Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1895, p. 2

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.7 .~'. KINOWLEDGE Bringu oomfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyrnent whela rightly usod. The many, who lire bot- ter than others and enjoy 1f. more, witb les expendîture, by more promptly adapting tb. world'a beat producta to the need.s of physical boing, will attest the value to health of tho pure liquid laxative principles ,mbraced in the renuody, Syrup cf Fige. ita excellence is due to Itz pres.nting lu Lb. fox-m xosb acceptab'.e and pleas- &ut> te the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial prl)perties cf a perfect lax- ative ; effectunhhy cienaing the syst.em, dispelling colda, headaches and feveru and pornianeît.ly curing constipation. IL- ban givera satisfaction te millions and met with the approval cf the medical profosanitn, because iL acta on the Rid- neye, Liver and Bowels withiuît weak.- ening them and it ia perfectly free froir evex-y objectionabie substanýce. - Syrup ef Fig s i. for sale by all drug. f esutin 75c.botties, but it is Mnui actured U the Calxfornuîa Fig Synni Ce. ox:y, w-hose naine is printed on evi' package, aise the name, Syrînp of Figs aud being well înformied, you will ru, aecept.any sulistîtuto if offered. Resuits Astonisi MWEN F SCIENCE. Sarsi AYflRS pari!l A MEDICINE WITIIOUT AN EQUAI Staternerit of a WeII Known Doct. a3 a b)loud I-utIer andt Spring neici v, Canflot tiiavt' raise eîîoughi. 1I have %%a A: Its effects in ctîroiiic cases, wlitero ul treatwc!ît v o~ f rio avait, and hÂavt astoislîcd t tilt- resiils. No otiler medicine C. t l Ihave ever used, anid I lui ti-led theni -11,. Is s,) tthorough bln Us acti anîd effovts so nia' y permanent cures ,Aye(r's sîr".rapirith.'-Dr. Il. F. MEILIM Augusta, Me. Aye's "'SaîsapariIl Admlitted at the World'a Pair. .AV.r'a Pilla for lit'cr ancd bowe, QORRESPONDENCE -o*0o Reach Council. The regular meeting of the abovei cil waa held at the town hall, Mau ter, on Monday maat. Ail memberi sent. Mr. A. A. Crosby, Uxbridge1 came before the council to invea the matter of registrattion of taxes N~ n ü pt. lot 5, con. 2, Reach, for 1891 was acting for Henderson & Smal licitors, Torontc, have just diapoi the lot under m,rtgage and find thi of 814 90 regist.ered against it. Th, perty has flot been vacant at an) since 1890 ; he asked under the ci stances that the, council remit the fur that year. No action was taken. The clerk read a number of cern catio ns. From the clerk of Whitby towi atating that that counicil had appelj committoe to act oonjointly wit.he mittee appointod by Reach ceuncil amine the owenlino and Ilcertaij amouat required for neceasary r the present season. From Mr. Wmn. Kennedy, statin the. slderoad in the 3rd con. 01ul wairlng, in place& it i. evaridt. w2 ould ha aufflient to dean ithe es anid grave1lb.heroad. Fronitbte oierk of Uibridge tow statiuig that a resolation waupsu the couoil te tthe folloving purport tW* b h hretofore b..n givon the. bIwp of Beach oflthe.&Mount of a 3sbot Swrformed by the towush1 beldg. mid of lb. amouat wbit" b.v bo p~f~oz ly the. owm in soooiê# wiêthe. s tât ta oto Mwnu îd m4UUi»W are non-fading, and & - placed his roll on the table ; the docu- And thoste who are ail tired ont and have that gooda. Their treeaBD, 1-. ment is highly creditable te the assessor, tired feeling or sîck heariache cau be relieved gccda mnake the biseti the tewnship has been judiciously asises- of ali theste sy nptorns by taking Hood's Sarsa. frei..~ ~ sed. The roll oxhibits tlhe foilowing r ilia, whîch gives nerve, mental and Lodil WE. *ECAI total etweenstrengtb and ttîorougbly purifies tbe blood. It total alto) create88 tgiod appetîte, cures indigestion. Child oi: ewe 5 and 16 years, 88'2 ; beartburn and dyspepsia. Sleepîossness is di: 7 and 13 years, 575 ; ovor 16 andi under The delioately censt 21 years, 527 ; No. acres, 63,265; acres H'.o)d's Pilla are easy te take, easy in notion business man, and clenred, 45,933 ; to-.al value of real pro ind sure in affect. 25c. necessitates great m perty, $2,050,470 ; maie persons from 21 lTe traie retnrns for April show an incrense suifer leas or more fi te 60 years, 892; doge, 344 ; bitches, 5 ; (fs$,5,Moorver Aprîl, 1894. rleaste e aerc to u n - No. of persd"ns in family of euh rated eandseshoftPsi aches- resident, 3818 ; No. of cattle, 6331 The suzar-coating on Ayer's Pilla not ouly fsw dne oe coP ,a pro- uheep, 2857 ; hogas, 2378 ; horses, 2278. gelstine coateci, cutereervs toi my e hmes t ae u reevsterare guananteeci te births during the year, 47 ; deaths, 1 9 ; iltedîcinali ntegrity te an indefinite perixld, It money vill b. refun town, acres woodhand, 1480 ; ac'-es swamp, disstolves inedintly after reaching the stomaoh The "tem Yact tigate marsh or waste land, 15,851 ; acres and thus pernit.s Lb. tull effeot ef the physle iHamilton. gaiflet orchard and garden, 69f) ; acres under te be speedily realized. Cola in the he 1.Htfall wheat, 296. Io- On motion of Mr. Stephens, $6.75 was la thO Hynuns case Saturday the Crewn instat relief;à wed f oreredte b.e paid te Mr-. John Milîmnan, use 8w autSori ci udéd, and Coroner Aikins oalied fails. te sum fer sboveling snow on townline, con 10, a h ilatwqtntefo h eec.Aeb.ihpL oe Pro- Brook rond. . auselaotory Reqplies. Michael's ye.trdïq Y timne On motion cf Mr. Lamnb, #5.87 vas - roue>- rdered te be paid, being for freight on A Larked inerease in the dtae o! the New NFeU "0 the.ri itxsroad machine. SPeoific Remaedy. qualties am, n' ouarw tïe; Mr. Lang came before the council, ho DETaolT, ieh., M.ay 20.-OlL *g# year te, 051 ib1 said ho did net deai-e the office cf path- hne report agreat nuMtber o! enanie. - wblt poâliiDt Imui- master fer div. 28, anù1 reoomuaended regard to tte speciflc remedytnbrg ds ro tiae7 Mr. )M ungo Weir for the offic.ss.daemaac i of !duey _ 9 P'~ nship, On motion of Mr Real, Lb. clerk vas Pint, knewn &% Dodda-, idarq PQIa WlIS DB!bBdar nt.d a iDLtruWdto notiify Mr. Ali. Re.d to partiatinlvestigation bas showsi tbAC ia vry- ien-destroy tte dog that killed Mn. Onozieri ftli s t ' mP1Y bfaveibau iat.lb.adaow ,i te Oz- rnb. c-nibe reîsdy aud tIat they bave bun able t.% turnyeb n tii. On motion o1 Mr. L.aebg $100 vas Oit@atDn3lexbsasrmthor m'a vesonal kIw. nOoulgsýiu rfflis ordered to b. pai toMr* Y. Stuant, b.- 10ge Lb. héMost signi'befl h ave hua dfv fonaiItéi u».se Tii.uot bas b.ï fi,1or servi« i e sassumr fur Jlm. veymbdI~is a ~ ae bsr f a «» 1that N r. W.lnir trodOWeê, -» JtJd mm.ea»d s.Waiusa», lsrordu, avs Iwtb, o med re- tbrougb a By-4aw a 1tei#î ba 1bon du ,-sbm love, ià _ hal" ,aboof oortala tes4 4djWoiep1L. ces "ti e eo lwtudp W.fr, Lamb Md tbimoi. ert napPoik 6 ,ý 40. Fnship- id com mo S e1*9i uuu Q sed by vith tlb. mW u ' ppmted 1 1 t:NO- Whitby t*W pweuâI-t#u -Oeta$ au naI b tovn- tees7~p~ ~ W 4 as retnrned te hie, Mr. Thos. Lut*,. a ]Peterboro bakers I'100 .5, W ed M"n f crwau bitten by a pet rabbit tome weeks After fe Maaon, of eat go. In the courTte of a ouple of heurs Oth r,% Faile wihMr. David the hand began to pain hlm, and blood poîeoning sot in, from the effeots et which rand Wm Gibson, C died on Wedneeday at ternoon. , g oul i he .oI<-BunctIe AI anday with Mr. H. A kind-hearted Orillia confectioner of- C'fU con* NoW. fered a free treat of a package of oandy lason and Albert te every child who woulý eall at hie store on, are visiting at at a given hour on a certain day. In an- ajcr. ticipation of the rush he prepared 500 packages, but the echool census returfis returned froru Buf proved deceptive, as no lees than 1,300 ng been recalled by children, professing to be 10 yeare ofag iSOD. or under, turned up and clairned a pack- ýle l3ritain, is visit age. e ,Mr. W. McKay, During the progress of Saturday's c school. etorru two cowa belonging to Mr. Wmn. of Myrtie, bas de- Shaw, of South Ops, weie struck by light' ýafter twc ujonths ning and instantty killed while standing hood grafting, plant. under the shelter of a big elmn tree in the i, .toring the orchard@ pa8ture field. Fortunately they were in- sured. Lt is a curious fact that several, &gain with the To animale belonging te Mr. Shaw were kil . ency as ttîeir travel led some years ago under the aame tree, ,d has just returned but it will flot happen again, as the tree et. mnade~ in t.hein- was shivered to pieces by Saturday 's boit. 'I«v A number of accounts for ishovelling Taylor ; 2 1,0!, Holtbv ; 22, S Barret; 28, T WIE snow vere preaented. W Town; 24s-o2tn;a > Mr, Robert Boyd hal The applications for grants on roada Martyn , E J Whlet 29nM Weir2Phm9nTrno nnd bidgeswhichweronumerus, wre las Pparson ; 3o, W M cClietOck ; 3 1, E KeDdie bUei Trno and ride& hîc wer nueroa, ere82, Alex Stevens; 33. las Horn ; 34, Geo Horn; Mr. and Mns. John listed by the clerk for the conveflieficeo0f 35. Geo Howsan; 36, J Stephenison;37. 'W A. bore, epent Snndny1 the council during their tour of inepec- Sellars ; 38, J Akney ; 39 N Claughtofl 40: nn. tien of ronds and bridges. W Sear41 Tummonds: 42, H Hno Mr. MoGregor came before the ceun- 43 W P Watsscai; 44,N Stuar ; 45, F B Crox Meusr. Arthur Law ai[ ;46a5, IOrnistin ;47, S A Croxali ;48, Mon c eosleetS cil, hoe aid there was a misunderstanding ofe N on adS. rn 5,A eteel. Su regarding the making of the new road las Campltn. 52, W Beare 63, F Bailey; 54, around the bili on the 8(h con. Lt bas D McDon.:td 55. John Ilowsani ; 6, D Gregg; Masters Henry Me been stated that the parties in the locality 57,H1-l Gremtg , 58 E Dure ;59o. regg ;6o, Aunis, of Waghingtci would make the road should the township J Grgg 1 61, A, anick; 62, W McI)onald; their unole's, W. S. Mî the igh of ay.H'P(cG 63,r Geo Baird; 64. E Ne% 'on ;65-66, R R huy h ih wy . e(oCe )lioulderblîd'4 b7 N W!Iinsofl 68, P Voung. Mr. B. A. Ellison rg had ruade no such promise. 69, A Ross; 70. A Ntuait 71. ýJ H Leask ; 72, tale on Saturday, hiavii Mr. Wm. McGill carne before the it1 rPP ; 73. i Calder -,73 A Orchard; 74. Jas the ilînese cf Mre. Ehl council, after complimenting the Board Woon ; 75 I os McCoy; 761 las Stone;77. Dr. Burdn fLtl oth ucaeof a road mcieb Johi: L.c.k ;78,1E, Bair ; .9,Jos Bowles 80-o, bs ld1, of matt, ~..e purcase machne, ho tG Rt-ai ý81. AIz Gordon jr.; $2. J MunrO; 83, ingbicolg mae sa'dh a aife ht ocmUe v he 8-8,5.Atex lef! 86, W H Marks; principal of the publi statuto labor at 50e. a day woulds80011 47.'\Vi o4e.à Ewlias 9JW M.E uut put the ronds ilu a far botter condition. Wîn Hu; g, as 1.c8o.nell ;t91,(à R89. J W Mpr. Ed ilubth al About one-third of the statute labortof 92, I hos Iiirriý{in pre rm h ae the township was wasted ; ho was a rate- Mr. Stepliens, introduced and carriod spent in the neighborhi payer Qîf Rench and was interested. The through a by-law appointttlg the folhow- ing, sprnying and dect purchaso of a road machine was a *steopin ing P ouudkeepers for the prosent year. of this place. the right direction and ho cert-ai ily gave A G. ThonEKPER. the council great credit for securitlg ont, z, Thos Brooks ; 2, T Manderson: 3. E rento commercial agel of those valuable machines. He said ho tVoo)ds: 4. Atîz Vance; 5, Wm Alun; 6, T' (C ling representative, nu had another matter. ns a ratepayer; the Forman; 7. Jas Burnie; 9, J Wells ; te, J from a trip in the wee rond allownnce between Reach and Port M oore ,. ii,J Akney ; 12, A Rose; 13, tereste cf the firm. Mtunro. Jr.; 14, R Reynolds ; 1, L Newton ,r Perry whiohiis cloed-he mnaintaînod it 16, R Ackney ; 17, J Otis ;:8, S Hlowsamn. The etrike having had been illegally cloed-the 7th con. On moti on of Mr IReal, the Reeve tled by a sawing off from Lilla street te the lake shore Some and movor were appoited commissionders notwithstandinil the dlaim that the whole roadway is in the to act conjoînted commissioners of continues, the large st corporation of Port Ferry ; ho chaimred It Brock, regardîng work on the t.ownline. 1er & Lount'e yard ar( was a boundnry lune and utîder the juriïs- Coniiînissioners te mieet at Saintfield, on verted into lumber. dtio o eh Port Perry, and dn p .wr oJ une lat, at 10 oclock. From the large nu tha Pot Prryaloe hd io pWerte Mr. Dawson came before the council, planted eut in this close the rond allowance without the con- ho inquired who owns the atone in the spring it promises to, sent et Reach. Mr. NlcGîll al8o substi- McClintock grave1 pit. Hie aaid until fruit district in the n tuted a copy of the by.law passed by they were reît:oved it was very unsatie' future. Amoniz thosf Port Perry counicil for closîng the con- 1 factory work trytlis to obtaîn grave1 froru large apple orchard cession rond. thIs pit. Mr. Jas. Lang veriied Mr. Messrs Major Bros. IY LANV NO. 94. I)awsoti'a stat.emnits. S Turner. Wm. Wbi O: tumoti of Mr. %Veir, it was reaolved ma. Most of the sto To stop up and close as a ;iutit;c highwaN ' t that portiotn of the road or hIghwav y:ng tid n*11cî:seqjuence of the heavy outlay ester, principally frot between the 6th and 7îh conls Of ii'tw for atîuw aîiovetxng duritîg the pust winter & Barry, the managE V ship of Reachi, iving east of the altowance for iii the various rond divisions, that no Mr. J. F. Dale. form( road between lots î'S and 19 of said townshipi further anîo(unit8 be paid by this counicil public sebool bore. and to vest the saine in the persoti therein for said work until the statute labor is ex- Tercpingv n ani ed: 1hausted. TAe Armseton gion The Corporation of the Viltlage of Port Ferry ' )II motion of Mr. Real, the firat ait- oflcAstreekgasoa - enacts as follows tin of the Court of Revisilon waaS fixed onumbt efîendws t That [rom and alter the passing ufthIis By- for onday, lune iOt.h, at two 'coc. beryood, Locsi Law that portion of the origina.l attîîwi{n<ce oino rWiOecekwsvl n te lc for road tving betweentithe 6th andhci on-,O tiolo r er hecekwsvl n te lc cessions of the Townshîipîof Reacti îvînig iisti ucted to citumunicate with the clerk saut çvening was e east of the allowance for roaiî hetweeti lots Of Port l>erry Cîuncil rogarding the open- wedded heet and ho iS and 19 of said township, stîatt tic and the ii.,, of the 7ih con te the lake shore, Mr. pients of mnny and se.-Shereby stopped up arîi clo.sed asSa W111. McGîil havîng muade application to tin eetions pubic ighay.andtha th t.ncton h'cti Rach C. uzicit to have the rond aliowance and instrumental, ad the same is 110w situated shait he aîîd 1th t h aesoe omn fteo sa ni e Sherebyv ested in Chias. Rogers, i 1 h lk hoe emeto tecc is the ownerî of the land lyvîng adjacenti On .noion o1 f Mr. Real, ail pathmasters did net disperse unti thereto.. rtequirtîîg the use of the rend machine . \iî.rReeve. with. require to make application for it te CANNI W. M. COCwRANF., Clerk. the clerk.TenetDsr Dated. 12th Junie, 1577. Oi tt inthe Council ndjourned. TSon cfTemperac No rensonable objection could bo raised Sons' Wifri n uep2.8 te having it opened Ho, as a ratepayer DERRYVILLE. Messrs. Dobson & of the township of Reach, made applica-. the electrie iight pl tion te have the rond allowance ope-ied Mlessrs. Taylor and Bynm are doinR a Cannington Elec tr te the pub lic. 1i ruishliîi business lu the way of buyig- he have aise arra On motion of MIr. Real, 82.25 wns and feeîlîng hegs. 1he have securd rThey ornt ordered te Mr. Anthony Wells for remov the wlîey ot the factory thsYebreandTrot Conte ths yer. any for an incan ing snow on Cnr rond hetweet: the 9th1 The couissioners bave closed Our plnF ilb u and lOth con. ; also, $2.37 to Mr David hiotel ; travellers will have neo etop p l ntruning er i Carnochan, for opening road and fillin& iplîace now between Sunderland and Parties wishing Iii washout betwoen tlie d'th and 8îh cons-, Brechin, n di'tatice of 23 miles. It len rert Msrsa h Centre rond vsry long distance te travel in thie cohd retoMss.D FlOn motion ef Mr. Lamb, 82 70 was country wittout a stopping place. ordered te ho pnid te Mr'. Ehl Jones for Our cheese factory cemr.eneed opera- opening rond - and $1.85 to Mr.- Jos. tiens on the first of the month ; under Bartley for similer services. t!le ekîllul management of Mr. Patte iL le On motion of Mlr. Real, $3 75 was expected it wiil do a very large business - ordered te be 1:aid te Mr. Frankili this y.'.ar, as t bore are a large number of la Dure, for shoveling snow on townline ptossnhn îkti erta oe 9 Scot.,etit ik to the factory hefore. Onm motion of Mr. Lanih. 84.-.6wa ordered te hola d lte Mr. Uî1berz, >dA ver.y laugliable incident happened spediy cures, Never ng.vin preaohed at St.. e monai, rpiete. oviimesebe mefio :tbe.me mc ul e rentdW eot - e s*pmje I bm o. gv o tma T. Qui n» Why suifer frein weak nerves, want cf ap- petite, andi genenal debility ? ietting thbe Ion of sieep and rest impoverîsh the system and thin tho blcod, when such a reaLy menitori- nus renaedy as Nortbrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine may b. had st nny drug store. This article ia reconnmended bi' the bighest meun- bers of tue medical faculty in cases cf indi- gestion, general debility, Ios ef sVpetite, and nerveus affections cf ail kinda. IL la al- se specially beneficial te childiren andi deli- catejemalee, andi te business men, students, sud those who have mucb brain work. We would say, "Neyer be witheut I." It wil stnengthen ycu, keep youx- systein in regular ex-don, and omable ynu te successiully grapple with the work yeu bave Le do. It ia pies- saut te the tapie. andi contains notbiug in- jurieus to the uncat delicate constitution. Rometnber te ask fer Lb. Quinine Wine, prepared by Nertbrmp & Lyman, Toronto, andi we are sure you will bo satisfied that yen bavé full value for ycur money. Drug- gists sali it. Florence eimo. 1445 caused immense ls of life sud property in that district en Saturday. Sleepleasnesa la due te nervous excitement. The dellcately constituted, the financier, the business mana, and tbese whose occupation neceastatee great mental strain or worry, al sufier eu or more fromn it. Sloep in the "rea re storer cf a worried brain, and t e gt see$ dlean.. the stomnacb from &HI mpurîtles with à few, doses of Parmelee's. Vegetablo Plls. gélatine no meronry., and are gnarateed te glve satisfaction or' the ujoney wyul b. v.. funde-d. 1 1 6 cIffood à&(00., Lo'wOil, 1mm.: -Gentlemen :-, feel tb.at 1 cannet Say enous n avr of iHoodps 8aM&ril& For flve yeai have been trOubled with screfula ln my ne, ind throat. Beveral kinda ef medicines whi( trled dld net do me any good, and when I cei mencod te take Heed'S Sarsaparilla there we Lrge bunches on my neclc se more that I cou. llood'slm!esCurelg not bear the lghtest touch. Whefl I had tak une boulie cf tis medîcine, the soreness h gone, and before I had finshed the secondt bunches had entirely disappeared." BL..YNci AiwooD, Sangerville, Maine. N. B.If yu docdo WtaKOIioouea 4a..ytç- .rs eck Ich e uld kei muid the 1BE I4oOd' illeF»11cure eonstiPatlotl by rester tug the penistaltie action cf the alixnontary canaL been arnicably set- atenru yacht on Saturday afternoon hast 1arrangement, and and teck a number of their yeung lady 9log rolling whieh frienda down [ho river. When about steck of legzs in Tay- three miles from town something went re being rapidly cen wrong and the veaseh drifted inteoite in stumpa The Young ladies very preperly 1 lbeoffruit trees concluded that their escorta did net know a umber etmuch about handling stearu yachts, and ueighborhod this iusistd upon being pnddled ashore, whenn be n very important they enquired the whereaboute eof the uiot vex-y far distant railway trnck nd waiked the three miles oe whe bave sot eut inte town, leaving their diconsointe ils [bis seaon are swaius in a very unhappy etatofetmmd r 3,N ow lau B r s., D . in e d ite and James Dir> t'ied ock came frem Roch A Young lad by tho naine of Campbell,9 >m, Messrs Ellwauger in [ho employ of Mr-. J. L. Hopkins, near t oer of which firm is the tewn, mot with an accident Sunday ieriy principal of the merning that might yet prove very sert- ous. It appears Mr. Hopkines owns n eu by Mr. and Mrs. spirited colt that ho usualiy attende te . Wdnedayeveinehimacif, but Sunday meruing the youngi Wtededay eaeaing lad thought ho was man enough te handle frtendeenbyRavlr the frîsky animal, and underteok te lead froill Gren Rivehim, te wa[or. Iu a piayfuh mood [ho 1111, arkamthecolt reared nd atx-uck the boy on the *s, and a very pion- bond, inflicting a severo scalp wound. njoyed. The newly The boy ie doing well, but will laru a iostes were the reci- useful leseon. A sineere congratula of music, both vocal Tuesday morning, shortiy beforo 9 a. ýdded mach to tho en-ru , as the bahllat train in charge of Con- ýasion. The compnny ductor F. Russell was ruuning inte the til quit. a late heur. graveh pit from. the main lino, near Feue- Jeu Falla, the engine and eue car were 'NGTON. tbrown from, [ho rail by n misplaced et Convention cf the switch, which had been chnnged by some ue wiii be beld at malicieus or ignorant pereen. Fox-tun- ;b.- ately [ho train waa moving at n slow rate & Co , have purchased of speed, or [ho engine wouid have plant bolouging te the brought up in the lake. The auxiliary rie Ligît Comnpany. train waasent eut in charge ef Roaduins- anged with the Peter- [or Ferguson, who succeeded iu clenning Io Incandescent Cee>- thc track withouc causing any material Indescent plant. This deiay. The damage te t.he engine wiil n atL once. It will be cause hor deteution at the ebops for a by [ho firat cf Juno. couple cf days. uitts houid send iu Tho henvy spx-ing froat which visited ýobon & Ce. at once. [hie section at Saturday nigbt, and bas con[iuued since, bas had a chiliing effect on vegetatien cf ail kinda, but [ho pro- vailiug opinion among fax-mers ie that its effect will not aeniouely injure [ho growth of spring seeding. The froat was even more se-vere on Monday naorning, and in mauy places ice hait an inch thick was BrOWIS eut formed, but Lhe chief injury in this local- i[y was te bouse plante ef t exposed, and early vegotables that had been transplant- ed. Our local au[bority, Mx-. Beahl, is cf [rm ho freet, and [lus far [he young beyr awsc ama asbeen [ho moat sex-lous on record.- essed amiiylu tew, anc For Twenty-Five Years DU NýN"'S THEeoolcs;BESuTçRIENO- AN IYERSON'Sý IMPRO0v-RD 'xQU4LLT7y~. RRDUCED.IN, PR[CE- Thee utansareaurarted ti~ê 10~ Whc M~I: Nature' il t', 'i i tt t i ( t' e s un il su '1 Ttîe m( corIIImunît: down by e Thue dîiD and the su cf tî:.e day petit rceci neaýs or we aImiî;t cor tîte. palpit torpil boss TLhe cori cf tlue day troubles, s Oie mire e Natnre'ý Cetery Coi uiow 2enez physicianE nerves, it mos-es al matter fri gis-es that the henIt Paine's CE a pleaSuIrE and life is m es. H who auffei lews : "Lt ie w [imonyt 1 The cu Monday, 1 eut. Mr-. Hi movs-os ha pointed tc plainmed cf eut of hie. on lot 31 i ueedfuJ in cail on the needtul. frein JosE acceunt fr for holdint Yonr 8t kiiJ.ed by 1 recommen for coeah $6.66 ; TI 85.33. Si eworn vali submitted cînirman, Mr-. iii moves [li the troet cemmendi standingi Your c* leave to r( Your coni accounte maintons Bilcw, w Amende> property of Pickei accocnts therewitl Dr. Batei Pennoek, geodr' sU] 'I. IH ýB ions dise, affssea count Pi Clark, pi liesaof Beaton, Bilow te cf eu.me THE, IOST SUICCESSFUL REIEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Ee. ârooftbby: t« KEUDALL'S SPA VIN DURE. lý Ce.,xlIX, Yedb.n Co., M aOoitSavia sd fve botties cured her. 1: C:Opambo#àun S dathetme. TourSfuly, (MA& POEwM KENDALL'S SPAVIN SURE. Dr.B.J r-»Am0),CANToN, MO., &]>r..%,9a DS ia-Sr&-i iaruaued seveal bn"o f your U Kendafls Peavin Came" wth m ac cem .i thiuk it the Lest LinimetI everune&.Ham r-& movecloueCurb, one IIXooL Spavilu a& kled two Bibne o& Bave recommended It te sevesi o my who are mch plessed wlth Por Sae by aU l-ggltor address DrB. JY. K1ERD.L COMPANY, ENros93uRGH FALLS, vTr. 1 k er exravag n tif they edid it aIl riond Dyes e made froun ber husbmnd's rwhile ber own and the Ved over, and many ef the sot, ccst her ever a dîme, Le cf Diamond Dyes." teded te de good work witb PYMake beautif ut colora that aeprepsred fer &ail knds of ýeciaI Black d3es for diflerent iest sud fastest celer knowu.- and 40 mamplea coiored cioth >SON Co., KONTEZAL, P.Q. ue te nervous ex<itcueut. etituteci, the financer., Ibe jthose wbose occupazion mental atrein or worry, ail 'rom it. Sleep ila the great ,d brain, andi te «et sleep bfrein ai mpuritios wltb n armelee'ae Vegetabie Pille nîtalning nai ercury, ana satisfactien er the mt Athena wus burned st

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