0f Heilebore, Paris Green and Copper Suiphate FO R THE-, Gardener and Fruit Grower. Chloride of Lime, Cam- phor, Moth Carnphor, In8ect Pçwder, Copperas and Carbolic Acid For Spring House-Cleaning. Te 0. RYLEYs v h\I tIY DRt UGGIST, OS <IIA IVA.1 OSHAWA, MAY 10, 1895. Our Oshawat Pair. 'J- R. _j. Lrquhart leaves thia weèlc to travel for bis father with Urquharts remediei. A number 6f îowrispeople took iu the Pari Hope excursion ta Toronto on Tuesday and Wednesday. The regular enanthy sacial of Simcoe street Methodist cbtirch was held last Priday evening, and was very largely attended. A short pro- gr-amme was rendered and refreshments served. The 34th batt. band cqmmenced its sertes of open air concerts last Fniday evening. The music le much appreciated and helps consider- ably ta relieve the mônotony of the uneveutful summer evenings. The population of Oshawa bas fallen ta 3971. There are t44 dogs, 248 cattie, 359baoses, and 131 bogs. We might also mentiou that there bas been -a considmiable decrease iu the number af club raomq and poker denis. Prof. Mark%.. the e ye spectalist now of Tor- onto, but formnerly of Berlinu, Qermany. will be at Ebys drug store this Saturday, May îrth. H1e will test eye-sigbht free of charge snd is au expert i this part oi bis business. Mr. T. J, Boyd received a valuable watch for repaire this week wbich came ail the way tram a school-teacher ti Strathclat, Manttoba. It speaks well for Mr. BoydPs skiflllu his profession when a man will rtsk sending his trnekeeper al he way tram Manitoba in order ta bave it pro- perly repaired. A couple ai aid graduates of DemilI Ladies' College are soliciting subscriptions about tawn n order ta improve the chapel of Aima Mater. The citizene and merchanîs have geuerously con. - -- - - ~ ttri.buied, and i'eally we tI'ilnkic vet'y 1iberal on The publishers ai the CHRONICLE fede their part ta repar the chapel for Prin. Demnili cansiderabie degree of pride and pleasure in and tle young adiec.it is a rather new idea bein abl toestali an shaa pae, ndlu tts originehty quite stariing. bein abe t esabish a Osawapag, ~ Some bummers from Whitby, were in town tireiy devated ta news and other interests of Sunday ntgbî and haviçg mare whiakey lu the that fiouriching tawn. During ten vears stamach than braina lu the bead, they neturally under our contrai the CHROIÇICLE bas sought talked a itîtie, sud expresaed a desîre t0 meet ta aiiay the bittei state oi feeling which i he Oshawa correspoudeut. We are easily iaund apt o eist etwen eighorig tonsandas a mIle aud are usually at home in the eveuîng. at aexist beatween îîighborîng tornspand If the boys think it woubd improve ilîcir marais ias orhs pga tohavge n asking frtro kn-we would be pleased ta bave a littie .chaiwtîh agi-w lor ibis.ageahaendatbing aiathe kndtbem-when sober ai course. thronU a s rsahedaart ae Wheri the ward schools were buit came years th age a news and advertising medium ago no provision was made for beatlug sud yen- wort y ai confidence and support. t ilatian except hi' meaus ofastoves sud windows. The CHRONICLE finds no friendsaemong Had basemeats bei-n put iu. as cauld very cheap. those who do wrong, and is content ta be l aebe oe h col ol aebe judged by those wbase lives make them an ae bei-unadoe, the ascbools c 5o nsae obi- exampie ta the community. To publish inosi, or $z25 ai ieat.umade besides avoidtug lively lorm ail the news,; ta put in a good the closiug ai the schoois ou very cold days word for those warthy af and ni-iding heip ;aod the trouble ai atîendiug ta 50 msuy cieves ta promate good ' ta expose vice and evl- these professions we makre and try ta live up Several resideut.s an Stmcoe dt, uortb, were to. To carry out this programme requires tartled about 2 o'cloclc Monday m01-niug hi' the support-moral and tangibe-and we have loud report ai a revolver or chat gun. which to tankthe eope o Oshwa or alibralbroke the silence af the uight wîîb awful tuten- tiay ofank theopl et.shw oralbea ity. h was caused by a cteepy man wbose display inath awa he ioUtset.thedreems were being interrupted by a loue canine The anytriOshwa wo ispetedthesinzing love dittues under bis wtudaw, The lond CHaoNICi.E's mailing lisîs wili agree in rport eflectualiy iuterrupted the vocal exercices staîng tat s anadvrîîsng ediuî ~and a deep peace settled upan the whobe street stands unrivalied from an Oshawa stand- for the resi ai the uight. point, and if wc print a livrlv sheet for ail these subscribers, an advertisemnent in our The funerai af Robtua Jane Kyle. rldest colums wil nodoubt prove a paying in- dauRhter ai Mr. Peter Kyle took place ou Tues- columens ii . day ta the Union cemeteri'. Miss Kybe wes for some yrars organtst in the Preshyterian chur.ch, -~ '~ ---and mare lattrrly lu the Baptist cburch. Her OSHAWA unexpected death was a great shock ta ber many friends. for aithough ehe bas been stck ail wiuter IlvSINESS NOTICE - Oshîawa subscrîb)ers deatb was wholiy unexpected. Mr. Kyles de- or advertisers nmay transact îanyv business parimnent i the piano warks and the shop-mates witl . the CIIRoNI.LE ,a or ni' av ob)tain extra ai John Kyle i MeLaugblin's works atteridrd CtUyîes at any timc a E .Rogers',ps the furieral.' (>tiCe tookstore, Oshawa. If N'ou wish a iiîce French china dinner or tea set, or anv thing in fane'. china, or glass. ware, go to E B Morgan 1& Son It will pay any parties conteinplating buy- ing an engagement or weddîng ring ta tee the large stock of Felt Bros., Oshawa as they will si-Il this rmonth very cheap for cAsh. Genuine diainond 14K. on1v $5. They, are also naking somne sîeciai oters in Geinls', Laddies' and Boys' gold and silve~- watcbes. See them.ý FeIt Brus. Pinvate Harv'ey flerkins, of C. scbool, speut Sunday wiîb bis parents. W. Symmonds bas opened a fruit and coul-c- tian-ry business ini the south end ai the Dingle block. Quarterhy lave leasi sud Holy Sacrament were admînisîcred in tbe Methodist cbw-ches lasi Sabbaîh. Rev. j Pearson, ai Holy Trninty church, Tan- anao, conducted the services Inri S. George's last Sabbaib, B.ev. J. H. Talbot officiating ai Haly Trnnîy, Mr. A. Mounce, blacksmith, wbo bas worked wîîb Mr. W. Jackson fon ceveral years, bas re- mnoved to Toronto, wbere be will have a shop ai his own. Hic Honar Judgr McGillivray. ai Wbitby, presided ai tbe division court here last Fnîday. There was but anc case, wbîcb Hic Hanan catis- factorily dispased ai wîtb a full responsibiliti' aI hi@erxalted position. Mr. Marshall, ai McMa3ter University, bas resumed charge ai the Baptisi cburcb for the summier monufîs, beginning last Sabbatb. Mr. Marshal 1 a very arnest and cloquent preacher, and bas made many fn-ends lu Oshawa since last atimmen. We rrad ini tbe local papers receutti' that camne tri-es were being cut down near Cedar Dale ta make way fon the el-ctnic railway. but the branches have been leit lu the ditch. If the ad- vent of the railway is beiug wsiiu-d for they will prabably ni-main there titI doomsday. An intrncstiug wedding took place quite ni-cent- ly. the contracting parties beiug Mn. C. E. Tay- lor, af Winnipeg, fanmerly of Ochawa, aud Miss Mallet, ai Eldorado, Ont. Thbe oeremouy was performeà bhi Rev. R. Mallet, father ai the bride. Alter cpending several dai'a visiting re- latives in Oshawa, Mr. and Mna, Taylor repaircd ta Winnipeg, tbeir future borne, Mn. Taylor is w.ei knowti in tbis district, aud bis many lniends m.ish him and bia bride ail pnoapenity lu their western home, Mn. Harold King, for ceveral yeara with the Western Bank, leit an Tuesday for New York. whetice hi- wîtl sali via the LucaniR on May z8 ta joîn bis parents in Eugland. On Monday i-siig a score ai bis youug gentlemen frlends gave bîm a select banquci ai Tod's parlant. The menu was moat elabonate, embracing the cboicesi delicacies procurable, and! a eveing of jailli niingled witb regret was spent. Harold! waa most popular with bis fiends, and wyul be con- siderably mîsced lu social circl-s. Frank Rae succeeds bita as tedger keeper ai the hi-ad ofb- ces hi-ce. Two or îhreyemaega oa S j endi-d in building ni-w drains, Tac weoded bxs wrre laid ie tise grouni! wttbouî aiiy ooîreng. the samnes the ci4drain whch islqg1 years. A gentleman ofepelnc ufraus that ai a caSi afi $ those baies coul! b* bei-n coeied witb tan iniside and outiand tbus pr. senved ai hi-sgt fer 5 yeans longer. itac hten-s an Il 300 iOr 5 pi-anaat 4 pi-Tci-nt., tIleSd 56e. $--a for tan wouhd tisasbave saved O$840go teh town . Sucb trillesasutt. ewonld smms ly s park for thse cltlzens The sldewahki oethUe towu ame lai a m tde- piorable condîion. BoardsaM apwug a» Oven the town, sud îIila a-wSom i u~Perm .dmc not meet wlîis an accidenlt u i lu. keaia, yeux aiter pear, buadreda 0( dallais I &hcaItbougisrequitng emldely Mms prime eutlay, aramaremoeeomw e iuutuin " 'e?' Tisemembm o f I*0 twmu MMY do iDeeMMt eogoddus.Tb.ces. "P " Md ses!iom air A -shw hk tap d MJ, -esm fTrmu.la wi a A catastropby averted. A narraw escape fromn instant deatb took place the- othen day. Tbr terrible catastrophe, however, did riat maierialize, and the unîverse consequenthi' still r-tains its equilibrium The would-bave-been vtim wss the cantrollîng spirit ai that urisurpacsed illuminatar af public opiion the Windaw Brexer. Whîle rîdîng aiong the street on biccilient stred hi- toak a brader aridriearly dasbrd aut the contents ai hic brairi paucb. The poultri' dmpsrtment ai bis mechanism wee uninjurcd, bawmven. but the bike is laid up for r-pairs. Memoniai Sernice. A meeting wes calied hast Sundai'. in the Sari's H all et 3.30 ion the purpase ai holding a mem oriel service oui of respect fon the memory ai late Brother J. N. Stearus, the gr-at temperance publisher ai Ni-w York. Addresses were de livered by Edward Carswell, sud Bro Bewell, ai Whitby, Grand Scribe ai Ontaria. Mr. Cars- weil spoke ver' feeltngly af Bro. Stearus, bis liii- long fiend aud co-wonker in the temperance cause. Thet7e wenc a large numnber ai people at the service, the interesi ai which wes enhanced by ducîs fram Messrs. Adams and Hi-rh. Luke, and Mrs. Moody and Mn. Adamc. Miss Ever- con presided ai the piano and Mn. Andrew Hall. the vetersu D.G. W. P. oflthe division, occupied the chair. Bikers awu ltie-eartb, The time seemis ta bave corne whe the town couricil must decide whetber bicyclisi shall awn the etdcwslk and citizens take ta the road on whetbmn the citizen chall be abi- ta go bis wai' cafely wltbout haviug ta lump sud hustle out af the way cvery fi-w minutes toalaiow came bump- bai-led bicycle fiend ta pass bîm. At the noon hour and et 6 o'chock it bas hi-corne a spinous question ta the pedestrians wbo tbrung the main su-eets. The roads are lu cpl-ndtd condition and there ia na occasion fon wheelrn taking the idewalks eit ail. We caunot si-e that citizenc are under sucb obligation ta cyclists that tbey should bave ta kcep expecting everi marnent ta be called upon ta jump out ai the way oI the wheels.Tne inellable gal ai soume ridera ta wonderful wben we came ta think ai it. sud some of thern give us the impression that the earth is theïrs sud aIl the thoroughfarcrc thereof. Howeven the wbeels should be eompelled ta take ta the noad on the main stremet t east. The "Bathtng Line." The Oshawa eîectric nailway la berg anxious- ly looked for. Prom the- way the thiug bas bei-n deait with ion the lest 5 years we may wait s half century befon- wc ai-e railway conneotion between tihe tawn and thé- laite. lime and aa'n aur hopes have -bei-n raised and led ou Capt, Carter's wiud fan a wbile, but as many times have such hopes bei-n dashed ta the ground As soon as spring was here work on the raSd was ta have bei-n cammenced. Il sprnug L-n't here now we don't kucrw whcn ih wili hi-. Penhapa tbne Capt. meant some spniug awai' off in the uture. The people are begiuning ta thiuk he di!. he Railway Co., we underni!, are lookinig for anather extension ai time. They have bhall e dpezen extensions already and! ta save further trouble the- goverumeni bad hi-uer give tbem an extension runnlng juta -eternity, as the, wUhl probably need li. Piepie are preuty thoroughly tirai af tua s alhway hwnbnggiug, and have bei-n dlsppolnted se rusey dtieis thai the majorlty ai thein ahi-n wish the whotle Ixsi- s. were ln Ge.henna. At pr-ai-ut tiherailway la being opeaici! by wtnd power, Our Boys. "Our from w TIse pi vas greete! wltb a crowdei! boms revemmgaisd ube etSuof tbe Lt Dtwuatlc Club viii ad!be- sdpS o thé.nlaof tbe Me- tte (>ulte à a mber ci peoe aid~~~ Bomavul.vee i-i- a .4aMby enid out »ad ithe xa oe ir euMOeiéd. .R.C A new sidewalk la béing laid lu -front af the Dingie block. ,Fermera willi do well tao eIal at M. E. May's for boys' ready made -elothing. Mr. Robt. McCaw le recoveâtrg trouis at- tack of sciatica, but stili experi'QUcea difficulty lu gettîug about. The Friday everiitg service and choir practice at St. George's wiil take place ou Wednesday eveninga hencefQrth. .* The McLaugbllu Carniage Co. é ommenced the coustructtoq of their new saw miii ou Tuesday. A large circular saw is being put in. Mç. H. E. W. Ayieswortb was lu îown Tues- day. Mr. Aytesworth la a brother-in-law af the young mari Wells supposed ta have been mur- dered by the Hyams brothers. The funenal ai the late Phoebe Goldsmith, mothei ai Mna. A. B. Demîili took place fnamn the coilege Thunsday. May 9tb. Deceaaed was 83 years of age. The funerai toak place at 9 a.m., as the remaina were interred at Prince Albert. The orchestra of the 34th Batt. baud created a splendid impression at *'Our Boys," anid the subsequent dance. lJnder Mr. George Walkar's leadership the orchestra which la com pased ai 1o pices furnlsbed excellent music. Tbe public hope ta hear mare ai the baud orchestra at future entertairimeuts. The Oddfeliows ai Corinthian lodge had a big blawout Weduesday evening. The oc- casion was the celebratian ai the 25th aniver- sary af the Corinthien lodge in Oshawa. Refreshuients were served by the wives ai the members and il was quite a laie haur be- fore the compan.y dispersed. The R. S. Williams & Sous Piano Ca. re- ceived a peculiar letter recently et the head offices, Toronto. The wrlter posed as a frtend of the company and was clearly a pon cholar. The wriier had evidently a greivance against corne ai the empiayees but used most indiccreet latiguage in the epistie. The employeca were shawn the letter by the firm but there je little hope ai discovering the author. Sewers snd Water. Who la there for an instant wdli deni' that w should have a system ai waterworks snd a pro- per system ai drainage. The town te riai hall dnaied and neyer witi hi- as long as the council contains çi many members who. are coutent t0 drif t long lu the ways ai au balf century ago. We cari trui' say : "For we are the came aur fathers have been, We cee the camne ights aur fathers have ceea; We drink the came streamn, anid we view the saine suri, And we, run the came course aur fathers have lrunr." A nlght at Demiil. The E. L. C E. societies of the several town churches were entertained let Tbursday evening by the C.E. soclety ai Demili Ladies' College Instructive papers were reald by Miss Watîe and Miss Carruthers ai the cailege cociety, A. Scott and Miss N. McLean, ai the Presbyterian sa- ciety, anid Miss G-ouid ai the Simcoe st. Metho- dist society. Reva. Keuny, Kines and Eastmuan asc gave short addresses. Light reiresbments were servçd during the evening and at ii o'cloc.k the young people dispersed. aIl vating the collegei pe-ople capital hasts arid eritertainers. We had na idea that tber.' were sa many yaung men con- cerred iu the C .E, movi-ment, but the way they turned out and tramped away down ta Demili dispeiled ail doubts. Il the vicît ta the coltege could be arranged for about onice a montlh the C.E. sacienies wouid hi- the mast popular institu- tion in the tawn with the yourig men. Fîve %oung fellows from Whitby, Charles Hodge, Royal Winn, Wesle-y Fi-gar, Arthur Thomas and Pardo Tanner, camne down ta Oshawa on Friday for a Lith-e fun and in- cîdentalv hi-came somewbat bilariotis. To keep tbem out ai trouble Constable Hanlan sent them home about 4 p.mi. On theur way thby passed the bouse ai Mrc. V.ary lane Byers, ta wbom camne af the fLlJows used gnossly indi-cent lenguage. Four of the fi- hows wbase namc-s were kuowtl wer- surdi- moned, and Thomas, wbose naîne was then unknawn, got off. Oniy Fegan sbowmd up hi-fore P. M. Griersan on Wednesday marri- ing, the other îbree having skipped out Mmc. Byens had no camplaint ta offer agaluat the onlv on- wba faced thee magistrat-, as hi- bati no part bibmtheaffain except in trying t10 quiet bis comparions. T-he case was ticere- fore dismissed uritil the tbree missiug links return. The constable bas'recmived orders ta use strict measurms ln suppressiog nowdy- tam o-i the pat tai thase feihows who make it a practice ai camirig aver from Whiîby for a drunk. They will doa weilita take warning. A Public Resort Needed. Oshawa la in great need ai somi- place oi r-- sort, wber gamma mai' be piayed by the boys anid wbere citizens mai' spcnd a fi-w banna in thse eveuings and on haladays. As it stands at pri- sent there îc no p!ace where the young msen may enjoy heaithiul sport sud recreation, sud as a recuIt manly sparts arc rmably discounaeid. If praper grounds rxisted athletic sparts would re- ceive aLn impetus and the bumdrum x:iisteuoe ai lite ln Osha.wa would no longer exiat. Basebeti, football and lacrassi- games at intervals are moat wetcomm in the summer mouths, but sncb garnes carmai be piayed witbaut proper grounds. The cricket fi-Id in the rean ai Dr. Rai-'s recidence sbonld be s splendid atbbetic grounds, sud at very littlc capense could be madei- miasncb. It ia the duty ai the tawu to encourage ruauly sports, and tber- ic no doubi but tbat it benefita the town iu many ways. It is a gre-at puty-that the cauricil ai Oshawa bas 50 Little ai enterpnise rend ambition iu its constitution. Oshawa is away behind the urnes sud getiïig mare so every day. Sergesut Hinton'. sta. y. Three wmmks aga we publisbmd a ciae-ment made ta us by Sergt. Fred Hinton af this town, in wbicu s ivemal changes were made seriauisiy ne- fiectiug upan C. Scbooi Pi Iniantry. Sergi. Hinton came ta us and in detail stated aIl thai was contained lu the nrticle, sud likuiwise tld the camne star' ta mau-Y athers. He asked us ta puhlisb the det.ale ai bis ailegeri grevances, and in aIl gaod iiaUb sud tnuating lu' bis word we did so. The atari' ai Sirgt. Biniou was brangisi ta the attention af tbe C Schaol officersansd Capt. Gnierson and! Sergt. Major Lawrence bave nm- oeived letters stating that the whoi- stary la faIse, Hinton ni-ver tosauy moni-y or eloithing as he alleged, sud thse whoie orie o f the te si-ims te havi- cametram ithe tact tWha h- wa cblckeu-beantei! sud wauted ta corne home, bui bakvlng no good excus, made up the yarm te concesi bts teck oai aisina, i iiorùw d U* authofitles that be bai! obiained a sluiïai with- the. G. MW, Tel. Go,, ln Tarante, 'é4 ibis ri-paesenatlon was allawed te diseharge. Thtis ary aSemu iet As uniri- s tse other. Prom wbat weéala va be>lve C ichool toe i- Ilttîesoà i4be,, and! ri-g,.!that It sbol bav, boo30,m sai» -, aemtedin luthes- celumna iete9nMb dco S -ii h Plaeed blsai-i u A naiffonsptihon ,4'M" F DR. lHuu. OmnLwà Dauo SuaB-L J Maxwell, dispenaing chemla4 Pull Une 01 pure druge aud obemi- caanaiwtym onbad 'I LLM~U ,1o0- H0crUWDx -ýOWhitby-Oshawa stage line. The Largrest Stock, Leaves O haws10 8, a 4 ud- pp ,m.ud The ]Fiùiiest ssortment, W n-by..-Osu n -.0 ' The Lewest Priceo fours CaeA, manufacturer of feue carrnagesi carte, wagons, sud &Il kinda af cuttersa su sleigbe, Repslrlng a seciaty. Joim EanwmL%, paster sud decorator. Dealer in Wall papers. cellng dedeoratione, painte, ail, varn shines, brushes, winutow shades, etc. JAMEs PELLow, dealer In aves, fumnaces, tin- ware, etc. Large stock kept oontau:ly on baud. Jobbtng asipecIaIti'. Simucas street nontb. L. K.. NuiTom, B. A, - Barrister, Boilcitor, Natary Public, Couvoyancer, &oe. Mouey ta land. Mfie aven Dominion Bank, Sisucce Street Oshawa. X. B. Mà yB-ealer lu Graceries, Fancy China, Cnooksry, Tinwsre, and Fanoy Goadae. Pure Tes@ snd Coffees. Boys' ready made suite a specialty-very cheap. F. LAimBERT & 8o2i-The lesdlng tailoring sud gounis' furnishing house af Oshawa "Pilerdidsusartrent of tweeds, worsteds, trowselrlngs, shirts, collars, eto, slwsys kept in -stock. FELT Biaos - Wstchmskeru anld Jevelera. Dealere iu watches. clocks, jewelsry, silver- ware, spectacles, etc. Engrsving. gald snd eiver prstiug, sud aid gold rings ruade aver. Fine watch, douck, sud jewelery repalring a apecialty. OBIa&w BaLLEIR MIIL-Âtteution af fartnere la dfreoted ta teed chalpping uow carried ou daily at -% par bag. Celebrated Jeweb brand af flour, beat lu Canada, sold by ai l fret-clase grocers lu Whltby and Oshawa, sud at aur muille. Carupbell & White. Evasow & Hiwmane - Importera sud dealers iu farnera', manufacturera' sud houaefurnish- ing supplies. Ms.ufacturers af tinware. Esve- trou.ghiug sud other oontraoting done. Fur- naces, chandeliers sud lampe. A stock af bicycles kept ou baud. REAGLAN. Public school honor rail fan May. -Ciss IV. - Aylmer Hezziewoad 432, Fred HoliidaY 396, Jesse Angle 32, Wm. Rocs 311, Anch Angle 228. Jun. 1.-Arthur Rocs uoî, Edith Ros 9S. Sen. IV. -Susie Bray 2%Ches. Smîth 184. Maggie Wilson 139. MelieNicols 125. Flossie Courtice 121. juri. III.-Roy Bray 3% Alex. Onyiston 321, Fiassie Smith 292, Harnab allaiat 263, J no. Rocs 248, Angus Angle 2oi. Clasa II.-J 0. Bray 3ýV, Chas. Ornilston 326, Walter Price 238, Gi-oWard 227, Mari' Haro- den 181, Gi-o. Luke 147. Pt. II.-Jessie Smith 141, Frank Blauchard 120, Lelah Sornberger 113, May Bray 97. Pt. I -Edua LDawson, Mabeh Sornberger, Jemima Rocs, Morley Rasa, Lawrence Ward. M. A. Stili, teacher. OBÎONO. Mr. and Mrs. joseph Rickahy, Lindsay, have bei-n visiting bere. Mn. J. W. Odeil, B. A., cpi-rt last week at home. He is are ai the examiners in mihemnatice ai the University examinations at Toronta. Mr. Chas. Wilmot bas depcsitcd îoa,ooa speckled trout fry in the Kendall fishery ton Messrs. Cackhurn and Murry. Mn. W. Percy Fletcher visited in New- market last week. Mr. aeribert Hill bas secured a situation at the corner store. Mrs. Hill, who bas bei-n visiting ai ber home at Londan, bas a-rived bere. Mrs Nash wife ai E. B. Nash, ai the corner Store, bas arrived. Tbey wili occupy the nesidence owned by Mr. Tbompcon, an Churcb street. The new officers af the Epwortb League are: President-Mr Hugh Simpson ; it Vice- Pres-Mrs J R Reail; 2nd Vice-Prs- Miss Lydia Tourjee; 3rd Vice-Pr-s--Mr Thos Smith ; 4th Vice-Prec-Miss M Thorn- ton; Cor Sec-Mr Herry Milsan; Treasurer -Mn A A Tucker. BLACK.8TOCI. Merchants r-pant trade impraving. James Crawford hec reuted John Jobb's bouse. Mn. Robi. PbeIp's litthe girl is meuâiug siowly. Misa Laura Williamson is visitiug at Bethany. Mrs. Mahood bas improved ber dwelliug tbis spring. The, Suriday scbool is prepariug for the anuivensary. Mails arrive bere at 11 .45 p. m., and leave for Toronto at 3. 15 P.-m.- H. Traker bas sîarted bouse keepiug aud le working for H. Manîjay. Rev. H. T. Fnrguson wili prmacb iu thi- methodtist cburcb an May î9th et 10.30 ae.u The Sans ai Temperance bave deciderl ta have an excursion this summen on lake Scugag. Mise Parr will tri-at those who iook part lu the couteet S. O. T. ta ici- creamn on Fri- day night. Miss Jermnie McBrine le very sick et pres- ent. Mn. Gi-o. Reynolds bsaelso very sick. Two of bis sons came home Monday. Hei- t an old nesident ai Cartwright sud lied four sous in the mieistry. VICTORIA CORNERIS. Mrs. Johne McKee is seriously ill. Maostaiftthe fa.rners have fi.uislzed si-iding. Mn. John Scott epent Sunday with Miss EZ. Ai-tan. Our atone keepen, Mr. Sendens, je doing a rushi.ug businies. ,Mn. Oea. McGuire ai Uxbridge spent Sun- day with Mr. St. Johnes. Fred Scott ai this place was visiting fi-ndsata Marsh HHll on Sunday. Ther- wes no service hernr on Sunday afternoon owing ta, the quantenly meeting ai Udona. The fri-e Methodists held tlieir usual ai- vice here on Suuiday eveniug. The Rev. Mn. Simua fil-dfi- pulpitý BSAGUAVm. Thbe following i. the staniding et the pupîls 'Of S. S. NO. 13 ReaditnApi 1-ary parlsh,' Donuai. Muera, Edgar Butt. Pt. Il -Lucy Pariis, Frenkie Watson, Louis BakrJýr. II.--Minnie M40Qu, iorný ClfelFlon6isce Sleep. -Sr. IL-'.-Wa!ter -~4a4DeJohn 1ure, Hat1ry Rugis- ~ fj~f i l, Cina.* wTn Iit- --,*In This Towne ' ,-WE have takeri this space for time to--, ,-come and ik wili be an interestlug one-, ,-for youn pockets. Neyer (ail ta read it.-- OURt STOCK CoNsISTe 0F: General Dry Goodo, Mantlis and Mfllinery. I We bu; for Calh only j We Bell for Cash only. 4 We have only one price. WE HAVE a fine Miiliuery and MentIe J showroom and make e speciaity of these goods ; combining as we do the best rua- terial anid the lowest prices. Call and get ucquainted with Tho:. Milhor i sn THE ARCADE.. Cali at PKLLOWS, and Seo hie Wrought Steel R, AN1*,GKE S -AT- $ 50.00. Also bis GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- 95-50 to $25-00. BLACKSTOCK Mr. Elliott, cheese maker, has maved inta Moore's bouse. Cheese factory has not begun opera- tions yet but will do so ahortiy. Mr. Suggit ie building a very pretty iran fence in front of bis property. Seeding is about comapleted in Cart. wright. We are ta the front in this re spect. We were glad ta soe Mr. Geo. Corfield of the Royal hatel out again after bis long siege of sicku eus. Mr. C. Lattimer has been granted an extension of anc mont h ta wiud up bis business in the Commercial hotel. What with spring cleaning and muer- chandise transfers, aur village prosented a lively appearance the laut woek. Gehannas on a smail acale- have beau sending up their smoke and flames from many back yards. Fences are being re- paired, trees pruned and gardons put in order, and the whole village is putting an a tidy, presentable appearance after the ravagea of lsut winter. Mr. Win. Parr toak bis family and hausehold effects ta, Port Perry on Mon- day and began -ta clear his stock out of the ahop. As sc-onsa ho had finished Moore Bras. took possession and trans- ferred their stock froru the corner store..l Naw business bas resumed its normal aspect with Moore Bras. in the Parr store and Parr's stock for the present in the corner store. TIMONE. Quarterl y meeting at Bethesda was well attended. Old and yourîg have enjoyed the fishiug duriug the week. Improvements are the order of the day in aur famous littie tawu. Mr. A. Wilson, Queen's Coilege, King"tou ie home for a vacation. Mr. Hilier, blackstnith, and family, toak possession of Mr. A. Brown's hause an Tbursday. Lieut. Mitchell left Saturday for a. Toron- to carpe. Jubilee demaustrations were held here last week by visitiug officers. The boys had great fun Mauday uiaruing capturing a boon wbich had dropped inta the pond. Mr. jas. Souch kilied it and le havlng it mounted. Mr. Wm. Brimacombe received a telegram last week ihat bis farm resideuce. Mari"os, had been destroyed by flre. On arrmvingý without delay he faûnd it a hoax, the-damaýge being very însignificant..I Ia the opportunity we now ofier you of buy- ing a WATCH at a matertal reduction (rom so' -prices we ever made on tbem before. Far example : We wttl selI a watch worth jý3 fr $5 a 30watch ,for $2,5', $25 or 2o aS2owach or$ 6 ; a 716 watch for 814 ; a8 14 for $12 a $xro watch for $8; a $8 watch for $6.5o; a $6 watcb for $_5, and saou down ta the bottam. Dau't fail ta see the bargatus we are oftertng ln al hmesat Amm.... BOYDoi roetrst.v ore. (Headquarters for Bargaiua) KINC, STREET WEST, - OSHAWA. r-HEADQUfAR TERS FOR--, Field, Garden and Flqwer Seeds, Mangels, Field Car- rots and Turnip Seelde of ail varieties. Ensilage a.nd ather corn at loWegt Mar- ket prioes. Staple and Fancy Groceries at bottom prices. Highest mnarket priesffaf Farrn Produce. Beaton's Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa, - Ontario, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, C-e7OSHAWA.,-ýD Leather Steadily Advanoing. * Wholesale prices for faatwear are 20 per cent. higher. Our immense stock is seiling fast at oid prices. Save money by buying your The apportuuity wiil soon pass. Qne price toalal. Cash down. _A- Our rate- af profit is tbe lowest in this district. IT REEFS- US POOR. Oshawa Stesmship Ticket -Agenoy. Steamsbip Tickets ta Europe by the beat Unes on the Atlanitic. Spectal -ratlway rates, Oshawa to Montreal, lu couuection with Steamship Tickets. Canadian Express Co. Gocda foewarded aon ahl Passenger trains; also collected and, de- livered toa ai parts of the town without extra charge, 4WMonev Orders on sale tram eight a. ru. until eîght p.m. Give theru a trial and you wiil always use theru. Grea.t North-western Telegrapi Company Forward messages te ail point ot Canada and U. S. Messages reeived procaptly delivered. W. P. STERIQKER, Agén,ýt,, Office opposite the Post.Ofilce. fýJV E. DYER, " -Bale Blockr, mat north of" thepost etf- " fice. Insplctofet encles ot Aid VOL. Oapita.l Pl -- surplus, Genera TransaOte SAVI Iutereat Al No notice 0ai'W P. G Li ceutiatE Physicians, 1 lege of PbYsic Office of the uortb Telephone C( Whitby, Ju C HA AUCTIO nhe under bas taken ou will be glad t ness. His bc office, where Whitby. Nov N.TY Barorster, et Engiand bas Toront.-O 5LOO at thi Di Pr Wl DONJ Lead Undi pastui For a i-lacs P«- .lot Na.l Whitb WVh iii. lai2 Edmonsoà s: rov