Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1895, p. 8

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M'rsh Stock Of~ Hellehore, Paris G}reen and Copper Suiphate FOR THE-. Gardener 'and Fruit Grower. Chioride of Lime, Cain- phor, Moth Caînphor, Insect Powder, Copperas and Carbolîc Acid For Spring House-Cleaning. Te 0. R DRUG.rGIST, t r OSHAWA) MAY OSIIAWA OBRAWA. tUSINES NOTics.- Osha or advertisers ma>' transact with the CHRONICLEt, or ma copies at any time, at E., offce bookstore, Oshawa. Farmiens witt do welltot May's for boys' ready madec If you wish a nice Frenchi tea set, or anything in fancy ware, go to E B Morgan & St .It wiliIpa>' any parties Conti ing an engagement or weddii the large stock of Feit Bro,ý the>' wilI seIib is month ver>' Genuine diamond 14K, onty also making some speciat of Ladies' and Boys' gold andi See themn. Feli Bros. ii.Mrs. John James of William Pot itoes have been scarce in t are cornîng in abundance now. L J. Dîckie opened his upîow 1'iron block Saturday ig' Mn. R. Hamlin, cigar mani Catharines, was in town last weel Mr. W. Fînnamore of Burlini t0 operate the old Giblis' milis. is The E. L.C. E. of the Simcoe st reception on Thursda>' evening t( ers of Demill College. We have heard of a case of crt b>' a îeamster for which thene sb ment. The constable sliould ani will bru îally abuse animais as quii who abuses buman btings. Mr .E. Rogers and Herb« Sanderson of M sxwells' spent Sunday tri town. Mr. MeGregor is building a roomy porcb be- forp Mrs. Knapp's store, Simcoe St. south. Miss Bertie Fentoni and Mr. George Maynard teft :)n Saturday evening for Glen Major for a twqs weeks'visît, The death occurred on Sunday at the resi. dence of Mrs. Lepatte of Mrs. Dickie at the ad- vanced age of 91 years. Two detivery wagons for the J. J, McLaugh. lini Hygea Beverages were sent fromn the carrnage works last week to Toron to. Major Comptin of Toronto conducted stirring services at the Satvation Army barracks Satur- day night and Sunday. Mrs. T. Gattoway is removing to Toronto, where she has secured a students' todging bouse near the Provinciat univorsity The town counci t have decided to nvest in an addiîional street wateùig cart. This is what we need vei y much as it takes two caris hustling to lay the dust thîs weather. Seveal properties about town are bel4&glin. proved and repaired. Rev. H. B. Kenny lakes Rev. Le%,ou's con- gregation at Brooklu this Sunday. Fruit wagons corne down from Toronto these days and deliver fruit to the dealers at whote- sale prices. Many comptîmentary remarks were mf de here upon the enterprise of the CH-RoNIcLE. Ih Wilt get there and no mîistake. The femnale bike whîch the editor of t ie Vin- dicator rides is again in use looking n mne the worse for the accident. Mr. Mannell, shoemaker, who is keeping a boarding house in Toronto, has re.urned to Mr. Thos. McCormack diaposed of bis house- hotd effects on Tuesday. He was an old em- ptoyee of the Malleable Iron Works but has ne- ceived a situation in Chicago where he is rernov- ing. The citizens on the front street and Simncoe St. Ruo-aecurn--a-utbtee ope n et In some ptaces here and .ther e are The Cotumbus presbyterian choir has of farmers, thie defendant atleging defamation of evidences of neglect. These few ragged spots tatety been most ably supptemented, and 1LEY character. The amount of damages asked is help spoit the good effect ofîthe rest. As people stitt there is room for more. said to lie Srooo. coming into town see more of this street than of Messrs Ormiston and Tink of Albert OS!IAWA. Rev. H. B. Kenny was catted to Brighiton an>' other their opinion of the town is generatly Cottege Bettevitte are with us again, but ___- ast week to attend the funerat of his aunt. Rev guaged b>' the condition an<t appearance of the tike rare oppontunities are not b renmain. Mr. Phe p s of Courtice preached in the Medcalf road to the station. B> al t means thben Si mcoe We are pteased to see Our friends tooking so St church on Tuesday evening. St. shoutd lie wetl looked afier and the boule- well. Inicle yrwa mlyeof.teMLuhi ards kept nice. A snow storm. We att love the beautifut works, was burt in the back on Friday. He was Oahawa's summering aspect froe u u es faprcainde e __________ ing on the elevator which was started to Oshawa at this season of the year id undoubi- fr the middle of May. The liard frost of quickty, causing him to lie îbrown buddenly edl>' one of the prettiet îowns in Canada and the ps ekas done considerabte damage backwards. J the splendid maple trees which line the streets 10 fruit crops. T wenty years ago May îst a i1O, 1895. Prospects seerm b look brigbter at present contribute more to the generat appearance of the Storm of steet and snow continued att day. principalty perbaps on account of the building of place than any other factor. Cane should lie COURTICE the ralway. One bundred more men in town taken that the raitway ca's wires and poles Mn. Thos. Gale is building a bridge at and as mnany more citizens at work puts consider- do not interfere wîîh the tree6, The town Bear's Breek. i .:uiable mone>' in circulation for a month anyway, shoutd also encourage the plan îing of maple e.JS.CakOhwcldonRv The McLaughtin Carnage works are trees in those places wbere there are no trees at R. Pe.J.S. lanwekOhwcle nRv P A G End.Seealdpaî entsa presetit. The firsit ew years f:a tree's lire are ML. P p a-AMsw. J .Hnok oec bus>' at preseni and ever>' department bas a fuIlI jeopardized by children playing about them. and M.a r.J .Hnok oecte complement of ad.Svrldprmnsaesce-omnpepehehdtes destroyed on friends here recenîtly. workinz ovetime and even tben orders cannot trom this cause ae hd trees r e 'otta Rev.L Phetps preached in Oshawa Met- lie filled. From a smalt beginning this industry miglit lie ere there some assurance of attaining calt onSu'-day evening. basusrbr asdvlp deliti o lotth edn au .Sm ih uihmn rfn o Ls ekmmesfrmSln iie wa subacibers he toe n tsnwams h edigmtnt' oelgtpniheto iefrLy ek ebr rmSln iie tany business idsr'obeow.Swinging around trees might check this. At a Mt. Canswelt Division. ayobtaiu extra . W Ray', proprietor of tbe Queeris botel, comparaîivety smatt cost the town cauld ati as Mn. A. Wyburn bas round it necessary 10 Rogrs, xa is enîtled to no smalt credit for the attractive Ovin expense procure several hnndred maple take on another man in the btacksmitb shop. Rogrs, pstappearance of tbe boulevard about bis handsome trees and place tbem ta advantage on the main There are a langer numnber of Cornet cati at M. E. premises. Everything about the hotel la kept as streets. We feel sure that such a step woutd be bicycles than usuat on the road Ibis season. cloting. neat as a pin and the appearan De of the green amnpt>' epaid in the added beauty and unîform- Mn. and Mns. Jno. B. Mîtchel and Master :ltin. sward makes a pleasing picture in the centre of iîy thus gîven 10 the atreets. Rod, town, were guesîs at Mn, C. W. Lent's china dinner or that business section of tbe Iown. FRED. R. HoB3tS. necentty. china, or glass- There are many> businesses of menit in our ____Mn. J. Watter and Miss Hawkey were o.town but the Exceluior Life inaunance company, guesîs Sunday of Mn. Ed. Hawkey at ýenplting btîy- ibrougli their pushing representative, Mn. Fred Oawa Business Direotory. Cloverdale. ng ring 10 sec W. Trewinc, seems 1.0 be on the top wave of pros- E L. VIÇKERY, barber. Stmncoe Street. Mn. Scott, Oshawa is bookkeeper for the s., Oshawa as perit>', It is a notlceable fact that this flourish- BROOKS' LIVERY, Simcoe street, north. D.UC.C.hsseonrceig70pr cheap for cash. ing company is obtaintng the lion's share of lie ton ofcbesse. $5. They are insurance business in ibis prosperous counîy. WM. ROLPE, harnesa maker, Simncoe Street. Mn. W. Everson preached an excellent Ters in Gents', The town counicil held a special meeting Mon. T. B. MOTHERSILL, butcher, King St., West. sermon on the Etevenîli Comrnandment at silvr wtche. dy nght o cnsier te qeston o wieniEbenezer Sabbatb evening. Il was fuît of sîler athes dy ngli t cosîen be uetio o wîenng Dia. PÂTTEBSON, Dentiat; office over Rowse's gospel truth. Simcoe street. The reeve wants 10 make a road- stbore. TeroîhymeigoteWM .va way 14 feet wide on eacb ide of the tracît andTh oilymengfteW.MS.%a place tule drains on both aides. The improve- A. J. STLTER -Dominion pianos and organs, betd at Ebenezer on Sunda>'. A very in- st. is seriously ments involved will cost $5000 which will be met Stmcoe Street. structive programi was given under thîe by an issue of debentures. Simncoe street wjill e A. C. WÂNNÂN, Voterinary Surgeon and Dentiat, management of Mrs. J. Worden and Mrs. own latel>', but made one of the most attractive in Canada K ing Street west, Oshawa, Ont. Ehi Osborne, on Mission Wo-K in China. the work will lie commenced rizht iway. COMUSac. HOTEL-J. C. Woon, proprietor. An Appropriate dialogue by .. îuniber of n branch in the The funcrat of the late Benjamin Atchin 100k Modern hostelry, neat and coomrtably dialogue b>' a nomber of littte girls was a place on Fnida>'. The deceased was a native af equipped. qpeciat feature. ulacturer of st, Kent count>', England. and had resided in Osh- D. M. TOD.-Caterer for Balla, Assemblies, Wed- RGLAN. .k. awa for twenty years. The funeraI took place dings, Suppers, etc., etc. Aieoa.1il kinds of Mrs. E. Richie, witbh er famity. bas been ginwh uedfrom thle residence of bis son, Woe. Atchin, flowers. visiîitig lber parents hene. in town. where his death took place on Wednesday at the POST OFYIcE BOORs&ToE-Full lbne of books, Mrs. C. Hodgson bas returned home from advnce ag O 78yeaB.In politics hie was a statloner>' and fancy goods. . E. Rogers, the west aften a visit of six weeks. tchurcb gave a Conservative and an adherent of thie Anglican Simcoe Street. One of our leading merchants bas improv- ýo the Endeavor- churcli. Five sons and two daugliters suivive OSEÂ&W DRuu SToaHB-L J Maxwell, dispenslng ed the looks of bis place by building a îîew him. V ,1l- - - - - - Mr PedPuveC of Cre!s.el svstn Mr. red Purve..oCrstt eviig Mss WmniePurves. hs en iitn Mis Ani e Hugn o, oro n. tin bers aul as oreyrned 0Tndst he rs. ans Mreyandof E. fievsit e gradev s r . vae a Mr&. ofEllens. l Ril e Mennaaed ond accou nT onto.t wîtl beefannuaîedias drediMTronSto. bhckhvn ed fa ory asd statd, Mn. Stab bakhvniitettu.n retyipoe Ret. H .Fruoipece tBa stec,.SndH. . egusT. dpreahd aI Back-d here. J. T. Guy lias passed his ex ýminations in att subjects at the Onitanjo Agricutturat Cot- tege at Guetph. Between 30 anid 40 members wene rec, îved mbt mernbership in the mnethodist churcli Sunday night week. Mr. W. W. McLartn is aîîending ex- aninations in Toronto. May successs at- uety to animnaIs outd lic punîsh. rest a man who ickly as the mati The audden change in the weaîher bas not benefitied cropa an>' and mucli of the garden vegetaliles have received greater on less injur>'. Ice formed îo thie thickneas of a quarter of an inch Sunda>' nigbî and tbe froat was ver>' severe. King's field which bas been for aome time tbe only availablt blasebaîl and football grounds in town bas been ptoughed Up and is therefore no longer servicealile. The bigli achool boys bave secured Bassets' field for the season and will Dra:ficee Charte>' Bell and Wm. Canden, tbree Wbîtliy youtbs. came down a week ago witb a liven>' nîg and started out to paint the town a dee'p carmine bue. Bell skipped out, but it cost Willy and Danny just $7 75 to settle thIe matter on Manda>' wiîb Col. Gierson. These littte btowouîs corne somewhat bîgb but ise boys seemingl> cent retaîn their self.esteem witbout îbem. Mrs. WaltAice ia making extensive improve- monts to the houses owned b>' ber oD St. The famit>' resilence bas been neshingled and ncw chinceys erected. An old shed in thse rear bas been removed and a considerable im- provement effected in other respecta. ise bouse tbree doors south is receiving an entirel>' new extenior o! rougli casi to replace the old claphoards, aud wîl] be almosi a new bouse wben the work ia completed. A Band stand. We are glad ta observe that the town council are considcning the question of a baud stand. The crowd alwaya locks the four corners and interferes wilî inaffic wben the band cornes out. A band stand could be erected at a ver>' trifiing cost and there are several convenlent locations near the centre of the îown. Now thai the counicil have got it into their minds tbe ides ,sbould lie cannîed out.4 Arin>'disturbers Captaîin House bas had aummconses issues for several Young men who bave been disturbing the Salvaîlon Army meeting. These rowdies have skipped oui but the>' will show up before ver>' * long sud get thein punialiment. A gang of ibese f feilows loaf about and mnake a practice of dis. turbing the arnn> lassies. sud as tbe>' are ail of thcm a worîhless lot o! drunken loufera the>' 3hould lie put oui ot the way b>' the mnagistrate. Cburcb Retrencliment The board cf Sîmooe street Metbodist cbureb bave reducrd their pastor'saary by $zoo. We tbink somne more of the minis ters oould stand s reduction of a hundned or so. There is not a mnember of an>' cotigregation ini town who draws wbîn 25%, or So% of tbe wages he did rS years salar>' 10 the mînister. Besides, tbis, tbe neces- sanies of life are mucli cheaper now than ibe>' 10d o e and a minister wbo formeri>' atarved adpnhdon $1200 cati now Ilve inYfirsî edms syeon $iooo adlu Tise Widow's MIte Jewels for veterana The veterans' jewels, the reward Of 25 Vears coninuous membersbîp in Corinthian lodge 1.0, 0. F., was prescnted to Jas. R. Brown, of Ton- onto, inspector of factonies, John Rosskelly, Jas. Petlow and Dr. F. Rae. The recipients att made appropriate acknowledgemcnts 10 the honor, Mn. Thos. Conant bas purchased a carload of black walnut and red cedar trees which he bas set ont upon bis properties. Two tbousand trees have been set out near Mr. Conant's resi- denoe and 5a00 more distributed about hi@ many farms. The walnut trees increase one inch per annum in diameter, and wilt therefore lie available for tumnber ti about fifteen years. Boîli black walnut and red cedar are very valu- ale woods and witl bing a handsome return in fifteen years, notwithstanding the fact that the capita invesîed lies dormant for sucli a long time. Mr. Conant intends 10 set ont 5000 addi- tionat trees next year. Bloomers do not seemn to find favor witb tbe female bicyclists of Oshawa. Last season one fair rider braved the gaze of tbe public but the bloommers were soon replaoed b>' the ordinar>' but certaini>' inconvenient walking attire. Most of the young lady iders have no cause to dread aâîpearing in proper ridingz attire, and Ibene is c--rtainly notbing immodest ini a woman appear- ing in a dress which disptays no more of ber form than tbe dresses of girlbood. Like al other reforma Ibhe bloomer costume bas its ad- versaries but tbe public bave become educated ta sucli things and bloomers mai' safely ble worn, Ibis season, we venture to sa>'. A boom in mille. Avery Dearborn bas çtarted bis milk cart and, ta revolutionizing the business, 10 use a mildî terra. MiIk was sold at s cents per quart form-j ent>' and wben Dearboru auuouneed bis intention o! setling it at 4 cents the other dealers eut <lie pnice before be got started, Dearborti bas sav- ed 8.4 per day to milk consumer., as there are 4o0 quarts pen day sold and se. saved on echc quart is 84 saved each day. But be bas donc more than tbis as be la selling bis owu mîik for 3 cents 10 introduce it, and 1< la good creamn milk too. A man wbo belps tbe working man ouglit bo be'encouraged, and as Dearboru is do. ing tisis lie deserves subsiantial support, sud we believe be vili get il. Excursion on the &#tb den coul and cro'i door sucd brine hani tirn a t bous tedic A widow woman who eus ber moue>' by >' bard labor wlised to bave ber daugister taghtis th t techulcal profession, aud an individual lu tovu ajo agrced to do so for the suas of $25 sud 85 for giva necessar>' instruments. For some time tise "e youug lady vent 10 tise place of instruction, vive whebre anuther of lier own sex was b each ber Mt but aise received little or no instruction. Wseu glou mmober maie inember o! tise institutton trwet t0=1 * - -ssatishe other emale iu tise place rldiculed Mm sps.op iso that he deaerted ber, and lise resuit: ais ati wu - ie a ot lnstmocted as agredsd es dte bsave ber moue>' refunded. Tbf. vas rfUsed.se Tise aboie cîrcumatances have been retated Io us the1 îÏd we tisnklîlisea is pl of bI toItitdu keep Ibo moue>' of a poor charwomauuonder tise t< 31eR*rmargels s big acoop Oh"q Abearing of a charge for defamatica oof char. d"di acter broogis, b>'Henry' Tiîait sàm arpetaS"i 0 Wimo casme cg before Col. Gderpou hy ICi th tnorejag. Ib. charge origlsated ln TraWal de. 0 sieto, seane a setttng of duck eggs.Teise Up of fti.egawuaoau dollarpercetisgMdna bgt l« jeclr va>' Trait sal t o Jolis Wâ", brothier ta MW,ç dhfendast.-"Cqudo't y=u«emW iesàeo. I M f * ohaoklaalokiasn re tta îo I$" »ltmer, Who a10ma mot w bavele liAlto.- bY tn<aillgist, Tu&Wilhoaf enss.. bauv ise excursion to Niagara Faits per ibe Gar- iCity wul lie largel>' patronized fromIb tis dis. .t if the weather is favorable. There la no inter attraction for tise citizens of Osbawa, Jtise low rate of $5.25 sisould bring a lare >d. Tisese excursions are tise ont>' oui of Dr atirasedotu tisaitthe people of Ibis benigis:. town ever have. Little ose horse villages -h as Newcastle aud Greenisank have sufficient trprlse to get Up a holiday celebration and ng people sud moue>' inte their respective ulets. Oshawa with a population zxcoruzS m as large to, draw opta never thiaks of sucis bhing, sud oe a iho iapeople sam in tise se or vale arouati&tistreets $0 ll thbie tous heurs, sud lament tise fate tbatcast I-ino lu ch a slownambltlous and oses- rlsti omm ky. One of tise prisse causet 0abseuc oda on wviicis w bold de- ýnguld . olddrlvlng park vas se far Ry frme ts t h a<at t wuvas smot spracti- eé or seuaispopooms.Tise cal>' vs>'te-e athletic spe a th e town ln for tise lova tosltle or a privat. compas>' to-poeas. ids ate pu t he= ianshpe. Thise mtes- t vsud dd sedybe a paylog oe wigis par tsS Law Odu ab~rlvar Comm.aed stlasi. rverI ced"O f s tmateglalbave nlved for Oahawu ruiv*'.W. refrain from og le Oshswa ehi irnian 1mal vam i4u tisai eleC%$dy wM1b. e emotivpowetr. eSowb oa f *, aura : lassot wdl# ve.ý -uoi rod auaOm s Mp$o ar il SMtud ai ida m.aa chmst uIing u~of pu.re orugs and cuemi- cals always on hand. Jos. H01ULDEN - Whitby-Oehawa stage Uine. Leaves Oshawa aI 8 a iniaud 2 p m,, aud Whutby at 10 a mi sud 4 p ni. Joszpig Canai, manufacturer of fine carniages, carte, wagons, aud att kinde of cutters and sleighs. Repairing a speciaity. JoEIN BRXW-ER, painter and decorator. Dealer in Wall papers, ceiting decorations, pal.nts, oit, varniehines, brushes, winaow shades, etc. JAMES PELLow, dealer in stoves, furnaces, tin- ware, etc. Large stock kept coustantly on haud. Jobbiug a specia]ty. Simcoe street north. L. K. MIUBTON, B. A. - Barrister, Solictt, Notar>' Public, Conveyancer, &c. Mortel, to land. Office over Dominion Bank, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. M. E. MAY.-Dealer i Groceries, Fane y China, Crockery, Ttuware, aud Fanc yGoodS. Pure Teaa aud Coffees. Boys' ready made suite a specialty-very cheap. F. LAMBEBT & SoN-The leading taflorlng and gents' furnlshing hanse of Oshawa Splendid assortinent of tweeds, worsteds, trowsernugs, shirts, collars, etc, alwaye kept iu stock. FELT Buos - Watchmakers and Jewelers. Deaters iu watcbee. docks, jewetery, ailver- ware, spectacles, etc. Engraving, gald and silver plating. aud aId gold rings made over. Fine watch, douck, and jewelery repairlng a specltty. OsnzÂw RoLTIca Mnj..S-Attention of farnr la directed to feed ehopplng naw carrled on dafly at 51 per bag. Celebratea Jewel brand of foeur, bouti Canada, sold by ail f[xt-elasas grocers in Whitby aud Oshawa, and at our mille. Campbell & White. Evmeosi & H&wxm<s - Imuportera aud dealers in l armero', manufacturera' and houaefurnish- lng supplies. Manufacturera of tinware Eaye- troughlng and other eontractlng done. Fur- flacon, chandeliers and lampe. A stock o! bicycles kept on hand. Auo'rboN SÀL-The èubecriber wlll be iu OBh- awe, aIt the Central Hotel, brida>' of each week trous one te 3 o'olock p.m., te make'ar- angemente with parties wiahiu g b have sales. H. C. Fairbanks, of the Vindicator office le authorized to contract for sales. L FiBNS auctioneer. .1 CEDAR DALE. Mn. R. Watden of Preston was in ibis bung over Sunday. The boteis in this vicinut>' are doing a rushn business at present. bn Tise necent frost caused ver>' ltte damage 10 growing crops in ibis vici nut'. We notice man> improvernents made ta tbe cot- tages aitishe lake, painting, nepaining and build- ing for tbe comîîsg season. Mms.Cbas. Goodman bas moved bia family to tbis place and occupies tbe bouse necentl>' vacat. ed b>' E. Moîbherseil, who bas gone to lîve at tbe lake sbore on bis tatbea!s fanm. A large number of the citizetis are providing for tise men visa are consrucuing tbe Oshawa elecWri ay>. Some of tise latter find v.,ouble lu findiug bo'urding places in Ibis viciiîy nov, Apparentl>' the Oshawa electrie railway 1u9 a gesaine fact tisis time. A large number of men are attise prenent lime working ai Its consîruc. tien. Arrangements are iseing mrade for its coum sction aitishe G. T. R. iraeka at tbe depot Tise comspany Prepobe tb arrange iha tracks so tise Plîmms cars ca" ru te tise laie sboe wltisout rusferisg passengers atthse G. T. p. jet. W l It la Use Intention of tise Oshawa coa o go loto extensive Tepalrlng oif ShucS Stg tbd MovIug ieduldeak CouSiderably tb tise vern. >Many W ftisePropert>' ovse "Il bai*ýto Um r huline o ces, as <bey art nov on the aseet. We would cdftes a 4guo tbattleyS?»Ud, i a ni ths e M t W ask I wire ience. Our rninisXer led oun meeting of christian endeavor on Monda>' evening. We received sorne good instruction and hope 10 profit by it. Mn. M. Ettiot bas been around and gath- ered up bis fat catîle wbicb were sbipped fnomn Brookliîî. Two of the heaviest wene owned b>' John Dryden and Hon. Wrn. Thompson. The Hon. John's weigbing, 23,50 Ibs. snd the Hon. Wiîliam's 2000 Ilis. c IThe temperance sermon preached on Sun- day evening tast by Rev. J. W. Wetherili, was mucli appreciated b>' the congregation. [le addressed the older members of the cburcb first, taking his lext from Gen. and- gave a description of the two brotbers, Cain and Abel. He then began the temperance sermon, and gave a few good ideas about bringing in the young people to the temper- ance lodge. The Raglan division consists mostly of young people, wbo will soon take tbe places of tbc older ones, and a 11111e good instruction is not ouI of place. Wc think he was correct in saying that tbe mothers and fathers should not grumble about the tate houns the>' sometimes keo-p. Ihi la ruch liciter t0 sec tbem coming home in a sober, happy condition than to corne home as heant- less drunken sots. The>' are better in the lodge roomn where bad language is not used and tempiations are not so plentiful. I think it twould lie better if the church and ils members woutd hclp on the temperance cause more than tbe>' do. We bear some people non down tbe temperance cause, but wben we tbink of wbat il bas donc for some of the members of Raglan division we are great>' encouraged. Neyer was it so strong as it is aI the present time. The lime bas been when young men were plentiful around the hotels ; but il je not truc to-day. Mr. Wetberill rncntioned sorne young men wbo are frequenl>' at the botel, but we do not know of an>' around here. I bave beard the hotel keeper and bis wifc saying that Ibis is a great tempenance place. UT. CARMMEL. Some talle of a wedding in the future. Mr. R. Stevenson ie working the eastern part of the Vipond fanni. The Clark farm of Mt. Carmel bas recenît>' been rented by Mn. J. Hulibard, of Enfield. Mr. Wmi. Prescott bas been rusbing busi- nese in farming. He is wor.cing tbree bun- cired and sixty acres of land. The farmers bave finished their seeding, and if the wanm weatber continues Mr Car- mcel wilt look-very beautifut in a fcw days. The Rev. Mr. Wetherill preaches here next Sunday. We only bave service every two weeks, but we getterally get sometbing wortb Iistening to ,wben we do get it. Our Mt. Carmel friends are hinting about an anniversary in the near future. The con- gregation in attendance, have always ben well pleased wlîh the entertainment. and coesupper and we hope this year will belp t0 keep up the goo4 record. The achool bas been gaojningin attendance lately. The-report bas beenlIromts wenty-five to thirty Ibis last;two week'. , Three of the p"ýiu1s are_. intending 10 try-the entrance ex- a iinatidhs ln june. 'We boçp-e thse teacher and her scboeri wil» 'bave .uccess in their work.- Tise a Board i Coltimi equiartIeyI 11E ARCDE The Largeat Stock, SThe Finest Assortment, The Lowest Prices 4In This Town...*. -WE have taken this space for time to-ý -corne and it will be an interesting one,~ -for 3'our pockets. Neyer fait to read iL.. OUR STOCK CONSISTs 0F: General Dry Goods, Manties and Millinery. We buy for Cash on]y S W e seil for Cash only.j W e have only one price. WE HAVE a fine Mittinery and Mantie showroomn and make a specialty of these goods; combining as we do the best ma- terial and the towest prices. Call and get acquainted with TA::. Millar ASmn, THE ARCADE. Cali at PELLOWS1 and see his Wrought Steel -AT- $50.00. Mlso his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- ,p5.5O to $25-00. Dr. Tille>' inspected our achool Friday. M.W. Gilbert preached here Sunday Leather Steadily Advanoing. evening with much acceptance. Messrs. J. A. Ashton and W Knapp were at Cobourg Ibis week witnesses ini the trial Wbolesale prices for footwear of Richard Newton, who formerly lived iu are 2o per cent. bigber. Ibis section. The Sons of Temperance will furnisb most of the programme at the concert to be Our immense stock la selling given at Columbus in behaif of the Royal fast at old prices. Templars ou May 4th. Visitors :-Mr. Percy Edgerton and Mrs. Save money by buying your Dr. Archer, Port Ferry, at Mr. J. Dyer's; shofflat once. Mr. C. Jeffery, of Victoria college, at W. O.miston's ; Mr. A. Ormiston, of Albert college, called on friends here lasI week. T0 poruiy lsoon pas&. One price to ail. C ash down. IRAIKPTON.m A daugbter at Mn. W. Oke's. Mn. Chartes Ruse ib visiting bis parents. Mrs. W. H. Rogers bas erecîed a new Menc.T. Wilbur spent Sunda>' wiîb Mn. F. I~ ~ C . Groat. .àg- Our rate of profit la tthe lowest in thLs Mn. R. Katerson and wife were at Orilhia, district. IT KEEPS US POOR. last week. Dr. L. N. Hogarth spent Sunda>' witb Mn. MM F. Mason. W. J. Cote of Osbawa spcnt Sanda>' witb OShaWa SteEUmship bis parents. Chas. Goodman and famil>' bave rnoved Ticket . .gency. to Oshawa. Steamsbip Tickets Mn. F. Groat caught font>'-five fine 110111 10 Europe by tbe best lUnes on thse .tla-ntic, on Saturda>'. Special railway rates, Osbawa to Montrieal, ln Mi-. Byron Elford, Chicago, and bride, ane connection with Steamsbip Tickets. visiting at bis fatber's. Mr. F. H. Mason and wife bave returncd1 Canadian ]Xp GBo. 10 tbeir borne in Frienship, New Yorke. fx»~ Our teacher and a numben of scolars, on all pa rassrd t0ý ed ernptoyed thernsclves on arbor day in clean- ive senger trains ; aLSo coliected and de- ing up the scbool prernises. -lvre 0aIl parts of the town without erttra Some per on s t fne b Mr.J. W sta ays charge. fW M oney O)rders on sale from eight a. Wood pile tbe other nigbî; it was a mnean mnil l seigh m.Gietma iaanyo piece of business.wilawsuetsm. Recent Visitors-Mn. Richardson andJG t N h B. Williamson, at Mn. Salter's; Miss Mit-I 1ea orth-western cbell at F. J. Groat's. Telegraph Oompany Mrs. S. Thompeon bas bult a brick oven Forward messages to alt Point-of Canada in order 10, suppty tbe large dcrnand, for ber and U. S.' Messages receivedprny auperior borne made bread, mpl Quartent>' meeting services were well at- dlvrd tendcd on Sunday. Rev. D. C. McDowell .P T I>kr r occuped tbe pulpit botb morning and even- W. P. STÈR fl58fAgen ing.. The Sunday Scbool wilI botd their usual Office OPPOSitetàe ]Post Ozfce anniversary services on «june 30 and July x. ___________________ ro conclude wlth a concert in the evening of Fuly Isî. W. E. DYERe Rumor says tisaI one of our young men ______________ was fortunate enougs 10 miss the train thse otber day. No serions resuts, oaly a drive * * * K WA@JXU .0 Burketon 10 catch a train there. -z Our young towusman, MPr. J. H. Blliot, 0 Bale locle, juat nortisôf ibeotc- bas beecs sowered witb congratulations for 0 fic.Ispco tf-Aoae s f- 4. having distinguisbed himscif at tise Toronto 0 Savig&LanCo., i'oroùto., Aoe MiedicatI College by winning first'class hon. 0 Slun Lifé,ý-Assurance ComPany o-ff ors anti the first scholarship for two, years !U * Canýada-ahd he.EîàpoY=,r bLîýy succession. * Corporation:cf LNDIir,~ Is the opportunity we now ofer you of by- ing a WATCH at a material reduction rom any prices we ever made on themn before. For example : We wil sel] a watch worth 135 for $25; a $30 watch for $25 ; B $25 for $20 ; a $20 watcb for $16 ; a 8z6 watch for 814 ; a 14 for $12; B $o watcb for 8; a $8 watch for $6.5o; a $6 watch for 05, and so on down to the bottom. Don't fait to see te bargains we are oftering in ait lines at (Headquarters for Bargains) KING STREET WEST, - - OSHAwA. P-HEADQ(,AR7TERS FOR,~ Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Mangels, Field Car- rots and Turnip Seeds of ail varieties. Ensilage and other corn at loweat Mar- ket prices. Staple and Fancy Groceries at bottom prices. Highest market prices for Farm Produce. Beaton'is Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, S OBHÂWÂ'S N Edm ond8o'n'8 sP Te ODBL MIL TO Mhe Fuipr fheoaa ~/ At a very Iaru mt te~iIhaahi, p 'i à THE Oshawa, Ontario,

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