Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1895, p. 1

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'Q ;e,~. 7 With calm Ipinted wordo, great. thotujht., and untirineeindt Me advocate Peace, Progreis8; Knowledge, Brotherhood. VOL. XXXIX. WIIITBY, ONTARIO, FIR AAPRIL 19, 1895. NO. ~2O WESTERN BAIK 0F CAADA LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, WHITBY ERANOR. A General Baskisg business done. Speoili attention to Collections, and Far- mneris' Sale Notes st lowest rates. IWDepouxts3 received in Svings Bank Department inu sains of $1 and upws.rds. No notice of withdrawal required. Hligbest carrent rates of interest allowed and oredited semi-annually. - E. D. WARREN, Wbltby, Ag. 81sJl894. Manager. liens. Cape in 3jardrnal Piuked 'ol, only o to S6. SC OTT) AUCTIONEER, WHITBV. ONT. Tbe uudersigned bega te, announce tbat be bas taken out a license for auctioueering, aud will be glad to fill orders for this class of busi- nes. His book will be kept at 1. H. Longs ofl*e * wbere ail information may be obtained. fbitby. Nov. 29, '94. C. SCOTT. N. Y. 1DÂTERSON, Q 0., Barnister, etc. -Aften two vears resideace lu England bas resumed practice St z36 John St', Toronto.-Oct. '94.-6 mos. DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus, - - $1,500 000 Wbitby Agency. General Banking Transaoted. Business SAVINOS DEPÂBTMENT. lateri allowed at highent ourrent rates Ne aotte o wthdrawal required. I. J. THORNTON, Manager P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licestiate of Uice.Royal Coilege of Physiciaus, Edinburgh : Member of the * College cf Phyuicians sud Surgeous, of Ontario. * Office and residenee, sortir ecton cf the "Terrace," Byron Street, north of Dundas Street. Telephone communication with office. Wbitby, JuhY 4th, 1894..- Who? Who? Who? Says the Owl, Who soul the bust Baking Powder? W. RP. HOWSE does. ouly th purest ingrediants are ue, and it is frequently made. Consequently is al- ways pure & fresb. ery. 'eas, Coffee, L.ondon i' the Times. nices for yoursolves. GIBSON, teo Sign, Old No. 1l. CONOIIION Po wder 1 La the bout Blood Purifier and goneral Condition Powder in the market. Lt je the cheapeut pcwder that iras ever becs cffered fer sale. It cures al cases of General Debiilty, Loue of Appetite, Roughneee cf tire Rai', and &Il troubles armang frein un- purity of the Blood. EeeSOc. per lb., or lb. /or 60e. MADE ONLY BY-, Wq R. HOWSE9 QEMIST AND DRUGGIBT, WOOD, E.AB-S, TOý AGENT the "Celebri rH COAL. CEaosîc.Ceunus»BPOIrnascX. -:0:- OSH3AWA. BUcsixESs NOTICE. -Oshawa subocribera or advertisers may trausaet any business with thé CHRONICLE, or may obtain ex- tra copies at any tinie, at U. B. Rogers', post office bookstore, Oshawa. If you wisb a nice French china dinner or tes set, or anything lu fancy china, or ghassware, go to E B Morran & Son. Men's strong boots, gait'-s laced boots with toc caps, or laced boot with beilows- longues for $i.oo at the corner store Osh- awa5. It will psy auy parties contemplating buying an engagement or weddiug ring to sce the large stock of Felt Bros., Osb- awa as they wilh seli Ibis moutb very cheap fot cash, Genuine diaruond 14K. onhy $5. Tbey are also making some special offers iu Gents', Ladie's sud Boys, gold sud silver watcbes. Sec tbem. Feit Bros. The Oshawa stove wonks resumed opera- tions last wepk. A gentleman is lu town organizing a lodge of the Onder of Woodrnen. Bishop Betbune College pupils are ont of town spending the eastor holidays. Mr. E. E. Rogers spent Good Fniday with friends in Canton, near Port Hope. The Salvation army had a company of good musicians heme Satunday sud Sunday. Mn. las. Msw, of Sauît Ste. Marie, Mîch,, la visiting Mr. sud Mms. J. Gitince.e The Presbytery of Whitby met bere on Tuesday lu bbc Presbytenian cburch. Crown Attorney Fsrewell sund Capt. lien- deneon of the W.C.I. wene in town on F'idsy. Mr. las. A. Tbomson, editor sud propnietor of the Gananoque journal. was in town hast wcek Mn. las. Garrow of Toronto bas sohd bis bouse on Sumcoe St. nonîb te Mn. Pansons for 8900. Rev. H. B. Keuuy ie lu Toronta attend- ing tbc final examinations at Victoria Uni- versity. Contracter O<Bries sud Mn. J. Butler .re lu town lu connection with tUic dec- bric railway. Mr'. J. Stephenson, et Uic Perth collceg- iate insîltute, la bbe gucat cf 1Mr. E. T. Glesuon, B. A. The R. S. Williamns & Sous Cc. are building sn sî8oo pipe organ for the ucw St. Grctys {R.C.)cbr, R. S. W"m»au: S~'mae bWuidln sa hadsom epipomgsu t-i,0t Sron oo oithre Mn, Rurdle, formerly ef Souîh Oshawa, bas openedas fashionablo botnrdisg bouse at tbe corner of Celns sud Athol streete. Mn. Robt. WIWLiams sasis troin New York on the S. S. Etrumia April a7th. to spend a couple of montha recupemating lu England. Sucker fisbing la being exteneively cngaged in at prescur. Tbumsday aftennoon was thc begiuuiug of the slaugbrer sud about a thon- sand fisb were caught. McL.aughliu's canniage works shut dowu Fniday sud Saturday. Tbe Scbolfield woolen mille are so busy that ne holiday could be given the employee ou Gooti Friday. Tbnee Whitby youug fellows werc fineti iightly fast week by Coi. Gnienson, P. M., for makiug a nuisance of themneives. It is about lime these fresb youths were checked. Mn. John McCullock, teacher at Kinsale. Miss L. McLaughliu sud Miss H. Under. wood, aIl pedagegne graduates cf thc Oshawa higb echool epent thc ater bolidays in îown. Mr. W-..Dyen is openiug as office lu the Bale block where he will transact the business of the Aid, Savings & ".on Ce. He will aise carry on an insumauce business, botb fine sud lite. Good Friday was passcd very qtiietly lu Osbawa. Mcnning sud eveniug services were hMd in anme of the churches. The number cf visitons was net large sud few people went eut cf îowu. M.- A. Eby's drug store la thc centre of at.- trac uat peset. A beautiful toutitain lu WUi do casteaspray lu the air sud tbe tllg watcnrereshes sled ot tenms snd flow- ers at the base- and chancel were beautffully decorated wltb liles and ferns. 13pecial ester services wer also held In St. Gregorys and the Noncoufor. muist churches. A large numberof yousg people asaem-' bled at the bomne of Thos. E. May, Har- rnony, on Tuesday evenlsg, and presented him witb a handsome bible and a collar and cuif box. Mr. May leaves thls week for Chicago. Jas. Moat of Sault Ste. Marie, Mlch., la vlsitlng bis sister, Mrs. J. Guinette. He is uan old soldier and bas served 15 years in the U. S. Regular army, and served- against the Pullman rioters in Chicago laut July and August and was woundcd ln the side. .St. George Vestry met Monday evenlng. The finances of the church are ln splendIi shape. Despite the fact that the expendi- ture in Improvements was unusually large, a 82,S00 pipe organ, new sbed and electric lights were added, and the church le en- tirely fret of debt. Mr. A. Hindes was appointed rector's warden and Mr. F. W. Cowan peoples' warden. Mr. J. T. Welburn, an ex-pupil and graduate of Oshawa high school, was mar- ried in Toronto hast Thursday evening foi Miss Grace Stephenson of Chicago. The young couple have gone to Edmonton, Alberta, where Mr. Wellburn has secured the position of bookkeeper with a laýrg.e manufactu ring concern or that tow n. His rnany friends in this section wish him and bis bride ail prosperity ini his new home. The board of the Medcalf et, Methodist church have decided to eniarge their church and contracte will sourn be let. It le intended to increase the width by ex- tending the walls sideways several feet. The seats will then be arranged alter the form of the interior of the tabernacle at Whitby. The new seating capacity of the cburch wiIl afford accommodation for 750 peephe. We hear that high words were ex- changed in one of the "<pure and unde- filed" club rooms the other eveuîug. Quel phayer accused another of unfairness ina game of carde, and but for the interfereuIce of a third party a good old-fashioned scrap would have ensued. As our knowiedge of the inner workings of clubs, both blgh and low, increase, we feel more convinced that ail of tbem cause more troublethan good. Mr. John O'Regan la meeting wlthmost. gratifying success in the manufacture of cigars. The leadiug brand, "The, Pointer," is increasing daily iu demand, as ià menlt become kuown. "Stand yoau Te-a' - aniother first clas five ceuter. A tes -pçt cigar, '*The Leader," will sQon h plagod on the market. Mr. O'1Regas bas$ plaôêda bis-> cigars on tic Whitby rmarket,, bi preseut la so rusaed wlth orders caû*ot .up with te derand. fiW ey r1 se oon héi aMton ir~ iTtfÃ"r~af théT en bis customers lu the meantime. Somnebody has been guling the editor of the Vindicator regarding Eby's fountain. The editor was made te believe that the fountain was connected by a pipe with a barrel or water in the cellar, and, by sorne mysterlous means, pressure upon thc water in the barrel produced a streatu about three feet higb. As a matter of fact a tank of water some 12 feet above the winclow is connected with the fouritain by tubing and the stîeam produced is a mere result of water pressure. It i5' too bad that people sbould impose upon the credu- lity of an innocent, guleless editor. The silent seven club, the supreme club of clubs, bas moved mbt new quarters in the Lang block. Tbe club bouse bas been fitted up nlcely, aud will be a sort of home sweet home for those wbo have no home, or those wbo bave a borne, .nd do not ap- preciate it. A billard tabl bas bien put in, making the fourtb or fif~ table at pre sent ln use in t1iis town. ; the town be- lieves lu taxiug billiards why dot st o tax those tables lu the club rooms. The chances are tbat as much playing la doue through tbem as a billiard hall would do, and the towu is losing the miouey it sbould have. We will admit that much mouey- was'lest lu this towu lu the garni of bil. liards wbeu tables were licutsed-; but plac- u1itralelled service in building up the indus- Irn anufacturlng musical instruments lu Cade, Fully soc banda are employed lu tr great works boresu a laresmo ýmg-,le pald out weekly lin.wsges. FîtD. R. HoBBs. LVIVKEBYbarber. Slmcoe street. L. HoX-Ofice KIng street EaSt. BaloK8R' LIVEBY, Simeoo Street, north. WR. BOLPHE, harnois maker. Stmcoe Street. !lý:4. OTERIaOL.butolier, Ring St., West A4.TALTBE-Dominion pianos aud organe, Stoemreet. C<KNEI4L OTEI-J. C. Woou, proprietor, 19Rei orsotelry, seat and' oomfortably ê4tipped. àoPw'OB cuBOxsaTORw-FuIl lino of books' datineryandfsnoy gooda. E. B. Rogers. Jeu. SOULDE-Whtby.Osbawa stage lino. Leaves Oshawast at a m and 2 p m, sud Whitby st 10 a m sud 4 p m. ME&. M. J. L. BanxÂoolo, dealer iu mil. linery sud manties. Dressuraklug, etc., lu oouueotion, imcoe Street. OenÂwà Datre BTORZ-L J MaXwell, dispen- Ring chemisi. Pull Uine of pure drugs and chemicais ahways on hsud. JOSEPH C&ueG, manufacturer of fine car- riuges, carte, wagons, aud ail kinds of cut- tore sud sleigbs, Repairing a speciaity. Joint Baxwza, paiuter sud decoratoir. Deal- er in wall papers, ceiling decorations. paints, où, varnIshines, brashes, winclow sbsdes, etc. Jaxus PELLoW, dealer in stoves, tnrnaces, tintware, etc. large stock kept constsutly os baud. Jobbing a speclalty. simoce street forth. DZ. PÂTTPEasom, Dentist, King St West, Oph- awa. AiU o r ations rîOrmeà in the boat style. Kozia for paIMess extraction. No extra charge. L. K. Mtiaro«, B. A. -Barrister, Solicitor, Notar<y Public, Oonveyascer, &o. Money toien Oflâeeover Dominion Bank, Sim- oe tet, Oshawa. B. 8. ilpxoweoN-Steo.m Bakery. Eleotrie ~eL Our bresd la sold in Oshawa =bPickering, Brookli, Cenlumbus .j4. Uiglan. Wood yard lu conneotion. P.ý -Z&À»B»T & SoNS-The leading tafloring anri geste' furulsbing house efOshawa Splendid assortint ef tweeds, worsteds, lroveeringa, shirts, colrs, etc, always kept 5'~uBao-Watahrnakeresuad Jewelers. in wrs a tehes. clocks, jeweiery, silver- r .spectaleet.Bsrviug, geld suri vrplatisg, sud oid gold rings marie ever. _e ýWatoh, dCkU, snd 3jQwelerY replrlng s Evunacw& RAUW3iN-Impe tors snd doer. in taruree', -rnauulsturers' surihoutetur- -nlsbing supplies . Manufacturera of tinware. üaerugtriug sud other contrscting dos. Furnaces, chandelirsaud lampaý, A stock of bicycles kept os hanri. OLENMAJORK. Miess N. Mitchell la indisposcd. Mt. T. Pugb la silîl ou the sick lisi. Mn. J. Sykes was calling ou old acquaini- suces this weehr. Mt. J. Redshaw was visiting ai 1fr. Lewis' lasi wcek. -Ms. Cannlugion, Brandon, was the guesi 0f Mï. C. Willia s lst wck. Wi C. Hewiit wiîb bis tesin are.working eu the pile driver for the miii pods. Mfr. C. Williams bas siarted te plow, be- ing the first ene in eut ncighborhod. Mi. William Hopkins, jr., ls eugaged te worlý for Mr. Ballard for the -summer. Mý. J..Asies bas lefi eue midst towork for lis unc2ie, Mr. W. Gee, for the sumsier. Miss Edwards sud Miss Pu4gb were re-, newling acquaintances irere os Frlday lai, Mr. Lewises says be will purchase ne more mandle pieces, as tbey are a nuis ance. There wask a meeting ireld -on Tuesday- evening for re-ergauizing tire Suuday scbcol. T/rc anîbem -endered by eut choir oný Suýdayv as not euly wejllsang but-well; suiled fer tbeoccasiop ~Ve téel sorry te.ay that 'Mr. J. Joues.ý- staincd sot osly thc breakhg'cf ii anIs bul soise badi scrtches ons fris fce Ar. Rober't Pugirt ink1 that -tire lvéty ist t a*eery pa ying- business. lie 'will sell a jouple oet:lus -two-fpntys for reaka ï »r.Santil Anderson tbinbsit l it. pa~i~ bsines ~uyis upherse bides, bu n fr ai ireissx'tved ýbyti fi EBOOKLKN. Mr. lames Kuigbt Is vislting bis daughtert Mns. Burdge, at Qakile. Miss Florence Dale sud Mr. Wil Dale were at home for Good Fnlday. Mrs. W. J. Murray bas been vlsiting witb friends bere this week. Mr. C. Redman is bavlng a ceilar and stoIle foundation put under bis residence. Mr. Wm. Kerr took an master trip te St. Metry's to visit his daugbter, Mms. Beattie. M.r. John Vipoud-bas bis horse, "lEmskne Style," on exhibition at the Toronto homse show. The aunual churcb service of the I.0.0.F. la to be held lu the Methodist cburch on Sunday, 281h inst. The price paid for the Waring farrn by Mr. James Coultice was $4,200- It countaîns Oe huudred acres. At the football meetng held list wmek Mr. Geo. Holliday was re.elected manager of tbe teamn for tis ymar. 'Mr. Frank Blair bas rtnrned homne after spending the wintmr with friends iu Brighton, Cobourg snd Orono. Mrs. C. L. Starr is vislting at Maple Shade. Dr. Stîsrr accompanied ber on the trip over sud remained for a few days. There was another break lu the miii dam on Tuesday but flot of a serions nature. It did net affect the running of the mill. Mrs. Dr. Roger, o!f ergus, sud Miss Jennie Ketchen visited Mr. A. Ketchen for eser, re- turniug to Fergus on Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Moody, ef Toronto, wbo resided bere twenty years ago. paid a fiying visit te corne et bis friends last Friday. There is some talk of a football match he- twcmn the Brookhin team aud the Berlin Rang- ers some time lu the near future. Mr. R. H. Walks of Lind'say bas becs spending his easser vacation at bomne. He re- turns te Lindsay ou Saturday eveuiug. The recent uise in the price of flour bas af. fected the bread market sud it ln uow selliug here ai 1o cents for a four pouud loaf-a trise cf 2 cents. The Methodiat church was beantifuily decor- ated wîth flowers ou Suuday lest, They were siso used in the other chunches te, brigbten thc easter services, Mr B. Duncan, the new tailon, bas moved luto the sbop betwees Holliday's store and Sebmrt's botel. He bas been kept veny busy since comiug te Brookilu. Mr. H. A. Clark, of Codningion, ÈW hero teO assist Mn. Vallean.lu the cheese factory this summer Tbey commence tlhe seasou>s pera- tdens bu Mosday sext, a n st,, Very lite tarin work bas becs sitempteti yet tbeugh a few bave startéd plongig. s sosn as * the weathmn really, geta dewn.te a aprisg basis everyrhing wvihl g iha-rs Oaes.Art urSaVau o ta . A b been CEDAR DALU. Mir.' T. Conant sud fam!iy visited the City lant week. The Cedar Dale works bave closcd dowfl completely for a tune. Mn. F. Walder, of Prestos, spend Sun- day with Mfr, H. Robins' family. Mfr. J. Gunuingbam bas been eugaged te work with 1fr. E. Philli pefer thc summer. seascu. Mr. J. Thompson bas 'noved ie Uich bouse recently vacated by J. - Brown. He wlll work as trackman i'bis suminer, in lu Mr. j.- Mulleu'à Ègang. Mr'. sud Mrs. flrewn .lcft.for, Hamilton ou Monday, wbere ibey_ m*l resîde lu future. Mise E, Brooks -inteude leaving for saine place lu a few daye.4 Mr. Wrn. Jases bas gene inte the-whole- sale butcherng' business., - e m a couple et cbiprnents weeklyirltorocf calves, lamba &c. The store recènily oecnùpfed - by Mlee Brooks bas becs leaued,te fr6'- og Walker who -w111 continue tedeill groceries and provision&' î' The N. B. Kccney. & Son- éleetor bas fieeu closed for -the pisent. Tlue firin In- tends te do almost: ai growviug lut he viciuity of Lindsay.. Sucker fishiug le ail, thego here now sufd it fincle lots cf followers, 'thé gteat; nasjority. cf wbom basilots, ôf -tijoe ouiràd tri de- vote te, the pqstlmp, Mynygod hauls areý rcported. Mfr. T. F. Breibour, wIShofàýrnterlj at#gbt eut school bas bée inl, towns titis -weck visitiug acquaîutances. >IHe sp-as1g1> cf bis new achool at Westn,,-where ,h'j Principal. Foo ibt-ôher-teacbéis are el *ployed lu the saiàe séhoôoV The great uurber of id'rdcs son thre way sortbýdurlngI-"ast weee-ýwoeeý,sooec.. wbat ebstructid intiroir Rlhtý-byirëgnut cf local sports. Consideabe laugtla. rcported from the )aaîs ~Tiis ýis!-on- trary te law aud:l'-it appoes -èfld'*t ur local game-wardent- ls-uablet -W- taê; or corivicithe guiliyMes.-- A large numnber of Oebàw-à s--itens were soticed lu the.vic2alty- olb uj o on Good Friday. Ipq uqj'y a-a asembyitws epia ked tirey4éîfr*d see the flficàCr , 1L4 eoti <L o n g C o mg ti ,gR àall w ay .- > * csjd i appcisied, w!hea thé-"s*ilec_,W&4tt%Éce examné&edThey - c-vidù«ý stocd the ne*spjeitéÉ elativelàti9ý Thecvcry dngdsjce-i4bih of al sizses andi yeorà- weteeélàue he is my oftii. The sale oe ucMnray pnpetyt on Saturday aid the-wbole was purch Dr. Srr. the pnice being, about 8t decton had realiy bougbIÏ t kbelote rnortzagee's sale was; a more' torinaliîy to the title clear. Mens #baeemu at wo week tearing dewn sud clearnug awayt buildings. The spring ine-le gese.raliy recegniedý niîgbt sessonfer catchiug nckrra,ÀcdI seems te, apply te tU irpinas all. a tbm membewofethtie flnny inibe. . 1r alrcady b= m sade lu' ibis celuns ntc Home CointniSteel Range talçns, sud we anc beaiug et a new- kbeme irat - la workod fton aIi i la enih irougir the- borhood. Farm eWsarc Uice victini' ag Themin et lastPhnday--mgirt sisniod a ic wrng dîtne for Uice ewwihIasue3 mnS*tteude&0 Yard just East- ation. th, 1804. Mies wyul be rde et the thre Panlanmee of a. Loo tbe b f SLO. cmp-x Le. C H AS. :1 which able. Have also got are bighly ne- Caîl andise GIBBON. ARNERO RU I.1 NO'. 20

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