Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1895, p. 3

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lut Whitby Oouneil. The. municipal counoil of Eust Whitby Met this day. Members ail present. Reeve ini -the chair. The minutes of last dMflting were readiand -âoPted. The followiniZ oOmmunîoations were then read : . From J. E. Farewell, with reference to use of locomotive in constructing the Oshawa electric railway- froin Chas. E. Goad, C E., req uesting the township ta purchaae towns ip maps frorn . . ~ k'layfair, re-taxes. -A petitioti signed by Thos. C,îni'iit, and five others, was presented. requestung the Counoil to gravel the base lhue opplosite lot number six. Mr. G. H. Girierson appeared hefore the council anddasked ta have a culvert put in on side road between lots (1 to 7, con. 3. On motion of Mr. Henry, seconded by' Mr. Guy, a by-law was introduced and pa.ssed to appoint a collector of taxes for this municîpality and reinîunerate the saine for the current ysear. On motion of Mr. (;rterson. seconded by Mr. Stocks, a by-law was întroduced and passted to apropriato inîoniv for huild- ing and repaïring roads anîd bridgus for the municipality tht. year. On motion of Mr. Guy, sec'nîied hy Mr. Henry, a by.law was intrdmuced and passed ta appoint a sanîtary ilîspoctor for the current year. M r. Stocks, seconded liy 'Mr. (riers(n rnoved that the whole counil le a c-ii mittee ta purchase gravel fr this mnin Cipality. Carrîed. M r. Grierson, sêcoiiîîled bv M r. lilenrv. moved that the IReeve grant bis order ont the treasurer for the following accounits: -Indigent.- Mary $3 rtîy J.,l;OnS Hobbs $3; Mrs. Burgoynie \\ nin. )avis 82. Relief. -Mrs. A Plingle, for .1 Abram8, $3. 50 Rl1H. tGrierson for WV Hodgaon, $.,- F. L. Fowke, for \V. Davis, g$1150. Roads anîd Bridges RI Wadge, $7.50 J. Haini1lion, 82 50 J. E. Farewell, legal exIpens8esq, G20 (. H. Ç;rIerson~, ditches and watercourses, $1 70. The council then adjourned to meet June 3rd at aone o'clock, and court of re- vision the saine day at 2 ocelock p in. Columbus, May 43îh, 1895. WXm. Putivns, Clerk. AT HA. J. L. Brown called on E. B. Hoover! one day hast week. Mrs. Hloover spent a day with frîeîîds lu Altoîta hast week. Nirs. 1). B. Nighswander sjueit a day w ith J. P.ll 'aver nuit long ega. Mrs. Dott, sr , visîted Mrs. ilartomi, of Greemi River, une day hast week. Mrs. Restor, uf NMark hatii, sçent a couplo of duys uatloiung agzi with Mrs. .McA vuuy. M r. arit Mrs. Coati s spv'nt Sunday hast. at Jaeîe Spears, if the seventîh con , Pickering. Mrs and Master (lIta NugbIswanderi &ponît a cupli of days w ith fricîtdsn mi Merkheni lest week. Mm. Cook had thheîîîîsfurtuue ta, hase oue of hie imported broad mares a couple of weeks ago. Mis8s Eva Lohmen 1e convalescent fi-rn an attack of ineeshes and we hope soon ta eee her out again. Marcus Loyd and Oliver N"ighswander spent a day with their uîîche, D. B.t N*ighswander, of Locuat Hill. Adam Spears, sr., of North Toronto,I sent a couple of deys lu thîs vicinîty me-t ceutly visiting bis many friends. H. 'Nighswander bcd rather a sure ex- perionce one day last eek while trying ta fix bis axe. It slipped and cut hîs heg.' eevering a smahh ertery. He lost a cuin-t sîderable amounit if bhad. Better ho careful Henry next ime or off cames a heg. DUNBARTON. M ra W. A. Kennedy, of Agincourt, 18 vieiting with ber parents, Mr-. and Ni-s. Jna. Parker, sr., "Springsîde."' Meure. Lawson & Campbell have been erecting a lin3 fonce on tbe fariner s farîn on the top of the hihI eat of bore. WVni. Wright, of Fairport. bas entemed the eîmiphuy of the G T.R. Ca. heving ou- gaged with S. Nichouhsmn, section foire- nman, of thie place. Mesars. A. Annen & F. Mc<e',iîîty have been giviug their boat - ' aterwitch 'a fresh coat of paint and it wîll îîaw com-1 pete succeasfully witlî any other boat in style, epeed and durabîhîty. C. McDonaid, sr., came into pas. se8sson of a nioe "ebenty- the other day. While diviug spikee on the G'J.T.R. te hammem flew up and stmuck hlm with the result that Chas. now wears a black oye. A herse buyer viited aur hurg anc day thie week and bought up a large nunuber cf herses te b. sent to Manitoba. He offered prices away Uu "G V'and founid nany who bit. at the baut, but snapa do net corne se taiîy and the fariner have their horees yet and are quite likely ta keep them. W. understand that the G ýT R. Ca. intend istoppiug t.he meornlng mail train going eui, at this place. The neit thing in te haveocur two morning mails sw. had sman ilme ago. A number of our citizens are puuhing these maLtera. Sure- ly the prayers cf the. wicked shall pre- Vain. The Trent Valloy Canal comprises ILke SimesBalai, Camemon, Sturgoon Pigeon Buokhorn, Steney, Clear and Rice.loies and walln completod will siv a distanoe. rine Sauît Ste Marie te Kings- Jews, 1,435>, Salvations Army, 772 ; other denominations, 767;- and 1,000 are flot specified. Fishery Inspecter Breeze, cf Peterborough had an exciting timne on Wednesday even- lng last. lie went down the Ototiabee in bis steam yacht fter poachers. First he found a new net ni-îdy feet long ..îîd firîlmur dlown lie foutnd .. oLiiber of)~ uuLg muai speui in 'lunige with a jack ligbt. Wben he got near them he took ta his canoe and when the poachers found they were caughmtbtey attempied ta upset the Inspectorse cance. lie drew his revolver and threatened ta ,,iioot, wbien they made for short. They finally gat away, but he seized ail the boats aud apparatua. It seeflis strange tha t the big city papers have refrained from commenting upon the evident miscarriage ofjustice in the Clara Fard trial. Foilowing so closeiy upon the îravestv upon justice in the case of Mrs. tiart ey at Brantford a few weeks ago, it is urne te press of this country took up the question ini an endeavor ta put some spirit inta chicken-hearted juniors who seem ta be -ifraid ta bring in a verdict of guilty in the case of a woman charged witb murder. It s flot necessary ta refer ta the Hartley case, wbîich lbas gone mbt history a diagrace ta w liai has hizherto been considered the rigbte- ousness and impartiality of Canadian law. 1-ite case of the selfconnessed murderess. Clara Ford, is warse, if possible, than the llariley malter. A wooden-headed jury bas alloa ed a briVht yaurig man ta be abaot down 111 col(1 blôod, without demianding "a life for a life, ' Simi)ly because the prisoner was a warnan. The glory of Canadian justice seernis ta have de;parted, when woman can trticblerQusly noison ar shoot down lu cald bloo, and than go uuscatbed, simply be- ýause a jury of aid fogies are too simple. twnrded ia convict a woman. A bad wonau is a mauch more dangeruuus individual in a i ommnuîny than a bad man, and accarding recent decisiotis, can go on and cammit crime wî,-tboui danger of being strung up for Mniniopai Farma. liS% MAYOR PINGRER, OF DETROIT, FOUNI) PROFITABiLEj OccIPATION FOR1 THE UNE M PLOY E . l)uring the recent industrial paralysis, the numnber of peu sons iin [etroit requîrîng relief framn the city authorities became sa great that Mayor Pingree endeavared ta find some wav in, wbich employmtent couid be furnisbed ta as mauy as saere wiliing ta wuurk, and the straiîî on the city treasury rngbt ta that extent be lightened. It occur- red ta hlm that a great deal cf the vacant land in the suburbs of the city, "beld for a ruse,' mrigbt, if permission were ohtained fram the ownerb, be temparamily turned juta patatoe farms. Wlbeu bis proposai was iuroached many parcels of land was cheerful- IV piaced ai hîs disposai. The- expesiment i vas ait entire success. It was proven tbat the greai majarîly, of the unemployed poor were willing ta wark, and merely needed guiclance and appartunity. Une very notice- able resait ai the scheme, it is said, is that t bas. drawn the attention of many poor I)eohule iu the cîty ta the desirableuess of countiry iife. They bave had au introduction io ils attractions. and tbey have tested its cana hiliiî%of affarding remunerative employ- muentî for the urmetal and physîcal energies. The Pungree idea bas rapîdly extended ta tu1t-r cîtues. Iu the vicinity of Buflala tive huuudred acres were turned ta account last summrer un the same maxîner as at Detroit, i ucvrV city, of course, bas its own metbod of reguatuug the detaîls. The Buffalo plan is ta give each man charge of amne third of an acre, and let bim work it during the sum- nier. The men receive aid from the peor depari ment, just as if tbey were nat work- iug. At the end of the season, if tbey have kept ait their work, tbey are paid for it in potatoes; if they have deserted it, they get nothiîug. lu Rochester, where a beginniug is ta be made tbis spring, every man who applies for assistance wil* be given twa days work ait the farm. and for this they wiil bc paid in provisions from the poor store. At the end of the season the potatees will be gatbered and stored for use by the depart- ment By this plan only men wiliing ta work will be beiped. Those who refuse ta take a baud at the potatoe-raising will be dropped tram the overseer's bcoks, and wiii receive no relief from the departmeut. lu tbis province, fortuuately, very few cf the extremely poor need be eut of work duiing the sommner montbs. If mucb more otîght ta i), one than cao be doue at the House cf lndustry, many farmers in the neighhorbood oif the cilles doubtiess would be giad ta get even iuexperienced help.-Municipai Worid. Items of Intorest. The skeleton ahane cf an average whale wveighs twenty-five tans. The newest tbiug eut in Loudon's worid cf sweldomn is a band-painted shirt front. A Dundee, Scotland, man is working ou a flying machine that is but on the bicycle plan. Five cent tehegrims will be tried in Italy. The gaverument is aise trying ta bave the tarifi wîîb other European counitries reduc- ed. Here is a curiaus state af facts revealed in a New N'ork court record: A man who tes- tifies iii court tbat be made a fortune fi-cm the manufacture of religiaus aud ether tracts îs suiug another ip court for divemtiug a portion af it, wlîb wbich they were ta, speculate in w hiskey or joint accaunt. Grains et Gold. Funiny Thinga. That's about as crookod a pi6COc f work as I ever saw, mnused Uncle Allen Sparkis, looking at the tract the lighttding had made on the bocly - f the big tree. Mother-You are aL h. foot cf the spelflng claes again, aru yuu ? 1oy-- Yes'm. Mother-How did that happen ? Bey- Golu too many ze in scissors. Why, ehe actually eut Mr. Storfling- ton, and Storflington, yo.u know, ie oue of the bettter sort. Yes: choice cuts corne high uow, but w. muet have 'em. Which je my part in this duet ? aked the prima donna of her hueband, who was the tenor, Your part ? Here it is, of course. Tho one with the last word in it. Hoax-Have you seen D'Auberes new painting? He calle iL Frieudless. Joax -Yef ; it's remarkably realistic. I underetand a baeeball umpire poeed for him. Have you heard that the big sleeves are going out, George, dear ? Yes, my love, 1 have but 1 don't believe it. Wby not, pray ? I dont believe they can geL through the door. He--Waen't Brown'e wife named Stone before se wae married ? She-Yes, and it was a very suitable name. IIe-What do you mean î She-Oh, nothing!1 Only ahe threw herself at hie head. Mr. Dutin (unpaid bill in hie hand- WVhon shail I exil again, Mr. Owense? Mr. Owen-Well, iL would hardly be proper for yau ta call again until 1 have returued the pre8ent cail. Doesui't Mrs. Noowoman strike you as a persan of remarkably decided opinions ? .Naw. She cau't make up hermimcd, ap- parently, whether ge wanta ta be a gen- tleman or a lady. Fazzleton-Every time you measure me for a pair of trouera you measure me a littie short. Tailor-That's isn'L my fauit. Fozzleton-Why nat ? Tailor- Because you always corne in that way. Mme. Hayson-What is the price of that bonnet over there?1 The milliner- Juet $18. Mrs. Hayson-What will it be if you cuL that ugly piece of ribban off the aide'? The milliner-Only $30. A little girl waa overbeard talking ta, her doli, whose armi had came off, expos- ing the. aawduet etuffing. You dear good obedient dolly. 1 knew 1 had told you La chew y ur food fine, but 1 diduIt think you wourId chew it eo fine as that. "Married 1 sigbed the elderly friend. "Married, and with ne provision for the. future." "No." smilinly chirped the youug bride, "lthere are no provisions for the future in the bouse. H1e juet deteets canned goodei." A Mount Washington sc-bcd teacher tLd ber pupils te, write s sentence con. tainiug the word towards. This je what ane amaîl boy prcduced, after a great deal of mental exertion :"I1 tored my pauts yesterday." Travers-"Did you go dewn te my tailor's and tel i hm I would settie that littie matter ?" Office boy-"lYes sir." Travere-"'And did he seem cenvinced ?" Office boy- "Hie did. Hie said ho was convinoed that yen weuldn't." A Possible candidate. A Patron Noiuination maay Possibly be Offer- ed ta Mr. Coley, eft &mereet, Man. SamxRsgm, Man., May 13-The item wbich appeared ln se veral Eastern papers te the effeot that Mr. Arthur Ooley, a weil-kncwn farmer cof this place, was asked te sccept the Patron nomination. It is true that early iu 1894 Mr. Coley wau severely afflictod with Bright's dis ease, but was enabl.d te restome himseif te bealth by a course cf Dodd's Kidney Pilla, and le equal te any ameunaicf ba.rd work, even te the extent cf figbting the onsatitnency should the nomination tic offered hlm. Hie epeaks ini highest terme cof the remedy which 6nred hlm. Phosphotu was discovered in 1669 by Brandi of IHainburg. 1puj.sj suuM.oqUMuII Ieu;'uiv cpiu tel li a!, mei Peace is prayer-Fenelon. Fi da- Pain je the outcorne cf sin.-Buddha. ra Pbiicsophy is the art et iiving.-Plutarcb. Ite Order means light and peace; order is da- powei- --Amili. To climb steep bille equire slow pace at Po first.-Shakespea-e. 11n1 Study n.eîure as the countenauce cf God. h '-Chai-les Kingsley. b Negligeuce je the must of the seul, that cor- buIi rodes thi-eugh ahi hem best esoves.-Felt- KI hem. ni We think very few people sensible except tO those who are cf our opinion.-Rochefoxc- auid. lin When I wes happy 1 tbought 1 knew men, l but it was fated that 1 mhouid know them Po unly linrnisfortune.-Napohlm » Do The passions are 11ke fire-uuMl ln. a P> tboumand ways, and dangerous iy lI on,ai tbrougb their exceus-18ovg. D The two powers inch a y opiio cn stuiute a Wise MAUiae hn !bègsU d Vil No joy ianature*1.s s ubl"g sff.ctinsog as the joy - f aagber tthe fo4tupoI . ber Cbil4-Rdter'* Every muiWh0obre-IgI ySM resolv ea fWstl, gmS&O as0Icow3$g th" keep,' byter,£OUm-ýRo.e Berse Routes. Royal gSotman, (5317), Olydesdale. owned 1 Jonathan Porter, Pickering. Mcnday tu snnedy's. bascline, ucen ; Contral hetel. Osh- va, night. Tuesday, te Woodraff'la hetel, Thitby. for the night. Wednesday, telisown bable. Picke-ring, f r the niglit. Thureday, Frdeu's hotel, Plekeming, noon, and hie cwn tala for the niglit. fflday teHlghls.nd Creek :r the night. Saturday te is cwn stable un- i Mcnday. Terme, 010 te mesure. Newday, (8D76i [191M], Ohydesdale, owned by Fm. Richardsen & Son. Columbus. Monday fterneon leave hiescwn stable for Brooklin and. amain overnight. Tuesday, Boriop's. Knsaie uo; Maddafords, Âudoy lght Wdnesday, 'red. bMmrrit's, Doon ; Piceneing nlght. Thtrs- S Mo3uire's, Kingston road, neon; wooa. u;î- hotel, Whitby, night. Friday, Oraw. Drth's, baseline, neon , Contral hotel, Oshawa, ight. fiaturday te hie own stable untl Mcxi- iy. Terme $10 to inauro ,Tos lltngm"rodeter, cwnedb Jn&Mu. lrtor PickerIng. Mouïtay, te sIode Otel, witiy, noon; ÇenuîrsI hotelObawa, ght. Tuosdaày, Sagla24 Doon St.Obarbo utol, port Ferry, Iuiit.Weesy.Uer' »tel, manchester, Doon - Wflsomloel A*h.e ,rn, ntiht. Thursday, èobert's ho t1 el*oo. i., noen) Pickerng, -l hu Satuurday, John iueonsnoim own stable unili [nday. Terme 10te MOU» m.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ «r Medy 0NyU, e»;111 Dr. Pranoy vu in e i.ity lust week. Robt. Boyd, of Torouto, is visiting frietide- here. -Mise Nigbswanur visited friende in the city this weekç. ;i.,s E.i.-and hum, retur:îLtd f îvw.t ing her tàÂeer i the weem. B. A. Ellison je in Buffalo, where ho wae called Le eee a sieter who le danger- ouesly il. W. are pleased to learn that Mr@. Nowland, who has been quit. iii, ie rapidly reoovering. Mr. Ierael Burton came near having a fire the other day. In smoking somne meat the emoke house caught fromn the fire, and wae detected only in time to pre- vent it commur'ioating with the dwelling aud other buildiugs. A etrike le on at the eaw mille, W. E. Says hie loges shall b. firet, and John laet, while John maintains that according ta the miles of lag measurement,' and for f ear of an accident the firet ehould corne lait and hie firet. The matter will likely ho compromised by cutting lot about f rom, either lot. At Green River, on Thureday last, Mr. Alex. Armstrong, af this place, waa, by the Rev. T. W. Pickett, uuited linruar- niage to Mise Elizabeth Walker, of Temu. pJeton, Bumu Farm, Kilmnamnock, Sc'ot- land. Mise Walker had juet arived from Scotland in' the company of her uncle, Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of Kilmar- nock, Scotland. We beg ta tender con- gratulations ta the happy yaung couple, and te Allo in particular for having se- cured a sonsie Scotch lassie for a bride. W. trust that Mre. Armstrong in hem new home and among etrange faces, find life sufficiently pleaisant ta cause hem net ta forget, but uaL Le regret, her happy home in bonny Scîotland. Mr. and gris. Armsetrong who have Laken up residence ou Main et., were, on Saturday evening, serenaded by the village baud. On Wed. needay evening Mrs. Armstrong holde a reception for her new frieude. A Member of the Ontario ]Board ot RMati gays : «'I bave premcribed Soott'a Emulsion in Con- sumption and even when ihe digestive powers were weak it ha. been foilowed by Rood re- suIts" H. P. YKOMAN8, A. :5., M. D. Vinegar ie mentioned in the Epyptian re- corda as a medicine 'lintbe lOtb ceutury B. C. He turned, when prepa.ring ta die, To the compauy ibat wouid bave insured him But now the big goat won't apply, Because Eseljay'q Lozengea cured hina. -Inturance Item. Potassium, the basis of mnany medicines, wasdisoovered in 1708 by Sir Humphrey Davy. While pilla and other purgatives only relieve biliiuanesa and act, ieaviug their victims more proue ta siluggishness af the liver, EBeljay's Liver Lozenges cure positively and perinanent- ly. Oreos;ote waa digcovered in 1830 by Reichen- bach, who extractedi it froîn ibe tar of wood. DELICIOUS MAZAWATTEE TE AS, 15o)0009000 Packets SONldannally la Ruat Brinai' Featherbone Skirt Bo80»ne A light, pliable, elastic bone made ftom FOR GIVING quille. Lt jes soft sund yielding, conformuing readily to, folde, yet giving proper sbape to, STYLE SHAPE Slcirt or Des AN~D The only Skirt Boue that may be wet without injury. -TO- The Celebrsted Featherbone Corsets are corded with Vhs Ladies Dresses% material. For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. What mi8 Castorla 18 Dr. Samuel Pitcher's p:reserptIon for Infainte and Chlldren. It contains neither 001=4, Morphine nor other Narcotlc substance.- 1V la a harmiesa, substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothlng Syrupoi, and Castor 011. It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la thlrty yesrsP use by' Millions of Mothers. Caiorla destroys Wormsand alsys feverishuess. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Dtarrhoea and Wlnd Collc. Castorla relieves teethlng troubles, cures constipat'on and "fiatuiency. Castoria asulmllates the food, regula*es the stomach and bowelsi, giving healthy snd ïÈtursl sleep.ý Cas- toris l the Children's Panacea-the Motheryg ]rie"d Castoria. "1Caftiorla Ioanuexcellent mediclne fom cfli dren. Motherehave nmtedly told me of ies good eaect upon their children.1" Dir. G. 0. OsGoou, Lowell, Mms. eCasiela la the liait remuedy for children cf which I ara acqualnted. I hoe.the~ day la net fer disantwhenmtherswilcolSd8thoeal~ juterait cf their chuidren, and use Castorta ini- stead ef thevealousquscknoetumwhlch are destmoylng their lcved cnes, by forelngopium, morphine, soetblng syru and other ijuriful agente down their tbroats, themeby eending thom te pre=mrgaves.1 Do-. J. F. Kuçmoutw, Conway, Amk. , Capori, "CaoweUsswadapdtohldrmt 1 recommnend Lt assupS4Sotoany-proe9ljý known M e if. LAMoza. ILK]p 111 Bo. Oxford St., BrooklynZX etOur p tl nÙtb hobldrenla dç men hae bghly cf tien and aithoughwoenl0*,ahozm c medicai supplies wbst la husovu a re preducte, yet w. are free, te confeu tbAb, mierte of Castoria bais won us tu look" faver upon it." ,UMaxu n omàL sA» Dusrswsa ALLEN a.Sxrrn, Fp'e&, The OeeauirCouupsay, *T1Murmy Street, New Yowk, SevereP.?aiftl'ta Shbonlderý2Years Cured byuThe.&Lý*Mefttho1 ;ýPlasr. Sold Everywhere.. 2fC- e"tà> s. D'e.

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