Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1895, p. 6

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Uurphy's Conversion. Billy Murphy lay on the sleping bnnk I the guard houges, uite apart from the other men, and kioled hie substantial heels againast the planking. "Why don't yen stop that noise ?" asked Kid DeVoe, the bugler. 111 would rather herir yen aieg." "Iamrn )tsbaping me conduet for the pleasuring of auy man from the Second Siua roo," rplied Murphy with vigor. f I had me spurs on 1 wonld make =ore noise than this." The Kid purmued that will o' the wisp concealed in a garne ot solitaire, and ex- pressed to ne ene ini partienlar the opin- ion that Iriehinen had no business ie the yn"governmet doesr't agree wid for a lest plank as prernising greater clamer. "h neyer doee," said the kid calmly. "If Al did it would pay buglers more mouely and issue a general order prohib iting Ã"Crporal Gilonn frein playiung poker." "&Buglers are littie nec," said the corporal calrnly. "But if they muet bc maintain- ed they should ho paid more mouey. It is bardly worth while te rob thein." "And ihat je the uuhcly amusement cf the Second Squad reem,'" interrupted Murphy. " Not a man in tere enjoys the blesecd consolation of religion." "H1o 1" langhed the kid, oompleting a bock cf epales, and setting the suit aside triurnphantly. 'IYen get enough of thiat kind of consolation, thore s a oissionary oeming toe amp." "When ?" asked Murphy and the cor- poral together. "nd y nghi sund he'll preach in the clnb rom. Every man in the post will have te attend. General orders." 4"Whiciî wîll de the Second Squad rom no od," said BiIly. ",It's; hopeless." "e'll de well if the Second Squad rom doesn't mun hum eut cf camp," re joined tho Kid, grinning. "Third -elief, tmm cuti1" commanded the. corporal; and Billy went te his dnty with grnmbling. Back and forward ho walked ai the side of two prisouers, eeuflued for drunken nous, and kept them to diligent diggiug. A third, frein the Firet Squad rocin, serv- ing ton days for dÏesertiug hie peet, was permitted te Bit in the shade sud burnish liiesa&de witb a fragment of timber. "The Second Squsd room will get even wihyu Billy," snid oeeof the tipplers, It'ill ave te apologize te the day cf iaoharge if it does," was the ready reply Iltbas suuoyed me mneh since ever I joined the army." Suuday nigbt the miesieuary arrived, sud Bily, despite hie Catholic obligations, Bat on a front seat and led the singing. The mont impassioned efforts of the e- vivaliet fell ineffectual upon tii, but ho had the satisfaction of knowing that the baleful irreverance of the Second Squad rocin wae nover made apparent. Mondtty night the meetings were con- tinued, sud Billy sat in th~e secoed row, hie emotienal Irish seuses a trifle dis- turbed, for theme was nothing in hie ehurchly roserve te stand againât the magnetism cf t.he preacher. Tueeday night ho was on guard again and expressed himself as gla.d et iL, though as ho had imply addressed hum. self in the confession, the news ws.s net iikely to spread. But while off duty, between 7 and 9 0ocloek at uîght. ho conld net reaiet the Squad rom teck on, new life. Th ro men frein H Comîpany cf thoe iufautry, oee rein Troep C sud haîf a dozen of the mest impious enlisted mon in the battery had renounced their oins; aud the revivaliet wae jubilant. Ho grew weary of the fare in the coin- pauy mess rocin, and haunied the traders store till ho met a lieutenant, te whom ho addre'seed himseof se skilfully that ho aie in Oticers' Row theresfter. But hoe àabated uiee of hie labor in the service. True, hoe preaclied himieoif rather more than2 the founder cf hie religion, but whee he rgaclîed the exhorting stage at the end of eaoh sermon hie voice wae stmoug and bis mal power nnabated. Jim Kilpatrick, Who walked post at the &ssn the pmoaoher exhumue a quart bettle of GaileyTa rmth etsote barley hie sfter the meeting ; but Jim vas a Cathelie, and a Second Squad reom man ag well, Se Billy wonld net j believe hum. despite the faci ibat Jim vas burdened with &IlIthe indications ef à native jag when the third relief diece, ored hlm, sitting ou the sncw-cevered groud ai 1 O'cleek in the merning, bis âarbino fifty feet away, and bis maudila tougue defying aIl danger. 'Tbe» vas a littie room at the. sud of thé Seond Squsd roooe, sud thia the. Ofioers had kiudly plaeed at the parsn's dipsiHers he wrote some, reed oom.--chietly borrow.d books wbose ~to0p.r migbl relieve Ia nervous str&ln.. Mud toe.h. waited for the lett.era whioh 'houuMd Lb. Bi.iiop should bavesmot hiu ÃŽffW*oowero ooming tb Lb. meeting, 'And th. littai. club room was orowded 4vy nigbe, for the thing boossua u old- 2 ow revvMtsnob asémayo both iu an ut fniforin, usuierabera  f-otitr pois lut Lb,, azmy bus few-1 ~ ~$jsane, and th. 'Miuloar bdw 1 That settled iL. Billy went to bis bunk sud divested himaelf of sncb gammouts as a in does't need in s row, thon boldly opened the Second rocin door sud anuounced that ho wae there te dlean ont tiie outire party. A seldier 's ow ie entire void cf senti- ment-st least snob sentiment as usually apemi-ains te trouble ; sud ai, the sud cf minutes the Second Squad room wore bathing thoir bruines sud Iaughing aI tho spectacle j est ever. "Wheme's BiUy Murphy ?" ssked the. sergeant cf iiie guard, app.aring at the. Firat Squad Roem door, sabre in haud, Jnet as the tirai note of "Tapa" rose on ,h,âight wind. "owoni down No. 2 like. a canuon bail in s field of ton pins a bit ago." said eue of hi. fellows, "Yeu'll find pieces of hum al th. way te the parsn'sstudy." Whaiever Murphy fragments might have beon strown along that way the. sorgeant did net stop Le considor. R. went stz'aight te the parson'. situdy and opone thte dom. Thore utatheii.miuionmr, with a mente outfit on Lb. table befere him, bye ciizens wating with silver l igbVht, and a bedon heb ard-'ad Bill urphY, livid sud psun# tirsd froua hie ruMai eain ~gV, ud* i witb marks Of lly ioweoed liii *gso a-. b g teormsh of p ysio 'OO .do élan.d; tbb bis;tàbs M t "M. ottr7.okyêTm ïsu# wMu bic ; yu~7 014 Unilhm oneauaheuhl 1 good cathlio he kuew h. b.d no busi- ness siugeing his wings lu the Protestant fiame. aud if Kid DeVors aud hie orowd had oulv smbraoed religiou, gcod Mnrphy's path wouid bave been made easy. But with his bats cf the meu whe composed ibat coteris ho muet indorse the insetings. Yet ho could net lieten to the urginge cf that nervons mn withont feeling a tearful Luit at hie beart, and a haîf-resolve-that ho oould not analyze- te rush te the meuner'e beuch sud plead for mercy. Pay daj came aleng in the thick of bis tribulation, sud the meetings were iesse teuded. Tho citizene came ase before, but the back soas, where the unceuverted lung, were thiuly p(opled And Bull Wilson, walking post one night, touud a izame of poker without auy lirit, rue ninu lj-hind curtaiued windows at the tailor shop. There was au awful hush as Bull stop- ped in the ron, aud hie recently gather- ed religion burned in horror at the sighit. Ho did net wonder conscience hsd emit- ton thein durnb. And thon lho noticod it wae net conscience, but a ten dollar raiso, that bad stilled ail souud aud move- meut. Coparai Glenn hsd made the raise, and Kid DeVore was holding hie carde wide open, sud epeculatiug. "'How many carde did yen draw ?" asked the bugler ; but Glen teck shelter behiud hie techuical righte, and refused te anewer. Bull Wilson saw three kingesud a pair cf aces in the trumpeter's bande, sud er- ventiy swore that ho would cail if it kili- ed him. #,You hsd îhrees te go," inneed the Km., hie memory retureîug. "Yen teck two carde. Mebbe you caught a forth. I cau't afferd it." ,,l'Il cal bu," said Bull defiautiY, and with the bellowiug toue which had earned hum bis naine. Ho puiled hie whoie menthes wages frein hie purse ; fer virtue had saved it undiminiehed. Aut Glenn objected ; and thon Bull was sure that the king fu wenld beat humi. -Thon l'Il borrow 810 frein Bull, sud eaul you myseif," seaid the Kid. "I'm playing open." Glenn ceuid net refuse, but hie lips tightened, sud ho shot a glance at the senty, whicb sheuld have ecalled him te bis duties-religieus sud military. But iL didu't. The fine frenzy ef draw was hot in hie veine, sud he fiung the cein on the table. DeVoe pushed it inte the pot andleok- ed acrose at the cerporal. 1Ihe lips cf Glenn relaxed te a curve, sud hie merry eyee twinkledas e holaid dowu hie baud. "Straight flush," hoeaid ; aud acquired the uaoney. Bull Wilson went out, stuug witb a tboueand humiliatiens. Service wase tili in progrees at the club ron. but tue tried te hurry paet, for hie reegh sud honeet seul wae ful cf penitence sud self-up- braiding. But what wae that at the merey seat ? It was Bily Murphy pasonately pleadiug fer fergiveness. "Five mon frein the Second Sqnad rom at the back of the house laughed once, sud thon itrck np a camp soug nover before or since sttuued iu religions meeting. Oh, frehemman, fieberman, I wish yen mîgbty well- Tow ow, inka didy day. Hlave yen get suy ses crabes for te seil ? Tow, mew, rinka diddy day. in these parte ag'iu, Oi'li bave th. heart of y.."a "Go te bed, new Biliy,"t said thse e- Resut. «"It'a ta pae." And over the hill in the freeaing night weut the gambler pareon, for hie first sud iast attempt ai any army revival hsd fonnd huim a metal teeliard for bis fus. iug. And Billy's secret wae nover discloeed. The Exoeiuiorie Umpiro. The crowd was gatbering thick sud fast ,As from the oniside insde passed A man who stood up, strcng sud prend, And lu a brave veice sbouted ioud. "Play hall 1" His brcw was sad h is oye beueath Flashed like a faîchion (rom its sheath, And like asislver clarion ruug The accents of that weli known teugue; "'One strike In rnany an eye he saw the light That warned bîrn hew te shape the fight Beyond. the spectral bleachers shone, And from bis lips escaped a groan ,,One hall 1" "Let up on that 1" eue bleacher said Another yelled ' -We'll punch your head ? And forty yelled. "'Go soak your hide 1" And lcud that claricu voîce replied: "Two bails ?" "&Oh, stay. " a small boy guyed, "sud rosi Yo'ar weary head upon tbis brout." A tear sîood iu his bright blue eye As new ho answered witb a sigh: "Twc strikes 1" * 'B.-ware the pine tree's withered branch * 'Beware the awful avalanche1' These were the grand stand's words, sud ho Braced up sud shouted lustily : "lFhree strikes and eut .... .... ....the bleachers yell, ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..W -i11 There at the borne plate, ccld and gray, Lifeless, but beautitul, he lay:. N'et frorn tbe sky, serene sud far, A voice feil tuke a falliug star 'Nexi 1" The Society Gins' Alphabet A is fer Arsenic my shoulders te whiteu, B Belladonua my big eyea te brighîen C for Colouge that 1 nip on the quiet. D for Deccllete-semethiug te shy et E for the Earl that I'm heping te capture F for the Fortune ho thinks cf with rapture; G is for Gueter, who suppers purveys;, H is for Helen, wbc laces my stays; I is for Ices toeaet 'tween the dauces, 1is for jue, whon parties made advances; K is for Kelly's, wbere people send letters L s for Love-inaking free frein ail fetters; M 's the Match motber wants me te inake, N for the Novel wbich bedwards 1 take O 's the Opera eue gees every week te, P is the Prince eue is dying te speak te. Q fer tbe Queen littie seen by Society, R for the Races I see te satîety; S us fur Soda-u.s useful witb brandy, T for the Total tbat's speut on my dressing, U fer tbe Ugliness tbat's se depressung, V is for Vurtue, te us always credited W the Weakness we have iuheriîed; X us for Xerxes, my black poodie pup, Y for tbe Yacht ibat my Earl bas set up; Z -te tbe end cfruîy story I'm comung- Is the zest witb wbuch, faîhung ail else, I go 'sluuiug."' CAMNINGTON. A prohibition convention was beld homo on Friday las. Among those pro- sent weme : Mm. A. D. Weeks cf Ux. bridge, Bey. Mr. Bethune, of Beaverton, Rey. Mr. Campbell cf Wick, Beys. Stew art sud McKay, cf Sunuderland, Rev. J. 1. C. Wilson cf Wilfrod. In the afternoou s session was held sud resolutieus were drafted te preserut te the candidates fer election te the Dominion House. We boliove Mm. R. C. Braudon bas acepted the resoîntions and will hecome a prohi bition candidate a-s wsll s Patron. In the evening s mass meeting wae held in the auditorium cf the building sud was preeided over by Mm. Weeke, et Ux- bridge. Having mesd a telegram frein Mm. Buchanan, cf Hamilton, rogretting bis inabiiiy te ho prosent. Tiho Rev. gentleman 1 have named aboe delivered some fiery elequeuce on the liquer busi- nesin genemal. Iu cloeing ths reeclu- tiens that were d1rafted in the afternoon were read over sud the Rey. Mr. Moyle of ibis town (Baptiet) teck exception to the word "Sacramental" iu the second mesolution, Boy. Mr. Rose (Preebytemian) objecting sud Bey. Mr Rux alec (Ch umch cf Englaud). Hewexer, it was fiually Laken as read sud s bymu led by Mr. Woekesud aceempauied by the orches- tra couclndod a very enthueisie meet- i.ng. Tue aunual meeting cf the mechanies' instituts was held in the parier of the bib- mary on Mouday uight. The business for the year wae gene ovor sud the booke audiied aud found correct. After all in- debieduese is paid they still bave about $40 te the good which speake well for the management. There are ah presont 100 subsoribema on the list. A meeting of th. truetees et the new M. B. ohurch wa e hld iu the churcb ou Monday night te coneider tenders sud de cide. A. deoision has net been arrived ai up te the hime ef writing. The pablic seheol hati institutsd s read- iuç; room in counection wih the mauy otner imprevements. Al lbh leadikg poriodical are kept on fils sud when a seholar geta an ovor dose of hygiene ho may bo ailowed te go vind read the Globo or an> othor political paper that will sooth his laoerat.ed nervesl. W. are sorry te have, Vo chroniole aha accident which 1hapMned on 8atUrday inorning to Mu. M. XPaddon. Wbilo" workîigimùbd,-h*bis buh blshand cambe' in cn actwi idrawïntr kuifa, outing A Generous offer. (Pubits/ued by Request.) Deîzr Mr-. Editor .-Will yen kindly ln. fomm the readers cf your valuablepaper that I wil gladly seud FRER toan y sferer froin Lest Manbood, Nervous Debiliîy, Night Losses, Varicocele, in potency sud thte r3sults et youtbful foliy, particulars cf a simple and luexpeusive means cf self-cure which afier be- ing humhugged sud lmposed upon for years by quacks sud patent medicine eharks, cured ire in a few weeks. I have nothiug te sell er give away, uer arn I advertising any paient medicine 'business, but will tue plessed to bear (rm sny sufferer sexieus te find a cure for hîs complaiut. te whom 1 wiil explain ceufiden- lally how aud by whaî means 1 was cured Hundreds have been cured throuRh my ad- vice. Cents nothing te teare what 1 paid hue dreds cf dollars te flnd cut. Address confi dentially snd enclose stamp if convenient. D. G OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.0 The long distance tetephone between Parie sud London bas oer 200 calle a day. At the rate of $2 for eaob caîl it pays.- Sufforors f rom physical sud nervous deLility find greRt relief ie the use of Ayer's Sareape- rutsa. Fsr btter than any stimulant, it'm etloct je net transiont snd super icai, but deep and permanent, lu bude up the system by purifying sud enrichtng the hlood. Up te the preseni time the Necropelis Comnpany, the bigReesi undertakers in Eeg- sund, haved huried 126,000 bodies. Eseijay's Liver Lezenjzes are not bringing the dead te tife or performîeguneheard of mir- acle,, but they are bringieg bestth anrd sun chine to inany a home previotîsiy clouded with troubles rfmutfing frein bili,îusurgs sud tnrpid liver. 25cts. a box at ail drug stores. Endeavers are beiug made ie Eniztand to estsbtiah the Sabbatica ypsr, one years s rest ini seven, for echool1 teachers. Cold iu the head-Nasal Balm giv< E instant relief; speedily cures, Neyer fsils. Tartaric acid was first oxtracted by Schee'o in 1870 Keep Minards Liniment lInSthe Bouse, A nember of changes iu the local usilitia corps are gazottod. 15 years cf Itching. Wmn. Gotding. cemmersial traveiter, 130 Esther et. Torento, says:- For 15 yearg I sut- fered untol misery from Itcbiug Pilesl, seme times cailed pin worrns. Msey and mauy week% have I had te lsy off the road frein thîs trouble. I tried ei2ht other piles oiutmenta ani 80 cailed remedies with ne permanent re- lief te the intense itching sud etinging, which iriteted by ecratching would bteed sud ulcer- ste. One haif box of Chases Ointment cured me complotely. Loeota. aise calted Tedian tabacce, is knewu as a cernmon herb, often growirig as a weed in tuauy parts of the Unjited States. 25 Cents vs. kidney Trouble. For 2 yeirs I was dosed, pilied, pitied, and plastered for weak-back, scalding urine sud constipation. witheut bonefit. One box of Chase's Ki'luoy-Liver Pille rolieved, 3 bioxes curod. R. J. Smith, Toronte. Mr, Boubou C. Gereline cf Bloeomfield diod ou Saturday as the resuit cf being gored by a bull a fow days before. Piles!1Piles!1 Itohing Piles. Symp'res-Moisture; intense itching sud îinging ; mont ai uighi ; worse by scîatcbîng. If allowed te continue tumors form, which often bleed sud ulcerate, becoming very sere. "SWAYNEC'S 0O-INTENT" stops the itching sud blnediug. beals ulceration, sud lu meat cases removes the turnors. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Sw-syne & Son, Philadeiphia. Lyman Sous & Ce., Montroal, Wholosalo Warren & Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D -, F. Warren, MD Brooklin. Office hours 9. a. mu. te il a-m. Whitby. Office heurs Il a.m te 2 pi. e4-Pr-iva te Telephone CommunicaItofl. D). P. BOGART, N.D., L.Ll.S. Physicaiu, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office sud Residence next te Ail Saint's Cburch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N B.- Doutal Surgery in ail stB branches promrtly attended te. Dr. H. Wightman J9ENTZST. Over Grosa & O-anger's3. Whitby. W. B. Y ARiNOLD, D. L. S.. County Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langley& Buirke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. office-First fiat cver W. R. Howse's drug store. Le-P O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNE88 MAKER, WRITBY. Having moved into car new premises, we are prepared to extend the range of business. Ail work pertaining te the hs.rness-making and saddlery business wil be done to satis- faction. Coilars a specialty. Cail and see my shcp and stock W. CAL VERLEY, Second door weet cf old uhop. Dundas Street, Whitby. JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shinglés. Bash, Dooru and Blinde, Turuiug andi Fret-Sawing. SAil orders or information can be obtained frein JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son's residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Eatablialhed 1856. $1 per annum in advanoe, otherwiae 81.50 Subsoriptions always payable at the office ef publication. The publisherr do not undertake te deliyer the paper at any post office but Whitby. Any papier whioh tale te reacb its destination wiR.lbe replaced upon notification as a mattez ef onurtesy. Advertislng rates unleas by con- tract, 10 cents per lins, nonpariel, firet in- sertion, and 5 cents par lins eaoh subse- quent insertion Locale, 10 cents per line. ENDERSON & GRAHffAM. Proprietors. JOHN 3ITANTON, Foreman. Farm for Sale;- 65 Acres, Lot NO. 30, 3rd Con , Township of Whitby ; 2 miles froin Whitiby ; Same known as the Lynde homestead. Soul second te none, in a first-class state of cultivation. 6ôd fences ; watered by live streamn acrosone cor». uer 100 yards fromn a fine stone bouse ; trame stable and driving shed ; aisô frame hous and abundance cf fruit cf ail kinds- Fer parucu. -lars apply to .1 LeË Jul>, 24th. '89. upen the, preunses. Wu' He WARNER 1 sittingo Of The. Diviil on CU, Barrister, Ooenty Crcown ÂttoYiiey, and County Solicitor. Office- South wing Of Court House, Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barrister, etc office forxnerly occuPied by Farewell & Retledge, taext Royal J1otel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID oItMISTON, B0.A-9 Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in ChancerY, ('onveyaucer, etc. Office - In the Office south of the Post Office, in Mc-Millafl's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Harrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith'O Block, South of Market, Bock St., Whitby DO0W & M(ILLJVItAY, Barristers. qolicitors ie Chaecery, etc. Office ie Mathison & Fiawken's new nlock Brock St .. % bitby, south of Ontario bank. Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial minu iberally deaIt wuth Teaming don. at reasenable pricea. Freight sud Baggaee hauled at Teseon- able prices. A call sehiclted. MACHINIST, WHItTEY, Ras epened a Repair Shop lu conuectien wîth the Coopor Shop iately carried on by bis father, opposite Ail Saints' Church, sud wili do sîl kinde ef Repairing. Sewiug Ma- chines a specislty. Lawn Mowera, Bicy- cles, Firearmo, Locks, Seabos, Clothes Wringems, Washing Machines, &c. Sa-w Filing. Skates, Scissors, Rai-vos, Clippers, &c., aharpened sud repaired. Ail kinde eof Cooper Work made sud repaired. Shep opposite AUl Sainte' Church, Dundae Street, Whitby LIFE INSURANCE. Manu±acturers' jif% & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. L.arRegt Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Ce. on the continent. Ninety per cent. cf a&U accumulations ci surplus Ls returned te the policy holders. Ail claimrs are paid without dei.ay or discount on proof of death or matnrity of endowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 98. Agent, Whitby. DENTiIST. Cor. King & Yonge k1t. Toronto. For the next three months I amn giving special attention te patients from, a dis- tance. Arn null making plates ini rubber, 88, oeiluloid *10. Gold and slver filling work crowning by flrst-claes eperators at the most reasonable rates in the city. When in the city eall in and let me exam- ieyour teeth. I make ne extra charge. C. HE. RIGGS, Dent±st, south. east corner King and Yonge Bts., Toronto. Nov. 8th. 1892. ASK YOUR STATIONER -FOR- SP ARTICA, MH NW W=ITZNGPÂpfl TAKE NO'-OTHER. Auguts: It f1893. Railway Time Table GRAND TB1JNE AND MIDLAUD Neo. 17, Pasenger " . No. 14 Bz ros, MailexceptSu. N Mr 1,ase-RB" No, 95R~cpreu .......... .. S ana OOUNTY 0F ONTARIO 18e6. Wnrmny-.D. C. macdoelI, Whisby Clerk Jsni.2;Peb. 2; Mareh2;PiAll2; &y 2 ; June 8: july 6; Sep. 3;Oct. 2; Nuv. 2; Dec. 8. OSHAA-D. C. Mslcdenell , Whitby, Olerk; jan. a; Fei). 4; March 4'; April 8; May 8; juno 4; July 8; Sep. 4; oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 4. BROUGEÂX -_ M. Oleoson, Greenwood, Clerk.-Jan 4; MarOh 6 May 4; July 9; Sep. 6; Nov. 5. PORT PEIaBy - J. W. BurubSin, Port rrm, Cierk-Jan. 29; Msarch 9; MaY 9; July il Sep. 28; Nov. 18. VXBrîIGEjosoph E. Geuld, txsde Clerk-Jan . 80; Marchl1B May 15th; jny 12; Oct 14 ; Dec. 17. Ç,&NNINGTO1<-Georgae Bmith, Canningtoli, jan, 81; Msrch 14; May 16; July 13; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. BEÂvZBTcN-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. upTEuBovz-F J GilleUpie, tlptergreve, Clerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. E . FARE WELL, Cisrk of the Peace. Octobor lSth, 1894. New Liveîy and Sale Stables DR. J.C. A HOW A WAS « She Suffi siug Coul Her Frein Bro Mm. B eity cf T Merrieki and mois receuhly, corder e Of Dr.' whu MN ene 'in able. A years aý hie dami veîoped be con&i se. hem think al As she became tien. ç Ieave hi would I was put dieetors meut s, menthe -the meg alightie np Our able. give hi them m daught tinned month freofr rnenth the. la ulighte Mr. B te Dr. oppeni thue gu in bol neveu ~are IL putaIe () r IL Groa f Drs in: my stomnach- I teck Pammeleo's Pilla accordiug te directions under the head cf ' Dyspepsia or Indigestion.' One box eutirely cumed me. I can now est auything I choose, withonî distressîng mo in the east." These Pille do net cause pain or gripiug, sud sheuld be nsed wbon a cathartic ia reqnired. -If ~ *j-tbn cau.s~ th~rlés

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