MnRdaftward la at bisborne la Whitby Arthuç,mm of'Mu, Jas, Carnegie, ha& rétw'ûe d honte front Chicago. 3D.' Bruce, froin thti'Detroitl medical coueSle- ahome fou a siortîvecatlon. bglas Adarni, fromn Trlnlty achool, Por t4liet he home for£asiter vacation, "P' , J .McÈweu, aupernaîcdent ai bomne miaît, occupicdtheti pulpit of thc Baptis churci lait Suuday. bled la Port Perry On the 7thI mat,, Grahain Al*mnder, Infant son cf Mu, andtirMn. J. C. -0m ' uo Aeged z year anti 14 tisys. Merrheti, on ttie sud lns.,.at the Metho' dust so age by thc Rev. Dr. Catde, Wt. .Moles, 10 Mise Elizabeth A. Bar- ker, boîli Of Reaci. lames D. McKay, now of Whtby former- Dr cav, havit g passedth te rubicon-is final nedical examination. Mesura Herbent Jarnieson sud Jea. Dil- Z' ion, e-Who bave for the lasitire. mentis beut attendiag lic royal achbocl cf lnfantry In T oronto b ave retunneti home, after havingp ut la a course af instruction. Eaci *receivei a second class iihary certficaie anti boti areCpaw quahifiedt t le dri11 in- structors. Cngratulatioius, Colon Sen- geant Jaieson anti Corporal Dillon, Seione of aur lies: farinera living ia Reaci have becs gulleti by one cf tiase glib-tangueti Agentaseng tirougi tiecocuntry sellieg tic Htome Corni rt Range matie ly a Toranta finmn.Thb prie askei s a big figure; $69, sud thc plan is ta sdi sund gel a note,.lThe note la soon placetiin ha t hird psnîy's liands andthui.(frmer mas te psy, value or ne value '-in tua case ne value. Wien vihI aur farta. cin leaun ia leave tics. sinooi tougueil gentry alose. If tcey vaulti show ubeintic muzzle of a aie: gun tie fariner vaulti b. ia pocket ia ncmrly eveuy instance As rumoreti lait veek Mn. Brooks, hotel keeper, vas summoned beforc Magistrat. Naît for sellhng le puohibiteti houre anti bas been fineti $4o anti costs for second affence. 1 aise Icarn about iflteen of the parties vie arc allegedti t bave becs ln bis bau at ticeturne of the violation are aIse summnoneti for tinaking le illegal tours,vilchis hteldti tebe s mistiemeanor tie saine as selliag. Tic trials take place neit Mosday forenoan wben I untieustanti Crown Attorney- Farewel ilIlibe preserit *-te prosecute. Amang the ciever young in of our teva vie receivedtihticfoundauion of bis eduestion ai aur excellent higi anti public uchools anti via arc a credtih te tic lava hJn.F. aiyeungest son af A. Rase, %le c ani via las distinguishet i imacli haiscoen profession, and lias lateîy ~ " returnet freinPhiladelphla viere he oli- tained tic bigiesi deguce in dental science. Tic Philadelpia dental college lu thc beau knovn cellege ha tie vorîti. Mn. Rose vas reva=d~y lie degree ai D.D.S. ai tis-tl e ani receivedtheti diplama of thec Gauretsoahan Piilosopiical socicty, as welI as an hiaruy diploma ai Du. W. A: Capon's Posl grauate scol ai Percelals Dental Art. A i xmnto of tic royal coîhege of dentistry ln Toron- ta twa veeks ago lie obtainedth ue degree of L.D.S. fou Ontario andth te tegree froam Tarante University of D.D.S. Ouyoung fuient la nov tic ight hanti assistant of Dr. Fred Capon, ai Toronto, oeeof tie best dental aurgeos in Canada anti one of the foremout men ta the dental proies. 41akk çorrepodence ofte Sandard tbat souteofoejua=gnms acilgose ta -tha villae an~sa 9y' Mrci 4tb, andt teuse hù ovu varda bd doueçusteti anti disgrâce< Btcsak by fbei drunken sud obscmse il. ,.rty ', As tiecocr, dii net give any naines, lI lu only gueas work ta land out vio iiey woee leuebainet deny tbey vere thereibat day Give us tie namepMu. Btackstock Caruespon dent, se tici aorr isens amy kne vhi i iat "tdire sot get drunk lu their ova tov et Ose 0f Ou Clergymen lu is eweng servic about tivo veeks o referi e Ibte pratci ef mon smoking igar anti pipes be lu caretea vre thcy ,threw thelu higte matehes, oa«"santi abes fuca their pipes ant thelr elgar stulis. Ho, mustinedthie casofai fimer Ivice finhii bi ovufaim building frupbi pipe, snd vies spokën te, about hi suronas ait peihoutd mnd ulieï menton Ivo, If' n«t h ,ir sla Ouru*ln town dmt bav bess trcO ..te aiar atubs c#etcnv tliowa pieu. they aflervrdsiguh cdMd anti voey ueaousithe dsutrmchon t"o fis.bIoý A lady lr a tolid me afL4 montba ggo a w>*evlbniaan»d - t- '-t> Be~o1ta auna ,Dê5ilî-"' n bower of beautY .TUê ft it_* which' willb. ozw.e #Ã"I rx 1I apric ot, be1b 11kbôt 1467 wYar? wed d'10 ý buette. 'Me.C W es was assslted b,,wekad o dt-lq the #fM'ale MjG «Qea teolgig t~5CIO t to wnsiiIp~..à and courteOUi saleswoiitlMisses ond> Me Ithà ri&dOvO ogi Henry and 'Roberts. The tedc M Io> ladieî fousadcointry was very Ier theb1nghtqwb trt e' hai 1 lage a wel as sf t efl er sçx. The, thet ,a si ceoù4 ý-aCai e dressmakiflg departmient là In charge ofý boboas besides. When i reive4pi Miss Dentilsoflwhose name 18 a guarantee' 't, sda ésn lh ialat awos of first-class work. Miss Minnie Bond t . iedontrimbr seéIng lias sliown fine taste Iunlier new role ofonteligs 4dântrmwb ë windotv dresser, sud-deserves words of suigo 4lig9gl &rUaneSo praie fr ti. atracivean<1beatif lLaitweek The Statesman give an Opinion prais for the trciendrlyeverylady on the -outlook for beef. baied on advlesre- v1lo re[ arking, every article was sîown eJfmNwYokChcondnla. te advantage. The sales were fer beyond, This* week we 'have recelvêd .ver valib. expetatofl an< mut hve ben ratfy- iYlaon the horie question. >Notwlthst anding ing ta ltiens aCo.mWetlavsucli a g sndeavy tSsiepts, prIces for ail kindi, except un. virdstock ais la o.wiacharre byitissound and Infelbr animais, abre'imore sltis. varie stoc as, a n of gooids hav- factor? ilian for a long urne past, and the.-de. firin, many of the best Uneis o s a-Maud for first-class draft and coalihborses, la ing been lmported froin the English mar- ~dcddysrs.Dagttan r kets, ne lady or gentleman need go t10 st eigîd tongi8.000 ud S5e.ooare Toronto for first-class goods. while sevoral large buyers lait week slgeified 1 Several parties the pas: ten days have asked their wllinguss te psy considerably more for me why I have not reperted several sensation- strictly firsi-clasniatched teanis Of 3400 te ai developements that bave orne 10 1gb: re- 3600 Iba, The latter welght when comblned *cently egarding tie familles of saine of otir wi action, quality and proper conformation, best anresetdctizu ntw nd vici- are scarce, and tiose wbo own auch can nity. 1 do net feel justified la writing auy- practically naine their own pria. and gel i. îhegcecring i, especally as one of the Clydesdale Breeders should take especial en. *principals rernoved frein Ontario sarine turne couragement frein uhus improved condition cf age, and another one lias always lived many the mnarket, and endeavor te make up the great miles frein Port Perry, before anything camel le. way cf the past few vears by breeding ail te the surface as il would onl ybarrow the feel- tbeir go mares ta the millons obîsinable, lngs cf those wbe are pcrfcctiy innocent and during the preseet scason. Remember tiat ne goed would resuit fremi h. No doubt there your cols frein ibis seasun's brecding, are those te whom i would b. a nIce tid bit ef wiIl be four years alinlathe -year 190e, by scandai andi gossip, and would be Re a sweet wblch lime wc shali in afl prebability se marial under tber tongue if tbey were te read prices sea per cent. higlier ta there are te- an accouai of it in this coumme. Saine people day. These wbo wish te see tbe geod trnes, seei te take a delight ia seeing ther neigli- and then begin ther breeding operations, bers rosstd, but wlien the saine persons gel a whlch accupy at the least, five years, will mail dose of their ctwa medicine it is veryriauidat- assuredly lie tee late ta reap the bene6î YoVu ing te thein, 1 saiti to sarine of liee "How inust seticipate, or "gel lefe"-Statesin. would yeu like ta b. in a similar position andi have your case reportcd la lte presse" r' i.ENIKIeN answer was, sbould netlue IL" hbave re- Mrs. jas. McLaren bas been visit.Ing spect for oîier's feelings and feel more 1ke fiends here. syinpathizxag wtli those îowardS wliam scan- Miss Leta Potter bas been visiting dal and gossp has directed their peisoned friends ai Orono. darts.i. ore ask is Il right te Ict such peu- M.adMs a.Pe r.Js uts sens go on and net make a public exemîple of Mr. aWin. Jabis PycM . Ja. Curtis thein? Ie ibis caseail the parties interestedthe Mn Wm. obes (e r. omher attende have liveti lives oi usefainess, and up î<> ibis tefnrlo aeM.HreSuo Leccasion have beca henoreti citizeas - but, In a Island, an Friday lait. mmentelof wcakncss, they were iadiscreet and Mr. J. Gibson bas purchaseti the Manse eue this have regretted tudr actioes a thousand property here and will take possession ai Iine over. Take anv similar case tiat lias once. iappeaed le thh. Isu Ic or fifîean years, lier. It bas been decided ta hold the. eld. or elscwheue aed whaî good rc ted from a fashioned Sabbatb icheol anaivensary au pulcexpasure and washiag of dirty linea. the Methodist church On May 24th, the More gooti can be cffectcd by leîing suhQue's birthday. The cidren aie lu things die a natural death andi not even have t eanngt furnish theporm . the usual aine days' wonder. On. person said aingeporm . te me, fiil rigit le condeme a wroag ? Nu, A special children's service wilI be heid net ie aIl cases by aay ineans ; but whfre per- le the Methadist church here next Sunday sens have been indiscreet andi atterwards îry by tic ichool andi an atidress by Rev. D. fta do riglit snd ive it down, we should, lry to S. Houck. ielp such one% and net kick theinwlien they SOLINA. are down. For thii reason I think 1 arm jus- 1tified inhaeu givieg naines or any information in Recent visitors :-Mr. A. A. Bowermuan, refereace te ibis parîlcular caue of stcnm wheel faine, Port Perry ; Mr. andi A dpuatin romth W.0.T. . iz .-Mrs. F. L. VanNeau, Maple Grave; Mr. A de epuaafroin Ibke Wy . HTl, Dvs ndandi Mn. M. A. James, Bowmaaville ; Mesame Pers, Wkel. Hll Dais edMisses Katrina and Edthl Argue, of Mt. Purdy waited on tie uowe couecil on the t Vrnn is., aed presentedti iis petiion sgneti byVen. fnearly ioo of aur cisina, andi double tie eum- The Crusaders have hati a lîveîv literary ,f ber coulti have been obiaiaed bal it been contest which ended insu week. Tiey are 1 necessary : 'To tic reeve and members af puospering well under the management of tie municipal council of Port Pery : As Miss Laura Hogarth. emembers cf the W C. T.U. and other organiza- Mr. M. W. Pasco. lias successfully pas- i tions, we now preseat yoerxlhanorable body sed bis first ycar's exain. at Ttiaity Medi- ewtb a petition signed by a large proportion of cal College, Toroato. d Our wortby citizeas ssking ihat thc Curiew by- TiParnofndsrbaavryuc elaw be adoptdinl our îown, suggcstiag ibat ThParnofIdsy dave uc etic ages andi bous appoinueti for riagieg tic cessful "At Home", April 2nd. A good -bell belefita your discretion. Andi wbereas programnme was rendereti of speeches, ne- the great benefit te young chiltiren arising citations, music, etc., after wblch refreali- fuasu ringing th. Curfew bell, sud ithe wisdom menti were provideti, Mr. m.0 VanâNeit, of tbrowhng arendti iem every -safeguard, Jr., acteti as chalunian. _ - 1 sheuld certalnlv recelve yeur approbation, and Mr. sud Mus. taos. James are stayiug Sif you believe the same ta be a peweî for gooti witb ibeir sick chilti at Bowmnvilhe. do cet sbiak from e duty of euforcnag t Miss Estella.Reynolds lias betiuiviitinig d 'sud yenr petioners wli ever pra for the wel ea amt- 1î fà reof port Perry cai." Cold a petition a r aptn ib. wordcd more respectful, or ia nicer lang- 1ELAMIOmBtO. !. age? And wbat diti the council de? Prac- Mr. A. B. Crydertian lest a maguificeut *tcalty nothing. Tic reeve asked Dnc cf tie tire. year aId fat steer valued at $6o. ladies "itew ni workcd la oîlier places" aed the Mr. Walter Scot i home, loekring stout reuply vas, "XIti a successinl Peterb)ore, Bar- aud bearty, after bis first year's work iu ,i anti ne mm.Net a word ia Its favor. Sup- M.s atlraniCredota- a paing eerotter îowa lu Ontario wbere tic ssstock a, werundCred fBak rs Curfewvbllbylaw là ha force vas a fMiure. i stok ae e det'stand, apppied for is- that any reason wby aur towa sieulti neten- annual taveun licesses hile Mr. S"ni.of Ir farce ît., Every tava lias net a Robert Me.. Caeuarea, li as aket for. a six Ãmots' in Kîtiglit, and If you. the Part Perry council, iîccase for ii lolel. n briug in a Curfew byhav ant i nsiruci Chef.Tic Port> Perry gentlemen(? referred go Canatablo MeKmigl Ie enforitt, ocit isenste la my last- weeks- coureupontience baye >1 sud ibose for wtam Ius Inentitiev owiL vilbeen requestçdti "apeau belire a m agis- ifb. dose to the letter. It ih needed -anti Icas traie ta answer for their conduct Iis w .titnuarcoucl tiat thc Prtoicil ecetrv la quit. rigit anti proper.The law shauld re and Mr. Keloo, superinuendeat of negeei be made a terror 10cylidoeus., n oIhdren foeýOnatuo, aretSriag the W. -.T. ~ ~ 4 >- 10 pruu for thbsdinonof as oefev ,b Puiday U'lit a lar ge iîutsr, of the Io SW ~ U .lyU1heIiglhSU l at ty kaow of - n r ~~~- pruu lortisouoesch5hofdOttrd. Tos. -Moore aebled at w!ay cf M iei 0 tiepi-t - , _l his p>lace te spend, m'-eveningi-with ,a- WC s uit. sS wbat e W teéI frendtiwhois eavingthc e ii b >Ã"od..ý -w.J, NOT. ,t about 9 c'leck Mr.'Fdgar ýM ietook ilchair, wlreu Mr. Geo. P w y ý téa& an drsesî expresslnn the regret'oftWè> , -_ W%. Joal McQul,' Bowrnu, wa fr ietï-n is depà tur -an licloôf tué 9 -*-.-* .-- - y &t s %4C-ýNEW WÂ8e PRESBRG99~ ALL THE NOVELTIES. Our limes for Spring comprise more novelties and . speci8dties than ever. Prices remarkably 10w. MORE Scotch, Swisses, Galaleas, . Ducks, Piques, Russel Cords, Crepbons, Zéphyrs, Lawns, Etc.) The New Dresa Linings, Fibre Chamois, NE W DRESS madras Clotûs,. Si/ver Silks, Hair Cloths, Gras s Linons. GOODS.ý Just iReceivod another Large Shipmrnent of NE W BLA CK CREPONS. NE W BLA CK CREPONS. W. G. Walters keeps W. G.Walters keeps -The Largest Stock of- LADIES' AND MISSES' LADIES' AN]) MISSES' -NEW- -NEW- JACKETS AN]D CAPES. JACKETS AND CAPES. Lace Curtains we Go Farm for Sale or ta fient. A geeti farin being part cf tie sorti halves cf lois 7 anti 8, tbird concession of Pickering, cantaining seventy acres., A tenant, via viii give uecurity for the fulfilmeni af bis cantracts, can have il feusa number cf years. Or a pur- ciascer, paying oe tieusanti dollars tiova can have tic property ai 1ev luteresi anti easy terni af paymeut. Fou furtier parîicuhaus apphy la, MR. R, GUTHRIE, or Pickering, DR. R. WHITEMAN, Shakespeared, Ont. Aug. z, ir894.-tf. ANDERSON'S DOQULE kCIG FORCE POMPSI IMPROVED 12N QUALIT?. REDUC.ED IN PR ICE. These Pumps are guaranteati fer 10 years, andi savor freeze, eves in Manitoba. Our' Bpraky Pumpe are glr1;eatly imprevedasti are ustouit- edly the but l h iueandi are re- .dneapuce . Qinhpricli e $L8JlO toPM. L. YAIRBA&&KB,- - Agk, W-Nhitby. -NEW BLACK CREPONS. NEW BLACK No. 1 is'a short Cape in- Brown Fawn, Fawn and Black Pinked Edges andailu Wooi, only à botter line st $1.25, $2 $2.50 to $3 at 198c. to $7.00 per pair. WALTERSO JUST RECEVEL... 1 12 Don't buy Pure, New Made Maple' Syrup. China Glassware and. Orookery. Dinner and Teùà R's Cea51 Choice Family Grocer»es, Tea, Fruitsi,'Etc., EBtc.i Cheap _for, cash 7or-Trd- Prée o before caling au& eamiinthe ab E8TATI 1Of YM g'WANTED.' À in stock the Mêsur. IHoltaq comxuended by' the leadi them au every Fruit Grovi ESTATE 0 ýH. SCO TT, w^7 ;Se ýz1 ýoj- , ýýtý2 îé. ela-icaiQcc, &Cà -à mmmmmwý à Etc. French Sateens, CREPONS. caramal