-PZP&ED Bt- fr--u. WIL Li18# Ohemi8t à Dru ggist, Medical Hall, Street, - WIhitby. YRIÂYAPRIL 19, 1895 short Notes. Severat farmers have sold stables of cat- tie 'during the past week for $,5soper hunidred l,.e weight, whlle hogs of the rlgbt welght are belag picked up at $5 per hutndred' live weigbt. Prices are raising raepidly, and promise to go even higher, o-tliough we would seli now if we had live 'Stock to dispose of. rbe farmer who bolds on at a time hike this, when prices have taken sucli a juinp, sbould bear in mind tbaat there may b. quite as sudden a faIL Things of rnushroorn growth usuafly decay qulte as q(ulckIy. One point might be em- phaalzed right here. The CHILONicLE has 'advocated the breeding of live stock, even lu Urnes when prices were low, believing tbat juse such a Urne as this would certain- ly cre, Pe6ple can neyer make a mis- tX a the long rua by breeding and feed- loornoe live stock. The 'United States governmnent has a strange ides of international bu:biness. According.to the stipulations of the Paris arlltrâtlon it wus ordered tha~t the Amei- eum 1 psy the damiages caused by their ini- tcrferen-ce with Canadian sealers on the bigh atms. This damage was computed at 425.,ooo, and though agreed to and ne- commended for payment by the Presi- d=it, Congress refusedl to pay the amount. The coolness of our Yankee cousins has "ne been demonstnated. Notwithstand- inthe d that they have refused to pay the sum agreed upon as damages, 'but tbey1 have asked that more stiingent rgulations be made in- their favor tan the a rie tribunal suggested. And they prétend to be-out of patience because the SrItishgoverument has not answered -.thir 1ýtters on this question, the home oyý nent having no doubt determimed 7ta tan honorable raification of the .Iastbargain before making another. Wé would suggest to License Inspector - é*rguson the advisability and pnopriety of refunding to Hoteikeeper Brooks, -P>ort Ferry, hie fine of $40 and costs for a - second ôffence against the Liquor L;icense Act, by selling bndge âfte?' hours Upon gummoning the frequenters of Brooks' bbotel on Monday last for drinking liquor ",'i hie bar durlng forbidden hours, it tran- a fred tbat "nobody got nothing" to 9ik e and that Brooks and his wine clenk locked the bar promptly at closing hours, qýud- hortly' afterwards netired to bed. Whn Hon. Ben. McQuay used to keep thec sarne hotel during Scott Act times, he ~heprfcsedtokeep a temperance house, Sta tiis dayno evdence was ever pro- 4uoed4encour to show that the profès- siom *were vlolsted., Now # turas out taï ne more immaculate than Uic Hou. heba succeeded him for Mr. Brooks ),hast ave admlteà an offelice in- 102=v1g aboiaut $ý6 of a penalty, méei in o«der to shiow there le no liard feeling, -'Whist conselous of hie utter innocence. Such an scconuuodaticug spirit deserves te, utinoot consideration, and for this tqsoon wc have, aftar natnre thought and mucb prayer, ýconciuded to suggest to IlÉ ' peto1rerguéon to radress the severe et shpsMn.Brooks -bas so ineekly ý»,oDC» Fou rbye-clections were held on Wed- neuday for ecats IlaheUic ouse of Commrons of %Çmada. tu Haldirnand Hon. Dr-. lias tsnappoluteti Secnetay cf a e uohlis i-dura for re-elecîlon siby Ma- Jsffey mcCartby, lu lJIOfwà ïd as -a supporter cf MUr. ce iccarthyd-.-Montagne-,vas elect- 7 a aority. je -Vencheres, Que- t! kpffion, Libéral, vas 'electedttP. eodred vacà at (ay thedeaili cf Mon. 'oThos. Me<revy, v ho m led fi-cm narlilment W coir-n-tO gather b statontont ctao1o but b. re- gared s >;ety stisactrtone and re- ofMi tT.Hhe iinUcâlase. 'The baukflog fadlfitles extended otêarl dlatrlcts uhete 'the, batiklias agenclesl evidently fufly appreclated by the public1, judgn front he stadily lncreaslng pat- ronage aud confidence-w bithe bank en- i.pys.- W. wlsli the Institution continueti Mr-. Robt. Holden put lua Good Frlday at home. Mn. Geo. Stiargess,- Toronto, was home for easter. Mr-. J. I. Davidsen, Balsam, was ln town on Saturday hast. Mrs. Groasand Mr-. G. E. Gi-osa have spent liai weck a: Niagara. Miss Ruth Hastings, Toi-osto, speut esster with relatives la town. Miss Ethel Leecli, Toronto, la vlslîlng relatives bei-e at the Royal Hotel. Mr-. sud Mrs. Thos. Sturgesa, Toronto, spent caster wltb relatives lu îown. Mi-. Harvey Germas and Mi-. WilEon, Parkdale, spent Good Friday In Wbitby.. Miss Bogg, Toi-osto, bas bien the guest of Miss S. Patterson for past îwo wceks. Mrs. Jno. Robinson, Toi-osto, was in town this week. She reports ail thinga weil. Miss Gracie--Wood, of this Iown, spent the easter vacation vasiting relatives in Lindsay. Misses Jessie andi Myrtle Wakely, Port Perry, spent easter bere witb their sister, Mrs. S. H. Graharn. Miss Elma Wood, Hailton, is spending the caster holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barnard, of tbis tova. Messr-s. Chas. Nourse andi Chas. Mac- donald, of Bank ef Commerce, Toronto, spent eastcr Monday an town. Mr. Guy Dartnell, Dominion Bank, To- i-osto, arriveti home on Thursday lat te spenti a three weeks holîdays. Mr. Clarenca Burnbam, Edison eiectric works, Peterboro, is spending bis easter vacation výith bis parents bei-e. Mai. Watson anti Miss Watson, Toron- te, bave becs in tovn this week, visiting relatives anti frientis and ti-ansacting busi- ness. 1 Mi-. Wm. Meen, Toi-osto, droppeti in on us on Tuesday belore returning te the city, aftci- spending the caster hoiidays ai borne. Miss Clara Warren returned frein col- lege last week, and is spending the Easter vacation withblber parents, Mr-. and Mrs. Dr. Warren.1 Mi-. N. H. McGitlivray vent te Toi-ente on Tuesday te take up has law studies wath Mi-. Jno. A. McGilliviiy, supreme secretai-y of the Inatependent Order of Foi-esters. In the fall be viii take te the university. Mr. R. S. Hamilton, B.A., Galt, spent casIer bei-e amnong bis many frientis. Contrai-y te our decideti expectations, a bard vinter andi the wear anti tear of mai-- ied life have vrittes no wrink les on bis noble brow. Mr-. N. C. Brown, Uxbridge, bas been in town Ibis week visiting Mi-. Sherman Brown, bis father. Wbilst bei-e Mr-. Brown attended the regular meeting of the Young Conservatives on Wednesday nigiat and delivereti an atidresa te the members. Mi-. W. C. Micheil, B.A., Bisbop Ridley Coitege, St. Catherines, arriveti is Wbitby on Tbui-sday Iast, and extended ilbs visit tili Monday. lie vears the saine broati smile as of yore, and met as bearty a greet- ing as oui- tewnspeople knew boy te give an olti frienti. . lr. C. A. Consers visiteti Guelpb on Monday le interview a gentleman wbo bas recentiy returneti frorn South Afiica, whitbcr Mi-. Cossera expects te go sbertly. The Guelph man expresseti the opinion that Africa is a vei-y premiaing ceuntry for a young mn of cnergy, sucb as Mi-. Conuors, but ativisçet bim te enter the BLACESTOCE. Dr. Stewart from Tecswater is spentiing fcw tisys vitb bis friend' Dr. -McKibbon. Messrs. E. Downey, W.-.Aie drat V.- Besnock frein Bowniauvile have bien -aling on (alentis ins Cantwigbl, Dr. Fish bas very tboroaûghiy nenovateti be' intenlor of bies fiile reatience. Geo. ýatte-son cf Port Perry tit the verk. Mn. Talbot Evans calet foi- Mn. Kins- ian.. Fi-day ant tek Mm down te elver- on ta eh, pè sone thorough-bred stock. Ma,. Fred1 Richiai-dson horse bayer, gave mr-village s a '1 thunsday.- Sente mnag- iicentilooking hbrsfl vere offeret i hm. Wsë cosagr atulite Blackstock anti vicia- tpýou nowv ivloga gÀadiacf ta. iaw nSq ulre Taylor- ntDoefot, shiikfrona loing bie duty. Siagar maklng is net cariieti on very cx-ý »Sively In Uis vidn!ty. :ThéeruO of -tae mp 4m is ot UieW to b. auch gpester tan, the run of. sone of-- thevllboys Dr. Fial on hcarlng of Mr. à rIwht ' a discliarge drewap a Pétition and circlâ*t- cd It himif asking he C. P. R. authori-.. dècs to rconslder -Uùi cà ansd -if podible relnstate-Mr. Cartwnlght. Wbeu your cor- respoadent 58w thé pétition It Waà slgnc4, by nearly ail dtae izens of l~8o~ Mns. Mmyq whcô bas bin atacced, by -- flammatlon cf a serous -n'tume bas almoot re-; covered, and la aow out cf danger. Ot padagoge spmnt caster holtdays st bis home liniEnfleld. Chas. Mackcy hoiidayed under the parental roof. Both resumed work on Tuesday morning at the usual hour. Revý ,eno. Hlaruis took isptoa work on Sabbath but las ot fullj rrdfrombis laie illneas. Rev. Elliot la also better and at present la st Cobourg writlng on bis Sii exam. We wish hlm suocess. 1 Mr. Hugh Mowbray, who bas been under the Dr's care for sornie Weeks past, bas almost fully recuvered. It was tearcd at one tirne his sackness was tinto, death, but bis rnany friends are rejoiccd te know he bas survived, and Is almost hirnacif again. Most of the fai-mers around bers have dis- posed of their beef cattle, and frorn the pi-e- sent look out ait oo low a figure. Sorne sLlhl hold on asking for more remunerative prîces. We are pleased to sec a ltulle change for the better, catie and herses both ieoking up soea what. Frankie Wells bas been andi gone and done it at last. He is now living witb a lady he oeils bis ows. Having taken ample trne for consideration we are sure ha has made no mis- take in his cboioe. We extend our best wuahes to Mr. and Mis. Wells for a happy andi pros- peroits future. Froin every appearance this is goisg to be a squaiiy seasos in the neighborhoed of Aber. deen Corners and a litte north. Tommy Richardson's wife presented hium with a bounc- ing fine girl baby a few èvening's since. The chîlti is already possessed of a nick naine, be- ing called Niagara. Mr. Sadier is now rejoicisg over the fact that he classifies among the papa's 0f the sine- teenth century. His wife Preseîîted Williamn with a handsome little girl a kew tiys ago. We trust the fi-at borni of this Sadier family may 'ive te be a hright and shising light to delight the housebold of future years. The farnera are anxiously looking for spring-like weather, being in readiness t , V- tend te the distribution of the seed for aso, her season's crop. We bave beard i remuarked if you wait [or a good day 1; neyer (ails te corne, andi when we consader we are prorniseti by the ailwise creator hiinseU, seedti lme andi harvest, winter andi summer, we need not (car only holti ourselves in readîness. A very pleasant gathering assembled ti ithe residenS~ of Mr. Royal Rogers on Friday even- ing last anti spent a very pleasant evening. This was net a surprise party, but ail were in- vixeti guests. Ibis kind of gatberings sbould tend te make society more sociable, and more aflectionat». We would be osly too glati te attend a few such pleasant gatberings, shoulti we be fortunate esougb te secure an invitation. Mr. John Pallister's residence was a fcw evenings ago the scene of mucb joviality. A goodly sumber of the youngsters assernbled 10, greet John and bis gooti wife anti spesd a pleasant night with tbern. 'Now, we dare scaroely i-aise our feehie utterances againsuthis enjoymnent our young folks participated in frein lime t0 lime, but one objection we will mention. It is that young girls and boys frein 12 to 15 years of age have ne rigbt te ramais eut titi foui and flve o'clock in the mornîng. C. 1. Stevenson, accompanied by Chas.' Mackey, visiteti their oId frienti, Mr. Walter, Thoma of Duintstnon, on Stinday hast, who hà 4 ben suffening for saine lime pasi from a scv- ere attack of inflammation of thc lugs. Tbey report hum as being in a precarieus condition, but witb hopes of hia recevery. Walter bas rnanyanxrious frientis in this vicinity, who art- anxiously bookisg forward for his_ speedy i-e- cvry. Hi bas lately passed bis final exarns. in thc medical profession and is ai present. classed among the professional M. D'a. 1: will afford us mucb pleasure -b give more fav- orable news -n a few tisys. TOWN LIS£. Fi-ega and suckers have ai-nove. Mrs. Sylvester Mackey is visiting friends in Toi-ente. The prevailing opinion was that womnan Up your yard. Mi-. o. Bell bas rente thet McKsy farmu near Pickering containing 2oo acres. Mn. Bell wfl ne doubt have plenîy of labor this year. Everbody began sprng work on Mon- day but found Ibc soii rather damp. Oui- poat master says be will be tbrough seed-, in a, few tisys. 1There li been a great rush for fiah this week but tew bave been cauglit. Some., liowever, d caim they can get tbem, but prefer belnt alose while catcblini, Os ;Monday cveuiug s meeting vas a-l çd for the purpoe ofxe-organiziagafot bil club. The turnoul vas flot large, but- a 4uffidieût number tb fo6rr 'a -quortum. TIaê lohiowlng 'were electeà d a -u>foi-n -flou. Pres. J. D. FAgor, M.P.,"Hon., Vice. Pres. R obt. Milien, Esq.; presde,.Mr- 'Simon lrvinir et.rs 1 .IIAi ii Mon': fi~ FOR +eAt .EA S TER Anid ew me i B-UYING Ross'. e- Ladies' Cashmere IHose, only 20 cents per pair. Ladies' Corsets, only 25 cents per pair. Men's Braces, 2 pair for 25 cents. Men's Flannelette Shirts, 22 cents. each. Factory Cotton, 1 yard wide, for 7c., worth 9c. di 49 dé id 8c.t , 100. 'White di""dé 80., di 9c. 9. fi id fi 10e., (extra value. Api-on Gingham, 88 inehes wide, 124e. per yard. ASnap...n DRESS GOODS worth 25c., 30c. and 35c. for 150 per yard to tdear.- P. S.,Just Received a new lot of Plain and Striped -hambrays, Brocade, Sateens, Flannelettes, -Mll marked at hard-pan prices. SPEEJAL C~i1Iro~ s, Taiuif For this Seasuu's Trade we have made a very extensive purchase of Clouhing which i.s 10W to hand and which we purpose to seil at very close prices. These goods are equal to the best custom made ç,ooclR an-d at about haif -the price. Note a TENEW DRY GOOS Pùzblic otios TO SHA REHOLDERS A special genci-al meetini ef thc shane- boîtiers cf the Onitaio Ladies' Coliege will be helit Éte library of the, college. building, a thIe lova of Whitby là ' the cunty of Ontario on Tùestiay thé,2i- day oi Apnil î895, at the heur Of 3 o'cic la the aftrnuooa cof thasl day, for the pur- pose cf sanctoning anti confirming'a by- law passsd by thc dinectors cftbbc aad' Ontarie Ladies> College te inci- ease lte capital stock of* the sald company te th. sain of one hundreti thousanti doll a, li on. -tbousand'sbares cf une liandned do>- la- dacatif' sue-h othier business as. )nyb rugt before salti meeting. By, Order, - H. B. TAYLOR, - -Secretany, -J. J. O'CON-NO.R - G~ued~ BIaoIoeinftIh Zephyrs, New Prints, Dress Trimmoings, Etc. ROS- SAL .El ~aady*maù iiilu. few ýov- ourprices: Children's 2 -pc'd Suite, (Coat and Knicker Pants) Woocl Sergeè at $2.0, $2.65, $3.00, $3.50, $3.75, $4.00 ana $4, 5o. Boys' Knicker Suits, 29 to 32, from $2.55 to $4.50. 27 to 82, (eoat, vest ana pants)-,from $4.50 fiâ$8 Youths' Suits, - 88 te 85, from $4.50 te $8.00. Men's Suits from - $5.00, $8.00, $7.00, $8.00, $8.7-6 9, 1 Boys' Knicker Pants for 75c. Men's Wool Pants, good qnality ana well made, for $l.25.- Men's Oolored Worsted Pantsa for $3.90. Men's Black Worsted Ponts for $8.75. STORE. W. E. WÂUU KEEP YOUR FEET DRYý If you catch cold- now hang on ail Summer. W'EAI GRA NB Y R.UBiBEIS. - itwl Theyare lthe best Perfec6t in Style,1 TH~JY CLLJTHJNG Sm