Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1895, p. 2

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Y'42 KOWLEDGE 'Bningu eomfort snd Improvement and tands ta personal enicyment wheu uilt.ly used. Tii? many, who live bel. ter liban others sud enjcy life more, vith leus xpenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's but produots ho the, needs of physical being, viii attesi the value te health of the pure liquid laxative principlea embmacead iut.he xrenedy, Syrup cf F'igs. lt.. excellenoe is due te has preaenting In tbe form inost acceptable snd piesa- ant. to the taste, tb. efreshi.ng sud truly beneflii properties ot a perfect lax- ative ; effectuaUly cleansing the uytema, dizPeliing colds, headaches aud foyers and pernianently euring constipation. Il bas given satisfaction to millions and Mi.t with the approval cf the medical p)rofessioni, because it acta ou lh. Kid- uncys, Liver aud Boveha vithotit weak- maning themn and il is pertectly free frein *overy objectionable subistan)ce. Syrup of F ini for sale by ail dmig. &mta in 75c. btti os, but it ta manu- lcturod b'y the Califoris Fig Syrup OCo. only, wh ose name is printed on every F)ackage, aso tho narne, Syr-up cf Figa, and being weil informed, you wili nef soeopt afl substitute il offéed. CharLés H. Hutco1snge. Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TÂRIN Ayer's Plls 1I WaS troubled a long trne %wlth slik .haah.It was lisuaily acoilnpallied wihSevere pains ln the ternple-. a sense 4Lf fulînes and tenderness ln one eve. a tbad taste ln My month tofleup c<>ted., -bands and feet cold, and slcknesý, at tiie 'atoMnch. 1 tried a good ratny rerned1es Tecomrnended for this complaint;i but It was flot untfl i Began Taking Ayer's Pils thst 1 recetved an ytblng like permis- rient benefit. À single box of thes* PlUS did the work for me, and 1 amn now f ree from beadaches, and a well man." - C.-ILH u'cniffuif, Hast Auburn. Me AYER',S PILLS Awardd oal aiat World's Pair .Ly.r'a Sarapam-ila de the Bmet OORRESPONDENOE -'OODOURG. tast Sunday mcrning about xo o'ciock £«ur local bicycliats undertook a " sorcb" m_ fer as Port Hope. On arriving there they decided to go on to, Toronto, mou wbeeled into the Quoen City at 5 o'clock, i . having stopped for dinner at Bowmanville. -The 7 miles were thus colered in neveu lhours. The young men returned home on the. late train. The steamer North King opened the àseason of 1895 by taking her initial trip on 4traliberal application of paint. Some slgtalterations havc been made. [n the. in- ternai arrangements, wlth a vlew te securing «ester comiort for the. passeugers. The 00ew time table yl ho more convtmlent for Cobourg people, as the boat nov beavs at woon inaead of 8am.as ln the past. Sho leaves Charlotte atio p~m., whicb fa earlier than last wmesse, but vlos paseuger frôoe the north spendlng six hourse. tii AmerIcan side. Capt. jarrellisin bcbarge-o< tii.North King this soason, with Mr. >obns<oe a parier. On Tuesday mornlng Game Wardou Dlamond seizod a zS lb. masIncozo, la Battell'a :g oey sallabmeut, ii ba'W been kiiled eut of season. Tiie "sw»va demnale and vas full of qmac! nd ad ot- tdeniy ben eocthffl th;.Iody w!,! *ipon ln uiry, leaned that tie bas Cotala- iing the fish had boa, left tbeueb a mm (swm Alnwick tovasbp, au a= kms boo laid aegaluat hlm for bavbgl b Psseasln a 6ah kWled out of sses. i i. says h. kilIisd out of«sonma. j&. t b"Y» o icelwe4 Use hb frhm, au aaase4 W.s3.y . wwwtII aIo Allt s it .ti* UM.~~é lae.. vigs lthe cdP-ti is back cf the stonf, lu'cupkylbWa Woods who wuas ioru aIl ast able. The gang were dlicouiered sleÇplig ln àabarn, wltb the door lockod on the InaIde. The Chief qulckly gslned accees sud made. elglit of thomn do the lockstep down George sýreet. On Saturday rnorning the batch wero ranged up in coinpany front before Magistrate Dumble. The George Street law-breaker, Toronto Tommy, as ho is called, was the first te geL bis tuedicirue, which came in the shape of a six rnonths relaxation from work in the counties? gaol. Then the remnairing seven commenced to quake in their boots their knees knocked together as they feareu their nummer vacation was so soon to be de- prived them. They pleaded bard to be allowed te go, and on their agreetng te get out of town instanter, the magistrate allowed them their freedom. The stalwart forms of seven" Dusty Rhodes " could be seen dils- appearing in the distance five minutes after. -Star. UXRRIDOE. Mr. D. McGillivray is boee rom Toront( for the summer. A couple ef Uxbridge girls walkçed te Pori Perry one day hast week, tbinking they could walked back the same day. Wher they neared Port Perry the) were very very tired and conciuded that they would be saLis. fied if tbey could get tbere, te say notbiug oý walking back. The y reacbed tbe port aun: after a rest engaged a livéryman to drive them berne. Be wms REorieet. Tbe deat snd dumb who was arrested herç on suspicion of stealing $69 at Peterbere bas been proven innocent. Thbe following frorrn the Peterborn daily Review explaius the case: Arthur Clarke, the young man arres- ted at Uxbridge the other day on tbe charge of stealing $69 fromn Mr. John Isbister, Lake- field, was bonorably discharged by County Police MagistraLe Edminsen this moruing. Much te Mr. Isbister's regret, he round on Saturday that young Clark was totally un- acquaînted with the whereabouts ef the lest money. ,&BousRaided. A . House" witb an unenviable repu tation, occupied by a Mrs. Jackson near the park pond, west side, was eutered one night hast week by our chief ef police. whe went by the rmquest ef a tather te fiud bis son. The son was tound and lodged ru the cooler over night, than handed over te his ft'ther and put te work. If the stories told about this bouse are biaif rue the authorities sbeuld take the womau and ship ber, and a similar treat- ment should be meted eut te ail oftîhat class. Uxbrtdge WIna. Major vs. township came before justice McMahon at the civil assizes iin Toronto on Mouday, wheu Ibe- plainti was non-suited. The charge was eue of trespass at Glen Major, INîr. Major claimin-g that the township built a b)ridge ou bis land and teok two preces efîîrber belonginig te bim. It wa. shown in court tbat the bridge was built by a few residents ofthtat neighbbrbood, the tewnship merely contributin-g some lumber te cover it. Tlie bridge was net a township work, bieng built by the people te I)rovide an ou tiet for a few occupants ef certain land that Mr. Mapjor had himself solci some years ago. H. M .Eat and J. J. \Warreni acted for the fe ain. T. W. Chappie, MI. P. P., for Fi re. It is seldomn that a' mau bas such a ruu ef ill fortuue as MIr. Robcrt Stretton, ef Strettouville, had last Frîday. uIbte moru- ng wheu he went ouite ode bis chores he touudc a fine yourîg colt. dead. The animai had become euaugled in some way in the jhalter, and bad straigled itself. During the dav he wcut out driving, and bis herse be- caime frighteued aud rau away, smashingthe buggie aIl to piece-, Than te crown the day, ail bus barns and eut-buildings were burut te the ground, together with seme seven head ef cate, a lot et poultry, and several pigs. 0f course there was cofisider- able feed ru the barn and some implements [incîudling a wagen wbicb was nearly new. Owiug, bowever, te the prompt action ef the neighbors, rrotably tbat et Messrs. A. Bailey, S. Cro-xali and W. Ashton, most ef the tbings iu the barns were saved. Ibese men pertormed many feats of strengtbunder the influence et excitemerut whicb tbey ceuld net have doue under ordînary circutau- stances. It seems that Mr. Stretton's son, Arthur, was doiug up the eveniug chores, when, iu paasiug hrough a door in a lofttlu the centre barn, he feil between some boards with the lautren in bis band. In falliig the lanteru upset and set fire te sorte straw. Witbiu fitteen or tweuty minutes the buil- dings were a mnass etf dames. Tbe new silo was destroyed, and as tbere was ne insur- suce on it, the loss on that building will cerne altegether out et the owner's pocket. Our tewn was somnewhat startled when the ire bell rang, but soon found out that the ire was away beyond the town imits. A Journal representative and a number of the boys went eut te sec the fire, and a grand, tbough costly, sight it vas. The insurance is about $2,ooo. but this wili not nearly cover the hoss. The blaze was seeu et Stoufiville, Altona and Cannington. -jeurnal. x &N rKWEsTIE. of Temperance viii be held in carui stlo village, Priam. Albert, on Friday, juno 212t, 48s Lis ameeting t ise frnitcf tie ho rsa Souti Ontarto its'aexpOÇte -lob, a rouser, snd it à boped than the. dirsutDOeUs I odeor o enmae " MW=sosMs good if nMt better "isa 1 c oic! Ontado eo eusoo.This setis ?a et * songst diviisii a nthe.province, atota mubeuIpotbut five haudred. Thi ert hsouly abo"u ai liaI nombor, sud toM l hoefQ.dom les@=wê.ua~ii myb. e'~ a i samnhoohl f lt ouhp bs" baie pustedIUoami for tb. y , bel;=qe4 a In àk swbmtwqm udol Mrs. Siater, Brooklyn, is visiting at Mr. Jas. Baltours. Mr Jas. Lawrence, a fermer resident ef bis ham lot, but now a thriving business ant et the Soutb is roneving old acquairitances after an absence cf ton years frein lus old home. The beautitul spring weatber bas materially aidod the farmers in their spring work, many et wbeni have .about flnisbed seeding. The beys still play football:, but witb net their desired succesa. In a game vitbl Myrtie Friday, they vere deteateil by two goals te one. The balh vas at the Myrtie goal mont et the time, but they were net tortunate enougb Le score. The License Comrnissionere have de- cided net te grant a license te tbe "Wil- son Bouse' Se oui Ternperance people feol jubilant at the decision. Neediese te state tbe Temnperance sentiment bas received an impetus trom the conteet. Houpe cleaning is demanding tb. attention et oui citizen; and the maie portion b:ng for its surcease. Our cengregation bave decided net te accept the propositions of the Claemont friende relatives te union of circuit, se we shall avait furtier devetopinents as vo nnderstand ]Rey. Mr. Smith purpoes tendering bis eignation ns paster. LEZABKDALe. The cheese factory that iâ being erocted by the Milne brothors la being pushed rapidly along and will be in operation in lesa than a week, Mr. Geo. Stevenson cf lJdora having the contract of erectiug Lh. building. Mm. Wm. B. Mine cf Rockvod la visiting ie brother, Andmew S. Milne, at Leaakdale for a tew days, inteuding to h.lp geL their milk ouLes starLed. Oving to good roads sud flue - veather there vas a vemy good attendance aL chumoh hast Sabbath mcmuing. There atil la mcem for more. Quito. a numbor of our boys are le b. seen eu thoir bicycles goiug to ohurci Suuday momuinga. We should judge from Lie tecks oet hings LiaI if Lth" vent ou theus Le churoh in Lthe evenings they vould requimo a bicycle built for tye. Mr. HM of the 6Licon,. cf BStt had anotier attack of paralysis galsarda nigit last. Mr. Ândmev S. Mime, foeomau for ,Mrs. Jas. Leask, had the. miafortche- Le loue a valuable eov laut Sunday nigl., Mr. T. Halomur o f Brautford, us.à ope- aide remely vtbGeh Hoi Buffwoffl, Msy 6-Iatnesmt Iiso boa vvldbor bougbl b. publbd4ytb about lb.' let oses ita Ott a theUaM. vaoallasnY reeVey 6o0Mdab uof M_ï iT imdisurxt mssm trud.s:of t4 rw.ý lamy a oïouma '.. a Misa: Mabel Diokinson cof Thorahil spent eSnny wiîh Miss Evant. Walter Ouithard, Reeve of Oshbawa, called upon RBeeve Gemow eue day tli week. Andrew Hamilton la here jusl nov viuitiug bis sisters. Ho may slay for smie veekis James Erans, et Uxbnidge, bas rented the Ira Povell tarin, and je even now in posseasien. John Wiiliameon, et Markbam, vau bore Tuesday with bis brotber-in-lav, R. P. Hooper. Mrs. William Scott west cf home bais been daugerously ill since la8t issue, but is nov much botter. W. Pugb, of Hunteville, vas home for a few days witb bis brother before ho died. Ho aise called upon other friende. The market Tnesday vas but faimly attended. Butter brougbt as bigb as 15 cents, while eggs obanged bande at 9 ct. Geo. Gemow bas pumcbased a span of roadeitere. Tbey are a fine leoking pair and are long will be in roading condition. Mrs. Harry Thompeon is rapidly un- proving in bealtb and At is expected that she wilh be around again in a short turne. Gennine spray pumpe at Gerov's verks, at prices tha, vill please allvbo desire te, purchase. Tboy are a geod article. John W. Graham bas added new rige te bis livery. He is also cbanging the location et bis stable and adding an ad- dition thereto. John is a bustier, and sbould succeed in business. T. Caster & Ce. having disposed et moat et the stock rescued froin tbe fime, bave decided te close shop and leave the place. Mm. Caster bas sevemal places in view, but bas not yet fully decided wbere te locale. Duncan Macnab and bis niece, Miss Mary Macnab, heave Tbureday for New York. Saturday they take ship for Glas. gev, Scotland. Lt is expected tbat tbey viii be avay meet et the summer. We wisb thein a êafe voyage, and a pleasant tino. Thomas Pugb, cof Glen Major, wbo bas been ailing for the past tow montha, ceas- ed toexieL Saturday morning tast at the age et 45 years. Deceased leaves 5 child ren and a widov te meuru his les. The intermnent vas muade at Salemu cemetery on Menday afterneen. Rev. White wili preach a sermon te0 Oddfeilow's in the baptiet church lere noat Sabbath afternoon. It je expected that there wtli be members efthe order present troru Oshawa, Wbitby, White vaie and other places. A boarty welcome is extended te ail wbe desiro te attend.- News. ASHBU RN. At the residence cf ber dangbter, Mrs. W. H. Smitb, Whitevale, on the 27tb est., Mme. A. Lamoreaux, melict of the lato Chrie. Lamoreaux, in hem BSLh year. Docoaeed had been a lite-long resident et this Lovnship, and was very bighly me spected. Ofta large family of cbildmen nine survive ber. The funeral on Tues day te the Christian cemetemy, Brougham, vas vemy lamgely attended. The Rey. Wm,. Percy, et Stouffville, oonducted the services. -Noe. MALVEaN. William Malcoin bas movod imb the village. Most et the fammere in Ibis vicinity are tbmough seeding. Tront flshing vas indulged te a conuid emable oxtent beeabouts Wednesday. Mise Hannai Onxnemod vas a guet at William Seilem's fer a few days hast veek. We are eomry to bear that a very valu- able mare behongiug tW Mr. Robins died tb. other morning. The Rangera had their first bail kick or pmactice Saturday nigbî. The boys amply displayed the oic! agilily for vhicb tbey were noted in. former yeams. The seeretary viii b. pleased to eceive challenges frein any club viatever. 0205W. Orono han three veterinary surgeons. Miss Hattie BaLLon is home from Tor- ote. Mr. 1. E. Varcoe la travelling for Nelson Bras., Tcrohto. Mr.- Charles Vamcoe spent a few days homo last weck. Mrs. Doncaster, Bewmanville, spet Sun- day veek hem. Mr. . C. McCullough, Chicago, vlsited bis fatiier recentiy. Mr. Thon. Ferguson, Midland, has been vtsiting-tfrnds bore. 1 Menais. Jo. Cookac! Tom Swsiss, cf Cousaros, vers itown recently. 1 Mr. James Hunter hac!a fat beast tu tova Mmm, James Glillia, Bovmanvile, la here wgilisg on .>m«niother, who 1& 111. Mr., HumpiryCohdvstem, 80d Miss -Wiliis, Wbutby, vfted Miss Mauc! Miler. Mr-Tbm ~Viasowlti -the CoisIssusCc, trmite,,gel ts à i ,-"bdY cmUshalý re contly. 1 Mmé. and Mrs. Arthur - Menry, Osisava, vtetedbh« slalom, Mm X A T. 9amsby',ý. w"'. ., Major relnrned on Monday frosa a cAp to Buao.. Mrs.(Dr.) Pranoy spent a few days luat week, wilh friendis in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. 1 aylor spent a few days lust week with ber danghter in lb. city. J. 0. Major, and A. Lloyd, of Anrora, spent Sunday witb friendo iu the Val. .J. W. Wonob proýoses making extens. ive improvements t0 bis ville on the bill. Mme. Muiroon, ne. Mina Edith Wilson, is visiting ber parents Mr. and Mr.. John Wilson.- W. regret to learu that Miss Oie' Hag. emman à seriously ili, and that Mme. T. P. White b indisposed. Mr. and Mme. A. C. Treshain, et Lon don, have roturned to their homo after a week's vieiL with Mr. Ireson. We are pleased to loaru that Mm. James Rose and Mme. J. P. Laugh lin, who bave been quit. ill, are convalescent. We are serry te heer that W. F. Birnie je dangerously iii in Cleveland. Mre. Birnie loft for that city on Monday nigbt.- Mns. Hamilton returned Monday even- iug frotu spending a few days witb ber daughter, Mrs. Jax. Dundas, of Toronto. Mjic Armstrong bau dispoeed of bis shcp, turniture, counters, drawers, etc, for wbich be bas ne use, te G. R. Van- zant, cf Markbarn. Mr. and Mms. Geo. Burton, cf Toronto, drove ont frein 1ho city on Saturday ta visit the tormers parents, Mr. and Mrs Thes. Burton. Mr. Buarton being unwell. At the annual meeting ef the methed. ist Sunday sobool, last week, Mr. James Todd was elected supemintendent, and bis discbarge cf the duties eft he position on Sunday promises that ho viii fîtl the place creditably and veUl. T. W. Lamoreanir, of Hamilton; A.rchie and Ezra Lamereaux, et Cleve. land ; Mme. Thos. Major, ef Port Huron ; Mre. Cowdery, et Cleveland, and Mme. Rex, ot Toronto, were bore this weok attending th. funeral cf their hate mother. Mesers. Cruttender and Woolick, cf Toronto, wbeeled eut to Lb. Val. on Snnday and took dinner witb their friend, A. E. Tbemnton. Tbey returued to the city that evening. Finding iL a pleasant mun, and being reyally entertained by the genial A. E., they will be very apt te mre- Lurn in Lb. near future. A. 0. White bas remcoved bis residence to the beigbts. Maple ave,, wbere ho may be found at No. 1, north sida, a short dis- tance in, but on the very summwit et the eastemn acclivity bounding tbe Val., a point wbere the air blows pure and froe, and with a fresbnese that gives ene an appetite for Lbree square meals per diern. On account of the funera sBermon eft te late Miss Murisen being delivered on Sunday afternoon, Lb. members et the Oddfellows lodge bore were unable te at tend divine service un a body ai l3rooklin, held for the edification et the brethren there. Thero vent frein ber. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gerow, Mr. W. S. and Miss Bosse. W. G. and W. S. both turned eut with bran nov tep buggies, and cut quite a a.velI. Death In India, it iâ said, tbe native barber wilI shave you wbile you sleep, éo ligbt la bis toucb. Fatal ResuIta ot Dlelay. Sickness general f oilows in the paîh of neg- Iect. Don't be reckleasl1 but prudently take a few doses of Scott'@ Emulgion ioemedisteiy following exposure to cold. It will save you many painful days and isleepleas ni,«bta. JUDICIAL SALE 0F FARM LANDS IN THE TP. 0F PICKERING. Pursuant to a judgmnent of the High Court of justice in the action of Decker vs. Leys et ai there wilI be sold by public auc- tion on the 23rd day of May, 1895S. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the Gordon House in the village of Pickering, by Mr. Levi Fairbanks, aactioneer, with the approbation of George H. Dartneil, Esquire, Local Master at Whitby, the fol- lowing lands and premises sitùate lying and being in the township of Pickering in the county of Ontario. and being com'posed of the south 5o acres ai the north hall of lot 22, in the second concession of the said township of Pickering, except that part thereof described as follows :-Commenc- ing at the south east angle of the north hall of tbe lot; thence north 16 degrees west along the easterly limît of said lot 6 ve chains; thence south seventy-four degrees* west ten chains fifty links; thence South sixteen degrees tast five chains more or less te the centre of the concession ;ýthence north seventy-four degrees east along the centre of said concession ten chains, fifty links more or leus to the place of begin-' U¶s five acres more or ions belng part of the south-wcest quarter of ad lot -de- scrlbed as follows --Commnencing on the. westerly Ilmit of the said lot- at Uic d*s- tance of o ychainstrou: tii, SOUtwest angle theof;thenceporth eDoty-fôur, degeeseas fve chans and, t*enty-ftreý links; tboeoe north sixeen degrees vont ten chaîns more or Ions to thé.centre ot said concession; -thence Suth sevnty'fôur, degreesweit, along -tb:e cintre of said con. cession five ehinstwentfyve linkasUce of Ies. Wt thesaid. westerliy iImit of sala ktý:buý:Utý,thetotê it deoereueuatý --e - t -' sorry to say le-muff.i'iug frofin vW I taok 'of erysIpelas lu aie.lace. W.trUs that h. may speedily b. restorod t10 hea.th and happiness. Fred H. Mason anzd Miss Lelie MaY Reed, of Nev York, were.married in that city on Monday, Aýpril 22nd.. Fred's riany friends in Pickering wish he and his bride muoh happines through li-e. We understand Inspeotor Gordon con- flnoated a gi net that some person had unlawfuily placed- acros the river near the rnareh. Those who set ties. nets as- r-ume a great risk if detected as the fine is heavy. The trout season eornmenced on Wed nesday, and whiie the day was yet yonng a nuznber 01 our @ports aroso and trudgeci to tb. neighboring brooks eager to make the coveted haul. We have Dot yet heard of any large catches. Rev. W. S. Westney bas had charge of a chu.rch in Guelph for the paat three mnonths. Ho bas now been given a charge in East Toronto. Juet before bis departure from Guelph, Mr. Westney was present with a gold Maltese cross by the membere of St. George's congre gation, The romnains of the late Aun Gillespie beloved wife of Charles Giflespie, aged 68 yoars, was interred in the R C. cerne- tery bore on Monday. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral. The bereaved husband and fam2ily have mucli symathy in thoir bereavement. A very serions accident befel Geo. Bel. don, G. T. R. switchrnan, on Friday mroring. While engaged coupling freight cars, lie bad the miefortune te te have bis right baud crn.bed between tbe draw heades, necessitating the amputation of the firet and second Riogers above tb. second kukie. Although very painfunl, the injure baud is progrees. ing qs favorably as couléd b. deisired. W. Latobford je nov day swîtohmnan. while the saine duties are erformed at night 'by Angus Forbes, cf Toronto. It vill be sorne weeks before Seldon v'ill be able to restiue bis duties. W. ail wieb for hie speedy recovery. Wo are cailed upon Ibis week to an- nounce the deatb of Victoria B., second daàugbter cf Mrs. Thomas Head, aged 18 yeare. Doceased vas ill but a 10 W days with in2flammation, and despite the beet Of attention the disons. did ils work sue- cessfnlly. Victoria was a member of St. George's churcb, aa veil as cf the choir. The funorai teck place on Wednesday, wben the romains were interred in the Englisil church cometery, conductcd by Mr. Card, of Toronto. There were a largo numtber of friends present Wo show respect to the doad. The bereaved mother and two sisters bave much sympatby in their trouble. Ayer's PJIlîs are recomanended by leading physicians and drusgiste, as the most promupt and affluent retnedv for biHiouînes, nausea,. castiveness, indigeation, 9luggisbness of the iver, jaundice, and sick beadache ; aise, to relieve coldg, foyers, neuralgia, and rb.umn- atisrn. THE DOIT'CESSFUIL REIEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. *OwetaatuaMlp.MofmeP ad nmver bâiLe. EEDALL'8 SPAfIUREU Dm Sirs-Pemamd m n fyu o BosadgfsIhaveue gesdm fyu Cure thle c ucm Sa !=drflmedicine.1Ionceleda e ita h &mut pvin Mad 6" nbotte. cured he. 1 Torsfrul, OrU. Powya. KENDALL'S SPAI SURE. Dr. e. . . ENUAi& 0. O. .4W.3, Dnzr Sire-I bave used gaverai bnttlmoe f your "Keadal' Spfl Cue"wftmh uc iz thlnk 15 1 1beutSLinme ma* eva m.omdosw <Jurb, orne Eai" BpaVinam Sue Boue Sparluat. Have asealfmy rpde wbo mre mu" piemd v»S ForSeulwbafuuWad Dg.B. tiJ.UMAt . U IàaUSVý For Tweuaty-Five_,Y'effl ..MP.ROVBD BY The 1fr J.Mode <Ylaumad Montreat P. Q. A Marvelous Medicine Whenever Given a Fair Trial l4ood's Proves Its Merit. The following letter le from Mr. J. Alcide Chaussé, architect and surveyor, No. 153 Shaw street, Montreal, Canada. I.. Hc (lo & Co., .orl; ass.: SGentlemen: - 1I1l, % e been taking llon's sa.rsaparilla for about SIi mnths and a n mglad to gay that It bas doue me a great deal of good. Last may my weegt was 152 pounds, but since HOOD'S .Sarsap rari i a 1CURES 1 emtake» Hod'su "ÉUnsrla It basIn ereaed, o 16.I1tbink Hood's Barsaparila is a medicine and arn very mzucb pleased wt l." ALCIDE CHAlUSe. Noodu Pille cmreliver ills, constipation, bflJousnos, Jaundie, sck bedch, ifdg5Uon cpm Dr. villi to~ five the Ful Wl thre wn an mE the nmt mn the the ilyi itors aboi St mua only viti M N0T A] the ville Lite lto ecm vhi< thr thei awa mng ava five T mer turr lhe bar rigl coua peti dec Wi] poi fui eni thc lie tai mni

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