THE RETURN '.0F BR ~iu~ to cleai. Prints, igs, Etc. )ss- IALEI ý4w 1Serge at :t1200, Tweed at $2.00, fromi $4.50 ta $ Et E ' ># >w it wjll o ôhtain eggs for s Barred Plymouth enigned is prepared he raie of $i.oo per I-IiR IIOWrEN. .-zifl Union Scbôýt Sec. r and Pickering, for cornmencing final o! aîng seîery may be SION or JOHN E. and Ladies' Nurse. 4 promptly etteudcd .', Wa. "O<Jus p rings wiih il a hast of new patterns and stvles in Jewelry. W. have now ta hand Sîilver Mounted Sîde Combs, Silver Czrnna Pins and Buckles, Hair Pins, ,.Stick Pins, Bag Tags, Umbrella Strape, Coat Hangers, Beli Pins, Emery Balls anc Book Mankers. These goode selI et sight. You miust see tbem. Barnard. Brock Street,- Whitby. WE CANT AFFORD To selI furniture ai cosi, but we ca a flord ta seît et as low a price asi consistent witb an HONK8T. L I ING PR OFIT. We keep the largesi and fine stock of Furniture in Port Perry av our prices are the towest. Jessop Furniture Go., 1 w. J. NOTT, MANAGRI Wqtdbn QTtrGulit Official Connty Orga.-Largst cXe latiexi of any local paper la Canada FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. Correspondence from several plat crowded out. Herdwood dining tables, 4 leaves, oi $5, et W. Till's. Windsor saIt for dainy purpose, 300 bbts., for $i.îo at Jacksen's. For the choicest setections and the nE est things in drese goode et reasona' pnices go ta, W. H. Warren, the Pew c goods store. The Sunday school of the Metho' tabernacle wilt hald a special FEasters vice in the churcb an Sunday aftern< commencing et 2.3o and laeting about bour and a quarter. e Our stock of table linene, napkinsi ti elle, towelling. cmbraidery linen, but ers' lnen, etc., [9 very complete and et very Iewest prices. W. H. Warren, new dry geod store. Mr. S. W. Lowell, et the Whitby Ey orating Company, was suddenty pi s rated ou Monday aigbt by an attacl weekness, but by Weduesday mart was egain on the warpatb. Say i You better bave that family greup ta on Good Friday et O'Br-ien'&. The greateat enap yet affeted, The CHRIONICLEsud Globe or CHit ICLE and Mail sud Empire for Si ta. tl, r896. Two good papers ten mei for a dollar. Send in at oncc for then the CIiRONICLE, Wbilby. Mr 0W nd jind TI 3n nd 1opi >atr 0 fielc coc< bci pIet The Tht fitti col( sac and 'yà stol 0f1 'i the val tographer ta twa tawns. r. W. E. O'Brien bas purchesed the xry of Mr. Stedham, Oshawa, and ie vcenducting business beth in Whitby 1Oshewa. 1 Cimoixoz and Weekly Glote and Canada Farier ta Jan. 1,1896. Caaomcz. and Weekly Mail and Empire ta Jan. lot, 1898. OxaoiLu and l'armoe' Son ta Jan. lut .1m0. lsay's enterprise, rhe Lindsay Post started a daily editior Monday lest, which is a really promis. sheet. We congratulate bath the Post d the town upon this grand effort, anc pe it may succeed well. taon Lynde leada. )n Tuesday Mr. Henry Lynde sowed a d, of oats. He lound the ground in >d condition for work, and expects to through seeding before corne of his other Patrons get the rust of their îm- emente. ke Great Emergency Sale. Look out for cheap boots and shoes. âe greai stock of fine grades of beautifu ting styles, aIl the newest designs in al Iors. Thousands of dollars worth to bt :rificed. Heaps piled outside the door, id pnices marked away down. Call eai and see the bargains at the new shc4 ore. M. W. Collins. flnterest ta S. S. teachers. The Rev. Jno. McEwen, secretarv ormal work. appointed by the S.S eachers Association of Ontario, will bold series of meetings in Whitby on 13th ari th May. It is confidently expected tha iese meetings will result in a great revi a1 of inierest in this important work. Pb 4 c au Li ta- lb. b s n te thle dryp keon J an. ths nte $p a pr acre The Willie fan eat the herber, compris - ing about 39 acres o! good land, wes sold under a mortgege et Woedruffs hotel ou Tuesdey afteruoen for $1900. The pur- chaer was Mn. James Camipbell, whîe was aIse the nuetgegee. Cricket Meeting. The annuel meeting e! lb. Wbilby cricket club was hetd on Tuesdey cvoning in Woodnuf's boîci, wben the following members were present;- John Matitiseli, Frank Ellicker, W. E. Graugier, Rev. Mn. Breugitall, John Stanten. A. T. Lawlor, John Wiltis, James. E. Wills, George Matilon, A. M.- Gilpin, Frank Bryae, Wm. Lawrence. A. Bugbce, V. B. Wood- ruf and John. A. Hay. The !ollewiuig officers were elected for te ycar. Hou. President, tien. John Dryden; President, E. J. Thatten; Vice President, W. E. Granger: Chapîsin, Rcv. Mr. Breugitait; Captaîn, W. S. Gould; Secy. Ac Treasyrar, John A, Hey; Committee of manage- ment; J. E. Willls, John Mathison, John Wiliîs, George Mathisoli, George A. Ross and Brank BTy5fl Lombeanip (ce oe dollar sud forjuniors goder lte age o! i8 yeareS o Cents. John A. Hay, Secy. A Prouparous Ladie.'Collages A meeting of the bowrd o! directors ef the. OntarioLadies' Cllfge, Wbitby, was hetd lust Fnlday et thbe office of Mr. Geo. 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h £ o: oru.-Ti.fowing members À4!ite boa aeprsnt :M.Gao. A, Cox, prcidmi ; .Rev. Dr. PolIs, Dr. Gal- 'brIt Dr, Serma Dr. Haro, Principal; 'R. C McDoweli, Moeuns. Rl. J. Score, 'R C,Maailltot, G. Y. -Snth ; L. T. Bar- Cl'tay, VIe-Prealdent ofthlie board ; Raoa, J. ., Satt,Adams, Barnard, and M. B. Taylor, Secrettry-Tfa*5Wi., A very ust. laStSatementof the operonauof!the Seeftthe p»UahWI-year wu5presen>t td. Te @nU*Scent ltha t .iB. A. MI u iipm@uutithboiand dollars budn .Aa.faw ia.anuaso!the buildi peWe sofld waI.nût parlor suite;,ls wih'il ls bands, fOr $312i wOrth $ at w. Till a. W. extend our #ymatyeMran Mrs. H.- Walters aùnd fmily on the death of their promlclng daughter. If yen want enytblng ln lace curtains ve Cân supply yourwants in ail quatities from- 35Ç.,te $7 Per Pà lr. W. 11. 4*Warre..thïe ne* dry goeds store; If the owner ôs these gold.rimmedsapec.. tacles does flot woan corne and dlaim thece we shall be compelled te admit thet the CHRONICLICle flot a good advertistng medium. The town school board met on Mdnes- day night, but nothing was donce ept te discues the question- of repairs te the collegiate Institute. Inspector McBrien was présent and addressed the - board at length on public sehool affairs. Remember That Dr. Grant's '<Hairenell je guaran- teed ta stop failing hair and remove dand- ruff* Id ýid eat $4o and costs. On an information laid by Iuspector Ferguson, J. M. Brooks, keeper of the Oriental hotel, Port î'erry, was summan- ed before Police justice Jno. Not last week. Mr. Brooks adnitted having sold in forbidden heurs, and en Saturday was ordered to pay $40 and costs, this being held as a second offence, he having been previously fined at Oshawa. First of the season. The First Presbvterian church of Port Hope have arranged for a cheap excursion from Brighton to Toronto via the G. T. R on Tuesday and Wednesday, MaY 7th and th, good to return up to Thursday, 9th. This will afford a pleasant and cheap trip to the Queen Cîy at a delightful season of the year. Further particulars with time- table and rates in posters. Look for il. Wait for it.-19-4in. Literary Entertakinment. The lasi literary entertainment o! the term beld under the auspices o! the col- tegiate institute wes given in the music bail an Wednesday evening lest before e large audience. President Wm. Richard- son ablv assisted by vice-presideni Mis Kete Hillary gaihered together an arrey of talent for the last enteriainment, thet was of an unusually high order. Principal Tamblyn opened the meeting wlth a few appropniate remanke and thon left the pro- gramme in the bande of the students. Re- citations were gîven by Misses. Howden, Vates, Meen and Tamblyn, and Messrs B. Devey, H. Smith, F. Bewett. Instrument- al solos by Misses Jahnstou, Gros. and Woodcock. Vocal solos by Misses B. Nicholsan, B. Temblyn, K.. Fraser, K. Hillary, and Messrs. W. J. Richardson and F. Hare. Vocal duel, Mise B. Tamb- and Mr. McClaren, and Misses Arnold sud M. Nicholson. Choruces, Beys Octette, Gîce Club, and Quartette. Every item was rapturously applended ad maay e- ceres iïssisted upon. The Socleties. Accerding te the annuel report o! the Grand Secretary o! the Independeet Order of Oddfeliows, for the year ending. Decem- ber 31, 1894, there was a net increase in membership for the yoar of i io4, witbin a trifie of the besi sbowing sinco 1879, and twelve suberdinate lodges wcre insîitutcd. The total membership in good standing is uow 21,662. During tbe year there was paid eut in sick benefits and relief $89,55 The total emount paid for curnent expeuses Was $72.845, makîng total diebursements $155,400. The total receipts were $202,515. At the receet annuel session of tbe Su- Sremne Circle af Cauadtaa Home Circles, eld et Toronto, the reports o! tbe grand efficers showed liat the membership at the bcginning o! 1894 was 8,472, wtb in- surence in lance O! $ 14,937,o00. During the. year z,39o initiations took -place, Wc less the number o! doallus sud lapses, tiie niembersbip et lie end o! r894 was 9,3oe with ingurance of $16,i6i,ooo. The mcm- bcrsbip et tic present time is 9,700. Dur- ing Uic year 3onew circles werc organizcd, wihh 2memubers.In 18b4 thero Werio 1 deathe, $122.000 was.paid otnt eclaie sud 514,221 acided ote croservofnd Sixteen total disability dlaims, amounting ta $c)40, weréJpald, andi 52,909 wes pald Io sick benefits. Presentatlonte Rev. W. S. Westuay. The q0m'ph papera report'a plenailu inctdemhtiist terminated te tire. mn tiui mlnistratioaleSt.Georgola cburch 01 city by lte Reve W. S. *West ney, MA.t, 1 well snd favorably kxtow a e weUbyPOO pie willincumbent of st, jobli at, si "B". 1Mot&e vo:"saM r. Weolfo giving bit farewell, e'o " tb âm"" tk. ne.ady v WiWm#Mbeof W% The Gazettes spring suit. The case of defamaiory libel agains, the Gazette, wýs catled on Wednesday after- noon before P. M. Harper, Mn. Jno. Mc- Cullough. of McCuttougb & Burns, Toron- ta, appearin-- for Mn. Rowland, and Mr. the prosecution several c ýpie s of the Gaz- ette were put in containing h,- articles complained of, and Mn. Rowland was ex- amnined ind cnos--examined on. the hona fides of bis compteint. The aimn of the deence appartA ta be to se- cure rulings by the magistrale under wbich bis wonsbip would bear evidence on bath sides of the case, which pleintiff's counset contends is heyond bis jurisdic- tion. After e good deat of sparring an- othen week's adjournîneni was taken, or unt sucb date as tbe tewyers may again egree upon. t mey be noîed that lest week's Gazette efiected ta treat the w bote matten as a big hoax, but wben in court aur coteni. was very nervous and îwitchy. Spraying Fruit trees. On Monday nigbt about fifty gentlemen interested in fruit growing, assembted et the counicil chamber, ta heer what Mr. A. H. Peitit, Grimsby, bed ta say on the sub- ject of «spraying appt. trees." Mr. Pettit explaine, that be was preseet under in- structions from Hon. Johîx Drvden, net se mnuch te talk about spraying fruit trees ta counteraci the ravages of the fungus and insect peste te wbich they are subject, as ta make arrangements for practical experi- mente in ibis locelity during the caming seasan, by the regular and systematic spraying o! say twentj trees in some neighbouring orchard, which hie audience might select for the purpose, and wbich et the proper intervals would b. visited by an agent of the Governmeet with a complote sprayîng outfit and treated la the corrcct maniner. Similar action would bo iben in tbirty ceunities o! tbe Province, which woutd be tbe meane o! placing object les- sons te spraying close enougb for study by everyone who took an interest ie tbe nmat- ter. Time carde witt be issued shorti> se that dates for the spraying will be known in good tume, and ail are freely in- vited te be precent.' A commutte consiet- ft1ig of Messrs. J. D. Howden, G. Y. Smith, Jne. Rice, Elmir Lick, R. 4. Huggard and James McGreger. were appoînted ta celect an orchard near this town, and this coin miUtee seected thet e! Mn. Howdee as the most suitable ind large enough te show the difference between tbe crope and appearance e! the sprayed and unsprayed treos. Mr. Pettit was enabled te stale hi- o wn experience te spraying during tb< past year at Grimsby, and it real: amounts te large crops o! fine fruit, eut beetthy, vigorous trees as the resuit o spraying, as ageinet very amatI crops o misorebto, unmarketable fruit, wîîh au un - baltby. bligbtod eppearance o! neigbbour ing trees which remsained uncprayed. Mr SPettit'à conviction i tathe onty hbeo tpeying cruppf epples aud other fruits il thei future lies te efficient spraying wit] 9the proper mixtures for the destruction a th (ugi and. insecte which infect ou fruit trees. He discussed the many kind o! stand.ard apples, but declîned te advc 13cate any particular kind. -as fruit grower l-à e acii locality would fied it edvlsablet, study out thc kinds which wouid do.bei on titeir lands. ýie thixiks thit col, e terage wauld b. a great sdvemtege 1 keeping -and shîppling fruit, and hope, fruit groweérs would ,urgecupon the-govert . pov - e hW orfrut s w*llhM lda"typrôdîic.M& Y. Smith wa& cal el inn ,d ( .t'nedrsed 5Mr. pètut neighbor Stephenson, press mani. If you are sufferini falling hair, get a i "Heirene" fram yaur guaratitee it ta stop fa applications ta re'o Wvhilst corne of thei ginning te scatter the test week's Onillia1 narth .of here, that the beam u pon the wintc are mèlting elawly aný in some places on t words ceeding time he fret decline of win then they beat us in sleigbing there six wq had lest year. st. Jaoin's church Mr. M. Major of M officiate in this cbun (Easter). T.EWARTK. CaIi eand . te granid dfsplay of sprbtg !V D ntT rods Rt thbe ist side1,eôt and shoe stoe.¶"itÈI11 the Whltby orchestra has posted ýII1às for aU assembly in-the music hall on Mon. day, April 22..1 Woven ivire bed-springs full size, with steel cerded vire and hardwood frames N Only $2, At W. Tiills. - We are shawing corne very handeonie thinge in ch~eck and stripe muchens, lawn, Swiuss*pât muln,- etc. W. H. Warren, the new dry 'geed store. You den't like te lace a day to be phate'd, do You? Well then O'Brien Dress Goode. wl ep hic studio open ail day, Good Priday, fer you. Do't forget it. 1Our stock of menls furnishings le very Anyone who wents complete in every particuler wlîh all the styles in goode, coi leading novelties af 1e season. W. H. No one else bas ti Warren, the new dry goods store. Whitby. Do net fa Dr. Grant's '<Hairene, 11 for the haie, le aur the enly preparation guaranteed te stop falling hair, and remove dandruif. NO Iead, ne suiphur. Ack your druggist for NE W CHA M IRev. William Patterson, o! Cooke's PHR church, Toronto, lectures In St. Andrew's SPO T church on Mondey evening I5th mest., ai 8 o'cluck. Don't (ail to enjoy the treat. in ail collors, and th A collection will be taken. Ceai at Taronto prices. Sum mer and Sprinl Selling oui duning next week-i will seil very besi Scranton and Lehigh roal $475£ et shed, $5 delivered-spot cash only. H. B. Taylor. C 1 % Don't Seat Correspandence. Severat correspondents sealed setters this week and wu had ta pay 4c. eacb ta i get îhemn oui of the post office. There is .no need of seaiing such ei closures. Why buy common sa tPiano tung. Windsor sait for samg Mr. Gea. Gumpricht is tuning twentY- barrel of(300 Ibe., at ja four pianos at the college this week. Par- Y ou cen get repaire ties wiching their pianos property tuned furnace made in Cai a may leave word ai Mn. R. S. Cormnacks Intyre. n book store. W r hwn h 0 as and costa. W r hwn h le Arthur Carnagie, Port Perry, againet biest thlng to b. had ii whomn a com plaint was laid tact faîl for the lowest prices. W, somne boyish tricks performed in conpany edrgo sr. with young Houck, and who has tseen We are showing the s. foolishly keeping oui of the way since. de- cheapest stock of chuh il cided on Saturday lest te corne here and mien's clothing thae [ il admit bis complicity in the mnatters H. Warren, the new di e chai ged. Hevirig been under sixteen Don't forget the bi1 ryears of age when the ofiences were com- every Friday. . Bootsi r- mnitted the trial took place in secret as dir- out profit. Great sacý e ected bv law, and upon bis admission His ducing day at the r Honon Judge Burnhem inflicted a fine of eect side, Whitby. $5 and county court costs, which mekes Bandet the barber bý of the penalty $Se or $75 inaail. conspicuous barber 1 M1/linery. MiIIinery. atbe very lateet )nfined teous only. te seme goode in ail ta ceilland cee fBRA YS, MUSLZNS, he newest thinge in ]g PRESS GOODS. Our Millinery Opgnlng a a grand succema nd the opinions. were that aur display o! HA TS, BO0NNE TS, ERTC, was tar ahead of anytblng ever sbowii in Wbitby. Eacter decides the need of New Hats and Bonnets. No mnatter what the weather meay b., ladies aresupd te, have entîrely new outfits fer E -îi-r Sunday. Corne any tume next veek snd secure your Easer Hat .-i or in- net-at a very low price. ~x«%Iuci2 CUY ~~VIf~ ~L45dh. h when you cen get Get your fire-poîs, grates, iron or brick, aten rice, caîo er lnigefour il ne- of cives,rngsorc1 ackson's. furnaces, from J. Mclntyre. for every steve and Those who have flot subscribed for nada from J. Mc- newspapereschould do se. We are givîng, two pepers te the end of the year for $i.IE very latest and nob- Eiter the Globe or Mail with the CHRON- ;H in bats and caps et ICLE. Send ln marnes et once. J. H. Warren, the Out clubblng liste We have done s0 much ctubbing ibis tir Jo bes ceecton ndyear that mistakes were inevitable in sonre oi, Idren's, youths' and cases.Meny haVe been rectified and we of Ta- ehown in town. W. hope ie bear fram any athers wbo have this <i fry goods store. net received the pepere they want. laws : ~ cle Brgan ayCarryizig the War Into Cerea. uumb and shees sotd whth- If the Coreans knew of the manifold thasfo ciiigof stock re- virtues of the New Williams sewing mia- the new red shoe store, chine they would -teech the Chines. and Japs how ta use the New Williams sewing 3110. as e lesthe theemachines, and in thet peeceful occupation ReaSCI paless tk p.Hre ail thougbts of tbe barrots o! war, espc9e- Ini ( pole stuk up Hely during these dreedfully bot'à dog-ays, tiens, 9an edvertîce hic would b. given over te eewing secieties Liquc 1the ticket ald ex- and the meking of ail kinde o! clothes for given the Aciatice. The New Williams le on S1Onc, ig frein dandruif, or deck ready for wer et Ed. Hart's, the bottle af Dr. Grant' c Whitby agent. Ladies wisbing ta pur- C n duggstwhowill chas. a eewing machine will please ceil re ~ ~ tw thaa~~f nd examine the New Williams et bis e ýý bouc. on Brock etreet sautb, MXR ,farmers here are be Persanal. to eir seeds, we read inAto papere, eîxty miles Mr. J. W. Davis, Port Perry, was ia cansi le sun is beginning ta tewn yesierday. the g ter enow piles, whicb Inspecter McBrien bas been in towe AU id thet w4ter is visible this week inspecting the public echoole. pleae te streete. In other Mr. Wm. O'Leary, of the Western hotel, Pei ere merety marks the Pickering, was li tawn on Tuecday. Isncb ater et drillie. But Mr. Alex. Smnith, of Toronto univercfty, esPeci In the fail. They hed is home speeding the ester bolidays.J veeks carlier tha ea Mr. j~Walter Shew bas gene imb the foundxy ta 611l the position as book..keeper Whi for Mtr. Wm. Brown. ?Jya1ffe College will Messrs. Jeehue Wright and L. K. Mur- xch on Sunday night ton, criminel justice auditers, are taking To their ouarterly run througb the accouants l _ Býefare buying a spray pump, b. sure Iand siee the Anderson. double action force spray1 pulp, The. best in the world. I Tee -of them bougbt by Uic gavorument fdr thb expcnimental fam, Only $13.50 each. L. Fairbank's Wbitby agent. IWind4r SaIt. Bcd. Salti th e world fer !amily or dairyj use, guarauteed absolutely fine,- Wet bave »pst recetved a car loaci a! Saltit banrelà O! 300 lbs., wbicb we are selliug et $i. îo per bbi. Call snd cee it at M. E. Jack"d's. A feW ladies, te connection with st.E Audrce's cougregetton, will give a social in te mens. a week froini act Wednes- day eW-nîng, te 24 instant. A most inter- oin d instructive programme will b. presentcd. The procecci n behaif o! the talent'Fueci. Ail arc cordially invited. 1 Rev. Wm. Patterson. These o! aur reeders wbo -have beard Rev. Win. Pattorsou, o! Teronto,.wHIl eecd no invitation te hear him agate. Thase who have not shonîci net mies thc oppor- tunity ou Mouday cvcuiug î5th et;, wbee lio speake lu St. -Andrew's churcit, under the auspices o! the C. E. Society. .Geoige Laing dead Geo. Laing, Bowmeevilc, wbe ' fenxncrly ie partncrship ivith -Mr. C., i' Stgwart bore, dieci on Moeday nigitt. H. was k;nowu ber. as a M~ost wortby geutlc- Mpan, uprigbt in dealieg- with bis ftelowsj end zeatous in bis service o! God. On be- bai! o! Uic mauy frieucis -ber. o!flte dc- ccasedwc exten<g to lie wortby !amtly an expression o! sympathy. Ceaspimios Young men Complainte are ferwardcd te us that a- nunuber e! would bc- Smart youame attendoci the. utortaleiment -gitan byth collegiate Institut. literary Soelty on-cd ncsday* nigit, who appered dtt«reitee te, -,i*ither hear attytC9ngthemecîlves- novr shlow au y porion -ols. to cojoy! tlalt pria loge. W. huc ii.nofrie oi nient as suci t hIng seldoni occura lu tbji No w âkow sonueof tien. For someti '~pet paragrap1r have bee p -lg utii. Oshawapps Miss Maggic Harper retureed on Setur- Lest day lest from a six mantbs' visit te ber brother Richard, Chicago6. endi ,other wuii friende et dIfferent peints-west ]Mr. W. R. Hewe of thts towabàs beêéa appointed secrctary-treasgrcrof the Grant-ý Lottridgc Brewing Company, and wihl dis- pose ef bis drug business lucre ta a short time and remove ta Heamulten te eaccep. the fine position effered him. JONE.-At Wbitby. on Monday, April îct, 1895 the wife of Mr. P. Jones, of a son. T !b w SAKiDBUR-HYATT-At Oshawa, ,on Wednesday. April 3d, 1895, 1Rev. H. Kines, MissJ. . Hyatt 4 Osh iLb Mr. Frank Sandbnrn, of Whitby. WooD.-At Toronte, on Tuesday, A.pril 211d,- Lizzie Gilespie, beloved wfe of Wallace W. Woodlate of Wbitby. Wonpoir-At Port Whltby, on Satur day, Api 6thb r8i Charlotte, beloved wife of Benjamin Worfolk, aged 61 yrs WaI.TEE.-At Whithv on Snnmday -4%ughter offlnand Mrgre alters, --aged îS yrs-, il mes. and 10 days., Coox-At lot 1î, con ~w hIbo Sunay ri ,Z89S - Codéfr dCk, et., ageA 72years, 10 o uths-au&d7edas. AiU*8tit, x8gý,Margaret 1Armstrong, teit of te late Hug4h Axmatrong, in In pji ivte faiIy -where. thera are Do &ther boardersifor 10lad o!ne chil4, Fine Ordered OIothing. SPRING SUrrn;Gg.-Pafltlingginà ail the newest patterns and best goode that can b. badin SCOTCH, IRISH, and CANADIAN makes. Don't (ail te cee theni and compare prices end qusities. W. guarantee satisfaction ln this depart- ment. p@mSee out Sie Tweed Suite. New Rats and Gents! Furnishings to hend. STE W1=5 RiI the Licec itrte ot n h er b e t f h t th e total z w mb e Lvrn adSo iceSnses isand in [strict for the yeaus 1894-5 bgas'fol- Terneee, 22, SO=2. -Titt u fofloWS : 22 Teivern, qSos.Ta flowing neweap hton ave beeiL for licensesforrn s6 >Whitney, Epsom, lToWUhp of h, tavern.e cfompliance with the abovleaplc andi n acordance with the Oiai irlâcen Act, notice - bIerely * that the Board ofLieuseCom- -re§ for South Oittariowl meet hint2he :ouncie habr lIn t2he Town ofWhitby,ý on, ne o'clock,, ýfor thU purposel-Of iderxg the, aboce apilications au-& ranting thereof lbr the yvears; 1895-4.» 1Peinons iuiterested will therefore se gevern themselves accordingly. ±tions againt the granting of '0y licenses mnust be lodged with lte lu- :or four dy pee -n it 1 eig IBy Ord er eVe'tng Itby, April,4th, g.-82. Owner8 of. DoggE =ze your tagal et once and ssme -cxsa.. WM. AlaRI. iLby,- Apiaiz-w s at the remà rkable kýWp. r1ieé that 1 am lie-lling BoIfld Q0à .0*. **Iwo. ..... 429.01$80-00 i I If >ur Spring, Stock Z's uow (o kanat and we are, wdiy piretared, in every Une ta show tk I atest V/ovellies in every Deparment. 1 1 :Uli:.