Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1895, p. 4

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PU RE, FRIBHGIROUND ..H ELLE BORE... CHURCH'8 INSEOT POWDER For destruction of ail le&f-eating, insecte, in 1 pound tins, 1e A New Volume. costs, amounting to over $ i . oo, This Easter issue is the initial number of *BIL&CK8TOOX Volume XIII of Munsey's Magazine. The Mr. G. Reynolds is no better. Church's Potato Bug Finish volume just closed has the distinction of hav- 1..J. Barclay bas - severe cold. lng shown a greater gain-a vastly greater1 Rev. Mr. Hazzard paid us a visit l 21 cts. per lb. gain-in circulation Ihan arîy single volume week. of a mnagazine in the whole wide world hias The gentle rains we had maires the cri ever had. It startpd with the October issue look up. with a circulation ci quartier of a million, Rev. J. Llddy, of Hampton, will prea I t lAI~f f ~ S and ended with the Mardi issue witb haîf a here next Sunday, 191b mast. U * L. VV I L L ,million. The increase in these six rnontbsa Herby Parr eut himuself badly. He fell that of any othý r magazine either in the old George Sugget bas invenîed a nice ir ~ , fl.~. 'i world or the new, wbile tbe total circulation fence Ibis springç and fixed up bis lawn. if uf'UggISt, of Munsey's is in excess of tbe combined Tbe cheese factory is running oan circulation of any ather four magazines in good sumrmer le expected for the busines àMedical Hall, America. It is rumored that an excursion will rt No offence intended. from Caesarea 10 Fenelon Falls about tl Brock Street, - Wbitby. e are in receipt of a poem upon tbe 151h June. ________________________of__a former most respected resident of On Saturday last one of Mr. Brown's boy East Whitby, but cannot see that it has af Cadmus, ran a fish book Into bis foot'ai mnent enough ta deserve publication. A was taken ta Dr. Fish, who cut il out. ~ 4'piece of poetry should be equal ta prose A little accident occurred bere on Frida) fromn a literary standpoint, and even affer Mrs. Jobnston was breaking in the door( that is assured there rnay be lots of well R. McNally's undertaking department wit ____________________________written rhyme or prose wh ch is not publish- an axe anid cut ber finger badly. ed for proper reasons. The trouble about BL4oILWATm'a. HlITBY, MAY 17 185 memorial veises is that they are very sel- GodnLns&Ci l sruiga 19.dom anything more than a sentimental GrdnLos&CsmiIirnig eulagy, flot haîf rhymning, and the public is full capacity arid turning u 0 areqat not interested in reading tbem if they were of first class lumber. Tey are making iarg PoJilloal Point». good. We generally publish such effusions sbipments ta diflerent points, and have ri Sir Charles H. Tupper lias been bleeding if they are good, but always reserve the mat- trouble in finding a ready market, as thei at the lungs, and is recuperating in the ter of deciding ta ourselves. Obituaries stock is large and of good quality. South by oder of his doctars. wnitten in prose at the lime of a person's AS hog raising ie getting ta be quite an in death are always good reading, and we dtistry in Ibis section once in a while in rea There is every prospect of Newfoundland wouîd advise people ta send this cascs of warm weather a hog is found dead or flot fi becomning a part of the Dominion i Canada mnatter in promptly for publication if they) ta ship on account of being penned up inî In a year or sa. Its national debt and the wish tc. have the virtues of deceased fully close box when coming ta market. Now, Frenich shore fishing righîs are the anly diffi- placed on record. This is written with the every farmer can easily makre for himselfà culties standing in the way. kindlîest feelings toward ail. suitable rack ta market bis boge in aI very Mr. C. W. Buntîng, of the Mail, has re- The Tag System little cost. Belore doing s0 I would advist The question of utilizing the pasture tbem ta cee anc designed and built by Mr. turned to the Conservative party, and it is atTorded b>' the noad sides has been salved Jas. St. John jr. It is a perfect model, and rumored that he wants ta sit for Cardwell in somne municiptlities wbere they issue corresponds with the ingenuitv displayed b2 after Mr. Robt. White, M P.. is appaînted tags ta persans desiring ta pasture cattie tat gentleman in planning hic own dwelling collector at the port of Monîreal. therein. In the proceedinzs of a Tecent and ont buildings, An baur or two in look. An amendmenîta hie Daminaon crinial meeting of the Nortb Dumfries couricil, rs îng tbrough Mr. St. John's buildings is time published in the Gaît Reporter, tbe follow- well spent and you will be made welcome code will be passedi at the present session of ing letter fram the clerk of the township of for be is a general joliy good felw. parliament ta empawer magistrales ta Blenheim, in te ùard ta the 'tag sysîem" in The G. T. k. has recently built anc of the sentence parties convicted af pettv îarceny that township was read :-"The'«tag system,' best cattle yards here ta be faund on the before tii-m, instead of having ta' commnit as we call t, has given almost general salis. uine. It was badly needed, as Ibis is anc ai tbem for trial as heretofore Besides ex. faction. It bas been grawing in favor from the most important shipping points north of pediting trials large sunis will be saved ta year ta year. It brings in quite an income Toranta. Beali and Stone shîp an an aven- the counîty in casts of caunî:,. (urt trials. (about $4a0 yeatl3') and gives poor people age two car laads of stock a week. Bbzon cheap pasturage, while it ie not class & McKay shipped a car load of heavy borses The budget debate bas been going on for legislation, as the rich can buy tags if Ihey la the Glasgow market, and Ward a carload lwa weeks in the House of Cammons, and choose, and some of them do sa. We also la the Lotqdon market recently. But last the speeches remind one very mnucb af the find it an advantage in baving the grass Tuesday cýpped ail. Fram early in the annul tlkig mach n te sae tpicforalong the roadseaeten off. We were afraid mornîng cattle poured in from ail directions, tnhe lîaig as entch van .The Conme cr.ai frst that catile would destoy the trees, and weghmaster Lyons was kepî husling Ihe asîsevnten icar. Te Cnseva-there have been sa cenlous complainte on unlil the train left at noon. In ail there were tives claim that Can ada bas pulled through that score. Vou should by ail means cee ten carloads, and it was anc of the finest the hard times under ther poing better that the by-law is carried out ca fair as keep- shipments of expart cateîthatever leftîihe-e than bas an>' other country in the warid. ing cattie in at nighî, especially about parts. They were cansigncd tinh Lndon wbilen t h Lîbera ecr the . ha villages, as that is the lime cattie gel inta market with Mr. J. Baird inchre.E provn abliht t evrytinggardens and do miscbief. I would also ad. Beare, W. Beaton, jack Stone, Jini Mc- -. ~~---vise tbat the time limlit be fram May tet ta Creigbî and several others wcre la, accam Short Notes. Navem ber ist. Tbis wauld suit best for pany îbem, but Jack and Jimi were rejectcd Pat f h aragmet botsel rte- ýearly springs and late falîs." aI Monîrcal. Jim was examined carefully, Par o tue rrangmentaboutse4!-rote- but %howed the least indication of having a lion ini Behring sea, as laid clown b> the Paris TOWN LINE.L lump on bis jaw. Jack was then examined arbitration, was that Great Britain and the Mr. T. N. Davey bas returned tram To- thonoughly, and, although they couldn't find United States were ta take jont measures at ronto wbere he bas been wiing on bis first a lump on bis jaw he shawed cymptoins of year University examninations. We hope hie pleura pneumonia, therefone he was rcjecîed. Ibis seasan for the protection of seala Now, May have been succeseful.MACETR as the Ariericans have decliiîed to pay the The tawn Line F. B. C. scored their firet NEM ER $4 25.00o) agreed upon as damiages to British895o idyeeigls hn Cuc mtnMnayJdigfrnte Columbia, sealers, the British decline ta send victary of 195oFrdyvnigaswhn CuclmtaMnd.Jdggfoute anypatol ntoth Paifi waer toassst n hey dci ated Audlcv by a score of six goals number ai ratepayers present a good deal af any atrit ivsfthe l>aciî aes sis. flta anc.We hope thby may continue as they business muet bave been Irabsacted. guadig te îvs îf he eas.have begun. Mr F Pa'ner, of Peterboro, is visiting with The trialI of the twin lyarls at Taronto The sociale at tbe bame of Mn. Simon bis broîhei. n.haw, Mr P S Parka. for tlie inii er of viiunrg We 1ls a >ear and a Irving an Friday evening was in every way The senior class ai the public school here are a success. The football match in the early making preparatians for the entyanoe examina- half ag,, iv leîtting.,1ie <eght of an elevatar part ofîthe evening added much la the en- tions bcîd ih June. bhey are working hard and faillt)f l'ritntas to-en thtu sensation cf the jaymenî (<f bath young and aid. Aller an ita be boped thât their efforts wili be crown. îveek iii Cartadri i nts it wotild appear excellent tea hadi been partaken of a goad ed wîth success. fram thIlle-.idenu s ifttiey s pent a great program was given by the Almond choir The township council have purchased a new deal of niiie pm[thîîgle orp-hatiî Welis, ably assisted by Misse-s Addie Martin and road machine, and it is expected that the sum- and qînte ikelv s'.îtî somte abject in vow. May' Davey and Messrs. Gibson and Rich. Mer fallowIng wîll commence in aifew days. bbe thinîg 1lîaiks ver% susipicious, o say the ardson. Wsith the large roomns for indoor Mst least cf in, anid ceri.îin1 Hvamrs 'vite must Mre u pcas ano hc h Aaron Matrs last a va&uable cow hast be fully coirîinceii(ifls olnkilnbeyubanbeuymgîdpn hesvs week. The cause af the animais deatb was a his u!l litkilingher out andbeaty ightisp theselesmystcry It iook sîck and was dead beforea birother ci sile woulii n -,t have en'tered the the Irving home -proved an excellent anc forvet-nrcudbeum nd.Tepbbi- w i t n e s t i s 1 0 t e - t 1 v a a î n s h î ma o l u i t h e$ 2 8 . T e p a e d m u t i s a r e t a t i t h a d s w a l l o w e d a p i e c e o f g l a s s , o r By a vote of lhe peuple taken last laIl t-et c aaot$S We noticcd a large num- obtained som e Poison from the numeraus heape ber tram Audlcy present, and we hope that af rnbbish 'tbrown on the sides ai the road. ting at horse races was declared illegal un- when they have an entertainment of the people cleaning out their cellars sbould bury it der the iîe%&, onstitution cf the state Tbis lind, that the Almond people will retorn the in their back yard, rather than tie highway. brought ta the nu)tîce of the people that the complimtent.Telatrpnnite okarstcorrvs chit vlu cfthniîgh ree ad1ra1-r TT ek w r ald u o aprom he atytar n an imsth at sîa tht way bought by, the. government for the experi, mýe;tal .fsrm. Only $t3.5o çasçh. . Fair- bauki, Whitby,.agent. The big sale stili g6ti on Prices lower than ever. Gents' dress gait. ers, $1, gents fine lace boots, $t, gerntsOtbe dongola kid sli6eg, $i.îo, gents Afine- bif shoes, 89c., ladies fine kid button boots 99c , ladie fine Oxfords, 85c., ladies fine lace bool, toe capped, Sr.îo, boys gIn làcê boot, ton capped, 95c., mismse chool bocts, 411 ito, 65c., citilds school boots 6 to ro, 6oc, Every. body corne and get a big supply. M. W. Collins, the new shbe store, east side Brock .ting rather adlvanced a number of the nega. bWrs jurnedo,'uron Mdonday and bepedhlh One day last week our teacher whlpped a littIe girl belonglng to Mr. jas. Vivian so, severely tilat the marks of the tod' were left on the back 'ol both barids. Her father was so annoyed over it that he laid the case be- fore Mistrate Nott on Saturday. f l o bad th~ehfid eXanined ' by &e doctor --iÎlto ronoinced one of er knuckles fractued. era1wituesses were summioned, and tbe trial was ta take place on Monday ýevenlng, ai lie legisiature carried out tic suggestion ai the CHROINICLE ta abolîsh the name "Meciatiics' Institute' and substitute that &i"Public Library-," which will do sway wilitic hides which exista in tic minds ai came that tic institutes wene flot intended for farmt-rs. biese public libraies, as they are now ta be called, are ai tie very higicat importance from an cducaîional point af vicw, anîd sbould be wcll supported. Not only siould tiey have iberal goverfiment grants, but tbey sbould also reccive libenal muums from the caunties and local municipal- hies %vierein they arc sîtuateci. Under tl.e recent aniendmenîi is stipulated that there muet be a sign "Public Library'" oulside, and there must be ioe members to draw a gavernimeîît grant, instead ai So as hereto- fone, So ai whom muet lac over 21 years ai age. As the county council ai Ontarioala- was makes a provîso witb lîs grants la thre effecî that libraries shaht ment goverament reguhations, Ibere willhbave ta be îoo memb-i ers In orderito draw its grant. bbc execut- Ives of the many institutes in ibis county sbould bestir themeselves at once, ini order that ail niay draw thier grants, and once ihey gel tbe htindred membens enrolled it wiIl be easy ta malntaîn that strenglir. Town L.oaJs Seo aur stock of men's furnlshings. Al tiie new tinga. W. H'. Warren. Dan. Grlftin and Wm. Canden were fined $7,75 for disturblng Oshawa people, as was atiîeci laîtweek. -Get your ire.pots, grates, ran or brick, linfngs for ail kindsa itovels, ranges or1 --urnacos, from J. Mieintyre. -We exend our synîpthy to Mr. and Mr& i lrnie% Tral, KiCngston road West, lu tire1 - 4.th or thofr .ldest býoy, aged 94 yeam -e Ware aili t thebet rady mniéCd loth- îlOt Ini the. maeso*uai go talli.smade in .. BIUOUGH&M. Mn. Wright hast a valuable horse tire aIrer day. t Lovely weatber and smiling faces every- - vere. Mise Gammage is visiting ber sister ai Mrs. J. Burlese. Lawyç'r Gallager ws in the village Satur- d ay. rMiss Martira Skinner le vieiting wiîir ber grandmnoîber, Mrs. Wiibour. Mr. Ji-wel, aur new harnees-maker, is ap- 1preciatd very much. Our fiend, Urquhant the tailor, ïe doirîg a rushinug business Ibis sprlng. Miss Fannie and Jessie Phillipsespent a few days in Toronto wiîir aid friende last week. Frank' Geraw and brother Stanley were attendlng a football match ln the clty ast week. The a.4th of Ma y la coming, and everybody le talkîng of taking In thre celebraian at Greenwood. Wc are hivlag cold weather again. Sun- day niglit there-was a hcavy frost, which dld taucir damage, and on Tuesday a 80w atari». Tura out, bo, bbbchefootball practîce Monday ud Tuuda-y evenîinge, and take - the cup when the. day cores. You art under1 thre cave of a good capta.4 ohnA.White., aur weli-.knwn Comie slerisbulecifbr Peteuboro on the evenIn« of ?4ay 4th, wftb a aieat lit de sum for bis - ilbgs evice. Johin Wb$ tirenome. Thre sMewalke. of (Mr, *own arelu ayatber bail sbate. 'one youq 'lay t_9CkUe Sunday evelug lWd (eared W. ta tim eêi*b4I Wt waiks gtow » -uwi bcot'o tue Sang&"' -iM'a MalrIra Travelle, Danhington, vieited bis uncle, Mr. M. L. Travelle. Mn. Amiasa Fuller, Darlington, was in Iown lst week. Miss Arnold, Toronto, is guest at Mn. W. Armstrong's. Miss Sainsbury, Cobourg, je visiting et Mr. Wun. Thomnpson' s. Mr. T. H. XcLean, Peterboro, ws in toWn lstlweek. Miss Caverly, Belleville, lu vlsiting lier sister, Mrs. E. B. Nash. Prof. John Squeir and wife, of Toronto, are visiting i ather, Mr. Francie Squair. Re.J. A. MeKeen, was calied saddenly to Nova Scotia on Monclay week owing ta the death of hie failier. Mr. J. T, Morrison, Withrop, bas been engaged by Mr. Houey ta -manufacture cheese. The band entertained Mv. and Mre. . Hill at the resideucep<f lis faiher, Mr. B. Hill, Tuesclay cvening week, ýand met with a bearty welcome. Rudyard Kîpllnug ieturmes, to Iia tin. der contractwlth tbat' xcollent zmagazlie, -the CoemopOIitg1, to rt ele fafç" Upm hl*is enewcd *êu4 toitat« ge LE'T_ -~*WKLL Ail Purchases -made -now will be finished at the shortest possible O T 0O Th'-re is more good taste and judgnient displayed in something that may eost you less but l-ieks appearance. .The vdde range of prices wl'ich we quote especially adapt. .it to fill the wants of the most economic. A visit to our. .tore wil ConinVfce you t-hat we are the people to purchase. .from. S:ý Our Leaders $13.00 and $13.50 Sergre Suits ... Now aWord aboutHau..- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 uau zoe25., 35C., 50C. and 75c. - fll/ rang'e of Go//ars and Guis, 71es, Braces, in fizct everyt/zing- in to have your getin a odefi Welinl.in gee tng a godefi tha in yin Our stock 30e., 35C.) and 35c. Fedora at of Straws is very complete, ranging in price at 25c., 40e., 50c., 60e., 75c. and $1. Boys at 15c., 20c., 25c. Men's Fedora at 75c., $l, $1.259 $1.50, $1.75. Boys' 50c., 60c. and. 75c. Men's hard at $1. $ 1.25, $ 1.50, Gens unShnD ROSSBY DRY GOODS, - WHITBY. Blouses. Ladies' Chimesette fronts with Byron Collars, the very latest things. We are showing a very choice seleotion of ladies - Beit Buekies, k.all-lneéW- designs, aýt 'verY* closé prices. Beit ribbons ini black, white or creani in both silk or cotton. We are offering very spe.. oial values in aJi kinds- of Dress Goods. W.* H. WARREN, Bro TUE, Wit. A good top buggy. in good order, cheap. Apply la, M. O'DONOVAN, or WM. NEWPORT, Carniage Builder, Whitby. Apil25h,,9s-2-.n £888 for Hatching. A grand chance to-obtain "eggs for hatch- '"g rom first-cliàs Barred- Plymouth Rock birds. The under'siguÇ.diàisprepareci a ti r- n isir eggsi t the rate of $z.oo er- thirteen. Whity, - ARTHUR !lqoWj)N Whty-April ,19.4. WESTERI t8 A4nC FRIAI aiqq IDce lsUitlems e*THE : NEWff Blouses. ~SS~ magnificent assortm ont af Blouses and Shiirt Waists opened ont this week ; al thelazest and newest goods. Ladies'"Vaissar*' Shirt Waists, (in either plain -or pleated>, starched fronts, Cuifs, Standing Collar with turn- ed points, four buttons ; al colors, both' stripes and spo ts. mi yJ M.DS :GOODS W. Hl, Warre t, TEE MRKET Fal wheat, o0010 8oc ; spring wheat, 8oc; goose wheat, 75c : buckwbea, o0 43c ; bar- Ly, six-rowed, 4oc ta 43c; barhy. two- rowed, 42Ce; rye, 50c; oats, 36c ta 38ce; peas, emal, 6oc ; mummy pes, 6o ta 6,5c; peas, black eye, 65c; bIne pes, 6o ta 6oc ; lover, Alsike, 4.25 10 $6.25; red clver, 35 10 $6.5o0; potatoce, per bag, 65c ta 7.5c; hay, $7r ta #8; baled ay, $io ta $12; but- ter». 12C ta i5c ; eggc. 9C 10 lc; dresed hog, #S ota $6.25; hog, live weight, Toronito The following are ighest prices quoted: White wbeat 87C., red 87c., goose 7,5c., oats 40c, barley 48c, common peas 67c, rye .5oc, buckweat 42c, hay $9 to $12, clover OS.e, straw $7..5o, butter z5, eggs new laid zoc, drnsed hogs $6.25, chickens oc to 70c, turkeys 12 to 3c, gese oc, ducks o0ç to'ooc, cabbag, per dox. ooc to 90, beets, pr dz. oi, ca rrots, per bag, oc, turipo, pet -bag o t à1o oc, p tatoes, per bag,, 10C.9 Ofions, per bag, 00. to ooc., appleés $2 ta $3.50- TRUiLL,- siiipr-ot~ 3. con.; P ickerlng town- Ma8Y 13h, .1895, H«Ward. Jas. a lsï6Jilla Tui cmiii an days, eln g, uiTuesday &M y cHail, relies of JtieWnz. VOLUNTEERS' ATTENTION 1 Trhe 34th Battalion goes into ca mp at Niagara on june i8th. There are vacancies for- a few good men ini No. i Co. Apply to A. G. HENDERSON, Captain Commanding. Whitby, May 14tb, 1895. &eed Corn. For sale,' a large quantity of first class seed corn. JNO. BARTLETT, Kingston road, 3 miles east of Whitby. Court of Refl8ion, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revîsion for 'towniship of Whitby for. the 1895, will- hold its irst sÏtting nM~dy the ýrd day oDfýjne, next, at ten ol'clôck a. m., in council ïrodais, Brooblini, tohearand dçtermne-upon ail appeals that way. be1 muade against the assesement rol o[ paid towmni for 189-. -Ail-persons'having busi- nass at said court are called apon to take notice and -govera theÏn"seves accord$nkg. fl UtITTYft*~i 9th, z89s.-a~.uain. W Fur the] W. Ha at W Cal g0041 M.c Try set in H. W Mr. of the in loti of bis Mr. Gnip, date Whitt -D r. thse on Iing lu Mr. sbip ai Tuesd able ta trili tE ehonld Our Donait garry 1 lied nc the esi - visilinq -which and iti Coal ai Sedi very 1 at she B. Ta3 34 BA fb Niaga secam ers, Y, lions. Mnust 1 W.:ý -sellinf somte Const force withoî fined I Mr. ,t- he 26 I 11 1 4111 1 Our Stock qf Suitings and Pantings Pn-bý- -e CIL'- Gents' Furnishing, and made Well. : STORE. «> 1 For Sale. 1

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