This la somnetîmes a nioaît ritatlu question 10 an expert wist player. Howevet, as vo are ntlplkyiug cara we always take pleastire in ihbecause it gives us the chance le te1l you liai «TRUMP" lu tbe iatest tbing lu w atchçs. CONVtINIENT SURa, HANDsoÎsK NICKEL CASE, Si-Km WIND AND SET. AcctRATs TimE.tcERPER, And( we sel iit for B arnard% Brock Street,- Whitby. IW E oPCAN lT AF FORD f-,;(el1 furnîture at cosl, but ve can u, di eli ai as loy a price as la , isNisiti ih ani 1,.1IFIINO PROFIT. i lie lair mest and finiest stock oW : ii il'ort erry and our prices are Jessop Furniture Go., .1 N i VIT, M ANAGER o fficili Connty Organ. -Largoat Circulgr-, tion of any local papor îm Canada LOCAL LACONICS. 'nrepairs ail kinds of pumps. 11 r d )ldining tables, 4 leaves, only $,5, Niei' Oxford and French cambrie shirts a W ltaditng colors at exceptionally low rus ai \VG \Valters'. "Ils airene," for the hair, is tilv çitparation guaranteed to stop fal- liait and remove dandruif. No lead, r; -xr.llur A>k your druggist for it. F0ouný kNeccktie l'in with îwo littie diamonds Stý and iîanies of two children Owner alia ve sainieb: enquiring at this office. Anzoual Sermon S 0 E n ie iinnual sermon of Sussex Iodge Sons iî glaniîdWlhb, will be preached nt the int-ioh(lst tabernacle oiu Sundav afternoon, ia h, ai .3 o'clock p.m., bv Rev. Thos. Mlaninng. Seedj for Sugar Beets. NI r R H. Lawder has consigned to Mr. i' llîward Annes of this town a quantity of seels for growing sugar beets, and we pre- sume It those Who are willing to set apart a 1 i wtory experimtents wiIl be supplied with f tee seed by Mr. Annes on application. Changes iniSchoolbooks. The Minister of Education has announced thiat many changes are contemplated ini the text books tw be used in the high and public schools of the Province. Fortunately, al these are in the direction ot ecotonmy. one bbo0k costing 25 cents wili contain enough algebra for students preparing for the junior Ieaving examination, and thus $i will be saved to those students who proceed no farîher. A new and cheaper French Gram- \, iar is also in course of preparation. A new îithnietic has been prepared by Messrsý Thompson and Ballard, of Harnilton, and Prof. McKay of McMaster Hall, and it will be sold to high school pupils at 6o cents, the oli ones cost -5 cents. A savîng of 8o cents on the set of writing books is also proposed. lt>s ail right now. About a month ago the CHRONICLE adver- tised a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles which liad been left at this office by a party who found them on the streel. As a couple of insertions brought no claimant we becanie distressed, and eventually retracted our statemnents (requently made that the CHRON- t I 15i a good adverîising medium. How- ever, the matter bas îurned out ail right. Tliere is a foreigner in town who cannot read Englîsh, and who does flot take any local paper. This is the parly who lost the spec- tacles, and in lime we reacbed even him. This journals reputalion as an advertising ruerlîurn was only intended to cover the .AIîglo Saxon race, but il seemns t takre in foreigners as well. A Chance for Lîterateurs. The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., of Brock- ville, which does nothing by halves, is out with a scheme which is not only praiseworthy inisi nspe, lion, but whlch lu I iberal in its termq. In order to develop the latent liter- ary ability of Canada, and at the same time afiord ample encouragement for the'eiforts of tiiose whlu may successfully partdclpate in the conll)etition, the proprietors of the cele- hi ated Iinlc Pilla have decided to oiTer $300, divided in10 five prizes, for the best five irîginal stories, of not more than 30Oowords. Thie aninunt is a liberal one and will be divided intosumns of Sroo, ,0 60, $40 and $2,5, according to the mert of thestory. The Co)mpetition wtll b. open to ail who baye neyer w0in a prize in a competition of the. kind, nd I h&- reutits willl no doubt prove lie oftheir drank, sud-wer. hebfd Put of tlova bythe conatabto. Wbea, they -rached Whitbýaon the, r.tnm t tnp nt t< tda t# and tbo Wy o.e.Mi"k. *ont'h they hâd Put eac h tbrS@gIi.athrewNag machine. Next d.y y eP iIIvitSd t meet P. M. Q M :vof,,Obwto e- nesdy of thl, w«ei otýt.m yr but p'egsn v48 thel * li.i'boe, and etho iws edaï ho" al g ont , munttr.oflnBÀued raC% goc cqoitW.oc, aIe4 This 11s1 beet a buzy week 4elvering1atsdý 1adin8t ft stock for the Etnglieh Market. ComPlet, uev stock ladies corsets at 5=., 75C., $x.oo# do. 8. at W,,, G. Waltera'. YO uneau et repaire f'or every stote and fnacmae in Canada from J. MéIntyre. W. were unable to get our net of hors. routes ready for thIs u.,, Ail viii appear. next lsue. Get your firepots, gratte, iron or brick llnings for ail ktnds'of stoves, ranges or furaces, fron: J. Mclntyre. The Uxiriege journal takes ail ita port Perry news froni the CH RONICLES corres- pondent, credlîing us, of course. Pike fisblng le said to b. tond at the hay. Boys weto *elling lhemn round town one mnorning last week. A lacrosse club la belng organized in Pic- krering. Wont liat club b. pie. for the. W it- by boys ? But if they are lke the Pickering crickeîers and hockeyiîes lhey wiii be deadl game sprts, jusltbh sarne. The board or educatlon held Its rmonîhîy meeting on Wednesday nighî, but as ve could flot attend, and happened 10 visit tbe secretary's office yesîerday alvays when he vas out. A full report wili be given next week. A number of young men of the town, who spend Iheir camping season at Gordon's Point, are raising money to plant shade Irees at Ihat delizhtful summerin~ spot. Every person who bas R foýot ofland around Whit* by, shouid plant trees freeiy, for aI no dis- tant date the proposed ferry across lake Ontario may make Ibis a favorite summering place, and nothitîg would promote Ibis ides more titan trees. Arbor Day The usual Arbor Day exercises in con- nection wiîh the coliegiate wiii be heid this i Friday) afternoon when Miss WVoodcock wiii be crowned Queen of May and Mr. Ed. Jones wiii be inauguraîed as Dux. Art sewlng Machine Work. Every lady in town should cali at the Singer sewing machine exhibit, next door to Quigley's shoe store. There is some beautiful work, and one can pick up a good many pointers. The Singer is cerîainiy a gem. Hait: Before buying a spray purnp, be sure and see the Anderson double action force spray pump. The besî inIhe world. Ten oftbem bought by the governimenî for Ihe experi- mental farm. Only 313.50 each. L. Fair- banks, Wbitby, agent. Toc late for the mails We anticipate Ihat the extra labor entailed in seîîing up type for the whole CHRONICLE this week,advertisements and ail, wIii îhrow us hehind the mails, and wýe hope our read- ers vili pardon us if their paper reaches themn a day laIe. A fail in water. The big street vatering tank aI Mr. Major Harper's took it mbilt s head 10 tumble on Wednesday nigh, and made a very success- fui header for the middle of the road. We have nol learned whaî move will nov be made to §ecure a supplY of waîer for street sprinkling. Sunday School Teachers Institute. The executive comîtnittee of the Sunday schools have arranged a serious of meetings for î3th and i4th inst. as foilow- : Mondav and Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 and Tuesday evenitîg at 7.30 in the methodist Sunday schjool roomn, londa% vniga 7.30 in the Presbyterian churcb. As already announced these meetings will be conducted by Rev. John McEwen, who is appoinîed to this special work by the Provincial Association. He is a yen' int resting and capable speaker and îhoroughly understands bis work. He deals wkth the vèry hest methods of Bible study and the most rational and successful way of imparttng tbis knowledge to ail classes of students, froni the irrepressible members of the primary class 10 the >taid and earnest students of the Bible class.. 0f course the main object in holding an instilute quence vii find in the sîory of ber lif. vbence came the ricbness and sîrengtb of that eloquence. No book extant gives a more viviid picîure of the sinplicity and sweets of the cabin of the early settier; th. great fire- plaçe, the scoured floor, the beautiful loaf froni tbe bake-kettle, tbe cream, the fovl reasting before the fire, suspended. Then there vas the family worsbîp, ltere vas the thirst for knowledge inberited (rom ber faîher, and ail thinge tanght' this receptive soul. Ail White Ribboners siould have a copy. Her remarkable lectures on Haman and Hezekiah gîve thie bock additional value."-Womnan's Honte Missions, (Dele- Ware, O).- About a Nlght-Watchmaa. There are a good many points about the malter of baving a nght-watcimau Liat are worlh .onsidering. I n ie iraI pla c i tire Instirance rates ef a large setinof the town viii be riîiM;d if we do nXethter arrange le have Ivo firemen eloep beuide the ire engine or else keep a uigbtvatch- mati. In the second placesa nigh*ac1maii aflorda a irreat deai of' satisfaction sud securlty 10 those cf us who, canniot U»ke uîoney by iaving a ire1 as in ometims thLe case 0f course liere may be tics. WhO would ratier not have a walchmsa, Pal* because liey do neu wiab ta psy ticir micro of bis saliry, sud PartlY because tiey Sund ires mont pwfitlbk*YU tiongi of purely accidentai ocSlnU1- but we believe mcml people -lu thi. to«_ ;AU11be glad t1, have as -much protectho1l4W ëa iln reason b. provMed. We., f o e, ho*e9f, objectbo the appoitiagofs alDIWth* on a>urly rontage t s.ul the, town more or les%, la e bqe0,et4d# let tb lowa, mova or na share Very ftiollobIy ti tirely relleved lie town ofIM-, 00, , f Of thecoSaofstreX« st -nmt piethe coot of a 5 usÎË ç sYeutW. and_ý chldrée'aatrsats -At G.Wallers. 6 pioc. std vainut -parlor suite, lplusti, vîti ailk plusi banda, for 8$3*21 vorth 45, &t The retuainder of Judge Dartuehl's cern- Mntv-onirecent .legliatlon vi 1b. found ini Tie Whitby ire brigade l is aking arrangemen@ torun 4 railway excursion tb Guelphinluthe early Part of J une. The second a Yîng cf Mr. J. D. How- deu 8a chard viii tiake place Ioday' Frida>', ai zo a-m- It i. Worth viule 10 riait NMr. Howdense fine fari and sec tie vork doue. About fiftY from hete book advanîage or the cheap trip 10 Toronto on Wednesday, and enjoye a good trip. -Most of themn ,Came home viti goodu enough 10 starî ia %mnail store. The atssizes on Tuesday brougbî a gréi lot ofjurors and vituesses Into tovn, bu t as tier. v-as noîbing for the grand jury to do and uni>' une case for the petit jury Ihey all dlsappeared the samne nigit. The old fasb- ioned court or a week's duration is a thing of the past. Reanember That Dr. Grants "Hairene " is guaranteed to stop falling hair and remove dandruif. Mr and Mns. Pipers bereavement. We exîend our sympaîhy 10 Mr. and Mrs. W. H Piper in the loss of their eldest soîn, a very promising, bright boy of 12 years. He has been suffering a long time (rom kidnev di!,ease. To Sinokers. Ask for O'Regan's Pointers. Nov in the hands of Whithy dealers. The besî 5 cent l-avana.filled cigar on the market. At all dealers and hotels. Don't Iet dealers pass oùi an inferior article, but insist on having a Pointer. The May Tea. Among Ihose vho yull take part on the grogramne of the Mlav Tea in Ahl Saints school room on Wednesday May 15ih, are Mns. Geo. Ross, Misses Taylor, B. Dairtiiell R. Camiage, Grose and Woodcocîk an\Iri r Wm. Richardson. Ahundarîce ,>f refreslî menîs. Admission onliS cents. Excursion. Firsî of tie season to Niagara Falls and return via, palace steamer Garden City' and electric railway, on Frida>', the Queen's comning birthday. Boat leaves Newcastle, 6.,30 a.m.; Bovmanvilie, 7 a.m.; Oshawa, 8 a.m. - Whitby, 8.3o a.m. Fare for round trip, aduits $1.25, chiidren under 12 year' 75c. For particulars see large buis. D. W. Macdonald, secretary of comniittee. The Great Emergency Sale.% Look out for cheap boots and shoes. The great stock of fine grades of beautiful fitting styles, ail the newest designs in all colors. Thousands of dollars vorth to be sacrificed. Heaps piied outside the door, and prices marked avay down. Cail early and see the bargains ai the new shoe store. M. W. Collins. Oh for Everywhere. Oh, for cheap tickets to and from Eng- land, Ireland and Scotiand, B. Columbia, Manitoba, California, ail United States and Canadian points. aîywhere, everywhere, rail or ocean. Cail on or write Stephenson, Whitby, opposite Hatch Bros. Choice of railways, and io ocean steamship uines. Rates guaranteed rigit. Through tickets from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, or Brook- lin, to Liverpool, Londonderry, London, Bel- fast, Glasgow, or Queenstown, inciuding firsl-class railwa>' tickets to Monîreal or Quebec, $1915S, and from Whitby #19 05- See Stephenson, Whitby. The Chronicle enlarged. The coiumuns of the CHRONICLE have been both videne1 and lengthened in Ibis issue, making an eniargement of about five columns. This journal vili in future assume standard form, whicb appears to be the most popular size and shape for a nevîpaper, and vbicb yull enable us la enlarge the scope of counîy local nevs, vith vhich ve try to f611 every page veekly. This, taken togeîher with the big cil>' veekiies, vhich ve put in value aI Ibisq season of tbe 3eart han are tbe boys who dest.roy their- nests. The. per- sistent manner lu vbicb boys have desîroyed their neits in the trees, togetien viti tie sterms, bas almest put an end te lie birds, and if lbings keep ou as lie>' do ve viii no more bearthélie autiful singing cf the preltty liîtle creatures as lie>' come round so merry and friendly in tbe spring time. Man>' utIle boys are ver>' glad to ueo themn in tie spning. but the sanie boys soon aftervards desîro>' their coz>' utIle nests. Evor>' parent and houseicider should make il a point te pro. lect lie birds' nests, sud as lie law lu ver>' firm on lhii point, each boy vie desîncysaa bird's nest should b. reportod ta Police- Magutrate Harper, who vwi attend ho themn very quickly, and yull probabi>' send ono or tvo of them to jail. Thé fonndyMkater. Il appeauseus if tie sale of lie fouudny promises 10Mr. Wm. Broyn iîturuing ont a imcml uatsactoiry des!. At lie lime Mr. Brown# -Prcoitiou ho psy $1800 for tic property ntu hre Mtalmneula vwsacted. upon Litesherlif vas ln Posaesu . si Cooeny.sudbe t o~ee~ssste tecarry ont . h t n'8 aia-by putting Broyait.' pouuesalo gsobenios .g04 snd- lisa.= sbld Brown to camyon bpsim mi the dès it tbtie to"wSioud 4e omlt BEG O NNOUNCE TÈtIR On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, .UMER ...Jal0hn .OPENIN ......Oh a »And following days. td Ilthj We will show a magnificent range of Trimnied and Untrim-. med Gooda, ail prices and qualities. See our Window! FLOWERS, FEATHERS> ORNAMENTS, ETC. IN GREALT PROFUSION. Everything that onergy, enterprise, and constant care on our part can do 'lias boon doue, while every- thing indicates that there will be a wide latitude in stylos, demading the dioplay of taste and skill. We flat- ter ourselveis thiat you will find overytbing in our store that the mno4 f astidions would ho satisfiod with,-styles that will charm and delight,-while at the samo tirne we carry G - . uual staplos, lines, correct in style ana price and aiways kopt well as8orted. Corne and see us. GK yN I Z D' - OU. HEALTHY, VIGOROUS 9 Z8USLN EJSS AND TEWÂRTN 's PROGRESSIVE, .Why. do we talk .... Cut Prices-..simply because corupetition is keen, and to keep înre~ugou usneswe must offer 1 & ncreased W. G.WaUter8. I nducements ta Buyers. W'. G. Walters. WE Qe/e Ie pries wt/zdesczý5ions below. Our stock affords abundtance Ofralan efectiv* material for adverti'sing. TJe have no occasion to exagg'erate, you wil/find aur goods al we say they are. Iu our Dresa Gooda Department our black Serges and Henriottas wvill draw customers and rotain them. Our pricos are cut te the boue. 38-fi silk finish Serge only 26e., in ail colors. Black Union Oreppon at 25o Ail wool Creppons in black, grely, cream, appie, green at 50c. Silk and wool stripe Creppons at $4.40 to $7, for dre8s length of 7 yards. Ask t e e ouen range of 44-in Tweed effeetse t 25. ; a botter finoe t 85c. They are excellent vaine and we show our lino at loc. yd., 22-ifl. wido, that should surprise yeu. It wilpay y ou to look through our Dress Goods, the collection iu the finoat we have ever uhown. Lace Curtaius.-We utart thom at 25c. which iu only 5c. yd. A botter lino at 87je. ; edges are taped. will pay 60c. elsewhere for this partienlar lino. We have them at ail priea, up te $6.75 per pair. You ' Men's, Youths' and Ohidrens Ready-made Olothiug.-Wo offor yen ready-mado clothing at OEHL cost of ordered goode, that are weil lined, perfect fitting and latest style eut. Meu's Navy Serge Suite et $3.75 ; yen pay $5 elsewhero. Mensg all-wool Halifax Tweed Suits in fawn, light grey and dark grey, et $6.50 ; a botter lino at $7.50 to $10. We will bo pleased te show yen our Ready-made Clothing whether you want te bny or net. Youths' all-wool Halifax Tweed Suits, te fit ages 12 te 17 years, at $4. Chldreu'a Tweed Suits, to fit ages 5 te 10 years, at $2. ~NA Few Special You can't buy elsewhere 86-im. factory cotton at 3c. Cream or colored Shaker. Flannel oxly 5c. Ladieo' stain- les black cotton Hlose 8o to 10o per pair. 8 pair Ladies' 40c. Cashmere Hlose for $1. MenIs Fedora Hats 85c. Men's Fiannelette Shirts st 25a. Double fold Ootto n Blieeting at 15c, 86-im, Buteher's Linepi 15e. White Victoria Lawn 8e, do, 10c, We a8k you to Ca/I and Examine our Good8 and Pr/ces. wu Cati and sec lite grand dispha>' cf spring goudsataItle vdst side boul and sioe store. M. Collins. Coal at Toronto pnices. Selling out during noxt veek-I yull selI ver>' best Scranton and Lehigh coal $4.7.5 at shed, $5 delivered-spot cash cal>'. H. B. Taylor. Penscual Mr. Geo. Ayres, Midlaad, visited la lova Saturda>' and Sunda>'. Mn. Geo. F. Waite, Toronto, an ex-Whit- b>' boy of long ago, vas lu lova Tuesda>' as a wiîness ha court. He la nov bayer for lie Dominion Pruduce House, Toronto. H is Henor J udge Dartnellha s been unden lie vealier again duriug lie p ast veek, but is again around lova. Mn. Theo. A. MeGil- livra>' vas acting judge at the Oshava and Broughami division courts. £Umm ILUN Rev. Rural Dean Oreightou and Mrs. Oreighton oalled on Mr. John Virtue, er., and family receutly, The people ofthis circuit are anious to retain their present paalo; 1 AmD.S9. Houok, anotlier yoar,. This sohool luis oord the, service of th, R.v. G. Oopolaui, eNe"al, 'or their auunuivraryon thé, 24ih sud for Bab"athservie. ou th. 204h jqBy.- G. WALTERS. JUST RECEIV-DI. Pure, Ne* Made Maple Sy bhina Glaesware 'ad Croc] Dinner and Tea Beti,-,-CIeï Prica$ to su te> Dn't by be callming sud eixamiig 4h. stockan&ý.r ~"WÂ!TED.-Apples lu stock the Mesr. olmnes & Oommeudod l -theLedI"ng P 4them s evory 1i'rut GreVer ah< l of Our townçab.i I j I I 'I i Bargains. ,'ý - Ceýz-ýý ý