Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1895, p. 3

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LL, et Maker, r, cof ail kids. to annoUnce )d businens in aced therein a ste BLtock of ITURE îich wîll be sold o11 coët. ,eebrated Mixed lé. See those les at $5, Worth sU424 glass, for $12. In g .a Firot- TILL, *TuÂS 1590009000 Packets à (on ,Fownship r. \Vhittb saine .îead. ousecond tt of cultivation live streami acrosS a hne stone bouse; shrd ,also trame ruit of ail kmnds upon (he prt-mises. essaq describ. really gentiIII ging in Ears, '.ere or long" et freie-Artl6 ilar appliancem ddre8s TIIOS. AMBEPSS, S,)Uttl- orrî, London. O/d Country, [M 1 LBAD 4LMLEI)PICLETS AT 40, 509 Ail 60 CEITS PUR LB, FOR SALE BY MATHISON BROS., WHITBY Difficulties. WRITTEN FOR THE OHROICLE. Thes à a word which neede no ex- planatien. Each pereon feela fuliy as. sured ho underetanda the xneaning bet. ter than anyone else. There à nfot so mucli differonos in the oxperience of Evs's chidren as generally snpposed. Each Ii hie turtibuhasi days of ser- row in wbich ne one can bear a part- dark days with aearcely a rift in the cloud. Days of disappointment and dais of diffiolty. los 1ldays when di fculties rime Up gigantioally, threat- coing to engul.f us in the mercilss wat. ors of dep air, iii hope cornes Vo the rescue and bide us look Lsyond. Our difficulties are not nearly as for. midable as at firet they appoar, but vanish li thi proportion of the rosola- tien with whiah they are undertaken. Hlstory furnisheo ocountiese instalces of brave men and womesn who by heir unflinching penseverance surrnounted groat difficulties, the outocomo of which bu~ been lasting benefit to thein fellow beings for ani tirne. To thesesthe wonld owee a debt of gratitude. Genor- al Wolfe dsterminsd te take Quebeo anid i.n V t...fa of insurmountable difflulties-and took it. W. oses in- General Wolfe a refinement ef senti- ment ; EVuil that did flot inteufe with the disoharge of bis duty ln doing his utmost for hie country's sake. Joan of. Anc, viose bîstory .no oen ce d wlthout a feeling of oympathy, believed her mîielôn as'to liberate ber countzy. Bogardieu ofethe oppoiton and dis. cocuagment ahé roeîvd iem ai iied t9:ber dut'ys e"deaded the- Srmy. Uùe lsia.miuunpired her Wsn. otg $0frbu&k. Tek. foriwll 18 ~I trwo si~aq Yo se (o euhIbe are a8 practical Electric basing batteries bot ef 'lectricity ,l and cau be ap- y for the cure et SEASES from a variety of ld modes of treat- le a lbai of tuerve t be restored by 1 &Dy doctor Who ifs by an yklnd ef us practrce. Pro- s eau be Oured he, Owen Electrie Moat aasurediy do power that will tmely. nerve terce 1 vigor, and arouse ) lervouq svetem. .dicine irotratitî tn . - 1.eabe , . L I&U UL4 luiihv othor Ml( ( atab(,'ue ,.141 M~ diseuses, c ec. esworu ;b ef pe'ople wbJo vebcoeu cire(l, ePUbludjed tu glisfi, <lermo.o, wedish, and Nor- egan laognages, his valuable esta- gue wifl b. sent to y addrees on re- 'CTRIC I3ELT 10>. 1 Offly Fs-ctory. BldL llUA(< G LL Es:, blshmeot in 'Years YJs NO 'ER T FRIEqD- CANtADA. 'PIN G. -il Bosot Of grain In wanted. Lot 1. Whitby, tOwn- . WIIITE, Proptlcton. Loan t, accord1ng te ered. Whltb, Ifilanut "ee SCUGOO. Mn. P. Sweetman and seno disposed ef s- fine Veam et herses Vo tho buyers hast week, but eps-ce will net permit te, quote the pres. Mn. Netion Foster has'returned frem Vhs nerth viiene hs bs- been visiting hie father, vbo has been under ths dec- tqna' cars for some tinte pu-t, but ia nov on ths moud. Sorne of oun fiahermen have just ne- tunnet! frein Cross Creeke, whsns thsy have heen ms-king soins fiue bs-l, niau avers-geofe thirty base peu day. Guoe thons viilho neomors trouble ln gstting on ths voter's list nov, eh?2 The ce s lasolid yet, with Vhs oxcep. tion etfsa fsw air boiesansd s&round ths shores. Wild gesse are veny pleutiful this spni.ng. Mn. D. M. Jackson sud vite are ou a tip veat. W. oticesome of ths fs-ros have statd te plow. Thi s u aoM.hat iaVthanm lust par. lamons vansgre' gsttiig pretty nearly though outing lastyear s-V thsie. s4.B tosphon atià D, op have eagei h M.8 . ule for he auweL- Mr.. C.. Stephen»u i letVhsUi.k iat go tw ,'Sbleèoý-tQ8l u t frEZnVt~ pU~êUWt~~ A Ieaing- and Marveou - or (o City Educational Institution. those tisaire licta in .oui itoe.. lot us feel oGrmoWes hbonered, a$mia'.Set fIt thein the Most cmfortableo6aIr la tbe cosiest corners, vs them t1h. hobiorsti tlsce a te abeanti pickfo, thsén prm eOu ohtoesit plants, fully rteàmnu,,- the privilege will nof long ý be, mrdigd us. And lot the. ames ef the. tissudo. parted b. s"ken enderly ; let us int- tate heir virtues, but let thuir failinge sink forevenanto oblivion. The. bard times through whiob w. are now passing have dait many a levers blow frem whiob people are sniartlng. We have benu the petted children of proeperty In the past, Lot us Diow show to the would that the brave spirit which chauacterized onr forefathers je flot dead in us, only lying dormant awaiting the application of the match of resolution te arouse it in full force "like a mighty gant aroused frorn sleep," and when once aroused lot it noer more slurnber; but take action in faoing onr proeet financial diffioult- iee; then soon we will stand on a dif- foent bags and wonder w. had net eeen it in that ligbt before. To.day only je ours. Let us tae ad- vantage of what is within ontreroch Vo, niset onr preeent difficultios. When an opportunity presents iteoif whioh pro- mises te better onr condition accept it aithough it May net b. in keeping with our exalted ideas of on wonth, and if flot the meet dignified occupation dig. nify it by the. way yen handie I. Any calling is dignified if yen give full value for what you receive. It will meet ths present emergency, and be an oening to something botter. Many a lUe has been bhighted by setting the standard; ,la fnrlong whie he deeervinge were but a cubit. ' When yen pay a debt you will neyer ho asked whethen you earned the money sweoping the street or discoureing he lof ty traine of Han- del. Be proud Vo wean a ehabby ceat, ù after yen have donc the your boat yen can afford noe hoUer, The real world doe net judge yen by your cent, but lookse deeper for the principle with- in ; and, more, the. true world cares very little what yen wean. It fully realizes that raany a brave msan ha& been enveleped in a shabby ceat. No oes poor who bas a oheenfül, thankful spirit (which is largely a mat ter ef cuitivation). Those who de net (ail in with tuis sontiment. ehould try te cultivate it-nurse it and keep it warm. Yen will soon begm Vto (sel you live in a différent world, simply becanse you axre différent not he world. Den'V bis-me your heredity or surnoundinge. Yen are in ne way nesponaible for yeur here- dity, but you are responsible for the. in- fluence your surroundinge have upon yen. Yen have had renson, judgment, and decision given yen, and if hs pro- pet use be made ef themn they will steer your fi-ail barque pIt the pont tif difai. oulty into the harbon of victory os-ch and every time yen put your shonider te ths wheel. From whs-t yen read as woll as what comnes unden your porsonal observation let those who are res-dy Vo sink take courage. fS-y te yotirself W bat another bas dons 'los-n and wili do or at les-st lil do my beet. Yen will find yen s-ne ne laggs-rd in the race, and if yen do net cerne out first tuis ime it wull help yen te do se neit time. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND ANDI ITS GOOD WORK. The Sisters Cal it the Medici«ne ,'1 " Wonder-working1 and Strongly Recom- mend Its Use. No medicine in the wenld has ever earned or neceived the high and un- stinted Fraise Vhs-t has been justly se- onrded te Painees Ceiery Comnpound. Testimoniale (many of tbem of uncen- tain authenticity and questionable ver- acityý appean each week, s-dvocating the use of medicines, wonthiesa and of ne vslue te the eick a-nd suffening. Paine'e Celery oempound stands on s- summit of faine, far nsmoved from ail ths deceptive medicinos of Vhs day. Its lettoe of testimony oome item Vhs best people, sand (nom institutions whose namaes s-ns synonymous with honon and uprightness. Among hs largo and noted tustitu- tiens whese people have been, bleesed hy the. curing and healing virtues of Psine'e Celeny Compound, is the "C0on- vent of the Holy Namee,iu ths City of b4ontres-i. This thorough and mnagnificently equipped institution oetleoaringt ie amonget Vhe largest of hs kind ou this- continent, aud bas over thirty branoh 'I Mn. sud Mus. 8. Gerow have stauteti housokeeping sIl by themeselvos. OneofetVhe oldest pioneers et this =ovshpapmsed away lut eek in hs perso etRobert Hornen, s-t the ripe old sgeoef 94 yeaus. Udohe Houner vs hem Lunthe ysar oet1881. Ho ws s- fiend Vo ail, over ready Vo iend a helping baud Vo those in distreas on need. Glen Major. Tii. fih pond damears-n nov in full blast hors, snd ne doubt it viii be s- great beuifit Vo this town and ita surueundings. A. fs-t tesu of Mu. 11. A. Pauuett's, vhich had thseniiefoutu#e Vobreak oe et its fuent legs a few days ago, js e oevernug veuy veil.> .b Mu. F. Maynard sud Mua.. Maynad has just geV sebtled dovu 'inthoir nov houe, which:rho ha becs- prepsig sente Lime. Mn. H. Ms-yns-ud bs ne donbt make a comploesuàciu ofethie trusos. 0w. ing t, e scoxupieteness of Vhs article sud the ready sales ho vilsoou> bu obligeti te ezten4 hia ahop acresVhs next block. Cold in Vhs hes-t-Nasal Bain givea instant -relif; apssdilyecures, Neveu 'II vaut qnlck stsmp with boy on iV" vas a Chinasn'a vay et asaking for a specisi de- .lvuy stsmp. Thât nmrfuions Vt whists bas beau, lu youu bloot! for yers, viii b. expellot! by takleg Hood' arampar:01 e hsgrost blood purifer4 If thle satire ouxitry ers asP pilusa Rhoebeds lUnd Lt. Ilai-bIts eçdns ber 4,9 Zsejay's Live* Lesoge. dý noV woakeu Paelsy'wLiv. Lesnge.unthe boatblood bf là -Ï t ft fi 1t he à al- iiehsoe 1 'l houjscs in Canaa States. and the Uni ted Âftor a honeugb trial ef Paine'e Cele*y Compound in Vhs hsad hous, by sistora who eufteued from Vhs troubles- that ms-ko buman life miser- able, and seeiug Vhe truly grand reenîts -health, vigor, strength and etneng nerve-it vas deemed s-dviss-ble in Vhs intieresta of suffsning humanity, te make s- declaratien, Vhs-t vonld give comfont, assurance and hope Vo al ouf. fenere in Vhs land. Tii. aisters have kindly and graciously written as fol- lows : .4 efeel it a dnty Vo add ou testi- mes-y in fs-von et your "lwoudeu-weuk- ing" Paine's Celery Componnd. Ms-ny slaVons suffeuing item debility, dyepep- sa, eleeplesuoesud indigestion, havs been oompletely. relieved s-tou taking iii. "W. sha1l strengly recommend igs no in alour houss, as the bout medi-. pins te restore health, aud give tons, aud vigor Vo he nenvous systom." À Patron ledge 6a spoken et for Pair The body of Vhs late Samuel Timîju, ef Uduey, was Vs-heu Vo Bos-verton for burial.. Ms-pis Hill achool wu-s e-epeued hast week sitou being cioaod for seven vooks owing Vo sos-et foyer. 'Uptsqrnove chese factory la prepan- frg fou spring werk. The Kent ca.. A Visit Vo -the Workse ofVhs 'Biitise North Ameros-n Note Company. OTIrMÂ, April 8-A visit pad yestetday We the warka of the British North Aoeenffc,-, Bmnk Note EEinting Gonpn lu wbose eu- ploymsnt la Mr. G. H. K1nt, Vhsret o whoas reaovery frein Bigbt's -disaàbe vlla»l Its aecopanying hormiox-.ef avolea liâbg" convulsions,, ceoma, -sud feanfidl peins, bon beaunthecausesof so inueh"'lsouasiouinths -City, sbowlng that bolsstl1>în theeuloymsubt -ofth Vhehaltb which ho _b"sgained -by à judicionus e et Dodd'a Kidney POis. For -6 Mau Who ms-y beiîgîd te bave ha oue foot lnu the gmave, sud wbose, beaitble- despslrsd et. ho prssetsda -.rinaikableioture -ef. bealth itd iWour, sund pursu s bS olk 5t hs besvy pres výýiihout eny hIdication ef wearineas. -%s k ïloudt ii hlm praises eotVhs remedy vblc omet! bm. The steamer Nmdawac -ds t Halifax Sunday frinI.vopel, bro .l70 orpbau bois, dostinot er Wesern a àa, R k To hhadtai RoaitDryGoods Stores. CasIoris la Dr. Samuel Pltcbweç'8 4eson ,' and blidren. It contains neitl.oeOnltiip, other Narcotie substance. It 15 ,B L:aklmies for Paregorice, I)iops, Boothlng SYÉÙPp,»à,d-, It là Pleasant. /Jta guarautee la thrty . millions of motiiers. Oastonja4emroys-WOýÎI feverisbness. Castoris prevents vomltfng I9 cures Diarrhoea and WInd Colle. Castor teethiJug troubles, cures conslipaetoL-aU&n CasIoris asslixates the food, eg1ost and bowels, glvlng healthy a4ntr torts lis the Children'a Panaea-be-M@t 4Catmisla aunoient medlne for chl- duon. Kothm nha-ve nepeatodly Vold ne of ut. good effcaupeutbe& dbidren." Dî6i. (.t. Osox>, Lowel aU ~'Outoniakeoi I reeommsn&lVai kuewat nie." juDo. 01 Catoa th b edyforhd1euof "OUtr whfrh 1a= acquatd& Ihfflethe daylsIoV mnz"e fwdtstant woumetb.etwlonsidOutb.êrsBi A e~u Infiutof thlnrcbildren, anu m Ca*onin. siIh sdeoftt1xuaiouqumck ao; oMmwhIcha@ madsl decgbutbtelved uosbyfereingIuLum, pro0fotIW,: morpbime, soedt sg yrup and othen bunf n m111 eo agents dovmamVhefr th, Umryalg voao a= mto viematurs grave&r Testimony of the Highest Possible, Character.

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