Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1895, p. 2

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oursion trains wiIl be run fromxial central pointià aud reduced rates wiIl be given on z ail regular trains. Bruo osmaron stabbed. KNOWLEDGE Bringe oomfort and improvement ai tends to personal enjoymemt wh rigbbly used. The mamjy, wbo live bt ter than (thora and omjoy life more, wi loua expenditure, by more prompt adapting thei world's bout productu the nueds of physical being, will attU the value tic hualth of the pure iqu laxative principle ernbraced in t rmedy, Syrup of Fige. ite excellence ie due to lfie prusenli ini the fcsram nosti accuptab'e anîd pli ant tb thetu aste, the nef rehing and tri benuficial priperties of a perfect la afive ; effect ually cleansing the syst.u diseolimg colda, headaches and fevt and pem'naîemily curiîîg censtipatit It hua givumi sati sfactiomi bo niilî omîe ai mnet wiîh the appnîrivll of te nudi( professiomn, beceAUse it acte on tte Ki Deyse, Livur amnd Bowela witliit wea ening thumn andl it is pefcrhrîly trou frL every objecîîuîiable suhstaiî,co. Synîmp (f Fig s is fiorsalie b-v &II dru gise..in -,,-C. Ith but it*laisMail facbrd hy lthe l f a Fig Sy. Co. oîily, whose nanio e îi ntelI on é%"( package, alec the ane, Svîiîp cf Fiý and beîng welli imfornicti, ynu will ii opcept aiiv et, S.luto à'Lirr Jams E. Z.' cholson. Almost Passes Belief Mr. Jaq. E. Nicholson, Fiorenoevill, N. B, Strug.-les for Seven Long Yes.re with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND 18 CURED BY AVERS ar::la i M n ' i r r ni, b ~ t i ni tir îîr ibgitit Eat îiiÏo the Flesh, i d I nrovement. l, i S 4 1 orîi hrsix iit , Adn.îted at the World's Pair. ÀYEIi*-I I'ILLS lReguIaig, the lBowets. CORRESPONDENCE ORIL.LIA. Sovoley Bcalded. Mrs. Framnk Tutten severely scaided hbelf bamnd last Stturriay evuing b3 the ujsseîîig cf a vesê;e1 et bot hquid The inir.v was extremely painful. i.ot three ingers. A pujiijsînaks-r naruedl \ickworth ba( tbroe fitigs rt tahcem off on a saw in Eaton'i pilaiuiLig factory Wedmeeday worning el was waikig put the machine an( caroleseiv iung lus bsnd on to Vie sav with the abeve resuit Dr. Gilc.mii dressed the weunds. g31Ikd lv a horse. On Wedne@4iiy mornimg a youug chai from lte cotintry wlto wue standing s tho untrance of the Orrîllia House yardi waas everesly kicked tsy a horse witicb w& being uîiven trom the yard 10 the streel The force of the kick lamded the. younl fellow somo distance back o0Db the plat lorm and hb. seemed 10 sufter inucitpain The injuriu'm, howeven, were flot sorîous -The. naines et both the driver of tbe bors and te injurod boy couid not ho 5mer TUla touamII4orangowDOU- Thxe àis vry prospect thati the bigg'eî twIftb of Jm.îI celebration ever hoi l tuas district wl corne off in Orilila on ti uisxt anniversm-Y ofthlie battle of th, Boyc1e. Dintrict Recorder Fletcher amy tbii'. hundred lodgea bave been invîtei IW7 oelebrate the. twelftbh i Orillia n irs.jlameplltii. thivitation*an a ren '$ugjn from ail points 'hmnIgthe dil Î(otaewhich have islgnfied thoir intêntio A be her, aru Lindsmy sud P»tebor 0 'ib eoitl frem 70 toê 80 iodg.i àigk4 i i 40tU%àtu iC jpfor" oe.f<ut 1 ery frequuaîly durng tîhe past few years wu have heen aaked 10 announce thtat Dr Barnarde bas jusî recuivud a tîumber et boys and girls from Englaud for whiei e desired homes. Thte docton is deing whaî bu considers to bu thie prop eru but bu lias been compellud tb pursue said operatiens withonmi the assistance of this paper,- as Our opinion bas always been and ig yul. that we have plenty of poerty and want, even intitis young cou nryof ours, that sbould recpive at- tuntion first. Instead of bonusmng thte doctor and otiturs of bis thinkinz, our 0overnnient slould tuiru tbeir attiention to our owiî needy and bomoless. Lt î- withî îleai-ure we luarn that Rev- C. W. Watch, fortuerly et Oshawa, but new of l3igliion, la picking up tite needy and liorueleset oun land and securing places for îhe in their native country. Rey. \Vatcli should bu uncouraged in bis noble w ork by' boîbtte govurnmenu and the preset Canada. Enizland le juet as able to provîdu for lier poor as are wu, and slîemld be tlId se in a way mat would not permit et misrnderslanding Four youths struck thIe village on Tues- 41aY and at once proceeded to business, their intention 'uing to dupe someone, pocliet the ruceipîs and retire for new senery. Tbey visited the furuibure warerooms and ordered considerable mur chandise trom Messrs. Huis & Diling- bam nit tboy called upon J. Il. Bundy and ordered a stove and cookimg utensils, thuso ,articles were te be delivered at lte vacant Itouse nuittboSt George's rectory. Nuit thuy callud at R. A. Bunting's and asked for som-e clothing, wbich were to bu settled for in a fuw days. Funde wuru a littlu short tbey itaving purchased bouse- lîold goods iso extensiveiy. Thtis sbory did mot down witn Dick and lhuy con- I luded tbat Pickering was n)ot a good y place to opurate in. Having secured 1sufficieut te purchaso a bottle or two o1 pop tey t;tarîed wesb, ia searcit cf more gullible people. We bave since Iearned d that ltese fellows have been operating th is goïme at several points down east. Aftur baaking bours they would give d ebeques for goods, and on tbe strength of Wb thse borrow a Bsmall asrnnf cf nney and it gel out. Tbis iicnie of tht> cooleet con Nodnce games we have yet board of.- News. p .1 le e Fe- >d A young brother of Mrs. H. Cooke, Bruce Cameron, who rernoved with bis motber to Toron 10' a fuw years ago is in a very critical condition. Moriday's Globe 3 says : On Eaturday night Detuotive Dun cau plaoud a lad naniud Wm. B. Hall- man, seventiean years old, who lives with bis parents at 879 Sackville struet, under arrest on a rharge of bsving stabbed a companion named Bruce Camnron, living at 37 Gifiord street, on \Vednusday nigbt last The lads lied been piaying base- bail on the corner of Spruce and Sack ville etreets and during tIe progres of thme gauie Camuron bore H1aliman's coat At the close efthLie gaine, wliîie Cameron leu was talking with a boy named Frankc ut, Poucber, Halîman, it 18 illeged, camne up th and suddenly stru.ck Cameron witb a tly pockeî knife. The blade of tbe kliie tc entered CameronsB body between the bip ,es joint andl the iowesl nbý on the left side. id The wounded boy was taken to Dr. he Bray e office and Ilien removed te bis home, The foliowiug day Dr. Bray beld ig a consultation witb Dr. Ross, as the ç iase ng ooked somewbal serions. The boy was a- kept perfectly quiet, but altbough ho did ulY not show any signa et sinkinz bu did not ax appear te mend. on Satnrday the case m, bogan me look more serieus, and cont.rary eres t the wisbes efthIe parente of botb boys n. the police were informed of the fants and nd arrested younu Halîman. There is a al poss,îbly that onu of the intestines bas id- been cnt, in whicm case the boys condi. %h. tien i8 very critical. At present theru is uiine immediate danger.-News Lebter. 1 PICKERING. ag Master f-ranli Smith, of Wbitevalu lu- caugbît a speckiled trout near Greenwood a few days sgo tuat weigbed just I ý lbs. g. and mneasureli fifteen incimes in luugtb. Lo The boy- is but nine years oid. Post office inspecter Barker was in tue Village lasI week, but as is the babil witli sucim officials, be did flot acquaint us w it te ualture of lime business. We coîld not commaand sufficienî cheeli 10 ask Iloto. We hiave. verv mucb pleasuru in an- notincîng tliat tibe Toronto Financial Cor- pîoratbon, witlî bead office at 69 King sireet, T. ronto, lias rlecided 10 open s 'rancitire in the building lately occu- pied l'y the on ýtarie bank. We are aIse çlteaseî to be able te s;ay tisat George Kerr, Etti . wîll be the manager of the c,,ucermi. Titis concern is net a reunar cliartered banli, but lias a charter as a fiuanciail coucurrn tlat permils of banking its mvel. Timosu wlto take tbe trouble te enquire wll find tliat titis corporation s juta afe as any oîbur banking bouse. 1lu is a source cf gratification to krmow thalt Pickering ta again te have a bank. The office will bu open fer business about June lst. The employees et big Toronto firme torm a syndicale and by placing orders for 40 or 50 wheels obtain $100 machines for 860 and $62. Mn. Josepb Barker, of Brechin mourna lte bas of $1,500 in promisory notes, wbicb was stolun from bis rusidence on Monday nigbt last. A whuulrnan named Gunn was anrested on Mondav nigbht last for buing drunk. His lawyer made tbe original plea that wben a gun got loadud-a diecharge should follow. The judgu said te argument was good wberu the obariRe was net wet, but not in thu case butore biru. A young lad wbo was playing a some- wit "gamey" sucltur trom te boomi above the dam aI noon Monday missud bis footing and toppied in. He was un able to swim, but when bu came to the surface bu scrambied back on the boom and ecurried for tbe elevator ungino bouse bo dry bis Rarmonts. Guo. Crawford was citarged before Magistrale Moîntyre on Tbursday witb bavrng stolen a pair of trowsers fromn the front of Carber's store. Several wiînes seus sa.xd îbey titougit thbb prisonur wus the man wbo hbad iteen seen walking away wibb lite garmont, but as tbuy had not seen bis facu tbey oould not swear positively as to bis idenbiîy. Undur lte circnmxisances Magistrate M clntyre gave Crawford thbe benefit of the doubt, and discbarged hima fromn custody. One of our well known butobers made a tour of North Manvers, Mariposa and Fenobon durng the week lu search of stockera, cf wbicbhoiewisbed to purchase 200 te send nortb to a ranch for the sum- mer in the hope cf being able to realizu a fair return upon bis investiment in the fali. He reports that bue bad to rebu.m empty.hauded, se te speak, as the far mers in the districts traversed disposed of tli tbeir young stock last fait under the 1impression that the prie. was gcing tic go down. LutI eveniug whie Dr. Hart, deutiet, wua ttending service Bt the. Queen et. church., ho loft hiS elght year old son, Master Emory, playing witth nmornmcrn s aions on the. street in th,, viouniîy of NDr. Mo in' reidence. During te iProgrema o.B ame the littie feliowwesa th rown or tri pe, and Oe eof bis Sir0s' Vwmadi*lo e t thgielbow% Dr.Me.' Alpin. vas oaied ii nMd Wais atient reesUn 09 on l>y th$.tiim» r.u»t or m be g;whahdn. oeut for hlm PridyMornie ga -Mr.. Thot. l»qBggç;ý of the ffim of motiliame & Beg, 0a Nemw mim-oh The Metihodiat congregation here igre preparaing tic build a largo new ohurch. T ho estirnated colt of the new edifice, is, I amn told, at leasti haîf subscribed by the mem bers, rnany of wâion are what the worid would turm "well fixed." Asa Millard has beL another horse this week by disease. Mr. C. Wismer and wife, of Markham, visitied at C. Ouif s on Sa, urday and Bun- day. 9)ur football tuam met and organized on Monday night. They hope to be able to purchase suite for this season. James MeBien, the geniai inspeotor for this county, paid his semi annual visit to our sohool last week and reported everything progressing nicely. His visits are aiways welcomed and a holiday usuad- ly follows.* Mr. R. T. Andrews anul Mr. R. Fleury, of Toronto, are visiting frieuds in this vicinity. Mr. Benj. J4ehman has gone bto te mineraI spnings at Markham to find re- lief for the rheumnatics Mrs. J. Stover bas beun visiting among old friends this week. She bas now taken up ber abode at Glasgow. Qoitu a large 'bus ioad, represenbing the Oddfeliows of Markbam, passed througb town on Snnday on their way to Clare mont. Miss Nettie Raymer, of Stouffville, was at M R. Hloovers last week 10 relieve Miss Lydia Hoover, wbo was somnewbat indisposed. Visitors and travellers generally ac knowledge the field of wbeat owned by Mr. J. Stouffer to bu the best crop in the country. It wîll be in head in iess than a montb. In many years the creeda of our country have flot been so well vîsited as during the last week. The largeset stine of trout yet heard of was caugbt hy James Brot.h or on Tuesday afternoon. The numnber was forty one Evidentiy Tuesday je a great fishermnan's day. In ail probabiiiry before this isRue je ont notices wili be piaced along the trout streams of our vicinity warnin1z trespassers that fishing and hnnting is strictly forbidden. This is the only way in whicli the fish can be presorved. GN.EENWOOD In the case of Devitt vs White which has created 80 much inlerest in this vicinity was settled last week by the de- fendant paying the plaintiff the f ull anount of hi& cdaim with cosns. Messrs. M1cDonaid and Lennon were solicitors for plaintiff. A quartette of sports went out fishing the other day, and f rom ail reports hail a jolly lime. The streams were s0 numer ous that two of the party gel, wet. They have a new way of fiabing eut hure. The bait je dropped upen a log overhanging the stream and the fish je supposed to climb for it. The theory je that a trout that cannot climb or jump that high is toe small for anything. The management of the football tour- nament hure on the 24th, are bueily en- gaged put.ting things in shape. Two sil. ver cups have been procured, onu vaiued at $35 and another aI $15. Theee can be seen at M. Gleeson's store. Besides the football there will bu prizes ofoéred for athletic sports. For full knowledge of things, sue large bille. Grand concert at nighî. LINDSAY. The Genulne Mernt 0f Hood's Sarsaparilla wins friende wherever it i@ fairly and homestiy Iried. To h'-%,P per- fect healîh, ynu mur-t have pure biod, and the way tic have pure ood is 10 take Hocais Ssr. saparila, the best tlood purifier and strength builder. It expeis aIl taint et ecrofula, sait- rhermand ail sther humors, and aI ihe arne limne huilds up the wbole systemn. Hood'a Pis are prompt and efficient. 25c. Glycerime was dimcoverod by Scheele in 1789 Hie considered il mtbe soothing principle of everl kind f4 oïl. Few are the remodiea wbose beneicial qualities and real monits bave made them se popular witb the public, and increased from ye ar to year their. consumption, which, whiist possessing the mo8t valuable ronjedial propurties, are yel so simple in their comm- pound. and se easy to take, as The Quinine Wime, preparud by Northrop & Lyman et Toronto. This article is prepared f rom the pure Suiphate of Quinine, combined wiîh fine Sherry Wine, and choice aromatica, which relieves the Quininè of ils bitter taste, and doenet impair in the ieast dogrue the efficacy et ils action upon lte patient ; whiie smali doses. trequently repeated, strengthen lte puise, increas e muscular force, anud in vigorate the lone of te nervou.s system, and thus by lte general vigor witicb il iraparts. croates an appebite, which ai ves to lte s tomn- acb tome and onergy, and fortifies the sYs- tom against aIl infections diseases. Ask for Northrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine ; sold by aIl druggists. Alcoý ol was first distinguished as an elernentary substance by Aibucasis u inte 121h century. The Anti-Septic tonie water for the sick, known as lte Microbe Killer, is unique, original aud exceptinual amxong ail be.'lth drinks and amouoe ail active and powerful rem edies. Can ho bad in sutail jars at 01.00 on largo% ans at $300 at W. R. Howse. agent. Chromia acid was first employed s a caustie by Sigmund of Vuenna. Ask for blnard'oi and take no other. Suipburic iýad-niInic acids were kuowu to Gober, tite alsitomist, in the eigiitb century. One cf tbe best ovideucea that Ayer's Hair Vigor lean article of exceptional menit lsIbis fact that the demand for itlai. onàtaintly in- crmaing. - No one wbo uses ibis incomparable dressing thinke cf Irying 5117 other preparation for the. hair. Bismuth was first dlaoovered and disingu- l.hod as a metat by Agricola, tlio famouii obomIat aud scientiat, in 1520. Nnxeoiscàle prep.rodý,fronýthe aeeds of a tree that growu in abun 1 auue i Thdia$ lt Bust IndIe&ýoàd Ceyion. The epworth beague ji progressiflg very favorably. With Mr. McDonald aI iUs head it ought to do nmre work whichwill bring forth good resulta. There are plenty of intelligent young men and wo- meon in the vicinity, who might take hold of the work and become îjentified with 1t, flot for the worldly honor, but for tihe highest airn a man rnay posseas, i e, the bet4ering and building up of hie fellows for the sake of Huan who sacrificed 50 much for us. A celebration wili bu heid here on thu 24th Iof May. The programme will in- cludu bwo horse races, bicycle races, a la.f crosse match, running, jumping, catching the greased pig, &c. One of our promîn- unt citizens bas undertaken 10 provide a pig and promises that it wiil bu a regular1 wind splitter. Arbitration A case that is furnishing a subject for general conversation is that of Vicars vs. the corporation. The dispute arose ever thA cuttinz cf a biil on the struet in frontt of Rev. John Vicars' rusidencu by the au:bority cf the village council. The cul- ting of Ibis hill lowered the road consîd- erably and beft a higb bank at the side nuit tb Mr. Vicars' big gale, tbereby making his property inaccessible at that point, and necossitating the drawing in of1 Wood, &c., from the rear. The ceuncil- believe thuir defence is sound, but at one lime offered 850 in seutlement raîber than have trouble. This offer was nef used at the time and the rev. gentleman allow- ed to take sbeps for an arbitration. His arbitrator is Charles Francis, the village bas sulucted J. T. V. May, and the tbird one is Warden H. J. Gould, of Uxbridize, appointod by Judge Burnham. The street on whicb Ibis trouble arises is Peace streel. The name will bu suspend- ed by popular consent until the Case is decied. LZASKDALE. Mr A lux. Leask is buildingsa new brick residence. There was a meeting of diructors et Leukdale cheese factory Monday nigbt, and as far as iearned they bad an inter esîing meeting. John Blanchard is pre. aident and Alex. Leask secretary. JusI directors of the advieoty board were pru- sent. The lime for repaining higbways will soon bu at hand. it weuld net bu labor mn vain if sonie of the loosu stones wure thrown cf now. lb would make il a great deal easier fer borsus and a great deai more comtortable fer people dniving. Sunday evening services aI Bethe8da seum te bu succesaful as far as an onlook- er cari sue, judging from the good attend- ance. MosquitousB are guttîng quite plentiftml in the neighbbrbood. We expuct the black flues soon to make things more in- terusbîng. Pursuant 10 a judgment of the Higit Court o! justice un the action of Decker vs. Leys et ai there will bu sold by public auc- lion on the 23rd day of May, 1895, at the heur of two o'ciock in the afternoon, the Gordon House in the village of Pickering, by Mr.. Levi Fairbanks, aactioneer, with the approbation of George H.- Dartmeil, Esqut1re, Local Master at Whitby, the fol- iowimug lands and premises situate lying and being in the township of Pickering in the coutily cf Ontario. and being comnppsed of the south 50 acres ofîthe nontit hall of lot 22, ini the second concession of the said township of Pickering, excepl Ihat part thereof described as follows :-Commenc- ing at the soutit east angle of the nortit hait of the lot ; thence nort 16 degrees west alomg the easterly limitof said lot five citais; thence south seventy-four degrees west ton chais fifty links ; thence souîh sixteen degrees aset five chains more or iess toelte centre or the concession ; thence north seventy-four degrees east along the centre of saîd concessmon ten chaina, fifty links more on les 10 the place cf begin- niug: Aiso five acres more or leas being part cf tho south-west quarter of sald lot de- scnibed as folîows :-Commencing cn the westenly limit of the said lot at tho dis tance cf fort y chains from the scuth west angle tbercf ; thetice north seveuty-four dcgreue ast five chains and twemty-five links; thence north sixteen degreeswest Ion chiains more or . loss to the, centre ot saicl concession ; thenco soutbi eevemiîy-four degrees iWestýaIoii the centre. ef saî4 c a-x cessi=OIve 'chaina tmon, ,oliemr or- lese ýto the, sald-westerly, ilmît ofsaid. lot., thece stb sixteesi, degre!esest Broken in Hat thiat Tired Feeling, Constipation and Pain in the Back &ppetitO and '14*aIth RestorOd bY Uood'S Sargaparlilai Mr. 'Chas. SteetO St. Catherine'5, Ont. "C. 1. Tood & Co., Lowcll, Muss.: "F - mber of jears I have been trouble4 x1th a general tired feeling, shortness of breath, pain lni the baok, and constipation. I could gel only Lttie rest at night on account of the pain andhad no apetite whatever. I was that tired Iayifbtflft I gave Out belore hall the d&7 wvas gone. 1 rried a great numnber ot medicinea but Md not g et any permanent relief froi' any llood's5m,,il&Cures rccuntlI, lapon recoinmendatloll of a friend, i parý,hised a 'hottie of Hood's Sarsaparilla, whlicli made me feel better at once. I have cou. tinued Its use, havtng taken three boules, and 1 Feel Like a New Man. 1 have a good appetite, feel as strong as ever 1 did, and enjoy perfect rest at nigit I have mucli pleasure ln reconunendiflg Hood's Sarsa. Pn1rilia." CHARLES STXELE, With Erie Pre- servlng Co.. S,-t. Cathertfls. Otario. Food'S 0.11s are prompt and efficient, yet uaiy iii action. Sol14 by ail druggists. 2Zc. A good deal of fun is had at the ex- pense of the new boxing club said to have been organized hure. Messrs. Lamb and Raham are given the credit of buing its inust distinguished officers Perhaps the rules of the Marquis of Queensbury will be more strictly adhered tu in the future than they were some three weeks ago. A horse tradu is always lookod upon as an intere8ting affair. There are sa mafly puÉstihilities cotnnected therewith. Thon there are so inany liberties flot grant-ed wit.h any othor kind of trading. Some authorities even go so far as tu say that a preacher may lie when ho Ùs trading horses, (but we don't believe it). A rathor amusing trade waa made, flot more than a thousand miles from here, a short ti'mne'ago. Two of our worthy yeoman vi(iiatud the tunth commandment, and each cî,veted the horse owned by the other feiiow. Both sang the praises of their noble steod8 in music that would have made the ancicnt Greek heroes oen- vious, and eventually an even "swap" w&8 mnade. But alas 1 even the greateet joys are flot aiwaysi what tlwey are uxpect- ed to bu. and one man rued his bargain. Then thie majesty of the law was called mn, and each consultud his solicitor. Lawyers' letturs flew around, and the lawyers %ere the only pursons who made anything out of the affair. Alex. Gall is doing a stirring business with hie patent fence, as the farmers around sue that it is both good and cheap. On Sunday evening, April 28th, a couple of Uxbridgu boys were at Epsom church, and one of tbem s8ucoeeded in getting int the good graces of two of the fair ones and undertook to escort the ladies home. Hie friend waz very much disoomfitted at the way thingis were go- inmg; he evidently did flot Jike to wait till Fred had covered the necessary six miles te complute his trip. Wu have huard a great many debates as to which produced the better citizens "Country or City Lifu." We should say that from tbis it would appear that the country had the best of it, as the town boys go to the country for wives. 'To Dye Or Not to Dye *hat -the nuestion - whether it is ly-ster Io weai that faded, shahbv dress and endure the scornfU1 looks of ail your weill.lr-sseO neighbori )r b o urchase a Dackatre of r-eamond Olves and restore its freshpes ini e.nother rolor - makipter new dress for ten er'ts Diamond Dyes are made for home use. Absolutely reliabie. Any color. Sold everin'here. 10 cents apackagp giw'I)irec. tion Roc".- and 40 sainpies of coiored eioth, fret. WLS&Rica&auuooB Co., Montreal, P.i4. JUDICIAL SALE 0F FARM LANDS IN THE TP. 0F PICKERING. v ~K ~EADCAC H E, R L13 UL ý.rT.E UVER 0 -PlLL A FTER ELATIN G '.' S 13000 DIGESTION. For Twenty-Five Years DUNNS AN ,DERSOJQ DIW~k ~r,11N'FORCE IMPJOV!<D Il o o 21 z t i roWebster's IInternational, met mie to I pur Pla five lot the put con Mr. pa8i tbis by and t he Mr. - the moi m~it the -I1 Abi floi Dai WVa E.. H. J ut c J onu n. wit Gri cou Me lasi cor Ma 1 onq of THE DIOIF ICCESSFUfL REIEDY' FOR MAN OR BRAST. gOotula la if ffpsetad over «bbisWmu KENDALL'S SPA VIN SURE. Dýr. Ba. 1. C Dazr 9ira-Pleaa.und me ns f Horsea Books and oblige. I havenuem agraulofiyonw Kenai'sSpvi Crewith godsuSceoe Iiila a wonerulmedcis.I onceS= mare that lad *nOei pvin and 9,we bottien cured ber. =&ep =: btis anha au iithe Ume. Y o o r u fu , C E & & . P O W U L KENDALL'S SPA VIN SURLE Dr. B. J. KEBAZ Co.c "Kedall's SOn-ixlnOCure " with mach suocen. I tbink It the best Liniment I qver naed Ha IV- Moved one Cu rbt one Blocat Spavin md d W tisa Bone SpVnIS&. Bave recommended St te svrl bfm rtende ivho are mach plessd W"t DBT.KENDALL COMPANYYP ECNOSOURGH PALLS, VT.

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