y q "Hitp me -,iqu"kIhopm :,Pomti l.ikoft Brook, siug or"d tIboy tIa resoluion ied been pmssedby. "Dou'îknow 'bout dit," va the li.Broço efdl lo-tithe tltailte,: col .iy 'wo s e' nyo.'" sinrtteun ointa!>in acomis I--malt ll~ai3~ue~I' i RDUApponlutdyReaoto make a ad Oulemnte r. wt ,k ed on Thobsutoe lii. Ãœ wlhý'townlineOfBe ~mé iut Ppp iDYSEIEgOVOr tt b" dowit__theoa ""d' .V k i- * oît am 9-O-L ciboe agawh.n soou fiid it ;;1 &1atbo*e' he icboy did 6 kld crne-.tQabot waýy, Of lb. not k now it, tbe,à ieéc>Jlad béen cern. OU!t*~. IlIb Waaiul.xxt5i Sotrèit pelled te land on tho. aame aýia 'f the log*tr* QB4fIIaora&bad sapie *t'etorm whichhob.boa cnteto I Il Are you a ruà -&wayV -Thoinas tUiiaer ordhary oiroumetmnoes thie fccbly demandeas sema as hocoula' woula bave )*eu a rlehap Of shght ins- ap.k CI..1I portance to & boy of T hornas Ladds "Y6as drawled the nègre, disposition. ~ ea expert swim- f"Whom do you belong toP' mer- andquit. eed W Ã1h.e Xgenciee cf '"Gin'! R> b'buIl rivet lit. ; but, unfortunately, when thb. "Whati did yen rua ocg for r, moinieut of ollision wIth lthe drifting "'Qcauso,stfaid lte black gloomily. log oamoe .wuatpding uprigiml in thme The boy wus to ee.bls 'te pre hie pirogue, trylng to push another threat- inquiries further ; hie atrm ached atro. e*ing obstacle ont cf the way. The ciously, and ho was ohlflo d soare to suddea luxait fiung hiin hoadlong, and thme centre of ovory bonc i hie framo. bit rigitt Ium wue brokon by failing Now, it turned ocul that the blood- meois lte log, aud soeutna off hi.selof- hoanda did net fihzd the. track Ragin ocotrolby pain, sud with but cne arm that day, whicit was tho fauit cf Gen. tw swim *llâtho h.care noar drowning Rtayburn's oversoor, -wite, conluding fortwîtji. The mnddy waves were roi- titat Peter, that wue the - negrc'e naine, lin, higit, hieh madle il very difflonît had croased the ovcrflow stroam, Look at ia #o e kp from strangligg, aud te doge 0,cr -te the other aide, whcre te, flostlng loge and fragments cf a long and, vain searcit up aud down bo ýa aaëdgrealy te the moments was macle until dsrknees forced titei l>luk nverfai tesho iteLf ho- ~antime- Col. Ladd and bis large ever, snd lte boy wua pincky te a fanît. force cf slavse were scouring thme coun- Afttor1h. firet shook cf surprise and try in every direction in an aIment pain, Thomas got his head above water, helpiess search for Thomas, and iL so and fanding limat ho oould net trust to came te pans that Usybur' overseor his one atm in swimmidng amid snob and hie bloodimounda were et length itinlances, la hold cf the first fiCit- joined by theéColcnel juat before they ing thing that came noar him. This came upon poor Peter, istili faititfully proved te b. a piece cf sawn timber, a watchiug beaido Lime suffering boy. Leam from some building destroyed by- This was about 10 cf th. dlock in the thme raging Stream, and cf BsAfflient morning cf Lime second day. The sky aize te béat up bis wigbt. had cleared ; the sun shone ; warm aud What alarrned him moast after hie sweet breathed theecutheru air Lhrougb firat thrill was over, aâd lho was suffi, inoss-hung cypresa wood, sud te add a ciently to immelf te consider the whole spring-tirne tetici, a mocking bird sang bearing of bis miek'rtnne, was the fact its firet Maroh song in the thickeyon a limaI ngbt, moonlese and oloudy, al- bit cf hummock. ready bogan teosaIt a gloom over thme Col. Ladd clasped his sonsterOMped expanse of water beîwoen the funereal and shivering form. te bis breant.Th walle cf forest on cither swampy bank. overseer rudely oollared Peter. Ho shonted for help, without the loaI "My dear boy," almosl sobbed thme oxpeelalion cf being heard. Eà fath- father. crsa plantation bouse vas two miles ",Father," weakly pleaded Thomas, away, - sud besides ne voice could b. "tyou musîn'tlelt him whip Lthe negro, beard ver y fer above the tumnlt of the ho saved M; lif."' wsvos and tho roar cf a slrong wind in Aiready Petr was ied to a troc. Lime woodo. 1"1You thieving black scamp," growled Thesé were days whon tiere wu8 the overseer. "l'Il wiale every -inch danger of no ligim sort i n going alone cf your body," and the lash was huxagry and unarmed in the wild forest. Eiven for hie back, wben Col. Ladd inlerfer- if Thomas Ladd enocecdod in resohing ed. Thomas had with difficlty teld lime shore a wolf, a bear, or a pantiter bis story. mighî t b t im ers. He ha&dWited The end cf iLail wau that Col. Ladd far below lime plantation isndiug, aud bonght Peter, paying $1,150 in ceuh te bis canoe turned ovér. Bill ho c11111 Gen. Rayburn for iim, which wus 30 to thme beamt and ncw and &gain yeiled per cent. more titan bis market value rigimt lustiiy for help, sasho went np and iu New Orleaus aI that ime. dcwn with te rapid rol cf the waves And Peter was given as s birthdsy and plnnged on sud on &long the car- preent tw Thomua . So began Lhe inti- rent's central lino. Night feUl with aà mate compauiousitip cf te twe. Wheu fine fog-like tain Ihat added te lheak-ite war came snd went, leaving al cf nom, and lime boyse voie. beemfe thte negreos free, Peter refuaed to have btoudle ;hie hart aMDlhrobbed snd. hie liberty. Thoman Ladd dccl in sbotfains inte bieSuhoulder sud nock ; 1892, but Peter is stili alive aua frein méantiame ho lest aIl reckoun'mg 6 eist slis hdthtrue story. tance or direction. " hsait, boss," b. said te me lu Olfiging le lime piece cf limbet was conclusion, "Mars Thomas wua alus ne easy "el, for ilt ocked sud tambled mighty good te dis poor ole niggah, au' and juoeds bemng lit ted sud lot fail by w'en 'ho died ho gî'me dis yer plaula- te irreulr action of 1he wavcs. Bie lion an' flue mules. Wat I lub hi. de unnjrdd atm beesmo numb sud bis Mes' fot ? W'y cause ho keep dat bYoin th wIvater wM schiled. Every 'ferual oie overseer froin s whirpiu' moent scemed lime lunt; ho wasn de- me, dat'e val 1"1 spir ; but a native stran cf cembasivo _________ nus sustainéd hlm sund kopî itim cing. ngdespeately sud ealliug as londly as Reach Oou.udil. his tired tbroat would lot hlm whie et eroglar intervals, sud alWays unex- Tbe regular meeting of the above peeted, his esad went under water sud council was held aettthe tewn bail, heimadeite hld hie breati toL keep krm Manchester, ou Monday last. An slrangling. members proseul. Minutes cf former Il was pitch cark ; drift weod beal meting-read sud approved. jabot) :-mri - ww. -rd u é*ý alesu.#1.7 M.D. cenaido 10 yad'atitnq , 1day, *0.2Ëlz Ddward Boe, 4 days, 08; i E. Nev. ton, 8 aysi, *9 ;,G. Wood, 6 Aye, 64 ; Mr. Bd. Wilîame, 6 daysi 48-76 ; Mr- Blias Willams, 7 dayst 65-26 ; Mr. W. :ighf;ilaye, 98.25. Aplcation Was tesd from lit. John Ifoekin aeking le b. sppointed oper- aloi cf ime newroad «machine. On motion eoflMt. 8tepmen U 987 wus ordor o te hopaid w litr. W. H. Bryant, being one-hiaif bisçlaim for 12& dayse soveuling suow, on Brook road, cons. 1 and 2. On motion cf Mr. Lamb, $2.50 wss ordered te ho paid le Solomon SolletI, in snswert letlie prayer cf Mr. Wm. Ward sud 28 others, proviclod Whitby Townshmip grant a like amnount. Ou motion of Mrt. Weir, lime lerk wus inatrnoted tLe repiy te lthe clark cf Brook regarding te reecintion pansed by Brook council, re setulement cf Beacha dcaim for exponditure on lime towu lino in 010055 of Lime amonut ox- pended by Brook, Le thé effect thal Reacm desires a setlement cf its daima at lhe oarliosî cpportnnity. On motion the cetnoli sdjourned. TOUWLZIN. (Crowded out lasi issue.) The P. cf I. lodge bore reated thein- selves Le taffy on Thursday evening. Assessor Balfour bas been going Lime rounds of Ibis section titis week. Birtit-In Toronto, on 28thuit., time wife of Mr. J. H. McGregor, cf a daugiter. The sale of te stock sud implamenta beionging te Lime late Jno. McCuliough, was vl atteuded sud the prices paid vere fair. Mr. Luke aise soid some cattie, ho iaving given up te ides cf farming. Mr. Uuderhill, brother cf Mr. Jas. Underitili, cf Brooklil, han leansed the Armitage tarin frein RosaBrou., sud han taken possession. We veicomne Mr. Undermili te eour eigiborhoed. Mr. Emmett atteuded Lime convoca- in meeting aI Torouteou Thurasy last, te useo bis sou George receive hie degrrees, D.D.S., sud L.D.D. George'u mauy frieuds ber. are ploanod Le iear cf hie suoenss. We are iuformed Lia 'tvo cf out citizen. are about te enter te toile of lime law. W. beg te, remind lte. titat lav is anu ncertain sud expeusive cern- modity sud caunot b. procured at Pat- rons' pricos. Mrs. 0C F. Mfllard, vite basbeen viiting her parents, cf titis place sa returnod te ber home at Newmakt Bi. P. R. Hoover, vihanh been very ill for lime pant few weeku, is quit. convalescent. For a long ime Liera ban been some boys coming te te Endeavor Society witb the intention cf kicking up a racket, but ou Thursday night they vont a UîtIle te, far, sud I vould like te vantem kindiy, that te law is very strict lna case cf titis kind. Mir. sud Mirs. W.. Rarton sud family, of titis place, have moved away frein our midel, but we hope that iuntte near future vo msy have te. vitb us again. The steamer La » Gascogne, from Havre te New York, brougb 1,440,000 france for Cuba. Hind' -omnt Cures Colds, etc..- Condonsa rate of taxation ha. been fixed at 20 9-1Omille on the dollar. iPUPues UI Itohing Puesu. gySwPToM-Moisture ; intense itchlng and tinging_; most at niMht ; worsc by sor&tcbhug. If allowed to continue tumors forin. whic1à cf ten bleed a&0 ulcerate becominq very sors. SwayNEe Oisum stops, the ttching and and bleeding, tisais ulceration, and lin oat cases removes the tumors.» At druggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayée & son, Philadeiphia. Lyman Bons & Ço., Mon- treal, Wo1esse Agents. ood L~. '4111 ~ .1 Bîreaok ft., WlbYu .rly-oOCUpted b NoyaiBell, i ootpwnit. to bn 11erii ofd dalfrhôw -sad b wbî Meme4SaI win cured& Huedendabà ve - cu«e& "thon My ad. ý- oeuts.nothlng ta ln=u whet i pald han- ,rdêof .1dollars te Sund ,eut, -Address cenf- dentsiuy and enclose stam If convenlent, Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. Mr. George ]Betta cf1(Chatham blow bis braine ent vith a gKuvimile Ienmporarily lu. r Pc are lime remodien vimos. benefiolal qualities sud rosi merlinhbave made theminse popular vjtb lthe public, sud lnor.ancd from, ycar to e yart Liir cennumption, wiih vilat ponsosng lime Mont valnable remed@a proportion, are Yat go simple lunLielr coin- r Dnd. sud noe eay te take, an The Qui nine Ine, prepared by Northrop & Lymnuof Toronto. Tisi article le prepared.from lthe D ure Suiphate cf Quinine, oombiued vitb n le Sherry Wine, sud ohoice atomatice, vimicti relleven Lime Quinine cf ils bitter taste, and dees net impair lunlthe lsast degre. 1h. effloacy cf ils action upon Lhe patient; w hile small dose. trequently repeated, ettengthen thme pulse, inorean e muscular force, an d le - vigorate th tons of tbe nervoui systm, sud limas , by lthe goneral vigor wvhieh il ijnparts, croates an appetile, vbich Rives toLthe sIc,- acm tons sud euergy, aud forti fies thme sys- teni agant aIl infections diseases. Ask for Nortbrop & Lyman'a Quinine Wine ; sold by aIl druggiste. Engineer Fart cf Winnipeg han heen arrested on a charge of asuompting tb bure time houa. in vhicb bis vifs snd oidren were sleeping. Ove Theom A Chance!1 Thal 1. Le a»Y your luege. Aise al your breathiug maohinery. Very vouderful ma- oiinery il l. Net only the larger air-pas- sages, but lime th onaand of littie tubes sud cavities leading from timem. Wbeu Ibese are clo gged sud cimeked vitm malter vhich oughI net te be timers, your lugs osunoîbaif dthIeir vork, And vimat thy do, lhey caunot do sell. CaU il oold. oougm, croup, pheumonia calarrh, consumpticu or any of lime family cf Lhrcat and noge sud hcad and lung oh- structionail are bad. AU ougimt 10 be gel rid of. hiero la justloeesure vay le gel rid cf then. That la le takre Boscimeels German Syrup, vich auy druggiat wyul sel yen at 75 cents a belîle. Even if every- tiig ciao iad failed yen, yen niay depcud upon Ibis for certain Farr,,lime engineer arrested at Wiunipeg ou a cbarge cf îrying to bure up his dvelling aud family, escaped fremthie police station. SICK HEADACHE sud Constipation arc promptly cnred by Burdock Pilla. Easy te take, auto ln efleot. Saoob Rock, an elderly resident cf. Port Elgin, vas fetnd dead, ianging bo a boa, lu his barn. WhSe Baby wmnlick, vo gave ber Cantons. when nhe wva Chhlld, o5h. crted folrCalr. Wbecm»neMlnte. lung to Cauotsa. Wbon abce Laà dre, e gsetsm CaasIon GOAL ! GOA L I' The underaigned lias juet re- ceived a large quantity of Fmri Clan Coal direct from the mines, and is pre- pared to ftunish ail sizes, dry and dlean, including neyerai hundred tons of the OCLEBRÂTED NO. 49 a mont popular size between S(ove and Chesnut. US.Leave:your order at once and get very lowest quotation. Terms Cash. H. B. TAYLO-R$ Office liowse-s B Io& Wbitby. JulY zath, z84. Drs. WarrenLt Mooe. J. J. Moere, M. D.» P. Warren, D 1 rouo. .ain . Ofc Mb sY . tOule .m. toIp S. ,eibrk JeM ct. 8; Olerk5n.4MÃM -;July 9; f'or;Pm~3 W.,, Bmbm Port Prm, *<3lerhjý-09. marc-h iy 9; Clerk-Jan80r184 UsY lfit; jDy 12; Oct Il; Iu.17. Jan. 81; Maroh 1é; à Msy16 ily 1;Ot 15; Dcc. 18. BBÂvETomEI-Geo PBuc, Yvrt Clerk-Maroh 16;Myl;Ot 16; Dec, ()Ierl,-M 1 rch 16; Msy 18;)Ot.1?; Dec 20. Qlerk of the Peace. October 151h, 1894. Nov Liviry:ad,.sStbe DAVID OlIMISTON, B.3-A-, Âttorncy-atý-Lâw, SolloailuinCbsMUcsYO Cenvejanoor, etc. olfce-uin te-Oie south oethlie, Post Office, ii MoÃŽmUi"5w Bicoh, Brook Shtet#hlbY. G. oTYNG Sm 1IH. LL. fl7., ilarristor etc -Money te Lo a3i. Iseze cf -Marro lcenues. Office - ESfimlh's BlcSoub cf Market, B7 ochSt., Wlmtby DOW & Mc(iLJ4IVBAY, BarrisLors, Soliiors lu Cbancery, etc. Office in Maliison & Htawken's nov block Brook St., W hitby, south cf Ontario banh. D. P. BOGÂRT, ff.D., L.D.B. Physicaa, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Besideuce next to Ail Saintsa Cburch, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail ils branches promît- iy alteuded to. W. E. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. Oouuty Survoyer sud Drainsge Engineer, Port F erry, Ont. A. A POST, Archilecî laIe with Langley, Lsugiey Burke, ]!orontc. Designs for Chutceos, Villas sud Cottages a specialty. Draw- luge prepared for remodeiing existing structures, Office-Firsl fiat over W.RW Hovwse's ding store. tà P O Box 202, Whitby. WN. CÂLVERLEY, HARNESs AR, WHITBY. Having moved int our nov promnises we are prepared te extend the range 61 business. All work pertaininq te te bar- uess-making sud saddiery business viiibo doue tb satisfactiou. Collars a speciaity. Gall sud ueo my shop sud stock. W. OALVERLEY, Second deor vest cf old ubop. Dundas Street, Wbitby. FOR BALE OR TO RENT. New bouse, 8 rooms ; % acre cf garden, veil fenced. Good iocality on Front street in- Soutb Ward. Apply te, B. WORFORK, ou the adjoiuing lot, or aI the CERONicLE office. Wimitimy, Marcm 7tm, '94. 0f Bowmanville, intends ' y s fcrtnigbt, te coilecI cl10hm clean or dye. Garments-Iwi look as-good as nov. 1If'Lbi viii net charge for_ y tl MY cage un $1. i$ for c pressing a suitof cîtbng; S.. ,vereboats 4eià ed w dyed for $i. -Fen ienu bats 25cT.. c Bovrmvke,ulýy 20, x8gg LI'-E71 'ST onDC6 Manu±tiies Ineuraiuce ontlite continient. N-Iui et-F &coiiinnamons e ül u'plus à ietui pclicy holdoraAi laa areP'» délaY or disoacut ou':p-- of of- _malurlty cf ndownt Cor. Kizig Yong. Bt.- For tb.enoxl tht,. mo.nhi-1 mueMI attention-tIA ipatîente fi r-lou-t ingan&3i - A8K Dundas St., 'W. ty, J. T. NEWPORT9 Proprieto? Commercial men iboral1ydeaft.wt1 Teaming done at reasonable priCeo Fieight sudl Bagffle hailed ai res able priceo. AÀeaU ohlcited. MACHINIT, WMMTY, Hlan opened a Repair Shop- inconuectie wfth the Cooper Shop lately carried on bY bis father, opposite Ail Sainte, Ghuirch, and will do ali indi of Re maiing. ,Sewing lMa- chines a specialty. awn Mw.r, Bicy- cles, Pirearma,- Lochs, Seules, Clcthes Wringers, Washing Machiùoips,--&o, -Saw Filin. kate,SciesrbM Xflies, Clip1e c.shpened and repaited; AU km sa cf Cooper W&khmadle and- repaired Bb Sop oppolaite Ail Saints' <Jhurch, Dundlas Street, Whitby 1H08. PEAT I f ~ j v