July 1J Oct. . '2 - " e, P Pi'x.oi, 9 Almosta tioelssCase. ~. .. ~A Terrible Cough. No Beat Nqia-ht nom Day. Qiven UP by Docts. e StblesA LIFE SAVED CHERRY AYERSPECTORAL s ýveral years &go. I caught a severe cold, Rt'-oe ' wtt a terrible cough that allowed ,o ,st, cither day or nighLt The doc- t î ir working over me to the best af t1ir aMity, pronouneed my case hopelees, %j 1all they cotild do no more for me. A t eIarning of ml trouble, sent me SW'of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I twgari to take, and verysoon 1 wu greatly rt t, vl. Ily the timne 1 had used the whole t ýýiteé, I1was completely cured. 1Ihave never ha! muiich of a cough stie. that ttme, and I fliniy belleve that Âyer's Cherry Pectoral el!% m ry lie.-W. HEL WA--x, 8 Quimby el s Cherry Pectoral Cr# 1>4114 the BoaS Zcsmav P.hV" Joy ini the Home. 'FIlkl' VE 0OF A BRIGHIT LITTLE ]WY SAVVD. M ivtl by bis grateful father-An l1, iperience That May Bring Glad nucs to the Ilearts of Other Parents. 1- ~ aierloo, Ont., Lhronicle. Mir. I avîd Thaler is IL pr sperous wellr f armer wLto lives uear Centreville, on thin ain road frow berlin to Galt. ILlo hii. afine arof,' .f ifll n-a and 10 M8. Vhitby, Clerk il2; May 2 ; Ict. 2; N v. 2; .'hithv, Clerk )ri], May 3 t. 8 N Nov. 4 Gt rk.. i n omi 'y 4., iJ l 1y .1 ri J am Port b N, May YJ; Id, l .U lige, 18Nv h. J ti y (an n ngtoili itil Iro prie tor. T K --E arri-i un b LLur, Il and' Sv-niilng hMa- oa'nns Poy- A inu of c GE. a. n il rn - s. ni Toronto. t uni ý'nving nit-' exam- gù.t ,' rnn,-r could do it. The licenses was finally grantcd ta Mr. Whitney upon the aup- r rt of Dr. Ra., Mr. John Tweedic and iceé,nse inspecter Ferguson, who said the license would be grantcd on the under- standing that the law had te b. lived up to, and ne liquor was te b. sold te, parties wbo were so poor that the monoy ought Lo e b.uecd for bread.-Journal. STOU»IFIL W. Beattie, the quondam Kickapoo medi- cine man, wbo was summoned before justice Sandere on Tuesday, charged witb practic- ing medicine without a licence. He admît. ted the '« era" and passed over tg lihe pub- lic funds *10 and .caste. 1 tsemis trange that any person would place confidence sufficiemît in such anm Iguoramas as te recelve medicine at ilhbaud. It pays every time le consult a professional man wlimher it b. for law or mmcdiciue. This case shows limat sosie of time public require te ho protcctedaggust their own acte. A4vaaosla Calti.. Il secs. dca,- tiaI lthe advammce lu pnices of catIle sud mm$ 0 notimble Iatey ls due,, gays Bradotreev t',1loitelisppy The. low pries chat prvalti e p ie yesrsmuade Il sunroltble , for emra sd rh uien tô carry -large tumbers. 'be dmoth lest yusr nd blgh jm*es cf feed about tovu la.a Batiirdazv thi 14 -mon o tii paty wichhaletiljfr b "drive" a few days before had been drowned on their way te th. prenoh river. As there WUs many O)riicn in ,he party, a great deal of anxiety wae feit by to wnapeopîe. Investiigation faiied to show where the foo! story oriffinatea. F.m.i Cames o« Dîptieria. Mrs. Millar4' division in the Central echool has been closcd by erder of the sohool board dwine to a renowal of the diptheria acare. Two oidren attending Mrs. Millard's classes were taken iiillau week with a form of diptheria and the Trustees deemed it idvisable te close the room n d have it futnigated. There is no fear, however, cf another seige of contag ion, the. disesae being of a mnild faimu Two other cases have alsa beon reported. Everyono of these cases have been 1801. ated and Lhe patiente are daily Îwproving. Woods mot Drown.d. Laut week it was report.ed that a man named John Woods had been drowned by going through the fust nelting ice on the lake in the vicinity of Horsboc Is- land. Mr. John Kinnon was credited with giving the Longfort captain some particulars regarding the. aupposed drown- ing. Mr. Kinnon informa the Newe Louter that he knowe nothing wha.tever about the alleged event and 80 could net have L'iven any information about it. It is rea8omiably certain that Woods wus not drowned, and the reason he i. keeping out of the way je because, it is said, he is wanted in a certain quarter. Thse Cep Tooleti. There was a quilting bee at the resi dence cf a weillknown north ender who lives an Peter etreet Tuesday evening. Among thoso presont was one of Orilia's estimable Young ladies, whose best Young man was expected along at the. pro per time te eseort ber t er orne. The cvcning wore on. In the. meautimo the yonng man hd been etrolling idly up and down the. sidcwalk, intendîng ta eaul for hie lady friend when ho thonght the q u il*ng aporatians were about over. Rsidents in that neighhanhood viewed hie actions wxth assicion, t.aking hum for a villian who was plianning a burglary or something worse, and a messenger waa despatched for a constable. The young man's embarasament can be botter imag ined than described when b. was accostcd by the guardian of the. peace and aâked about his business. Wben hoe explained that be was a yonng clerk in a down town store and merely waiting to acco"npany a ady friend to her home the ambitions of tbe constable fell ta zero with disappoint- ment at misaing what promised to be a notable capture. à Bold R.obber. W. have the. pineigt Bobo- tien in town of those BEA UTIFUL AMERICAN in 9:-is suau1ing, 1or:hiving the in pom"ao, or ofeIà ng theun for aleZ The runrsg apii,&Pdly, and Mr. Bradshaw Wa mrehn' eurprised te receive over- turesfor is Sttlement frein ,iany againel 'whom ho0had noeovidence, but 'whe gulltY Ooflsience-led them to suspect that "-hey were "on the list."' Soin. of the parties had to fork -over as higli as $14. Thse TIity.ii.y canal. There à e a boom in Lirkfield at pro- sent. ge many mon have been attractcd by werk on the. canal that there is no ac- lornmetjation in Lbe hôtel for them. They are sileeping four in a bed and lying on the sidewalks with buffalos over them. The contractera for the cana) are pushing on the work on their boarding bouses s0 as ta accorniodate the mon. * The firet came is at Lime big rock cut eaut of Kirk. field. The dining room, whieh is 150 feet long and will accommodate 250 men, wîll be finished nexti week. The next camp will be locatcd at the portage road cresaing, and the third at Victoria Road crosaing. The contract.or has cleared about 30 acres along the. lin. of the canal and starta striping off the. oarth ta the rock ta-day. Thero are more men there at present than are requîred, as only a lirnited number can ho worked until the main part of the.ltant arrives, which ean- not be got in til! the railroad sîding is put in, which it will take a few days mo do.- Poat. DUMEAIRTON. Thos. Hendem-son, or., hua been serjous- ly ill but is now irnproving. Ira Tripp, M.D., of Toronto, bas been visiting friends here for a few day.. Rev. McAuley proached two excellent sermons to large cougregation on Suaday laut. F. A. Dales, of Toronto, is visiting ut hie brother's, Dr. J. S. Dates, "-Lorne 'Villa". A number of tic young peuple of this place spent a very pleasant timne on Fr1- evmning laut ut thc residence of H Mon.- son. Our genial bus driver, C. Crew bas pur chascd a bicycle a'nd will soon cinsign Zimumerinan to the dull shades of ob- livion. There is sanie talk of not bringing the stage to this place but stopping at the Rouge. We hope tlîat sucb will not b. the case. Honor RylI S. S' No. 8, Pickering, fo r A pri 1896. Fourth clas-Tena Clark, Ai . Annan, Maria Conway.Thd duess-lW alter Nicholson, Frances Fergu- son, Jessie Awnan Sr. 2nd ctass- George white, Mabel MeDonold, Violet King, Jr. 2od class-John Conway, Willie Nicholson, Frankie Dales. Part 2nd claas-Johu Richards, Dyson Coway Rose McGinty. Part lst B. clas8-Olive King, Floasie King, Arthur Car!eton.- Part lat A. clas-Ethel Richards, Earl Aninan, Weltington Allison. C. J. Mc- Kechmine, teacher. EPS OM We are sorry to hear that Mrs. A. Clauightoiî is sornewbat under the weather. We wish ber a speedy re- covery of ber wont.ed healtb. Betheaday Epwortb League intends holding an entertainnient mibortly. This League can cdaim a good deal of home talent, and there is no reason why a most intereating program should not b. pro. vided. Furtiier particulara will be given if possible next week. Oughsand Cls Sore Tot , Boncit13Wek LunMGe, Oneral Debility and ailforso Emciaionarespedily cured by -Scott's Emulâsion Consumptives always find great relief by taking it, and consu.mption is often cured. No other nourialiment restores strength Bo quickly and effectively. Weak Babies and Trhin Ohildren are made strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other forms of food seem to do them no good whatever. The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put Up ini sa/o- colorcd wrapper. R~efuse cheap substitutes 1 Se./.7r phiet om Scatt's Ennasim. pREE. soott a Bowne, Belleville. Ail Drugis. 50o oncle Cne early and geltfirat choie'. PB. WARAM, Bryan's aid Stand, Brook St., Whitby. LAME 8#4CK and ERUPT/O/VS. Back in Whitby. MANLY'S ÇELER Y-NER VE1 Ç OM-3PO UND. WJTH BEEF, IRON AND WINE. WÂTERFOED, ONT., MÂnCH 28th, 1895. Io LION MEDICINE CO. Sms-It is with pleasure I send you the following regarding my case. For some years past I have been doctoring with three different physicians For Blood Trouble and Lame Back, but received only temporary re- lief. I tried a bottie of your Compound, and it has more than fulftlled its dlaims. 'The eruptions on my face have been removed and the trouble in my back as well, and I feel like a new man. I consider yonr medicine better than any other for blood and liver troubles, as it has proved so in mDy case. O:-SOLD BY ALL DRUGOISTS. ISAIAH LEFFLER. AND I Il PIN N~o More Miser, WORMS.__mýJ__-L.LIj.. ITCHNG PILES la an exceedingly pamnfial and annaying affiu lion, fourud augie lu thse rich and poor. male and female. The prinmp symptoms are a severe Itching, which le worst ut nlght when the au ferer becomes warin lu bed. Sa terrible- le the itching that frequeni it la impossible ta rprocure sleep. Otten thle sutterer uncanscious durlng aleexu serntches the parts un til they are sori-ulocr and tumol t~ orm, excessive moistuire le exuded. Females are peculiarly affeo01 a fram this diseuse, causig unbeamb1% irritation and trouble. T hese alà "Y every uther eymnpiom afIitching Piles or irritation lu anyaraiL S bodyr are immedlaîely allayed and qulckly cured by Cat %so ment. It will instantly stop iichlnfit heal ch. mores and UIoerd up lthe moisture.4l ,qquwpPIN WORMS la lsu aliment eutlrly <Ier 1, ito 1 Wmam Itohlng Pilest yets eeffeets and smptimae=a.xcy ch. mm [31ve8 Tise"sal) Intoierabi. Itehln1; the smre creePla Dives msenation oharaoterszesbotdi sases. e u*eýse nInstantet-J. T. Boicart MPr. KRite& an«;IOOn Buam-Kw. Sheppard.Mr. ]tDa& m tvW.Wle ffl vIe-I. Templeten, dru«t. lOhurcià i-DavU R elief. otteniam-James Sean 'on l. J e& Bradiomu-. DaviBu ~~~ ~ChmasseOlntm.nt lu made expr.euly fer DItehlugle., but It hlai T" e lftey kis Dieases sch as Boera.&.Itch, Sarboem [lob, Sait Ees, saent J'W a ogaMPI ec 60 Cent*. "T aCo.ToreslqOnt4, Uaisgmats ferDoiimlo(Qui A Dinnor Pll-Many persome suifer ex- cruoiating egouy afler partaken of i. like a bail of lead upon lb. slomacb, and instead cf being a beathA nutinimont il becomes a poison ta, thbe systein. Dr. Parmnelee'a Vegetablepille are wonderHu correctives of snob troubles. They correct acldity, open the. seoreliens snd convert the f ood partaken of intohealtîhy nutrimote. Tbey are just the medicimie ta take if treubted witb Indigestion or Dyspepsia Thme enente knew iiow tu oheat. Loaded dice bave been faund le lhe ruine cf Herculae- Uni, . Few remedies for bilienanees are ut aU. agree.' able. A pleasant sud perfectly barmles medi oins for ail %ver and utonmecbtrobles le aelja' Liver Lozenges. Tbey efect"aly re heate idgestive organe sud punify athe blccp. 25 cents et ail druggiste. A lady vimogeta ver? IIM and eho neyer ceav sallow a pili, Baye that rathertimntry 8h. wxreey wuuld di- Bie'il tiry seljay's mdthod, e Ibo i. In.e. o «m hoU s cet, emeed by lime Wes- tinghouse Pooplý et Isintpans, 1 nthe maehimey le te rve m y slohilcity. WM! b. et valu. te th.vorld bl>t 4tsh lb. imtrosnots lauth. -MoobaâîMmlar t* eomn st mielne ll "Cou vou th" thenas Wby suifer frein weak nervos, vent cf»ap petite, aud general debility ? tetting thme loms cf sleop sud rest impovenish thme systom and- this tue blooel, vien sueba reahsTmertori. eus remedy as Northrop& TLyman s Quinine Wiue may bb hâaIstny egao.Ts article le recomnmended by the * * est mesn.- boe cftliefedcsnl faculty inu=esof indi- gestion, general debility, tous tepette aud nonvone efeeticue cf al hindi. Itis se upecially beneficiel to offldren ad-dei-, cste fem ansd te business mon, studets sud those uth ave msnob"brli1work. -W. wouldey, No-va er vitMoutil." It,*11 srnteiyen, kepyour sysemniu eue erder, sud en"beyt esoemflyppi witihheweryeUlmve dé.-Ii is senut t. 0 i este& aud centaine ,sothus j to the. uSit delleate omtlul le ak for tlb. Quinine ine,. prepred by Nýorihrop & LmaTuent. sure yenmm riiMbe. mtbRied ta you bave fuil valu. f«s your usonsy. Drp Korês le te have,,traleq. Ohabas ne na*tob eeppes WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Make>', Uphoister, And dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. The Subscriber bega to announce that h. han again opened business in hie old stand, and has plaoed therein a choice, stylih and complote stockof NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which will b. sold at a email margin on cost. Another bale of those celebrated Mzxed Mattrasses $8.U5, worth $5.00. Seo those Tapesiiry or Carpet Lounges nt $6, worth 08. Hardwoad Sideboards., 14x24 glass, for $8.50, worth $12. tl3e A faui stock of Oofflns and Caskets, and a Firet-Olass Hearse. WMi. sTILL.g Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. RADAM' S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J. S. EDGAR, Merchaut, Wid- sor: M. K. acted rnarvelously ini my case cf chronic stomach and bowel trouble. W-M. MAORAE, L.D.S., Cook- shire, Que.: Was given up te die from a complication of Dysppsa ,and Liver trouble witb consumption. Arna wells ever now; it ie truly wondirfuL T. H. LUBOOMBE, Barriste;, London: Chronic cough ami hemorrhages fromn the Pug were hurryng my wife te an early grave - bt tanks te M. JL she îe as we1l as evé-. Win. Radà m M19-î%obe KMler 06. (Ltd.>, 120 IIWG ST""Z WESTÎ TORONTO Owr. For Sae at ailoiemùofz, or st W. la. HOWEB'S» - WMIT. p_ muOd i -, eue as of~1gs Gourtii. PAPEI?8, lit 111,MEt iii EILL ULIVUnulm, uu A thief of more than ordinary daring evu'ryting at'out bis place bus an air of ent.ered tbe bouse of MIr. Wni. Brennama, nienunesti and proprîety. A. representa- issaaStbot1o'okls Tu- tnt-e of tie Waterloo Chronicle lately hbud Miasissgat a ot a12 'clock50lnah.s nccasenn ta caîl on Mr. Thaler and in the d M ih n o wa ib$0i ah cou-e o* cnveratin cme aumÉoneThe farnily had retired for thje nigbt of thnnse rewarkable cures hrougb the The rohber gained entrance by raising a use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla that bas front wndow aîîd creeping silently up giv'en thua great life-saving medîcine a stairs entered the muni of Mrs. Taylor, worlnl wide reputution. A mong M\r. tIie invalid mother of Mr-s. Brennan, Who Tînalers family is a bright roay-cbeeked was asleep. The intruder evidently had loy of four yeara, wbose winsome man konwledge of the çahereabonts of bie mn- ner attracted tb. reporter's attention tennled booty. Mrs. MacKie, the nurse, on hi heal wbo occu pied a rooni opposite that of Mrs. andI caused hiw to remartyo halet tyTalr edarutngsofomoe appearance "Yes," replied the f armer, Taoirohead ainuteing als osneanc -the little fellow lookas well enonzh now, roie tou ingze.B the a irom and but two years ago he was but a mere a rosse tineti f atedti e ah.bi takeleton and wo were sorely afraid wasdesdti.tifhdwaego i 1would boute bmw, and I believe Dr. \Vit escape. The nur@e found hier charge diam's Pink Pulis saved bis tif..'- Asked Sound asteep and was about ta return ta ber rooni when sbe beurd the noise made to give tL'e partîculara Mr. Thauler raid t He was astmong nd heal by th în e bnrglar in climbing from the bor wanda sontîn e 80 untild moniswindow. She uroused Mr. Brennan and old, wben unfortunately a servant gavererngtaM-.lyorsrmh.d- bum, witbout knowledge, food quit. covered that a writing desk containing unsuited toaun infant The result was $50 hud mysterioualy diaappeared. Mr. bisstoachbeamedernge ;he ea Brennan went ontiîde in the hope of ta pin. away and no food would romain fnigsm leta ol edt h wittî lii but pusaed ut like wuler. He detection of tb. thief. Wbon roturning could nai sleep or reat, and cried day be faund the missing deak on the aide- and igh. H ket gingdewn for six walk, the robber having cleverly opfincd or seven montha until the poor chuld wasth okexrcdtecnetsad reduced ta akin and bon.. He had medi skipptud. The desk was net injmired. Tii. cal ai but littile or ne good waas accom- police are looking for the thief.-News plhslied. It wus nat until the. littile fol- etr low was in ibis doapcrate.atrain2 that we CEB.YWOOD. determined ta gzive hum Dr. William.' Mies Blakley is spending a fAw days Pink Pilla, und I procured a supply and witb ber parents in Agncourt. b. was gîven thenii aocording ta the di- G. Judd, of Brown's Corners, spent ections for children. Soon after bogin Sunday ut home with hie parents. ning ta give humn the Pink Pille the W oietebthri ono change was' remarkable, and frec tihat W. nieyatheorther in thewn eon lie became stronirer and stronger untilWendalstfati.frttecsao. b.e ls now tiheultby littie chap yon sec The meet cf th. farmera bore are before yau. As I said before I bct.ieve tiirengh secding, but their are stili a few we owO hie life-, under providence, te Dr. lingcring in the mnd. Williams' Pink Pille and il you foel that W. are pleasod te note thut W. Ho!. wbut I bave toid yen will benefit anyonc lintg r à sei far recovorcd. as to ho able eIa. you are. uite ai liberty te publi.sh iLt oe Leout witi us again. The reporter bus ne doubti that the. state- Our foot bail beys met for tie i.frsî ment may pint te some ethor parent thc time this sosn on Tuesday evening sud road to renewod health for their cblld, bad a gtbod tume praotieing. and gives il &as e got it frein Mr. Thalor. Min Lawson bas been very poorly for Drý Williams' Pink Pille ane eeld Oiily tii.bast couple of veeks, but we are in boxes bearing tii. firme Uiade Mark pleudte learu that ab-) il slowly re- and wapper, (priuted lu red ik). Bear cevoring again. in mmnd that Dr. Wilianu' Pinki Plleare TeIsetrvstdorsho nFi neyer seld in bulk or by the dozen or dyaTh no nspetrvud oui oyhe n F hundred, sand any dealer Who efféessub- dyafenprod-on eoythn stitutos in this foXgn la trying to ebfand par te lthe boit of hie knowlodgo and of yo nd u bsoula b. avolded. The publiec ourse, gave the« scholaim a liti taffly. are alec cautîioed &pinot aIl Otheir seMr. potty hbu beau gettng somes grand oalled blood buildors snd nerve tOnîsuic8i'PoV*moita astiachd te hie brick klne put up in ii imlar form intondod te de- tbis spring, aud ho inlende having the coive. They are aIl imitations Whoue business runu in full force sometime malier hoe.to roap a poonniary advan'- dtuing &bis wftek-Nevm. tago froin the wenderful reffltatIon »IWAir. achioveid by Dr. Williams' Pinz Pille. A tramnp, vho ovidently linows a pood Ask your dealer for1 thons. thîrg viien h. osui4, alkod off vaUta Thea. Pills are maonfacturd by - te pair of trovéers fro e-bi.font of OauWrs Dr WiIliam'a MediioWOComnPany Brook- store Saturday afteruoon, but'vas dëto* ville, Ontar-., s»d .Boh.ne&Miy, N. Y., *â as bo wua neakm1 dcvi ir»YkIirelL sud, aisold only M iboxes bouuiruig lbiThe. licMoe n er d Mdith* 84 firmn's tr*de mark sud vrapper, et 50 found hding in thi eamrof8"= -centê aibox, or ix bolumfor 82.60. lUen's. - Timoy may b. b.d fom &Dy deles,or On Sunday aftornoou qutp will-be senti by Mail on reoeipt o<,pricé able,thgh nfras, Dr. Willilams' Pink Pille M-'r b. là lace of ail drouggl*aor direct by-mail freai atok I Dr. Wlliam' K.IdId omy.ftoMt The. ovnbra a the., 1 Igb 41tiir sdress. The, -M i viU- W fter .î*b.î.t..>.4 wou pilla &r sojd a =» OO0«u» of 0N* t o âÀba « om r Menit om yMrp-Atxl *éý 'à M& lm"or Pt" - à l-4 in HER. lI) ,A %,, 1) li fl, am 12,80 p in 11:40 p n n rding L Il, hitby, nt Loan il 'J WALL Borders to Match LowEST :-: PRICES, 1