Stop that Cough.e ISÂA8ÂFE, 8tJXE &ND SPEEDY REMEDY FOIR OOtGHS, OOLDI, BRONOHITIS, ECTO., J. E. WIL LIS, Chemnist -d Dru ggisti Medical Hall, Brock Street, 1WGAN JRYhTo. G ishi a cameiaýs nWd ....A i i LI VLIMU lt X GereShier, Brock, frmn ei nesday, May ist. era parties (rom the .- soewl ovneyuta Collins, Sct James Corbett, Whitby-j; got good catches. Messrs. Leaper, ....... from. 9ý"' (Our Lea.ders $1 HEllis, Oshawa; Alex. Graham, Uxbridge; Watson, (city) and McAvoy covered most OLrrn cte Robt. Stone, Mara; G. W. Walt, E. Whitby: 1 erritory and secured some 50 speckled Enos Remmer, Pickering; Richard Wilson, beau lies. Rumor has it that somte of the SPicLering ; as. Anderson, Uxbridge ;Jno, trout rose to a silver bait. Saturday last Hyiand, os awa ;J. H. Rogers, Pickering; Messrs. Leaper and Eddy killed 4o trout. î XVHITBY, MAY 10, 189,5.Mihe O'DonnelMara..sotads t L. getting the lions share of the luck. NWC) uu ICd aboU' the grand jury and tliey made a very mucli The Toronto Star mani did this town last shorter presentinent to him, there being no week. He is a hustler and succeeded in 0 0 O O 0 short Notes. cîsminaf business to bring before theni. It working up a big club in town. The paper The volunteers of the 341h battalion may may be noted that there were. uytite sdr ha ttepie ftemngr u tc get ead fora dill hisyear grnd jror on hisoccasion instead of can make it pay there must be others besiees tetyouasfreltenwlwhvn oenetcontractors and boodiers who 30c., 35e. Tihe[Dominion revenues are insumfcient ogoeinofrc hi mae ha ume re making great fortunes with but indiffer- pa xeseada icesdduyo osufficient, and only requires seven to bring ent capital. If one daily can float at $i per and 3,5e. pay xpenes nd a inreasd dty o 20in a true bill. The jury found everything annum why flot another.Fdoi a cents per gallon on whiskey and one haif around the jail in capital order, and report. eoa i cent per lb. on sugar has been iîmposed. ed so, and were discharged. Master Frank Brodie fell irom the ioft tnI bIL SCLIS-cinfrsdc is rathers stableTuesday nighî and fractur $175 0 Clara Ford, the mnulatto girl charged with lion. Chas N llsth laitiff, ad Wm cd bis right arm. This is th third lime that Caps at 2, the miurder of Frank Westwood irn Toronto Collinstedfna, both reside on Scu- armi has beebn brok ( n in five short years. ÃŽ sorte ltiiie ago, was discharged on Saturday, og lsland Mary Alice Mill!,, the sixteen Frank wilIl be a regular Sampson in the ail-A fi ag f ClasadCu the jury holding that there was insuflcient year old daugliter ofylaintiff, was employed haii.hereaftertéf i be a fact that the arm i ucrng fG lar n u evidence to convict her. asa domestic in thaÃŽmily of Mr. Johin Col- stronger at or near the break when niceiyiai prices to suit the li .mes. lins, defendant's father, in 1892 , She left healed. T eu break was reduced b>- the The spring spason of îSg; has opened out in a Mr. Colinsafater Iliree monîlis' service, on doctor, and Frank will soon be around again very promiing maniner. The weather has been account of her condition, whicli was the re- Mi well as ever. AT T T delightfu!. the cr01) bas started its growth in a suit of improper intimacy wîth defendant. Th next public meeting of the epworthT D R Some months later Collins junior visited Tth L. .I..n J.1 .L.. vîgorous condition, and prices areý advancingZ Miss Milîs' home and agreed to marry lier, league to be beld on the evening of May 141h iraj)idiy. People have been very careful in pur. stating candidly that as hie was responsible is a Canadian meeting, and promises to be chasinig for a year or two past and are less in for lier condition lie feit it his duty to do so more than usuaill- attractive. There is a deht th.în has been the case at any lime in ten A day was set, but the prospective bride. debate on, question: Resolved that annex- yeirs IThe lesson of ec norny bas been harshly groom tarried away and the wedding neyer atbon to the United States would be a beneli tJJ~7 * j~ij J taught ios iaI..and if .a prsperous p.-ioi sere tu came. Subsequently a boy was boni to îo Canada. Mr. E. R. Eddy leads tbe affirm - N E fi? Dne mou-1il %sould be a greâi relief. The raina plainttff's daugliter, and is now living. De- ative and Dr. G. M. Brodie the negabive. 3f h I11esdiý and %Wedn,-siy did an immense fendant and bis solicitor were in court, but During tbeevening a new patriotic drama tw uns fýo,1i n ihîs >rse,un.I ' offered no evidence, counsel depending en- wîll be presented. These together witb ird y upon an appeal 10 the jury, in m-hicli canadian songs and recitations should form lie d scussed the possibility of the amour an interesting programme. Allare weicome. l)eing mutîsal, and tried to create the im. pression uasn bad mia s ofter jr a udyMy5 wlea red letter day in B lo s s riir was au bon atlie mnsof Il, i ju ry th Sunay, May t ,ewill .in northern Pick-b u s. treated it as a plain case of seduction, and ering. Rev. A. WVhite (baptist) preached ia siteîd that the jury couhd assess the aclual sermon of great eloquence and power to pucuntari- losses suffered by plaintiffs conîmemorale the 76th anniversary of the i )u-ehold tbrougli the sickness and trouble establishrment of the bretbren of the mystic mclsd by bis dauglter's condition, and also lie on tbis continent. Many of the brethren !- r thse disgrace and shame lie would have were present from Wbitby, Markbam, Port 1', "Car Thse inj ured girl could sue at Perry, Brooklin and Whitevale, t0 honor tbis A ~ fcn soteto -vtiime for breacli of promise of marriage auspicios ccasion. Some sixîy of the A magncetasrmnto .:î, r thre keep ofîthe child. The jury re- finest looking and most respectable of our Blouses and Shirt Waists av.erdict for $350c and costs. F.,NI. citizen - marcfied in the procession to church, opened ont this week ; al 'i 1rolitfr piff. 1 H. L. lEbbells for deft. chence back 10 the lodge room. The 1.0.0. %-,Rr - Bws.X.Action to recos-er F. bretbren here deserve credit for their thelatest and newest goods. ( le~ ~~~iifac iimeIiL of 5UUUd allgeUmagnificent turnout. May ibis deservedhy slivs ri gv C r olua di ondnt sliae.prosperous society ever be found in the van liiiiý, (ýluiibi to ellon hars of benevolent ansd social socieîles. lif Ii l îintiff and dr-fendant live in Port0 sýlry cuits, clainîs that l3ownian came 10 MYEKTLIX. r ns svwîtls letters from lits stepson, A. W. \Vrîghî. <if Kalso, B Ci:, whicli letters sataed Mrs. Luke Francis spent two or three Ladies' "Vasasar" Shirt Waists, tlIat bîg profits could b realized by trans. days in Toronto last week, visiting ber (in either plain or pleated> TOWDCounil.porîing pork, butter, pouhtry and eggs 10 daughîer Lucy. )tYhd rns, Cis Town Council.ritisb Columbia- A bargain %was made by Mr. and Mr. Jonathan Lane and Mrs. trhd fos, Cfe Reguir it-ting 'Motora)- îight. %hicli Curts was t0 furniisl money, the two Fred Taggart fromn Manchester were at Mr. Standing Coilar with tarn- N coiiîuîo.atîîi as ead romJno , ere 10 buy Ilie goods, and Bowman was 10 James Kelleys on Sunday last. e ons orbtos i Burna mad 1) WViisouî, chef ansd sccrctary of take the consignmenî to British Cohumnbia lte soin, of Scotand, asking tbat ibis townî , and scîl il, and the poft were to be eul Mr. T. W. Brooks gv up his edig clrbt srpsan civic hidî for tic year be appointed for Iv dividcd, Bowtnan's work 10 offset Curts, usiness hast weck and comnmenced work t-n spots. tbe sainle daie as that of Toronto. capital. Some of the goods did not arrive the C. P. R. with section boss Francis. A pctiiîion was read from A. C. Wilson in good order, somne were sold but lost Mrs. Robert ?Rowe, Oshawa, was here the and itfiets asking that a sîdewalk be laid on througb the silver panic Of 1893, and in the eariy part of this week, visiting her brother tihe Si side of I)urndas st., from Mrs. AK n ny wa ad1 uraoIo zoo Mr. Ed. Hodges, who is dangerouslill.( K. Rouaý' residetîse bu the uptowis raila whicli the goods cost him. Bowman dlaims Our store keeper, Mr. Armopr, is stili un- staton ' Ilitat lie neyer undet-took any further respon- der tbe doctor care from the efiect of being ..R ET CMMTTE. sibility tha 0t accompany the goods and tbrown from his carniage and badiy hirt one CNMTE. pass them Ilirougli the customs, and that W H a r n Chairna Deerel brugh in reortthe extra trouble entailed upon him in do- day last week between here and Port Perry. W a r n froni the sirels cormîîttee recommending itng thîs cost him $125 extra. He also puts Miss Sarah Manderson was home Ibis payrnîiaos ioll,)ws B. Barreti. $3.iS5 T. in for $150 for lis trouble. A great volume week from Markham where she bas had a Wilson, $938. T. Coffey $287;; M. Murphy, of correspondence was put ln whicli the cancer remnoved. She expects to return on BokS. Vib. ___ $250, Jas. Spuinill $18, Jnio. Bravender lawyers on both sides set up as proving Frîday çf Ibis week bto stay for some littie BrokSt,___by $2 a awe i o;W.Hper $22.thicoenosudaum r of witnes- lime hoping for a final cure. 5-jnos MarIe, ?$13 5 '.Ge. ormck ses were called 10 prove or disprove the re- 5o, ner, $î5i 8, boU o OîCroracen sponsibiIity of defeudant, and bis hordship libr 14,cuiyoOnai rn&nreserved bis decision. F. M. Yarnold and MUIDLAN MTUL UDE. stone$ 10 i 25 :The report passed. R. C. Clute, Q. C., for plif.; Farewell, Q C., MDADMTA There lsa gnrlar o want of ran. W I FI-RE AND> WATER and Bain, Q. C., for deft. FIRE : IN8URANÇE : CO0., Miss Orvis visited at Mr. Selah Orvisoi Court Borna brouglit in the report of the. SAVAGE VS. HEAL-Action for damages ,HE, ire anil water domrmille abat îng that tenders in conuection with a deai in property. Re. HEAD OFFICE, UXBRIDGE. lately. for street sprinkling hiad been sent in as ferred 10 arbitration. F. N. Raines for piff.; Our football club will play a reguls.r followti Jas Maynmrd $288- J. T. McGeary Ebbells for deft. Directors-Wmn. Hamilton, Uxbidge; G. game with the town line team to-nigbî. Capi $4,Wm ,Slurgess, $244, and recommen- Foi, vs. Foy.-Action for recovery of an F. Bruce, Beaverton; Wm. Sbier, Sunder- MaY We Win.Oa ding that the contract be awarded to Wm.- old account and to set aside a transfer of chat- land ; R. S. Webster, Udora ; A. Graham, The teachers' meetings will be beid Cp Sturgess, o-f vhich the towrî as a wboic 15 10 tels. The plaintiff G. J. Foy, Toronto, is a Uxbidge ; James Burns, Greenbank ; F. regularly on Friday eveninge, at 7.80. Oapi pay $i(x liquoir dealer, and the defendants, Mr. and Cour. Jcksn kc.kd. e sid bc estMrs. W. J Foy, have until reccntly been Dobson, Epsoan ; M. McTaggart, Myrtie. Lothte-hrb.pnua. R i Coui. ackon ickd.He aidthecos htelkeeersin hity.Thre ers go ,Officers,-Presideut, W. Hamilton ; vice Lttetahr epnta.Rs of sprsrîklîng was reduced $ioo this year and btlkeesinWib.Treyerag president, G. F. Bruce ; secretary, H. Mc. Anticipations are higb for this evenmng. be thuugnt $100 100 mucb 10 tax the wboie W. J. Foy failed, and aI the disposai of bis Ky xrde raCa.Gud x oduttetcA oe"t h ot tewis for. He moved that ail be raised by effects (ienda bougbî îhem in for his wife, bKidge ; snicietoreas, C.Rins. GUlbd -N o tte" t oe o h ot special fronlage lax but $5o. The outsiders the business being afterwards c&rtied on ju Special agent, H. S. Peters, Uxbridge. ofhere are seelarne rom red w OHRE should gel baUf the benefit of the belter ber namne; but the lease and license weie This copareinsues nîbin farmahvea Asldthirbef ati Beef je uer Rr ikways dWOcted tô uerving"the i Ià eterêÀssoclients who are seking tb get the Sitartiof the town. NEW 5IDSWALK5. Deputy Pringte moved that the petition of A. C. Wilson and oters for a new sidewalk to the station be referred to tue streets corn- mlttee. Coun. Scott aslted if It was the intention Of the committee to buîld the sidewalk witb- ouL authority frorn the council. hanirman Devereli said tbey had lail a few rods and were grading the ground for the balance, but wouid await the action of council before going furtber. The council thon adjourned. The spring jury sittinga of the high court of j urtice opened here on Tuesday after- noon, Chief justice Armoux presiding. The bar was represented by C. H. Widdifield, Q.C., crown prosecutor, Clute, Q.C., Reeve, Q. C., Toronto; T. W. Chapple and F. N. Raines, Uzbridge; H. L. ebbells and F. M. Yarnold, Port Pe.rry; J. E. Farewell, Q. C., J ohn Bail Dow, James Rutledge, Theo. A. McG iiiivray, D. Ormiston and G. Y. Smith, Whitby. and W,Jas.Balfoqr, balance saillie Uaies' sor, $40. o. n motion- couneil - djonrned until Monday, the 3rd day of June, then to nieet at codncil roomis at ton o'clock as, .as court of revisiop and other bnsuos.4, F. Wilson ot Toronto was with us lest week. We are glad tu report the convalescence of Mrs. H. Thmsn and of Mrs. Mine. Mesdames Bowes and Ward are quite ii. Mrs. Watd la quietly sinking and at ber great age (88) ber relations cannot hope to keep bet mucb longer. Tbe Reith lot changed hands last Friday. Jos. Todd of Stouffville was the purchaser, and It la to be boped that he will rebuild immediately. as our Itttle town can ilU afford to lose one of 'its business places. Our barber, Mr. Hendry, bas opened an ice crearn panlor in connection with hi- regular business. Those fond of the stom- ach-cooling-com poition are assured of a first class refreshment, and attentive cater- ers. Mr. H. ls a splendid barber, and s meeting with good success in hîs business. LL Ail Purchases made now wiIl be finished at the shortest 'possible O0Tr O M It Pays--ýD ta thavey Th 18 more good taste and judgment displayed in getting a good fit th-an in buying something that may cost you leus but lqcks appoaranco. Ou~r Âtock of Suitings and Pantings .The wide range of pricos wbich wo quote especially adapt 1t tC6flil tA toQn*o f .IIA %Q+ i were neyer more comi5lete. u'u ecouuuwic. tA V1,stto our. ;we are the poople to purchase. 13.00 and $13.50 Serge Suits .... kof Straws is very complote, ranging in prico at 25C., 40c., 50c., 60c., 75c and $1. Boys at 15e., 20c., 25c. Men's Fedcra at 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Boys' it 50e., 60c. and 75c. Men's hard, at $1. $1.25, $1.50, ý2. Boys' Caps itt 5c., 10c., 15c., 20c. and 25c. Men' ýZç, 7is, B races, in /act' everytking- in Gents'y wR M.OOS DRY :GOODS Furnishzng, and Omew ciaCenty FRienDA-Y LOCA Scotrepaira i Hardwood din ait W. Tili's. Mcn's Oxford iu ahi .leadiug S pnices, at W. G. Dr. Grant's - the only prepr ling hair, %fadid no suiphur. As' A Necktie Pit upon ii, and nan may have same AntWa Sermon S The annual st of England, Wbi methochisî taberi May i9îb, at 3 Manning. Seed for Sugar Bc Mnr. R. H. La F. Howard Anne seeds fer growir aune those wbo plot te try experti froc seed by Mr. Changes ln Schoell The Minister ol that mauy changt text bocks te be t -achoels cf the F these are in the d -bcocstiug 25q glgebra for studei leaving examinai ~saved te those -"Rrte A uew alcin cou ~ribnabicbas It MZomps n d I y orf ca f 1 be sold te bigb sc old cnes cost 75 c on tbc set cf writi le's au night aow. --About a moubli tised a pair cf gel bïad been heft at 1 found theni on tl hnsrtions breugl -.dstresaed, and statiomeuts frequt icLic la a good a, - ver, the matter Therels a loreigi Enghsla,.and wb pape. Tbisýie t] taries. and lu ti 'lasjournal's rn mediuam was ci Angïç>-Saxon rac ,fbreiguers asw A chance fer Lites The Dr- Wilfis vlk ,wbicb de witbaschemc-wl in itsinspe tien, termes. In ordez s-ryabiity ef :Ca -ford ampl en the' coinpetitien, ~brated Pink PiSU drýded into fi, 4tisnal tones, STERA BANK 0F C.ANADA. EAD OFFICE, OSHAWA. ONT. 'ital Authorized $1,0),000( itad Subscr-bed 500,000 ital Paid-tup 3733000 It 1009000 ÀROARD 0F DIRECTORS. ' COWAN, ESQ., Presiden- 1UBEN S. HAMLIN, ESQ., Vice-President. FCowan, Esq., W. F. Alib,: Esq., J. A. ;ibson, Eaq. Robent McIntcsb M. D. E'boras Paterson,. Esq, 1 MCMILLAN, - - - Cashier. a.Ncas.-Midland, < Tilsonburg, New iburg, Wbitby, Paisley, Pene.tangulala- and Port Penny. ifs on New Yerk and Sterling-,E2- Se bougbtand soid. Deposits rectived interest ailcwed at bighest current rates per 'cent Collections solicited. and Iptly maade. wrespondcnts lu New York and, lu Çaui- -The. Ierebants Bankr of Êa'A±n ýî tn j ROSc WHITTBE. STORE. , Blouses,, Ladieis' Chimosette fronts with Byron Collars, the very iatest things. We are showing a very choice soloction of ladies Boit I3uckies, in ail new designs, at very close prices. Beit ribbons in black, white or oreani, -in both sitk or é*oftonY » We are offerinjg very spe- oiai values Jn ail kiud's of Dress Goods. W. H.- WARREN,' Brook St., Whitby.' Storage Room. For conveyances or any other portable commodities at the Whitby skating rink. No prjviieges granted longer. than tiil De- ceniber îst, 1895. Apply to R:" BA RNES. Whitby, April 22nd, zS%.--2-3in. Pig8 for' Sale. The undersigned bas 19 Young pîgs for sale at $2 eacb. Lot Nqo.i,- a-nd con.,ý Whitby. SAM RICE.' Wbitby, May.1, 1895-22-31n. For 89ale. A good top buggy, -l good order, cheà p. A p p ly t , M ' Q O A , o M NEWORBarag ' uildèr. Wbitby. Egga for ratokfng lAcis stnigunoccupied se long; that CntbeMc(inîîîvray wunit ifcSts in ms-uer Mc- iý Ibneoau rcie eisdl t~lJq4asf~ Wu I14h ugO Calveleys saiary be increased froni $175 te Dr. Mc(ulliv'ray for exanlngMrs. Mc- pe orenaemnt.$a o d4Wa as IFî tg baUi*ao $200, 10 taire effect (rom April rat. The ne- piieMsnsand a few otber accouats were Mr. G. Tudiiope of Toronto, buaS4 výà i osfttheSMe iw OM'* tn4 UoU port passed. p tu odu>mted.> >. iMi.W.IeCioci.130 . outr.inhiJ . THE FOUNDRY NATTER. On motion of Mn. Smithl, sconded o>' Mr. 'bor dey W5 wu elè ue u r n Od 'Style The mayor stated that attempts wcre be- Ketchen a by-l.sw wus passcd detatchluas the sinllar to that of lait year. Lot ng made to seule the foundry niatter. IU nortb halif of 3t0,1»hi4th cOncesoica'froua Mr. C. Mackey Io£a"nt greaiteret l ln s- court p #tlm ~ * appear new that there la a bill of ccsts whicb noad division No#. z3 and sttaclaiig s"Ibo te praov.theschoëlpMM.on~oi e~t*.A he sherit] wants paid beone the tranafen of road division No. 17- 0Ou MOtion the ISOVO Tii. inclymsay of thlb ~bs-ahoo ilb~Ntc *Vl ~ he foundry property te Mr. Wm. Brown sud counil s-n 14cTxgman4 Ketciien 4à on sîî"Ydasnnd d l"oda Win Notic Io vn hfltéCo' of - can be completed. This lie had refused t w «e spponted comînm#uonr o *0 ilhd"ýfe n t0<. ias e 20d B4oas, ii tIi îdno: ht sancion, and aise on occount for professions-I ItotWoemfrom. Rc*cIi tOWnet l iemlp - rdy tenë -M 'Vr bM aÛ 4jý nlbd services wbicb D)ow & McGIllivray had put famofflt f replrrquired on tow m a"t a U*-s-y eeP-4< i V tMs-bolX4. hu ave ibe **ma tteni la- Te - ;- I __ Ù Town Soliciton Fanewçll edpiajn it - Mr. Smith to hYý, i.ih _ ..& L pouisepias f sttln tb. foundry mabter. (On. WA8 ost bb sheriWi acoste aud thbb tu, rte à itbe niontgage. Ho thougbî ti*co=Id be domc or830. 14r. Pnhie 1ao04 thu*aat *snuC Cm. -milte. o mpaUt lse =vru.d*o cnOfmot XcesiHne..Bmî, st an e*d St - I. ~: a um il a ti ti c This la we alway ~tglves u "*TRUM watches. CoNvENî STEM W Andwes9 Brook f AFFORD To seli fu aflord to! consisteni We keep the Furniture in P( the lowest. Jeeeol W. J. N OTT, to havie your Made Well. Wliitbv. ý vv- m WHITRY.