"Tum1toIk att you ortluido: au Wonîý& nft âsrrylug alaming: grt rmwidow to wtndow fora- no esrtly*,or rather uneait- yi l3nxesiethets of terrlfying ont, ~' hom morn poorh d beang' bns bewildercd brain after staylng toc long with 'John Baricycora' in the 'vilage iDu, but for smemthing that hbu forêrer bi.ffied me often woudcr wbethcr Iwas draaming or awake, oommend me tO hatI » orthougt Isaw, the laihtbefreBs alava, Oct. 25, 1854." And my father threw bîmeeif back la his armohair befor e spfic lun the amoldin -room- grate as ho teck a long whiff cf a ncwly light1ed cigar snd gaz. ed drcamily into the fismes that were oraokling up the ohimney. The ubjoot of conversation 'iad drift- ed*from the battlefiolds cf yesterday, in Abyssinis aud, Zulaland, te these ef thfrby years beore, whon the tail, hcavy forme befere us cf my father and bis od comrados in arma, Sir Langle>' Feth- eratone sud Colonel Elmhurst, witb their gray, briatling muetaches, their eiII ercot gait, their unconscionsly un. perative style and their solomn grave depertmcnt, were nas ligbt as my own, Âubrey'mi or Bob Fethcrstoue'e the nght as wce st around listening te the etorie of the bot clays when out fathona Were men as Young as we. * "Hsnd me my memeory, Aubre>'," eaid my father, pcinting te the hugh . avalry saber that bang ever the man- tiepioce. The sword that bad waved over the now iren-gray hcad, that then was cbestnnî, as ita owner with a about of deflance bore down upen the ranks of the Muscovites, in thse wintry plains pf Crimea. M y fathér arew thse sword frein its sosbbard sud lovingi>' surveyed thse glitterivg blade, "«Old 'nevor-failed-mo ' "ho said. "Do yen ses that diiçt in its edge, Lang ? Got tisat crossing the Ana off the belmot et a Russian cuirassier. I * eeht the blow through steol and akuli tegether. There in another!1 Got that tho 25t.h cf October frein the command- er cf the Cesscke that cbarged the left flank et the 'heavies.' He strnok at me, 1 psrried, there ia tbe mark.' "4And thon ?" sid Sir Langley. 1«I sept it round and caugbt hlm acrees the throat,'- answered my father abstractcdly. III eaw hie body after- ward when it was tnrnod over te bis relatives, for ho wss a noble, s grand duke I believe. The same angry frown was upon bis baudsmsuetures as juat before my steel entered bis jugniar. And boere is anoter-but there 1 If I once got etarted telling anecdotes cf evey eperenc tht od badewcnt tbrougb rinruy bande I would stay talk- ingr untl moruing. Put it up again, Vie. I love te bandle it whenever 1 settle down te tell a atory cf the old dase. Ih, as it were, inspires me, by brimging baok the evente cf bygone ycars te my mind as if thoy but bap- pcned yesterday." Scciug that we were ail watching hlm lu anticipation he again teck some whifls of hie cigar snd commenced: "lIt wue the nigbt before the nover-to- be-f ergotten 2ôtb of Ootober. W. were close te the Rumulan linos, our pichets being simoat within haiiing distance ef the enemy. II"I was riding out te inepeet the son- tries staticned along the Grodno road. It was a clear wet, cold night, sud I ha eon sent te summon, sud been captured. **I stayed cnreing his-delay for over haf an heur. When I agin beard the mare rumblifg nmise I looked up the vallcy. AUl vas dark, but tbc rumble seied to b. dsvanciug atterrifie paee. As it vas oomlxsg from car lines, I tbcugbts it mfghs be a night sttaok. AI- thongh, how- ollafry oonld be cf any servioae at snob au heur, on -anch a ulgh4,I taied to . .But is à the iodl.rsdaty te cb.y firsI asd te fore swle u onlng oafth. fore. "A wblLe MmeAk ed,200 tfet wwasy, the' booecrash uurvsablwh &U, force, 'aud n n-in stat Ioiw tue ferm cf tbii moluetedon, thefr, sud-- shadowy., Horé and mn'ad wvove04ias t W, 9 *qt of theusmi. Ob- ýbodyftAoe èthb loooaeko. - heI carne Lord Pittgibboui. Yoiù1guew hit 00agesud ddà It sinio0, c hildren we plydtesether in the i6ibwt'dm of, MunuIt Shsannon. ne was 'pcîntîng a shbadowy finger shead, sud bis attitude Wa5 tu if be wass alllng te bit hussars following close behind. As ho dahced by ho rccognized me, sud a lad, eoh 1 what a sad smîlc, fltted acos the pal. lid face for an instant as he tosed a last farewell te me, in bis c'arcless, boyaah stylo, sud disappetred into the mist. Neit came 'Pigott, the Levelace of the Seventeonth. Thre same serene light in thosA eyes that had broken many a snaidcn'e heart in the draw-rooms et Boîgravia. And Hackett-Haokett cf thse Fifth-"ltbe saint," as wce o the First Royale used te cati hisu, that up. right, God-fearing, great-hearted man, wbose uspae wae called on the muster roll cf heaven ere thesosn sot neit day. His cye were now flxod on the murky sky above, bis face bore the oalm, as- surcd, expectant loch that Jenome muet have worn at tise etake. Ho was galloping fan in advance cf bis mon, as if anxieus te obtain bis recompense. In a flash ho disappoared into tue dark. Tise guetp cf icy winda accompany ing tise rush cf the phantem8 were now deolining iu their force, tise rumbtiug noise tisat hsd rîsen te tise reoar cf s tempeet dung their progrese past was now quieting dewn. As tbe lat lineoef oharging herses passed froni iy sight I saw a sh.adowy lieutenant cf tue guande besîdo me. HEointcd iu thse direction whithor they h gene, a scoruful amule wae ou hie spectral face. Hie heilow voice ecboed tauntingi>' lu my car. "Bo Major Huret, of the Firat Roy- ale, prefere discreticu te valor becaue ho belongs Vo tise heavy aud net te tise light brigade '" 111 aisned a blow at my traducer, but my baud only strnck into the empty air. 'Illeuaghed a mocking Iaugh, and &gain pointing down hs valiey said 'Go ' "Thse warm nose et my herse, who hsd returned, was pressing againat my vms s W reicic, oor trie expert of a.a aimat -by7tII i4 trg.m.o lu no encouragemnt thatOCanadlmu cattie vilh inuprove Mno'h M~ ib Out cattie areexclu4od frozuGreat there ià ne pleuro-pneumou'im l in' tuis country, Bor nover- has been. Ân d-it would be Werth a good de-al te Cana.p dian gaule breeders to have tht.. fut olcsrly cstablished aud recouied by Great Britain. That last=dcson of thse Britishs Boardi of Agrculture vas baaed on evideuce that was flot con- clusive, as thse vetenlnary surgeons, who examined tise lunge did -net report that contagions pleuro-pneumonia wua pneved beond a doubt. If thee embar- go is kept up s a precantion Vo keep British cattie fnom infection, it eau make ne différence te thse British Gev- erument boy accu it le removed, once Canadian cattle are showu te be per fectly eonnd. Unquestionabiy the schednling cf Cana dian cattle le an iu- jury te us. sud farmers in tbis district shlow tisat the embargo lowers export. able beef animals from $10 te $15 a head. Our shipmnts te Bnitain mdili keep np remarkabi>' woll, but thon. can be ne denbt that tho-roturne from tisoi would bo langer if the animais wore froc te land alive. Anotiser influence tend- ing te bring down our beef in price is the reflection caet on its quaiity by tise embargo. Bnt tbat le net the only in- justice tiis sheduliug dos us, as it gives our catile a bad name in foreign countnies as the embargo againet us iu Belginu clearly showed Hovever Vhs latter bas already rerpoved tise embar- go aud we wilnw se wbether "John Bull' will retreat frein his enroneoe position or net. AnIio1 ngo band., 6"I Wil show yen that at leaSt Oee uIesoriies and neCOm- of tise "heavies" eau do as woil as thse men of the liglit brigade !" I cied, m n s R ie8C / jumping inte the saddle sud gailopîug m n s P iesO l off after the vanisising cavalry. 1 foît ey ompound, likeonee bereft cf bis senties. I geilop. y.. ed on sud ou in tise dark until I saw again tise white streak appneacbiug me in a coutrary direction aud tise rumbi- HE E UAS IIAPo BE ing echo in theorear. A second sud it r..ii..i T tuat upon my sxght. But what a THE BEST SPRING change 1 Herses, nidenless, torrified, wounded, maddened witb excitement. ME DICI NE. Net s single fonm of a soldier paseed. Uidenless herses ! Ridenlesa herses!1 Ridenles herses!1 Hon. sud there T BUILDS UP RUN- opaque pote upon the shadow saddles,' showlug wbcre human biood had wash- D'OWN MEN AND cd downi. I drew aside frein the ap. parent stampede of gistl>' steedesud WOMEN. waited. Thon I saw anotiser white streals spproaohing. IV came nearer 1 IV wae upon me!1 Thse-fur caps, tise long riding coats, the leggings, tise long The Only Remedy That lances, sud, above-alli,Vise superb herse- Makts Pure, Bright mansfhip'displayed told me that tse>' were tise Cessa et tiste Czar. But and Red Blood. tiseir faces werc as rigid as ths dead. Instead of tiroir habituai yeiîe in vie- teory sud defeat, net s sound escaped frein tieir tigbtly closed lips. As I Cleansiug and purifyiug ths bleod, gazed like s-man waHkiug lu hiesîeep sud putting t hoeisuinsu rganism lu [saaw one cf hs silent boat bearing full propor workiug order, le a work that upen me, hie lance in reet, bis ceéld, demande ver>' special attention in tise dead eyes helding me transflxed se that Sprnug soasen. Man>'ofeths ableat sud 1 couid net moye a limb. I toit my moat expenlenced pisysiclans are of charger tremble benoatis me, but hoe opinion that Psine's Celer>' Compound neyer made an effort te break a A .à dose tise beet sud moet thorougis wonh moment more sud a pang ehot through iu tise va>'cf blood-cleansing, nerve my hoant. Ther ail secmed dark, save stren gtheuing sud tissus building. No for an ecoquional star shooting by. Tise othor medicine eau impart te weak sud stars increa8ed lu number ; thon more runudown mon n sd emen tue ga snd more, until they formed a disk iike vigorous strength, robustuesa sudgen- tirs full meen, that agnin wae transflg. oral geod bealtir tuat Paine's Celer>' ured lute a sun, wirose intense lilgt al- Compound gives. must bliuded me. I struggled te place Dr. A. W. K. Newton, tise emineut my bande ever my eyes, sud as 1 did physlician sud surgeou cf Boston, 50 I ireard a voice abovo me sas>: BY: "'Ho'.' coming te. My 1 but it wau a "'Paluc's Celer>' Compcund - lu pot a close cal.' patent medicine, and it muet net be III opcued - r>' eyes, I wae lying coufouuded witis Vhs ordinary normes8, swathed in blauhets in tise tout ofeune bitterns sud sarsaparillas. It is as mùit beys of tise Niuety-third. My limbe supenier te them lun formula sud resuits sud body were tingling from recen t 'as tise dismond lsesuperior ici glass.It friction, aud 'five bearded faces vers purifies tise blod, strengthens-., tise pccning auzionsl>' inte my halftope nerves, aud is nature'e food for, tise ey.s. ecgze Hstcee Porbrain.trul III econizd, eatcot. Por I hsd some truleýyelf, from Heatiscote, that was âftervsrds kllled blood-peisonr.ng, received in a îer>' deli- st Delhi,*ut aiten hie being gazetted caVe surgics. openstien. Tise formula as cooneLofIa gallaut corps. of Paine'e Celer>' Cemponnd led me te, 11, Why, old mai>,' he said, jeyfully, VYi>'t, sud I vas mucis pleaaed. with. "lyen were near saviugtise Ruasians a tise resuit. I preacribe it formosu job 1 I fonnd yen Layiug stiff sud romen viso have ne -appetite, cgannot arkn neai tue GredzoG- road, as oui -pTsu se -vs ansd ruuidcwsx beys canMnaor eptieTet. tisis co nt sad for diserders cf dixti drive hao tise attack ou thi.eut- th biood and nerves, il bas ne pot. W?é brought ycu here and 4ive *When a mau or worna bastm ai>- baid ablg.job gottmng,y<>romd t 18, tlte, lest aleci>, and feeis that ife taaa a vouder fyou are uotminus toesmudadenthat persoeinsa u a serion. âùfrs ' bje - dyte ý fyour diticu. i Pil~*o 'Clary 6'"e,- but hl solyVi i f courpoued fôt mry patients vhcYhave. 'And# M'de rY lather, ouo02'f14 Aaddgerous 1mýymp.m thiauneen upper surface of bis loft ear; o u*th>invariaril> astis! ét r. i inh a li w of the venti-oI the fol. mg thesPr>XitgadémmZ. day, -for MoretxidoibIyli-I in 8 sur. r7 SAWSvwaow, #iipwuPyan-the resuits ofyoubOffly;paiouas ta .,simple and lýexpeastv.ineans et s*lf-cute whlch after bc. Ing hqmbugged and, ïMposed upon for years býqackand ptent Medici ne sharks, curcd M ina fw wéltý Ibave nothlug go smcli o gWce away cor amn I adverising aypatent inedicine business, but will bo plesaed to heur frei ny sufferer anxiouas toSuid a cure for bis complaint. te whom 1 willl explain confiden- tially bow aud by wbat means 1 was cured. Hundreds have been cured tbrouRb my ad- vice. Cosa nothing te Icarri wbat 1 paid bun- dreda cf dollars te find eut. Address confi. dentiaily and enclose stagip if cenvesiient. D. G. OWEN. Torciaso, Ont. Riverside P.O. The engagement et the dowager Duobesa os Marlborough, forsnerly Mrs. llammersley of New York, and Lord William Bereatord, i. agaîn announced. Ove Thom A Chance 1 Thot ia Vo say your lunge. Also ail your breathina irachinerY. Very wenderful ma- chinery it is. ot enly the larger air-pas- sagesý but the th ouasnd et little tubes and cavities leading t romn them. Wheu these are cie gged aud cbeked witb matter wbich ou g h net te b. there, your lungs cannot hait do their worlc, And what they do, tbey cannot do well. Caîl it cold, oough, croup, pbeumonitt oatarrb, consumaptien or any et the famiiy ef throat and noie and head and lang oh- structiens aIl are bad. Ail eught te be got rid ot. 'ihere is juat one sure way te get rid eft hem. That is te take Boacheels Gerînan Syrup, wbicb any druggist will seil yen at 75 cents a bottle. Even if every- thing else bad failed yen, you xnay depend npon this for certain Mr. John Sweetmnau, anti-Parnellite mem - ber fer East Wîckluw, bas resigned bis seat. He will run again as an Irish Nationaligt inde pendent. SICK HEADACHE an] Constipation aré premptly cured by Burdock Pilis. Easy te take, sure in effect. Tbe Ottawa brancb of tbe Women'e' National Council voted isn faver ef a resolu- ion te strike the Lord's Prayer out of their opening ex ercibes. Why sufer trem weak nerves, want et ap- petite, and general debility ? letting tbe loua et sleep and rest iînpoveriah the systern and thin the bleeli, when sucb a real;y meriteri- ens rernedy as Northrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine may be ha] at any drug store. This article is recommended by the higbest memn- bers efthte medical faculty in cases ef indi- gestion, general debllity, ls et ap petite, and nervous affections of ail kinda. I t laai- se speciaily beneficial to children and deli- cste tem aIes and te business mnen, students, and those wL0 bave mucb brain werk. We weuld s.>', Never be witbeut it. It wîll strengtben yen, keep your system in regular order, and enable yen te succestully grapple with the work yen bave te de. It ta upies- sant te the aste. and contains notbing in- urons te hset delicate constitution. Reeber te asic for ths Quinine Wine, prepared by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, sud we are sure yeu will be satisfied that you bave full value Ofr your meney. Drug- gista seil it. The commission et inquiry inte the aff airs of University' Cellege heid its firet session Monday. When Baby was sioi, we gave ber Casions. When she waaa ChIId, she crled for Castorla. When abs becazne NMn aseclsmg teO satonl When she had Cbflren, she gave té-heiCatoria. A rupture between Nerway and Sweden îa said te be imminent. Mnard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. 001.'1 Iilnd fault wzth the cook If the pasti>' dees not exactly sýuityoiu. Nor vutisyourwife oither-perhapsathe., is net te, Itmyb. tii. lard me ii JORa. 7 1EE ,q. C'et Oounty Solicitor. Offie-Sotuth wlg of .Court Heume, Whltby. JAMES ItUTILEDGE, Barriater, etc. Office formerly ocCupied by F'arewell & Rutledge, next Boyal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Âttorne..aî-Law, Solicitor in ChalOO'rY# Convoyancer, etc. Office--m the office South of the Post Office, in MoMillan"O Block, Brock Street, Whltby. G. YOUJNG SMITH. LL. IB., I3arrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, By ock St., Whitby DOW & Mc<dèLLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Bawken's new block Brock St., % hitby, South of Ontario bank. ft1ticale D. P. BOGART, OI.D.,L.D.S. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to Ail Saint's Church, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches proniçt- ly attended to. W. E. YARNOLD, D. L. S., Connty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port P erry, Ont. A. A POST, Archlitect, late with Langley,* Langley& Butrke, Toronto. Designa for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- inga prepared for remodeling existing structures, Office-First flat over W. R Howse's drug store. LýrP O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEI', EARýNPSs MAKEB, WHJTBY. Hla'nng moved into Our new premises, we are prepared to extend the range of business. Mll work pertaininq to the har- ness-making and saddlery business wiil be done te satisfaction. Collars a specialty. Cali and Bee my 8hop and stock. W. CALVEBLEYe Second door west of old shop. Dundlas Street, Whitby. FOR SA=E OR TO R]ýT New bouse, 8 rooma; acre of garden, well tenced. Goocl locality on Front street in South Ward. Apply te, B. WORFORK, on the adjoining lot, or at the CHRONICLEC office. Whitby, March 7th, '94. GOAL GOAL!1 The undersigned has juet re- ceived a large quansis>' et First Clsa Coal direct from the mines, and is pre- pared te furuisis ail sizes, dry snd dean. iuciuding several bundred tons cf the OELEBRÂTED NO. 4p a most popular sise between Steve sud Chestnut. *WLeave'.your order ai once andl get ver>' lowest quctatiou. Terms Cash. H. B. TAYLORs Office Hewis's Blc Whitby. July zsth, x894. Drs, Warren t0 Moo!leg J. J. Moore, M. -D., F.Warren,M.- tel S'm. t pm IDru(-. Ã". acdenltWhtby, Clerk 2a2;~ . Ma"b2; 4r12; Mfay 2; ,nel #Ui8 ep3; 2o.;Nv. 2; 051&A-D C.Mmdolell, Wbitby, Cle, Jan. 8; Fcb. 4; March 4; A pii8; ,y$a; JUnOe4; lly B *sep.4 e Oct. 8; Novl. i; Dec. 4, BEO1JeAmg-I Gleesen, Greeuwoed, Clerk.-JaU 4; Mu 5; May 4; Jul>' 9; sep. 5; Nov. e5. PeRT PEU0i-J. W.' Buruhasu Port IPen>, Clerk-JAL-&n 29; March 9; itsy 9; Jul>' il; Sep. 28; No-v. 18. tIXB]aDOE-JO5. 'B. Gld, UXblidge, Clerk-Jan. 80; Msrch 18; May lSth; Jul>' 12; Oct 14; Dec. 17. OÂNn;Tol<Ge0. Smith, Canulngton, Jan. al; March 14; May' 16; Jul>' 18; Oct. 16; Dec. 18. BBÂAZTBol-Goo F Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-Mardh 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19-. UrYzTzGov-P J Gillespie, 13ptergreve, Clerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. E. FARE WELL, Octber lth, 1894. lroftePs. 1New Liveîy and Sale Stahiies Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor Commercial men liberallydOsltwith Teaming done at reasonable pricea. Freight and Baggage hauled at rea able prices. A call solicited, -w . i. LIJUEz:EI MACHINIST, WHITBY, Has opened a Bepair Shop in connectio with the Cooper Shop lately carried on by bis father, opposite Ail Saints' Church, and wl] d al ina e Bparig.SewinglMa- chines a specialty. Lwn Mowers, Bicy- cles, Fireama, Locks, ecales, Olothes Wringers, Washing Machines, &c. Saw Filin g Skates, Scissora, Knives, Clippers &c., sarpened and repaired. All kinda of Cooper Work made ana repaired. Shop opposite Mll Saints' Churcli, Dundas Street, Whitby TH OS. PEÂT 0f Bowmanvlie, intends visiting Wbztby once a fortnight, to collect clotbing f rom gent b te clean or dye. Garments when finisbed wi look as good as new. If- they failto1 be se will not charge for my trouble. If they su my eharge is $1.2,5 for cleaning and nicel pressing a suit of clothing; for dying a aui *i.So. Overcoats cleaned and pressed 7.5c, o dyed for $z. For cleaning or dymng gents batS 25C. - Bowmanville, uly 26, z892 LIFE INSURANCE. Maà nutacttirere' Li1b & Âceiden t Insurance Co., Toronto LargeBt Capital Stock à it 6 usuroa ou the continent Njnety per cent, -of .1 accumulations et surplus 1, returned. té th pelicY bolders. Ail damsarc paid witbo delaY or discount on proof of death, matul'ity of ndo*wment. J. B. POWELL A W tb. DENTIStr. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto, For thecucxt three mionths 1 $Un givin g special attention te Patients from :ai. b tance. Arn, stifl mtkig plates, iii nibbe $8, celluloïd. t10. Gold an'oà dAilvr f'ihing work erowning by firatý-clasao erntéris & the mont reas'onable ratés In theê oi;- Whýen ntheêcity cali n ultneeM- ine yUr tecth.I mae noexte O.H..IGSDeà tlt, sùhé»ýore_ --ing andYoor 0.. c- A A 4.11 ima OBU ae per to tles uxy us be 'vit Ayel A THES GRI Ebeuni bul W Ther, the.Um - office c0 ~me ASIC YOUR 8TA PAR-, THOS. McCANN, Agent, Wbitby