Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1895, p. 5

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WHAT'S T This le somnetîmes a tniat. Irritaîlng question to an expert whist player. However, as we are not playing Carda, we always take pleasure in it because It gives us the chance to tell you that "TRUMP" le ithelatest thing lu watches. CONVENIENT SURi, HANODsomE NICKcEL CASE, STELM WINtD AND SET. ACCURATE TIMB-ICEEPER, And we selI it for Brook Street, - Whitby. WB CANT AFFORD To seIl furniture Rt cost, but wc can aflord to selI ai as low e price as is consistent with an HONSiT, LIVING PROFIT. Wc keep the largesi and finesi stock of Furniture in Port Perry and our prices are the Iowest. Jessop Furniture Go., W. .N OTT, MÂNAGE]R. omoWaiCounty OrgaL-Largest Circu- iatibu of auy local1 paper la Canada. FRIDAY, M.NAY 3, 1895. LOCAL LAOONIOS. Keep Wednesday, May Sth, free to attend the May Fair. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, orily $,S, at W. Tillîs. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suite, plush with silk plushi bands, for $32, worth $45, at \V. Tili's. The street watering tender of Wmi. Sturgess ha., been accepted at $244, which is Si i i dollars less than last year. See our stock of beit buckies, the new- est desigiis, also our stock of Czarine buckles, the very nc\w.est thing for ladies wcar, at \V Il Warren 's. 1or the presenit and tili mir new premn- ises are rucady for occupation, we wiil oc- cupy the east haif of Mliss Arnoid's brick siort, next to the old stand wvest. D. Niathison, Baker and Corifectioner -21-2ifl7. The O)ntario) Legîsiatire lias passed a h-ill t Abolish hoise racinig at agTicuitural fa irs. This will piease the good people. The buil however , perinits "t riais of Sp d--at suchi istit utions This tviii please the other chap~s, F oun' I. A Necktie Pin with two littie diamronds uipon t, and nairies of two chi;dreni. 0UN'r er miay have saine by enquirirng at thîs offi ce Sending miile to Greenwood Several fame N-t c f thts towtî are sen ding titi r iik to thu Grecnwood creanîiery. w'Ne have no doubt but they wili r eccîve a good ruturil James Blair, Missing j as. Iiotr, ofthe rland revenue depart- ietit, formner iv of thi vicinity, has been ilssitig fr sonneutime frornhîs boardig place iii Tîrmntu. and it s feared sorte niîshap has hefailen hini. His habits have hîen vert' irregular, but bis experiness as ani aci-ounitant stili saved hîmn a position in the service worth $1400 per anîturn. A Brave Boys Act Tluesday afternoon ont Dundas street west a brave act was wîtnessed by several nieri and sorne school-boys. Little Eddie lillett clîmbed into a tree between fifty and sixty feet and rescued a younig cat which had taken refuge thert: the day be- fo r e. An3s one who will notice themn-the trees-very tall, slight popular ones on the Annes homnestead propertY, will agree with the CHRoNIcLE scribe who saw the thing donc that the deed was worthy of record. Route Bjils. The CHRONIcLE hias always turned out the best horst route bills in the county and je prepared to maintain its reputation this vear as iisual. It te an unfortunate thing that there is flot more breeding done, but a handsomne poîster is a good adverîise- mient for a horse. Those who get their route bills prîîtcd by the CHRONICLE Will bave their routes printed free ini its columrns, and it is the only paper having a sweeping circulation amiong the farmners of this cîunty. There are flot many taking tw,î local papers, and those who look over our mailing liste will find that the CHRON. ICLE goee into almaost every house in the coulity.'o Sunday Scbool Teacheri' Institute. The Sunday School Teachers' Institute te he held on the i3th and 14h May is already exciting sorne in'erest. A "re limîinary mneeting of workers was beld on Monday evening. the presbyteriat', baptiiMt and miethodist echools being well repre- sented. The superintetidetlts with a lady teacher fro"m each were asked to fcirm an B a r .r d - o b c h i r m * .h a o r a b l e x- r gîve its readers a benet Paperana ellploy sanie clever boys tO set type, la- stcad 0i itting tberttlOlWu~tl a m«ear and type saw cutUDcOI umm ,eorbagu readlng tuO u aP ,tent oebut à a as a table spred. , I 1 t Iu@botter Ph" bedè ata mwhlif m»' per) but brains and ludust.ry. oplie ara nMt 5 so Uy *th.y ha"e bus 1lath» Put ~iB ~W5L UIU If tun'eandboys' Our eeshation of dress goocis- cannat be liard and boft batsat W..-H. Warrmis, eae, u nthe uewesit things and at VmsoSa gtiet iepafrs for qvery dto-ve and 'bttniprices. W. H:. Wart.en. fUffade nsadq Il! Canada frons J. Mc- Th norihern asky was Illumninated on IntyI Frld aY fight last, and It turned out that DonIt forget to aee oui lace curtaius 14c- »the bar». of Mr. Robt. Strcîton, near fore buying, from 350. tg $7 per pair, at W. -Epsefâ,. were burned. H. Warrenes. ithe. Cobourg bas a Tommy Tome, but bas At Port Whitby, on Tuesday, April 30th, not a Johnny Johns, or a Williamy Wil- 1895, the wife of Mir. chas. Hodge, of a liams, or a Jamesy James, or a Henry daulghter. Hcnry, as ibis iocaliîy bas. And we have 'C9&1 at Toronto pries. Tomyjýnjý t0j ý,6,ý_ ...ý>;. ý- " ellngout iî ext wcek-I will selI On Sunday morning nexi a special Sun- very beat Scrantod and Lebigh coal 84.7,5 day echool -service will b. held in the ai shed, $s delivered.-.pot cash only. H.- Baptist churcb. The pastor wiIl address B. Taylor. the teachers, parents and scholars, Spcc- Reduction la grant. ial inging by the scholors, AIl are In. The Ontario Govcrnrment intcnd after vited. the present ycar to discontinue the allow- Remember ence for mcembership to our Mtechanice' That Dr. Grant's "Hait-ene" je Wuaran- 1Institutes. teed to stop falling hair and remove dand- ruiff This item vas handed in. A family in the notI ward had a mess of new potatoe on the 29th of Ap.i1. The expect to celebrate the fit-st of JUl1y on May 24th, and will probablyh old Christmas excises on Thankegiving day, May Fair A Maiy Fair will b. hcld In the lecture room of the meihodiet tabernacle on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, May Sth, commcncing ai 3 o'clock. Thc vani- ous tables will be presid cd over by the members of the Ladies Aid Society and they exbend a cordial invitation to ail to visit thcm et that time. There will be no admission fee. Dr H Wightmasî, dentlst. The above namcd gentlemen bas open- cd his office over Grots & Granger's store. He is'a graduate of the Royal Col- cege of Deîutistry of Ontario and Triniîy univcrsity, and le skilled in ail the most modern methods of bis profession. We bespeak for hlm a large practice here, and bave no doubt but thet he 'vilI give tbe beet of satisfaction. Fit-st otihe season. The Firsi Preebvierian church of Port Hope have arranged for a cheap excursion from Brighton to Toronto via the G. T. R. on Tuesdey and Wednesday, MaY 7ih end Sth, good to return up to Thursday, 9th. This wilI efford a pîcasent and cheap trip to the Queen City ah a dclightfül season of the year. Further particulars witb time- table and rates in posters. Look for it. WVait for it.-I9-4in. Mr. E. S Shrapnels daughter mariled. The following le e clipping from the the 'Victoria Wçekly Coloniet, British Columbia, of A p il i9th : At St. James churcit on Thursday, Mr. Frederick Gal' ley 'vas mamred to Miss Kathleen J. M. Scrope Shrapnel, eldeet daughter of Mr. E. S. Shrapnel, A. R. C. A , formerly of Whitby, and e great grand.daughter of thc laIe General Shrapnel. Thc cere- nîony 'vas performed by Rev. Canon Pad. don. Sa.nd Rats in town. Two men fromthett sand tilIs north of Ashburn. one ofîtheru named Iriset, drove a load of stade trees for plar$ing int tnwn on Wednesday. HitcheW to the wagon was a wretchcd, ovet'ty'stricken teetu, one of which ted a fearful snre spot of t-a. flcsb on its boulder about thc sie of a tea plate, The collar 'vas de- s-nid of stumuig and 'vas wound with nid rags Sîîcb men would te arresîed for crucity to animlais before driving taîf a ule in Toronto. The Spraying Specialists. The sp i as i'-pecialiusts senit o1it bN' bbe Onutaurio Dt)îarl îî.uît of Agricuiteire were b)ere ont Nondav to sprat- NI r. J. D. oiwesirchard, a-hich bas been sel. ected as a suitabie onte for making tests ini this section. The parties baîîdliîîg the ma chitne ere vert inexpert, and crcated a %ert ;oor impression as 10 their skill, but t a-as fairrv well demonstrated that the process of spraying is simple, and no doubt special notice 'viii be taken of the resulis at Mr. Howdeî's ferm. The vieil nu the speciaiisbs on thie occasion 'vas only advertised by means of postal carde sent to a fea' people, and these, together witb others tbcy picked up on the way there, acre ail who 'vere present. A Wortmy Officiai. XVe understand that ttc lown counicil oun Monday night 'vîli concider ttc applice. tinti made rcccntly by ttc chief constable for an increase of salary, and 've trust be rmîey te very liberally dealt 'vit. The dutnes of tbe office have been incrcased by eacb yers council, and 've believe thc unanimnous lestimony of ttc townspeaple 'vili te tet te is an efficient officer. T hase 'vto attend chut-ct cen atteet Ibet te bas elmoet carnpletely squelched tte habit of standing arounci chut-ch doors and etreet corners. He maintains tte test af order at ail turnes and faitbfully entorces te by- laws as far as possible. Na anc men cen be everywhere and doing cvcrytbing ai once. Mr. Calvcrlcy le by fer ttce'vorsi peaid officer af ttc town, and yet does not beîcb up aIl sorts of cases in order ta r ke in fées. Besides al Ibis te le most courte- aus, promp and obliging. Suct a man shauld te far better remuneraled. Stil1 hanga fi-e. Ttc Rowvland-Newvton defamatary litel suit silîl tolde fit-e, e short session on it b.- ing teld lest Fridey No progres'vas made, towcvcr, as ttc plaintiff'e solicitor and Magistrale Harper at-e stilîl et variance as ta points of law. M4r. McCullougt con- tende that ttc magistrate lias mna powt r ta tear wiînesees and enquintmtbotsides of tte case, and that if ttc language used in ttc articles le swore ta by ttc plaintifi and bis witnesses as being defansatory ttc magistrale muet sendthteccase ia te tigh court of justice. hr. Dow, on the ter tend, coniends that sncb an intet-pretatian ot Iaw would involve publishers in e deal af trouble. Il the magistrat. could only tear anc aide of a complaini, a tarse tiet could indict a aewspaper praprietor, who would have ta give Cil andI appeaz nt the assises, wheu prebably the thie i would drap Uic casui, ater making ail thecocate posible. Ttheinagistrate ut1iliholds tat he sheuld tear aIl ttc evidence offéed by eltter aide, so Mr. McCullough called for anothet- adjaurasent te sllow tIn tins. te apply to the blgt court for a wri-t pt- tiitIagthe magistrat. rains earing tte aunese called by defendant te tesîlby as ta ttc trutis ef ttc allcgcd libels. h nsay b. somse wceks before thc case will again b. takets up. Ttc CHRONICLIS taS felt that it would b. qulte out ob place te pues an yremnarkS uonthis natter until the crideuce would b. put lu and wonld have been adjudicated upoa by thse proper autterities; but as tise Gazette uppeuts ta fancy h la a nsigbty clever thlug ta attack Ur. Rowland lu tise worft language Il ca comns d, wc mught poi nut that ibis la clearly a case wbcre a uewspapcruadet - takes te lanibaste aud scandalWs a bush- anuman bocau» hoe pis bis Printiuz doue at another establsismisi. comlsg, freon a pubUsher wb Put eveYr lgb. Wiseout ai bis baud5 oen te the à9 on lits back ata tmeWbeà bowu tcluf intoti ma m»M5tof OtbetIc OOl~ stitute wltbout reasont Io alitietOO COL *whOm tbej bawo Ps<O$l diw*14l Boys for Adoption. Any persan desirlnig 10 adopt a little boy fromn two 10 six or eight years old, ican, by applying to Rev. C. W. Watch, Bitighton, Ont., hear of some very bright little Cen' adian boys, sutable for adoption. Art Needi. work. The Singer Scwing Machine cornpany wilI give exhibitions of eewing machine art needle work in thc vacant store next 10 Quiglcy's boot and choc store on and after Monday next for a week. The lest time they werc here they attracted a good deal of attention and wil! increase the in- tereet this lime. Judire Dartnells Review. We direct the attention of our rnany readere to Hie Honor j udge Dartnechîs re- view of the legielation paesed at the recent eitting of the local house. There aie a great many changes in the lawe which affect us daily, and îhrougb Hie Honiores goodness our readers are enabled to have them aIl explained in lânguage ehorn of tecbicality. These commentesbould be cut out and cerefully studied, end those wbo watch for changes in the law will flnd thcy cen generally act as tbeir own legal advisers. R. H.- jaîneson's daughter mnrrled. We clip the following fromn the Victoria, B. C., Daily Times of April 22: H L. Gordon Austin and Mies Luta E L. j ante- son, deughter of R. H. jamctson, were merried Saturdey evening at the home of the brides parente, 69 Superior street. The wedding wes a quite one. Mise Kennedy, of New Westminster, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. E. E. Ainsworth, of Seattle, being the only gueste. The ceremony wee performed et 8:30 o'clock by Rev. W. L. Clay, pastor of St. An- drew's Preebyterian church. The bride was attended by ber sister, Mies Bertba J ameson, while the groom was eupported b y J. B. Giffen. The couple were the recipiente of a number of very fine pre- sent. Mr. Austin is e member of the local stafi of the Bank of B. N. A., and is & popu. lar young man, Mrs. Austin as well bas a large circle of friende, wbo extent their beartiest congratu 1at ions. Liquor Cases Dismissed Couniy Attorney Farewell and Licerise Inspector Ferguson 'vere ut to Port Ferry Monday prosecuting parties cbarged with buying liquor et the Orienitai at a late hour on Saiuidav nigbt. The oniy successful case was thiat of Joseph Conneily, who 'vent arnd admîitted bbc charge aind paîd bis fine. After examining thirteen svit- nesses' the cases against Albert Bruce, Abram Carnagie, Robt. 'Vansickier and Fratîk Breen had to be abandoned, 'shile titese against \V'n. Davidison and Jinn. Mc(;hvîtîî acte dismissed. The wîtnesses were John Cook, joseph McGIynn, A K. Siiicliîr, Wmi. Grahamr, J. NI Brooks, Wmn. Beatty, Beri. Crandeil, Martin L. Cranidelh, Orrin Powell, Henry Frank-in, Wesley \Viles, Samuel Graham and james Brown. On accounit of Con nellvys manliniess ini ad- mitting bis ofience when he could have escaped by perjury, hie fine was levîed at tbc lowesb possible figure under bbc law, $2 and coste. The omfcials were utterly disgusted with the claes of evidence given, and mtîcb as the liquor element berated te Scott Act hecause tbey said it made tbem swear falsely, there neyer 'vas a worse case than this prescrit ont in this countt-. Another Fish Stoaty. Il bas been long recagnizcd as a ruismn tbaî wben boys read of came stirring, dare-devil exploit they tanker after oppar- tuîitics ta encaunter like danigers. Sa ht 'vas 'vithi ttc youth of ibis tawn 'vben tey t-ed the CHRONuCLE'S fiet story of lest 'veek. Their heade become filled vit tboughts of sucker fiching, and thcy long. ed for a gravel-bottonied streem ta 'vallo' in, wtilst tustling ttc unhappy sucker 10 bis do -i -Mostaoftce boys planned and succcssfully cerried oui imaginary sucker- ing expeditions, in wtich large quentities of fiet died under -mosi ekulful operaîlons, and in 'vticb ail ttc atter feibows but tternselves felI ia deep places in ttc crcek. But it remaincd for Fred- Clegg, Paddy But-ns, Tommy Tasker, jack Malone and Jim Britton ta plan and carry out a t-cal expeditian 'vtict 'vas net only a succese fram e stentlpoint of big spear- ing, but wtict wound Up in a mast excit- ing episade-almast a tragedy. Young Clegg "bort-awcd" ttc boan af the tarse and wagon kepi by Mr. W. H. Werner ai ttc woodyard, aller te ttoughtîttc driver would nait e likcly ta vieilttce stable again ibat nigbî, and after loading their instruments of destruction ttc five drove emsît tte sideline running nort past tce O. & D. fair grounds ln arder tat Mr-. Werner mightt mot see them wlth tis torse. Ttey passed nortta ttc 3rd concession antI wesî aiang h ta oWtitc's creek. Here tey îied tte animal and prorecded ta, parade ttc creek, and to watct for chances go push eect otter la, as le thc cusIons on suct occasions. Ttey succeeded admiratly, and endured a ibarougt course of teptîsmn, besides kilI- iag iwo suckers antI wounding several' more, and cbasiag many te, deat, wticb latter ttcy did not scut-c. About iît uightî tey called a hait, aud turned ttclr tircd antI -atisfied ar eps bonscward, as te- cames ttc truc spotsman. In the mean- tins. Mat. Camupbell, wie drives Warner'a terse, missed hIt ron the stable, and secured tic services of Private Detective jins. Thonson te take np ttc case. Ttc îwe followed thse trait ailtishe way ta Wtute's, sud just as the iivelbilant Young sportsmsen bad hitched thse horse andI piletI labo thc wagon bomcward bound, Tbonsp- son rose as if brous ths rnd lnfront cf ticnsy and turaed a bullseye imitera la their faces. It wus a susprise party, la- dccd , as u aucceeded by a parly4O bsrrowlng sgliac to thinbr a' thée end of tise discussion Tisompson sud Camupbel vcre ridlug off to town, sud tihe gallant sportsmen were inareblug in a pro-. cession wli tieir two suckeu, iswungover a polo, Il was a long, werty, horrible* niduigisi mtaraisa plwrlnuge f tboqgbts bnroung fesrs, me strong, ti4b4 every-word icvlug scalu sud bores, upo lCoxev1a srny noeM preseested. >wever -well] a lady may drese with- ont a 1)8comliDg bead -drese ih je ail of no effect. Indeed iii is tbe crowuing feature of a lady'a outfit. To produce it tihara je needad good (evan ûpe) tste, correct training, and the riglit ateriali. Ail thase iwe possse in an eminent degreeé5, and as a reenît, wa are dom g the fine tirade. We are verybtusy. We would ait the ladies to, corne a early in tihe week as possible tao avoid the overorowding as rnuch as possible. IWT$Y, Spîlng capes ai Wholesals Prices, Black Serge Cape Worth S$1.25, for 95c. Black, Brown or Navy Blue Cloth Cape wortb 82.25, t,o ell for 01.75. Theseaxar correct s;tyles, right sizes, and the vary lowast priaas. FSTEWART, WHI TB Y# Caîlland sec the grand display of spring goode etthbce et side boot and choc store. M. Colline. Disinissed The charge of indecent asseult againet Byron Huggard hec been disrnisscd for want of evidence to sustein it. Our succees this season with boys' and mnen's clothing bas been most eatisfac- tory, everybody being delighted with our gni)ds aîd prices. W. I. Warren. Somethlng new Ail Saints Sunday echool wiil hold a May tee in their schoolroorn on Wed- nesday, the iSth> met. Admiîssion isc. A number of the Oddfeilowe from here 'vent to Brooklin on Snnday lest to assiet Beethoven iodge in their chut-ch parade. Speriel Ientern services are to be heîd et tte congregetional churcb on Sunday cvenicg at 8. iS p.m., subject " from Bcth- letem-to Calvary " or lite of Christ, and on Monday evening et 8 p.m., subject " Ro- mance of the Bible." io0 beautîful dissolv- in g vtews each eveniîîg. Silver collection, Hard on te Trout m.any of our local sports took a day,c fisbuîîg aîong the sîreame Wednesday ta celebrate the opening season, among li-ict being Mr. J. E. Farewell, Jno. Tweedie, Cbarley Deeker, Dr. McKay, Jno. Willis, p. Mathison, snd others too numerous 10 mention. Tbcy each dlaim la bave made a haut. Tbe law forbide the taking of trout under five irtcbes, but appaently most of them misinlerpreted tbe clause so that it meant that none but trout under five inches could te taken. Moncy Stolen When Mrs. Robert White, of Whitby township, went lu get corne change out of a tin box usually kept on the pantry seef, she found the box empty. Between Satur. day and Tuesday lest over fifty dollars mysîeriously disappeared. A rat ber caucy tramp caîled on Monday, but wtether be 'vas ekilful enough to dctcct the biding place of s0 much money it ie difficuit tb say. Hes gone away Foot old Tom Cunningharn went away on Tuesday night. He camet10this world about 65ycare ago, and firel loceîed in London, England, where in hie early life be beceme e mosi expert transcriber. About 4o ycars ago te came to Canada. and souni afterwards joined -ttc historic îooth regiment, which for yearc garrisoned Gibraltar. Upon finishing bis term te t-e- turned 10 Canada, and for a quarter of a centgry tas been identified withthet regis- try and law offices of this town, being silîl a fine copyi.sl For sorne years bis habite have been most irregular, altbougt kind friends, ecpecialîy Registrar Ferry, worleçd bard 10 try 10 induce hlm 10 refonm. Thougt 'vithout a borne al bis life, deceascd alwayc ted friende, and even very recentîy 'vas in reccipi of t- mittances from younger relatives in Eng- la ndL Some monts ago he utterly aban4onedbhirself to drink. and wouîd do n&thing but soak. He ted finisted a rnontt's sentence in jail Tuesday, and et once took so muct laudunumn thet be «became uttcrly pat-aliced. He 'vas placed in the lock-up on Tuesday nigtt, and on Wednesday morning wasstli un- conscious. He 'vas again committed ta jail, from which fate hed destined that te should neyer agein emerge, but would go 10 anter country, from wbich there le no paséage back for mot-talc. Advertsing as an Art It is nat given ta al 10 understand tte proper construction of an advertisement. It is not so difficult 10 select a medium. For instance, ttc CHRONICLE le geiiing ta be pretty welî known as a iborough aone for Ontario caunîy, gaing as it dae mb cvery post office tram anc end ta ttc otter lu larger numbers than any or aIl the ather local papers combined. But anly a few men appear ta have been bot-n advertisers, that' la, who know bow ta use such splen- did tnediums as the CHRONICLE and other widely circulaiing newspepers. Sa suc- cesstful tAs Mr. Mauly M. Gillam become ai ibis business of advertisiug ihat receat- ly b. was enticed frein the employ of Ex- Postmaster General Wanamaker, of Phila- delphia, wto bas a big departmnent star. there, to Hilton, Hughes & Co.. New York, succesars ai A. T. Stewart, the rail- lionàire dry grode nerchant, bi- the ealary VICTORIA COJRNERS. The Independent Order of Foresters held their meeting on April 22nd. Jno. A. McGillivray, the supreme sccretary, ga.%e an interesting speech, after which the fl- Iowing officers were elcctcd for cour-t Reach :Paet chief ranger, Wmn. St. johin; chief ranger, Wm. Marquis ; vice cliif ranger, Robt. Parks ; court deputy, WVni. St. John- court physician, Dr. Jardive financial eecretary, Herbert Sandere recording sccretary, H. Urnphrey ; treas., James Brethour ; chaplain, F. McFarlanc; S. W. C. Fair : J. W., Russel Ruddy; S. B. B., Tom Olliver ; J. B., Tom Swanick. JUDICIAL SALE 0F FARM LANDS IN 1 HE TP. 0F PICKERING. Fursuent ta a judgmenî of the High Court of justice in thc action of Decker vs. Leys et aI there 'vilI te eold by public suc-1 lion on ttc 23rd day of May, 1895, et thc Gordon House in the village of Fickering, by Mr. Levi Fairbanks, aacîionecr, 'vit the approbation of George H. Det-tneîl, Esquire, Local Master et Wtitby, the fol- lo'ving lands and premises situate lying and being in ttc township of Fickering in tbc county of Ontario, and being composcd of ttc soutt 5o acres ofîthe north telf of lot 22, in thc second concession of the eaid towvnship of Picker-ing, except that part thereof deecribed as follows :--Comnmenc- ing et ttc soutest angle of the nott haîf of thc lot ; thence north 16 degrees 'vest along ttce eserly limit of said lot five chains; thence sout seventy-four degrees 'vest ten chaine fifty linkse; thence sout cixîcen degrees tact five chains more or lees l toe centre of ttc concession ; thence nort seventy-four degrees cast along tte centre of caid concession ten chains, fifty links more or lese ta the place of begin- niug: Aiso five acres more or lese teing part of ttc couîh 'vesi quarter of said lot de- scribed as follows :-Commencing on ttc 'vesterly limit af ttc said lot et thc dis- tance of forty chains frorn ttc sout west angle thereat; thence nott sevcnty-fout- degrees ecIt five chains and twcnty-fivc links ; thence north sixteen degrees 'vesi len cheins mare or les la tce cectre af said concession; thence sout svcnty-four degrees 'vest along'ttc centre of said con- cession five cheins twenty-five linîks more or less ta the said 'vesterly limit of said lot; thence sout sixteen degrees casi along caid wesîerly lmmit ten chains more or less ta ttc place of beginuing. Ttc land le candy bans. Ttc west trench of Duffin's creek t-uns througt these premises. A part of ttc lands le good pesture land. There is some wood upon tte premises wtict at-e cituate abaut ii miles trons Liverpool Mar-ket. TERMS 0F SALE, Ten pet- cent. ou thc day of sale and ttc balance in 3o deys or in the option of ttc purchaser 3j cash and ttc balance secured by- Statutot-y Mortgage wit power- of sale on defauli for t'vo monts, on two month's notice witt iuet-est ni 6 pet- cent. payable in insial- ments of $ioo per annuns. There will b. a reserve bld, fixed by the Master. Ttc Vendar wlll not be bound, ta produce auy abstract except a Registrar's abstract or e copy thercof, uer eny tille deeds or cvi- dence of tille ual ln bis possesion. CONDITIONS 0F SALE,-Will be thc standing conditions of the Higb Court of Justice except as above nsentioned. Furter patticuiers snd conditions may be ted an application ta thc said Master and ta Messrs. Reid & Owens, Freetald Buildings, Toronto; D. C. Rase, Esq., Barristet-, Adelaide st., Tarante ; thc suc- tianeet- andthett Vendor's Saliciter, J. E. Farewell, Q. C., Whitby. GEO. H. DARTNELL, Local Master. Dated at Whitby, May 2, x895.-3iu. Tho sigrfg, o -ILL HOLD A- FREE A RT EXFiI'BI1T 0f 4ft X"e oWork doàe on tb. world Sprlng Suits, Our tailoring dapartrnent ie in fun! swing. Now is tibe time te get a fine sait. We'll guarantee ta fi yon parfectly, suit yon exaatly, and sava you at least hall your rney. Big range of gooda ta chaos. frern. Man's hats aud furnishinga as well. As good a hat as you'il wait for 600. ; and the newesî styles in peckwear extremely oheap. LOOR at the rernarkable low prices ... . . .. . .. that 1 arn selling Solid Oak ... . . . . Drawing-room Suites at. The prioes are frorn $22.50O, $25, $28-50, $80-00, j35 and 'Up. wards. DON'T FORGET that thase gooda are rny own make. Ail upholstering orders given ta me lias my own super- ... . . . .* o». . . vision. E. J. JOHNSON, Leading undertaker in the County Storage Room. For cauveyences or any other portable commodities et ttc Whitby skating rink. No privileges granted langer than till De- cemnber ist, m89.5. Apply ta R. BARNES. Whitby, April 22fld, '895.-2-3iu. DR. H. WIGHTMANA, Over GTocs J& GTangor&Whitby P148 for Sa le. Ttc undersigncd bas îg youug pige for sale ai 82 eacb. Lot No. 27, sud cou., Wbitty. SAM RICE. Wbitby, May 1, 1895-22-3in. Pasture to Let For a lited number of stock. First- class pasture, wiih live stream of water, ai lot NO. 30, 3rd con., Whitby. R. J LYNDE. Wbitby, May i, x895--s-tf. Caunty of0Ontario SHERZBY Gmb TO WT: SJitat t eCourt of Assize, Nisi Prius, Oye and Terminfer nd General Goal Délivery wil be beolden in an& forthe, COUNTY 0]? O(NTÂRIOk, At thse COURT HOUSE, in the Town, *f biby, ou At the. louraof One ollock, in ltheteë,. uoan, of whlcb-ail Coroners -jnsticià1of thse Pece *sad -.aU etiers counix "d jl-lÏ take notice, -and. gaverna t'm"4W .ac* cordingly. Wbhtby, Ar-x c~ ~ W4R'~L~. Irown lLnno&lfk - - -ik .0. f- -- -

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