Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1895, p. 5

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Sotrepaireaial&d, fptn~ WHAT'S 1ROMP? ~~Crampton s Car<4: 'cIskit ____________regular prie $. , .iâý You cn g et repaire for every stve and This la somnetimnes a fmont tr$îatlng Inrrqace Wafr litJ.lm muet r'datcng Ityre. nowevr whst plyer. with ilk fÛshbande, for S32,Worth $ 5 Xwe .always tae. leaein J-it ~ -- W iIs Do gîvs s i cnce ta teil You, that "TRUMP la the letesîtbting in watcbes. CONVENIENT SîZa - HANDsomlE NicKEL CASE, STEM WzI<N AN,) SET. AccuRtATE TimEt-KIEEp]R, And we. seIl tfor Whitby. Barnard. Brook Street, WE CAN'T AFFORD To selI furniture et cost, but we can aflord ta udel t as low s price as la consistent witb an HO NES T, LiVFING PROFIT. We keep the targest and finest stock of Furniture in Port Perry and aur prices are the lowest. Jefflop Furniture Co., W. J. NOTT, MANAGER.1 OI&cia unty OrganL.-Largcs: Circula-. tion Of a&" local paper in Canad& FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1895. LOCAL LAOONICS. Hardwood dinlng tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at W. TllIs. Call and see the grand display of spring goods at the west side boot and shoe store. M. Collins. Try the Trilby corset, the best dollar cor- set in the market, to be had only from W. H. Warren. Mr. M. L. Nutting, Lindsay, district agent of the Sun Life assurance company, has been in town this week Iooking after the interests of bis comnpany. Mr. J. W. Bengougb, editor of the late Grip, i. in the field as prohibitionist candi- date for North Bruce. Thus do the ex- Whitby boys move to the front. Dr. Grant's 'Hairene, " for the hair, is the only preparation guaranteed to stop fa]- ling hair, and remove dandruif. No lead, no stilphar. Ask your druggist for it. Mr. Thea. A. McGillivray Look the judge- sbip of the division court at Port Perry on Tuesday. His Honor Judge Dartnell tell. able to go toUxbridge on Wednesday, and will take the other division courts north should he continue to improve in health. Our worthy townsman, Mr. Augus Mc- Donald, was recently called away to Glen- garry to the death-bed of a brother whomn he had not seen for eighteen years. Whilst in the east Mr. McDonald had the pleasure of visiting his birthplace and noting the changes whîch tirne bas wrougth in the old hom-n &nd its surroundings. Coal at Toronto prices. Selling out during next week-I will sel] very best Scranton and Lehigh coal $4.75 at shed, $5 delivered-spot cash only. H. B. Taylor. 34 Battaflion called ouI. The 34th Ontario battallion is to go to Niagara for drill on june i8th, and wiIt be accompanied by 2nd Dragoo.îs, York Rang- ers, 37th Halton and 13 Wentworth battal- lions. Must have licenses. -- W. H. VanTassal, Belleville, wbo has been selling hand spray pumps in tbis vicinity for some time past, was summoned by High Constable Calverley, who is appointed to en- force the transient traders' bv-law of the county, to appear before P. M. Harper at 5 o'clock yesterday, for peddling bis machines without ticense. The macbines are of A merican manufacture, and their sale is sup- 1)osed to require license. Vanlassal was fined $2 aid cons, and must also pay for a license. Hatching by wbolesale Mr. W. H. Newberry bas a home-made inctbator whicli he loaded with 82 eggs on t ie 26111 of April. By the time we went 10 press yesterday there were 69 chirping chicks walking about, and several more striving to relieve tbemnselves of tbe confine- ment of tbe shell. Wi.tb the exception of 16 cggs the collection was purcbased pro. miscuously aI the grocery stores, and oiily 3 out of tbe 66 bas failed to procluce birds. The 16i are the produ,.t of patent bens. and apparently take Io ng'cr to hatch. To Niagara Falls on May a4tb. ht was a gçoo Ides. for thme Brooklin people to gel u p thel r excursion te, Niagara Falls for a4aY 24tb, as the weather will in aIl pro. babitty be cool and pltesant a week from to-day. Matiy excurslonsts to the falis ai mldsumnmer find the heat quit oppressi ve, as compared wlth what it lu et this season. The Garden City enjoys unparalleled popu- larlîy.as an excursion steamer, and b as * Sec aur stock of ladies' hoslery, gloves, corsets, UfldemRY-ec very- emplte ansd at very close prices. W. H. Warren. Be sure and sec aur stock of mens and boys' straw bats, also aur felt bats in both fedora and siff hatsaet prices ta suit every one. W. H. Warren. Mr. J. R. Meîhewson, Brooklin, was in town on Tbursday test, and is lnoklng much improved. Havlng grawn a fult beard, be looks like e man wbo bed eschewed, or wes golng to escbew, bacbetarbood andi take a wite like a good loyal citizen shou Id. We bave bed royal commissions on pro. hibition, and on deborning cattle, on dairy- ing and boney bees, and on the propagation of tbe sot soap industry. Now, how would it do to bave one appointed to enqu ire int t.be causes of the recent frost. Remeînber That Dr. Gian's "Hairene' isguaranteed la stop falling bair and remove dandruif. Concert et the cottege. In Ryerson Hall, Ontario Ladies College, s concert witl be given by the Literary Society of the cotlege on Friday evening, May x7tb, commenciug et 8 o'clock. Ad- mission iS cents. A ire put out. On Monday morning about ii o'clock the residence af Mrs. Houck, on Byron st., was discovered ta be on ire The town alarm was sounided, snd a general rush made ta the scene of the blaze, and it was soon put out by a few pails of weîer and tbe chemu ai extinguisher. The damage don. was tlight, but il was a narrow escape. The Rowand-Newton case dlsmissed Another sittlng of the Rowland-Ne,% ton defamatory libel suit took place on Friday last before Police Maistrale Harper, but as lawyer McCullougb and the magistrale wtre still unable ta agree as to the law bearing upon such proceedingt, Mr. Rowland refused 10 go on wiîh the case, and the m -gist rate dismissed it with costs. As 10 costs, it seemas that il wiIl be bard ta collecî them in such s case. Dont seat the envelopes Some of aur coriespondenîs persist in sealing tbeir envelopes witb only one cent postage, and il caste us four cents to gel each letter out of the postoffice. There is nothing ta be gaitied by sesling a letter con- taining nat ing private, We do notsee why a correspondent who writes proper news need care wbo sees bis wriîing. but at the same lime we are satisfied no posîmaster in th. county weuld boîher 10 look mbt an un 'ealed envelope. A well-spent eveann. The May tee et AIl Saints' school roomu on Wednesday nigbî was asuccess. There was a large attendance, and aIl were delightfully entertained. The tes was excellent and was folîowed by a very fine programme : instru- mentl, Miss G. Taylor; song, Mrs. Geo. Rosa recitation, miss B3. Tamblyn; vocal solo, Mr. W. Rîchardson ; vocal solo, Miss B. DartnelI: instrumental, Misses. Grose and Woodcock; quartette, Misses. B. DartnelI and R. Cammidge and Messrs. Cterswell and Richardson. The proceeds amounted to a handsome figure, and are ta be used in aid of sunday scbool fund. A runaway escapade. On Sunday aflernoon lest Mr. Theo. King îook a drive ta Oshawa, and as he wîs leav- ing that tawn for home a little befare six o'clock in the evening one clip of the thîlîs came baose from the front axle. This frigh- tened the horse, catising il 10 meke s few springs, which not only broke off the other clip but capsized the buggy. Mr. King lost control of the Unes and the borse rau off ta- wards Whitby wllh the cross bar of the shafts pelting ils heels every lump. By the lime it reacbed here ils hind legs were. badly skinned and bleeding freely. It did not choose ta stop bere, but proceeded ( n west through Whitby, and was headed off by a tramp wno .was coming into lawn for a night's lodging. No further harm was done besides what is above recorded. New lime table for Cauductor Whites train. On Monday marning lest Conductor Whiîe's train commenced it daily trips b.- tween Lindsay snd Whitby, insîead of Port Ferry and Wh tby as formnerly. For that portion of the line between bere and Port Ferry the time table wiIl be the same as formerly, the run from Part Perry ta Lindsay at night and back 10 Port Perry in the morn- ing being made le' fit in wiîh the former plan. The abject ta be served by tbis is 10 give Lindsay merchants about three aud a half hours langer in Toronto than can be hed in a day by the Blackwater route. Mon- days train was the first, and as the new lime table was ual adverîised there was nol a single passenger on board, wben the train arrived in Part Perry, and if it continue to be so the uewly Added portion of the trip wil be abandoned, 'aud five fam lies wîll be spared the necessity of moving from Port Perry la either Lindsay or Wbitby. bhe Dictionery Mekers are ou b il. Thal the CHRONICLE is a medium of valve ta dictianary publishers lu reaching tbe homes sud achoals af Ibis section of Ontario, is aîtested by tbe advertisemeut elsewhere in ibis issue af Webster's International Dic- îiouary by tbe publishers, Messrs. G. & C. Merrian & Ca.. of Spriugfield, Mass. Ibis book may be abtained Ibrougb any of tb. many newsdealers wba use the CHRONICLE ta advertise tbeir business. As ta the book itself the CHRONICLE cen commend it ta al as a work Ibet sbou Id be iu every home sud echool in the land. Noab Webst~er was tbe original aulimor. Noahlorter was the revis- er of it. Ibat two suff Noahs sbould bave been developed in thie samnie o f delicate aud difficîxl scboatrîhp as meking diction- aries, is one cf the most remarkably interest- iug thîngs about Ibis great lighl in the field af Iexicograpby. The beet authorîties are favorable b lthe view tisaItih International Webster la lhe most relliable, dignifed, scbotarly, and usable cf aIl vocabuglaries now upon lise market. l will b. worth your wbile ta write to tise PUblishers for a fre pamphlet about thiisfamous bock. ln doing so don't rigel to tel tiseniyon saw their ai- vertisemen te itCf ONICLE, Tbe VIndlcator on OUr tai The Giberne Vidicato in1.iluramipant ectacieo becausetise CBsICLE 8 siBtW t- ened witis-a libel eW14twilcb le a couslkl ment WC sala ne ver b. able to return, for thse saf'eresso 'th" the vindicetor viii never have a SCsMPC Of tç ineid o« lts bande., Tise publ éhr of tis4 jo' al pyts in his tlus<lnuçdit P uteA0 l d xi round onu.a -blke- 'tb. -t% s î I f-WH aIMei, the., pvaisît1,th cf meîhig-Bre. - Ledièa' ,parasolà and umbrellas, a 'âne chiice and good quality, at very moderate prlc&* .H Wre. BesurW and" see ôur-_stock of ladies' blouses, belts, belt buckles, Czarine buckles, tbe very best goods an at extrettely,-moder- ete Pricçs. W., H. Warren. Wbilst people are spraying things promiscuously, had flot spm one better shower a ittle blue vitrot Ime upon the blooming clerk of tlhe weatber. Mr. R. H. Lewder le in town. He has been at Ottawa striviný to induce the Dom- inion Government to give a paying bonus 10 the manufactures of beet root sugar. The bonus of $20 per ton as a special grant or bonus for tbe manufacture, and the new duty of sio per ton wilt amount 10 that much pro- tection. Mr. Lawder says members or? both sides of the house are favorable to encoursg- ing the beet root sugar industry. We might mention in connection witb this subject that the supply of seed for experimentation in Ontario with a view ta the location of a fact- ory that was sent t0 Mr. F. Howard Aunes for free distribution to farmers, gardeners and others in this section. is stîtl unex- hausted. Oh for a4th May excursions 1 See Stephenson, WhiLby, for fuît particu- tars and through tickets at sin -le fare to ail Canadian stations. Honora ta ex-Whitby boys. W( notice in the reports of this years ex- aminations at Toronto university medical school that Mr. Geo. Field, Pickering, passed his first yesr, and Mr. D. McGitlivray, Ut- bridge, passed bis second year, taking first class honors in every subject. Congratula- tions 10 both. Sons of Bngland. The annual church parade of the miembers of the Lodge Sussex No. 5 Sons of England and Princess May Lodge No 2o Daughters Df England of Whitby will <DV) be held on Sunday May i9îh. Sermon t0 be, preached by the Rev. Thos. Manning at the Methodist Tabernacle at 3.30 o'clo:k. Memtbers to meet at the Lodge room aI 3 o'ctock. To Correspondents. "H. C. G."-The yoting lad i )-ou enquirt about is unmarried, and more than eli i bIe- one of the most charming in Iown. -S. W. McC.'-We club the CHRONICLE wiîb either the Weelcly Globe or Mail for 75c. to theend of 1895. CHRONIcLE and Toronto Daily News or Daily Star for balance of year $1.25. CHRONIcLE and Toronto World for $2.5o per annumi. The cartoons iin the orld are woth a centsa day. A Magnificent Photo Mr W. E.O'Brien, the artist, witl ibis morn ng place on exhibition in bis window an im- mense photograph of one hundred of the busi- ness men of Whitby. grouped by a process from single photographs. The work is wetl done, and from it he intends to strike off large quin- ilties of eight by-îens. The enterprise ot Mr. O'Brien ini gettng out this enormous and costly work is highly zommendahle, and deserves splendid reognition at the hands of our citi- zens Mr W H Palmers meetings Special services in the baptîst church are being hetd every night, conducted by the evangelist, W. H. Patmer, who preaches the gospel in simple earnesîness. Hîs appeals ta the îînsaved are made calmly, and yet earnestly. Increased audiences attend night- ly. The services will be continued every night during tbis week and next, commenc- ing aI 7 45, and Mr. Palmer will also preach morning and evenîng next Sun day. AIl are w el came. Now, heres a good idea. A citizen of Toranto writes the World ask- ing wby the city couîd ual stîpply private citizeus with coal et the came rates as it buys it from dealers, wbich is generally about a dollar alaon cheaperîthan privaI. citizens can but' it. It is stated that coal dealers sup.ply fuel in large quenlities at very much- tower prices than by the Ian or emaîl quantity. Ibis seems but naturel, sud if tue dii-ens joined the city in making tbe contract and made the amaunt lwice or tbrice larger sill, one would suppose that a still tower price would be obîained. This hen is a double header. Encourage., by the warm wealher a ligbî Brahma heu in the employ of chief constable Calverle t ook il into ber head on Saturday lest la lay e double egg daily. The conîract wae carried along for lwa days, but the size product had la be reduced la standard size on Monday, awing la tbe cold wave. Tb. fruit of the îwo days lu which tb. contract was carried on was one egg 3# luches lu Iengtb aud another over 3 luches, but larger lu girth. They weigh 5 ounces each. The eggs were of prime qualiîy, as we are lu a position ta testify from baviug devoured the- product. Such an enter prising heu deserves well of the communiîy, sud ber noble efforts indicate wbaî are the passibillîles of the near future lu the hune of heu fruit. A sndden dip. OnQe of the woi-st fealures of our Canadien climate, lu facî the ouîy bad ane, is the sud- den sud unexpected dips or jumps Ibe at- mosphere takres accasionally. W. ueed bardîy give il oui as news ta aur t eaders lu North or South America tbat Saturday hast brought one of Ihese quick changes froni a very warm spell of grawiug weaîber ta an artic wave wbicb set everybody'e nase run- uiug, sud almost opened a campaign lu the cold sud wood business. The i-eason wae ual for enougb advanced lu Ibis localty for the front wbicb accompanied the dip ta do a very great amount -of damage; but lunlthe furtber souîh evervtbiug was just lu bloomi, sud il cul tb. fruit prospect like an awful bligimî, millions of dollars being lthe esîlmate as ta damages. The Niagara district sud coirespondiug parts of New York state ai-e laid low, se ta speak, Aor tbe yeai-. Snow feIl lu almnost thme eniiie region between here sud lthe Rocky Mountains. luI this district the eerly fruits, wiIl probably be badly damsged, but miici or the haler kinds ai-e scarcelylibom yet. sud may be damaged very little, altbougb it wilt take lime to de- cide Ibis question. R. tise fonadrp initter. ln our lest issue there appeared an item hcaded "tic foundry matter,"1 wbicb reflcct- cd somewisat severcly upon Mr. William. Brown& positon and conneclion wlî tiseý procedepsdinlg up te tieassignuet -by thse Mowet Manufaeéturlng Comtpany and tbe- subsequent sale by the tow n te Mr., Brown. It Ï180. stated, amonget other thinge, ýtisat wc lied been !nformed that Mt Brown did net latend to Carry onu-the-fouudry busitnesà bere «nY 1oàger tisa woUld custil l hir o turc- ont thg stoçk n ban , and tat, if lic oul m 1 _e re ine ouse 7 ry BEG TO ANNOUNCE THEIR - On FRIDAY and SATURDA-Y, ...è.StJMMER..... .....0PENING ......Ad.dM ay IOth and llth, We will show a magnificent range of Trirn med and Untrim- maed Gooda, ail prices and qunalities. See our Window. FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. IN GIRE&T PROFUSION. Everything that energy, enterprise, and constant oare on our part can do lias been done, while every- thing indicates that there wilI be a wide latitude iu styles, deinanding the display of taste and -skil. We flat- ter ourselves that you wUIlflnd everything in our store thitt the. most 4astidioiis would ho ss.tisfted with,-styles tbat will oharm and delight,wile at the same time we carry the usual staples, Uines, correct ini style and price and always kept well assorted. Corne and see us. GI Fx STEWARTKx I:F OIulR, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS B3usiTIMNE8 AND 's PROGRESSIVE,- Why do we talk ... ut Prices. sixnply because competition is keen, aud to keep inivok u uiLeSW nS fe Increased W. CT. Walters.m Inducements to Buyers. Wf. G. Waller8.; WE Quote a /ew rices wl//z descrzioseow Our- stock affords abundac fra n effective materizI for advertising-. TIe have no occasion to exagge ate yuw/Ifd our goods ai we say they are. In our Dresa Gooda Department our blaek Serges and Henriettas will draw customers ana retain them. Our prices are eut ta, the boue. 38-lu euhk finish Serge only 25c., in ail colors. Black Union Oreppon, et 25a Ail wool Creppons in black, grey, cream, apple, green st 50e. Silk and wooil stripe Creppons a-t $4.40 to $7, for drees length of 7 yards. Âsk to e. our range of 44-lu Tweed effeets at 26o. ; a better linoe t 85;-They are excellent value and we show our linoe t 10ec. yd., 22-lu. wide, that should surprise you. It ill puy you to look throngh aur Dress Gooas, the collection is the finest w. have ever shown. Lace Ourtains.-We start them at 25e. whieh is only 5c. yd. .A bet\er Uine at 87je. ; edges are taped. will pay 60c. elBewhere for this particular Unae. W. have them ut ail pricea, up to $6.75 per pair. YOU' Men's, Youths' and Ohidrensa Ready-made Olothing.-We offer you readly-made elothing at ONIKAL eost of ordered goode, that are well lined, perfect flttlug and latest style eut. Men's Navy Serge- Suite t, $8.75 ; you pay $5 elsewhere. Mensa all-wool Halifax Tweed Suite lu fàwn, liglit grey and dark g, $6.50 ; a better lineaet $7.50 to $10. W. wiil be pleuaed ta, show you our Ready-made Clothing whetherýyou want to buy or not. Youths' ail-waol Halfx Tweed Suite, ta fit ages 12 ta 17 years, at $4. Ohldren's Tweed Suite, ta fit ages 5 to 10 years, ut $2. You cant buy elsewhere 86-in. factory cotton at 8c. Cream or eolored Shaker Flannel only 5o. Ladies, less black cotton Hose 8c to 10o per pair. 8 pair Ladies' 40c- Cashmere. Hose for $1. Men'a Fedora Rats 85e. Mens Flannelette Shirts at 25c. Double fold, Cotton Sheetiug at 15c. 86-lu, Butoher's Linen 15c. White Victoria Lawn 8c, do. 10e. We ask you to CaI and Examine our Good8 -and Prlces9, Wu Go SEE -OUR STOCK OF- Raoon Home Cured}. Hm s5aM OTHER GOOD-.-- New, Fresh, Attrac- tive and Cheap. W. B.,PT ?I "W MIT Y COURT 0f IiEVI8ION. Public Notice tg bereby g ven that the. Court ot Reviuion orthie TOWN 0 WH2P wi h amh is fr h *,. sit suRt-l tOn WALTE RS. JUST REC VE»...m 4 Pure, New Made Dininer 'and Tea.-E Choioe Family Gi Ckeap for ýCas14 op Syrup. -'lDon't buybeo in e then ,)U. Ibis tort isrc We o lext -e ~s. 1)11 Il inc (2ýýD Few Special B argains. <ý

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