Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1895, p. 1

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1 .- " i. VOL. XXXIX. WiEITBY, ONTARI0O, FREIDAY, MAY 10,98~ N.2 ~~aamamb~a r% A KIU# I .V. ~ I. LJVMUr4Ur4 bAr4IYLOCAL NEWS LLIILIiS. Caipital PaId Up, $19500,000 CEOICLE CMenuxaoNsMIzCE, Surplus, - - $1.600 000: àTMBAaàTàm Mr. Hugli Mowbray la almoat quite hlm- self again. Miss Eda Adamson bas been vlsitiag relatives in Muakoka. Mns. May has entirely recevered, being1 able te attend church on Smhbath. J. W. Salton stili attends our schooi. John intends to de his best, and we bave ne doubt he wili meet with aucceas. Seeding is a îhing of the paît, generally speakirig' but you mnay etili find an odd one sîiring up the mud, ful ef anticipation. Mr, McCuilough, eur pedagogue, ap ent Saturday and Sunday in Oshawa. There seems 10 be a magnet of attractien in that v ici ni Iy. Mrs. Mackie north of the village, John's Mother, is in a very feeble state of health. Some fear of her net recevering, as she lsaa very eld woman, The Epworth league intend giving a con- ceni in the near future. Look eut fer Iurther announicements. A good tîme wili be in- dulged le no doubt. Peter Stephenson is busily engaged baul- ing milk te Breoklil cheese factory. Peter is a good teamster and solicits everybody's custom aleng the route. Mr. Wagoner bas engaged Isaac the Dutchman fer the summer seasea. He bas a full staff tit werk as usual. Ali jobs will be exfýcuited ln werkman-iike style at living prices. Messrs. Jne. Lawrence -nd son are busiiy engaged remhdelling Mci. Parkin andi Mrs. Hyfielda b.îrns. IBetter workman caunol be found in the counîy than these gentlemen, andi no doubt many wili enjoy ieoking at their work afîer completion. We congratulate Rev. Mr. Elliel on hie successfuiiy passing his final exams He has been very popular with the young, especially on the circuit. He je ont of the most able young preacher we have haci in years, and we trust he may receive a gooci opporitunity during the ceming ministeriai year and meert witb unalloyeci succes wberever he may go. Whitby Ageucye Generai Banking Business Transaoted. SÂVING8 DEPÂBTMENT. 1flter05t allowed at hig est aunrent rates. No notice cf witbdrawal requlred. B. J. THORNTON, Manager P. G. Meldrurn, M. D. Licentiate of the Royal Coilege of Physicians, Edinburgh: Member of the Coi- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Office and rosidenee, nerth section of the 1'Torrace, " Byron Street, north of Dundas Street. Telephone communcation with office. Whitby, Juiy 4th, 1894. SCOTT, AUCTIONEER, WHITBY. ONT. The undersigned bege te announce that he has taken ouI a license fer auctioneening, and wili be glad te fil orders for this class o! busi- ness. Hie book wii be kept at 1. H. Longes office, where al informationl may be obtiod. C. SCOTT, Whitby. Nov. 29, . N. P. PATER8ON, Q 0-t Bamrster, etc.-After twe vears residence la Engtand bas resumed practice at 136 John Stý, Toronto. -Oct. '94.6 mes. LOOK fi the remrakable low prices tljat 1 ain selling Solid Oak I)rawîng-room tiîtes at. Thne Athte regular quarterly business meeting prîces are frein $2 2.50, $25, of tbe.Greenwood. circuit, Rev. Jne. Harn .is ~28 ~, ~3.00,~85 nd ~ was given a unanimous invitation 10 remiaiii ý2S.0, QO.OO e85and p- n charge of the circuit for another >ear. wards. He wîli compiy wlth the requeat shouici the stationery comnîîttee confit-m the invitation. E. J . Johnson. NIr. Harris bas spent ten years on this circuit, and Ibis is only a faint taken of the1 appreciatioîî of this different congregatione. Omfcers of Kinsale juvenile temple for q' T Fu ROET preseili qoaîter: C. T., Frank %Vice ; %'. T , Lotieila Orvis ; S , Annie Rodd; F. S., truat these F. E. Mackey ; T.. Eva Rodd; C., Gertiei goods are rny own make. Ail (ibson M., Frank Mowbray;- T., Willie Silver , S., Roy Mewbray- A. S.. AIma t:plolist.erîng oruers gîven tV oXer D. M., Laura Rogers; P. S. T.. me has mv own supervision. Chat-lie Rogers. Misses. Mackey and Neai lumuaee room for boiling teeci. andi as a littie lir-e had been left in the furnace on Monday nlght there is no doubt but that this was the cause of the conflagration. Mr. Medland had some lumber, tools, and fifty-five bushels Of Potatoes stored in the building. The total loss about 81.25, which is partially covered by insurance. It is a very fortun- ate thing that this fire was net a far more serfous one. Had there been an east wind blowing, ail the barns and the dwelllng as weil, wouid have very likeiy been burned. There are some people who seemn to have this idea in their heads, that because they jhappen to own a horse they are privileeed te overdri ve, or in other ways abuse hîm, just as tbey see fit. I have recentiy read several newspaper items making reference to conduct of this kind and I arn sorry te say that sometimes there are similar occurrences rlght at home here. We have ne soclety for prevention of cruelty to animais, but from what 1 have heard some of our citizeas ssy I lcaow that the dumb brutes have friends who wili interest themselves in their behaif, shouid clrcumstaaces arise that will cali for such action. In my cerrespondence of last weelc I men- tioned the pessibiiity of an excursion being rua te Niagara Falls on the 24th mest, under local management The malter ie now fuily decided and the steamer "Garden City" has been chartered for the day. The fare is low, 81.25 from Newcastle, Bowmanvilie, Osh- awa and Whitby, right te the falis, and if we have the usual Queen's weather, this first excursion of the season wili be a great succesa. It is being heid aI a most favorable time for ali classes, 'farmers, mechanics, etc. This is the first excursion of the kind, having Brooklin for its headquarters, and though the cemmittee have assumed heavy financiai responsibiiity, we feel sure that their efforts te provîde a very pleasant outing for the holiday wili be fuliy appreciated. W. A.H. Business Directory. OUT & CO., grain buyers. DR. PATTERaoN, Dentiat; at Bebert's hotel, fit-st Tharaday, evtry month. BEALL, 8. - lesuer of Marriage Liconses. Resideoe opposite Town Hall, Brooklin. BOLLIDAY Bues. - Rernenber thts-We have always Juat what you neod in farni and ga.rden seeods-tbo very bout both ai' te kind and quality. The imangle, carrot, and tui- np sel we soul are always reliable. No oùd soed carried ovor. Evory pound in stock was sBlpped 10 us Ibis aprin. The ladies know that we are siwayB pr"ared at this season of the year with overyth nq that mmv b. neceasary for cleaning andi brightening up the home. Big stock of Wal papore te oboose froni. Full assertment e ol ors in pure pro- pared paint. If yen want a barrel of angar gel our quetatiens befere yen buy. BROUGEAN. Frank Gerow returniec home Sturday. The mest of the farmers are dene seeding now. Housecieaning ia the order of the daysince the rain. A young Dr. Riordan is visiting at Dr. Batesons. UC'seJve LUuLII crit lu, Linere uIIuring Mr. joseph But-k bas quite large strsw- efforts u advance the cause et temperance beris NY ~ 1among the yeung, and it pleases us te report E~. J. J O tlNS ON e they are meeting wiîb splendid succmss. The sicir folkis reuad Brougham are ait Leading BKOINbetter. Frankr Sanderson mus la Ibm ciîy Friday Undertaker Mr. John Warren, et Toronto, was here and Salut-day. 1-N THE COtUNTY. onTidy W. H. Meegreve is having a atone tounda- _________ Mr. James Croxail bas been quite sick fot-tien placeci under bis bouse. Pastue o etthe past two weeks. Fiableg is aIl1 the rage among the boys now Pastre t LetHolliday Bros. have just received a loaci that it la after the ist et May. For a limîîed numbet- of stock. Fit-st eof potatoes from the sanc bilîs et Ux'lbridge. Ont- achool teacher bas been making im- class pasture. witb lîve stneam of walet-, at Those wanting a change of seeci should gel provemenîs in the school grounds, andi bas lot No 30, 3rd con., Whitby. R. J.LVNDE. Corne at once.1 decided te excînde herses Ibis ycar. WhltbN,, May ~.i,~-2t Miss Sarah Colwili, eldest daugbîer et Ortw s tl mrvng h hit __________Mn. and Mrs. John Coiwill of Ibis place, was On-tm1asiiipeig h hit ýmarried on Tuesday eofat week te Mr. ian denomnination bave hmd their chut-ch [J/ho ? IT7ho? J4~hoJohiijeffre, of Scugog. mn e hs hingled and the presbytenians bave finished ley on Mendav to0 visit their con David, who iOnt- new but-cees maker is doing quile a Says the (Jwl. bas been very sicir. We hope te soon heur gooci business atready. He reports thut be -... . ef hic complete recevet-y. .lequite pleased i miîthIbmplace andi is salis- Whosei th betThe buîk-head aI the foot et the wuler fied with the business. Who ellthe oattube in Grass' mili bursî on Tuesday and S. A. Barclay imites froin eurt- b mr these Batcî>ng Poire1? osen floodeci the iower flat ofthe mnul. It~dye nybcueei aig.om k ' W. R. HOWSE wasproptl rpaietheb nursery seltiag treca, but be does. Why? The children ef S. S. Ne. i, (Dryden's, asanurser-y atarteci aI home. Bocause only the halci an at-ber day celebration to-day, PsateWiispethtSnayiIb Bocaue onl the(Friday) at 3 p.m. A very inîeresting pro- PsratrWli petls udyi h put-est ingrediants gramme bas been arri g fr.îwn et Peterbero'. He says that tbey have are useci, and it ~ i t e - r angdore inere thIbmprtetlgirls dem there that be ever frequently made. spt-aying their Irees ibis year than ever be-sariboavltselteedycnee. Consequently is al- fore. Those wbo have tried itin l the pat The Rev. Mr. McCauuay, preshytenian, ways pure & fresh. seem very confident that mucb benefit. bas prtacbed te the childrten banc on Suuduy. resulted. 'il mas a very practical sermon sud Ibere «*W r. . J Muray tared or Hlifx lstmas quite a large cougregation et tbm young Mr. . J Mu-t-y sartd fr Hiit.x astfry out î heur hlm. Frlday, going via New York andi Boston. Rb.Daitbdayaln otta We hope he will find hie aew curroundinga otsevt aiayaln otta quite to bis liking andi meet wiîh gooci suc- commîtîcci suicide the other day. ht seeme Lo do cess in hia business. Itîtat tbm ce t anu some others mere -running Mr. John Thomson is having a but-n built 1 arouud tlé fieldi iren Ibis oee tan against s on the fat-m eccupied by Mn. Luke Robin- batb-d mire teuce aud eut bis thrt-uil doing son. In size il will be 46x82 teet. Mn. T. go-e.It mus deaci in five minutes. _____________Peat-son, of Ashburn, br 1the centract fot- Out- tienci Norman Pouclier mas bere oven the masonry, and- Mt- Wordea, et Manches-' Sonciy on s vieilte bis pst-ente'. He was fllllllt er, bas charge of tbm carpeater mot-k. hcopne y lamycr, irbo bas taken su CuNDITIOuN Fat-mers andi othera Interested inluherse!ofc ee He tor sncb a notion te thse ____________ 6.bremding are mucb pimaseci aI tbe necent place that be bas renîcci au office over tbm change ia the market price efthIese animais. store. sud bas bung ont bis shingle. I heur î 4t t Sevenal have been soid in this neighborhood i thut thete is another tamyer talkiug of' locat- during the 1at lire ekis aI frein $2o te s$o ing bere, aud 1 fancy tbey mdll gîve Ibm place more thun iras oflercd for theni tht-ce more lair Ibu money, sud Ibm money la Po wder Blocoanigoen a go~ .Sarbs oiinjneeded a great ccal tIhe moral. ha the bout B 'Pd urifier ut eeràa home here for a short time. 1 under.! Qu'arterly services mers helci ut Almoude Condition Pordor i the markot. I stand thal it is hie desire te remain mn Ou- on Suadsy. i. the oapeet peirder tisaI ba evor tarie, andi me hope lie muy finci an opealng Mn. Ed. Darey teft here let irek for been effoned for sale. It cures anin lathb land ef bis bitl thal mli h. quite Pitburg, Ps. cases of Genens.l Debillty, Loua of sîitistactory le bim.I Rernember tbe social at Mn, S. Irriung's on Appetite, Ron hnesa ef tho flair, Mr. Comtes, irbe fa woki mlwtb Mn. Wtn. Fnday eveulng, May loth. and ail treubin unilaing frenm i_ Bell, mas rather0 5urbayirb wen tht-ccUmmn Hayden, Fotiiergill, McGregor punityet Lb.BIOOd.tramps neli eut ofthe m hen be ment dOCo purtyoftheBloluitoe mloft en Weduesday mornlug o I ndO'ononrhaveest ont orcharda tbis ~ 90. pe lb. or lb, /or6OC. meek. The felloma mere quite saucy t jPll3~ >usaepat m 200. pr M., r 3 Ib. tor lhey teund t111re wire sseveral mon onthe Our footbalol r ptditw ih ~1AD 0N~ B -.,place, wheu lhcy quletty tiok their depar. îA wk bis Besison, sud are S'C g I à pnsttyj lAEOL*B ut-e. goodlonn. t wold b E 1110ohave~ Or W S E ychut-ch ou Wednesday aflerbSooUnaamd ad ~f, theg4 EXP the 46YS$ ftiuttIofoir tb9 < . MIST .&ND, pretimlnany art-anemeu fe te, Ove'en.S - ly have irO1to whi 0 olotI3fo CR MS Dtien irbicli mlibbc is S 1* 4i5b crS«tÏcks 1 t. 0 Ut Pte I~ I T ~ -y- ath pogrnm«: glrsg fllInfomation vaim Onsst- h r p utpiet wil b di-Ubutd moog 1blévatousSun- e~* ___________day achoole la d»ue Uss. The lait memeft to or fms tMUpV, .vu th1e talI brick chlmsîey, -la *&W&thf*ig o the p» t Movrurnm p4m*- -10, "_ T~3 W VUiepo mber.~ TUOAP ofthMn, k m et dm , . 0W<dr to the bal dr fD. Mn44ýmddfl dg« PORT PEaita. Mn. 4. -IC Nash of Toronto la visiting in tolwn. Mr. }Iarry Williard returned home on Tuesday. Mr. ianly Hunt, dentist, Toronto, was' in town this week. Mise Camre Phillipo, Lindsay, je the guest et Miss Lizzie Irvin. Mr. Wm. Parrlsh, Cobourg, was home on Wednesday vlslting hie friende. Mr. sud Mne. P. Lansing, Lindsay, were vlsiting relatives thia week in town. Mns. Major Hodgson, H. L. Ebbels and F. M. Yarnold were at Whitby last Satur- day. Mr. George ands Mise Carie- Maybee, Woedville, were the guests ef the Misses Dennison. Archie Burnham, fromn Toronto university, was in towa for a few days vieiting the folks at homoe. By the number of new bicycles seen on our streete, we shall ne doubt soon have a bicycle club. Mr. Adam Duif bas been very iii with bronchitis. and pleased te note at lime ef wrlîing he is improving. The Preshyterlan choir le engaged for the Presbyterian Sunday school anniversary, Greenbank, 241h PMay. Mr. At-chie Ewers, a former pupil of eur high school, now of Toronto medical school, is tomne for hie summer holidmys. Messrs. Curte auci Bowman are in 'hitby thia week attending the court. See an mc- R a tegrain la growing nicely and fat trout.fishing only a short drive fromn town. aha fours, nemnly a month. H e reporta As soon! as the excureiçu season commences the farinera there in good spirits over the there are several large steamboats, and rise in wheat, as large numlbers of thein have while the season laste tiiere are frein one te heavy stocks on hanà and have been hold- five excursions every week te Washburn'a 11ng for a ralse ia prices. It looks as if Sir Island, Lindsay, Sturgeen, and other pointa. W. C. VaflHorn's prophecy might be real- 'For those who may desire to camp ;Iv.0 P1let. ized at ne distant date. tijnSuoIsad five miles down the It ie aiways a pleasure te recoid the suc- lah bs ece eve nice cottages to ceasof aay ofour young men. Jeha Jeweîî, rent byweek or month. Purther dewn Mr. who has recently commenced business lu AAlbert Stevens lias a hunter's snd fisher- Brougbmn, le a son cf our respected towns- man's resort with good accommodation mnd maMr. 11- m. Jeweil. He is a young man reasonabie rates. Stili fanther dewn la- cf atemdy habits ad very honorable. Hav- Patnsiln o apnr n ite lng werkred for the weil knewn whoiesaie miles from town by waten la thue well known firm of Courtice & efrIntiplcfo Washburn's Island. Thtis la a place visited some hre Jefferyast auhi lae by thousads every season for camping and good training while with them, he la in a enxtusos. e enrtyieitos hafo good Position Io de well for bis patrons lna g tispopry paced lnfn hp o the qunlity of work he turne eut, as he isa a geste for the coming season and is building aroemy pavillon. -train accommodations 90()d rîechnnic and is reliable in every way. are firet clase. Six trains depart and arrive i congratulate our young friend and trust be every lawful day. Citizens of Toronto cmn may de well in hlie new venture. leave there at z. 2op. m. and arrive here at What promised'iast week te be a compli- 5.1,5 or leave there at s. 3 p. m. snd arrive cted le gai trouble over possession of a here at 7.4,5, and in the moruing can leave roadway between two worthy citizens, Dr. here ait 7.4,5 a. m- snd arrive in Toronto at Archer and Mr. Harry Hall, bas been set- 10. 15. Sight mails arrive and depart every lied. I am pleased tesamy wiser counsela day ezcept Sundaya. Portera meet mUl prevailgd, and they aubmitted ail disputes traina and the hotels are only two minutes' te Messrs. Wm. Rossamnd Jno. ,Stonehouse, walk firom the station. It la readily seen te, ar., te be decided by arbitration. It was those who wlsh te, spend thear holidays net pureiy a question et bonor ne writings be- far from, home or the city, our pretty town ID g used on either aide,. ýverything is Bat- offées many advmntages, and te. those who istactorily arrmnged and ail la peace, the like to enjoy a holiday. and thei means are doctor hmving pald Mr. Hall $So, he te re. limited this place wlll suit very nicely. Al- tain ail the land he claimed lu the firat ready there are visitera here for the suzn- Place. Dr. Archer seemed te feel ail mer, and several parties of Americans have through the little trouble that he had alegal sent word they well spend their holiday. in righîte the land, and got his atone founda- Port Perry sud vlcinity. Fine duck shoot- lion plmced betere the mward was given. ing commences in the E-aU-rot Set_-Par- couat ef tue trial in anot-her column. Regular meeting of town couticil beld des ae ees.Dk pn tm sud eioysf The Methodist S. S. orchestra has been Mna,6hmt Letter was received from ine ae ep cuvnnta lurseoath engaged for the Bethel (Sbaw's) Sunday J. Bigelow t-e taxes on lot on Scugog et. anre anrpo, pl onerptieIs abbi t achool aiversary te be helci en the 241h Letters frem mayors of Berlin, Cornwal and those who delight itnl driving the diffèer May. Barrie favorable 10 the Curfew bell. Petition roada lead.ing. frein the town 'are gooe fRev. Dr. Welton ef McMmster University, of A. Rus & Sons and others was preeented Thiere is neot -a fluer drive lu the countr Toronto, eccupied the Baptiat puipit aI eon atreet watering. The reeve granted bis than the one te the Indiau reserve. It i Sunday, sud was the guet ef Mn. W. H. order on the treasurer in favor of the follow- tenl miles en town. Nearly eve7- visis Mccaw. ing accoli nts A. J. Davis, telegrapbiîîg, who cornes te Port Perrydesires th5 bant Our pepular baggagemnan ef the G.T. R . oc S. Houck. $3 ; C. Sheehey, $3 ; Mt-s. fui drive. At the foot et the Island ila th Mr. James Chisholmn, ha been laid up with Lewis $2 ; Wmn. Jamnieson for wood. $2.25 ; Indian village, consistiug of sevensi familie an ccienttobisrib an epecs t beonC. L. Vickery, woodl. 82 ; E. Beason, errer of lte Missasauga tribe. No natten whie an ccden t hi rba ndexpcî tebeonon assesamient, 82.38. The reeve and poor wmy one gees yen pas îhron hmflefrz duîy agan in a fw daya.committee were iastructed to buy ten cords ing couutry sud ther scellery eumras Two boat loads of our young men, disci- of wond for distribution among the peor. in Ontario, altennating wlth hlilI dbddal pIes et Ike Walton. went cat fishing en Constable McKnight wa authorized te coi- 'A commercial traveller sald a few dÉys ag Mondmy nigbt, and bad a wonderful catch of iect the livery licenses for 1895. Mr. Jeflrey that Port Perry waa the pnettiest town lu tl: thinty muci cats between tioem. gave notice of a bylaw te, redtîce Paxton, course et hie traveis. What thia'travefli We welcome Mr. Wmn. Parr andi famiiy, ef Tait & Ce's assessment te $2000, te laduce saici, and he is well kziown, la the verdictc BlacksZ.ock, le our town, and hepe Ihey mma' them te remain here, they having haci oflene ahl who viait this place. Iu cQnnection wll find evenylbiug as pleasant as they antici- of free taxes and free water power from Ibis I may note that a caneist can stai pated and remain residents with us. outeide towns. The court of revisien wiIl be from our sheret sud go by Scugog lake asi The carpenters andi masons are making helci on the firet Mondoy in june. Mn. Rua- river, Ilireugli te lakes Sturgeoh, Pigeai good beadway witb the erection et Dr. dle gave notice of a bylaw te appoint fence ýfud, Stoney, sud then .down th1e Trei Archer's eurgery . and driving bouse on viewers for 1895. On motion the reeve, the river te RicelAke, froin there taTrçutouc0 Queen atreel, next le hie re&4dence. depu ty. a nciMnr. Da vis were te ma ke neces- L.ake Ontario. This is a de 4ht1 ulad Zic Mn. Aiberi Allen, while ahoeing a horse of sary arrangements for a %cfow loaci et gravel. turesque trip and can be -made lu.six day Mr. Chat-les Rose's at week, had une of bis Mr. ' ni. McGiil was heard re openingOf 7tb with frtclashotels onthe course. riba brokea by the horse plunging and strik- Con. Mr. Willcox meoves that as Mn. McGihl W. j. lNOTT ing him, aud ta laid acide frem twork. requests and demnaîds that the roaci a)lo'-.. Fort Perry BusAu aDir.otwiy. ance te lake shore on north side of village Mr. Win. Baleman, whe bas for the at known as the 7th con., being illegally closed M18.a IIuNGbSmi îr utM ort - eFS- Iüoo ten days'been in Leanox and Prince Ed- up, be opened eut for public traffic, that the the lowest r'niees call on Mrs. BilltnguuÙ= ward coilties., wilI have an iiiteresting let- t0wn solicitor be andi is hereby instrucîed 10, chir te J. Wakeiy, morobaut-tefllor. Bo ter et bis travels in this paper next week. notity the parties. occupying tbe camne te' &Sens' due bills taken in exohànge* ') Mn. George W. StilI is meving te the Geo. forthwith open saici ruadway or, this couadil minOIeY-. Jackson farm, near Shirley, andi bis brether1 will take sucli funîher steps as te compel the 1ULY ~ezra Stili bas moved -frein Greênbank te sanie. The ceuncil as a cemmilîce met on lte Panýer gardens, about a mile frein Thursday eveaing and examined the side-- J. Long sud otbeis of WbVitby, 'Èuuid-ay towu. . wal ks witb the street cotumissiener. Onbr. 'Master Uâivotsity, Toronto. arrived- -on- file. Council theu'adjop ndc .qt~. Thunsday. 911 th , te assume the pastorale mr r m et the Baptist chut-ch fer the summer Td.donei etn tth or t months. education washelci Wednesday. Report of getting<>nwel wthoét.gopl Heren, aso etMn W. Prt, fu ffpublic achool for Apnil motith :beyEr 153, Henry Bec bas joue, t lus homerne uti Herbrta sn o Mr Wm.Par, tll ffgis 167 ; high school, beys 74, girls 71; eiY, sick. W.hope h.e Wl son be-itbisel bis bicycle on Wednesday aterneen near pre sent clunîng nmonth, 123. Fees coilecteci again. the exhibition grounde, andi seniously injun- during Apt-il, $39.7.5. Communications fromt The olitrees bthuthav e 1ong.-s tti od c --ed bis knee cap, aeceasitating several Mn. McBride relative te houer matrlculatlon Our corner-lot, areuno oe, havino e rer stitchea being put iti by the fmmiiy physlclin. examînations nt uaiversity. Mn. Rue ne 'moeýota».bac. The veteran sud well known stock breed- blackboard brushes. Mr. A. F. Bit-chancr vdroda dba c ' er, James Grahani, Rsq., et SprnWmîer etenei ng bis nesîgnation to taire c«ect at end - William, Penns Orvis bas reuited -long. uslî îsg Hany laà"dmwe ntone tarin, Scugo;, was in town on Fn aay ma. et presen t termi. F. M. Vannolci moves that wshhm eesaluonis ves n t onw His larve cîrcle et triendsaund cquaint- Mn. Bîrchunci'a resignation 11e acceptcc i. hhmàÎëàlihsvnue suces wll regret toeastn le is 'uia teeble Committee on school rett-enchmenttssked for IMn. Whitflcldbas planied 0 ' t a fiyou' i state et health. funthert- ime to, maire final repent. Mn, Par- onchard on hie faim bere. R e ews t o b , Mn. James McMillan, from Oshawa, son of rish moves that Mn. M cBride bie lnstructed f itve là iuaklng a-fatin todk beàtifuls Cashier McMillan et the heaci office efth11e le notify the parents et the pupils wbo wlsh Wdll as useful. Western batik, takres the place et Reginalci te try th1e bouonary mutrlculatlon examina*-J Prof. Iene made- is eredcal visità - sponsible position in the bead office. Weil i ie ach they will muke arrangements to hum Mayriti a Uý"> ai~h uLnb~ u tely ài doue Reg. bave the examination heici bers snd psy ali litter usecèb Caunot something be doue te assist our expeuses necessary. Committee n oubi s ' twe. ha4 go lunnéw- tW-wpuid':b lacrosse and foot ball clubs iu pt-ocuring suit- and grounds reporteci that Mn.< Watteiàu,'au dlffenùt able grounds f The Iessee of the fuit- expert frein Toronto, baci reslateci tvo groundis asirs the boys about $,5 or toIb ses- biackbosrda for sîsani, the Job iras finatl aue son andi Ibcy thinkir bis tee mncb fer their sud guarauîeed for 5 years, and aas çertîfied i'f faJs. Millr, _1uifr'ln-co treasnny. Tbcy say they une wiîîiag te pay ICi by Messrs. McBride andi Rae,' sud recoin- tract-et, 15 et h~ $25 or $30 foi suitable grou nda. mend a, order 11e grautec oun1the tremanrer , The C]qRolicta ' t frpyeut. Mn.'Allia imo'vcd that this IquillTdrer, etR Caada's own lodge ef Loyal Truc Bines, hourd express their- sympatby #wîtb J. EL, weelr'ac iuteud ceiebraîiug the 241h May on the Cen- Brown, a idem ber oft tits board, iun1the lois he Mr, Stanley,..ttH Irai fait- grounds. A grand lime May -be cx- bas sustalamd in tbe death et bis me, s-ad, busyte luit -4 pecteci. There irilI be basebali acd lacrosse1 that t11e secretary send a copy of this resolu- wiu uum4a matches, hicygle sud, foot races and lump- te eMn rm, ludbyteca idw>na iiî iug. Gooc pt-izecarate te h. awarded 10 the ansd secretary. Special comuIlîteou Mr. 1,~ succesaf i ues. Fuit particulars next Forman's letten ne lte treasuren nepied u e&ICar wck ose nîuibv s hi a ne action taken - Board then adjonrnei àoe. , à è-'hi : m1 -0 renevuteci in ace style sud put-pose haviug Athhoiasasnwlsonb erIAaik1 anopn ode eein n Tesayevnigpurpose giving te, outsiders, au idea of the bae.uotrp anopa ocgemetig n umda eeuug dvauams of -Port Perr sd viciziity'as Sa _1gd-,,_<u'L.é 141h ins., wbcn an excellent programme of summer resont for hio7iday,aedkers-. mddnesses, readingsansd singinge s betown Ieoeueetf 'te prettiest lIand:t-M -Ii-dýyes1BRfti _b giren, assisteci by Ibm welî noira orchestra Canadia, .-ad right a ou Oouàisa cM sdlocal sud loneigu talent. Admission by of water. Ths trects aec1A 4 sicex 1, ticket enly. laid eut, sud lu a fw days ivbett tie' t lawu tennis-club wgLs t-gant zed for Port are eut lte town a oka l.b Penny lait irek with the followiug officre: ItSSlS5r aeolaWdo Pot~ am cour-teous. We bave as fine wnimbi.~ Henorary preeldeut, Dr. -Sangter; hoor' suid stores as the-te arm tç fhre n -==y Y, t« îw st-y vice pt-cident, Wm. Rosa; president, juger>ogmeandciies. 1 u achuitoi A Win. MeGli ;-vice pneuiceuî. Dr. Clemncs ; a téPetie - ~Rev . Rý Wbltedaitai tacoPIteýçç secretary-treas, R. G. Bard ; 1confimitee cf A. ;Me4fit, Rev.. Cad $4 r mngmnH. G. -Hutchisn,* Rerý. R.. ev.,W. W. -MeMaster,, .H. A co WhImn .M. Varueici, Mies BbbeIs, 1% lad Rev., Fletcer Cto eRv Miss; anezpropftty commiitte, J. R.. e itnct,. t~and --ay of t1t, ur * w Grant, W. A. Sangter, CH.MlI son. istrauger,%ae aji#àw èlclùe'.2W i'. hgei- Our bicycliste mUt ned oi10eerclse mon. ltisepeso0i-f , î» î rl cars mle. idlng. Within ths hast fest days D xle u r six adulte -and chllr hav. bcoc knockeaod kmufil pyi i 1pi b demi ud burLt, 1 mI aretbey -do n'iIdo tàul * a b i rd'II PU yupsl.bt.bundlo eli .? f ~in oôr er ýor lat tor fe tes id t,go -h tr. Of, el. et_ M' CA S. DOt w lKi

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