sud iben, if anybadv waa diasatisfied witb the tes on caf- iée alneady delivered -they conld get <hein money back. Sa -far we have not heard ai auy sugar being delivered, aud the impression is that it vont be. While S. !Janby was carling sartie empty boxes froni the store of W. A. Broddy, bis borse îook fright and rau away. On reaching the station Sami jumnped froni the wagon sund as be jumped the boxes stanted toa sud. off. The hanse theu became frigbteued sud rau up towu, but fotunately be vas stopped by W. Rudman before any damage was doue. Lacrosme. The meeting held at the Mansion Hanuse an MondRy evening ta ne-organize the lacrosse club was largely attended, Mr. Si S. Sharpe occnpied the chair, sud as secnetany-treasurer for tbe past seasan reviewed tbe vork ai the c.ub sud gave a statement ai bis management ai the finances up ta date. The election ai ai- ficens vas then praceeded with, and resulted as follows: Hon. pre.., James Nakes; bon. vice-pres., J. F. Browuacomibe ; president, A. Graham ;istc vice-pres., E. J. Breen ; Qm vioe-pres,, George BewelI; manager, William Low ; caplain, 1. A. Ker sec. -treas., A. Pint. Executive committee, W. Nolan, M. Grahamu, L. Vyvysu, L. Morden, H. Chapman, 1. Gra- hami. It as unanimously decided to retain membership lu the C.L.A, sud ot a nateani in the Midlaud district this year. Meore dis- persing the meeting teudered a heenty vote of tbanks ta Mn. Charles Kelly, the retining Pr.- aident, for bis eftorts ou behaîf ai the club ln yeans past.-Journal. BLACKSTOCK. The fracas of tva yacks ago between David Hooey sud station agent Cart- wright, of Burketon, was airod in thbe nJagistrate's court aI Millbrook lasI week. Rurnarsasys il cost Mr. Hooey somethiax like $100 ta effect set lement. Mr. Samuel G. Greer, af Cartwright, sud Mise Elizabeth Brawn, of Manvers, were manxied in Black8tock, March 17, by Rev. R. M. Phalen. Dr. Stewart, of Teeevater, le visiting hie friend, Dr. McKibbon. Misa Emily Hoaey is visiting fionda near Peterboro. Mn. George Carfield, oi the RoyalI hotel, is convalescing after hie neceut ilin)ess. Messrs. Kinsman sud Stewart at- teuded the Coulter sale aIPontypool. About tva years ago aur village van repeaîedly dietunbed sud scandalized on Sunday by the visita of a numuber oi taughs fram Part Perry. Public sen- timenit became mo enraged that these gentlemen (D touhtil wiae ta discon- tinue their visita. LasI Slfnday aveu- iug, however, our village vas again pal. luted by au irruption of rovdyien fnrom the saine quarter. Verbuin sap., Mr. Editar, sud Ibis word applie taaur hotels as well as ta, the rovdies already monlioued. Blackstock le nol willing ta be a rndezvous for profane youth vho are ashamed or afraid ta get drnnk ou Sanday in thein ovu tavu. Thero- fore Blsckstack vil ual much longer talerate tho sale ai intoxicants frein lie bars of ils habele ou Sunday. .1 Walterl1 Beefsteak. Ram sudEgsa, fer On*. "God gave us meat, but the devil 'Seul us cooks," is a true saying. From bad coaklng. f ast eating sud overeating, comas a viole train ai diseases-indigeelian, dyspepsia,.bil- lousneas, calurrh of lbe stomach, beadache, dizzinese, sud tbe like. God aiea gave us a brainy man, wbo compcnded thbe "Golden 'Medical Discovery.' a corrective cf ail tbe î11e nesnlting from oversatiug sud bad blo& 'Dr. Pionce ai Buffalo, buasf urnisbed lu the "'Diacoveny." sagreat desideratnm l in 4enica-, vbero overbody are ini stob a hurry la nake uîouey, lbey have no lime ta est, sud scarcely any lime la live. It invigonates the liver, cleauses the blood snd loues up the system. Delicate disesses of either sex, hows:v-eIn ~DELICIOUS' TEkS, 159(009000 Pa ckez's O/cl Courn,-try., M LB. IJD JLB. LEAD PACKETS AT 40, 50, AND) 60 CEITS PER LBO FOR SALE BY MATHISON BROS., WHITBY A Ohange ini Toue. The Stand Takeèn by Doctors on the Kent Case Beginuing lu Weaken. OTTÂAwA, April i-lt je safe to env th at the statement amaie under oatb by Mr. G. H. Kent, of this city, witb regard la hie wonder. fui' recovery f roin Bright'e; dirnese thraugb the agency af Dodd's Kidney Pille, has defliiely the question as to whether be awee hie recovery ta thie valuable medicine, and has beau accepted as a final settiement of the debate. Whiie, bnwe.rer, there is nov no objection rased ta the elatemeut, there is etifi a etrang feeling iu the city and neisth- borbood with regard taîbhe cure, aud ibose who at tirqt ctuibatted the ides as incredible are nov [and lu Ibeir expressions of aetouieh- ment that wbat bais neep cousidered an in- curable diseae ehould Àuixmnmb so quickly toas remedy, aud in their praise of the re- inedy iseif. duoed, epeediliP sud Pojanjtl c - . An JImpérial arder lu Council ratifyig sau Bock ai particulars 10 cents lu etampe- mail- extradition lreaty between Great Britsain sud ed sealed lu plain envelope. Âcldess. Germany ln gazette i n The Canada Gazette. World's Dispeussny Medical Association, M68Thee Evelution main St., Buffalo, N.Y. Of iliedicinal agents is gradually relegating, Mrs. H. A. Daviee obtalue-*dsveoî t<tue aid-lime borbe, pille, drauglits sud vegot- Hamlton for U ,00 daR ' Bacy able extracts to te rear sud bringing ilo gen- Bras. & Co. for Ão hoeaf ber btubsd, vbc miii ue thb, plesant sud effecelve llquid wua kxlhed vhihe Ihawln udng mité, sxstivet Syrup of Fige. To geltutbe tue retaedy sea.tbat it le manufactured by tube The Beat Pillh.-Mlr. jWm, Vaudervocrt, CJaliforniea Fig Syrup Co. ouly. For sale by SydueY Orossiug, Ont., wrt - We bave ahi leading druggista, beon using Parmeleé's Pille, sud Sud theni Mrs. Msekay's daugiter, tbe Princes yfar fie beet .pille ve ever uae4,»Faxur ius a enganeiaspntc ri Velicat, sud Debiliitated Constitutions ibese onnbabn ybeRoanda eurt f Pilble oike a obame. Talcea l iidos.,'bruan ythRo ncuts tb. efe»Ot le bath a Ioule sud a stimulant, Cat ar.h-Uee Nasal Bains. Quick, mufidiY eXcitini tube 5eeEtcn (of 1he body, nstv ue otig lalUg ifvlngtoue '%ad "goIseaiing ue.S lanig The Bonrd Oi Workml Moilday decidedta Leluu.G euoCapani uee ciy ca$U,800n. aerout rad, etasoutmlift > foi Fortalest,îgbt -on a tripwbich ai $1.300 villest soute veeli. iunuimatory R maio.u fS.-& T.. E B V14'WORUBo f aIl lokpe fréa ,erMaqsommercialtavw B"ehillsWt.,eh-amo a -à î ** om y "'eme Yp 89 ai e olidesor dus r. ov'm or Syxi T= Oi QLfor.un muaoýr aîa an sd~ Li~d ereremedy. tbrso bottwua ff.etea .aomplet' rlnlr l'W thse,- *410 et, Mxm 1er é,Jh 7 - -4 11>!M%5ro1 111 WM. TILLt findertaker, Cabinet Maker, Uphoister, And dealer lu Furniture ai alh kiiids. Tic Subacriber belga ta anhioUulÃ"O that lho bas again opeued buainees ini hie aid stand, sud ha. placed liereili a choice, stylisi aud complote stock oi NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which will be sold at as mal margin ou coat. Another baie ai thosa calebraled Mixed Mattrasees $8.25, .worth $5. Se. those Tapestry or Carpet Loungas aI $5, wortli $8. Hardvood Sideboards, l4x24glass, for $8,60, vorth $12. Undortaking. 9:ýÈA full stock of 0offinsqE and Ca.skets, and a First- Claes Hearse. WMa TILL. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm f'or Sale,» 65 Acres, Lot No. 30, 3rd Cou , Township of Whitby ; 2 miles froni Whitby; same known as the Lynde homnestead. Soil second ta noue, in a first class stste ai cultivation. Good fences; watered by live strearn acrosa one canner ina yards froni a fin3e stone hanse; iramne stable sud dnîving shed; also manie bouse sud abundance of iruit ai ail kinds. Fan partlculars apply ta luI) 24tb, 1894. k. 1. LYNDE, 1 upon the premises. ' An es8ay describ D EAFN Euuu ing a realîy genuine Cure for Deafne8s, Singing in Ears, &o., no matter how severe or long- 8tandiug, wili be sent post free-Artilfi- cial Ear-drums anud ehailar appliaucce entireiy euperseded. Addresa THOS. K ENIPE, V ICTORIA CHAMBERS, SoUth- ham ptnn Building, Ho[barn, Lon don. THE Owen Electric Be/t. Tbe only scientific and practicEal Electric Bell made for general use, having batteorias that generate a etrong current of Electricity that is under perfect contrai and can be ap- plled toa e.y part of the body far the cure of NERVOUS DISEASES Thausands af people suffer from a variety of Nervous Diseases that the aid modes af treat- ment faita cure. There îe a loss of nerve force or power that cannot be restored by any medical treatment, and any doctar vha would try ta accomplleh this by any kind af drugs je pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro- perly treated, theBe diseases can be Positively Cured Electriclty, as applied by the Owen Electric~ Beit aud A pplîances, vill most assuredly do Bo. It je ze only kuovu paver that viii supply Wrhat je Iacking, ns.mely, nerve sorce or paver, impart toue and vigar; and arouse ta healthy action the whole nervoues ystein 15 vili Mast assuredly cure èWîthout Medici2ne General Debility, Nervous Protration, Rheu- mattsm, Sciatica, Kidney Diseas., Lumbago, Lame bsok and Dyspepsla, and many other disesses. Our Large fllustrated Catalogue Contains fulest information, liaI of disease, cut of Belte and AppliaÙces, prices, svoru testimoniale and portraits of people vho bave been eured, Englleh. German, Swediah, and Nor- weelnguages,4 loguefvfl be sent to, '40p, v W r any sddress on re- celpt o1 six cents Postage. M.J.W.Dyom1 S.Gcorge, New Brunswick. After the 3r1p No Strength, No Ambitioni Wood,* Sarsaparlla cave Perfect N'ealth. The foiloWlfg lette? 10 from a weil-knOwi2 inercliant tailor of St George, N. B.: "C. 1. BHood & Co., LoweIl, Mass.: "Gentlemen - I am glad to say that Hood'a Barsaparia and Hoad's PUIs have done me a great deal of good. I had a severe attack of the grlp lu the wlnter, and alter getting over the lever I did flot seem to gather streiigth, and had no ambition. Bood's Sar3apariil' e proved ta, be just vixat 1 needed. The resuits m-ere very satisfactory, and I recomxmefld this nledc, ine Lo ail who are affllted with rheumatisfl or ther afflitions caused by poison and poor blooL 1 always kreep Hood's SarsapariRlu n y house aud use it when I need a toulc. We alsa keep Hood's PUil anad sud tbink higly of tbem. J. W. DYKEMÀ2I, St. George, New Brunswick. Nood's Pille are purelY Vegetable, and do) not-puge, pain or gripe. Sold by aul druggust Tou DOT UCCEUSFUL RID poR muAn fR AS?. * oéga in Ig 4IMe1 1 aid nsvoe bllfloe KEUDALLS$AIIUREU Dur sir-Plesm Me"Sm1»rn cf»or Id B3ocks anobUg laeue raleoyu 0onur li,dicne. I o baaefLSa en emali pvb> ad *ve baWcuahWe. ,I bMsa bout1maial m1 Dr. B. XKu. =C& ee,ê,i~1W DeWra-I i'have useS eveal bi t"yofu £Kmdailespavin Cr'vtmach mfls»ý!- - tbtnklS thbe,,rt linmsat" ee rUO u"i. m- mawdn i Crb, e. eue s Epsyfa wmg£.IO 9»ut n pavf& i. H a 115-J>j J». B. iJ. KNALGK4 tnoSUoteH FALU, VT» For .Twenty-rive Yoar. DUN N BAIN EýTHE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT: & APPLIÂNCE 00. Main Office sud Ouly Fachory. The Owen .Eecti* Belt R/dg., 01to 2x-! State Si,- CHICAGO, ILL.! The Largesl Electrîc Bell Està blshmeut in I g tie World. MENTION THIS PAPER.