Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1895, p. 3

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The (ConUnt4<i) '1 greatilli thEkt st, WRiTTIS « ?osTas QUkOlÇIXL. - *&Mo. ' ' ' iwB'cOi Eduat mau t daî MotIo iâ f4y rt.41a th iportàioe. of 'Doar Sir,-Pernsit mie in this letter to1 The wod th"nedaugh e .b"4, uhu~~>~(>.~doal wth Mr. Brandut's charges whlich m « forth. Therefore Eduostion memus the: toevol6p tieir muscloso, wU , r mrepMtci*i On Dnn e yeiI Refoerca drawing forth of the. faculties of the' ting thetu to beCome os 4e He addressee me In tî't4 language:,' 1ý1el sou an bdyan inigeatng tswhlh îsc hoseeepers, t you air caet thc elur ef Lt. ception, trc.tei~- vfr moaintelleotulad phyia pwrnratd; 1 jomit L aelooekg for- ery, of moral degradation sud fupocîs moral finteaieot ti.andhyationsof te sohool I;Ibut Oha isL Zrpl'y fno, ime. on John Thogupson and Messre. Wreon, 1l Thefirt am' f te ntios o th Scoomiueso veryhng Thoe 6peri. etc. ? Do you sir ascribe dec* ptlen at. world who bave risen and hold promin- once of boys i ifeet sy aea litiy t Msrs ndeec.? o o ont places han been the. education of rough ana tumbîs oui door lif.. .The s R osspertc:addssmlnc eParty Ir thoir peuple, the benefita ef which we fresh air gives them su the. vtality In reply I say frankly Baued ot r cd, anq nedntsearch vory f ar to diecover. neoeusary to enablo them te go tlsrough cn Mr, Brandon or anyoI de n, gatheril Takela birds oeye view of the inhabitants their school wôrk oomfertably. single one of tic above mentioned words ue ac of the dark cornere of the earth- What is to e h ie outoome ef all viz: "deception, treachery, moral degra- tabel A frica for instance. Compare them tis ? Tii. whole ory le fcç higiier edu- fdand pdismbdceptviniqiyf p er- and I c with the inhabitante of Great Britain, cation. More branches a,. ein iyaddsebaceIunyo ylt nstanc b' ters, tuer la anything to tic found thercîn Of- or etili better our own belovod country. continually orowded in upoen the ai- which would justify him inuthe use of sucl e c Mark the contrat! Yet had theY ready over-taired brain. What je tthe offensive adjectives and phrases. tIn tha lc been blest ~withti adntge it object ? Io there smre new era to be cunnectiots I will go further and say that 1 île arti whîch we have boots, they might have eutered rpon roquirifig thisP Were not only do nul su charge themn, but I un- discret] cOmpared favorably 'with the highest we quite sure the milleniuin was in theiesitnîingly eay that cveryone of the know inîteligencetint ever played a part on near future, wben ail wrongs wndb thirty-eix men he mentions is 10 say the Juin T thts world'e stage.purihi woul mber e leat equally respectable as himself. I. spectai 1 p ut righ , it w o uld n ot atte . W e h ave Icnow n m o t of tiese m en for m n ny so i McKay, who waa a tnissioflary in bave ne muci assurance, and the prob- yeazs, and although every une of thern bas cesaful Uganda, belleves in that dark corner, ability la tint tinte is geing on rnuch as alway been politically opposed tu me, yet hn' atndl tht there te ample mnatermai for il a doue, witi thesanme iawe of na. almost without exception 1 have foun d nthn tmaatng a grent nation ihero, and k ture to goer is. 1 fths tae f hem nmen of rsetblt and reput abilit- thntt i th enos fhi iorpiyt c 'er affair otn~ htj ob i e ty, but etili on the other hand I neyer tuis st theatd e rotofahy§ huîîdred y ors since s lutiîe wfuture Are tee aleknew tiem lu lose an opportunity of in- fi thithi8 wore urmin !Scotld yand.aHosuirsta bnthe fwtes.m heehosejuring the Conservative party ad h heep w1tcos erebur* nd i Sctlad. e grlsto e te wves mohÉr, huse Coneervative government, or ratier of at- Illinoli nîso tells us tint îhree (if hie young keepers and hoîno-niakera of tie future îempting to do so. sey ai ebony converte were burtied at tise gèneration. If sD bave we any right to Mr. Brandon also mentions a large this I take rather tisan givo up their faiti. ex ccl as a resait a stroug-mnanded, self- number of Conset vatives as being present teenf issesomaries, w liMsts toi-rîlnt ioospepe2 Nnt eh does not charge me witilîvtlîfvtng themn silver weet are doitîg a gool( work, (1o nol, con- oÛ-,t of every lwouty wil Say einPIhtiC- there is noîiing for me ho env in reply, ex- tint,i fine thomeeslve5 ta thse cultivfttion of the aily -No 1" cept that I know of no men in our parly are nc 111111( alone, but teacis the Indianaein- Îneîead of Canada arriviug at tie deserving ut confidence thats those more counni duetry il, tiie cultirtion of wiatever je proud distinction ta whici aie lsa spir. who!se namnee he mentions. mnost neceeiftry lu eupply their manifold ing @ie wiii necessarily be oouspelled to He has thé impertinence to refer tu my nasty w'hch romseSto e a imort tao abac set. Viee ae ai tcs.salary. Let me say w hlm tint, riot beiflg ho Wi] wante, w apoie ob n mot aeabc ea.%hr r l hs Forester, he does flot have to pay a cent me 5 factor iu ralslg them luo take a place as highly educated boys as well as girls 10 of tint salary, and if he were a Forester farm, a people us the worid. The Rev. Mr. find employmen, ase necessnrily tbey ho would only have to pay at hest a mat- oe Bric, wh wor-ed ardaong the In- must ? In the tu-ijority of cases thse ter of about six ent a year towarda it. over iaus sI one of hie lectures, said he reserve fund of force ie well nigi ex. Iu any event, if 1 am a servant of the or-thc conssdered iunteaciing the Indiana to haseted, and the ranks are already ganization he mentions to-day, il is by tego lugsh veding Gods work 58s a crowded ta suffocation. And who are free choice of the, organization f i cl back j uh ews 'amn une of Ithe fathers. 1 ersîered the snid nul0 miucis as when presching tie gospel. to do lie work ? Cerrsinly nut tisse urganizatiun wîeni i could not pay More with \Ve as a nation, fast rssiug 10 take a iigily eduoated. Their aspirations are than one hundred dollars 10 its Secrelary, and place among tisents<sse, boasts of our hie ber, sud moreover tisey wouid do and when it only lid a few score of muem- $120C s1perior euucationll ystem sund cîniitise work muet uusaisfactorily, frein bers instead Of 75,0oo. I did ils 1legal work thus tie proud distinctioni of conpariflg thel1ack of strengts, ase tiere has boon nmounting lu hundreds of dollars, and thilt or fi% favorably witi tise best systemas under no developemnent of muscle to give tise frmn e -ihutrmnrto fde the sun. Lot us loQk tues matter faîrly etrongth n ecossary. 'iiCnd an),~ kind. 1 did more than thnt, 1 mort-f R the aceard .skoursve je iseeye-to epen ouforegu a no iaI? avegaged al 1 was worih o the extent <of muc] in h aeadakoreve stessiodpn n oeg ao o-ta mary thousands of dollars 10 pay ita debt tem wortisy.of &Il tise praiso it receives. Lot us tnke a luok at unr neighbors while it was struggling l'or existence, and Tise firet asu in tise education of tise acruas thse border. Tiey courted sud1 perhaps il was owing to tint fact that tiey peuiple sould be that asetise outoome of potîed roreigners, holding up ns an in- 0offered me ils secrelnryship somne y'ears tint education tise beet reaulta may be ducemeut Ibeir boaeted ligo,. fobt ýýr I cerîaiuly nover applied for il, A V elemut tnu heorgnahoong amatIthcotdead ars-tved at lu tise cultivatiou of the tisey have more foreigu Iierety. anwbteing su potor eisailime, aoncd muoral, intellectuai and physical powers, tiey kuow wint to do witi. Th ic W- tb ci asiles Secrelary and did sonat n sal- ansd sucis as tnay beet tond Lu tise ad- est of tiseir stalesmnen have a difficultY ary of s5oo less than I was offered by il. vancement of tise people, indîviduaily on tiseir bande tbey cannut soive. In aievmt n Forester th&t knows me Bhn and colectiveiy, of wiih thsenation 15 Tiere is stili another alternative. rtw sitry we ta 1 as aiotanho re- Bar f amOli. la tisere not ant evil ini placittg Wil tic people ef Canada be obiiged toonerthte pos in ier ay o go a I ny s' tiucisimporanceo n t cnt kow s me n anhb eostint If so11c motneupo thtie Cultiva- adopt chijdren, fror tise humes of Dr. dofo'aehwso nhe ertr ts lion of tise mental at the expense of tise Barnardo and otiser philantbrupiste. to lhe Order ie elecîed, ns my intention is con, pisys cal? This enen ls fil) tic gap ? This migit possibiy meel agatu îo sele down îo iaw praclceeIar scrutin>' to discover. Lot an>' observ.ti e d fflouht>', but wouid there not not a beggnr. .I earnedi nearly t wice as ctt1 ing persan make a tour of investigation be a danger of a degematilig tendency muci money in the honeat prachise fm througis our scisools, and wbat dees he among eur own peuple. I tiink near profession before 1 became Secrohary off]muai seA large percentage of pale, tired 1>' ever>' ene wouid bear me out sa thie said urganizahion as i arn doing nuw, in y-0 and more than thal, Mr. Chapple la mnak- utý girls le usuali>' perceptible in thé high- ing there would be wcre tho systern v) ing more out of the practise I sald hi'm e er forma. Altheugi tisere neveGm was beceme general. than my salstry amouflis 10. This mans thei ver>' mucis admiration- bestowed upofl Who are reeponsibie for tuis cotitin- object muat be t0o-y and make ouItinht I w Tom Boys, still there is ver>' uucis te aed risc in the standard of edacation arn a robber, for ho says I "worry" My ren admsire in the good heaitis whicis givea froni wiich we prediot sacis evile in tise salary out of thie foroalors. te isespiite Thy wre utue- e terenu edras Ordee 1Iarn eorry for hilm; 1 amn eorry ho think 1 buoyncy int e canut ven un spirit aspire h ter juat thse girls tisat develuped ite self- any one else sec iL ln tie sanie igt ? nant>' sentiment I arn surry to thinli Ne reliant streng-mEirtded wOUtef, a Let us look bsck, san> thirty-:flve years, tînt lte can do notiing but iimpute bnd natiens strongisold. at tise tien sohool systens wieuitise motives ho me and probnbly lu ever>' otier Lot us investigate how our girls Of eduosîjon of tise majerity was flnisied man if il cuits his purpose, wlîh tic poé- A taystudy. Go wth oeeoe these in the commun sciool, wben compara- sible exception of himlînf. Now, let me gil toaytell Mr. Brandon tint tie office of Secre- vs girls te hem home. ishe carrnes a iseavy tivel>' few over eutered tise bigiscshool tr of our organiziltiott could easily tic iY book-bag, quite sufficient for an advanc- The home work wne oomparaLivelIY 6lled by any man of ordiuary abiiity, and no cd awstueit.Oun arivilsg at home Iihgbl nosticis atitg 5as ritimetie lie proper qualifications for the sumn of on tise book-bag is thrown down in dis- was ever thongit of as ihome womk. $200o, but if tint were dune carne legnial I guet. "I'm 50 tired 1 We have an ex- Tice pale girls werc lise exception, ual firm would bt? getiing sometiing like tie rg, aminaticn to-morrow 1 1 wish tisero tise raie. Flore te a question. Are thse sum Of1 $4000 ut $5000 for doing tise legat re aphol, ', nd ll sch xclma hilden s fr a agegoe an inad.work alnewhich 1 du for tic Order, and i wasne cbei ! au aI sui eclaa cilden s fr a ag goa s>' n s Itierefare iti jenet simply as Secretary but la tios. iseais tiedmotserinabeo vnceof istîhe wre iso 'iTioe s.. le.i1dvierAd soîcîhr ras Weil perorth ie dut>' imposed laponit i, at and tie soal as a trinity and insepar- - oM.-Eioltm rwyu t tise expense te o t oer prso h ablc the eue from tise other, cailing te~n ttîntht part of bis 1.11cm lu wiich body, wisose intercat il ducs net study. cacis for itB distinctive place in educa- i. ctateB thal I oui>' practice iaw for cx. ln tic morning she ises wear>', ah- tien thse moral, tise intellcctual ansd tise horbitaul fees and tint I wouid net act for thougis net tili tic at moment, justitnIspiyiical. If man cheoses te exaît eue au>' peut man unhessa1I was paid therefot. lime le arrive at sciseel wiscn tise bell or tweo f these parte of a divincly madle I cummn al nl wie knew me un tiecocunI>' e m Ifnc 1h oar some one se>: w bee at tie exp nse of tie re ain er of Ontarioand wh eihave ad business re- taAt! Get em up ie prcticahi>' insulta is M aker, be- wrati nthb e cta nt ict s c hese unf lunlise murning, tise fresh air wouhd eldes speiiug issf. If ise devehopes your readera who have owed me bills of givo hem viger , iThis te a mistake. tise body, ncglcctiig tise otisers, h. is- coste fer yeare past if 1 ever rendered theni Theme la airesd>' tee mach tel upeit ber cornes tise bruts filld witis brUtalPro an âccount until I was ssked for îî. As energies. Tise mether deplores thia penalties. If io magnifies oui> tise far as I can now recollect I neyer have, condition but secs ne alternative aesse mnd - tien beiold tise cold.bloeddasd as a rcsiiit I have thousnndc of dollars andbe husbndaremain grstsa - ioohroto oc ihtewerid cf goo<i accounts on mu> books which and em susandaremakng ran sa- pilosphe on cftouis ithtis - h could bave been ad 1yeasagor pay- rifices in order that tise dangister mansuWbih he lives, eitherin ilu imalmwouid have been had I peseedor and- be fltted tp eamu hem living- Tise notis- or spiritual aspect., While if tise sont ment. More than tint, I neyer refuied te or takes hem to a pisypicien, iris takes sioe witis itepowpre b. exo6lted et thse net fer a poor man as ho cuggeste sud,,is a lu tise situantion . Ho gives her neo xpn»e of the body and usin.d we are coecitence 1 have acted for htsndreds usediclue, but ordemu her te be teken on'ly fttbeonercne iddon wbe bave neyer paid'me a deliar,, and trom seuisel, irnicis is acted upon. She saia>' frm thse ectivitien of tif., mble have goune eveis furtier and bave pgil, cornes back et tem a vacetien, a différent to brigister thse e akW of oefloir0W eue-acolnt ofdoî )ý,diburs 1haet tri. Siolwork le net noir such a mortefallln lortfi i tise st4ai5d neyer lcob e ccu n d. Tus la.e i.rst $nrden. a tfeshort time tiser. ie a left by HMm, *ovise d M.nt Ui»salf timn , s uy eltiF. ;iveor crdfau repetitienetftise saine ixperieiioe, but above tise oarpeuter'i be. on - ee kin ligsich a charge against nme, and thse next lame thse sohool datiés are -s "no s -r recluse, but the<0 ud-ted 4eW t htI ui fne man- whe uargentpassle> 0 go ewy. <0f84(x oaUgt Hisi,11 ýit -Ute ver i>iuplaiiied of my charges for prqfes-' ugn bte &"T4 11j1bMe8nC u.' siouaIsoivvices v.udered him, ~~aad15O*t at4nosud~ n t ________ -in order 4e4lefCcrditin mewitl a 0rwnf honom ' SUtb y o .. mis le corne out?1 And th«o -Wv s.tbd& **ý g,.-mot 1o b tis. vson qts To ù uZ~ ' » n are&p "Uog or iOç kSb îýnsdM(4$. e0PW ltl lorilm eéo .àw fa P8sbyt1an luti -t1 -- Il1 ',- - 114 U» *,ouùa expomon M U in > ~pa51iuV5lY ixla VI ie 1 i Tct etet; s ubÙlt Ug a timé when it >sldered a inonumntitra1sed t6 the y oeàà ùlbdI%?de& dwç hrcii, havlgit LMit, long before the tine of tii.t Ilnotr -dwll upon bis reférence to mngi North OOutarto ior par'.y pur- for as you know Sir I have nover a notoination at the. hande of my -lthough I have been twice un- uoly nomiaated, by -member of the. s thse Riding lns Conivention àsiembl- I Mr. Brandon, bad he been a goodi ývatIve, ansd attended our party ings would have known that to be ove ho does.-know it to be the faet, challenge hlm to point eut a Bligie ce whous 1 have unsollclted sought ot any kind at the, bands of the rate. y on earth ho draga' my sheep miet ticle I cannot Imagine unless It b. to dit me again, for what purpese I not. I have neyer said thnt Mr. bhompson la flot a successful and re- tbic sheep-breeder, but John Thomp- ,l net ntso say tint Inm flot a suc- iand more extensive shecp-breeder, himàelf; for If I have succeeded ln * else, I have at leust succeeded ln ranch of agriculture, and if ho doubta itaternent let hum ask his Patron 1Mr. John Campbell, who saw my >at Chicago along wîtb sheep from s, Michigan, Pensylvatula, New Jer- Lnd New York, and notwithstanding was able to carry off ten of the four- first prizes oflered, and twenty prizes 1, including the sweep stakes and rcup. Let me say to Mr. Brandon in rny humble opinion, rnY 300 sheep io only a credit to myseif but to my try as well and that is thè opinion of men who bave seen tbem, and any ythings he may say in reference there- ll not alter the fact; and finally let say that ail I own ie invested in rny and those sheep. Any thîng I make and above wvhat 1 spend personally I st there, and if I get a large salary in opinion of sorne I at lenst do sorne 1with it, for every dollar of it goes c t the farm, and flot the least pleas- of rny recollectionS in connection there iis that 1 arn able out of that salary the procccds of farrn to pay frorn ).oo to $150000o per year in wages, and furnish the means of supporting four re families of men, women and chil- ,gretting that I have had to take up sc h of your space, i arn, yours trlly, JOHN A. MCGXLLIVRAV, Thse Kent Case. 7isit to the Works of the Britise Nortl Amercan Note Comnpany. >mrwA&, April 8-A visit pad yestierday t iworks of tbe British North Atuericai ak Note Printing Gom p n r whose en yment je Mr. G. H.Ket herpr ee recovery from Bright's difleaee wil a' accSepnnying borrors of gwolen limb vulsione, coma, and fearful pains, hi nu the cause of s0 much discussion in ti y. showing tint he jsestill ln the. 6D)oymes tbe bealth which h. has g&inedý by dicions use of Dodd's Kidniey Pille. For n who may b. said to have bad one fo> the grave, and whose healtbis despairi 1hle presented a romarkable picture biti and vigour, and pursued bis work »heavy presses without any indication earmns. Ho je loüdintiît praises of t medy whch cred hm.1 Tue New York Senate passed the bill i isdingt the time for tiR completion of' i ýew York Canadian Pacific Railway. A wide4pTOBad habit 6nd one which we nearly ail, have, in iving advioe. Tii. mont of us place a hi slue un onr owm opinions, nometime corre ï 0 at other timea these Opinions iare WO ýomore tuhen thbe value our neighbor pi ,n dsem, an opinion thoagi which we Des Il hold and wbich undoubtedly centaini reat deal of trut is that in the lypring equire some medicine to aust nature in emoval of &Il impurities from the blood. asimpty a question of what le the bent?1 011 City, ont. M&I.SFoË Each mointb 6,000 (Janadia nenwsç are dietribisted froc% Port HTuron. TEE BEST (JOIGE (URE le yard'e.Pseeter'I Djlsam.It healsths and ourse ougbs, and 01m ii oaSctap odoe ei ya mNe wss Uaimé ruefoUScl"tIP Yatior Tabs e urf -AylmMWa5Ze0b bed of $W0anda d liWetob by, tfdrgsr Corsets are now r. 9nIzed, to be ý,the Stindât-d. -Corset of Cîaa. Satisfaction guaManteed. Or rnoney refu'ndeds ASiC yOIR DRY 6000$ DEALER FOR THEN. What l j * Castorla le Dr. Samuel Pitchei9S pr4"diPORI for-,~U anid Obldren. It contain neither ODIUM, XOrP inG DOT other Narcotie substance. itIs à a aweM Ubltuto for Paregorle,, Dropa, Sootblng SYrmp1a ad Castor. xx It Le Pleasant. Its guarautee le thlrtY YeaWS' uS.b» mlllons of Mothei's. Castoria dOBtrYYWOrlsiidg Ui feverlshoess. Castorfa prevents y'VOmitlng Souri Ourlé cures Dlarrhoea and Wlnd Colle. Castorniroa V teething troubles, cures constiPat'Ofl nd lauOlY Castorla assimilatesth foodq regulas the ,tl»C1 and bowelas giving healthY aMd natural sleep. 55 toria a is e Children's panacea-thO Ilothesrlffl'de. "Cagtortisfl uexcefent medillie fer ciii- dren. Xotlscn bave repeatedly told =meff ts good offet upou their chihdren."1 DL. G. 0. Owsso, Uiweu, NU& <iCastori la tihebeut rem2edy for cWidrens of irbich1 arn acqusluted. I hope thse day la net tu. distnt wenmothere5d.O.m interentof thelmeblhldren, and us estiois In- stead ei tbeariffl qu acknoStm 'wb 'h 8 deetreyiigtiteir leved cnee, byfcmclngePIifi4 morphine. eooethiitgsymup and ether bumîful agente dewn their ibroatE, themeby aeudlfl otIsanepromtuegraves" DL. J. Y. KINOHElZ, couwny, ArIL "Our pyiuel ats b~s Inent bave 1-oe -ofigi7t mS i l beowAê pe à and -aItheugh ireouwlyha" - ai maodical supplid"làS 5 0 .produeta,~eêW oo r. t0 .~ mUet c Oetrla ubaS: U, ' favomupoli lU' tJw=n.<ffra iDD WiLL -C D)IPUTHEPRIA, Q1 Varicooee4 ,EoeIssIOnS, NMeOI St rctue, yhi,13 '(idaey sud iBladder Arto e b tl setryt sel Àd b: w, BzeaCand Btosd D(aeG and zadâle W thie.r~frie' atone-«U have itesvictit- Yecng 55W t 2dcsgd ab,,7I VAROCERLE, EMJSl W.t. Ozi. W. S. Colline, "I m 2. It 15.e1 l e; weak ;ai *'atie d=n afrI .0 p bition Perfect I-v 1! ' I 't '.1 -.5'- i "Il s "'r [ris 5 "S' i , Il I." orLgiita. 'EI "M URE. ur Hi-se >i f yuir " tbd M REs a.d tlc al ndtx tii Mý BOX s Years 'c MND The Cmtaisr Compaze pn à a ab DK S59 & ",D IÏE, VER ING TION. Rage- l'mg& JI ý T,893. tored b7 , 01L- 3 m*d My ýRx foniïeai.

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