Whitby Chronicle, 12 Apr 1895, p. 4

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0tGI~ :p that Cough. A FE, SURE AN~D BPEE-DY REMEDY POB CK, OLfS, Big(NEfOKt I8TO, -PZPÂRED B- JE. WILLIS, ýOliemist ïf Druggi8t, Medical Hall, etret, Wbitby. F'RIDAY, A.PRIL 12t 1895 short Notes. For soute Urne past we have given vent to tit belef that better times are at hand. Wlxeat huasgone up 20 per cent. during the pa4t fourrnonths, fruit is l great demand a* Iii prices, dairy produce promises to miitaln its good demand. The country ta being scouréd for borses in ail direc- tiopa, and any person having a stable of Sprorniingcattie can seli them for 5c. per lb. Pork le $4.5o live wcigbt. The out- '<loolk is mont eacouraging. one liggrs and rmade s0 much about 1h tirliway passes given to members of %parl<ament thiat t would almost seem as if It'wercan important matter. We be l,~ieve >t La a good thing for the cousntry Sthat these' passes are gre.nted to members I o t enables them to travel about and <get a knowlýedge of the différent sections of country and their needs. A member ~in elected from one riding, but practically '¼becomÏes the representatîve of the whole YProvince or Dominion, as the case may be, tnd if he be a poor man he cannot edjmcate himsecf as to thse neede of sec- tions of eountry he has flot visited. There JO no better education for a statesman, tissu traveling. The motive of the rail- "sy companiea ln handing out these rail- 'WAY pasles is perhaps bad, but it does flot 2followv that thse 'nember will go wrong. In tune cases out of ten grants made to IraUlwaye, have been bargained for with the, Provincial and Dominion goverfi- ment% parliaqient being only asked by thse cbinte to ratify the scheme. Our sailways have not received more money than they needed, judging by the coin- plaints of -tookislders. A new country ~ mUst haVe u«Sn of transportation. The asuiption .by eitiser the rallway com- -panies or aixybody else that a free puss a plece WiçU buy up our parliamentanians and induce thein to violate their oaths is - uonstrous. We sec no reason why a member should loac his mileage because he bas a railway pasa, as the fact that he blm a pas or has flot one is a private mat- ter. Hie indemnity and mileage is ail he Cge, and if hiecam honestly save travel- ig expense ail the better for him. Thse peoleWho kick most about these passes ?ru4quickly take one if it were offered. In another column we publisis an mUlcle on "Bducation" written for thse CZION;icLE, but expressing opinions wblch in msny respects differ widely from ours. We do not believe in the everlasting kicking againet our education- am' System. When we were a boy the coSuplaint was that educaion made a boy a .rogue. Later t was objectcd that it Madc, bisufeel above work.. Ncxt they sald thse teachers did flot work long ~oh hours in echool Ail these faila- clesisave becis dispelcd from pople's mn s, ad now the cMy L, as avanced biy the atficle in this issue," that thse tudents ame worked too bard. Christian- z ~,education, morality and thse making of good lawe are hampered at every stage Of progrees by ail sorts of objections, nomse of them most plausible, andi( coming frons sources which gives thein strength. NO doubt studyi is a thinr that Le pursued tô thse Lnury 0f some cf fte devotees. So in evèrything cisc. Men and women uesarifice tiscir lives at thc shrine of study, sud very often leave the world a theory or dlscovery wlflch is l prove a boon to generatioiis folowing thens. Our scisool stem s e Unigh perfect, snd enoigis ubscltraining Le precribed togran. tee s eath of fispils, çovided Uic regusitions are foi owed e parents ýsud pispile bave 0 g oton as to thc nusiber of subjets to b- <aen up, uand we shouldsy tisat if su>' younig person e heaiti le njurcd by studylit Le positivel>' net Uic fanît of Our educatonsi eyetem, the franchise tw une igniorant iaeesm-MW iCotýMtusi oWwbM VSUAI st the sème Urne barrlng- Ã"ift m0eaOfts4 ?h-ilsstli Ii>'~eaIs ni- more ef the beit qualified smen in h pasblbt-rset- country froun activ~e part1cîpation in Itsa atiasbea-eet faire. We shoujd court the --most en, bon't foret:tise Pie -social iît the S.O.T. thusiastie êffoiis of ýail clagses"'-f jr6nitu r<dgtîeFidày,cveuîng. A -gooti thnez cnt people ln dealing wlslupublLc ~stea At pretient lule popgun measures are -Mi. F. Masters Ieft here last week f$or more in keeping with the InselUtgepce cf, Caliro, Mlch.. Whce ie Intende to regld* the' elarged electorate, and thse g ianl the future probleme of governmtnt are Dot consider- the cheese factory -will resusse business cd at ail. This la because the meet cap- on 28th inst. Notwî:bstanding the opposi. uble classes are shut out (rom particlpat- tien that is brewlng jus: norAs of Port ing in public rnattcrs. Bous law. and Perry, the cemlng season la expected te ignorant p~Cjudice nced.changlng In Sis far exceed any heretofore. mater. Let every man be anelector, an.d The echool'here was ebut down on Mon..- by ail means retain the services cf the ln« day owlng te sickness linecocmmunity. telligent if we muet have Sbe'ignorant. Chicken-pux bas been raging among the children and lu was thought best te close &UDLEY.as vcry fcw attended. Business wiil be Tise roads Ln this section are becoming rcsnmed on Tuesday titiS. good. The S. cf T. offioers for the quarter are Maple syrup le bcing made by severalinl as follows : W P, Whitfield Tennyson; our neighborhood. It Le a goodi sample. W A, Miss Anna Parkin - R S, w D Mr. Martin dees not recever mucis. Munro; A R S, Mies Ada loltby ; treas, There seemes te be email chance of bis re- Wm Dickson; F S, P C Grahamn; chap, covery. Mrs Wm Stubbs; con, Mies L Munre; A Mr. Underbill and fansily have movcd con, Miss V Fitcheti; OS, Joet Munro; intc. the ArmitaRe plac-e. W e wiah them j S, Hiram FîLciset; P W, Geo Lyle. welcome. The pens et our scribes seem te have got stucli in the mud last week. We crave your pardon. Mr. Thomas Bell and nicce, jennie, have returned to Almiston after a winter'e sojouru bere. Mr. Willie TrulI of Oshawa passed through our burg en route fromn Stouilville te, Oshawa recently. Mrs. R. Logan bas retured te the staSes atter epending two menthe witls ber nsotb- er here, Mrs. Wrn. Hall. Mr. Jno. Salton preached here on Sun- day io the place of Mr. Elliott, indisposcd. He did well and sceme te, be improving. Mr. Corbett, cf Greenwood, bas engaged wlth Mr. Ricis. Guthrie for the summer. We hope he may find Audley a pleasant place to live, Mr. Will Squires realizcd $6.25 for pork in the city on Monday. They were good one, dressing over i5o Ibs. U~ a young age. Mr. S. knows how to fatten perk. Tbe robin is here again and spring now seems to be well under way. After the long winter we gladly welcome tbis season as a relief from the iren-clasp of winter. Thse long looked-for post office has aS lat arrived. Tise mail waa joyfully re- ceived and we trust it shall not again be taken froni us. Mr. Chas. Lynde has been chosen as postmaater. Tise item Lu hast issue re tise mechanice' institute Le worth y cf consideration. We are pleased our idea bas been se, started, and hope it will net entirely die out. Wbether the ime for suchi iL mature or net we cannot eay, but there Le wide need cf a simihar institution. Now, as tise cold bonds of winter have been broken, our nature calis for some out-door amusement. Assdley bas always been known te keep up with tise sporting fraternity, and as tiese pring Le uehered upon us let there be a unanimous deci- sien, as te, what it will be. We ail agree tiaStishe early organized clubs are invari- ably tise meet succeseful. A meeting will be called te cisoose a suitable gaine and tise election of officers will be immediate- ly proceeded with. A welcome invitation ise given te ail those te, be preaent wiso are interested in tise riing athletic eheinent. GRECIC14ANIL MisAnnie Thornley bas returned frein ber extended visit te, Alliston. Tise attçndance aS the varions churcis and Sunday echool ser-vices waa amati on Sunday lat, ewing te, extremely bad roade. During tise laat few days Mr. Aiex. Lac lias lest two cf hie beet cows. Tise trouble Le snpposed te be indigestion. Mr. Lac bas ouiy been iu possession of Uic farin for a little over a month, and bis basses are certainl>' very dieceuraging for a be- giner in these bard imes. We hope he wiil have better succees Ln Uic future. Our hetel keeper, Mr. EZzra Stili, bas removed te tise Parker premises on tise 7tis con., and tise cottage at Uic corner Le vacant, and now ne cherry liglit sud warm fire greets Uic weary and beuigisted 2r veler,tand ne rejuvenating drinks for UcdroutY. Who Uic coming .usas may be appears te be eomewhat uncertoin. Tise revival services tisat bave becs con- ducted in tise Methodiet churcis isre for thc past three çmeks have been blessed wiUi goed succese. A goodly number, principaily yeuns people, bave expreeeed tiscmselvee as determined te lîve for chist Tise felbowing arc Uic S. of T. officers for tise current quarter : W P, A Averett; W A,*Miss P White; RS, W j Phoenix; A R S, Mise C Perkine ; F S, R Michie; treas., J A Mfilar ; chap., J Love ; con., A Bec; A C, A McArthur ; I S, G Muckle- ton ; O S, C Durward ; P W P, .8 Ward." Mr. Burke leaves this wcck for Thorn- ton, where he intende carrying ou as here- tofere, tise business of a general mer- chant. Mr. and Mrs. Burke during their residence here have made mas>' warma friende, wbo wisile regretting tiseir depar- turc, will heartil>' wish them prosperit>' iu their new home. Mr. Browuecombe, who wili new occnpy tise store bere, will open with a full stock on thisrthis t. Tise foliowiug Le tise honor roll of Uic senior division of our publice chool for tise mentis of Mardis: Senior. IV-Maggic Prankiin ]RIlis Real, Arvdlla Real, Archie hkkArtisur, Alice MeMilan, Annie McMillan, Lizzie McArthur. junior IV- Maud Jamieson, Chare Phoenix, John- McDenald, James Taylor, Russelil Luke, Normas Phair, Wilii Carnege. Senior III-Màry Perkiiss, Bertha Tüi, Donald McArtbur, Maggie Dusty, Guy' Burke, George Rose, Mabel Stili, Sua Stone, L4eonard Cragg, Russel McDonaid Sige <Mark, Leas O4vcr, Noule M-.- lfiu George Love George Buise, Joh ' oe Junir II-ltataasCars, joseph Phsoenix, i>Gorge Banett, Utta Suites, Amsie Dust>' Brest PIWtt. -Thse average uttenue ComS L eueW.sly l» ma ampin tuoJan. 1a4f4 lm C980=103 and VasrnugV om tu j4lots, 1, Master Russel Lamb bas bad quiSe a eick Lime ef it this last two weeks. One cvening while chopping wood wlth a eharp axe he cut a deep gash in hie foot. Whcn the sore beg~an te heal and he was able te hep around again he teeS the chickcn-pox, and with the botS ailments bas suffered much. He le improving new as nicely as can be expected. Mr. Jne. Holtby had Mr. Thos. Martin engaged at constructing a well near the station. They bad rcached a depth cf over fifty fcet and were bricking up the sides when a large lump et earth (cl in from about miidway. Mr. Martin becamne alarmed and at once asccnded. Weill mnight he be superstitions, fer i a few heurs the whole contructure for rode around had caued in. Mr. Holtby mourne et thc labor wasted and of the large amnount et brick buried. lu la uliought that a bcd et quickaand was apped. In that case Mr, Martin did well in escaping with hie lite. ASHBURN. The robins are here; but eeeding hasn't commenced yet. Miss May Barnett, Kineale, Le visiting her cousin at Mr. Casaies. Everybody knows that the roade are bad, but at Aebburn they are worse. Several of our uownspcople have the grip, and net a few have severe celde. Mrs. Balfour ie claimed by la grippe this week, but she je imuproving rapidly. Mr. John Davideon bas entercd Swo et hie best herses et the herse show to be heid at Toronto next weelc. The chuch people et Claremont and Aehburn art holding caucuses relative te, the preposed union efthtie two appoint- ments. Mr. Will and Annie Cassie cntcrtained their friende last Tueaday evening. They purpose going te Collingwood after E-aster. Our becSt wishea go with them. Mise Lillie* Balfour, Uxbridge, la con- fined te her bcd, a victimn of ever-study, but under Dr. Meere's trctmcnt- Le re- covering rapidly, and will be able to pur. sue her studies atter vacation aS Eastcr. Mr. Andrew Herron met with a painful accident lat week. i-e was cutting shavinge for the fire with a drawknife and. by some mishap the knite elippesi, nearly severing the tendons et the knee. He is recovering as epecdily as specdily as could be expected. Moral : always whittle frein yen. PRINCE ALBERT. Tise epworth league was Iargely attend.. ed on Monda>' cvening. t A social inconuection witis ladies' aid was held in Uic basement of Uic churcis Tueda>'. ,Laat wcek'e report bas beceme this week's realit>', Mr. West bas a fine lot of dry goode. A larg number were present aS Uic gmorniug and evening services on Sunda>', te hear Mise McDonald who led tise re- vival meetings here in tise fahl. This charming lady bas indeed a boom frein heaven iu besng able te touch sos deeply Uic hearte of ber feihow creatures for christ. BD. CHRONICLE:- SR,-I noticed in yeur Prince Albert correspondence of last week Uic writer commente upon Lise in- consistencies of thc Sons of Tremperance as alieged by a Raglan writer, and then goe on te sa>' that an aged couple, mcmi- bre of Prince Albert S. cf T., get isclp- leesly drunk at Port Perry recenti>'. I ma>' eay that neitier ef the aged erng one ie a member of Uic Prince Albsert lodge, nor bas becs for some time. MEus- BEIL alzOUoRAX. Dr. Bateso n led the epworub icague Tuesday evening. Mms Nettie Cooper spent a few days in Whitcvale last week. N. L. Stevenson sold two herses for $i4e on Tuesday last to tise herse buyers. Mrs. jessie Pisillips is spending a fcw wceks wîis bher sister, Mss. P. Diamond, Frank Sandersen, and Toms Keast have moved iutiste bonse vacatcd by J. - Heî. The sabbatis sebeol tafty party given by Mss. Casper Willson came off with succees, and cenideing tise stase oethtie roads better dian was expected. Mss. Stevenson, a vcry old lady whe had tise mieortune te fali and break bcr lcg. was se- mourcd te Mr. Joc. Burkaud la doing as wcll as can, bcecxpeoted. wicE. Miss Beaton and Miss Cumnings e etise guesu of Miss Crelgis: couc afteroon lau week. j WM. JoSep came=onle gsgng te leve'tise I OWAfor awÇhile. He Wle bsnised. SNeighbor Hadden la buylug-o"ecatule to fihl.up -acar for tise EWglIsh markcet. Msài. WîlwauStewart isessesa marriago lioeiacon thtshorteesnoticei We am by'posmssatdsorowlll bea Wel of builing Imitbe ts own on tise zSth. ThetuUacte>aarted onSa~turday, all oiders left whs eauCity âftiser M iiiprptly, t1.. .ed. C~UIro~s, TaniAm' ~w#rs~ CF 'aGrga- ý1 u FOR ::EA STER :- BUYING - o o +eAt Aridrew me Ross>& Ladies' Cashmere Hose, only 2,0 cents per pair. Ladies' Corsets, only 25 cents per pair. Men'e Braces, 2 pair for 25 cents. Men's Flannelette Shirts, 22 cents. each. Factory Cotton, 1 yard wide, for 7c., worth 9c. fi dé 69 fi 8c., Il 10c. 'White dé' fi ci 8c., " 9c. 66" 1Oc., (extra value. Apron Gingham, 38 inehes wide, 124e. per yard. A Snap. DRESS GOODS worth 25c., 30c. and 35c. for 15o per yard to clear. P. S,-Just Received a new -Chambrays, Brocade, 10ot of Plain and Striped Sateens, Flannelettes, -Ali marked at bard-pan prices. 3NT ID Ru Wm ]Sm Zephyrs, New Prints, Dress Trimmings, Etc. RO LLOTHJNG ci Mon': ss- SALE§ Roa~y~maù ~"i1:u For this Seq sou's Trad e we have mride a very extensive purchaso of Olothling whichl is now to hand a.nd whieh we purpose to soit at very close prices. These goods are equal to the best custom made goods and at about -ha1f the pri(-e. : Note a few of *our prices: - Ohildren's 2 -pc'd Suite, (Cost and Knicker Pants) WooI Serge at $2.00, $16 6 & 44 ci d 66Tweed at $2.00, $2.65, $8.00, $8.50, $3.75, $4.00 ana $4.50. Boys' Knicker Suits, 29 to 82, from $2.55 te $4.60., ci id 27 to 82, (coat, vest. and pants) from $4.50 to $8. Youths' Suite, - 88 to 85, from $4.50 to $8.00. Men's Suite from $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8,00, $8.75, $9, $10. Boys' Knicker Pante for 75c.4 Men's Wool Pants, good qnality and wfl made, for $1.25. Men's Oolored Worsted Pants for $8.90. Men's Black Worsted Pants for $3.75. THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE. bOLET. The farmers ame larnenting having sold their fat cattie too cheaply. Somne of our farmers have startcd the plow and are anticipating seeding shortly. Rev. H. T. Ferguson bas been conductlng revival service?' in Columbus for two 'wecks wlth mucis succems A wveek ago Sabbath G vmg whea thse invitation s extended for hfwho felt a necd ot a changeof heart to corne forward. thers were fiftee or sixteen came to thea peniteut form for prayer. Mshi. Ferguson is higbly estcemed by young and old, and bhs mmr thsa ordinar>' àbility. JJ. OUCONNOR. .PreticaHorseskhoer, Gen ersi Bi I beg te announce te tise pu by u dvcnty that I bave pç ublic cf WbLt- purchased thse KEEP YOUR FEET DRV.ý If you catch cold now it wlI bang on ail Summer; WEA R GRA NB Y RUBREJIS. 1. THEY Peyrfe th St usci luat z I SPEOJAL styles il Silver Czarins -Stick 1 Coat H Book hN Von Mt Bro WB CAN' AFP, cor crewl Fias bble., For est i The taberi vice hourI Oui very ncw c Mr. -oratia Say 1 on G l'he j Tts for a Tis nïg 1 Tude 4. F 1

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