Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1895, p. 7

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honest until the --Passit question was Mrs. flrignall, Miss Lawrence, Miss A Ebrought up by the Patrons in. the Neal, Miss Mackey, Miss Harbornand _AYER'S House-it was voted down by both 'rs. Mackey comprise -the staff of Grit and Tory-sincé that I shall trust teachers for '95. The school is in good no more to his honesty. Both parties running orewihagoaeaea- Hair ~are equally guilty and we need flot tendance. re ihago vrg t %f fG% i therefore be astonished at the wire-pul- Mi. and Mrý. F. L. Green, of Green- IV - - lers of both parties trying to ridicule wovstdfinshr nSbah ~~ ROUtOTOS ~~men who unite in working for the-in- wovstdfinshr nSbah colr ~terests of the cou ntry, 1 refer to gentie- Our school yard looks considerably h£ peun men like Mr, John A. McGillivray, of improved since arbor day, and no won- and *o a 7et West Ontario, who has the impertin- der, as a hard haîf day's work by teach- A it fao.lhng out. :frer. ~H. W. Fenw1ck, of ence to irnplv by bis letter to the press er and pupils was sure to accompbish fA'5Z, Dig.by, JI. B., Baya: that there are but few bonest men much. "Alitt1ie more rogtePtos r ae o Mr. Jno. Wells, to the east of us, is than a~uo kr1ow there are so rnany men of both M- har parties who are honcst enough in their rpre ut oryaan b( 1 prpoe o frnianindepentent party Teheavy f rost on Sabbath eveniflg ai l edge it. The %vriters of both parties toes and grain, also the fruit crop is ai i ho seek te discredit the Patron move- likely to have suffered the same fate. j te, t neient are c\,etyofiesees Walter Thom, an ex-teacher of this n ~use of some are seeking Senatorsbips. others schooi, is reported much better of is hAttie of AN-v r's Iunir V"igr rny rernbersbips .%bIile still a host of otherssereins. hair wa etee e t r ia want srtie office hv which to fil their er ils. co sr .r esed falligt. riAn cerandîm fllcatiOn ba sineou.kAnPt pouke1ts out of the public cbest. 1 The epworth league intends giving a 0teola bapplicaeoiltion "-Mrs. W(4 \,vuld like to know who pays Mîr. Mc- concert or song service on Wednesday IL. F. I'ENWIUK, Digùy, N. S . Gllivrav for interfering so much in the evening next. The choir of the church political afiairs of North Ontario, or bas charge of the sînging, assisted by Growthwbo has invited birn to dictate to the members of the league, A splendid G of H ir. countv as an assurned candidate for programme is being prepared, and re- i meianrt, He appears to take es- freshrnents will be served. A srnall peci'al deligbt in annoying our rightful admission fee of ten centsissedt "flgh ~"rr~ go T ia t ie~ar~- and legally ap)pointed candidate, Mr. help along the societv. Corne along 1<îiîlil 111( s iiid.v ~Ilb rv R. C.[Brandon, wbo, also let me av, and let us throwinormtade- 0OUsINy was 1 trah i suw l - be cI ected bya large rna- courage tbe voung people. Ilft va-tv e()fr hat ii . itlb- (erit\- te the I)ominion House. I arn Miss Lizzie Orvis, of Audlev-, is IliV- û it .îfeilrslt .Iegr to glad te find the intelligent Conserva- ing .vitb MIr. Perkins for tbe sumrnmer. fear I1 lieiild l îcîîuît1 bli tives of the Riding standing firrn te the Abou.d ue a slxt ve prîncîpies of Patronisin and are giv\ing Mr. Chas. Mackev spent Sabbathi Iair Vi .11,1un1 i i on 'le- to our candidates every assistance. We MClundr h aetlr.,a l i r liso it. n q e. srt 1,(e, ew bair want no professional rnen to representMcuoub lh T11 te p uî, ' r) (noW us in Parliarnunt thîs utie. We have It was a pure oversîgbt on (lur part ev- J;:~ ~a e \th intelligent men within the farrning cern- net te report the organizatiîîn of tbe Il r New - runitv wbui are able and willîn ) e football club for . Its etbicers are as Cri: : npresent us at Ottawa. The farmers 'in- fellows: lion. pres . ine. Lavvireilce; tend te liil)tbemiselves and tbe ceunt-lbon. vice, J. N. fllirtep; pres., \Vin. ~1 ~trv and to stand 1wv the countrvys inter- Bingbam: sec., Fred. Rogers; treas.. ~I~Uh cs -iebre is still another influcnce Louis Rogers; capt.. Isaac Barkeyv AYER1qa ur k? MASS, the. Patrons bave to fight which is the comnittec of managemnent. G. Neal, grgso r lalainba'inbt mLwo, A. \Vattngton. These beuses I 1censider betb Grits and are ver\, efficient officers and ailll N11bc DR.J. . YER& C.,LOý:tL, ASS, US.A. uores euiuallv, guilt\- in tbis . Alî ke pt done to make this seasen .s kîick a iist Aver's Pilure HkIIcadc..che, 1 ipiî-t as long as tbe Patrons did ni)t ex- rernarkal)le one. The secretarv is wait- uetberni, but * ust as soon as the P~at-. ing for cballengé1s frern anv iclub in __________________________________ ons sbuiw tbe peeple wbat betb gov- l3ritisli North Arnerica. CURE 0FASTH A. rrents are doing, Grits and 'Feries unîte in crusbing tb'e Patron cause. 1 XRDE arn asten-lsbed at sortie of the ,vriters (f The Catch. IIOV AYOUG ADYIN OROTOtbe Tory press-notabl b ann- Tbe lst of May was a great day at WAS RESTORED TO HEALTH 1ten ;îeaner-trving to, ridicule a gusud Wî'dtlifield & Dîke's pond at Sîloamn. Ditr-ca1use. O ur platforrn is befere tbe i here were several fislienien ther(éi and $lhe Suffereti for Years from this Ds i-ceunitrv and wbat seems the nost an- the catch arniounted ta about 40o trout. sing Comiplaint and on Ocasions was neving is that ail the professional men Next day, however, trie fiuuy tnîbe would - - - - - - - ý 1 1 - _ __ _ - - -Il.- nt l' , ..,A11 In, fc,'t thev oerf slouw i Fier Fat-ber tels Hew She wus and vet ail live bv us; al] these people bite t-be firat day after the morn.ng, but C u red. are protcctcd iu thei1r interests but the saine great hour records were mnade 1in tarmn. athr tey houd gve s athe fore part af t-be day. The pond is Froni Birockvîlle Recorder, lielping baud for if w'e are dîîwn tbev lit-erally alive wîth tront. Mr. Reuben Barber, anchîteet of the are dewn als-îf I bave no rnonev 1 A Bad Cut. City of Toronto, at one tiille a resîdent of cannîut spend it in buying goods, etc. Eia snc aehîsi at Merrick ville, hias been vîsîtîng olti friends IBut perbaps it is because we are be- cut last Ttbursday wuoruîug. lie was anti relatives in and areundth -e village cuuning independent enough to sec for eî,,tting woad for Mr. Elliot anti noticiug recently. Whdle chattîuîg wîtb the Re- uutrselves and vote for our own "inter- ako noea -esik i tr-dL fceuresndt the cnt 1rcen thwonder ests and those of the country. W 'e trîm it off. In doiug so t-be axe bantile fnlcurs ii hevicnît troub he sewant ne more dictators to tell us bow struck t-be woodpile and the axe glanced of Dr. Williams' Pinik Pilla carne up, tîu vote, the farmers know their ownr off striking bis bIlt baud, anti cutting when' Mr. Barber saîi he hati an expert- business, and rnen lîke Mr. McGiili- thrý e or four arteries. A doctor was once in bis own family quit-e as rernark- 'I1 able Ased f h wold ivethepar vrav willfind but little comfort in founti anti the gash attended to, but Eli- tiab skeMr. ifrherwoud givthsre en North Ontario at the next election. jab will probabiy bave a very sore baud years agi while living in Mvount Forest-, Mr . McGilli\-ray sbould try West On- for a while. bis daugbt-er t4uok a severe celti which de- tano-tbe Grit hive that bis party Progremi.ng. veioped inte asthmna. At first she would 1laced there and see if he is wanted. Mr. W. B. ]Russell, foroierly of t-bis be eeîifined te ber reern fer days andtto 1bave been a life-iong Reformer but town, who bas been on the staff of the sec ber strugglîng for breath ene would Wben 1 sec abuses perpetrated and dis- Canada Permanient Loan and Savings tbînk sue ccli nIjt pessîbly lîve an bour. bincsty cunnîxed at by the (Jovern-Caîosiyerpsths enpon- As sbe grew eIder the asthniatic spasns. ments 1 an independent enougb to ed inspecter of the Britishi Canadian b ecaîîîe iucre frequent andi cf longer dura 1l(:c e anv party I see doing wrong, an d Loan anti lnvestment Ca. The office tien. lSirmetîmies she wîuuld be unable te 1 an sure tbiere are manv Conserva- safo h owrcmaypeett leave ber roorn fer weeks, anti then she %Ntve wo wîll do the saine.A great Mr. Russell wiîh a hiantisome oak book- would rally anîd be better fer a short. manv in this section bave joined the case anti secretary anti a number of gooti uime. After we nevedti Toronte abe patrons and 1 bean very man), nortb books. The presentation was made by wus put under the cane of oeeof the best bave Joined tbem. There is no party the presideut of the company. On Woti. decters in the cîty. At first bis treat- in latrnisr-ali can join-therefore uesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Russel eu- nient seeinedt teelp ber, but after a few iletrso h safa miont-bs she becane asi bati as ever andti us tbnow party aside and support tertainoti themebrofhesafa the miedicine titi fot appear te) do lier t-be bonesty in our countrys business. their rosideuce, 43 Ulster etreet 8lîgbt-est gooti. We bat new fully matie There are many battles ta be fought Farmers are waahing thoir Bbeep anti up eur midcs that the trouble was inceur- but those cf the near future wil ne- preparing tibe wool for market. 8ome able. We bat reati sa much of Dr. \Vil (luire ail honest men of both political do net bother waehing tihe wool, tihinking liain8s Pink Pilla, that- we determinedto patie to stand shoulder ta shouider in t-bat tihey make nearly as muob by tiaking gîve tbemn a trial, really looking upon tbe maintenance cf right anti truth andtih-e lower pricesfor the greater weigbt. t-hein as a sort of forluru hope . My bonesty. Those who ativocatie wasbing say iL je daught-er began takîng the pilla anti con JOHN GIVENS. gooti for the sheep, aside from the higher tîrîcet the treat-mentfaot six riEMy6h185 price iti ensures for tihe wool. An intelli. ieunt-ba, when she founti herself entirely_________ gent l'armer further assured us rocentily frnec from the tist-reasing tisease. Seven thati wool waehed on the sbeop was uuînths have uow passeti since she took World Proverbs, stronger anti botter than wool waehed thîe lust box, anti she bas neyer badtht-e after beiug clipped, and bis resson for 8ligbt-est sjuasmn or ret-urfi of the trouble Where rnaney makes the man it uses thiB belief je tihat during the few daye ai- 'She i8 uuw t-be pisture of healtb,' - ays ptmtl lowed for drying alter tb.e heep bave Mr. Barber, anti we give t-be ontire credit It is next ta impossible ta wound a btiengtibanhi aer t aintaouthofo te) Dr Wilamns's; Pink Pilla, and laie ne bore. teg adlégosbkîn hewl -,*_ ý1_f - tihat is entirely lest by the other method. jjrtunity of sounding t-he praises ot tles great riedicitie." l)r. Williams' Pink Pilla are solti only iii boxes bearing the firme trate mark miel wrapper. (printied in rot ink). Bear iniind thati Dr. Williams' Piuk Pilla are neyer soit in bulk or by the dozen or lionutreti, anti any dealer iiho offere sub- *sttutes iu tii form le trying to de(raud yen anti ebouîd b. avoided. The public are also cautioued againet ail other so callet blood builders and nerve f.onioe, pu~t up iu imilar forro intended te de. ceive. Tbey are ail imitations whoe makera hope te reap a peuniary advan- tagze from the wonderful roputatiou acbievod by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Ask 'your dealer for them. Themo Pilla are manufsOLured b y me Dr William'.s Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontiario, and Schenecta5dy, N. Y., and are sold on1 in boxes bearnog the firm'e trade mar aud wrapper, at 50 eents a box, or six boxe@ for 82-50. They may be had frei n my dealer, or will b. sent by mail ou r.oeipt of price.. Dr. Williams' Pink PUila ray b. bail cf &il druggists or diret by mail frein Dr. Williams' Medicine Comepany finm eitiber address. The prioe at whieb the Pilla are soRd inake a course of treat- meut oin aratively ineZpcosave as compared vlth other rernadies or medioal trestmnt - How olten we pay a ruinous price for t-be regretful recollection of a fleeting pleasure. Hati Napoleon actet wisely before Moscow he need flot have sought con- solation in talking wisdom alter Water- loo. Debt is t-be devils deputy. It always seems easy for others wo do right. Dîflerence of opinion is the motive, power of progress. Few have the turne wo both do and say much. The average after-dinner speech wil explain to you the meaning of the phrase -Too full for utterarice.- IZINSAIL Corn planting is the order of the day among our farmers, at prescRt. taken up. Wm. Newton, fôrrnerly of Aberdeen Corners, west, got tlred of slow suburbail. lif, -and4-bas, bas oved into the centre of the., busÎlum& part of our burg. Wednesday. Mr.Gbsn is butcher. He gave nCs uiat Lut Y andun4xýbted y . [ao snt biscutW9 é L 1~ c c 1~ I. i. Cyclometerrs are couiing inte fav or among wbeelmen. A few around tiown are ueing t-hemn, and find it a satisfaction te tell exactly bow far tibey have travel- loti each day, or on any patricular trip. Mn. Carswell ran bis up te about on. bundred miles the firat weok, and wiflne doubti average sometbing near that dur- ing the season (barring the wet weather). Lt will b. înteresting, by the use of these indicators, te deoide the distance between peints s.ronnd bere. There will b. soin. surprises. For instance the distance from Beaverton te Caunington and Woodyille bas. been general.ly believed te b. ton miles. Beoently a Beaverton rider, A. D. Morrison, measured tbe dWs tance and found it was eleven and a bal te Woodvile and eleven aud a quarter te Canniugton. The fiyst item of Dews communioated go us this week wau about a fistio enconu. ter b.tween Barry KDowles and-d-Smuel Danby. The trouibe suttdM 8 ator&Xy1 Digh$ by Ha. y ooei'ig thé.otbew OU k bis (E.uol..) wife working ~ is ~ M tw 10 oinght vbile the. ch» I Aen. wai-a borne I #»f* *I. 7fr W. have the F'lneotst Bob- tien in tovfl of those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN ceivable benefits from the nourihg propee of jctl l3m lion SThis is the inost nourishuxg food known 'to science. It en- Sriches the motlier's inilk and gives lier strength. It also inakes babies fat and gives more nourishment to growing child.ren khan ail the reet of the food tliey eat. Scott's àmuIsion lia been prescribed by physicians for twtentyyears for Riokete, Maruimu, Waating Disesasaof Ohildren, Ooughs, Oo14lds ekLangl Eniaoia.tion ana Gonaumption. S'" l'or, 1 iôami. ,le C%.., r'._ r PA PER8, -VITE- Borders to Match LOWEST ::PRICES. £ Bowr mnelei.-;on>i r -ugt. w SI.Corne eaTly an&dgetfirst choicg. Scota_______________Ail _________50._an _SI P. B. WARAM, Bryan'.aIod Stand, _____________________________________________________Brook St., WbitbY. AME ACKand RUPT/ONS.e Back in Whitby.. WM. TILL, MNLEY'S Undertaker, Cabinet Maker, Uphoister, rELE RY-NE RVE (J OIIPOUND. Anti dealer In Furniture of ahl kinds. WITHI BEEF, MRON AND WINE. The Subsoriber begs te announce that ho hais again epened buisiness in his old stand, and has placed therein a choice, stylish and complote stock of lew and Wonder[uI Blood Purifier and Nerve NEW FURNITURE rr (D q -. I Q. 0f every deucription,which will b. sold at a amali margin on coait. ,ontains No INJURLOUS DRUOS 1 Every ingredient is a HEALTH BULLD- Another bale et these celebrated Mixed ER. CERTAIN anti PERMANENT RELIEF is GUARANTEED in cases of Mattrasses $8.26, worth 05.00. See the Tapestry or Carpet Lounges at $6, worth 08. ,onstipation, Dyspepsia, Nervouanesa, AUl Weaknesses, Blôod and Hardwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, for #8.50, Skin Diseases. worth $12. I is baseti on GLYCERINE inteati of ALCOHOL. For producing soft, clear - Undoi'takig km, bright complexion, anti relievirig ail ilis peculiar te women, it je unsurpassed. ____ un s o k f C ffn n .BE CERTAIN TO GET ..........................Caskets, and a Firat-Olsas "MÂANLEY'S." Take no other. w TJLL. Whbitby, Oct. 12, 1893. MICROBE KILLER- REMEDY. J. B. EDGAR, Merchat, Wind- sor: M. K. acted marelously iunoey cas e of chronic stomach and bowel trouble. WM. MAORAE, L.D.S., Cook- sbire, Que.: acmpieio0o Was given up to di& romacopitonf Dyspepsia and Liver trouble with consumpthu._ Arn as well as ever now ; it is truly wonderfuL. T. H. LUSOONRE Barrister, London: Chronic cough and hemorrhages frcm the lungs twere burrying my wife to an early -grave but thanks to M. K. she isas well as eve. Win. Radam Microbe Killr- O0. (Ltd.)t 120 ZIG STRECET WRST, TORONýTO, ONT, For sale at .&D ohemistgs, or at W. B. HOWSR'8, - WHTT t xxow MINARD%8 LNIUWiT wlll cure Croup. (lape Is.d, LIL Ouwo"th betremndyea.rh Norway, M96 josNiM .,SNOW WALL cmMr. j jBrethour, ein 10this 9>ned be- i band by lis a shot Cto secur ,nl taMr,. 'the (acta. ved. We Xrvedly to ty case.- f7 sud at inge, nwa 1er. pBos ange for ýlRE. ;LIN D im each e Hïel- rd sr.- nmaGal- lRnner oan j John Glivut utomw is a hot Pa- EDITOit < Would yoh$1 Mark& 1:1 M filo*nt ýi I1,

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